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Simulating real-time evolution in theories of fundamental interactions represents one of the central challenges in contemporary theoretical physics. Cold-atom platforms stand as promising candidates to realize quantum simulations of non-perturbative phenomena in gauge theories, such as vacuum decay and hadron collisions, in prohibitive conditions for direct experiments. In this work, we demonstrate that present-day quantum simulators can imitate linear particle accelerators, giving access to S-matrix measurements of elastic and inelastic meson collisions in low-dimensional abelian gauge theories. Considering for definiteness a (1 + 1)-dimensional ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2}$-lattice gauge theory realizable with Rydberg-atom arrays, we present protocols to observe and measure selected meson–meson scattering processes. We provide a benchmark theoretical study of scattering amplitudes in the regime of large fermion mass, including an exact solution valid for arbitrary coupling strength. This allows us to discuss the occurrence of inelastic scattering channels, featuring the production of new mesons with different internal structures. We present numerical simulations of realistic wavepacket collisions, which reproduce the predicted cross section peaks. This work highlights the potential of quantum simulations to give unprecedented access to real-time scattering dynamics.


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Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage allows robust transfer between two ends of a three-state quantum system and has been employed to transfer weakly bound Feshbach molecules into their deeply bound rovibrational ground state. However, the efficient transfer remains to be explored. Here we propose a possible alternative route, based on a recently developed non-Hermitian shortcut to adiabaticity method. It is able to realize single-step transfer efficiencies up to 100% even in the presence of a decaying excited level, surpassing all the previous methods. We also prove that our scheme is robust against the external field parameter fluctuations and is expected to be applicable for abundant molecular species.

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A single 40Ca ion is confined in the harmonic potential of a Paul trap and cooled to a temperature of a few mK, with a wave packet of sub-μm spatial and sub-m s−1 velocity uncertainty. Deterministically extracted from the Paul trap, the single ion is propagating over a distance of 0.27 m and detected. By engineering the ion extraction process on the initial wave packet, theoretically modeling the ion trajectories, and studying experimentally the time-of-flight distribution, we directly infer the state of the previously trapped ion. This analysis allows for accurate remote sensing of the previous motional excitation in the trap potential, both coherently or incoherently. Our method paves a way to extract, manipulate and design quantum wave packets also outside of the Paul trap.

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The characteristics of field electron and ion emission change when the space charge formed by the emitted charge is sufficient to suppress the extracting electric field. This phenomenon is well described for planar emitting diodes by the one dimensional (1D) theory. Here we generalize for any 3D geometry by deriving the scaling laws describing the field suppression in the weak space charge regime. We propose a novel corrected equivalent planar diode model, which describes the space charge effects for any geometry in terms of the 1D theory, utilizing a correction factor that adjusts the diode's scaling characteristics. We then develop a computational method, based on the particle-in-cell (PIC) technique, which solves numerically the space charge problem. We validate our theory by comparing it to both our numerical calculations and existing experimental data, either of which can be used to obtain the geometrical correction factor of the corrected equivalent planar diode model.

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We report on a theoretical study on the rise of radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations in two-dimensional (2D) systems of massive Dirac fermions. We study the bilayer system of monolayer graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN/graphene) and the trilayer system of hexagonal boron nitride encapsulated graphene (h-BN/graphene/h-BN). We extend the radiation-driven electron orbit model that was previously devised to study the same oscillations in 2D systems of Schrödinger electrons (GaAs/AlGaAS heterostructure) to the case of massive Dirac fermions. In the simulations we obtain clear oscillations for radiation frequencies in the terahertz and far-infrared bands. We investigate also the power and temperatures dependence. For the former we obtain similar results as for Schrödinger electrons and predict the rise of zero resistance states. For the latter we obtain a similar qualitatively dependence but quantitatively different when increasing temperature. While in GaAs the oscillations are wiped out in a few degrees, interestingly enough, for massive Dirac fermions, we obtain observable oscillations for temperatures above 100 K and even at room temperature for the higher frequencies used in the simulations.

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Velocity measurements in turbulent superfluid helium between co-rotating propellers are reported. The parameters are chosen such that the flow is fully turbulent, and its dissipative scales are partly resolved by the velocity sensors. This allows for the first experimental comparison of spectra in quantum versus classical turbulence where dissipative scales are resolved. In some specific conditions, differences are observed, with an excess of energy at small scales in the quantum case compared to the classical one. This difference is consistent with the prediction of a pileup of superfluid kinetic energy at the bottom of the inertial cascade of turbulence due to a specific dissipation mechanism.

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We give a description of the intrinsic geometry of elastic distortions in three-dimensional nematic liquid crystals and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of functions to represent these distortions by describing how they couple to the curvature tensor. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the situation in two dimensions, the first-order gradients of the director alone are not sufficient for full reconstruction of the director field from its intrinsic geometry: it is necessary to provide additional information about the second-order director gradients. We describe several different methods by which the director field may be reconstructed from its intrinsic geometry. Finally, we discuss the coupling between individual distortions and curvature from the perspective of Lie algebras and groups and describe homogeneous spaces on which pure modes of distortion can be realised.

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The Pauli kinetic energy enhancement factor α = (ττW)/τunif is an important density ingredient, used to construct many meta-generalized gradient approximations (meta-GGA) exchange–correlation (XC) energy functionals, including the very successful strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) semilocal functional. Another meta-GGA functional, known as MGGAC (2019 Phys. Rev. B100 155140), is also proposed in recent time depending only on the α ingredient and based on the generalization of the Becke–Roussel approach with the cuspless hydrogen exchange hole density. The MGGAC functional is proved to be a very useful and competitive meta-GGA semilocal functional for electronic structure properties of solids and molecules. Based on the successful implication of the ingredient α, which is also useful to construct the one-electron self-interaction free correlation energy functional, here we propose revised correlation energy for MGGAC exchange functional which is more accurate and robust, especially for the high and low-density limits of the uniform density scaling. The present XC functional, named as revised MGGAC (rMGGAC), shows an impressive improvement for the structural and energetic properties of solids compared to its previous version. Moreover, the assessment of the present constructed functional shows to be quite useful in solid-state physics in terms of addressing several current challenging solid-state problems.

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Since the quantum concept of parity-time (PT) symmetry has been introduced into the conventional inductor–capacitor resonance, strategies based on exceptional points (EP) based strategies redefine our understanding of sensitivity limitation. This considerable enhancement of sensitivity originated in exploration of the non-Hermitian physics in photonics, acoustics and electronics, which exhibits a substantial application to the miniaturization of implanted electronic sensors in medicine field. By continuously accessing the EP, the spectral response of reader ∆ω follows a dependency of Δωκ2/3 to a weakly coupling rate (|κ| ≈ 0), which may approach the theoretical limit of sensitivity in a second-order EP system. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate a high-order (higher than second-order) PT symmetric system for weak coupling detection, in which a third-order EP can be employed to fulfill the sensitivity of Δωκ1/2. Particularly, we introduce the incoming wave as an effective gain to balance the loss and obtain a pair of purely real eigenfrequencies. There are absence of imaginary parts despite corresponding real parts shifts dramatically by using a neutral resonator, without a broadening of the reflection spectrum so that maintaining a high resolution on the sensitivity. This work may reveal the physical mechanics of a small perturbation at a high-order EP and promote applications in implanted medicine devices.

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We study the photon statistics of weak coherent pulses propagating through a cold atomic ensemble in the regime of Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency. We show experimentally that the value of the second-order autocorrelation function of the transmitted light strongly depends on the position within the pulse and heavily varies during the transients of the pulse. In particular, we show that the falling edge of the transmitted pulse displays much lower values than the rest of the pulse. We derive a theoretical model that quantitatively predicts our results and explains the physical behavior involved. Finally, we use this effect to generate single photons localized within a pulse. We show that by selecting only the last part of the transmitted pulse, the single photons show an antibunching parameter as low as 0.12 and a generation efficiency per trial larger than that possible with probabilistic generation schemes based on atomic ensembles.

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A new approach for analytically solving quantum nonlinear Langevin equations is proposed and applied to calculations of spectra of superradiant lasers where collective effects play an important role. We calculate lasing spectra for arbitrary pump rates and recover well-known results such as the pump dependence of the laser linewidth across the threshold region. We predict new sideband peaks in the spectrum of superradiant lasers with large relaxation oscillations as well as new nonlinear structures in the lasing spectra for weak pump rates. Our approach sheds new light on the importance of population fluctuations in the narrowing of the laser linewidth, in the structure of the lasing spectrum, and in the transition to coherent operation.

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Molecular or condensed matter systems are often well approximated by hybrid quantum-classical models: the electrons retain their quantum character, whereas the ions are considered to be classical particles. We discuss various alternative approaches for the computation of equilibrium (canonical) ensemble averages for observables of these hybrid quantum-classical systems through the use of molecular dynamics (MD)-i.e. by performing dynamics in the presence of a thermostat and computing time-averages over the trajectories. Often, in classical or ab initio MD, the temperature of the electrons is ignored and they are assumed to remain at the instantaneous ground state given by each ionic configuration during the evolution. Here, however, we discuss the general case that considers both classical and quantum subsystems at finite temperature canonical equilibrium. Inspired by a recent formal derivation for the canonical ensemble for quantum classical hybrids, we discuss previous approaches found in the literature, and provide some new formulas.

