Quantum science


Quantum Science

Celebrating World Quantum Day with IOP Publishing

14th April 2024

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To celebrate World Quantum Day, we have put together a collection of some of the amazing work taking place in quantum science and technology. From ground-breaking research articles and focus issues to the multitude of books, we want to celebrate the research paving the way in quantum science.

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Use code WQD_2024 in the IOP book store on selected quantum titles.

*Discount code is valid from the 14th of April until the 31st of May 2024 (GMT) when purchasing one of our 48 Quantum titles. Discount code is not valid in conjunction with any other code or offer, unless otherwise stated.

Reports on Progress in Physics

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Quantum Science and Technology

Materials for Quantum Technology

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical: