Table of contents

Volume 154

Number 6, 2017 December 1

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Polarization during a lunar eclipse is a forgotten mystery. Coyne & Pellicori reported the detection of significant polarization during the lunar eclipse on 1968 April 13. Multiple scattering during the first transmission through Earth's atmosphere was suggested as a possible cause of the polarization, but no conclusive determination was made. No further investigations on polarization during a lunar eclipse are known. We revisit this mystery with an interest in possible application to extrasolar planets; if planetary transmitted light is indeed polarized, it may be possible to investigate an exoplanet atmosphere using "transit polarimetry." Here we report results of the first spectropolarimetry for the Moon during a lunar eclipse on 2015 April 4. We observed polarization degrees of 2%–3% at wavelengths of 500–600 nm; in addition, an enhanced feature was detected at the O2 A band near 760 nm. The observed time variation and wavelength dependence are consistent with an explanation of polarization caused by double scattering during the first transmission through Earth's atmosphere, accompanied by latitudinal atmospheric inhomogeneity. Transit polarimetry for exoplanets may be useful to detect O2 gas and to probe the latitudinal atmospheric inhomogeneity, and it is thus worthy of serious consideration.


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The young cluster NGC 6231 (stellar ages ∼2–7 Myr) is observed shortly after star formation activity has ceased. Using the catalog of 2148 probable cluster members obtained from Chandra, VVV, and optical surveys (Paper I), we examine the cluster's spatial structure and dynamical state. The spatial distribution of stars is remarkably well fit by an isothermal sphere with moderate elongation, while other commonly used models like Plummer spheres, multivariate normal distributions, or power-law models are poor fits. The cluster has a core radius of 1.2 ± 0.1 pc and a central density of ∼200 stars pc−3. The distribution of stars is mildly mass segregated. However, there is no radial stratification of the stars by age. Although most of the stars belong to a single cluster, a small subcluster of stars is found superimposed on the main cluster, and there are clumpy non-isotropic distributions of stars outside ∼4 core radii. When the size, mass, and age of NGC 6231 are compared to other young star clusters and subclusters in nearby active star-forming regions, it lies at the high-mass end of the distribution but along the same trend line. This could result from similar formation processes, possibly hierarchical cluster assembly. We argue that NGC 6231 has expanded from its initial size but that it remains gravitationally bound.


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We present the latest lunar occultation (LO) results obtained at the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope, continuing a program started in 2014. We report on 21 LO events for 20 stellar sources, yielding 7 binary stars, 1 angular diameter, and 1 star with extended circumstellar emission. These results, some of which are obtained for the first time, are discussed in the context of previous observations when available.


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Eclipsing binaries are vital for directly determining stellar parameters without reliance on models or scaling relations. Spectroscopically derived parameters of detached and semi-detached binaries allow us to determine component masses that can inform theories of stellar and binary evolution. Here we present moderate resolution ground-based spectra of stars in close binary systems with and without (detected) tertiary companions observed by NASA's Kepler mission and analyzed for eclipse timing variations. We obtain radial velocities and spectroscopic orbits for five single-lined and 35 double-lined systems, and confirm one false positive eclipsing binary. For the double-lined spectroscopic binaries, we also determine individual component masses and examine the mass ratio ${M}_{2}/{M}_{1}$ distribution, which is dominated by binaries with like-mass pairs and semi-detached classical Algol systems that have undergone mass transfer. Finally, we constrain the mass of the tertiary component for five double-lined binaries with previously detected companions.


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The Cepheid Period–Luminosity law is a key rung on the extragalactic distance ladder. However, numerous Cepheids are known to undergo period variations. Monitoring, refining, and understanding these period variations allows us to better determine the parameters of the Cepheids themselves and of the instability strip in which they reside, and to test models of stellar evolution. VZ Cyg, a classical Cepheid pulsating at ∼4.864 days, has been observed for over 100 years. Combining data from literature observations, the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) transit survey, and new targeted observations with the Robotically Controlled Telescope (RCT) at Kitt Peak, we find a period change rate of dP/dt = −0.0642 ± 0.0018 s yr−1. However, when only the recent observations are examined, we find a much higher period change rate of dP/dt = −0.0923 ± 0.0110 s yr−1. This higher rate could be due to an apparent long-term (P ≈ 26.5 years) cyclic period variation. The possible interpretations of this single Cepheid's complex period variations underscore both the need to regularly monitor pulsating variables and the important benefits that photometric surveys such as KELT can have on the field. Further monitoring of this interesting example of Cepheid variability is recommended to confirm and better understand the possible cyclic period variations. Further, Cepheid timing analyses are necessary to fully understand their current behaviors and parameters, as well as their evolutionary histories.


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We present evidence that the recently discovered, directly imaged planet HD 131399 Ab is a background star with nonzero proper motion. From new JHK1L' photometry and spectroscopy obtained with the Gemini Planet Imager, VLT/SPHERE, and Keck/NIRC2, and a reanalysis of the discovery data obtained with VLT/SPHERE, we derive colors, spectra, and astrometry for HD 131399 Ab. The broader wavelength coverage and higher data quality allow us to reinvestigate its status. Its near-infrared spectral energy distribution excludes spectral types later than L0 and is consistent with a K or M dwarf, which are the most likely candidates for a background object in this direction at the apparent magnitude observed. If it were a physically associated object, the projected velocity of HD 131399 Ab would exceed escape velocity given the mass and distance to HD 131399 A. We show that HD 131399 Ab is also not following the expected track for a stationary background star at infinite distance. Solving for the proper motion and parallax required to explain the relative motion of HD 131399 Ab, we find a proper motion of 12.3 mas yr−1. When compared to predicted background objects drawn from a galactic model, we find this proper motion to be high but consistent with the top 4% fastest-moving background stars. From our analysis, we conclude that HD 131399 Ab is a background K or M dwarf.


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Spectral data for the coma of Hartley 2 were acquired across four nights in late 2010 using an integral field spectrometer at McDonald Observatory. For the 30 observations during these four nights, we detected five radical species in the coma: C2, C3, CH, CN, and NH2. Using division by azimuthal mean and division by radial profile, we enhanced 150 images of the coma to reveal subtle coma structure. These images revealed noticeable temporal evolution and spatial variations between species. To quantify the observed variation between species, we partitioned the coma and used analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques to provide a statistical basis for heterogeneity. Nearly every ANOVA test indicated a spatially diverse distribution in the coma when considering all species collectively. To examine the temporal behavior, we used the works by Belton et al., Thomas et al., and Bruck Syal et al. to predict nucleus orientation and active jet directions at our observation times. Several of these reported jet sites correlated to high radical concentrations, and the sites on the smaller lobe are more closely associated with high radical concentrations. Lastly, we provide constraints for the suspect parent molecules of the detected radicals, and we propose that photolysis reactions occurring at or near extended icy grains are a source for the more enigmatic radicals, such as C3.


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The growing field of large-scale time domain astronomy requires methods for probabilistic data analysis that are computationally tractable, even with large data sets. Gaussian processes (GPs) are a popular class of models used for this purpose, but since the computational cost scales, in general, as the cube of the number of data points, their application has been limited to small data sets. In this paper, we present a novel method for GPs modeling in one dimension where the computational requirements scale linearly with the size of the data set. We demonstrate the method by applying it to simulated and real astronomical time series data sets. These demonstrations are examples of probabilistic inference of stellar rotation periods, asteroseismic oscillation spectra, and transiting planet parameters. The method exploits structure in the problem when the covariance function is expressed as a mixture of complex exponentials, without requiring evenly spaced observations or uniform noise. This form of covariance arises naturally when the process is a mixture of stochastically driven damped harmonic oscillators—providing a physical motivation for and interpretation of this choice—but we also demonstrate that it can be a useful effective model in some other cases. We present a mathematical description of the method and compare it to existing scalable GP methods. The method is fast and interpretable, with a range of potential applications within astronomical data analysis and beyond. We provide well-tested and documented open-source implementations of this method in C++, Python, and Julia.


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We report high-resolution spectroscopic detection of TiO molecular signature in the day-side spectra of WASP-33b, the second hottest known hot Jupiter. We used the High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS; R ∼ 165,000) on the Subaru telescope in the wavelength range of 0.62–0.88 μm to obtain the day-side spectra of WASP-33b. We suppress and correct the systematic effects of the instrument and the telluric and stellar lines using the SYSREM algorithm after the selection of good orders based on Barnard's star and other M-type stars. We detect a 4.8σ signal at an orbital velocity of ${K}_{{\rm{p}}}=+{237.5}_{-5.0}^{+13.0}$ km s−1 and systemic velocity of ${V}_{\mathrm{sys}}=-{1.5}_{-10.5}^{+4.0}$ km s−1, which agree with the derived values from a previous analysis of the primary transit. Our detection with the temperature inversion model implies the existence of a stratosphere in its atmosphere; however, we were unable to constrain the volume mixing ratio of the detected TiO. We also measure the stellar radial velocity and use it to obtain a more stringent constraint on the orbital velocity, ${K}_{{\rm{p}}}={239.0}_{-1.0}^{+2.0}$ km s−1. Our results demonstrate that high-dispersion spectroscopy is a powerful tool to characterize the atmosphere of an exoplanet, even in the optical wavelength range, and shows a promising potential in using and developing similar techniques with high-dispersion spectrograph on current 10 m class and future extremely large telescopes.