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We present a fully comprehensive multi-mode quantum treatment based on the truncated Wigner approximation (TWA) to study many-body effects and effects of quantum fluctuations on the formation of a discrete time crystal (DTC) in a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) bouncing resonantly on a periodically driven atom mirror. Zero-range contact interactions between the bosonic atoms are assumed. Our theoretical approach avoids the restrictions both of mean-field theory, where all bosons are assumed to remain in a single mode, and of time-dependent Bogoliubov theory, which assumes boson depletion from the condensate mode is small. We show that the mean-field and time-dependent Bogoliubov approaches can be derived as approximations to the TWA treatment. Differing initial conditions, such as a finite temperature BEC, can also be treated. For realistic initial conditions corresponding to a harmonic trap condensate mode function, our TWA calculations performed for period-doubling agree broadly with recent mean-field calculations for times out to at least 2000 mirror oscillations, except at interaction strengths very close to the threshold value for DTC formation where the position probability density differs significantly from that determined from mean-field theory. For typical attractive interaction strengths above the threshold value for DTC formation and for the chosen trap and driving parameters, the TWA calculations indicate a quantum depletion due to quantum many-body fluctuations of less than about two atoms out of a total of 600 atoms at times corresponding to 2000 mirror oscillations, in agreement with time-dependent Bogoliubov theory calculations. On the other hand, for interaction strengths very close to the threshold value for DTC formation, the TWA calculations predict a large quantum depletion—as high as about 260 atoms out of 600. We also show that the mean energy per particle of the DTC does not increase significantly for times out to at least 2000 mirror oscillations and typically oscillates around an average value close to its initial value; so TWA theory predicts the absence of thermalisation. Finally, we find that the dynamical behaviour of our system is largely independent of whether the boson–boson interaction is attractive or repulsive, and that it is possible to create a stable DTC based on repulsive interactions.

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The performance of a neural network (NN) for a given task is largely determined by the initial calibration of the network parameters. Yet, it has been shown that the calibration, also referred to as training, is generally NP-complete. This includes networks with binary weights, an important class of networks due to their practical hardware implementations. We therefore suggest an alternative approach to training binary NNs. It utilizes a quantum superposition of weight configurations. We show that the quantum training guarantees with high probability convergence towards the globally optimal set of network parameters. This resolves two prominent issues of classical training: (1) the vanishing gradient problem and (2) common convergence to sub-optimal network parameters. We prove that a solution is found after approximately $4{n}^{2}\enspace \mathrm{log}\left(\frac{n}{\delta }\right)\sqrt{\tilde {N}}$ calls to a comparing oracle, where δ represents a precision, n is the number of training inputs and $\tilde {N}$ is the number of weight configurations. We give the explicit algorithm and implement it in numerical simulations.

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We propose a universal strategy to realize a broadband control on arbitrary scatterers, through multiple coherent beams. By engineering the phases and amplitudes of incident beams, one can suppress the dominant scattering partial waves, making the obstacle lose its intrinsic responses in a broadband spectrum. The associated coherent beams generate a finite and static region, inside which the corresponding electric field intensity and Poynting vector vanish. As a solution to go beyond the sum-rule limit, our methodology is also irrespective of inherent system properties, as well as extrinsic operating wavelength, providing a non-invasive control on the wave-obstacles interaction for any kinds of shape.

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The field of quantum simulations in ultra-cold atomic gases has been remarkably successful. In principle it allows for an exact treatment of a variety of highly relevant lattice models and their emergent phases of matter. But so far there is a lack in the theoretical literature concerning the systematic study of the effects of the trap potential as well as the finite size of the systems, as numerical studies of such non periodic, correlated fermionic lattices models are numerically demanding beyond one dimension. We use the recently introduced real-space truncated unity functional renormalization group to study these boundary and trap effects with a focus on their impact on the superconducting phase of the 2D Hubbard model. We find that in the experiments not only lower temperatures need to be reached compared to current capabilities, but also system size and trap potential shape play a crucial role to simulate emergent phases of matter.

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The geometry and topology of the region in which a director field is embedded impose limitations on the kind of supported orientational order. These limitations manifest as compatibility conditions that relate the quantities describing the director field to the geometry of the embedding space. For example, in two dimensions the splay and bend fields suffice to determine a director uniquely (up to rigid motions) and must comply with one relation linear in the Gaussian curvature of the embedding manifold. In 3D there are additional local fields describing the director, i.e. fields available to a local observer residing within the material, and a number of distinct ways to yield geometric frustration. So far it was unknown how many such local fields are required to uniquely describe a 3D director field, nor what are the compatibility relations they must satisfy. In this work, we address these questions directly. We employ the method of moving frames to show that a director field is fully determined by five local fields. These fields are shown to be related to each other and to the curvature of the embedding space through six differential relations. As an application of our method, we characterize all uniform distortion director fields, i.e., directors for which all the local characterizing fields are constant in space, in manifolds of constant curvature. The classification of such phases has been recently provided for directors in Euclidean space, where the textures correspond to foliations of space by parallel congruent helices. For non-vanishing curvature, we show that the pure twist phase is the only solution in positively curved space, while in the hyperbolic space uniform distortion fields correspond to foliations of space by (non-necessarily parallel) congruent helices. Further analysis of the obtained compatibility fields is expected to allow to also construct new non-uniform director fields.

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The implementation of static artificial magnetic fields in ultracold atomic systems has become a powerful tool, e.g. for simulating quantum-Hall physics with charge-neutral atoms. Taking an interacting bosonic flux ladder as a minimal model, we investigate protocols for adiabatic state preparation via magnetic flux ramps. Considering the fact that it is actually the artificial vector potential (in the form of Peierls phases) that can be experimentally engineered in optical lattices, rather than the magnetic field, we find that the time required for adiabatic state preparation dramatically depends on which pattern of Peierls phases is used. This can be understood intuitively by noting that different patterns of time-dependent Peierls phases that all give rise to the same magnetic field ramp, generally lead to different artificial electric fields during the ramp. As an intriguing result, we find that an optimal choice allows for preparing the ground state almost instantaneously in the non-interacting system, which can be related to the concept of counterdiabatic driving. Remarkably, we find extremely short preparation times also in the strongly-interacting regime. Our findings open new possibilities for robust state preparation in atomic quantum simulators.

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We study the quantum fluctuations of the two quadratures of the emitted electromagnetic radiation generated by a quantum Hall device in a quantum point contact geometry. In particular, we focus our attention on the role played by the unavoidable electron–electron interactions between the two edge channels at filling factor two. We investigate quantum features of the emitted microwave radiation, such as squeezing, by studying the current fluctuations at finite frequency, accessible through a two-filters set-up placed just after the quantum point contact. We compare two different drives, respectively a cosine and a train of Lorentzian pulses, used for the injection of the excitations into the system. In both cases quantum features are reduced due to the interactions, however the Lorentzian drive is still characterized by a robust squeezing effect which can have important application on quantum information.

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Electrons interact strongly with their environment. The result of these interactions is, most of the time, encoded in an effective mass. In non-relativistic systems, as in condensed matter, the electrons plus interactions form a quasiparticle with an effective mass. From the side of relativistic systems, the fermions also acquire an effective mass due to the interactions with the surrounding medium. We employ a non-perturbative method to calculate the effective mass of relativistic and non-relativistic fermions, in various situations. We find the effective masses up to second order of the iteration method. The results can be of interest in current studies on fermion systems.

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Determination of orbital angular momentum (OAM) states is a subject of crucial importance for their applications in areas ranging from classical physics to quantum information. Here, we propose the antiphase semicircular slit pair (ASSP) as a novel approach to determine the topological charge of OAM states. The ASSP contains two semicircular slits with a diameter increment and symmetrically arranged in upper and lower circle. It converts an incident OAM state into light field with two bright spots, of which the relative shift is twice as spot shift for a semicircular slit. Physically, we introduce the two models of equivalent spiral slit and the Young's-like interference, obtaining two approximate linear relations between the shift and the incident topological charge. Analytically, the antiphase of the diffracted fields for the two semicircular slits cancels a main Bessel vortex term, and doubles the complement fields contained in that for a single semicircular slit, realizing the field with two bright intensity spots with the relative shift doubled. The diffracted field is fundamentally approximated as the weighted superposition of finite Bessel vortex eigenstates. Using shift between the bright spots, the determination of topological charge of OAM states becomes a feasible and convenient, and the experimental measurement conforms to the theory with satisfying accuracy.

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In this study, we calculated coherent electron cyclotron emission (ECE) with helical wavefront from a multi-electron system which passes through a magnetic mirror field with cyclotron motion. ECE from a multi-electron system is usually incoherent radiation due to the random rotation phase of each electron, and it is difficult to observe the helical wavefront. However, when a resonant external electromagnetic field is applied, the gyro-phase of electrons are controlled, and coherent ECE is expected to be observed. These processes were numerically calculated under the given experimental condition and confirmed that the higher harmonics ECE has helical wavefront.

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We present calculations of the photoionization (PI) cross sections of rubidium and cesium Rydberg atoms for light with wavelengths ranging from the infrared to the ultraviolet, using model potentials from Marinescu et al (1994 Phys. Rev. A49 982). The origins of pronounced PI minima are identified by investigating the free-electron wavefunctions. These include broad PI minima in the nS to epsilonP PI channels of both Rb and Cs, with free-electron energy epsilon, which are identified as Cooper minima. Much narrower PI minima in the nD to epsilonF channels are due to shape resonances of the free-electron states. We describe possible experimental procedures for measuring the PI minima, and we discuss their implications in fundamental atomic physics as well as in practical applications. Measurements of PI cross sections of Rydberg atoms may serve as a sensitive probe for many-electron interactions of the Rydberg electron in the atomic core region.

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Most field theories for active matter neglect effects of memory and inertia. However, recent experiments have found inertial delay to be important for the motion of self-propelled particles. A major challenge in the theoretical description of these effects, which makes the application of standard methods very difficult, is the fact that orientable particles have both translational and orientational degrees of freedom which do not necessarily relax on the same time scale. In this work, we derive the general mathematical form of a field theory for soft matter systems with two different time scales. This allows to obtain a phase field crystal model for active particles with translational and orientational memory. Notably, this theory is of third order in temporal derivatives and can thus be seen as a spatiotemporal jerky dynamics. We obtain the phase diagram of this model, which shows that, unlike in the passive case, the linear stability of the liquid state depends on the damping coefficients. Moreover, we investigate sound waves in active matter. It is found that, in active fluids, there are two different mechanisms for sound propagation. For certain parameter values and sufficiently high frequencies, sound mediated by polarization waves experiences less damping than usual passive sound mediated by pressure waves of the same frequency. By combining the different modes, acoustic frequency filters based on active fluids could be realized.

