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Volume 1470


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The 7th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (SEADRIC 2019) 25-27 July 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Accepted papers received: 29 January 2020
Published online: 20 March 2020


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The 7th South East Asia Design Research International Conference (SEADRIC 2019)

Yosep Dwi Kristanto

Chair of the SEADRIC 2019, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Universitas Sanata Dharma, Mrican, Tromol Pos 29, Yogyakarta 55002, Indonesia


List of Message from Sanata Dharma University Rector, Conference Organizers and Committees, Reviewers and Conference Photos are available in this pdf.

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All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.


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"Simpang Lima Gumul" is monument building which the architecture value, symbolic and esthetical value at Kediri. The "Simpang Lima Gumul" monument is crossing representation of Kediri's tradition culture and modern building concept. In preliminary study researcher found that student have difficulties for understanding geometry subjects. Contextual teaching-learning based on culture is needed to conserve local culture through transforming it in the context of learning. The aim of this paper is describing indicator of "Simpang Lima Gumul" monument based on semiotics study they are denotation, connotation and meta-languages level. The result is used to develop teaching-learning equipment.

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The potential of synchronous communication technology to enhance distance learning has been widely explored, yet there is very little research on how this technology can be used in mathematics classroom. On the other hand, global citizenship has been increasingly discussed in international education forum these last few years. This paper report how synchronous communication technology can support statistics lesson in promoting global citizenship, as well as the potential and suggestion on the use of synchronous communication technology in the classroom.

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The topic of static and dynamic electricity is an abstract concept and relatively difficult for students to understand, especially in a case when the students were only taught about the electricity as a concept of electrical current, by means of the flow of electron, using analogy, without accompanied by practical experiments. This study aims to develop a lesson in the topic of dynamic electricity in an interesting and easy to understand approach using appropriate learning media that accompanied the abstract concepts with the real practical experiments. We used the equipment of ELVIS II+ (Engineering Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) from National Instruments to achieve the aforementioned goal. Props were designed to support various basic and advance dynamic electricity experiments. Selected topics relate to basic competencies 4.2 mandated by the ministerial regulation No. 24 in 2006 issued by the ministry of education and culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Permendikbud No. 24, 2016) exemplified by the capacitor charging and discharging experiments. It is expected that the activities would become interesting for the students since they were conducting the engineering process during the experiments that provided a fun learning. The more interesting part of the experiments was the understanding of concepts of science obtained from applying mathematics to solve differential equation problems. The application of mathematics appeared naturally when students constructing and solving the differential equations in order to understand the science behind the electrical phenomena. The most fascinating part for the students occurred when they can successfully proofed the solutions to differential equations with experimental results. Integrating the whole STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) components in the learning approach is proofed to be the key to the slogan of "learning is fun". The experiment syntax followed the Investigation Sciences Learning Environment (ISLE) model so that the learning processes will develop thinking ability as prospective researchers in students.

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This study explored the use of comics in teaching secondary mathematics students the topic of 'Order of Operations'. The focus was to improve students' achievement with the use of comics as a tool to enhance the learning process and at the same time develop students' interest in learning mathematics. A total of 33 Year 7 students from one of the secondary schools in Brunei Darussalam were involved in this study. Using an action research as the design research approach, two sets of comics relating to the concept of Order of Operations were used to teach students during the intervention lessons. A pre-test was given prior to the lessons, and then a post-test after the intervention lessons were completed. The results between the scores of the students' pre- and post-tests showed improvements in their performance, indicating that the use of comics does help students in a way in learning the topic of the Order of Operations. Throughout the intervention sessions where comics were incorporated, students' reactions to comics were taken into account through classroom observations as part of the analysing process. A few selected students were interviewed to give their feedbacks and their thoughts on using comics during lessons. While most had positive views towards comics in general with the majority stating that using comics made the lessons fun and interesting, there were also those who found comics not suitable to be used in the educational setting. The overall findings suggested that using comics have the potential to be used as a tool for teachers to facilitate their students' learning.

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The art of teaching mathematics at all levels requires a lot of creativity and innovation from a teacher for the students to effectively grasp what they are taught. Teachers tend to devise various means always ensure that they understand the attention of a learner in mathematics lessons bearing in mind that some learners easily switch off in mathematics lessons. In this study, we explored how a teacher can effectively use comics while teaching upper secondary students the topic of Distance-Time Graphs. The research entails that problems exists among the mathematics areas where the students face a challenge in grasping the concepts they are taught and even lose concentration more quickly while the teacher is teaching thereby falsely conceptualising that mathematics is a difficult subject. The concepts involved in this paper are in concurrent to the existing literature that the use of comics is one of the ways to draw the attention of students while teaching them. An action research approach was adopted to determine whether students' understanding of mathematics concepts in Brunei schools could be improved using comics. The problems that 38 Year 10 students encountered while learning Distance-Time Graphs have also been elaborated in this paper, and the methodology through which comics can be incorporated into the teaching and learning process in this area has also be shown for practical application in the Brunei secondary school. There is also an elaboration on how the research concerning the use of comics in teaching was conducted and how the hypothesis was analyzed and evaluated to have a positive outcome in the teaching and learning process.

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This study explores the use of comics in teaching elementary school students on solving Mathematics Word Problems. A total of 12 Year 2 students from an elementary school in Brunei Darussalam were chosen to participate in the study. A series of comics were created and some exercises included characters that were adapted from a local popular culture for utilization in teaching the students in order to engage their learning. The method chosen to conduct the research is of mix method adapted through usage of the action research model. A pre-test was conducted before the lesson intervention to assess the students' prior knowledge of the content on the terms used in mathematics word problems. Subsequently a post-test was administered right after the intervention lessons were completed in order to discern if there were any significant improvements. Based on a classroom observation that was video recorded when the intervention was carried out, the children were highly motivated and very much interested in the content of the comics. Furthermore, the findings from the interviews revealed two major themes, which are 'Enjoyment' that detailed the students enjoying and had fun with the usage of the comics in the classroom, whereas 'Interest' tied in with the students' enjoyment that resulted from their interest in the comic books. It is recommended that educators use comics in classroom due to its potential, especially in mathematics, where certain concepts can be quite challenging for some students to grasp.

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This study aims to design a model that is really needed by teachers in schools by taking four major steps. First, through the latest theoretical studies, we identified at least six models specifically developed by experts for the purpose of facilitating elementary school children in learning literacy. Second, those six models are then contrasted to see which main components are included in each model studied. Third, from the steps of comparing and contrasting of these learning models, a small number of mandatory components will be determined which basically represent three things: the role of the teacher, the task of the child, the support provided by the teacher. Fourth, the researchers made a prototype of a literacy learning model that is potentially suitable for elementary school students in early grades. This research is design-based research. The result of this research—in the form of the acronym of E2M-- will be provide wide space for teachers of elementary schools to facilitate children's literacy development and fulfill children's needs for their literacy learning.

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Teacher education in Indonesia aims to prepare pre-service teachers in becoming professional teaching personnel. Two important knowledge need to be acquired are content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). However, it is still a challenge to measure the pre-service mathematics teachers' CK and PCK. Therefore, the first aim of the present study is to develop and validate a test instrument to measure CK and PCK of pre-service mathematics teachers on high school level mathematics. Second, the present study aims to measure the CK and PCK of pre-service mathematics teachers by using the developed instrument. The present study employed developmental research method and used students' empirical data in investigating the validity, objectivity, and reliability of the instrument. The results of the study and its implications for future research and practice then will be presented in the paper.

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Currently, e-learning is suitable to be used as one of the learning models in Mathematics subject on High School or Vocational School level as an impact of the presence of the 4.0 industrial revolution. However, this e-learning model is not always effective to be used to obtain quality learning outcomes because it can only be used to measure cognitive domains. To obtain learning outcomes in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, so another learning model innovation is needed. One model that can be used is blended learning for Mathematics subject using the Kelase platform with material content that is packaged based on the Tri Kaya Parisudha concept. The Kelase platform is used to create blended learning facilities that contain features needed to accommodate material content. The Tri Kaya Parisudha concept, which consists of manacika, wacika, and kayika, is used as the basic foundation for making material content that can measure cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Based on those statements, the purpose of this study was to find out the general description of the initial design of blended learning for Mathematics subject (especially at the high school or vocational school level) that was created using the Kelase platform with material content based on Tri Kaya Parisudha. The method used in this study was R&D with the Borg and Gall model, which focuses on the stages of design development. The subjects involved in designing this blended learning were three people. The tools used to make blended learning designs, such as Kelase platform and Balsamiq Mockups. The results obtained in this study were the formation of an initial design of blended learning that created used Kelase platform by presenting facilities that could be used to fill Tri Kaya Parisudha-based Mathematics content.

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To face the industrial revolution 4.0, the abilities that should be possessed by students are high-level thinking skills that include mathematical critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information obtained based on facts in order to make reasonable conclusions. This is a qualitative descriptive study that aimed to determine and illustrate the critical thinking skill of students with filed dependent (FD) and filed independent (FI) cognitive in solving a single variable linear equation problem. Two students selected based on the GEFT test acted as the subjects of this study. One of them had FD cognitive while the other had the FI cognitive. The instruments used in this study were (1) mathematical critical thinking tests, (2) cognitive style tests in the form of GEFT, and (3) interviews. Data analysis techniques in this study consisted of (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3) verification and conclusion. The indicators of students' mathematical critical thinking skill included (1) reason and (2) clarity. It was found that (1) student with filed dependent style on reason indicator needed to get used to making an argument or reason, while for clarity indicators, FD subject could change statements into mathematical symbols clearly and precisely. (2) Students with cognitive style FI, chose and gave reasons and drew conclusions correctly, changed statements into mathematical symbols clearly and precisely.

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This study aims to produce student worksheets based on the constructivism approach in a valid, practical, and effective Real Analysis course. This research method is research development with the Plomp model, which is divided into four phases. The research subjects were students of Mathematics Education at Lambung Mangkurat University who took Real Analysis courses in the short semester of 2016/2017 and the odd semester of 2017/2018. Validity is based on the results of the validator's assessment of student worksheets and research instruments. Practicality is based on observations of the implementation of student worksheets at all meetings. Effectiveness is based on observations, responses, and completeness of student learning outcomes. The first trial only met the validity and practicality criteria while the effectiveness criteria had not been met because student learning completeness did not meet the specified criteria and the results of the second trial had met valid criteria, practical, and effective. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the student worksheets are appropriate to be used in the real analysis learning process.

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There are two levels of thinking skill, namely Low Order Thinking Skill (LOTS) and High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Now, many countries believe that HOTS is very important in mathematics education. In Indonesia, the HOTS problems were used in the national exam. The purpose of this study was to construct HOTS problem levels and their characteristics. This research method was literature review. The validity of the results of the study used investigator triangulation involving two experts. For this study, four levels of HOTS were constructed. Each level was combined between the cognitive process dimension of Bloom's taxonomy revised and cognitive domains of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015. This paper also presented problems on each level. The teacher can use the results of this study to train students doing HOTS problems by starting from the lowest level.