We present a hierarchical probabilistic model for improving geometric stellar distance estimates using color–magnitude information. This is achieved with a data-driven model of the color–magnitude diagram, not relying on stellar models but instead on the relative abundances of stars in color–magnitude cells, which are inferred from very noisy magnitudes and parallaxes. While the resulting noise-deconvolved color–magnitude diagram can be useful for a range of applications, we focus on deriving improved stellar distance estimates relying on both parallax and photometric information. We demonstrate the efficiency of this approach on the 1.4 million stars of the Gaia TGAS sample that also have AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey magnitudes. Our hierarchical model has 4 million parameters in total, most of which are marginalized out numerically or analytically. We find that distance estimates are significantly improved for the noisiest parallaxes and densest regions of the color–magnitude diagram. In particular, the average distance signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and uncertainty improve by 19% and 36%, respectively, with 8% of the objects improving in S/N by a factor greater than 2. This computationally efficient approach fully accounts for both parallax and photometric noise and is a first step toward a full hierarchical probabilistic model of the Gaia data.


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We present the analysis of OGLE-2016-BLG-0613, for which the lensing light curve appears to be that of a typical binary-lens event with two caustic spikes but with a discontinuous feature on the trough between the spikes. We find that the discontinuous feature was produced by a planetary companion to the binary lens. We find four degenerate triple-lens solution classes, each composed of a pair of solutions according to the well-known wide/close planetary degeneracy. One of these solution classes is excluded due to its relatively poor fit. For the remaining three pairs of solutions, the most-likely primary mass is about ${M}_{1}\sim 0.7\,{M}_{\odot }$, while the planet is a super Jupiter. In all cases, the system lies in the Galactic disk, about halfway toward the Galactic bulge. However, in one of these three solution classes, the secondary of the binary system is a low-mass brown dwarf, with relative mass ratios (1:0.03:0.003), while in the two others the masses of the binary components are comparable. These two possibilities can be distinguished in about 2024 when the measured lens-source relative proper motion will permit separate resolution of the lens and source.

The following article is Open access

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Detection of transiting exoplanets around young stars is more difficult than for older systems owing to increased stellar variability. Nine young open cluster planets have been found in the K2 data, but no single analysis pipeline identified all planets. We have developed a transit search pipeline for young stars that uses a transit-shaped notch and quadratic continuum in a 12 or 24 hr window to fit both the stellar variability and the presence of a transit. In addition, for the most rapid rotators (${P}_{\mathrm{rot}}\lt 2$ days) we model the variability using a linear combination of observed rotations of each star. To maximally exploit our new pipeline, we update the membership for four stellar populations observed by K2 (Upper Scorpius, Pleiades, Hyades, Praesepe) and conduct a uniform search of the members. We identify all known transiting exoplanets in the clusters, 17 eclipsing binaries, one transiting planet candidate orbiting a potential Pleiades member, and three orbiting unlikely members of the young clusters. Limited injection recovery testing on the known planet hosts indicates that for the older Praesepe systems we are sensitive to additional exoplanets as small as 1–2 R, and for the larger Upper Scorpius planet host (K2-33) our pipeline is sensitive to ∼4 R transiting planets. The lack of detected multiple systems in the young clusters is consistent with the expected frequency from the original Kepler sample, within our detection limits. With a robust pipeline that detects all known planets in the young clusters, occurrence rate testing at young ages is now possible.


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Planets and minor bodies such as asteroids, Kuiper-Belt objects, and comets are integral components of a planetary system. Interactions among them leave clues about the formation process of a planetary system. The signature of such interactions is most prominent through observations of its debris disk at millimeter wavelengths where emission is dominated by the population of large grains that stay close to their parent bodies. Here we present ALMA 1.3 mm observations of HD 95086, a young early-type star that hosts a directly imaged giant planet b and a massive debris disk with both asteroid- and Kuiper-Belt analogs. The location of the Kuiper-Belt analog is resolved for the first time. The system can be depicted as a broad (ΔR/R ∼ 0.84), inclined (30° ± 3°) ring with millimeter emission peaked at 200 ± 6 au from the star. The 1.3 mm disk emission is consistent with a broad disk with sharp boundaries from 106 ± 6 to 320 ± 20 au with a surface density distribution described by a power law with an index of −0.5 ± 0.2. Our deep ALMA map also reveals a bright source located near the edge of the ring, whose brightness at 1.3 mm and potential spectral energy distribution are consistent with it being a luminous star-forming galaxy at high redshift. We set constraints on the orbital properties of planet b assuming coplanarity with the observed disk.


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We report the discovery of a new ultra-short-period planet and summarize the properties of all such planets for which the mass and radius have been measured. The new planet, K2-131b, was discovered in K2 Campaign 10. It has a radius of ${1.81}_{-0.12}^{+0.16}\,{R}_{\oplus }$ and orbits a G dwarf with a period of 8.9 hr. Radial velocities obtained with Magellan/PFS and TNG/HARPS-N show evidence for stellar activity along with orbital motion. We determined the planetary mass using two different methods: (1) the "floating chunk offset" method, based only on changes in velocity observed on the same night; and (2) a Gaussian process regression based on both the radial velocity and photometric time series. The results are consistent and lead to a mass measurement of $6.5\pm 1.6\,{M}_{\oplus }$ and a mean density of ${6.0}_{-2.7}^{+3.0}$ g cm−3.


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This work is part of a series of papers devoted to investigating the evolution of cluster galaxies during their infall. In the present article, we image in NIR a selected sample of galaxies throughout the massive cluster Abell 85 (z = 0.055). We obtain (JHK') photometry for 68 objects, reaching ∼1 mag arcsec−2 deeper than 2MASS. We use these images to unveil asymmetries in the outskirts of a sample of bright galaxies and develop a new asymmetry index, ${\alpha }_{{An}}$, which allows us to quantify the degree of disruption by the relative area occupied by the tidal features on the plane of the sky. We measure the asymmetries for a subsample of 41 large-area objects, finding clear asymmetries in 10 galaxies; most of these are in groups and pairs projected at different clustercentric distances, and some of them are located beyond R500. Combining information on the H i gas content of blue galaxies and the distribution of substructures across Abell 85 with the present NIR asymmetry analysis, we obtain a very powerful tool to confirm that tidal mechanisms are indeed present and are currently affecting a fraction of galaxies in Abell 85. However, when comparing our deep NIR images with UV blue images of two very disrupted (jellyfish) galaxies in this cluster, we discard the presence of tidal interactions down to our detection limit. Our results suggest that ram-pressure stripping is at the origin of such spectacular disruptions. We conclude that across a complex cluster like Abell 85, environmental mechanisms, both gravitational and hydrodynamical, are playing an active role in driving galaxy evolution.



The properties of a transiting planet's host star are written in its transit light curve. The light curve can reveal the stellar density (${\rho }_{* }$) and the limb-darkening profile in addition to the characteristics of the planet and its orbit. For planets with strong prior constraints on orbital eccentricity, we may measure these stellar properties directly from the light curve; this method promises to aid greatly in the characterization of transiting planet host stars targeted by the upcoming NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission and any long-period, singly transiting planets discovered in the same systems. Using Bayesian inference, we fit a transit model, including a nonlinear limb-darkening law, to 66 Kepler transiting planet hosts to measure their stellar properties. We present posterior distributions of ρ*, limb-darkening coefficients, and other system parameters for these stars. We measure densities to within 5% for the majority of our target stars, with the dominant precision-limiting factor being the signal-to-noise ratio of the transits. Of our measured stellar densities, 95% are in 3σ or better agreement with previously published literature values. We make posterior distributions for all of our target Kepler objects of interest available online at 10.5281/zenodo.1028515.



The observational census of trans-Neptunian objects with semimajor axes greater than $\sim 250\,\mathrm{au}$ exhibits unexpected orbital structure that is most readily attributed to gravitational perturbations induced by a yet-undetected, massive planet. Although the capacity of this planet to (i) reproduce the observed clustering of distant orbits in physical space, (ii) facilitate the dynamical detachment of their perihelia from Neptune, and (iii) excite a population of long-period centaurs to extreme inclinations is well-established through numerical experiments, a coherent theoretical description of the dynamical mechanisms responsible for these effects remains elusive. In this work, we characterize the dynamical processes at play from semi-analytic grounds. We begin by considering a purely secular model of orbital evolution induced by Planet Nine and show that it is at odds with the ensuing stability of distant objects. Instead, the long-term survival of the clustered population of long-period Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) is enabled by a web of mean-motion resonances driven by Planet Nine. Then, by taking a compact-form approach to perturbation theory, we show that it is the secular dynamics embedded within these resonances that regulate the orbital confinement and perihelion detachment of distant KBOs. Finally, we demonstrate that the onset of large-amplitude oscillations of the orbital inclinations is accomplished through the capture of low-inclination objects into a high-order secular resonance, and we identify the specific harmonic that drives the evolution. In light of the developed qualitative understanding of the governing dynamics, we offer an updated interpretation of the current observational data set within the broader theoretical framework of the Planet Nine hypothesis.