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We propose a practical strategy for choosing sets of input coherent states that are near-optimal for reconstructing single-mode Gaussian quantum processes with output-state heterodyne measurements. We first derive analytical expressions for the mean squared-error that quantifies the reconstruction accuracy for general process tomography and large data. Using such expressions, upon relaxing the trace-preserving (TP) constraint, we introduce an error-reducing set of input coherent states that is independent of the measurement data or the unknown true process—the geometrical set. We numerically show that process reconstruction from such input coherent states is nearly as accurate as that from the best possible set of coherent states chosen with the complete knowledge about the process. This allows us to efficiently characterize Gaussian processes even with reasonably low-energy coherent states. We numerically observe that the geometrical strategy without trace preservation beats all nonadaptive strategies for arbitrary TP Gaussian processes of typical parameter ranges so long as the displacement components are not too large.

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We study the persistent currents and interspecies entanglement generation in a Bose–Bose mixture formed by two atomic gases (hereafter labeled by the letters A and B) trapped in a one-dimensional ring lattice potential with an artificial gauge field after a sudden quench from zero to strong interactions between the two gases. Assuming that the strength of these interactions is much larger than the single species energies and that the gas A is initially in the Mott-insulator regime, we show that the current of the gas B is reduced with respect to its value prior the interaction quench. Averaging fast oscillations out, the relative decrease of this current is independent of the initial visibility and Peierls phase of the gas B and behaves quadratically with the visibility of the gas A. The second Rényi entropy of the reduced state measuring the amount of entanglement between the two gases is found to scale linearly with the number of sites and to be proportional to the relative decrease of the current.

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It is shown that isospectral Hamiltonians and partner potentials can be found for self-consistent solutions of the Schrödinger and Poisson equations in the presence of identical non-interacting electrons. Perturbation of these systems by an external electric field can be used to break symmetry and spectrally distinguish between states. For a given pair of partner potentials, symmetry may also be broken by a change of electron density or temperature.

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The entropy produced when a quantum system is driven away from equilibrium can be decomposed in two parts, one related with populations and the other with quantum coherences. The latter is usually based on the so-called relative entropy of coherence, a widely used quantifier in quantum resource theories. In this paper we argue that, despite satisfying fluctuation theorems and having a clear resource-theoretic interpretation, this splitting has shortcomings. First, it predicts that at low temperatures the entropy production will always be dominated by the classical term, irrespective of the quantum nature of the process. Second, for infinitesimal quenches, the radius of convergence diverges exponentially as the temperature decreases, rendering the functions non-analytic. Motivated by this, we provide here a complementary approach, where the entropy production is split in a way such that the contributions from populations and coherences are written in terms of a thermal state of a specially dephased Hamiltonian. The physical interpretation of our proposal is discussed in detail. We also contrast the two approaches by studying work protocols in a transverse field Ising chain, and a macrospin of varying dimension.

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While compressing a colloidal state by optical means alone has been previously achieved through a specific time-dependence of the trap stiffness, realizing quickly the reverse transformation stumbles upon the necessity of a transiently expulsive trap. To circumvent this difficulty, we propose to drive the colloids by a combination of optical trapping and diffusiophoretic forces, both time-dependent. Forcing via diffusiophoresis is enforced by controlling the salt concentration at the boundary of the domain where the colloids are confined. The method takes advantage of the separation of time scales between salt and colloidal dynamics, and realizes a fast decompression in an optical trap that remains confining at all times. We thereby obtain a so-called shortcut to adiabaticity protocol where colloidal dynamics, enslaved to salt dynamics, can nevertheless be controlled as desired.

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The synchronization stability has been analyzed as one of the important dynamical characteristics of power grids. In this study, we bring the operational perspective to the synchronization stability analysis by counting not only full but also partial synchronization between nodes. To do so, we introduce two distinct measures that estimate the operational resilience of power-grid nodes: functional secureness centrality and functional robustness centrality. We demonstrate the practical applicability of the measures in a model network motif and an IEEE test power grid. As a case study of German power grid, we reveal that the modular structure of a power grid and particular unidirectional current flow determine the distribution of the operational resilience of power-grid nodes. Reproducing our finding on clustered benchmark networks, we validate the modular effect on power grid stability and confirm that our measures can be the insightful tools to understand the power grids' synchronization dynamics.

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In theoretical simulations of a UV + x-ray pump-probe (UVX-PP) setup, we show that frequency detuning of the pump UV pulse acts as a camera shutter by regulating the duration of the UVX-PP process. This two-photon absorption with long overlapping UV and x-ray pulses, allowing for high spectral resolution, thereby provides information about ultrafast dynamics of the nuclear wave packet without the requirement of ultrashort pulses and controlled delay times.

In a case study of carbon monoxide, the calculated UVX-PP spectra of the O1s−12π1 and C1s−12π1 core-excited states show different vibrational profiles. The interference of intermediate vibrational states reveals details of nuclear dynamics in the UVX-PP process related to a variable duration time controlled by the UV detuning. Both O1s−12π1 and C1s−12π1 pump-probe channels display a splitting of the spectral profile, which however is associated with different physical mechanisms. At the O1s−12π1 resonance, the observed dispersive and non-dispersive spectral bands intersect and result in destructive interference.

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Particle accelerator on chip with high acceleration gradient has been an unremitting goal of researchers. Dielectric laser accelerator (DLA) is a possible candidate to achieve this goal. However, due to the limitation of dielectric breakdown, it is difficult for the available DLAs to reach an acceleration gradient as high as 1 GV m−1 since a long-duration multi-cycle laser pulse with high fluence have to be used. Here we propose to use a few-cycle laser pulse to drive a DLA based on the inverse Cherekov radiation effect. It significantly reduces the required pulse duration and the laser fluence, remarkably increasing the achievable acceleration gradient. Moreover, by using a cascade acceleration scheme, we realize a high energy-gain acceleration for low-energy electrons in a microscale device by simulation, which paves the way for the development of a fully on-chip particle accelerator.

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We report on the systematic characterization of the optical properties of diamond color centers based on Pb impurities. An ensemble photoluminescence analysis of their spectral emission was performed at different excitation wavelengths in the 405–520 nm range and at different temperatures in the 4–300 K range. The series of observed spectral features consist of different emission lines associated with Pb-related defects. Finally, a room-temperature investigation of single-photon emitters under 490.5 nm laser excitation is reported, revealing different spectral signatures with respect to those already reported under 514 nm excitation. This work represents a substantial progress with respect to previous studies on Pb-related color centers, both in the attribution of an articulated series of spectral features and in the understanding of the formation process of this type of defect, thus clarifying the potential of this system for high-impact applications in quantum technologies.

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Reliable methods for the classification and quantification of quantum entanglement are fundamental to understanding its exploitation in quantum technologies. One such method, known as separable neural network quantum states (SNNS), employs a neural network inspired parameterization of quantum states whose entanglement properties are explicitly programmable. Combined with generative machine learning methods, this ansatz allows for the study of very specific forms of entanglement which can be used to infer/measure entanglement properties of target quantum states. In this work, we extend the use of SNNS to mixed, multipartite states, providing a versatile and efficient tool for the investigation of intricately entangled quantum systems. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method through a number of examples, such as the computation of novel tripartite entanglement measures, and the approximation of ultimate upper bounds for qudit channel capacities.

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We studied the behavior of mixtures of 173Yb (with symmetry up to SU(6)) and 171Yb (up to SU(2)) fermionic isotopes loaded in one-dimensional (1D) optical lattices. To do so, we solved the Schrödinger equation describing different systems using a diffusion Monte Carlo technique. We considered continuous Hamiltonians in which the interactions between atoms of different species (isotopes and/or spins) were modeled by contact potentials with parameters derived from their experimental scattering lengths. This implies that we can find both attractive and repulsive interactions between fermion pairs in the same cluster. The strength of those interactions can be changed by varying the transverse confinement, leading to different cluster behaviors. Only balanced clusters, i.e. with the same number of 173Yb and 171Yb atoms were considered. We found that the standard state for these clusters is a metallic-like one with different populations of 173Yb–171Yb molecule-like pairs in each optical lattice potential well. However, for big enough clusters, insulator-like states are also possible.

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Metal halide perovskites attract significant interest due to their remarkable performance in optoelectronic devices. However, the gap in understanding the relationship between their nanoscale structure and properties limits their application towards novel devices. In this work, twinned ferroelastic domains in single 500 nm CsPbBr3 particles are studied with 3D Bragg coherent x-ray diffraction imaging. A preferential double-domain structure is revealed in four identical particles, with one domain oriented along the [110] and the other along the [002] direction. The particles exhibit similar scattering volume ratios of 0.12 ± 0.026 between twin phases, suggesting the possibility of a deterministic formation process. The domains exhibit a difference in lattice tilt of 0.59 degrees, in excellent agreement with calculations of the lattice mismatch at the (112) twin boundary. These results provide important insights both for the fundamental understanding of ferroelastic nanoscale materials and for the performance improvement of perovskite-based devices. Moreover, this work paves the way towards real-time imaging of the domain dynamics in ferroic systems.

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We present a semi-analytical approach for studying quantum thermal energy transport at the nanoscale. Our method, which is based on the reaction coordinate method, reveals the role of strong system-bath coupling effects in quantum energy transport. Considering as a case study the nonequilibrium spin-boson model, a collective coordinate is extracted from each thermal environment and added into the system to construct an enlarged system (ES). After performing additional Hamiltonian's truncation and transformation, we obtain an effective two-level system with renormalized parameters, resulting from the strong system-bath coupling. The ES is weakly coupled to its environments, thus can be simulated using a perturbative Markovian quantum master equation approach. We compare the heat current characteristics of the effective two-state model to other techniques, and demonstrate that we properly capture strong system-bath signatures such as the turnover behavior of the heat current as a function of system-bath coupling strength. We further investigate the thermal diode effect and demonstrate that strong couplings moderately improve the rectification ratio relative to the weak coupling limit. The effective Hamiltonian method that we developed here offers fundamental insight into the strong coupling behavior, and is computationally economic. Applications of the method toward studying multi-level quantum thermal machines are anticipated.