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This research is motivated by the problem by the lack of a fixed model on how to support learning environment that can be beneficial for the development of literacy skills of primary school students in the early grade. The aim of this study is to create a legitimate basis for the development of environmental design and literacy learning for early childhood and early grade of primary school students. This study discussed the development of a model that would equip teachers with certain important aspects of the literacy environment that are suitable to be applied in primary schools. This study employed Educational Design Research. There were several stages employed in this study: conducting a literature study of the essential environment by reviewing the available models, comparing and contrasting the differences between the models from the learning environment available in the literature, deciding the model components of an essential literacy environment, and trying to create a theoretical model and prototypes. The results of this research suggest that the design of a literacy learning environment model should be used as a guide in developing literacy skills of primary school students in the early grade.

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Many research revealed that teachers or pre-service teachers still misunderstand about higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and it impacts their ability in designing learning activities that support students' HOTS. Considering this fact, this research aims to design a teaching and learning trajectory that can support pre-service mathematics teachers to conduct higher-order thinking oriented learning in a microteaching course. This research used design research method as an appropriate means to achieve the research aim. This article presents a hypothetical learning trajectory in microteaching course aiming to support pre-service mathematics teachers to conduct higher-order thinking oriented learning.

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Preliminary research showed the learning trajectory of fraction in the school that could not facilitate students to reinvent fraction concepts. Therefore, this research aimed to produce a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) for teaching fraction using realistic mathematics education (RME). The HLT was developed with a design research that consisted of a cyclic process of preparing for the experiment, conducting classroom experiment, and performing retrospective analysis. This study involved 25 students SMPN 1 Timpeh, Indonesia. Data were collected through student activity sheets, videotaping, field notes, and interviews. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis techniques. The result showed HLT for teaching fraction using RME that could be help all of levels students. This HLT helped students to reinvent fraction concepts through horizontal and vertical mathematical processes. Finally, the HLT facilitated students to make their own models from informal to formal and improved the interactions between students and teachers.

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One of the problem in modern mathematical learning prosess is the mathematics concept presented by the teacher to students such as machines. So, the concepts are used by students as finished product without knowing the origin and how to reconstruct them. The effort that can be done by the teacher to overcome this problem by designing learning wherever possible starting with presenting realistic problems to drive and support students understanding abstract idea in mathematics. In this article we will discuss the design mixed fraction division based on PMRI, which is a type of design research. Design research has three cycles, namely preliminary design, classroom experiment, and retrospective analysis. This Design is aimed for supporting students understanding the concept division mixed fraction then use it into problem solving. In this article only the preliminary study phase will be discussed, which includes literature study activities, curriculum analysis, and the design of the initial prototype based on non-formal trials conducted at the SMP Srijaya Negara Palembang. An HLT (Hypotetical Learning Trajectory) has been produced regarding division of mixed fraction using image representation. This material not only designed using PMRI but also Lesson Study as learning system. So the design contain three activities, which are two activities about sharing task and one activity about jumping task.

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The study investigates the preparedness of teachers at a private school for the implementation of the K-12 Senior High School curriculum. To know this, inquiries were made to determine whether the teachers considered themselves ready for the new curriculum and whether they actually possess the eligibilities and competencies required to satisfy the criteria for prepared teachers. Investigations were also conducted to identify the supports that the school provides which the teachers recognize as contributory to their preparedness for the implementation of the new curriculum. Results of the study show that teacher perceptions of preparedness are integral to the success of curriculum implementation.

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In this article, we explore how History of the Pythagorean theorem, especially from ancient China, as a source of inspiration for learning design. Based on historical examples and problem solving from the history of mathematics, we try to arrange instructional tasks for seventh-grade secondary education students and how its role in supporting students' understanding of Pythagorean theorem. We focus on explaining the preliminary studies or the first phase of the three main phases in design research. The basic idea of instructional design is to introduce historical geometric diagrams and solve the right triangle problem in the manner of Liu Hui (3rd century CE). The purpose of introducing geometric diagrams is to connect students' symbolic algebraic thinking with visual thinking about geometric shapes especially in the case of right triangles. In this study, we also conducted interviews and debrief sessions with teachers and tested the student's history-based tasks to several students for initial investigation in the matter of developing the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory. Results of this study show that teachers have a positive response toward the history-based instructional task developed. On the other hand, we find the resolution of Right Triangles problems with diagrams by the students involving three steps: translation, transformation, and diagrammatic reasoning.

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This research aimed at developing a learning trajectory based on realistic mathematics education (RME) approach, for teaching number patterns to the students at grade eight junior high schools. The research employed design research approach proposed by Gravemeijer and Cobb. The activities of the research consisted of a cyclic process of preparing for the experiment, conducting the experiment, and retrospective analysis. The learning trajectory for teaching number patterns was designed during preparing for the experiment phase, and then it was validated by three math educators. It was tried out in a small group, followed by try out in a regular classroom during conducting the experiment phase. Retrospective analysis was conducted after each try out to improve the learning trajectory. 32 grade eight students of a junior high school in Padang were involved as the subjects of the research. Data were collected through observations, analyzing students' works, videotaping, and test. Collected data were analyzed descriptively. Through this research we developed a RME-based learning trajectory for teaching number patterns. The learning trajectory reached the criteria of content and construct validity; reflected the state of the art RME, internally consistent, and potential to develop students' reasoning. It also satisfied the criteria of practicality in which the learning trajectory worked as intended in the classrooms. The results of students' works showed that the learning trajectory could also improve the students' reasoning in learning number patterns.

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One of the purposes of learning mathematics in college is to improve the ability of critical thinking and problem-solving. Before solving the problems, the college students need to recognize the problems not excepted the mathematics symbols written in the problem. Thereover it is important for the problem solver to aware and recognizes the meaning of mathematics symbols, called recognition of mathematical symbols. This educational design research aims to describe the development of learning activities using a worksheet to recognize the mathematical symbol. The design research phase consists of four successive phases: knowledge, designing, experimenting and analyzing. Findings reveal that: College students can distinguish between the form of functions and the value of functions; College students transform $\displaystyle \frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y}$ to fy(x, y) when solving problems; College students can read $\displaystyle \frac{{\partial }^{2}z}{{\partial }^{2}x}$ symbol but need more time to interpret that symbol rather than fxx(x, y) symbol. At the end of the learning practice, college students that doing error to recognize mathematics symbols are less than at the first teaching practice. The college students can recognize mathematical symbols well and then solve the problem correctly using correct mathematics symbols.

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This study aims to produce a trajectory of mathematics modeling learning with the context of Malnutrition in Indonesia using Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach in the of two-variable linear equation system material. In mathematics modeling classes, students learn to solve real problems using mathematical procedures and concepts. The method used is a study validation type research design that aims to prove learning theories. This research design consists of three stages; preliminary design, teaching experimentation, and retrospective analysis. The subjects of the study are Grade VII students of Public JHS 21 Palembang. Data collection techniques used are video recording, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by comparing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) and what happened during the learning process. This research produces a learning path of mathematical modeling using Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach with the context of Malnutrition in Indonesia in the two-variable linear equation system material. The results of this study indicate that through a series of mathematical modeling activities using Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs) approach can help students in understanding two-variable linear equation system material.

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Disaster awareness in the community is necessary to be improved continuously, especially for regions in Indonesia that are prone to natural disasters. One way to do is to integrate disaster problems in mathematics learning. Teachers need to train students to solve mathematical problems in the context of disaster. Through this problem, it is expected that students' logical mathematical intelligence will increase. This research is a preliminary study to determine the logical mathematical intelligence of students in solving mathematical problems in the context of disaster. The participants in this study were all 23 junior high school students in class VII at SMPN 1 Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar. These students were domiciled in the 2004 tsunami-affected areas registered and members of the Disaster Preparedness Schools (SSB). The data in this study were collected through tests and interviews which were analyzed descriptively. Based on the indicators of logical mathematical intelligence, it was concluded that students' logical mathematical abilities in solving mathematical problems in the context of disaster were in the low category, even though students in these schools already had knowledge of disaster through disaster simulation activities. Thus the mathematical learning design is needed to improve students' logical mathematical intelligence in solving mathematical problems in the context of disaster.

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Youth Manual (2016) predicted the increase of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) -related jobs in the next five years. One of the characteristics of these jobs is it's require capability to think and work interdisciplinary. STEM approach can be seen as a teaching approach that ask teachers to view Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as an interrelated discipline and to teach the topics within the areas by using integrative and thematic approach and teach them based on a real phenomenon. This research was aiming at trying out the implementation of STEM approach to teach the topics of electricity in Science and Statistics in Mathematics to grade IX students by using real life phenomena and to measure students' learning results. The research implemented Design Research method. Data were collected by observation and test on students' understanding of the subjects. The data was analyzed quantitatively. The results demonstrate that the students' mastery on the subjects was good and excellent. This research suggested that STEM approach has a potential to be implemented in Indonesian Junior

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This article describes a part of study aimed to develop digital mathematical tasks like PISA which are valid, practice, and having potential effect to secondary students' 21th century competencies. The discussion of this article is limited to the description of the first prototype of PISA-like digital mathematical tasks. Design research type development study is chosen as research methodology in this study that consisted of three stages namely preliminary stage, prototyping stage, and evaluation stage. Data were gathered using printed documents such as curriculum document, PISA framework, and PISA problems and digital documents including mathematical tasks in the form of digital video. The first prototype was produced after experiencing changes in the choice of context, content, mathematical process, and conformity with the level of the PISA problem.

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Since the introduction by Shulman in the early 1980s, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) has been identified as a key teachers' knowledge that influence teachers' classroom activity. The identification of this particular type of knowledge developed awareness that the improvement of teachers' competencies should take the teachers' PCK into account. If the teachers' classroom activities need to be improved, the professional development programs should also aware of the teachers' knowledge and beliefs related to their daily classroom practices. This research was aiming at developing a teacher professional development model with the development of PCK as a main improvement indicator. The research implemented Design Research method. The participants of the research were science teachers and mathematics teachers of Junior High School in Yogyakarta participating in the STEM approach project. The data collected during the processes of preparation, implementation, and evaluation-reflection of the implementation of STEM approach through interviews, focus discussion group, and questionnaires. The research resulted a model of teachers' professional development program that focuses not only on the teachers competencies but also the teachers' knowledge that drive their activities in the classroom. One of the main features of the model is on its time allocation dedicated for teachers to be aware of their value and knowledge system and to reflect on the extent to which their value and knowledge system influence their teaching practices.

