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Volume 441


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2nd International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science 26 September 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia

Accepted papers received: 16 January 2020
Published online: 24 February 2020


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It's such a great pleasure for me to welcoming all of you on behalf of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga, for the 2nd international conference on fisheries and marine science. The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Sciences (InCoFiMS) 2018 has been successfully carried out which facilitated hundreds of publications to the Scopus-indexed proceeding of IOP and connected many researchers. The prior experience encourages to improve the quality of the conference through The 2nd InCoFiMS with the broader topic called "Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Development and Management". This expanded level of this conference with the theme of "Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Development and Management" is expected capable of connecting students, lecturers, researchers, government and professionals from across the world to meet, greet, share and discuss about the potential and best practices in the field of fisheries and marine during the period of focusing on SDG's.

The aims of this conference is to developed and improve the goals of Universitas Airlangga to be of the Top 500 University in the world by improving aquaculture and Fisheries Sustainable sector. For this conference, we also cooperate with Scopus Indexed Publisher. In order to assist students, lecturers and researchers in disseminating their findings, to publish selected papers which are expected helping societies to implement the findings in the focus on developing aquaculture and fisheries sustainable.

I strongly hope that all of the participants from around the world enjoy the conference at the Historical City of Surabaya, the second biggest city in Indonesia with competitive economic activities for the future of Fisheries and Marine development.

Once again, I am most grateful for your participant and your support. Thank you

Dr. Ahmad Shofy Mubarok


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All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.


Earth and Environmental Science

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Abalone has an economic value in the world. The larval rearing technique of abalone has produced successfully at Gondol Research and Development Institute for Mariculture, Bali, Indonesia. However, the grow-out of abalone has not well documented yet. The purpose of this experiment is to examine the shelter shape in relation to growth and survival for abalone (Haliotis squamata) grow-out culture in the tidal area. The shelter made from PVC piping. The shape of shelter as a treatment of this experiment was A) round; B) square and; C) without shelter. The data of growth and survival rate were analyzed using analysis of variance. The result showed that the shelter for the grow-out of abalone was significantly affected growth in terms of shell length and wet weight (P<0.05) while the survival did not influence (P>0.05). It seems that the shelter was correlated with the feeding behavior of abalone had resulted in different for their growing. The water quality such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and water current was within the optimal range for abalone. We found that round shelter shape is the best for grow-out abalone at the tidal area.

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Live feed (rotifer) has an important role in fish seed production. The type of rotifers used in this study is Hexarthra mira. Hexarthra mira is included in monocyclic species which only has sexual periods in autumn and in winters Hexarthra mira is found in a dormant egg. Water quality greatly affects the growth and survival rate. This study was aimed to determine the effect of Hexarthra mira on water quality in culture media on population and production. Different stocking density as a treatments were as followed A) 1 ind/ml; B) 2 ind/ml; C) 3 ind/ml; and D) 4 ind/ml. The results showed that Hexarthra mira density can influence (P<0.05) water quality on the pH parameter. High stocking density (C and D) were significantly higher than that of A and B in term of population and production (P<0.05).

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Surimi is an intermediate product (semi-finished product) that has an ability to be processed into various products through a cooking process. Dumpling is a steam product and categorized as a product that requires a specification of compact and not have hard gel formation. To improve texture, the formulation used was added kappa carrageenan flour due to it was able to absorb excessive water level which caused by protein denaturation process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding kappa carrageenan flour on dumpling from threadfin bream fish surimi on the level of gel strength and acceptability product. This study used a completely randomized design which consists of 4 treatments with kappa carrageenan flour concentrations of 0.00%, 0.55%, 1.50%, and 2.45% and 5 replications. The result showed that the addition of kappa carrageenan flour had significant effect (P <0.05) on the value of the texture and acceptability of dumplings from threadfin bream fish surimi, as well as the proximate content. Kappa carrageenan flour with a concentration of 1.50 % produced the moisture and protein content of 50.14% and 8.16%, respectively and showed the best characteristic of compact and moist gel strength.