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We study beaming properties of laser light produced by a plasmonic lattice overlaid with organic fluorescent molecules. The crossover from spontaneous emission regime to stimulated emission regime is observed in response to increasing pump fluence. This transition is accompanied by a strong reduction of beam divergence and emission linewidth due to increased degree of spatial and temporal coherence, respectively. The feedback for the lasing signal is shown to be mainly one-dimensional due to the dipolar nature of the surface lattice resonance. Consequently, the beaming properties along x and y directions are drastically different. From the measurements, we obtain the M2 value along both principal directions of the square lattice as a function of the pump fluence. Our work provides the first detailed analysis of the beam quality in plasmonic lattice lasers and reveals the underlying physical origin of the observed strong polarization dependent asymmetry of the lasing signal.

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We present a theory for the composable security of sending-or-not-sending (SNS) protocol of twin field quantum key distribution (TF-QKD). We present methods to strictly calculate the finite-key effects in QKD with error rejection through two-way classical communication (TWCC) for SNS TF-QKD protocol. Unlike the normal QKD without TWCC, here the probability of tagging or untagging for each two-bit random group is not independent. We rigorously solve this problem by imagining a virtual set of bits where every bit is independent and identical. With explicit formulas, we show that simply applying Chernoff bound in the calculation gives correct key rate, but the failure probability changes a little bit. We calculate the key rate with strict bounds and security, and obtain key rates by far breaking the PLOB (Pirandola, Laurenza, Ottaviani, and Banchi) bound with composable security.

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Non-Gaussian states of an optical field are important as a proposed resource in quantum information applications. While conditional preparation is a highly successful approach to preparing such states, their quality is limited by detector non-idealities such as dead time, narrow dynamic range, limited quantum efficiency and dark noise. Mesoscopic photon counters, with peak performance at higher photon number, offer many practical advantages over single-photon level conditioning detectors. Here we propose a novel approach involving displacement of the ancilla field into the regime where mesoscopic detectors can be used. We explore this strategy theoretically and present simulations accounting for experimental non-idealities such as loss and amplification noise, showing that precise photon-number resolution is not necessary to herald highly nonclassical states. We conclude that states with strong Wigner negativity can be prepared at high rates by this technique under experimentally attainable conditions.

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We investigate, both analytically and numerically, the quantum dynamics of a planar (2D) rigid rotor subject to suddenly switched-on or switched-off concurrent orienting and aligning interactions. We find that the time-evolution of the post-switch populations as well as of the expectation values of orientation and alignment reflects the spectral properties and the eigensurface topology of the planar pendulum eigenproblem established in our earlier work (2014 Front. Phys.2 37, 2017 Eur. Phys. J. D71 149). This finding opens the possibility to examine the topological properties of the eigensurfaces experimentally as well as provides the means to make use of these properties for controlling the rotor dynamics in the laboratory.

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The dynamical and topological properties of non-Hermitian systems have attracted great attention in recent years. In this work, we establish an intrinsic connection between two classes of intriguing phenomena—topological phases and dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs)—in non-Hermitian systems. Focusing on one-dimensional models with chiral symmetry, we find DQPTs following the quench from a trivial to a non-Hermitian topological phase. Moreover, the critical momenta and critical time of the DQPTs are found to be directly related to the topological invariants of the non-Hermitian system. We further demonstrate our theory in three prototypical non-Hermitian lattice models, the lossy Kitaev chain (LKC), the LKC with next-nearest-neighbor hoppings, and the nonreciprocal Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model. Finally, we suggest a proposal to experimentally verify the found connection by a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond.

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With its monoelemental composition, various crystalline forms and an inherently strong spin–orbit coupling, bismuth has been regarded as an ideal prototype material to expand our understanding of topological electronic structures. In particular, two-dimensional bismuth thin films have attracted a growing interest due to potential applications in topological transistors and spintronics. This calls for an effective physical model to give an accurate interpretation of the novel topological phenomena shown by two-dimensional bismuth. However, the conventional semi-empirical approach of adapting bulk bismuth hoppings fails to capture the topological features of two-dimensional bismuth allotropes because the electronic band topology is heavily influenced by crystalline symmetries. Here we provide a new parameterization using localized Wannier functions derived from the Bloch states in first-principles calculations. We construct new tight-binding models for three types of two-dimensional bismuth allotropes: a Bi (111) bilayer, bismuthene and a Bi (110) bilayer. We demonstrate that our tight-binding models can successfully reproduce the electronic and topological features of these two-dimensional allotropes. Moreover, these tight-binding models can be used to explain the physical origin of the occurrence of novel band topology and the perturbation effects in these bismuth allotropes. In addition, these models can serve as a starting point for investigating the electron/spin transport and electromagnetic response in low-dimensional topological devices.

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Magnetoelectric (ME) coupling in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.7Ti0.3O3 (LSMO/PMN–PT (001)) has been probed in the past years to identify the underlying mechanism behind it. PMN–PT, which is well known for its excellent piezoelectric properties, also exhibits ferroelectricity. This motivates our interest to differentiate which effect is dominant for this 'voltage control of magnetism'. Here, we present results for the ME coupling at different temperatures: 300 K and 80 K. In this article we discuss and explain, how the nature of ME coupling is influenced by different parameters such as magnetic field, electric field, directional dependence (hard axis, easy axis) and temperature. Owing to large lattice mismatch between LSMO and PMN–PT, the strain-mediated coupling is strongly prevalent, however the change in strain behaviour from butterfly loop to linear loop is observed as a function of temperature. ME measurements are performed along hard axis [100] and easy axis [110] of LSMO in the presence of remanent magnetic field which showcases the pure influence of electric field on the system, resulting in a combination of strain- and charge-mediated coupling. The magnetic depth profile is probed by polarized neutron reflectometry as a function of electric field which demonstrates the existence of an interlayer with reduced nuclear scattering length density and reduced magnetic scattering length density at the interface. From transmission electron microscopy, stoichiometric variations are observed due to the presence of Mn3O4 particles at the interface.

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Different approaches for considering barrier crossing times are analyzed, with special emphasis on recent experiments which attempt to measure what is commonly referred to as the Larmor tunneling time. We show that that these experiments cannot reveal the Larmor time, due to the finite energy width of the incident particles. The Larmor time, which measures changes in spin polarization, is classified together with other measurements such as the Buttiker–Landauer oscillating barrier time as indirect measurements of interaction times of scattered particles. In contrast, we present a direct quantum mechanical measure of a barrier crossing time taken to be the difference between the mean flight time for a particle transmitted through a potential barrier incident on a screen and the time it would take to reach the same screen without the barrier. These metrics are asymptotic, in the sense that they infer a time from a measurement after the scattering event is over, whereas other measures like the dwell time are local. Some time measures are well-defined only for incident states which are monochromatic in energy, others are well-defined also for incident wavepackets whose incident energy width is finite. In this paper we compare the different approaches to conclude that only the flight time can be used to answer the provocative (but ultimately ill-posed) question: how much time does it take to tunnel through a barrier?

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Secondary low frequency mode generation by energetic particle induced geodesic acoustic mode (EGAM) observed in LHD experiment is studied using nonlinear gyrokinetic theory. It is found that the EGAM frequency can be significantly higher than local geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency in low collisionality plasmas, and it can decay into two GAMs as its frequency approaches twice GAM frequency, in a process analogous to the well-known two plasmon decay instability. The condition for this process to occur is also discussed.

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Quantum robust control—which can employ fast leading order approximations, slower but more accurate asymptotic methods, or a combination thereof for quantification of robustness—enables control of moments of quantum observables and gates in the presence of Hamiltonian uncertainty or field noise. In this paper, we present a generalized quantum robust control theory that extends the previously described theory of quantum robust control in several important ways. We present robust control theory for control of any moment of arbitrary quantum control objectives, introducing moment-generating functions and transfer functions for quantum robust control that generalize the tools of frequency domain response theory to quantum systems, and extend the Pontryagin maximum principle for quantum control to control optimization in the presence of noise in the manipulated amplitudes or phases used to shape the control field. To provide guidelines as to the types of quantum control systems and control objectives for which asymptotic robustness analysis is important for accuracy, we introduce methods for assessing the Lie algebraic depth of quantum control systems, and illustrate through examples drawn from quantum information processing how such accurate methods for quantification of robustness to noise and uncertainty are more important for control strategies that exploit higher order quantum pathways. In addition, we define the relationship between leading order Taylor expansions and asymptotic estimates for quantum control moments in the presence of Hamiltonian uncertainty and field noise, and apply such leading order approximations to significant pathways analysis and dimensionality reduction of asymptotic quantum robust control calculations, describing numerical methods for implementation of these calculations.

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Based on the quantum master equation approach, the nonlinear electric conductivity of graphene is investigated under static electric fields for various chemical potential shifts. The simulation results show that, as the field strength increases, the effective conductivity is firstly suppressed, reflecting the depletion of effective carriers due to the large displacement in the Brillouin zone caused by the strong field. Then, as the field strength exceeds 1 MV m−1, the effective conductivity increases, overcoming the carrier depletion via the Landau–Zener tunneling process. Based on the nonlinear behavior of the conductivity, the charge transport induced by few-cycle THz pulses is studied to elucidate the ultrafast control of electric current in matter.