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This study aims to describe the steps of the learning process by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach and students' problem solving ability on inner tangent between the two circles material after experiencing the learning process using PBL approach. The type of research used is design research. The subjects of the research were eighth grade students of Santo Aloysius Sleman junior high school. The object of the research was problem solving ability of eighth grade students of Santo Aloysius Sleman junior high school using PBL approach. The stages carried out in the study were the prior design, trial, and implementation of learning. Data analysis techniques of the research are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification. In this study the researchers designed and developed the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) with the PBL approach to inner tangent between the two circles material as the learning model. Researchers designed and developed Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) with Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach for tangent line to two circles as the learning model. HLT is made, implemented in learning to describe the steps of the learning process and analyze students' problem solving ability. The steps of the research were as follow: orient the students through inner tangent between the two circles; organize the students to learn; guide the individual's or groups' experience towards the learning process; develop and present the students' work from group discussions; and conclude the results of the learning process that have been done. From the result of tests and interviews, the researchers found that all students experienced the five indicators of problem solving ability based on NCTM.

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There are three main parts of the hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT), are (1) learning objectives, (2) learning activities, (3) student understanding and problem solving strategies. The researcher tried to develop a context that helped students in finding the concept of the pythagorean theorem using the RME approach. In this study, the type of research used by researchers was design research developed by Gravemeijer and Cobb. There are three phases in design research according to Gravemeijer and Cobb, namely preliminary design, experimental design, and retrospective analysis. In this paper, researchers describe limited to the first phase of design research.

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The national education prioritizes the character building, religion, culture and the demands of the era in the 21st century. Local wisdom is very appropriate to build the student character which is a nurturant effect in the learning process in school. Understanding of local wisdom as one of the elements integrated into learning at school. Science learning in Junior High School based on the 2013 curriculum is presented in an integrated with themes related to the subject matter of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth and Space Sciences. The observation results show that science learning in schools has not been presented in an integrated and has not yet integrated local wisdom. To integrate local wisdom requires an appropriate learning model. One learning model that can be used is an integrated learning model. Through integrated learning the students were provided with more comprehensive knowledge, so that students easily master science learning material. To implement an integrated learning model, teaching materials are needed in the form of lesson plan, student activity sheet, student book, and assessment. Therefore, integrated science learning based on local wisdom is implemented. The aim of this research is to know the effect of integrated science learning based on local wisdom on student competency. This research used quasi experiment method with pre-test post-test group control design. The research subjects of seventh grade in Junior High School in Padang, Indonesia. The data were collected use interview guide, observation sheet and learning outcome tests. The result shows that the effect of integrated science learning based on local wisdom to improving the student competencies include large category for knowledge domain and medium category for affective domain.

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Geometry is one of the fields in mathematics that deals with the shape, size, and properties of space that doesn't require prior skills like basic arithmetic. Although the model of geometry's object familiar and found in everyday life, it doesn't mean that geometry is easily learned by students, especially to blind students who have limited visualization. A quadrilateral is a geometry matter which in its learning is often emphasized in the use of formulas and memorization so that students don't understand the concept of each shape and its relation with the other ones. So, this underlies the researcher to design a learning trajectory of the relation between quadrilateral using geometry's puzzle based on direct experience of blind students. The purpose of this research was determining the role of learning the relation between quadrilaterals using geometry's puzzle to help students understand learning quadrilateral concepts. The method used is design research with Gravemeijer and Cobb's model that through three stages, i.e. preliminary design, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. This research describes how geometry's puzzle in learning the relation between quadrilaterals contribute to the understanding of quadrilateral concepts for blind students of MTs Yaketunis Yogyakarta. The result of this research shows that geometry's puzzles can help increase students' understand the concept of each quadrilateral shapes through the construction of knowledge about the relation between quadrilaterals so that students don't need to memorize the definitions or properties of each quadrilateral shapes and achieve the defined minimum completeness criteria, that is 70.

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The lack of a model for promoting productive learning environments and a clear major value of choice to guide practice has resulted in the needs for this research. Values are important aspects of learning, yet they are not used to their fullest potential in educational practices in Indonesia. The primary objective for this study was to propose an appropriate model with application of local wisdom value in elementary school, and synthesized strategies for challenging the value for sustainable use in schools. This paper discusses and describe possible guidelines targeting the design of learning local wisdom value's-based learning model with creative learning environments that influence student literacy skills. This research was an Educational Design Research. To develop the local wisdom value's-based learning model we need, the following five steps will be taken 1) putting several available models side by side (literature research), 2) comparing and contrasting the models (plenary study), 3) deciding most essential model components (ethnography analysing), 4) creating theoretical model and prototype (setting by Focus Group Discussion/FGD), 5) testing the prototype models with limited empirical verification sample (setting by workshop). At present, this research has been in the stage of compiling a prototype of the local wisdom value's-based literacy learning model. The next stage will be consolidated through a workshop. The outcomes of the focus group interview and future workshop activities will be synthesized into five design guidelines providing orientation for the design of a local wisdom value's-based literacy learning model. The results of this research recommend that the learning with the local wisdom value can be used as an approach to learning literacy. The model also promotes a positive classroom climate, a community of learners, developing learner responsibility, and maximizing opportunities for learning.

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The concept of function was a basic concept that students must understand in mathematics learning. This concept needs to be implicated through realistic mathematical learning with the ethnomathematics approach. The purpose of this study was to describe students' ability to simplify the concept of function through realistic mathematical learning with the ethnomathematics approach. This was part of the research development. This stage was the prototype phase. We apply realistic mathematics learning with the ethnomathematics approach. The instrument of this research was the assignment sheet and the in-depth interview sheet by the researcher. Data was collected through task-based interviews. It was analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study were that students were able to simplify the concept of function through realistic problems based on "andun dance" culture. He simplifies the concept of mapping. For example, f was a function from set A to B, students were able to simplify the concept of function f with Df = A (domain function f was A). Also, being able to explain with various real examples and being able to show the position of the concept of function in a deductive structure of mathematics. The conclusion of this study was that realistic mathematics learning with ethnomathematics approach can be a vehicle for students to simplify the concept of function to be more meaningful.

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With the global economic system emerging in the 21st century, learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has gained a very important role in increasing the role of a country in the global economy. Therefore, learning in all four fields is focused on the emergence of innovative solutions to a complex contextual problem facing the world today. The purpose of this study was to describe the learning outcomes achieved by students for animal classification in science and set in mathematics after students experienced the learning process with the STEM approach. The Gravemeijer and Cobb design research model used in this study. The research subjects in this study were 34 students of class VII D of SMPN 1 Yogyakarta. The instrument used in this study was a test. In the learning process, to help students understand how the process of classifying animals in science, and how to make sets, determine membership requirements from a set, and write down membership from a set, students were invited to make observations about animal characteristics and animal placement in the Gembiraloka zoo. 65.63% of students could define the meaning of a set, make a set along with the terms of membership, and write down the membership of a set.

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This study aimed to describe the learning process using problem-based learning for a sample space material and creative thinking ability while solving the problem. The subject of this study is 16 grade VIII students of SMP Kanisius Pakem. The instrument used in this study were observation sheet, Hypotethical Learning Trajectory (HLT) and the student's worksheet. The type of this research is design research. The result then can be classified, represented, and the conclusion can be drawn by comparing the result from the Student's Worksheet and indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability. The result of this study were using problem based learning is the mathematical creative thinking does not require student's answer to be correct, but more importantly that they have displayed some indicators of mathematical creative thinking while solving the problem.

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Symbolic representation is a form of one's ideas interpretation to ease the problem-solving. The representation of symbols is an important thing in mathematical learning because it reflects the definition of a concept. Symbolic representation involves metonymy as the symbol scheme and metaphor as the denotation of the symbol. Metonymy and metaphor are related to each other and are involved in a symbolization system to discover new symbols in mathematics. The Civil Engineering students have to deal with a number of new symbols in Calculus II, such as the symbol of a function of two or more variables and its derivative. This symbol, needless to say, is nothing like the symbol of a function of one variable and its derivative which the students had learned in Calculus I offered in the previous semester. This study aimed to describe the ability of the Civil Engineering students to represent symbols as metonymy and metaphor through partial derivative problem-solving. This study was designed as a case study to detect the difficulties faced by the students in solving partial derivative problems. The students were provided with a worksheet containing partial derivative problems which focused on symbolic representation as metonymy and metaphor. The students' answers were analyzed based on how they denoted the partial derivative, both from the notation and the definition of the notation. Interview and observation were conducted to support worksheet findings. The results showed that the students had a poor ability in representing the partial derivative symbol of f with respect to x and y. The students' analogy was that the derivative symbol can be expressed with the d and prime notations such as in the derivative of functions of one variable. Therefore, this symbol was used in the partial derivative. The students were able to provide a correct solution to the partial derivative problems, but less careful in determining the partial derivative symbol. The error in using the partial derivative symbol was not noticed by the students because they focused more on the problem-solving procedure rather than the symbolization.

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Local wisdom like Surabaya Zoo, Semanggi, and Maulud Nabi has pedagogical value because it aims to regulate behavior that is beneficial to the common interests of the community. Thus, this research aims to develop teaching materials of data presentation using local wisdom for preservice teachers. The feasibility of teaching materials was evaluated based on their validity and practicality. The design of this research was four-D-model, consist of Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The data of this research was analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The results of this research were as follows: (1) The teaching materials that were developed consist of lesson plan, worksheets, power point media, and assessment; (2) The instructional materials developed were valid and practical and have scored 3.1 and 3.34 respectively. The category of validity in content, construct, language, and contain principles of local wisdom; (3) The lecturer implemented the lesson plan well, the increased of preservice teachers' activities were indicated through investigation, investigation result analysis and presentation of final product. Based on the results of the research, the teaching materials of data presentation empowers preservice teachers' skills in data presentation using local wisdom context.

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The main objective of this research was to produce a prototype of a pictorial story with the topic "Processing Solar Thermal Energy into Electric Energy". This product could be used as a supplementary book for Grade IV of Elementary Schools. This product was made based on the limitations of the material in the 2013 Curriculum student book and the needs in the classroom. Research & Development (R & D) method was applied in this research, with six stages: (1) Potential and problem analysis, (2) Data collection, (3) Product Design, (4) Product validation, (5) Product Design Improvement, (6) Product Design Testing. The data gathering technique applied interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The product was approved by two validators with the average score of 3.16 (from a range of values 1-4); and was included in "good" category; so, it was worth testing in a student learning activity, after being revised. After implementing in 4th grade elementary school students, the product obtained an average score of 3.58 which was included in "very good" category. As the result, the prototype was worth to be implemented as a learning medium which was also a means of literacy in supporting the "Gerakan Literasi Sekolah" (school literacy movement).