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The existence of hot Jupiters has challenged theories of planetary formation since the first extrasolar planets were detected. Giant planets are generally believed to form far from their host stars, where volatile materials like water exist in their solid phase, making it easier for giant planet cores to accumulate. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how giant planets can migrate inward from their birth sites to short-period orbits. One such mechanism, called Kozai–Lidov migration, requires the presence of distant companions in orbits inclined by more than ∼40° with respect to the plane of the hot Jupiter's orbit. The high occurrence rate of wide companions in hot-Jupiter systems lends support to this theory for migration. However, the exact orbital inclinations of these detected planetary and stellar companions is not known, so it is not clear whether the mutual inclination of these companions is large enough for the Kozai–Lidov process to operate. This paper shows that in systems orbiting cool stars with convective outer layers, the orbits of most wide planetary companions to hot Jupiters must be well aligned with the orbits of the hot Jupiters and the spins of the host stars. For a variety of possible distributions for the inclination of the companion, the width of the distribution must be less than ∼20° to recreate the observations with good fidelity. As a result, the companion orbits are likely well aligned with those of the hot Jupiters, and the Kozai–Lidov mechanism does not enforce migration in these systems.



Ongoing and future surveys with repeat imaging in multiple bands are producing (or will produce) time-spaced measurements of brightness, resulting in the identification of large numbers of variable sources in the sky. A large fraction of these are periodic variables: compilations of these are of scientific interest for a variety of purposes. Unavoidably, the data sets from many such surveys not only have sparse sampling, but also have embedded frequencies in the observing cadence that beat against the natural periodicities of any object under investigation. Such limitations can make period determination ambiguous and uncertain. For multiband data sets with asynchronous measurements in multiple passbands, we wish to maximally use the information on periodicity in a manner that is agnostic of differences in the light-curve shapes across the different channels. Given large volumes of data, computational efficiency is also at a premium. This paper develops and presents a computationally economic method for determining periodicity that combines the results from two different classes of period-determination algorithms. The underlying principles are illustrated through examples. The effectiveness of this approach for combining asynchronously sampled measurements in multiple observables that share an underlying fundamental frequency is also demonstrated.



One of the primary questions when characterizing Earth-sized and super-Earth-sized exoplanets is whether they have a substantial atmosphere like Earth and Venus or a bare-rock surface like Mercury. Phase curves of the planets in thermal emission provide clues to this question, because a substantial atmosphere would transport heat more efficiently than a bare-rock surface. Analyzing phase-curve photometric data around secondary eclipses has previously been used to study energy transport in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters. Here we use phase curve, Spitzer time-series photometry to study the thermal emission properties of the super-Earth exoplanet 55 Cancri e. We utilize a semianalytical framework to fit a physical model to the infrared photometric data at 4.5 μm. The model uses parameters of planetary properties including Bond albedo, heat redistribution efficiency (i.e., ratio between radiative timescale and advective timescale of the atmosphere), and the atmospheric greenhouse factor. The phase curve of 55 Cancri e is dominated by thermal emission with an eastward-shifted hotspot. We determine the heat redistribution efficiency to be ${1.47}_{-0.25}^{+0.30}$, which implies that the advective timescale is on the same order as the radiative timescale. This requirement cannot be met by the bare-rock planet scenario because heat transport by currents of molten lava would be too slow. The phase curve thus favors the scenario with a substantial atmosphere. Our constraints on the heat redistribution efficiency translate to an atmospheric pressure of ∼1.4 bar. The Spitzer 4.5 μm band is thus a window into the deep atmosphere of the planet 55 Cancri e.


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We present the UV photometry of the globular cluster NGC 1851 using images acquired with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard the ASTROSAT satellite. Point-spread function fitting photometric data derived from images in two far-UV (FUV) filters and one near-UV (NUV) filter are used to construct color–magnitude diagrams (CMDs), in combination with HST and ground-based optical photometry. In the FUV, we detect only the bluest part of the cluster horizontal branch (HB); in the NUV, we detect the full extent of the HB, including the red HB, blue HB, and a small number of RR Lyrae stars. UV variability was detected in 18 RR Lyrae stars, and three new variables were also detected in the central region. The UV/optical CMDs are then compared with isochrones of different age and metallicity (generated using Padova and BaSTI models) and synthetic HB (using helium-enhanced Y2 models). We are able to identify two populations among the HB stars, which are found to have either an age range of 10–12 Gyr, or a range in Yini of 0.23–0.28, for a metallicity of [Fe/H] = −1.2 to −1.3. These estimations from the UV CMDs are consistent with those from optical studies. The almost-complete sample of the HB stars tends to show a marginal difference in spatial/azimuthal distribution among the blue and red HB stars. Thus, this study showcases the capability of UVIT, with its excellent resolution and large field of view, to study the hot stellar population in Galactic globular clusters.


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We report Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 1.3 mm continuum upper limits for five planetary-mass companions DH Tau B, CT Cha B, GSC 6214-210 B, 1RXS 1609 B, and GQ Lup B. Our survey, together with other ALMA studies, have yielded null results for disks around young planet-mass companions and placed stringent dust mass upper limits, typically less than 0.1 M, when assuming dust continuum is optically thin. Such low-mass gas/dust content can lead to a disk lifetime estimate (from accretion rates) much shorter than the age of the system. To alleviate this timescale discrepancy, we suggest that disks around wide companions might be very compact and optically thick in order to sustain a few Myr of accretion, yet have very weak (sub)millimeter flux so as to still be elusive to ALMA. Our order-of-magnitude estimate shows that compact optically thick disks might be smaller than 1000 RJup and only emit ∼μJy of flux in the (sub)millimeter, but their average temperature can be higher than that of circumstellar disks. The high disk temperature could impede satellite formation, but it also suggests that mid- to far-infrared might be more favorable than radio wavelengths to characterize disk properties. Finally, the compact disk size might imply that dynamical encounters between the companion and the star, or any other scatterers in the system, play a role in the formation of planetary-mass companions.


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We present the physical properties of the eclipsing binary V2281 Cyg, which shows a light-time effect due to a supposed tertiary component from its eclipse timing variation according to the Kepler observations. The high-resolution spectra and BVR photometric data of the system were obtained at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory and Mount Lemmon Optical Astronomy Observatory, respectively. To determine the fundamental parameters of the eclipsing pair and its circumbinary object, we simultaneously analyzed the radial velocities, light curves, and eclipse times including the Kepler data. The masses and radii for the primary and secondary stars were determined with accuracy levels of approximately 2% and 1%, respectively, as follows: ${M}_{1}=1.61\pm 0.04$${M}_{\odot }$ and ${M}_{2}=1.60\pm 0.04$${M}_{\odot }$, ${R}_{1}=1.94\pm 0.02$${R}_{\odot }$ and ${R}_{2}=1.93\pm 0.02$${R}_{\odot }$. If its orbit is coplanar with the eclipsing binary, the period and semimajor axis of the third body were calculated to be ${P}_{3b}=4.1$ years and ${a}_{3b}=4.06\,\mathrm{au}$, respectively, and its mass is ${M}_{3b}=0.75$${M}_{\odot }$. The evolutionary state of the system was investigated by comparing the masses and radii with theoretical models. The results demonstrate that V2281 Cyg is a detached eclipsing binary, which consists of twin main-sequence stars with an age of 1.5 Gyr.



The Kepler mission has released over 4496 planetary candidates, among which 3483 planets have been confirmed as of 2017 April. The statistical results of the planets show that there are two peaks around 1.5 and 2.0 in the distribution of orbital period ratios. The observations indicate that plenty of planet pairs could have first been captured into mean-motion resonances (MMRs) in planetary formation. Subsequently, these planets depart from exact resonant locations to be near-MMR configurations. Through type I migration, two low-mass planets have a tendency to be trapped in first-order MMRs (2:1 or 3:2 MMRs); however, two scenarios of mass accretion of planets and potential outward migration play important roles in reshaping their final orbital configurations. Under the scenario of mass accretion, the planet pairs can cross 2:1 MMRs and then enter into 3:2 MMRs, especially for the inner pairs. With such a formation scenario, the possibility that two planets are locked into 3:2 MMRs can increase if they are formed in a flat disk. Moreover, the outward migration can make planets have a high likelihood to be trapped into 3:2 MMRs. We perform additional runs to investigate the mass relationship for those planets in three-planet systems, and we show that two peaks near 1.5 and 2.0 for the period ratios of two planets can be easily reproduced through our formation scenario. We further show that the systems in chain resonances (e.g., 4:2:1, 3:2:1, 6:3:2, and 9:6:4 MMRs), have been observed in our simulations. This mechanism can be applicable to understand the formation of systems of Kepler-48, Kepler-53, Kepler-100, Kepler-192, Kepler-297, Kepler-399, and Kepler-450.


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We present precise radial velocity observations of WASP-47, a star known to host a hot Jupiter, a distant Jovian companion, and, uniquely, two additional transiting planets in short-period orbits: a super-Earth in a ≈19 hr orbit, and a Neptune in a ≈9 day orbit. We analyze our observations from the HARPS-N spectrograph along with previously published data to measure the most precise planet masses yet for this system. When combined with new stellar parameters and reanalyzed transit photometry, our mass measurements place strong constraints on the compositions of the two small planets. We find that, unlike most other ultra-short-period planets, the inner planet, WASP-47 e, has a mass (6.83 ± 0.66 ${M}_{\oplus }$) and a radius (1.810 ± 0.027 ${R}_{\oplus }$) that are inconsistent with an Earth-like composition. Instead, WASP-47 e likely has a volatile-rich envelope surrounding an Earth-like core and mantle. We also perform a dynamical analysis to constrain the orbital inclination of WASP-47 c, the outer Jovian planet. This planet likely orbits close to the plane of the inner three planets, suggesting a quiet dynamical history for the system. Our dynamical constraints also imply that WASP-47 c is much more likely to transit than a geometric calculation would suggest. We calculate a transit probability for WASP-47 c of about 10%, more than an order of magnitude larger than the geometric transit probability of 0.6%.


The tangential YORP effect (TYORP) plays a significant role in the dynamical evolution of asteroids, and up to now has only been studied numerically. This paper describes the first analytic model of the TYORP effect. Although the model rests on numerous physical and mathematical simplifications, the final analytic expression for TYORP is found to be in agreement with the results of rigorous numeric simulations to the accuracy of several tens of percent. The analytic expression obtained is used to estimate the TYORP produced by the non-flat surface of regolith—a contribution to TYORP that has never been considered. It is found that the contribution to TYORP arising from regolith can be comparable to the conventional TYORP produced by boulders. Then, the analytic expression is fitted with a log-normal function and used to integrate TYORP over all boulder sizes. The general trend of TYORP for multiple boulders appears qualitatively similar to the trend of one boulder, and it also demonstrates a maximal TYORP at some particular rotation rate. The expression obtained for integrated TYORP may be instrumental for simulations of the evolution of asteroids subject to TYORP. The physical origin of TYORP is discussed in light of the constructed analytic model.


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We report the first high spectral resolution study of 17 M giants kinematically confirmed to lie within a few parsecs of the Galactic center, using $R\sim {\rm{24,000}}$ spectroscopy from Keck/NIRSPEC and a new line list for the infrared K band. We consider their luminosities and kinematics, which classify these stars as members of the older stellar population and the central cluster. We find a median metallicity of $\langle [\mathrm{Fe}/{\rm{H}}]\rangle =\,-0.16$ and a large spread from approximately −0.3 to $+0.3$ (quartiles). We find that the highest metallicities are $[\mathrm{Fe}/{\rm{H}}]\lt +0.6$, with most of the stars being at or below the solar iron abundance. The abundances and the abundance distribution strongly resemble those of the Galactic bulge rather than the disk or halo; in our small sample we find no statistical evidence for a dependence of velocity dispersion on metallicity.


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Several coronagraph designs have been proposed over the last two decades to directly image exoplanets. Among these designs, vector vortex coronagraphs provide theoretically perfect starlight cancellation along with small inner working angles when deployed on telescopes with unobstructed pupils. However, current and planned space missions and ground-based extremely large telescopes present complex pupil geometries, including large central obscurations caused by secondary mirrors, which prevent vortex coronagraphs from rejecting on-axis sources entirely. Recent solutions combining the vortex phase mask with a ring-apodized pupil have been proposed to circumvent this issue, but provide a limited throughput for vortex charges $\gt 2$. We present pupil plane apodizations for charge 2, 4, and 6 vector vortex coronagraphs that compensate for pupil geometries with circularly symmetric central obstructions caused by on-axis secondary mirrors. These apodizations are derived analytically and allow vortex coronagraphs to retain theoretically perfect nulling in the presence of obstructed pupils. For a charge 4 vortex, we design polynomial apodization functions assuming a grayscale apodizing filter that represent a substantial gain in throughput over the ring-apodized vortex coronagraph design, while for a charge 6 vortex, we design polynomial apodized vortex coronagraphs that have $\gtrsim 70 \% $ total energy throughput for the entire range of central obscuration sizes studied. We propose methods for optimizing apodizations produced with either grayscale apodizing filters or shaped mirrors. We conclude by demonstrating how this design may be combined with apodizations numerically optimized for struts and primary mirror segment gaps to design terrestrial exoplanet imagers for complex pupils.



Images of the Kuiper Belt object (126719) 2002 CC249 obtained in 2016 and 2017 using the 6.5 m Magellan-Baade Telescope and the 4.3 m Discovery Channel Telescope are presented. A light curve with a periodicity of 11.87 ± 0.01 hr and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.79 ± 0.04 mag is reported. This high amplitude double-peaked light curve can be due to a single elongated body, but it is best explained by a contact binary system from its U-/V-shaped light curve. We present a simple full-width-at-half-maximum test that can be used to determine if an object is likely a contact binary or an elongated object based on its light curve. Considering that 2002 CC249 is in hydrostatic equilibrium, a system with a mass ratio qmin = 0.6, and a density ρmin = 1 g cm−3, or less plausible a system with qmax = 1, and ρmax = 5 g cm−3 can interpret the light curve. Assuming a single Jacobi ellipsoid in hydrostatic equilibrium and an equatorial view, we estimate ρ ≥ 0.34 g cm−3, and a/b = 2.07. Finally, we report a new color study showing that 2002 CC249 displays an ultra red surface characteristic of a dynamically Cold Classical trans-Neptunian object.


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We present a high-precision H-band emission spectrum of the transiting brown dwarf KELT-1b, which we spectrophotometrically observed during a single secondary eclipse using the LUCI1 multiobject spectrograph on the Large Binocular Telescope. Using a Gaussian-process regression model, we are able to clearly measure the broadband eclipse depth as ΔH = 1418 ± 94 ppm. We are also able to spectrally resolve the H band into five separate wave channels and measure the eclipse spectrum of KELT-1b at R ≈ 50 with an average precision of ±135 ppm. We find that the day side has an average brightness temperature of 3250 ± 50 K, with significant variation as a function of wavelength. Based on our observations and previous measurements of KELT-1b's eclipse at other wavelengths, we find that KELT-1b's day side appears identical to an isolated 3200 K brown dwarf, and our modeling of the atmospheric emission shows a monotonically decreasing temperature–pressure profile. This is in contrast to hot Jupiters with similar day-side brightness temperatures near 3000 K, all of which appear to be either isothermal or possess a stratospheric temperature inversion. We hypothesize that the lack of an inversion in KELT-1b is due to its high surface gravity, which we argue could be caused by the increased efficiency of cold-trap processes within its atmosphere.


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To obtain the best possible scientific result, astronomers must understand the properties of the available instrumentation well. This is important both when designing new instruments and when using existing instruments close to the limits of their specified capabilities or beyond. Ray-tracing is a technique for numerical simulations where the path of many light rays is followed through the system to understand how individual system components influence the observed properties, such as the shape of the point-spread-function. In instrument design, such simulations can be used to optimize the performance. For observations with existing instruments, this helps to discern instrumental artefacts from a true signal. Here, we describe MARXS, a new python package designed to simulate X-ray instruments on satellites and sounding rockets. MARXS uses probability tracking of photons and has polarimetric capabilities.


A modified version of the folded aplanatic Gregory telescope equipped with a spherical two-lens corrector is proposed for observations requiring a high signal-to-noise ratio. The basic telescope model has an aperture of 400 mm (f/3.0), its field of view is 3fdg0, the linear obscuration is 0.12, and the distortion is less than 0.5%. The focal surface has a spherical shape, and achieving a plane field requires an increase in the number of lenses in the corrector. The images of stars in the integrated wavelength range 0.35–1.0 μm are close to the diffraction-limited ones (D80 = 5.9–8.2 μm = 1farcs0–1farcs4). The system is free from direct background illumination, and both the lens corrector and the light detector are protected from cosmic particles.


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We describe a joint high-contrast imaging survey for planets at the Keck and Very Large Telescope of the last large sample of debris disks identified by the Spitzer Space Telescope. No new substellar companions were discovered in our survey of 30 Spitzer-selected targets. We combine our observations with data from four published surveys to place constraints on the frequency of planets around 130 debris disk single stars, the largest sample to date. For a control sample, we assembled contrast curves from several published surveys targeting 277 stars that do not show infrared excesses. We assumed a double power-law distribution in mass and semimajor axis (SMA) of the form $f(m,a)={{Cm}}^{\alpha }{a}^{\beta }$, where we adopted power-law values and logarithmically flat values for the mass and SMA of planets. We find that the frequency of giant planets with masses 5–20 MJup and separations 10–1000 au around stars with debris disks is 6.27% (68% confidence interval 3.68%–9.76%), compared to 0.73% (68% confidence interval 0.20%–1.80%) for the control sample of stars without disks. These distributions differ at the 88% confidence level, tentatively suggesting distinctness of these samples.


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We used the new high spectral resolution cross-dispersed facility spectrograph, iSHELL, at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Maunakea, HI, to observe Jupiter-family comet (JFC) 45P/Honda–Mrkos–Pajdušáková. We report water production rates, as well as production rates and abundance ratios relative to H2O, for eight trace parent molecules (native ices), CO, CH4, H2CO, CH3OH, HCN, NH3, C2H2, and C2H6, on 2 days spanning UT 2017 January 6/7 and 7/8, shortly following perihelion. Trace species were measured simultaneously with H2O and/or OH prompt emission, a proxy for H2O production, thereby providing a robust and consistent means of establishing the native ice composition of 45P. Its favorable geocentric radial velocity (approximately −35 km s−1) permitted sensitive measures of the "hypervolatiles" CO and CH4, which are substantially undercharacterized in JFCs. Our results represent the most precise ground-based measures of CO and CH4 to date in a JFC, providing a foundation for building meaningful statistics regarding their abundances. The abundance ratio for CH4 in 45P (0.79% ± 0.06% relative to H2O) was consistent with its median value as measured among Oort Cloud comets, whereas CO (0.60% ± 0.04%) was strongly depleted. Compared with all measured comets, HCN (0.049% ± 0.012%) was strongly depleted, CH3OH (3.6% ± 0.3%) was enriched, and the remaining species were consistent with their respective median abundances. The volatile composition measured for 45P could indicate processing of ices prior to their incorporation into its nucleus. Spatial analysis of emissions suggests enhanced release of more volatile species into the sunward-facing hemisphere of the coma.



We present an analysis of microlensing event OGLE-2016-BLG-0693, based on the survey-only microlensing observations by the OGLE and KMTNet groups. In order to analyze the light curve, we consider the effects of parallax, orbital motion, and baseline slope, and also refine the result using a Galactic model prior. From the microlensing analysis, we find that the event is a binary composed of a low-mass brown dwarf (${49}_{-18}^{+20}\,{M}_{J}$) companion and a K- or G-dwarf host, which lies at a distance of 5.0 ± 0.6 kpc toward the Galactic bulge. The projected separation between the brown dwarf and its host star is less than ∼5 au, thus it is likely that the brown dwarf companion is located in the brown dwarf desert.


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After the early observations of the disrupted asteroid P/2016 G1 with the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and modeling of the dust ejecta, we have performed a follow-up observational campaign of this object using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during two epochs (2016 June 28 and July 11). The analysis of these HST images with the same model inputs obtained from the GTC images revealed a good consistency with the predicted evolution from the GTC images, so that the model is applicable to the entire observational period from 2016 late April to early July. This result confirms that the resulting dust ejecta was caused by a relatively short-duration event with onset about 350 days before perihelion and spanning about 30 days (HWHM). For a size distribution of particles with a geometric albedo of 0.15, having radii limits of 1 μm and 1 cm, and following a power-law with index −3.0, the total dust mass ejected is ∼2 × 107 kg. As was the case with the GTC observations, no condensations in the images that could be attributed to a nucleus or fragments released after the disruption event were found. However, the higher limiting magnitude reachable with the HST images in comparison to those from GTC allowed us to impose a more stringent upper limit to the observed fragments of ∼30 m.


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The hydroxyl (OH) radical produced by photodissociation of water molecule is one of the most important indicators for cometary outgassing activity. The absorption lines of the OH radical at 1665 and 1667 MHz in the coma of comet C/2013 US10 Catalina were detected between 2015 December 3 and 5 by the Tian Ma Radio Telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. The source flux intensity was derived to be about −209 mJy km s−1 and −86 mJy km s−1 at 1665 MHz and 1667 MHz, respectively. The corresponding gas production rate was estimated to be (8.78 ± 1.47) × 1028 H2O s−1 and (5.94 ± 1.27) × 1028 H2O s−1, accordingly.


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Few observational constraints exist for the tidal synchronization rate of late-type stars, despite its fundamental role in binary evolution. We visually inspected the light curves of 2278 eclipsing binaries (EBs) from the Kepler Eclipsing Binary Catalog to identify those with starspot modulations, as well as other types of out-of-eclipse variability. We report rotation periods for 816 EBs with starspot modulations, and find that 79% of EBs with orbital periods of less than 10 days are synchronized. However, a population of short-period EBs exists, with rotation periods typically 13% slower than synchronous, which we attribute to the differential rotation of high-latitude starspots. At 10 days, there is a transition from predominantly circular, synchronized EBs to predominantly eccentric, pseudosynchronized EBs. This transition period is in good agreement with the predicted and observed circularization period for Milky Way field binaries. At orbital periods greater than about 30 days, the amount of tidal synchronization decreases. We also report 12 previously unidentified candidate δ Scuti and γ Doradus pulsators, as well as a candidate RS CVn system with an evolved primary that exhibits starspot occultations. For short-period contact binaries, we observe a period–color relation and compare it to previous studies. As a whole, these results represent the largest homogeneous study of tidal synchronization of late-type stars.


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We present an analysis of stellar populations in passive galaxies in seven massive X-ray clusters at z = 0.19–0.89. Based on absorption-line strengths measured from our high signal-to-noise spectra, the data support primarily passive evolution of the galaxies. We use the scaling relations between velocity dispersions and the absorption-line strengths to determine representative mean line strengths for the clusters. From the age determinations based on the line strengths (and stellar population models), we find a formation redshift of ${z}_{\mathrm{form}}={1.96}_{-0.19}^{+0.24}$. Based on line strength measurements from high signal-to-noise composite spectra of our data, we establish the relations between velocity dispersions, ages, metallicities [M/H], and abundance ratios [α/Fe] as a function of redshift. The [M/H]–velocity dispersion and [α/Fe]–velocity dispersion relations are steep and tight. The age–velocity dispersion relation is flat, with zero-point changes reflecting passive evolution. The scatter in all three parameters is within 0.08–0.15 dex at fixed velocity dispersions, indicating a large degree of synchronization in the evolution of the galaxies. We find an indication of cluster-to-cluster differences in metallicities and abundance ratios. However, variations in stellar populations with the cluster environment can only account for a very small fraction of the intrinsic scatter in the scaling relations. Thus, within these very massive clusters, the main driver of the properties of the stellar populations in passive galaxies appears to be the galaxy velocity dispersion.


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The Jansky Very Large Array was used to observe 121 magnetic cataclysmic variables (MCVs). We report radio detections of 18 stars. Thirteen are new radio sources, increasing the number of MCVs that are radio sources by more than twofold, from 8 to 21. Most detections are at 8.7 GHz (X-band) with a lesser number at 5.4 and 21.1 GHz (C- and K-bands). With the exception of AE Aqr, whose flux density is typically >5 mJy, the flux densities are in the range of 24–780 μJy. Thirteen of the detections show highly circularly polarized emission, which is characteristic of electron-cyclotron maser emission. The data suggest that MCVs could possibly be divided into two classes of radio emitters: those dominated by weakly polarized gyrosynchrotron emission and those by highly polarized electron-cyclotron maser emission.

The following article is Open access

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Hybrid morphology radio sources (HyMoRS) are a rare type of radio galaxy that display different Fanaroff–Riley classes on opposite sides of their nuclei. To enhance the statistical analysis of HyMoRS, we embarked on a large-scale search of these sources within the international citizen science project, Radio Galaxy Zoo (RGZ). Here, we present 25 new candidate hybrid morphology radio galaxies. Our selected candidates are moderate power radio galaxies (${L}_{\mathrm{median}}=4.7\times {10}^{24}$ W Hz−1 sr−1) at redshifts $0.14\lt z\lt 1.0$. Hosts of nine candidates have spectroscopic observations, of which six are classified as quasars, one as high- and two as low-excitation galaxies. Two candidate HyMoRS are giant ($\gt 1$ Mpc) radio galaxies, one resides at the center of a galaxy cluster, and one is hosted by a rare green bean galaxy. Although the origin of the hybrid morphology radio galaxies is still unclear, this type of radio source starts depicting itself as a rather diverse class. We discuss hybrid radio morphology formation in terms of the radio source environment (nurture) and intrinsically occurring phenomena (nature; activity cessation and amplification), showing that these peculiar radio galaxies can be formed by both mechanisms. While high angular resolution follow-up observations are still necessary to confirm our candidates, we demonstrate the efficacy of the RGZ in the pre-selection of these sources from all-sky radio surveys, and report the reliability of citizen scientists in identifying and classifying complex radio sources.


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Despite more than 20 years since the discovery of the first gas giant planet with an anomalously large radius, the mechanism for planet inflation remains unknown. Here, we report the discovery of K2-132b, an inflated gas giant planet found with the NASA K2 Mission, and a revised mass for another inflated planet, K2-97b. These planets orbit on ≈9 day orbits around host stars that recently evolved into red giants. We constrain the irradiation history of these planets using models constrained by asteroseismology and Keck/High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer spectroscopy and radial velocity measurements. We measure planet radii of 1.31 ± 0.11 RJ and 1.30 ± 0.07 RJ, respectively. These radii are typical for planets receiving the current irradiation, but not the former, zero age main-sequence irradiation of these planets. This suggests that the current sizes of these planets are directly correlated to their current irradiation. Our precise constraints of the masses and radii of the stars and planets in these systems allow us to constrain the planetary heating efficiency of both systems as $0.03{ \% }_{-0.02 \% }^{+0.03 \% }$. These results are consistent with a planet re-inflation scenario, but suggest that the efficiency of planet re-inflation may be lower than previously theorized. Finally, we discuss the agreement within 10% of the stellar masses and radii, and the planet masses, radii, and orbital periods of both systems, and speculate that this may be due to selection bias in searching for planets around evolved stars.


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We present observations with the Submillimeter Array of the continuum emission at $\lambda =1.3\,\mathrm{mm}$ from 62 young stars surrounded by a protoplanetary disk in the Serpens star-forming region. The typical angular resolution for the survey in terms of beam size is $3\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 5\times 2\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 5$ with a median rms noise level of 1.6 mJy beam−1. These data are used to infer the dust content in disks around low-mass stars $(0.1\mbox{--}2.5\,{M}_{\odot })$ at a median stellar age of 1–3 Myr. Thirteen sources were detected in the 1.3 mm dust continuum with inferred dust masses of $\approx 10\mbox{--}260\,{M}_{\oplus }$ and an upper limit to the median dust mass of ${5.1}_{-4.3}^{+6.1}\,{M}_{\oplus }$, derived using survival analysis. Comparing the protoplanetary disk population in Serpens to those of other nearby star-forming regions, we find that the populations of dust disks in Serpens and Taurus, which have a similar age, are statistically indistinguishable. This is potentially surprising as Serpens has a stellar surface density two orders of magnitude in excess of Taurus. Hence, we find no evidence that dust disks in Serpens have been dispersed as a result of more frequent and/or stronger tidal interactions due to its elevated stellar density. We also report that the fraction of Serpens disks with ${M}_{\mathrm{dust}}\geqslant 10\,{M}_{\oplus }$ is less than 20%, which supports the notion that the formation of giant planets is likely inherently rare or has substantially progressed by a few Myr.


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Our understanding of the brown dwarf population in star-forming regions is dependent on knowing distances and proper motions and therefore will be improved through the Gaia space mission. In this paper, we select new samples of very low-mass objects (VLMOs) in Upper Scorpius using UKIDSS colors and optimized proper motions calculated using Gaia DR1. The scatter in proper motions from VLMOs in Upper Scorpius is now (for the first time) dominated by the kinematic spread of the region itself, not by the positional uncertainties. With age and mass estimates updated using Gaia parallaxes for early-type stars in the same region, we determine masses for all VLMOs. Our final most complete sample includes 453 VLMOs of which ∼125 are expected to be brown dwarfs. The cleanest sample is comprised of 131 VLMOs, with ∼105 brown dwarfs. We also compile a joint sample from the literature that includes 415 VLMOs, out of which 152 are likely brown dwarfs. The disk fraction among low-mass brown dwarfs ($M\lt 0.05\,{M}_{\odot }$) is substantially higher than in more massive objects, indicating that disks around low-mass brown dwarfs survive longer than in low-mass stars overall. The mass function for $0.01\lt M\lt 0.1\,{M}_{\odot }$ is consistent with the Kroupa Initial Mass Function. We investigate the possibility that some "proper motion outliers" have undergone a dynamical ejection early in their evolution. Our analysis shows that the color–magnitude cuts used when selecting samples introduce strong bias into the population statistics due to varying levels of contamination and completeness.



By considering a varying mutual orbit between the two bodies in a binary minor planet system, modified models for the spin–orbit, spin–spin, and spin–orbit–spin resonances are given. For the spin–orbit resonances, our study shows that the resonance center changes with the mass ratio and the mutual distance between the two bodies, and the size of the body in the resonance. The 1:1, 3:2, and 1:2 resonances are taken as examples to show the results. For the spin–spin and spin–orbit–spin resonances, our studies show that the resonance center changes with the rotation states of the two minor planets. The 1:1 spin–spin resonance and the 1:2:1 spin–orbit–spin resonance are discussed in detail. Simple analytical criteria are given to identify the resonance centers, and numerical simulations were ran in order to verify the analytical results.


The New Horizons flyby provided the first high-resolution color maps of Pluto. We present here, for the first time, an analysis of the color of the entire sunlit surface of Pluto and the first quantitative analysis of color and elevation on the encounter hemisphere. These maps show the color variation across the surface from the very red terrain in the equatorial region, to the more neutral colors of the volatile ices in Sputnik Planitia, the blue terrain of East Tombaugh Regio, and the yellow hue on Pluto's North Pole. There are two distinct color mixing lines in the color–color diagrams derived from images of Pluto. Both mixing lines have an apparent starting point in common: the relatively neutral-color volatile-ice covered terrain. One line extends to the dark red terrain exemplified by Cthulhu Regio and the other extends to the yellow hue in the northern latitudes. There is a latitudinal dependence of the predominant color mixing line with the most red terrain located near the equator, less red distributed at mid-latitudes and more neutral terrain at the North Pole. This is consistent with the seasonal cycle controlling the distribution of colors on Pluto. Additionally, the red color is consistent with tholins. The yellow terrain (in the false color images) located at the northern latitudes occurs at higher elevations.


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We present bolometric fluxes and angular diameters for over 1.6 million stars in the Tycho-2 catalog, determined using previously determined empirical color-temperature and color-flux relations. We vet these relations via full fits to the full broadband spectral energy distributions for a subset of benchmark stars and perform quality checks against the large set of stars for which spectroscopically determined parameters are available from LAMOST, RAVE, and/or APOGEE. We then estimate radii for the 355,502 Tycho-2 stars in our sample whose Gaia DR1 parallaxes are precise to $\lesssim 10 \% $. For these stars, we achieve effective temperature, bolometric flux, and angular diameter uncertainties of the order of 1%–2% and radius uncertainties of order 8%, and we explore the effect that imposing spectroscopic effective temperature priors has on these uncertainties. These stellar parameters are shown to be reliable for stars with ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}$ ≲ 7000 K. The over half a million bolometric fluxes and angular diameters presented here will serve as an immediate trove of empirical stellar radii with the Gaia second data release, at which point effective temperature uncertainties will dominate the radius uncertainties. Already, dwarf, subgiant, and giant populations are readily identifiable in our purely empirical luminosity-effective temperature (theoretical) Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams.

The following article is Open access

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In this paper, we present new BVRI light curves of short-period contact eclipsing binaries V1101 Her and AD Phe from our observations carried out from 2014 to 2015 using the SARA KP and SARA CT telescopes. There is an eclipsing binary located at α(2000) = 01h16m36fs15 and δ(2000) = −39°49'55farcs7 in the field of view of AD Phe. We derived an updated ephemeris and found there a cyclic variation overlaying a continuous period increase (V1101 Her) and decrease (AD Phe). This kind of cyclic variation may be attributed to the light time effect via the presence of the third body or magnetic activity cycle. The orbital period increase suggests that V1101 Her is undergoing a mass-transfer from the primary to the secondary component (dM1/dt = 2.64(±0.11) × 10−6M yr−1) with the third body (P3 = 13.9(±1.9) years), or 2.81(±0.07) × 10−6M yr−1 for an increase andmagnetic cycle (12.4(±0.5) years). The long-term period decrease suggests that AD Phe is undergoing a mass-transfer from the secondary component to the primary component at a rate of −8.04(±0.09) × 10−8M yr−1 for a period decrease and the third body (P3 = 56.2(±0.8) years), or −7.11(±0.04) × 10−8M yr−1 for a decrease and magnetic cycle (50.3(±0.5) years). We determined their orbital and geometrical parameters. For AD Phe, we simultaneously analyzed our BVRI light curves and the spectroscopic observations obtained by Duerbeck & Rucinski. The spectral type of V1101 Her was classified as G0 ± 2V by LAMOST stellar spectra survey. The asymmetry of the R-band light curve of AD Phe obtained by McFarlane & Hilditch in 1987 is explained by a cool spot on the primary component.

The following article is Open access


Precise atmospheric observations have been made for a growing sample of warm Neptunes. Here, we investigate the correlations between these observations and a large number of system parameters to show that, at 95% confidence, the amplitude of a warm Neptune's spectral features in transmission correlates with either its equilibrium temperature (Teq) or its bulk H/He mass fraction (fHHe)—in addition to the standard ${kT}/\mu g$ scaling. These correlations could indicate either more optically thick, photochemically produced hazes at lower Teq and/or higher-metallicity atmospheres for planets with smaller radii and lower fHHe. We derive an analytic relation to estimate the observing time needed with JWST/NIRISS to confidently distinguish a nominal gas giant's transmission spectrum from a flat line. Using this tool, we show that these possible atmospheric trends could reduce the number of expected TESS planets accessible to JWST spectroscopy by up to a factor of eight. Additional observations of a larger sample of planets are required to confirm these trends in atmospheric properties as a function of planet or system quantities. If these trends can be confidently identified, the community will be well-positioned to prioritize new targets for atmospheric study and eventually break the complex degeneracies between atmospheric chemistry, composition, and cloud properties.