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THz-based technologies and research applications have seen a rapid increment in recent period together with the development of novel radiation sources based both on relativistic electrons and laser techniques. In this framework, laser-induced plasma filament plays an important role in generating intense and broadband THz radiation. Although many attentions have been paid to THz emission from two-color plasma filaments, one-color plasma emission has been scarcely investigated. In particular, the polarization state of one-color THz emission is still controversial due to the limitations of the existing THz detection techniques, which are incapable of simultaneously detecting elliptically and radially polarized THz radiation. In this manuscript, we develop a novel detection method and unambiguously demonstrate for the first time that one-color laser-induced plasma filament simultaneously emits elliptically and radially polarized THz radiation. These polarization states suggest that the generation mechanism results from electric quadrupole, showing a new route for producing more complex polarization states and THz vortex beams.

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We present two fast algorithms which apply inclusion–exclusion principle to sum over the bosonic diagrams in bare diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo and inchworm Monte Carlo method, respectively. In the case of inchworm Monte Carlo, the proposed fast algorithm gives an extension to the work [2018 Inclusion–exclusion principle for many-body diagrammatics Phys. Rev. B 98 115152] from fermionic to bosonic systems. We prove that the proposed fast algorithms reduce the computational complexity from double factorial to exponential. Numerical experiments are carried out to verify the theoretical results and to compare the efficiency of the methods.

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Fe, Mg, and O are among the most abundant elements in terrestrial planets. While the behavior of the Fe–O, Mg–O, and Fe–Mg binary systems under pressure have been investigated, there are still very few studies of the Fe–Mg–O ternary system at relevant Earth's core and super-Earth's mantle pressures. Here, we use the adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) to study ternary FexMgyOz phases in a wide range of stoichiometries at 200 GPa and 350 GPa. We discovered three dynamically stable phases with stoichiometries FeMg2O4, Fe2MgO4, and FeMg3O4 with lower enthalpy than any known combination of Fe–Mg–O high-pressure compounds at 350 GPa. With the discovery of these phases, we construct the Fe–Mg–O ternary convex hull. We further clarify the composition- and pressure-dependence of structural motifs with the analysis of the AGA-found stable and metastable structures. Analysis of binary and ternary stable phases suggest that O, Mg, or both could stabilize a BCC iron alloy at inner core pressures.

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Fluids exist universally in nature and technology. Among the many types of fluid flows is the well-known vortex shedding, which takes place when a fluid flows past a bluff body. Diverse types of vortices can be found in this flow as the Reynolds number increases. In this study, we reveal that these vortices can be employed for conducting certain types of computation. The results from computational fluid dynamics simulations showed that optimal computational performance is achieved near the critical Reynolds number, where the flow exhibits a twin vortex before the onset of the Kármán vortex shedding associated with the Hopf bifurcation. It is revealed that as the Reynolds number increases toward the bifurcation point, the input sensitivity of the twin vortex motion also increases, suggesting the modality of information processing within the system. Our finding paves a novel path to understand the relationship between fluid dynamics and its computational capability.

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The recent development of optical control of electron pulses brings new opportunities and methodologies in the fields of light–electron interaction and ultrafast electron diffraction (UED)/microscopy. Here, by a comprehensive theoretical study, we present a scheme to compress the longitudinal duration of low (⩽1 keV) to medium energy (1–70 keV) electron pulses by the electric field of a THz wave, together with a novel shot-by-shot jitter correction approach by using the magnetic field from the same wave. Our theoretical simulations suggest the compression of the electron pulse duration to a few femtoseconds and even sub-femtosecond. A comprehensive analysis based on typical UED patterns indicates a sub-femtosecond precision of the jitter correction approach. We stress that the energy independence of Coulomb interaction in the compression and the compact structure of THz device lay the foundation of the compression of low energy electron pulses. The combination of the THz compression of the electron pulse and the electron–THz jitter correction opens a way to improve the overall temporal resolution to attosecond for ultrafast electron probes with low to medium energies and high charge number per pulse, and therefore, it will boost the ultrafast detection of transient structural dynamics in surface science and atomically thin film systems.

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The effect of out-of-plane positional freedom is examined on the stability of two-dimensional (2D) nematic order of hard non-spherical particles using the second virial density-functional theory. The particles are allowed to move and rotate freely in the plane of confining walls and can move between the two parallel walls. The wall-to-wall distance (H) is varied between the strictly 2D and the two-layer forming cases, i.e. σ < H < 2σ, where σ is the particle's shortest length. As expected, we observe that more and more particles are required for the formation of 2D nematics with increasing H when the rod-like particles are hard ellipsoids. Surprisingly, we found that the opposite tendency is observed in the case of hard cylinders, i.e. fewer and fewer particles are needed to stabilize the nematic order with increasing H. This paradox can be understood by projecting the three-dimensional system into a 2D mixture of particles having position-dependent aspect ratios and molecular areas. However, the complex phase behaviour found for plate-like cylindrical particles with increasing H cannot be explained in terms of the same simple geometrical arguments.

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Reaching gigagauss magnetic fields opens new horizons both in atomic and plasma physics. At these magnetic field strengths, the electron cyclotron energy ℏωc becomes comparable to the atomic binding energy (the Rydberg), and the cyclotron frequency ωc approaches the plasma frequency at solid state densities that significantly modifies optical properties of the target. The generation of such strong quasistatic magnetic fields in laboratory remains a challenge. Using supercomputer simulations, we demonstrate how it can be achieved all-optically by irradiating a micro-channel target by a circularly polarized relativistic femtosecond laser. The laser pulse drives a strong electron vortex along the channel wall, inducing a megagauss longitudinal magnetic field in the channel by the Inverse Faraday Effect. This seed field is then amplified up to a gigagauss level and maintained on a sub-picosecond time scale by the synergistic effect of hydrodynamic flows and dynamos. Our scheme sets a possible platform for producing long living extreme magnetic fields in laboratories using readily available lasers. The concept might also be relevant for applications such as magneto-inertial fusion.

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In this paper we introduce a measure of genuine quantum incompatibility in the estimation task of multiple parameters, that has a geometric character and is backed by a clear operational interpretation. This measure is then applied to some simple systems in order to track the effect of a local depolarizing noise on the incompatibility of the estimation task. A semidefinite program is described and used to numerically compute the figure of merit when the analytical tools are not sufficient, among these we include an upper bound computable from the symmetric logarithmic derivatives only. Finally we discuss how to obtain compatible models for a general unitary encoding on a finite-dimensional probe.

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We investigate signatures of a self-trapping transition in the driven-dissipative Bose Hubbard dimer, in presence of incoherent pump and single-particle losses. For fully symmetric couplings the stationary state density matrix is independent of any Hamiltonian parameter, and cannot therefore capture the competition between hopping-induced delocalization and the interaction-dominated self-trapping regime. We focus instead on the exact quantum dynamics of the particle imbalance after the system is prepared in a variety of initial states, and on the frequency-resolved spectral properties of the steady state, as encoded in the single-particle Green's functions. We find clear signatures of a localization-delocalization crossover as a function of hopping to interaction ratio. We further show that a finite a pump-loss asymmetry restores a delocalization crossover in the steady-state imbalance and leads to a finite intra-dimer dissipation.

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We propose an information-theoretic quantifier for the advantage gained from cooperation that captures the degree of dependency between subsystems of a global system. The quantifier is distinct from measures of multipartite correlations despite sharing many properties with them. It is directly computable for classical as well as quantum systems and reduces to comparing the respective conditional mutual information between any two subsystems. Exemplarily we show the benefits of using the new quantifier for symmetric quantum secret sharing. We also prove an inequality characterizing the lack of monotonicity of conditional mutual information under local operations and provide intuitive understanding for it. This underlines the distinction between the multipartite dependence measure introduced here and multipartite correlations.

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Robust, simple, and flexible quantum key distribution (QKD) is vital for realizing practical applications of this technique. Contrary to typical phase-coded QKD schemes, the plug-and-play QKD design requires only one arm-length-insensitive interferometer without active feedback, in which the noise is automatically compensated by the two-way structure. However, there are certain possible loopholes in the typical plug-and-play designs, which require consideration and strict monitoring. This study proposes a new design of theoretically loophole-free plug-and-play QKD scheme with two-way protocol and presents an experimental demonstration of said scheme. The security is analyzed under a collective attack scenario assisted by the decoy state method. The scheme was implemented in a 50.4 km commercial fibre without active feedback. The system showed highly robust performance with an ultra-low error rate and maintained an ultra-high visibility of 0.9947 ± 0.0002 through significant environmental changes over 24 hours.

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While the spin of two-dimensional polarization states admits a simple representation, its physical interpretation for three-dimensional (3D) mixed polarization states requires a more involved analysis. In this work, we address the spin structure of the electric field of a general 3D polarization state by taking advantage of the characteristic decomposition and the recently introduced notion of nonregularity associated with 3D states. We show that a nonregular polarization state necessarily has an additional spin component due to the state's genuinely 3D nature, and both the orientation and magnitude of the spin are regulated by the degree of nonregularity. The results provide new physical insight into partially polarized evanescent and tightly focused light fields in which strong nonregular character has recently been demonstrated.

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During morphogenesis, a featureless convex cerebellum develops folds. As it does so, the cortex thickness is thinnest at the crest (gyri) and thickest at the trough (sulci) of the folds. This observation cannot be simply explained by elastic theories of buckling. A recent minimal model explained this phenomenon by modeling the developing cortex as a growing fluid under the constraints of radially spanning elastic fibers, a plia membrane and a nongrowing sub-cortex (Engstrom et al 2019 Phys. Rev. X 8 041053). In this minimal buckling without bending morphogenesis (BWBM) model, the elastic fibers were assumed to act linearly with strain. Here, we explore how nonlinear elasticity influences shape development within BWBM. The nonlinear elasticity generates a quadratic nonlinearity in the differential equation governing the system's shape and leads to sharper troughs and wider crests, which is an identifying characteristic of cerebellar folds at later stages in development. As developing organs are typically not in isolation, we also explore the effects of steric confinement, and observe flattening of the crests. Finally, as a paradigmatic example, we propose a hierarchical version of BWBM from which a novel mechanism of branching morphogenesis naturally emerges to qualitatively predict later stages of the morphology of the developing cerebellum.