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The purpose of this study was to describe the learning process by using the Problem Based Learning model on the topic of probability for Kanisius Pakem Vocational High School students, as well as to describe the problem-solving skills of Kanisius Pakem Vocational High School students after the implementation of learning trajectories on the topic of probability. The type of research used is design research. Data collection techniques are used, namely observation of the learning process. Then the data is analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, and concluding the results of the study. The learning trajectory was tested on 24 students of class X Kanisius Pakem Vocational High School. The research instruments used were field notes and student test sheets. The learning process consists of five-stage, namely the orientation of the students to problem regarding probability, organizing students to learn related to the material probability, guiding individual/group experiences on the learning process material probability, developing and presenting the work obtained from group discussions, and conclude the results of the learning process that has been done. From the results of tests obtained by students after the learning process, four aspects of problem-solving ability will be reviewed. Viewed from the aspects of understanding the problem, the students can describe things that are known and asked in the tests given. Viewed from the aspects of planning problem-solving, students can develop plans based on the information provided. Viewed from the aspect of implementing the plan, the students can translate the problem given in the form of mathematical sentences and students can make decisions in answering the problem. Viewed from the aspect of interpreting the results of the answers, the students have not all been able to verify the answers given.

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HOTS is an important aspect that must be developed for students in order to solving problems and learning mathematics that is not routine because HOTS requires the ability to think creatively and critically, so the purpose of this research is to develop HOTS questions categories of creating (C6) that are valid and practical and have potential effects towards students' math literacy. The method of this research is development research with preliminary and formative evaluation stages including self-evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small groups, and field tests. Techniques for collecting data used documents, walkthroughs, interviews, tests, and observations while data analysis uses descriptive. The conclusion from the results of this study is the HOTS exercises creating category (C6) which is valid can be seen from expert review based on content, construct and language assessment. It can be seen from small groups, while the potential effect on students' literacy skills is quite good. This can be seen from the ability of students to analyze information about exercise, make ideas in designing problem solving and organize elements into new structures that may never exist before.

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Thinking process is one of the important activities in solving mathematical literacy problem. Thus, this paper aimed to identify two students' thinking process in solving mathematical literacy problem with space and shape content. This study used descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Research subjects in this study were two tenth grade students of middle school. Data were collected by giving the mathematical literacy problem with space and shape contents and using think aloud. Next, data were analysed by studying the three types of thinking processes: conceptual, semi conceptual, and computational. The results of this study pointed out that the students' thinking process were conceptual and computational. The activities carried out by students could be grouped into four categories, namely 1) stating what is known in the problem with their own language or changing in mathematical sentences, 2) stating what is asked in a problem with their own language or changing in mathematical sentences, 3) making a plan to solve problem completely, and 4) stating the steps taken in solving the problem using the concepts that have been studied. The type of thinking process of students influences the activities carried out by students in solving mathematical literacy problem so that teachers were supposed to consider this aspect when teaching mathematics especially topics that related to mathematical literacy.

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Algebra is one of mathematical topics that's difficult to understand by students. Many symbols in algebra make students difficult, so multi-representation can help any student to understood. This study is to describe students ability of multi-representation in solving algebra problems. The sample of this qualitative study is the 8th grade students of SMPN 2 Waru Sidoarjo, East Java, there are eight class from A to G, we choose class VIII B was purposively chosen from eight classes and contains 20 girls and 18 boys. All students were given both maths ability test and problem solving test. There were 10 students with the high ability in algebra, 25 students with medium ability in algebra and 3 students with low ability in algebra. Two volunteer students with high ability in algebra who had interesting representations were chosen as our respondents. The semi-structured interview was utilized to investigate the process, representations and students conceptual of algebra. The representation use by the first student is symbolic representation and visual representation. The representation use by the second student is symbolic representation and verbal representation.

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One of the student's skills that must be developed suggested by the national curriculum through the learning process is creativity. The purpose of this study was to develop the student's creativity through the implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) approach using Project Based Learning Method. This research was a design research where the researchers develop the design of an innovative food project made from Salak by integrating the topic of 'ratio' in mathematics and 'food additives' in science. The research subjects were eighth grade students of Budi Utama Middle School. The research instrument used is a student worksheet (LKPD). The method of data collection carried out in this study was the interactive analytical methods of Miles and Huberman. The research showed that the STEM approach could be implemented by using Project Base Learning to improve student's creativity.

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In a process of learning, learning media play an important role in improving students' understanding. In this study, a learning medium based on Internet of Thing (IoT) was developed. The IoT is one of core development in technology of Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. The learning media developed in this research study utilizing LoRa (Long Range Area) which functions as a remote data sender. The LoRa paired with Arduino connected to sensors and placed in several location within Banda Aceh. LoRa was integrated with Network Thing to store data and could be displayed on the PC. The researchers and students could observe the changes in air quality in relation to the changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure from the data that have been stored in the Network Thing cloud. The students are motivated in the learning process to find out relationships between air quality and changes to the temperature, humidity, and air pressure. This is preliminary and ongoing research. The early data were collected from interviews with students after the learning process and collecting the results of the observation. Students' interest increases with the integration of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the learning process. This was demonstrated by students during the learning process. From this learning process, students are also aware of the importance of reducing air pollution. Around 86% of students understand the concepts of subject learned and around 92% of students were motivated and enjoy during the learning.

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The purpose of this study is to develop and design an android application of exploration career based on multiple intelligence that is used for high school students to provide information exploration career based on multiple intelligence. Data collection is done to find out the problems faced and to design solutions. The techniques for collecting data through literature studies. Exploration career based on multiple intelligence itself is a form of individual effort to find, obtain and manage various kinds of appropriate career information based on consideration of the intelligence possessed by each individual. Intelligence is the ability possessed by someone who includes knowledge, skills and expertise in solving problems. Basically, each individual is unique and has some intelligence such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and naturalist intelligence. By understanding that each individual is born and has different types of intelligence, here the author is interested in developing an android application about exploration of careers based on multiple intelligence-. This android application will provide an interesting description and design while at the same time helping individuals, especially high school students, in understanding the intelligence they have with the right career for their future, so it is expected that the development of this android application can provide a good understanding to each individual especially in understanding their career in accordance with their intelligence.

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The aim of this study was to improve students' mathematical critical thinking skills through the application of "What-If" learning strategies. This research was motivated by the lack of critical thinking skills of students in the Statistical Method I subject. Critical thinking skills are very important to bring someone to think and work carefully, sorting out relevant information, solving problems, and doing tasks on a bigger scale. This research is a classroom action research consisting of two cycles. The subjects of this study were class IIA students of Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar as many as 16 students in academic year 2018/2019. Data collection techniques used was observation, interviews, and tests. This study used 2 data analysis techniques namely qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis uses models such as mathematical models and analyses that are carried out limited to data management techniques by performing descriptions. Quantitative data analysis measures the learning outcomes in the form of scores and percentages using a simple level of calculation such as average score and learning completeness percentage. The results of this study showed an improvement in students' mathematical critical thinking skills from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the first cycle, the average score of students' mathematical critical thinking skills was 71.125 with the learning completeness percentage only reached 62.5%. In the second cycle, the average score of students' mathematical critical thinking skills increased significantly by 84.125 with the learning completeness percentage reached 87.5%. This study concluded that the application of "What-If" learning strategies can improve students' mathematical critical thinking skills in the subject of Statistical Method I.

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Vocational High School graduates who can study independently will become lifelong learners who are responsive to change so they can compete in the workforce of the revolutionary era 4.0. But the learning process at Vocational High School is still not paying attention to the development of high-level thinking skills of students. This is in line with the opinion of Mukhadis that the implementation of learning in the field of technology is still less encouraging which has an impact on the lack of development of individual abilities to develop high-level thinking skills, namely metacognition. Metacognitive awareness of Vocational students is still not suspected because of several aspects, that is internal and external aspects. Internal aspects are factors that influence students from themselves, one of them is intrapersonal intelligence. Then the external aspect is a factor that influences from outside the student's teaching skills. Given the importance of this metacognitive awareness, the authors conducted a study on the contribution of teacher teaching skills, intrapersonal intelligence to the metacognitive awareness of vocational students in computer network engineering study program in Blitar City. This study aims to determine how much the contribution of teacher teaching skills and intrapersonal intelligence of students to the metacognitive awareness of vocational students in computer engineering and network expertise packages in Blitar City. The type and analysis of data in this study are included in quantitative research. The number of samples used was 57 students in class X. Data collection techniques for variable teaching skills, intrapersonal intelligence and metacognitive awareness using questionnaires. Data analysis includes description and multiple regression.The results show as follows that, there is no significant contribution to partial teaching skills to the metacognitive consciousness; there is a significant contribution to the contribution of students' intrapersonal intelligence partially towards the students' metacognitive awareness of 44.22% and there is also a significant contributions to teacher teaching skills and intrapersonal intelligence of students to the students' metacognitive awareness of 52.8%.

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Some researchers report that students find difficulties in learning definition of definite integration. Therefore, classroom activities designed with design research method to help university students gain better understanding on this topic. In order to support students, realistic mathematics approach was chosen. Series of instructional activities had been designed to reach mathematical goal. Thirty of first year university students in Universitas Negeri Padang were chosen to implement the classroom activities that have been designed. This paper will report students' journey in learning definition of definite integral in our local instructional theory (LIT). The research shows that students understanding about area, function, inscribed/circumscribed polygon, limit play important role to understand the definition of definite integral. Students need to see those concepts as a unit which cannot be separated to understand the definition of definite integral in a designed classroom activity.

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An introduction to statistics is a compulsory subject taken by Indonesian Language and Literature Education (Diksatrasia) students. In this course, whether or not Diksatrasia students who have SMA / SMAK / MA cannot understand mathematical concepts. This is a challenge for lecturers who teach these subjects, because most students do not like mathematics. The results of the development of textbooks are based on linguistic intelligence on the ability of statistical representation. This study uses the ADDIE research and development method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) that has been modified and is limited to the development stage. The results of this study indicate that textbooks are very well used with total expert validation of 94% with very valid interpretations. It can be concluded that the introductory statistical textbook that has been developed can be used in subsequent implementations

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Evaluation is a measure of learning outcomes, so evaluation is a description of the success of learning that has been done by educators. Because of this, the aim of this study was to produce an evaluation tool for IT-based learning using the Wondershare Quiz Creator software with the title of developing an IT-based mathematical communication skills evaluation tool for junior high school students who obtained feasibility and validity as an evaluation tool for mathematics learning, especially in triangular material. rectangular. This research is R & D (Research and Development) research. This evaluation tool was developed with a 4-D learning device development model that was modified to 3-D (Define, Design, Develop). The research instruments used were interview guidelines and questionnaires. Data collection techniques of research conducted were interviews, validation sheets, and response questionnaire sheets. Based on the results of the validation conducted by 3 experts, it was found that the learning evaluation tool that had been made was very valid with an average percentage of 88.89%. While the results of the user response questionnaire that the percentage of the results of the overall student response questionnaire amounted to 88.33% and the percentage of the results of the overall teacher response questionnaire amounted to 91.67%, thus both results of the questionnaire responses have very good criteria. So, the IT-based mathematical communication skills evaluation tool for junior high school students is a practical evaluation tool.