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Upon its discovery in 2006, the young L7.5 companion to the solar analog HD 203030 was found to be $\approx 200$ K cooler than older late-L dwarfs, which is quite unusual. HD 203030B offered the first clear indication that the effective temperature at the L-to-T spectral type transition depends on surface gravity: now a well-known characteristic of low-gravity ultra-cool dwarfs. An initial age analysis of the G8V primary star indicated that the system was 130–400 Myr old, and so the companion would be between 12 and 31 ${M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$. Using moderate-resolution near-infrared spectra of HD 203030B, we now find features of very low gravity comparable to those of 10–150 Myr old L7–L8 dwarfs. We also obtained more accurate near-infrared and Spitzer/IRAC photometry, and we find a ${(J-K)}_{\mathrm{MKO}}$ color of 2.56 ± 0.13 mag—comparable to those observed in other young planetary-mass objects—and a luminosity of log(${L}_{\mathrm{bol}}/{L}_{\odot }$) = −4.75 ± 0.04 dex. We further re-assess the evidence for the young age of the host star, HD 203030, with a more comprehensive analysis of the photometry and updated stellar activity measurements and age calibrations. Summarizing the age diagnostics for both components of the binary, we adopt an age of 100 Myr for HD 203030B and an age range of 30–150 Myr. Using cloudy evolutionary models, the new companion age range and luminosity result in a mass of 11 ${M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$ with a range of 8–15 ${M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$, and an effective temperature of 1040 ± 50 K.


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We have obtained single-phase near-infrared (NIR) magnitudes in the J and K bands for 77 RR Lyrae (RRL) stars in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. We have used different theoretical and empirical NIR period–luminosity–metallicity calibrations for RRL stars to derive their absolute magnitudes, and found a true, reddening-corrected distance modulus of $20.818\pm 0.015{\rm{(statistical)}}\pm 0.116{\rm{(systematic)}}$ mag. This value is in excellent agreement with the results obtained within the Araucaria Project from the NIR photometry of red clump stars (20.858 ± 0.013 mag), the tip of the red giant branch ($20.84\pm 0.04\pm 0.14$ mag), as well as with other independent distance determinations to this galaxy. The effect of metallicity and reddening is substantially reduced in the NIR domain, making this method a robust tool for accurate distance determination at the 5% level. This precision is expected to reach the level of 3% once the zero points of distance calibrations are refined thanks to the Gaia mission. NIR period–luminosity–metallicity relations of RRL stars are particularly useful for distance determinations to galaxies and globular clusters up to 300 kpc, that lack young standard candles, like Cepheids.


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A main goal of NASA's Kepler Mission is to establish the frequency of potentially habitable Earth-size planets (${\eta }_{\oplus }$). Relatively few such candidates identified by the mission can be confirmed to be rocky via dynamical measurement of their mass. Here we report an effort to validate 18 of them statistically using the BLENDER technique, by showing that the likelihood they are true planets is far greater than that of a false positive. Our analysis incorporates follow-up observations including high-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy, high-resolution imaging, and information from the analysis of the flux centroids of the Kepler observations themselves. Although many of these candidates have been previously validated by others, the confidence levels reported typically ignore the possibility that the planet may transit a star different from the target along the same line of sight. If that were the case, a planet that appears small enough to be rocky may actually be considerably larger and therefore less interesting from the point of view of habitability. We take this into consideration here and are able to validate 15 of our candidates at a 99.73% (3σ) significance level or higher, and the other three at a slightly lower confidence. We characterize the GKM host stars using available ground-based observations and provide updated parameters for the planets, with sizes between 0.8 and 2.9 R. Seven of them (KOI-0438.02, 0463.01, 2418.01, 2626.01, 3282.01, 4036.01, and 5856.01) have a better than 50% chance of being smaller than 2 R and being in the habitable zone of their host stars.


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We present the dark current performance of the SAPHIRA series of HgCdTe APD arrays, characterized as a function of bias voltage and temperature. We measure a gain-normalized dark current in multiple SAPHIRA arrays of $0.025\,{e}^{-}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\,{\mathrm{pix}}^{-1}$ from unity gain (${V}_{\mathrm{bias}}=2.5\,{\rm{V}}$) up to an avalanche gain of ∼5 (${V}_{\mathrm{bias}}=8\,{\rm{V}}$). Under a restricted subarray and long exposures, we set an implied upper limit on intrinsic dark current in the SAPHIRA of $0.0015\,{e}^{-}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\,{\mathrm{pix}}^{-1}$. These values are still dominated by glow, NIR illumination generated by the readout integrated circuit.


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We report on the discovery of three transiting planets around GJ 9827. The planets have radii of 1.75 ± 0.18, 1.36 ± 0.14, and ${2.11}_{-0.21}^{+0.22}$R, and periods of 1.20896, 3.6480, and 6.2014 days, respectively. The detection was made in Campaign 12 observations as part of our K2 survey of nearby stars. GJ 9827 is a V = 10.39 mag K6V star at a distance of 30.3 ± 1.6 parsecs and the nearest star to be found hosting planets by Kepler and K2. The radial velocity follow-up, high-resolution imaging, and detection of multiple transiting objects near commensurability drastically reduce the false positive probability. The orbital periods of GJ 9827 b, c, and d planets are very close to the 1:3:5 mean motion resonance. Our preliminary analysis shows that GJ 9827 planets are excellent candidates for atmospheric observations. Besides, the planetary radii span both sides of the rocky and gaseous divide, hence the system will be an asset in expanding our understanding of the threshold.


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We present deep, wide-field Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam photometry of two recently discovered satellites of the Milky Way (MW): Columba I (Col I) and Triangulum II (Tri II). The color–magnitude diagrams of both objects point to exclusively old and metal-poor stellar populations. We re-derive structural parameters and luminosities of these satellites, and find ${M}_{{\rm{V}},\mathrm{Col}{\rm{I}}}=-4.2\pm 0.2$ for Col I and ${M}_{{\rm{V}},\mathrm{Tri}\mathrm{II}}=-1.2\pm 0.4$ for Tri II, with corresponding half-light radii of ${r}_{{\rm{h}},\mathrm{Col}{\rm{I}}}=117\pm 17$ pc and ${r}_{{\rm{h}},\mathrm{Tri}\mathrm{II}}=21\pm 4$ pc. The properties of both systems are consistent with observed scaling relations for MW dwarf galaxies. Based on archival data, we derive upper limits on the neutral gas content of these dwarfs, and find that they lack H i, as do the majority of observed satellites within the MW virial radius. Neither satellite shows evidence of tidal stripping in the form of extensions or distortions in matched-filter stellar density maps or surface-density profiles. However, the smaller Tri II system is relatively metal-rich for its luminosity (compared to other MW satellites), possibly because it has been tidally stripped. Through a suite of orbit simulations, we show that Tri II is approaching pericenter of its eccentric orbit, a stage at which tidal debris is unlikely to be seen. In addition, we find that Tri II may be on its first infall into the MW, which helps explain its unique properties among MW dwarfs. Further evidence that Tri II is likely an ultra-faint dwarf comes from its stellar mass function, which is similar to those of other MW dwarfs.


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A variety of interesting objects such as Wolf–Rayet stars, tight OB associations, planetary nebulae, X-ray binaries, etc., can be discovered as point or compact sources in Hα surveys. How these objects distribute through a galaxy sheds light on the galaxy star formation rate and history, mass distribution, and dynamics. The nearby galaxy M33 is an excellent place to study the distribution of Hα-bright point sources in a flocculant spiral galaxy. We have reprocessed an archived WIYN continuum-subtracted Hα image of the inner 6farcm5 × 6farcm5 of M33 and, employing both eye and machine searches, have tabulated sources with a flux greater than approximately 10−15 erg cm−2s−1. We have effectively recovered previously mapped H ii regions and have identified 152 unresolved point sources and 122 marginally resolved compact sources, of which 39 have not been previously identified in any archive. An additional 99 Hα sources were found to have sufficient archival flux values to generate a Spectral Energy Distribution. Using the SED, flux values, Hα flux value, and compactness, we classified 67 of these sources.


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We present a new algorithm to estimate quasar photometric redshifts (photo-zs), by considering the asymmetries in the relative flux distributions of quasars. The relative flux models are built with multivariate Skew-t distributions in the multidimensional space of relative fluxes as a function of redshift and magnitude. For 151,392 quasars in the SDSS, we achieve a photo-z accuracy, defined as the fraction of quasars with the difference between the photo-z zp and the spectroscopic redshift zs, $| {\rm{\Delta }}z| =| {z}_{s}-{z}_{p}| /(1+{z}_{s})$ within 0.1, of 74%. Combining the WISE W1 and W2 infrared data with the SDSS data, the photo-z accuracy is enhanced to 87%. Using the Pan-STARRS1 or DECaLS photometry with WISE W1 and W2 data, the photo-z accuracies are 79% and 72%, respectively. The prior probabilities as a function of magnitude for quasars, stars, and galaxies are calculated, respectively, based on (1) the quasar luminosity function, (2) the Milky Way synthetic simulation with the Besançon model, and (3) the Bayesian Galaxy Photometric Redshift estimation. The relative fluxes of stars are obtained with the Padova isochrones, and the relative fluxes of galaxies are modeled through galaxy templates. We test our classification method to select quasars using the DECaLS g, r, z, and WISE W1 and W2 photometry. The quasar selection completeness is higher than 70% for a wide redshift range $0.5\lt z\lt 4.5$, and a wide magnitude range $18\lt r\lt 21.5$ mag. Our photo-z regression and classification method has the potential to extend to future surveys. The photo-z code will be publicly available.