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A signature feature of living systems is their ability to produce copies of information-carrying molecular templates such as DNA. These copies are made by assembling a set of monomer molecules into a linear macromolecule with a sequence determined by the template. The copies produced have a finite length—they are often 'oligomers', or short polymers—and must eventually detach from their template. We explore the role of the resultant initiation and termination of the copy process in the thermodynamics of copying. By splitting the free-energy change of copy formation into informational and chemical terms, we show that, surprisingly, copy accuracy plays no direct role in the overall thermodynamics. Instead, finite-length templates function as highly-selective engines that interconvert chemical and information-based free energy stored in the environment; it is thermodynamically costly to produce outputs that are more similar to the oligomers in the environment than sequences obtained by randomly sampling monomers. In contrast to previous work that neglects separation, any excess free energy stored in correlations between copy and template sequences is lost when the copy fully detaches and mixes with the environment; these correlations therefore do not feature in the overall thermodynamics. Previously-derived constraints on copy accuracy therefore only manifest as kinetic barriers experienced while the copy is template attached; these barriers are easily surmounted by shorter oligomers.

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Magneto-optical trapping (MOT) is a key technique on the route towards ultracold molecular ensembles. However, the realization and optimization of magneto-optical traps with their wide parameter space is particularly difficult. Here, we present a very general method for the optimization of molecular magneto-optical trap operation by means of Bayesian optimization. As an example for a possible application, we consider the optimization of a calcium fluoride MOT for maximum capture velocity. We find that both the X2Σ+ to A2Π1/2 and the X2Σ+ to B2Σ+ transition to allow for capture velocities with 24 m s−1 and 23 m s−1 respectively at a total laser power of 200 mW. In our simulation, the optimized capture velocity depends logarithmically on the beam power within the simulated power range of 25 to 400 mW. Applied to heavy molecules such as BaH, BaF, YbF and YbOH with their low capture velocity MOTs it might offer a route to far more robust MOT.

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Spatio-temporally extended nonlinear systems often exhibit a remarkable complexity in space and time. In many cases, extensive datasets of such systems are difficult to obtain, yet needed for a range of applications. Here, we present a method to generate synthetic time series or fields that reproduce statistical multi-scale features of complex systems. The method is based on a hierarchical refinement employing transition probability density functions (PDFs) from one scale to another. We address the case in which such PDFs can be obtained from experimental measurements or simulations and then used to generate arbitrarily large synthetic datasets. The validity of our approach is demonstrated at the example of an experimental dataset of high Reynolds number turbulence.

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The topic of finding effective strategies to restrain epidemic spreading in complex networks is of current interest. A widely used approach for epidemic containment is the fragmentation of the contact networks through immunization. However, due to the limitation of immune resources, we cannot always fragment the contact network completely. In this study, based on the size distribution of connected components for the network, we designed a risk indicator of epidemic outbreaks, the generalized Herfindahl–Hirschman index (GHI), which measures the upper bound of the expected infection's prevalence (the fraction of infected nodes) in random outbreaks. An immunization approach based on minimizing GHI is developed to reduce the infection risk for individuals in the network. Experimental results show that our immunization strategy could effectively decrease the infection's prevalence as compared to other existing strategies, especially against infectious diseases with higher infection rates or lower recovery rates. The findings provide an efficient and practicable strategy for immunization against epidemic diseases.

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Large-scale neurophysiological networks are often reconstructed from band-pass filtered time series derived from magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Common practice is to reconstruct these networks separately for different frequency bands and to treat them independently. Recent evidence suggests that this separation may be inadequate, as there can be significant coupling between frequency bands (interlayer connectivity). A multilayer network approach offers a solution to analyze frequency-specific networks in one framework. We propose to use a recently developed network reconstruction method in conjunction with phase oscillator models to estimate interlayer connectivity that optimally fits the empirical data. This approach determines interlayer connectivity based on observed frequency-specific time series of the phase and a connectome derived from diffusion weighted imaging. The performance of this interlayer reconstruction method was evaluated in-silico. Our reconstruction of the underlying interlayer connectivity agreed to very high degree with the ground truth. Subsequently, we applied our method to empirical resting-state MEG data obtained from healthy subjects and reconstructed two-layered networks consisting of either alpha-to-beta or theta-to-gamma band connectivity. Our analysis revealed that interlayer connectivity is dominated by a multiplex structure, i.e. by one-to-one interactions for both alpha-to-beta band and theta-to-gamma band networks. For theta–gamma band networks, we also found a plenitude of interlayer connections between distant nodes, though weaker connectivity relative to the one-to-one connections. Our work is an stepping stone towards the identification of interdependencies across frequency-specific networks. Our results lay the ground for the use of the promising multilayer framework in this field with more-informed and justified interlayer connections.

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The quantum world distinguishes itself from the classical world by being governed by probability amplitudes rather than probabilities. On a single-particle level, quantum phases can be manipulated leading to observable interference patterns that can be used as a probe e.g. in matter wave microscopy. But the quantum world bears even more fascinating effects when it comes to the interplay between more than one particle. Correlations between quantum particles such as entanglement can be exploited to speed up computational algorithms or enable secure cryptography. Here, we propose and numerically explore a thought experiment to address the question whether quantum correlations between particles can be used in matter wave microscopy. Specifically, we address the following questions: can information be transferred between two mutually spin-correlated free-electron wavepackets? Can Coulomb and exchange correlations be linked to the decoherence and dephasing mechanisms of matter waves? Using a time-dependent Hartree–Fock algorithm, we will show that the exchange term has a substantial role in transferring the information between two mutually spin-correlated electrons, whereas the Hartree potential (or mean-field Coulomb potential) dominates the dephasing on a single-particle level. Our findings might facilitate fermionic matter wave interferometry experiments designed to retrieve information about non-classical correlations and the mechanism of decoherence in open quantum systems.

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Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond are a platform for several important quantum technologies, including sensing, communication and elementary quantum processors. In this letter we demonstrate the creation of NV centers by implantation using a deterministic single ion source. For this we sympathetically laser-cool single ${}^{15}\mathrm{N}_{2}^{+}$ molecular ions in a Paul trap and extract them at an energy of 5.9 keV. Subsequently the ions are focused with a lateral resolution of 121(35) nm and are implanted into a diamond substrate without any spatial filtering by apertures or masks. After high-temperature annealing, we detect the NV centers in a confocal microscope and determine a conversion efficiency of about 0.6%. The 15NV centers are characterized by optically detected magnetic resonance on the hyperfine transition and coherence time.

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According to the fundamental principle of evolutionary game theory, the more successful strategy in a population should spread. Hence, during a strategy imitation process a player compares its payoff value to the payoff value held by a competing strategy. But this information is not always accurate. To avoid ambiguity a learner may therefore decide to collect a more reliable statistics by averaging the payoff values of its opponents in the neighborhood, and makes a decision afterwards. This simple alteration of the standard microscopic protocol significantly improves the cooperation level in a population. Furthermore, the positive impact can be strengthened by increasing the role of the environment and the size of the evaluation circle. The mechanism that explains this improvement is based on a self-organizing process which reveals the detrimental consequence of defector aggregation that remains partly hidden during face-to-face comparisons. Notably, the reported phenomenon is not limited to lattice populations but remains valid also for systems described by irregular interaction networks.

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We discuss quantum position verification (QPV) protocols in which the verifiers create and send single-qubit states to the prover. QPV protocols using single-qubit states are known to be insecure against adversaries that share a small number of entangled qubits. We introduce QPV protocols that are practically secure: they only require single-qubit states from each of the verifiers, yet their security is broken if the adversaries sharing an impractically large number of entangled qubits employ teleportation-based attacks. These protocols are a modification of known QPV protocols in which we include a classical random oracle without altering the amount of quantum resources needed by the verifiers. We present a cheating strategy that requires a number of entangled qubits shared among the adversaries that grows exponentially with the size of the classical input of the random oracle.

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In this article, we present a unified reciprocal quantum electrodynamics (QED) formulation of free-electron and quantum–light interaction. For electron–light interactions, we bridge the underlying theories of photon-induced near-field electron microscopy, laser-induced particle accelerators, and radiation sources, such as quantum free electron laser, transition radiation and Smith-Purcell effect. We demonstrate an electron–photon spectral reciprocity relation between the electron energy loss/gain and the radiation spectra. This 'acceleration/radiation correspondence' (ARC) conserves the electron energy, and photon number exchanged, that is, ΔE/ℏω + Δνq = 0, and in the representation of a quantum electron wavepacket, displays explicit dependence on the history-dependent phase and shape of the wavepacket configuration. It originates from an interaction-induced quantum interference term that is usually ignored in Fermi's golden rule analyses, but is kept in our combined quantum free electron–photon state formulation. We apply this formulation to both stimulated interaction and spontaneous emission of classical and quantum light by the quantum-featured electrons. The 'spontaneous' emissions of coherent states ('classical' light) are remarked and squeezed states of quantum light is shown to be enhanced with squeezing. This reciprocal QED formulation has promise for extensions to other fundamental research issues in quantum light and quantum matter interactions.

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We seek to design experimentally feasible broadband, temporally multiplexed optical quantum memory with near-term applications to telecom bands. Specifically, we devise dispersion compensation (DC) for an impedance-matched narrow-band quantum memory by exploiting Raman processes over two three-level atomic subensembles, one for memory and the other for DC. DC provides impedance matching over more than a full cavity linewidth. Combined with 1 s spin-coherence lifetime the memory could be capable of power efficiency exceeding 90% leading to 106 modes for temporal multiplexing. Our design could lead to significant multiplexing enhancement for quantum repeaters to be used for telecom quantum networks.