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This study aimed to produce a valid and practical Student Worksheet of Mathematical Modelling Learning using a financial context for senior high school students. In addition, it aimed to find out its potential effects on students' mathematical modelling abilities. The study was conducted in the XI IPA Grade of Public Senior High School No.11 of Palembang City, 2018/2019 Academic Year involving 39 students. This was a development study consisting of a preliminary stage covering the stages of analysis, design, and development, the formative evaluation stages covering self-evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one-to-one, and small group), and field tests. The data collection techniques used walkthroughs, observations, and interviews. The result of this study is a valid and practical Student Worksheet Mathematical Modelling Learning using a financial context of compound interest learning material. The validity was based on context, construct and language viewed from the results of expert review and one to one, small group, and analysis of the student answers in the field test stage.

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The complexity of mathematical contextual problems was used to estimate the time to solve the problem and know whether students achieve the competence or not. This aim of this study was to produce the instrument for measuring the complexity of mathematical contextual problem of trigonometry topic. This research and development model used the combination of Plomp and Cennamo & Kalk. The phase were: (1) preliminary study, (2) development, and (3) presentation. The subjects of this study were 1 mathematics teacher, 4 prospective mathematics teachers, and 2 mathematics lecturers. Data collection techniques used questionnaire, test, and interview. Questionnaire validation was used to determine the validation of the developed instrument. The complexity measurement instrument filled by the test subjects to determine the reliability of the developed instrument. Trigonometric test was used to classify students into groups according to their level of ability. Interview was used to determine the practicality of the instruments developed. The results of the study showed that the complexity measurement instrument of mathematical contextual problem that being developed had good quality, it was valid, practice, and reliable. The instrument has been declared valid by the expert and eligible to be tested with minor revisions. This instrument also reached practical criteria based on the results of interviews with respondents. This instrument had fulfilled the reliable criteria based on the calculation of the reliability coefficient which was obtained that each component had fulfilled a minimum "sufficient category" of reliability. There were 4 high reliability components and 2 sufficient reliability components.

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Riau Province has been committed to become the center of Malay language and culture in 2020. Various efforts need to be made to introduce the Cultural Heritage both inside and outside the province. This research supports government commitment by designing mathematics learning using local culture. This research, design mathematics learning at the Secondary School using the traditional game namely Rimau, Ligu and Guli. The findings will be used in mathematics learning to introduce culture while bringing mathematics closer to student life. This study is a research and development with the Four-D approach. Game exploration is done at Define Stage, Instructional Design is done at the design stage, Learning material is created at the development stage. The Instructional design is disseminated into teachers and students of Secondary Schools. Data collection is done through documentation studies and interviews. The Game exploration resulted in the use of these games for various mathematical concepts of algebra, Geometry, and statistics for mathematics learning in secondary school. Based on FGD with the users can be concluded this Mathematics Learning Design help teachers in delivering relevant topics and recommended to be used by secondary schools teachers.

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The study aimed to determine if blended learning instruction positively affected students' academic performance in a specific Science topic. Furthermore, it tried to determine if there was a difference in students' academic performance who were subjected to 20% blended learning instruction and 60% blended learning instruction. The study made use of a pre-test and post-test which were based on standardized tests. After asking permission from Xavier School and upon the approval to conduct the study, the researcher personally conducted the study to a controlled and an experimental group. After which, data were collected, checked and tallied. These were encoded and analyzed using Stata. T-test and ANOVA were used to determine the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups. Evaluation of the blended learning lesson plan was also done through Google forms to verify the results. The study revealed that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the classes. This implied that the BLP helped the students comprehend the lesson. Furthermore, the findings showed that there is a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and controlled group in favor of the experimental group. This implied that 60% blended learning instruction is more effective than 20% blended learning instruction.

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The aim of this study to find out the learning design of virtual manipulative using Problem Based Learning (PBL) on seventh grade student in algebra concept. This study was conducted at Junior High School Santo Aloysius Turi from October to February 2019. The research subjects were students of class VIIB (pilot experiment) and VIIA (teaching experiment) in 2018/2019. The type of research used in this study is design research, where researchers design Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) to teach algebraic operating using virtual manipulative with PBL models. The research stages are preliminary design, experimental design which includes a pilot experiment and teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collection methods used are documentation, field notes, written tests, and unstructured interviews. Technical data analysis is used according to Miles and Huberman methods, including data reduction, data display, and verification or conclusion. The results showed that the design of learning with virtual manipulative using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on the topic of algebraic in class VII of Junior High School Santo Aloysius Turi is as follows: at the point of the preliminary test it can be observed that students still have difficulty in connecting problems into algebraic forms, using the concept of associative and distributive properties to simplify algebraic forms according to their operations in addition, subtraction and multiplication of algebraic forms. Using virtual manipulative with the PBL model can help students to construct their knowledge in order to understand associative and distributive properties used to simplify algebraic forms.

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The research aims to describe the achievement of 21st century skills such as adaptation and problem solving as part of 21st century competency in Surakarta Muhammadiyah University students to prepare of the industrial revolution 4.0. The study involved 191 prospective teacher students in Universitas Muhamamdiyah Surakarta. This study is a mixed method with exploratory sequential design. The study finds that teacher students' adaptation capability is need much improvement. The majority of students say that they prefer to wait for someone else to start the conversations. Furthermore, they are worried to enter in the new society. In the problem-solving skills, most students focus on the solution when facing a problem. This is reasonably good, but some literature posits the finding a factor of the problem is the best way to solve a problem. Besides, there are still students who sceptic and tend to escape from the problem without any solution. This study suggests that it is prominent to include adaptation and problem-solving analysis for prospective teacher-student candidate before accepted in the university.

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This study aims to identify misconception among physics education students in Yogyakarta on heat and temperature topic of physics education. This study uses descriptive study in terms of scanning model. The sample consist of 39 students majoring physics education in Yogyakarta. Data collection uses four tier diagnostic test. This study not only intends to diagnose students' misconceptions in depth analyis in five categories, but also diagnoses students' conceptual understanding from each subaspect. The descriptive analysis findings of this study state that the four tier diagnostic test instrument classifies students in five categories as the data analysis outcome about heat and temperature. They are scientific conceptual, lack of knowledge, misconception, false positive and false negative. The conceptual understanding of physics education students in Yogyakarta on heat and temperature topic varies greatly. Based on the results, the percentage of physics education students' misconceptions in Yogyakarta varies on each subtopic misconception. The biggest misconception occurs in subtopic "thermal equilibrium only occurs if both systems contact directly" reached 61.5%. This shows that the student's misconception is in high category and need special attention for educators to carry remediation out. Moreover, biggest misconception subtopic is needed more detailed explanations. In addition, this finding is expected to used as one of lecturers' or teachers' references to take consideration on the subtopic of heat and temperature which have many potential for misconception. Therefore, the teachers are able to implement the effective teaching strategy to overcome their students' misconceptions on heat and temperature.

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The implementation of mathematics teaching and learning based on the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia requires teachers to develop their own tools. The tools must be designed thoroughly and systematically so that the teaching and learning will be interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging and efficient. The teaching and learning should also motivate the students to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence according to their talents, interests, and physical development. However, considering Indonesia's geographical differences, the teacher needs to develop the learning tools adapted to students' cultural backgrounds. This study aims to conduct the needs assessment to develop teaching and learning tools on geometry based on Acehnese culture, including the lesson plan, student worksheet, mathematics test, and teaching materials through problem-based learning. This study employed the Dick and Carey model that was conducted for only seven out of ten stages. The observation was carried out at SMPN 1 Meureudu, Aceh. The results are Prototype 1 consisting of the lesson plan, student worksheet, test result, and teaching material by integrating Acehnese culture into the curved side geometry.

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Ethnomathematics examines mathematical aspects in a particular culture of a community or region. Ethnomathematics studies are still very potential to be carried out for Indonesian culture that is very rich and diverse. The results of this ethnomathematics study, in addition to increasing knowledge in mathematics and mathematics education, can also be utilized in mathematics learning, especially in the provision of contextual problems. To accelerate and enrich the ethnomathematics study in this broad Indonesian culture, it is necessary to involve many people in all regions of Indonesia. In this study, a virtual class was designed and developed by utilizing the Moodle Learning Management System to facilitate and empower students, teachers, lecturers and observers of mathematics education in conducting ethnomathematics studies. This study aims to design and develop virtual classrooms using Moodle that can facilitate people who will conduct ethnomathematics studies in Indonesia, and analyze the feasibility of the aforementioned virtual classes developed. The present study employs design research, which includes the context analysis phase, literature review, design and development of virtual classes, focus group discussions, limited trials, broad implementation, and implementation analysis. The results discussed in this article include the stage of context analysis, literature review, design and development of virtual classes and focus group discussions.

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Through the conduct of the study, the researcher would like to: (1) describe the learning stages for the subject Statistics through the implementation of the problem-based learning model; and (2) identify the problem-solving skills of the Grade VIIIB students in the Kanisius Junior High School Kalasan for the subject Statistics. As a result, the study belonged to the design research. During the conduct of the study, the subjects who have been involved were the students of Grade VIIIB Kanisius Junior High School Kalasan and the study itself took place from March until April 2019. Then, the data gathering method that had been implemented was the documentation record and the learning test administration while the instrument that had been implemented was the field note and learning test results. After the data had been gathered, the subsequent stage was data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing or verification. In overall, the results of the study show that: (1) the learning stages in the problem-based learning model for the subject Statistics with two meetings have already been in accordance to the design; and (2) the problem-solving skills among the students have been various. In the first subject, four out of five indicators of mathematical problem-solving skills by NCTM have been met. On the contrary, in the second subject the five indicators of mathematical problem-solving skills according to NCTM have been met.

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The goals of this research were (1) to describe implementation of learning about cuboids and cube nets by using problem based learning (PBL), (2) to describe the spatial ability (spatial representation) of students by using problem based learning about cuboids and cubes nets. The type of research is design research. The research subjects were 28 grade VIII SMP Institute Indonesia Yogyakarta. Data was collected using field notes, documentation and results/answer of LKS 1, LKS 2. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive. The research was conducted in March 2019. The research about the learning process by using problem based learning. The results of the research show that the learning design made in this research is good and the spatial ability of grade VIII students SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta in making cuboids and cubes nets have fulfilled the first indicator (1). This is indicated by the majority of students able to describe cuboids and cubes nets. In addition, some students have not fulfilled the second indicator about identifying cuboids and cubes nets.

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This study used a design research method aiming to develop the local instructional theory on learning derivative to build relational understanding in class XI Cikarang Utara Senior High School using Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach. Design research consists of three phases that are preparation and design, teaching experiment and retrospective analysis. Stages of building a relational understanding of students assisted by using the context of changes in body weight in infants. This study has 6 activities organized in Local Instructional Objectives. Subjects of this study consisted of 6 senior high school students XI MIPA Cikarang Utara. The data collection has been done by using paper and pencil method, interview method and the method ostensive. The validity of the data used internal and external validity. While the reliability of data using triangulation of data and cross interpretation. All data collected and analyzed in a retrospective analysis. A retrospective analysis showed that the context used can develop the students'relational abilities derivative. The teacher played a major role in directing the learning activities that the learning objectives achieved as instructional objectives that have been prepared.

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Indonesia, like many other countries, sees Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a potential tool for enhancing education and the country is keen to integrate this digital technology in the classroom classrooms. Therefore, since 2004 Indonesian Ministry Education and Culture has stipulated a regulation on the implementing the technology in teaching and learning process. Furthermore, since 2013 Indonesian government implemented a new curriculum emphasizing the use of ICT in the classroom. Recently, Augmented Reality (AR) is one of digital technologies that has received increasing attention for teaching and learning of mathematics. However, lack of research has been devoted to design and develop Augmented Reality-Based teaching resources for secondary school mathematics. This study aimed at designing and developing Augmented Reality - based teaching resources (e.g., lesson plans, student worksheets and Augmented Reality Applets) for teaching Geometry in senior secondary schools. In order to achieve the aim, in this study, we employed a design research model proposed by Plomp and Nieveen. This model consists of three phases that are preliminary phase, prototyping phase and assessment phase. It is important to note that this paper reports results from preliminary. In the preliminary phase we distributed questionnaires to teachers and students which were then followed by interviews. The findings revealed that teachers and students were keen to integrate Augmented Reality technology in teaching and learning mathematics. Furthermore, the teachers expected to be equipped with ICT-based learning resources that support discovery and project based teaching approach. Based on the findings, we designed and developed Augmented Reality applet, lesson plan and student worksheet for teaching three dimensional geometry in senior secondary schools with a project based-teaching approach.

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This study aims to design reasoning problems of linear equations with two variables through comparing and exchange activities. This is focused on how students use the compare and exchange activities to find a way to solve linear equations with two variables with mathematics concepts in human's daily activities is chosen as a design underlines activities in the design based on a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). RME based teaching has been adopted by countries including Indonesia with the so-called Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI).This study was used to design research as an approach. We first develop hypothetical learning trajectories (HLT) of the learning we designed. Data collected in this study included students' written works, observation notes, and video-records. The data were analyzed by comparing the actual learning process and the hypothetical learning trajectories (HLT). The data also showed that the students' activities to be more flexible strategies to solve for equations.

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Developing teaching materials is important to help students in learning mathematics especially for two-dimensional figure by using Palembang local cultural context. The purpose of the research was to develop whether the teaching materials two-dimensional figure-based on Palembang local cultural context are valid, practical, and have potential effect. The research method used research and development (R&D). The research consists of two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. In one-to-one evaluation involved three students. Then, small group evaluation involved 9 (nine) students in the research. Meanwhile, in field test stage involved 29 students. Data collection techniques employed interviews, tests and documentation. The research was conducted in seventh graders at one of junior high school in Indonesia. The results of this study were the developed teaching materials were categorized as valid, practical and have potential effect. The average score of validity content, construct and product design were 3.65 which was very highly valid level. The practicality of one-to-one was 3.47 and small group evaluation was 3.61 which was at very highly practical level. The teaching materials were categorized as effective. It showed that there were 24 students (82.75%) out of 29 students (17.24%).

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This study discusses the development of mathematical learning instructions based on the M-APOS theory. It aims to produce a mathematical learning instruction based on the M-APOS theory for students on grade VII of SMP / MTs of the second semester which is valid, practical, and improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. The type of research is research and development which develops lesson plans and worksheets. The Plomp model was used in this study consisted the preliminary analysis phase, the prototype development stage, and the assessment stage. In the preliminary stage, a needs analysis, curriculum analysis, concept analysis and analysis of students is carried out. At the prototype development stage, a formative evaluation was carried out consisting of self-evaluation, one-to-one evaluation, expert review, small group evaluation, and field test. The subjects of this study were VII grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Pasaman. Based on the field test, learning instructions, the RPP and LKPD based on M-APOS mathematics for class VII SMP in the second semester, are valid, practical and effective. Valid is from aspects of content, presentation, language, and graphics. Practical is the in terms of implementation, time, ease of use. And effective is in terms of its potential impact on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities.

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The purpose of this study is to describe the role of project-based learning in design a learning trajectory of learning device development to improve mathematical knowledge for teaching of prospective mathematics teachers. The method use is design research with three stages, namely, preliminary design; teaching experiment; retrospective analysis. The subjects of research are prospective mathematics teacher class of 2019 from one university in Kuningan, Indonesia. The use of project-based learning in designing learning trajectory of learning device development plays an essential role as an elicited to improve mathematical knowledge for teaching. This study also describes the design principles and characteristics of the learning trajectory namely didactic trajectory designed by the role of project-based learning syntax.

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This study aims to design the design of mathematics Geometri Lukis to support the ability to submit pre-service mathematic teachers. Design research is chosen as a type of research consisting of preliminary design, experimental pilot and teaching experiment. By integrating the ability to submit questions in painting geometry, learning design was obtained with the local instructional theory which included activities: The pilot experiment was carried out in STKIP PGRI Sidorajo by involving 6- semester 4th pre-service mathematics teachers. This activity was held for 3 meetings, with the following activities: 1 ) pre-test, 2) propose question- related the procedure of sketch lines and angels according to condition and term have given and solved it, 3) sketch lines or angles by propose new question to difficulties incomplete question the beginning and solve it, 4) sketch lines and angles by proposing another new question is appropriate with condition and term to have given and solve it, when students could complete of istimewa angle using dividing angles and lines concept. The things that are done in the Preliminary design phase are: 1) analyzing the learning objectives, 2) determining and determining the initial conditions of the study, 3) designing and discussing the conjecture or HLT to be developed.

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Several studies on learning mathematics indicate that students have difficulty in understanding the concept of probability. Students are more likely to be introduced by the use of the formula without involving the concept itself. This underlies the researcher to design a probability learning trajectory in ratio which always starts from concrete to abstract level. The probability learning trajectory explained of student thinking and learning over time about to with concerning set of tasks and activities developed. The probability learning trajectory helped by context problem. This study aims to look at relational understanding ability eighth-grade students in solving the problem of a probability. The method used is design research which describes student learning activities in solving problems using ratio. The data collection technique is done by video recorder, documentation and test question. The instruments are a video that is to see student activities during the study, photos to see the results of student work and work the answer to see student answers to the questions given. The results of the research carried out obtained that students experienced an increase in relational understandingand the gave a good response to in solving the probability questions.

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An understanding of the concepts and principles of open sets can be done through activities in the form of mathematical actions, processes, objects organized in a scheme. This was the operationalization of the APOS theory (Action, Processes, Objects, and Schema). The purpose of this study was to describe students' mistakes in understanding the properties of open sets in terms of the APOS Theory. This research was part of development research. It was the stage need assessment stage. We want to determine the characteristics of students to determine the right learning model. The subject of this study were 15 students of mathematics education at the University of Bengkulu. Students were selected based on the tasks that they do in learning Real Analysis. Data was collected from paper and pencil results and task-based interview results. Data were analyzed qualitatively using fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study were that students can only coordinate two or more sets, and the difficulty of proving a set theorem closes. One such theorem was "F was a subset of R, F closed sets if and only if F contains all the cluster points". He can only take actions separately from the characteristics of the set given. The conclusion of this study was the difficulty of students in understanding the properties of the closed sets was the inability of students to carry out interiorization from actions to processes. Also, it was not able to encapsulate processes into objects. He was unable to reach the scheme of the properties of closed sets.

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The quality of students' responses in understanding the normal subgroup concept can be analyzed through SOLO Taxonomy. One level was relational. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of relational students in understanding the concept of a normal subgroup. This was part of research development. This stage was a needs assessment. The research subjects were 29 undergraduate students of Mathematics Education at the University of Bengkulu. The instrument of this research was the researchers themselves with interview guides. Data collection was done through task-based interviews. Data were analyzed qualitatively through fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study are that the concept of normal subgroup was understood through the relationships between objects in a group. Like the right coset and left coset. The relationship between these objects becomes an integrated entity. The conclusion of this study was that relational students can represent all elements and conduct interdependence with one another, so that it becomes an integrated entity.

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There were seven levels of student schema development in learning real analysis. Extended trans was the highest cognitive level. The purpose of this study was to describe the cognitive process of students in understanding the real number system. This was the initial part of development research. We want to know the highest initial ability students have about real number systems. The subjects of this study were 12 students of Real Analysis at the Bachelor of Mathematics Education Program. Students were interviewed based on assignments. Data were analyzed using fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study were that students can build linkages between actions, processes, objects, and other schemes (performing retrieval of the previous schema) by using and selecting procedures or operations in real number systems. He was able to apply the concept of the properties of bounded set to problem solving so that a mature scheme was formed. The scheme can be used to solve related problems. Also, can build new structures based on mature schemes that they already have. The conclusion of this study was that students can interiorize, encapsulate and thematize schemes that mature into a deductive structure.

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The concept of vector was one of concepts that was difficult for students to understand. Realistic mathematics learning with ethnomathematics approach makes it easy for students to learn mathematics. The purpose of this study was to describe the mathematical process of students in understanding vector concepts through learning realistic mathematics and ethnomathematics. This research was the prototype stage of development research. The subjects of this study were 38 high school students in Bengkulu. Observation sheets, anecdotes and interview guides were the instruments of this research. Data was collected during the realistic mathematics learning process using the ethnomathematics approach. Data was analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study were the mathematical process of students in understanding the concept of vector by using selfie culture. Camera drones can stop in space. This was one of the multiplication properties of two perpendicular vectors. Multiplication of points was zero. The conclusion of this study was that the mathematical process of students using realistic selfie culture can achieve the multiplication of two vectors which form right angles.

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Understanding of concepts was one of the goals of learning graph theory. The concept of graph can be achieved through learning ethnomathematics. The purpose of this study was to describe students' thinking processes in understanding the concept of graphs during ethnomathematics learning. This research was part of development research. This was the prototype stage. The subjects of this study were 26 students in the University of Bengkulu. The instrument of this study was the researchers themselves plus interview guides, anecdotes and observation sheets. Data collection was done during ethnomathematics learning. Data were analyzed qualitatively with the constant comparative technique. The results of this study were students begin learning with a culture of communication using mobile phones. Students think about the definition of graph by corresponding to a cellphone with a vertex. The edge of a graph was corresponded to the existence of a relationship between mobile phones. Students can define graph as a system that was built by a set of non-empty vertices, and a set of edges which were pairs of non-sequential vertices. The conclusion of this study was that students' thought processes in understanding the concept of graph through ethnomatematics approaches. It was a contextual problem about the culture of communication using mobile phones.