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Stars with hot Jupiters have obliquities ranging from 0° to 180°, but relatively little is known about the obliquities of stars with smaller planets. Using data from the California-Kepler Survey, we investigate the obliquities of stars with planets spanning a wide range of sizes, most of which are smaller than Neptune. First, we identify 156 planet hosts for which measurements of the projected rotation velocity ($v\sin i$) and rotation period are both available. By combining estimates of v and $v\sin i$, we find nearly all the stars to be compatible with high inclination, and hence, low obliquity (≲20°). Second, we focus on a sample of 159 hot stars (${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}\gt 6000$ K) for which $v\sin i$ is available but not necessarily the rotation period. We find six stars for which $v\sin i$ is anomalously low, an indicator of high obliquity. Half of these have hot Jupiters, even though only 3% of the stars that were searched have hot Jupiters. We also compare the $v\sin i$ distribution of the hot stars with planets to that of 83 control stars selected without prior knowledge of planets. The mean $v\sin i$ of the control stars is lower than that of the planet hosts by a factor of approximately $\pi /4$, as one would expect if the planet hosts have low obliquities. All these findings suggest that the Kepler planet-hosting stars generally have low obliquities, with the exception of hot stars with hot Jupiters.

The following article is Open access

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In this study, we analyze the structures of Titan's N2 and CH4 coronae using a large data set acquired by the Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) instrument on board Cassini. The N2 and CH4 densities measured from the exobase up to 2000 km imply a mean exobase temperature of 146 K and 143 K, respectively, which is lower than the mean upper atmospheric temperature by 4 and 7 K. This indicates that on average, Titan possesses a subthermal rather than suprathermal corona. A careful examination reveals that the variability in corona structure is not very likely to be solar driven. Within the framework of the collisionless kinetic model, we investigate how the CH4 energy distribution near the exobase could be constrained if strong CH4 escape occurs on Titan. Several functional forms for the CH4 energy distribution are attempted, assuming two representative CH4 escape rates of $1.2\times {10}^{25}$ s−1 and $2.2\times {10}^{27}$ s−1. We find that the double Maxwellian and power-law distributions can reproduce the shape of the CH4 corona structure as well as the imposed CH4 escape rate. In both cases, the escape rate is contributed by a suprathermal CH4 population on the high-energy tail, with a number fraction below 5% and a characteristic energy of 0.1–0.6 eV per suprathermal CH4 molecule. The coexistence of the subthermal CH4 corona revealed by the INMS data and substantial CH4 escape suggested by some previous works could be reconciled by a significant departure in the exobase CH4 energy distribution from ideal Maxwellian that enhances escape and causes a noticeable redistribution of the corona structure.



Hot Jupiters (HJs) are short-period giant planets that are observed around $\sim 1 \% $ of solar-type field stars. One possible formation scenario for HJs is high-eccentricity (high-e) migration, in which the planet forms at much larger radii, is excited to high eccentricity by some mechanism, and migrates to its current orbit due to tidal dissipation occurring near periapsis. We consider high-e migration in dense stellar systems such as the cores of globular clusters (GCs), in which encounters with passing stars can excite planets to the high eccentricities needed to initiate migration. We study this process via Monte Carlo simulations of encounters with a star+planet system including the effects of tidal dissipation, using an efficient regularized restricted three-body code. HJs are produced in our simulations over a significant range of the stellar number density ${n}_{\star }$. Assuming the planet is initially on a low-eccentricity orbit with semimajor axis 1 au, for ${n}_{\star }\lesssim {10}^{3}\,{\mathrm{pc}}^{-3}$ the encounter rate is too low to induce orbital migration, whereas for ${n}_{\star }\gtrsim {10}^{6}\,{\mathrm{pc}}^{-3}$ HJ formation is suppressed because the planet is more likely ejected from its host star, tidally disrupted, or transferred to a perturbing star. The fraction of planets that are converted to HJs peaks at $\approx 2 \% $ for intermediate number densities of $\approx 4\times {10}^{4}\,{\mathrm{pc}}^{-3}$. Warm Jupiters, giant planets with periods between 10 and 100 days, are produced in our simulations with an efficiency of up to $\approx 0.5 \% $. Our results suggest that HJs can form through high-e migration induced by stellar encounters in the centers of of dense GCs, but not in their outskirts where the densities are lower.



Orbital elements of 18 visual binaries are computed using the measurements collected in the Fourth Catalog of Interferometric Measurements of Binary Stars; 15 orbits are determined for the first time and three orbits are revised. Eleven of the binaries, denoted as HDS, were discovered during the Hipparcos mission. The remaining binaries were discovered a few years earlier or later than 1991. All studied pairs are close, and all measured separations are less than $0\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 46$. The shortest orbital period is 10 years and the longest orbital period is 127 years. Dynamical parallaxes and total masses of systems are derived from the orbital elements. We also give absolute magnitudes, spectral types, and $(O-C)$ residuals in θ and ρ.


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Radial velocity observations from three instruments reveal the presence of a 4 MJup planet candidate orbiting the K giant HD 76920. HD 76920b has an orbital eccentricity of 0.856 ± 0.009, making it the most eccentric planet known to orbit an evolved star. There is no indication that HD 76920 has an unseen binary companion, suggesting a scattering event rather than Kozai oscillations as a probable culprit for the observed eccentricity. The candidate planet currently approaches to about four stellar radii from its host star, and is predicted to be engulfed on a ∼100 Myr timescale due to the combined effects of stellar evolution and tidal interactions.


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Muons created by ${\nu }_{\mu }$ charged current (CC) interactions in the water surrounding the ANTARES neutrino telescope have been almost exclusively used so far in searches for cosmic neutrino sources. Due to their long range, highly energetic muons inducing Cherenkov radiation in the water are reconstructed with dedicated algorithms that allow for the determination of the parent neutrino direction with a median angular resolution of about 0fdg4 for an ${E}^{-2}$ neutrino spectrum. In this paper, an algorithm optimized for accurate reconstruction of energy and direction of shower events in the ANTARES detector is presented. Hadronic showers of electrically charged particles are produced by the disintegration of the nucleus both in CC and neutral current interactions of neutrinos in water. In addition, electromagnetic showers result from the CC interactions of electron neutrinos while the decay of a tau lepton produced in ${\nu }_{\tau }$ CC interactions will, in most cases, lead to either a hadronic or an electromagnetic shower. A shower can be approximated as a point source of photons. With the presented method, the shower position is reconstructed with a precision of about 1 m; the neutrino direction is reconstructed with a median angular resolution between 2° and 3° in the energy range of 1–1000 TeV. In this energy interval, the uncertainty on the reconstructed neutrino energy is about 5%–10%. The increase in the detector sensitivity due to the use of additional information from shower events in the searches for a cosmic neutrino flux is also presented.


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We present results from an observational campaign on the close binary system 2MASS J16211735+4412541 and a preliminary model based on the photometric data gathered during the quiescent and outburst levels. The modeling, done with the Wilson–Devinney code and its improvements, failed to reproduce the observational properties of the system. A secondary minimum obtained within the stellar model that is too shallow, as well as the evidence provided by the spectroscopic observations performed at outburst and quiescence, point toward an accretion disk surrounding one component, likely a white dwarf, as the cause of the outburst. Using a simple disk model, we modeled the observed multicolor light curves taken two (2016 August) and eight (2017 March) months after the outburst. We obtained a reasonable fit to the 2016 August light curves but those from 2017 March cannot be explained with the same parameters. We conclude that J1621 is an eclipsing cataclysmic binary, with an accretion disk still present almost a year after outburst, and not a contact-type system as previously classified. The binary is seen at an inclination of about 84° and there is evidence of changing accretion rates and disk parameters as a result of the outburst. Our results indicate that more cataclysmic variables may be hidden among contact binaries.



Measuring the physical properties of galaxies such as redshift frequently requires the use of spectral energy distributions (SEDs). SED template sets are, however, often small in number and cover limited portions of photometric color space. Here we present a new method to estimate SEDs as a function of color from a small training set of template SEDs. We first cover the mathematical background behind the technique before demonstrating our ability to reconstruct spectra based upon colors and then compare our results to other common interpolation and extrapolation methods. When the photometric filters and spectra overlap, we show that the error in the estimated spectra is reduced by more than 65% compared to the more commonly used techniques. We also show an expansion of the method to wavelengths beyond the range of the photometric filters. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our technique by generating 50 additional SED templates from an original set of 10 and by applying the new set to photometric redshift estimation. We are able to reduce the photometric redshifts standard deviation by at least 22.0% and the outlier rejected bias by over 86.2% compared to original set for z ≤ 3.