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Fractional Brownian motion (FBM) is a prevalent Gaussian stochastic process that has frequently been linked to subdiffusive motion in complex fluids, e.g. inside living cells. In contrast, examples for a superdiffusive FBM in complex fluids are sparse, and a covering of all FBM regimes in the same sample is basically lacking. Here we show that membraneless organelles in the single-cell state of C. elegans embryos, so-called p-granules, constitute an experimental example in which the whole range of FBM processes, from the sub- to the superdiffusive regime, can be observed. The majority of p-granules is subdiffusive, featuring an antipersistent velocity autocorrelation function (VACF). A smaller fraction of trajectories shows normal diffusion or even superdiffusion with a persistent VACF. For all trajectories, from sub- to superdiffusive, the VACF, its characteristic values, and the trajectories' power-spectral density are well matched by FBM predictions. Moreover, static localization errors, a frequent problem in single-particle tracking experiments, are shown to not affect the conclusion that p-granule motion is best described by FBM from the sub- to the superdiffusive regime.

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We study the Kondo alloy model on a square lattice using dynamical mean-field theory for Kondo substitution and disorder effects, together with static mean-field approximations. We computed and analyzed photoemission properties as a function of electronic filling nc, Kondo impurity concentration x, and strength of Kondo temperature TK. We provide a complete description of the angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) signals expected in the paramagnetic (PM) Kondo phases. By analyzing the Fermi surface (FS), we observe the Lifshitz-like transition predicted previously for strong TK at x = nc and we discuss the evolution of the dispersion from the dense coherent to the dilute Kondo regimes. At smaller TK, we find that this transition marking the breakdown of coherence at x = nc becomes a crossover. However, we identify another transition at a smaller concentration x where the effective mass continuously vanishes. x separates the one-branch and the two-branches ARPES dispersions characterizing respectively dilute and dense Kondo PM regimes. The xTK phase diagrams are also described, suggesting that the transition at x might be experimentally observable since magnetically ordered phases are stabilized at much lower TK. FS reconstructions in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases are also discussed.

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We develop a formalism for photoionization (PI) and potential energy curves (PECs) of Rydberg atoms in ponderomotive optical lattices and apply it to examples covering several regimes of the optical-lattice depth. The effect of lattice-induced PI on Rydberg-atom lifetime ranges from noticeable to highly dominant when compared with natural decay. The PI behavior is governed by the generally rapid decrease of the PI cross sections as a function of angular-momentum (), lattice-induced -mixing across the optical-lattice PECs, and interference of PI transition amplitudes from the lattice-mixed into free-electron states. In GHz-deep lattices, -mixing leads to a rich PEC structure, and the significant low- PI cross sections are distributed over many lattice-mixed Rydberg states. In lattices less than several tens-of-MHz deep, atoms on low- PECs are essentially -mixing-free and maintain large PI rates, while atoms on high- PECs trend towards being PI-free. Characterization of PI in GHz-deep Rydberg-atom lattices may be beneficial for optical control and quantum-state manipulation of Rydberg atoms, while data on PI in shallower lattices are potentially useful in high-precision spectroscopy and quantum-computing applications of lattice-confined Rydberg atoms.

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Finite-time cycle period for a quantum Otto machine implies that either an adiabatic stroke or an isochoric process proceeds in finite time duration. The quantum Otto refrigerators under consideration consist of two adiabatic strokes, where the system (isolated from the heat reservoir) undergoes finite-time unitary transformation, and two isochoric steps, where the system may not reach thermal equilibrium even at the respective ends of the two stages due to finite-time interaction intervals. Using two-time projective measurement method, we find the probability distribution functions of both coefficient of performance and cooling load, which are dependent on the time duration along each process. With these distributions we find the analytical expressions for the performance parameters as well as their fluctuations. We then numerically determine the performance and fluctuations for the refrigerator operating with a two-level system employed in a recent experimental implementation. Our results clarify the role of finite-time durations of four processes on the performance and fluctuations of the quantum Otto refrigerators.

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By measuring the spin precession frequencies of polarized 129Xe and 3He, a new upper limit on the 129Xe atomic electric dipole moment (EDM) ${d}_{\text{A}}\left({}^{129}\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}\right)$ was reported in Sachdev et al (2019 Phys. Rev. Lett.123, 143003). Here, we propose a new evaluation method based on global phase fitting (GPF) for analyzing the continuous phase development of the 3He–129Xe comagnetometer signal. The Cramer–Rao lower bound on the 129Xe EDM for the GPF method is theoretically derived and shows the potential benefit of our new approach. The robustness of the GPF method is verified with Monte-Carlo studies. By optimizing the analysis parameters and adding data that could not be analyzed with the former method, we obtain a result of ${d}_{\text{A}}\left({}^{129}\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}\right)=\left[1.1{\pm}3.6\enspace \left(\mathrm{s}\mathrm{t}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{t}\right){\pm}2.0\enspace \left(\mathrm{s}\mathrm{y}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{t}\right)\right]{\times}1{0}^{-28}\enspace \text{e}\enspace \mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}$ in an unblinded analysis. For the systematic uncertainty analyses, we adopted all methods from the aforementioned PRL publication except the comagnetometer phase drift, which can be omitted using the GPF method. The updated null result can be interpreted as a new upper limit of $\vert {d}_{\text{A}}\left({}^{129}\mathrm{X}\mathrm{e}\right)\vert {< }8.3\enspace {\times}1{0}^{-28}\enspace \text{e}\enspace \mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}$ at the 95% C.L.

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Doppler and recoil effects are an integral part of the photoemission process at the high kinetic energies reached in hard x-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (HAXPES) and have a major effect on the observed lineshape, resulting in broadening, energy losses and discrete excitations. These effects can be modeled with a high degree of detail for small systems like diatomic molecules, for larger systems such treatment is often superfluous as the fine spectral features are not observable. We present a united description of the Doppler and recoil effects for arbitrary polyatomic systems and offer an approximate description of the recoil- and Doppler-modified photoemission spectral lineshape as a practical tool in the analysis of HAXPES spectra of core-level photoemission. The approach is tested on the examples of carbon dioxide and pentane molecules. The C and O 1s photoelectron spectra of CO2 in gas phase were also measured at 2.3 and 7.0 keV photon energy at Synchrotron SOLEIL and the spectra were analyzed using the model description. The limitations and applicability of the approach to adsorbates, interfaces and solids is briefly discussed.

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Realization of a globe-spanning quantum network is a current worldwide goal, where near and long term implementations will benefit from connectivity between platforms optimized for specific tasks. Towards this goal, a quantum network architecture is herewith proposed whereby quantum processing devices based on NV colour centers act as quantum routers (QR) and, between which, long-distance entanglement distribution is enabled by spectrally-multiplexed quantum repeaters based on absorptive quantum memories in rare-earth ion-doped crystals and imperfect entangled photon-pair sources. The inclusion of a quantum buffer structure between repeaters and routers is shown to, albeit the increased complexity, improve the achievable entanglement distribution rates in the network. Although the expected rate and fidelity results are presented for a simple linear network (point-to-point), complex topologies are compatible with the proposed architecture through the inclusion of an extra layer of temporal multiplexing in the QR's operation. Figures of merit are extracted based on parameters found in the literature for near-term scenarios and attest the availability of the proposed buffered-router-assisted frequency-multiplexed automated repeater chain network.

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We introduce a class of parity-time symmetric elastodynamic metamaterials (Ed-MetaMater) whose Hermitian counterpart exhibits unfolding (fractal) spectral symmetries. Our study reveals a scale-free formation of exceptional points in those Ed-MetaMaters whose density is dictated by the fractal dimension of their Hermitian spectra. We demonstrate this scale-free EP-formation in a quasi-periodic Aubry-Harper Ed-MetaMater, a geometric H-tree-fractal Ed-MetaMater, and an aperiodic Fibonacci Ed-MetaMater—each having a specific fractal spectrum—using finite element models and establish a universal route for EP-formation via a coupled mode theory model with controllable fractal spectrum. This universality may enable the rational design of novel Ed-MetaMater for hypersensitive sensing and elastic wave control.

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We demonstrate theoretically and numerically that intense isolated circularly polarized (CP) attosecond pulses can be generated from ultrathin foil targets irradiated by two relativistic lasers from opposite sides, where their polarizations are orthogonal to each other. With a proper matching condition, the compressed oscillating plasma mirrors on both sides of the foil are pushed inside by laser radiation pressures, eventually merging together to form a dense electron nanobunch under the effect of orthogonal laser fields. This nanobunch reaches both high density and high energy in only half a laser cycle and smears out in others, resulting in coherent synchrotron emission of a single attosecond pulse with circular polarization. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that an intense isolated CP attosecond XUV pulse with an intensity of 1.2 × 1019 W cm−2 and a duration of ∼75 as can be obtained by two lasers with the same intensity of 2.1 × 1020 W cm−2.

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The interaction between anharmonic quantum emitters (e.g. molecular vibrations) and confined electromagnetic fields gives rise to quantum states with optical and chemical properties that are different from those of their precursors. The exploration of these properties has been typically constrained to the first excitation manifold, the harmonic approximation, ensembles of two-level systems [Tavis–Cummings (TC) model], or the anharmonic single-molecule case. The present work studies, for the first time, a collective ensemble of identical multi-level anharmonic emitters and their dipolar interaction with a photonic cavity mode, which is an exactly solvable many-body problem. The permutational properties of the system allow identifying symmetry classified submanifolds in the energy spectrum. Notably, in this approach, the number of particles, typically in the order of several millions, becomes only a parameter from the operational standpoint, and the size of the dimension of the matrices to diagonalize is independent of it. The formalism capabilities are illustrated by showing the energy spectrum structure, up to the third excitation manifold, and the calculation of the photon contents as a permutationally invariant quantity. Emphasis is placed on (a) the collective (superradiant) scalings of light–matter couplings and the various submanifolds of dark (subradiant) states with no counterpart in the single-molecule case, as well as (b) the delocalized modes containing more than one excitation per molecule with no equivalent in the TC model. We expect these findings to be applicable in the study of non-linear spectroscopy and chemistry of polaritons.

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In this paper, we review the state of the art of mode selective, integrated sum-frequency generation devices tailored for quantum optical technologies. We explore benchmarks to assess their performance and discuss the current limitations of these devices, outlining possible strategies to overcome them. Finally, we present the fabrication of a new, improved device and its characterization. We analyse the fabrication quality of this device and discuss the next steps towards improved non-linear devices for quantum applications.

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How do you take a reliable measurement of a material whose microstructure is random? When using wave scattering, the answer is often to take an ensemble average (average over time or space). By ensemble averaging we can calculate the average scattered wave and the effective wavenumber. To date, the literature has focused on calculating the effective wavenumber for a plate filled with particles. One clear unanswered question was how to extend this approach to a material of any geometry and for any source. For example, does the effective wavenumber depend on only the microstructure, or also on the material geometry? In this work, we demonstrate that the effective wavenumbers depend on only microstructure, though beyond the long wavelength limit there are multiple effective wavenumbers for one fixed incident frequency. We show how to calculate the average wave scattered from a random particulate material of any shape, and for broad frequency ranges. As an example, we show how to calculate the average wave scattered from a sphere filled with particles.

Special Issue Articles

Focus Issue Article

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Focus on Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics with High Power Lasers and Particle Beams

In a previous paper we showed how higher-order strong-field-QED processes in long laser pulses can be approximated by multiplying sequences of 'strong-field Mueller matrices'. We obtained expressions that are valid for arbitrary field shape and polarization. In this paper we derive practical approximations of these Mueller matrices in the locally-constant- and the locally-monochromatic-field regimes. The spin and polarization can also change due to loop contributions (the mass operator for electrons and the polarization operator for photons). We derive Mueller matrices for these as well, for arbitrary laser polarization and arbitrarily polarized initial and final particles.

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Focus on Cold and Ultracold Chemistry Focus on Cold and Ultracold Chemistry

We report the preparation of exactly one 87Rb atom and one 133Cs atom in the same optical tweezer as the essential first step towards the construction of a tweezer array of individually trapped 87Rb133Cs molecules. Through careful selection of the tweezer wavelengths, we show how to engineer species-selective trapping potentials suitable for high-fidelity preparation of Rb + Cs atom pairs. Using a wavelength of 814 nm to trap Rb and 938 nm to trap Cs, we achieve loading probabilities of 0.508(6) for Rb and 0.547(6) for Cs using standard red-detuned molasses cooling. Loading the traps sequentially yields exactly one Rb and one Cs atom in 28.4(6)% of experimental runs. Using a combination of an acousto-optic deflector and a piezo-controlled mirror to control the relative position of the tweezers, we merge the two tweezers, retaining the atom pair with a probability of $0.9{9}_{\left(-0.02\right)}^{\left(+0.01\right)}$. We use this capability to study hyperfine-state-dependent collisions of Rb and Cs in the combined tweezer and compare the measured two-body loss rates with coupled-channel quantum scattering calculations.

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Focus on Biocomputation: Materials, Algorithms, Devices and Fabrication

Molecular motor gliding motility assays based on myosin/actin or kinesin/microtubules are of interest for nanotechnology applications ranging from cargo-trafficking in lab-on-a-chip devices to novel biocomputation strategies. Prototype systems are typically monitored by expensive and bulky fluorescence microscopy systems. The development of integrated, direct electric detection of single filaments would strongly benefit applications and scale-up. We present estimates for the viability of such a detector by calculating the electrostatic potential change generated at a carbon nanotube transistor by a motile actin filament or microtubule under realistic gliding assay conditions. We combine this with detection limits based on previous state-of-the-art experiments using carbon nanotube transistors to detect catalysis by a bound lysozyme molecule and melting of a bound short-strand DNA molecule. Our results show that detection should be possible for both actin and microtubules using existing low ionic strength buffers given good device design, e.g., by raising the transistor slightly above the guiding channel floor. We perform studies as a function of buffer ionic strength, height of the transistor above the guiding channel floor, presence/absence of the casein surface passivation layer for microtubule assays and the linear charge density of the actin filaments/microtubules. We show that detection of microtubules is a more likely prospect given their smaller height of travel above the surface, higher negative charge density and the casein passivation, and may possibly be achieved with the nanoscale transistor sitting directly on the guiding channel floor.

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Focus on Microscopic Engines and Refrigerators: Theory and Experiments from Classical to Quantum

The experimental verification of quantum fluctuation relations for driven open quantum system is currently a challenge, due to the conceptual and operative difficulty of distinguishing work and heat. The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond has been recently proposed as a controlled test bed to study fluctuation relations in the presence of an engineered dissipative channel, in absence of work (Hernández-Gómez et al 2020 Phys. Rev. Res.2 023327). Here, we extend those studies to exploring the validity of quantum fluctuation relations in a driven-dissipative scenario, where the spin exchanges energy both with its surroundings because of a thermal gradient, and with an external work source. We experimentally prove the validity of the quantum fluctuation relations in the presence of cyclic driving in two cases, when the spin exchanges energy with an effective infinite-temperature reservoir, and when the total work vanishes at stroboscopic times—although the power delivered to the NV center is non-null. Our results represent the first experimental study of quantum fluctuation relation in driven open quantum systems.

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Focus on Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics with High Power Lasers and Particle Beams

The dynamics and radiation of ultrarelativistic electrons in strong counterpropagating laser beams are investigated. Assuming that the particle energy is the dominant scale in the problem, an approximate solution of classical equations of motion is derived and the characteristic features of the motion are examined. A specific regime is found with comparable strong field quantum parameters of the beams, when the electron trajectory exhibits ultrashort spike-like features, which bears great significance to the corresponding radiation properties. An analytical expression for the spectral distribution of spontaneous radiation is derived in the framework of the Baier–Katkov semiclassical approximation based on the classical trajectory. All the analytical results are further validated by exact numerical calculations. We consider a non-resonant regime of interaction, when the laser frequencies in the electron rest frame are far from each other, avoiding stimulated emission. Special attention is devoted to settings when the description of radiation via the local constant field approximation fails and to corresponding spectral features. Periodic and non-periodic regimes are considered, when lab frequencies of the laser waves are always commensurate. The sensitivity of spectra with respect to the electron beam spread, focusing and finite duration of the laser beams is explored.

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Focus on Active Metamaterials and Metasurfaces

We present a novel X-band 1-bit reconfigurable transmitarray with excellent polarization conversion. The basic element consists of two layers of metal patterns connected by a metal through-hole and feed structures. The top layer is used to realize a 1-bit phase response by controlling the states of two PIN diodes; the bottom layer is composed of a rectangular patch with a U-slot to realize conversion from linear polarization to cross polarization. The agreement between simulation and measurement results indicates that when the diode states are switched in turn, this unit achieves the phase difference of cross-polarized transmitted waves within 180° ± 15° and high transmittance in a broad band. The scattering patterns demonstrate that beam splitting or multi-beam generation can be achieved by controlling the different coding sequences of each column unit. The element offers low transmission loss, wide bandwidth of 1-bit phase control, and small thickness for easy integration. Thereby, it has numerous potential applications in radar and wireless communications.

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Focus on Strong Field Quantum Electrodynamics with High Power Lasers and Particle Beams

The process of turning a proton into a neutron, positron and electron-neutrino in a strong plane-wave electromagnetic field is studied. This process is forbidden in vacuum and is seen to feature an exponential suppression factor which is non-perturbative in the field amplitude. The suppression is alleviated when the proton experiences a field strength of about ten times the Schwinger critical field in its rest frame or larger. Around this threshold the lifetime of the proton, in its rest frame, is comparable to the conventional neutron decay lifetime. As the field strength is increased, the proton lifetime becomes increasingly short. We investigate possible scenarios where this process may be observed in the laboratory using an ultra-intense laser and a high-energy proton beam with the conclusion, however, that it would be very challenging to observe this effect in the near future.

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Focus on Cold and Ultracold Chemistry

Collisions with cold particles can dissipate a hot particle's energy and therefore can be exploited as a cooling mechanism. Kinetics teach us that cooling a particle down by several orders of magnitude typically takes many elastic collisions as each one only carries away a fraction of the collision energy. Recently, for a system comprising hot ions and cold atoms, a very fast cooling process has been suggested (Ravi et al 2012 Nat. Commun.3 1126) where cooling over several orders of magnitude can occur in a single step. Namely, in a homo-nuclear atom–ion collision, an electron can resonantly hop from an ultracold atom onto the hot ion, converting the cold atom into a cold ion. Here, we demonstrate such swap cooling in a direct way as we experimentally observe how a single energetic ion loses energy in a cold atom cloud. In order to contrast swap cooling with sympathetic cooling, we perform the same measurements with a hetero-nuclear atom–ion system, for which swap cooling cannot take place, and indeed observe very different cooling dynamics. Ab initio numerical model calculations agree well with our measured data and corroborate our interpretations.

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Focus on Machine Learning Across Physics

The relative motion of three impenetrable particles on a ring, in our case two identical fermions and one impurity, is isomorphic to a triangular quantum billiard. Depending on the ratio κ of the impurity and fermion masses, the billiards can be integrable or non-integrable (also referred to in the main text as chaotic). To set the stage, we first investigate the energy level distributions of the billiards as a function of 1/κ ∈ [0, 1] and find no evidence of integrable cases beyond the limiting values 1/κ = 1 and 1/κ = 0. Then, we use machine learning tools to analyze properties of probability distributions of individual quantum states. We find that convolutional neural networks can correctly classify integrable and non-integrable states. The decisive features of the wave functions are the normalization and a large number of zero elements, corresponding to the existence of a nodal line. The network achieves typical accuracies of 97%, suggesting that machine learning tools can be used to analyze and classify the morphology of probability densities obtained in theory or experiment.