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The development of mathematics learning now has undergone changes in a contemporary manner. This drastic change focuses on developing the way mathematics works in a case, not just seeing mathematics as a procedure and we know it as HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). This research aims to detect HOTS students in solving problems in building flat side spaces. The instrument is presented in the form of a HOTS problem that contains several indicators, namely: building complex thinking, there are no clear algorithms to solve it, difficult to predict, using approaches that are different from existing problems or with examples that have been given. The results of data analysis show that HOTS can be translated into several capabilities, namely; (1) explore information, (2) arrange conjectures, (3) logical reasoning, (4) structure problem solving, (5) communicate mathematically, and (6) connecting mathematical ideas.

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Middle school students have difficulty in understanding the system of linear equations. Ethnomathematics learning was one alternative to overcome it. The purpose of this study was to describe ethnomathematics learning techniques to overcome students' difficulties in understanding systems of linear equations. This research was part of development research. This is part of student analysis. The subjects of this study were 38 junior high school students in the Kota Bengkulu. The application of ethnomathematics learning was given to the subject. The instrument of this study was the researchers themselves with interview guides and observation sheets. It was an interview about the ability of students to understand systems of linear equations. Data were analyzed qualitatively with fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study are the difficulty of students understanding the system of linear equations can be overcome through learning ethnomathematics. The horizontal mathematization used the culture of the fishermen of Bengkulu people "bundled fish, rice as small, relaxed". This culture makes it easy for students to recall prerequisite concepts, making it easier for students to do interconnection between concepts. This makes it easy for students to achieve the principles of elimination, substitution and mixtures. The conclusion of this study is that learning ethnomatematics about Bengkulu fisherman culture can overcome the difficulties of students in understanding the system of linear equations.

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The ability to think mathematically in solving problems is an important goal of schooling. It is an ultimate goal of teaching that students will be able to condut a mathematical investigation by themselves and that they will be able to identify where the mathematics they have learned is applicable in real-world situations. The first strategy of mathematical thinking is specializing. Specializing means turning to some examples to learn more about the main goal of a concept or problem and these examples are specific and particular instances of more a general situation in a concept or problem. This study based on students' difficulties to think mathematically in mathematics problem solving. There are still many students who feel confused when solving problem. The purpose of this study is to investigate the specializing of two sixth grade students in solving mathematics problems. They were selected from ten students taking mathematical skills and problem solving tests. They were classified in high and low mathematics abilities. Then they were interviewed based on their work of the given task. When solving the problem, the subject with high mathematics ability was able to describe the known, the way to determine the solution and try to look at the other examples. While the subject with low mathematics ability knows about a concept that can be used to help the problems but she didn't know the way to determine the solution. Even though taking more time, by applying both a structured-scaffolding and using specializing systematically that fit the problem they succeeded in solving tem. These results may contribute mathematics teachers in a way how to help students use specializing in solving problem.

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This study aims to design problem-based learning in the triangle perimeter material and analyze problem-solving ability in triangle perimeter material of 7th Grade in Kanisius Kalasan Junior High School. Students of 7th Grade in Kanisius Kalasan do not get any opportunity to develop problem solving ability because the teacher still use conventional methods. According to the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (2000) the development of problem solving abilities is one of the goals in the process of learning mathematics, it is an aspect that can make students develop mathematical thinking skills. The type of research used in this study is design research. The subjects of this study were 22 students of class 7B in Kanisius Kalasan. The research instrument in this study was a test sheet. The results of research related to the learning process show that the stages of the process that occur were as follows: (1) the orientation phase of students about the problem regarding of triangle perimeter, (2) organizing learners to learn related to the topic of triangle perimeter, (3) guiding individual/group experience on the process of learning triangle perimeter, (4) developing and presenting the work obtained from the discussion group, and (5) conclude the results of the learning process that has been done. The following results below were obtained based on students problem solving abilities: there are 14 students who were qualified within 4 out of 5 indicators, namely students can identify the elements that were known, asked, and the adequacy of the elements needed, students could form mathematical problems or develop mathematical models, students can apply strategies to solve various problems within or outside mathematics, and students can use mathematics significantly and there are 8 students who qualified within 2 out of 5 indicators namely students can identify the elements that are known, asked, and the adequacy of elements needed and students can use mathematics meaningfully.

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The thinking process of students in understanding the parallels axiom through ethnomathematics learning was abstract activities of remembering, analyzing, understanding, judging, reasoning, imagining and speaking that was needed in learning geometry. This was the cognitive process of students based on culture. Lobachevsky's axiom of parallelism was difficult to understand through low thinking. Ethnomathematics was one solution. The purpose of this study was to describe the cognitive process of students in understanding parallels through ethnomathematics learning. This research was the initial stage of development research. We conducted in-depth interviews with 8 high school students in Bengkulu, Indonesia. The research instrument was the researcher himself who was guided by an interview guide on understanding the Lobachevsky Axiom of Parallel Lines. Interviews were conducted during geometry through the ethnomathematics learning approach. Data were analyzed qualitatively through fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study were that students can encapsulate two or more traits in the Lobachevsky Parallel Lines axiom through ethnomathematics in the form of bubu. (Bubu was a traditional fishing gear in the village community in Bengkulu). The next cognitive process was that students can build an object about infinite lines that were parallel to certain line. The encapsulation activity produces a correct understanding based on the properties of woven mats. The conclusion of this study was that through the ethnomathematics approach students can achieve trans level cognitive processes.

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The cognitive theory views individuals as active information processors, so that individuals were able to represent each information according to the level of knowledge they have. Student representation can be seen as its genetic decomposition. Ethnomathematics was a vehicle for unlimited series learning. The purpose of this study was to describe the genetical decomposition of students about infinite series through the Bengkulu ethnomathematics. This was the initial research from a series of development research. This stage we interviewed in depth 10 high school students in Bengkulu, Indonesia. The research instrument was the researchers themselves who were guided by interview guides about understanding concepts and the principle of infinite series. Interviews were conducted during and after Bengkulu's ethnomathematics learning. Data were analyzed through fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study were found that students can coordinate two or more actions about convergence of sequences, but not for convergence of infinite series. Conversely, there were students who can describe a particular object about converging an infinite series but not coordinated with the processes that were built for converging sequences. Also, there were students who can coordinate the action-process related objects so that a schema of converging sequence was formed, but for infinite series only in the form of separate actions or processes. The conclusion of this study was the genetic decomposition of students in understanding the infinite series through ethnomathematics learning at the intermediate level (inter level). The student before ethnomathematics learning was at the lower level (intra and pre-intra levels).

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The 2013 curriculum in Indonesia requires students to be able to develop knowledge independently, creatively and skillfully in solving mathematics problems. One way that can be taken by professional mathematics teachers to support the curriculum is to develop precise learning modules that integrate software dynamically and open source, such as GeoGebra. This study aims to determine the practicality of the module developed in mathematics teaching and learning on triangles using GeoGebra. The study used the Plomp development model, which consists of three phases, namely preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The test trial was conducted four times on students of class VII SMP Negeri1 Idi Rayeuk, Aceh. The results showed that the mathematics teaching and learning module using GeoGebra software fulfilled valid and practical criteria. The validity of the module is obtained based on the results of validation by five validators. Meanwhile, the practicality of the module is achieved based on the recommendations of five validators stated that the module could be used with a minor revision and the level of implementation of learning using the module is good. For future research, it is crucial to apply this study on a broader scale to determine the effectiveness of the module.

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Reflective thinking as integral to the development of professional teaching practices was important developed on preservice biology teacher, including in histology lectures. The purpose of this study was to explore the reflective thinking levels of preservice biology teacher. Survey research used in this study was conducted on third year preservice biology teacher who attended histology lectures (n=36). 'Reflective Thinking Questionnaire' (RTQ), which was developed by Kember et al (2000) was used as data collection tool. It includes 16 items measuring four types of reflective thinking: Habitual Action (HA), Understanding (U), Reflection (R), Critical Reflection (CR). Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. The results showed that among the comprising factors of reflective thinking, U received the highest mean followed by R, CR, and HA.

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Student's mathematical communication and abstraction skills were needed in learning mathematics. Another aspect of the student learning process was the need to know and to develop the wisdom of local culture in their daily to lived. This was because students were expected to be a smart generation and still respect their own culture that they will use as life guidance. However, the problem was how to be in still the wisdom of local culture in learning mathematics? Based on these problems, the researcher designed a mathematical learning model that incorporated the wisdom of local culture in mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to test the Means-Ends Analysis learning model based on the local Cultural Wisdom that had been designed. This learning model was using the wisdom of local culture in mathematics learning. The purpose of this learning model was to improve communication skills and mathematical abstraction skills of students in grade 7. The subjects were Year 7 students of junior high school in the City of Berastagi and Perbaungan. The undertaking, students said that they found it was easier to understand mathematical concepts. Although, the teacher had difficulty in elaborating the problem of mathematical abstraction with the cultural, but the teacher said that the students become easy to communicate their mathematical abilities.

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The research aims to produce a learning trajectory that can help students understand of number pattern learning by using the context of crochet crafts in 8th grade students. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. This research method using design research. The stages of the research carried out consisted of preparation for the experiment, design experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collection is done through question answers, interviews, video recordings, and photos. In this study, learning was designed and developed based on alleged learning, PMRI, and LSLC. The results of this study indicate that learning pattern numbers using the context of crochet crafts can help students understand numerical patterns and find equations that can be used to find patterns of numbers to n.

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Fraction concept is one of the learning problems that often occurs in elementary students. Elementary student's misconceptions can be caused by teacher's misconceptions. PGSD students are teacher candidates, so they must have the correct concept then they can teach the concept of fractions correctly too. Learning must be an inspiration for students when they become teachers later. One medium that can be used to teach fraction concepts is media based on Montessori. Local culture can support the use of Montessori media. This study aims to design and validate the learning sequence of PGSD Students in using Montessori media, to develop design principles to teach fraction concepts in elementary school students. The approach in this research is design research which includes three phases, namely design, trial and assessment. In the design phase, researchers formulate students' prior knowledge and learning objectives. This is used as the basis for the sequence of learning. This stage of learning is evaluated in a repeat trial phases, the hypothesis design principle is developed and from which the learning stages are redesigned. The results of the assessment phase, together with the experience of the previous cycle and research review, are used to perfect the design principles of the student's learning sequences so they can teach the concept of fractions correctly.

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This study aims to produce the valid mathematic problems like proportional reasoning in PISA question. The research involved seventh-grade students in one of the junior high school in Palembang. The methodology of this research is a design research with development studies type that consist of preliminary and formative evaluation stage. This article just only discuss validation of problems process and data about student strategies in one to one process. The data collection techniques used walktrough, documentation, observation and interview. The validity of the problems discovered from expert review in validation process. Problems validated based on content, problem has been accord to ratio and proportion learning in seventh-grade, construct, the problem require the student's proportional reasoning and accord to abilities of the seventh-grade students; and language, the problems use of enhancing spelling, could be understood, and didn't have variety of meanings. The result show that problems are designed using the context of choosing services can indicate how student's proportional reasoning. Problems developed indicate that students had different strategies and do not refer to the proportion formula, but with reasoning and the use of a ratio table.

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The result of preliminary study show that student worksheet use in Elementary School has not been optimal in helping students improve students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Student worksheet cannot activate the student in learning. Therefore, worksheet use integrated model with character load was developed. The development research use a 4-D model which consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop, and assess. The research subject was a student worksheet. The respondents were teachers and first grade students at Elementary School in Padang, Indonesia. The research instruments were observation sheet, questionnaire, and learning outcomes test. The results showed that the validity of student worksheet using integrated model was categorized as valid. The practicality of teaching materials was include practical categories, based on teacher and student responses. The student worksheet was included effective categories based on student activities and learning outcomes. Student activities in learning include very high categories. Learning outcomes most students achieve minimum completeness criteria.

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This study aims to determine the role of activities in learning the central tendency materials (mean, median, and mode), which is expected to be able for helping students understanding the concept of statistical learning in grade VIII. The method used in this study is Validation Studies type Design Research involving students of MTs Negeri 1 Palembang. There are three stages in the design research type of validation studies, namely Preparing for the experiment; The design experiment in the form of a Preliminary Teaching Experiment (Pilot Experiment) and Teaching Experiment; and Retrospective analysis. In this study only that of preliminary teaching experiment is considered. The activity begins with questions about remind the presentation of data in the diagrams, then understanding the concept of the mean, the median, and mode, the question of associating the mean and median to determine the mode. The results of the learning experiment show that through the given questions can support students to understand the concept of the central tendency and know the relevance. Errors in doing activities because students are not careful in reading information on the questions, weak in the ability to count, and don't remember or not understand about the materials given.

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The use of technology in teaching and learning is very common today. In physics learning, practicum has an important role, namely deepening the understanding of concepts and applying concepts. However, it is interesting to know the importance of using technology in practicum. This study aims to know to know the student's Physics education students' perception on the use of motion detector in linear motion practicum The present study was descriptive research using a qualitative approach. This research was carried out in mechanics experiment class with 16 students as research subjects. This study used students' reflection and interview in collecting perception's of the students. The research found that practicum with motion detector has significant role in results obtained. On the other hand, practicum with motion detector has unsignificant role in the student's carefullness.

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This study aims to develop multimedia-based mathematical learning tools that are valid and practical in circle material. Learning tools developed are Lesson Plan, Teaching Materials and Student Worksheets. This type of research is development research that uses a 4-D (Four-D) development model developed by Thiagarajan and consists of 4 stages namely define, design, development, and dissemination, but due to time constraints, it is only limited to the development stage. The research subjects were seventh-grade junior high school students at the Angkasa Lanud Pattimura Ambon. The results of the study show that the learning devices developed are valid and practical. This is indicated by the general average validator rating for the three devices is 3.44; practicality of learning 92.98% and mastery of students taught by using the results of the development of 71.42%

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Assessment is one of the important things that can affect the learning process and results. During the assessment phase, teachers are required to be able to provide effective feedback and its follow-up in order to get student learning goal. This study aims to present the facts that related to how forms of feedback and follow-up carried out by mathematics teachers in a one of public high school in Cimahi, West Java. Qualitative descriptive research method is equipped with observation, interview and questionnaire used to collect the research data. Through the data collection technique, it was found that the feedback that teacher presented from the entire learning process and the assessment process was still very insufficient. Students only get information about the scores obtained from the assessment in the form of a written test. There is no descriptive feedback and appropriate follow-up that makes students still feel difficulties in implementing mathematics learning. At the end of this article, it is also presented a recommendation for providing effective feedback based on theoretical studies of the results on previous studies.

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Problem solving is the primary purpose of the mathematics curriculum. Metacognitive skills play an important role in problem solving. Solving mathematics word problem is a part of the problem solving. Students need appropriate steps and strategies to solve word problems and, in many cases, each student uses different strategy in solving word problem. This is because the difference of mathematical ability. This study aimed to describe the profile of metacognitive skills of students with high math ability and low math ability in solving the mathematics word problem, from the aspects of metacognitive skills of planning, monitoring and evaluating. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive. Subjects of the study are two students of Senior High School in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques are observation, test, documentation and interviews. The validity of the data using a triangulation method. Data analysis techniques of this research are data reduction, data display, and conclusion/verification. The results of the study show that students who have high mathematical abilities meet the indicators of metacognitive skills in the planning, monitoring and evaluating stages. While students who have low mathematical abilities meet indicators of metacognitive skills in the planning stage but, have not fully met the indicators of metacognitive skills in the monitoring and evaluating stages in solving problems.

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Teacher's question to encourage students to build their understanding is an essential aspect of mathematics learning. However, teachers show little concern about the quality of questions posed to students. Teachers can implement various strategies in conducting their roles as facilitators in developing students' understanding. One of which is through questions. ELPSA framework requires teachers to ask questions to help students construct their knowledge. This framework consists of five components: Experience, Language, Pictorial, Symbol, and Application. This study discussed the profile of teacher' questions based on ELPSA framework. The questions were classified into the types of questions, namely: factual, convergent, divergent, and evaluative questions. This study employed a qualitative research design using an observation sheet as the instrument. The participant of the study was a mathematics teacher from one of the junior high schools in Banda Aceh. The results concluded that the profile of teacher's questions in Year 8 of one of the junior high schools in Banda Aceh developed for each component of ELPSA framework. These developments were indicated by the suitability of the types of teacher's questions and the types of questions expected in the components of ELPSA framework.

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This article is based on the use of learning models that are limited to the subjects of Kapita Selekta Mathematics. This article aims to explore the results of the development of a website for learning Kapita Selekta Matematika (KSM) on UIN Suska Riau students that is valid, practical and effective. This research uses a development research model of Borg and Gall. The research instruments used in this article are validation sheets (validity aspects) by involving 6 validator lecturers, lecturer assessment sheets and student assessment sheets (practical aspects) involving 5 students, and student learning outcomes tests (aspects of effectiveness) involving 28 students. The data in this research is analyzed using quantitative and qualitative descriptive. This results in a course learning website which is valid (the average overall aspect of material validation was 4.15 and the average overall aspects of validation technology is 3.98), practicality score is 4.23 with the category "GOOD", and effective (Sig. 0,000 <Sig (1-tailed) 0.05). Thus, student-learning outcomes after using the learning website are better than before using the learning website. Based on the tests carried out, the development of the overall learning website on the material and technological aspects can be categorized as feasible, while the practical aspects can be categorized as practical, so this learning website can be used as a learning medium to help the learning process.

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The researcher aims to produce a learning trajectory that can help students understand the operation of adding integers using the game gerpak tuyul. The sample of this study was students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. The research method used is design research (design research). this study was designed through integer material learning using the context of the game of gerpak tuyul. Data collection is done through video recordings, photos and interviews. The stages of this study consisted of experimental preparation, design experiments and retrospective analysis. This research was only conducted in stage 1, namely preliminary preparation. The results of this study indicate that the resulting learning trajectory can help students more easily understand the concept of integer addition operations.

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This research is about to investigate how Javanese calendar and primbon could be used as context to learn number pattern, least common multiple and modular arithmetic for high school students. This article is the first step for the research, as this research only just reach preliminary stage at this point, which consist of validation on worksheet, one to one and small group to gain data about students' understandings regarding connection between contexts as student perception with mathematics learning which they had learned. This research using Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach. The problems which given in this research was based PISA framework. The methodology of this research is using Design Research. This research produce valid and practical problem, worksheet for learning material and support students to understand more about number pattern and least common multiple as basis to learn modular arithmetic even as the learning material itself only just enrichment in national curriculum.

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Learning mathematics is how students get information that is built capable of solving a problem. One way of thinking someone is by visual thinking. Visual thinking has an important role in the success of mathematics learning, especially in solving mathematical problems that require high-level reasoning, one of them in solving the problems of abstract geometry. Although to help students develop their ability to think visually or visualize, first the teacher must pay attention to the level of visual thinking of students. This paper aims to determine the level of visual thinking in geometry. Based on the results of the literature review the authors built three levels of visual thinking in geometry, level 0: Non-visual (NV), level 1: local visual (LV) and level 2: Global Visual (GV).

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The teacher's mathematical ability is one of the factors that influence the achievement of students' mathematical abilities. In Indonesia, almost all research related to PISA, the subject of research was a student. It is still rare that the subject of research was a teacher. How is the math literacy ability of the teachers? This question will be answered by researchers in this study, especially in the field of space and shape. The subjects were seven Mathematics teachers who taught in junior high schools from seven different schools in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. In the process of this research, the researcher makes a test adapted from PISA questions. There were 13 questions in the test consisting of three questions in the quantity field, three questions in the uncertainty field, three questions in the field of change and relationship, and four questions in the field of space and shape. In this paper, we will present our result just for the Space and Shape part. The study found that (1) 7 teachers could achieve level 4 for problem 1a, (2) 6 teachers could achieve level 5 for problem 1b, (3) 2 teachers could achieve level 5 for problem 2, (4) 1 teacher could achieve level 5 and 6 for problem 3, and (4) 6 teachers could achieve level 6 for problem 4.

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In welcoming chemistry learning that emphasizes the quality of students, the teacher's role is very important. As a prospective chemistry teacher, students must be prepared critically, both in terms of mastery of teaching materials and the development of learning models that are implemented. One of the alternatives offered is guided inquiry-based learning, which aims to develop students' abilities so that exploration can continue. This study aims to develop valid dan practical product of chemical equilibrium practicum module based on guided inquiry to be used by chemistry education students in the experiment, so that students are able to think critically and reflectively. This research is a design thinking through the framework of Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test (EDIPT), with chemistry education students. Supporting instruments of this research include consultation sheets, observation sheets, and student response questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted in quantitative descriptive. The results of the study show that the practicum module developed can help developing the flow of students' thinking carefully, analyse practical needs, design varied practicum topics, and reflect on experience during designing and implementing experiments. The average of students responds well to the development of the practicum module.

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The highest quality of the students in proving the theorem was extended abstract. One of the theorems that was difficult to determine was Lobachevsky's parallel lines. The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of extended abstract level students in proving the Lobachevsky parallel lines theorem. This was part of research development. This stage was the student analysis phase. The subjects of this study were 21 Mathematics Education Pre-service teachers who were taking Geometry courses. The instrument of this study was the researchers themselves with the help of task sheets and interview guides. Data was collected through task-based interviews. Qualitative data analysis techniques with fixed comparison techniques. The results of this study were that students were able to understand the axiom "through a point outside the line g, there were at least two lines parallel to g". This axiom was used to prove the Nonmetrical Theorem. Also, students were able to prove that through point T which was not located at line g, there were not so many lines parallel to g. Students were able to compare the deductive structure of Lobachevsky's Geometry with Euclid's Geometry. The conclusion of this study was that extended abstract students were able to present several elements and pass interdependence between one another, so that it becomes an integrated entity. He can generalize to new structures.