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The quality and quantity of Moina ephippia is influenced by the male and female sexual ratios in the population. The availability of males in the population can increase the number of fertilized eggs and ephippia hatching rates. This study aims to examine the concentration of rice bran suspension in culture to produce the most male offspring, and the quality and quantity of ephippia produced. Moina was cultured for twelve days and from the fifth day the feed is given with different concentrations. The results of this study indicate that, Moina culture using bran suspension feed with a concentration of 0.36-0.48 ml/L starting on the fifth day resulted in the production of low calf offspring but produced the highest total production of male offspring of 818±35 ind/L. Increased production of male offspring increases the production of ephippia containing two eggs but does not increase the degree of hatching significantly.

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The purpose of this research is having experience from around the world shows that fisheries management that produces lasting economic and ecological performance requires the use of fishing rights (rights-based fisheries management/RBFM) integrated as part of a well-designed management system that includes sustainable catch limits and effective monitoring and enforcement. The concept of fishing rights is not a new thing in Indonesia – in fact, many adat (traditional) customs such as sasi, awig-awig, and penglima laut are consistent with fishing rights and have been recognized for centuries. Such customary systems can provide a foundation for a new and effective system of fishing rights specially tailored to the culture, customs and needs of Indonesia. This research is using a qualitative method to identify what exactly happened in a coastal zone area. In reality, the concept of the Right to Management of Coastal Communities in the Regional Autonomy era has never been implemented in regional regulations that explicitly consider the rights needs of local communities. From the case of processing sea cucumber management permits in Sunsak Bay, East Lombok, it shows that local communities have never been a priority in the regional regulations to obtain the right to manage sea cucumbers.

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Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater aquaculture commodity with high demand and economic value. With developing breeding technology, hybrid tilapia also grows in popularity. Pandu tilapia is a strain of Singapore tilapia, while Kunti tilapia is a GIFT (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia) strain. To ensure the continuity of good fingerling stock, the individual selection needs to be conducted on Pandu and Kunti Tilapia broodstock candidates. The family selection method was chosen using 125 pairs of broodstock candidates. The male and female ratio is 1: 1 with horizontal breeding where a broodstock was mated with another fish from its own family or strain to ascertain that there is no cross-breeding. Larvae hatched from the spawning were reared in a nursery pond, then graded. The top 50% fish was reared until reaching the adult stage and bred again. The broodstock candidates were then tested for its performance and mass spawned.

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Caulerpa racemosa contains phenol compounds that have bioactivation as an active ingredient to capture UV radiation. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of Caulerpa racemosa extract in some solvents. This study used an experimental method consisting of four treatments and five replications, namely Control: Commercial seaweed sunscreen labeled SPF 18, P1: Sunscreen cream with a concentration of 1% extract of Caulerpa racemose n-hexane, P2: Sunscreen cream with a concentration of 1% extract of Caulerpa racemose ethyl acetate, P3: Sunscreen cream with a concentration of 1% extract of Caulerpa racemose ethanol 96%. The best treatment, in sunscreen cream with a concentration of 1% extract of Caulerpa racemose ethyl acetate which has an SPF value of 2.32 ± 0.07 (the effectiveness of protective sunscreen at least 2-4), supported by the results of pH value (Day 0: 7.80 ± 0.11; Day 7: 7.82 ± 0.14). The best treatment hedonic test results, namely in sunscreen cream with a concentration of 1% extract of Caulerpa racemose ethanol 96%, which has an appearance value of 7.13; odor 7.59; texture 6.42; and color 7.09.

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The aim of this study were to determine the changes of vaname gill which infested by ectoparasites and the correlation between the degree of ectoparasite infestation. The results showed that ectoparasites were found in the gill of vaname shrimp were Zoothamnium sp. and Epistylis sp... The degree infestation of the infested gills showed moderate infestations for Zoothamnium sp.; moderate and mild infestations for Epistylis sp. Histopathology analysis found haemorrhagi and hyperplasia. The correlation between the degree of ectoparasite infestation and the changes of vaname gill histopathology infested by ectoparasite showed a positive correlation (r = 0.926), which means that the high degree of the infestation, the higher histopathological changes.

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The high content of unsaturated fatty acids causes fish oil can be easily damaged by oxidation. Direct oxygen contact with food is the initial stage of food damage by oxygen. The use of active packaging aims to extend the shelf life, maintain the sensory and quality of the packaged material. Oxygen absorber commonly used in the market is iron powder. This study aims to determine the potential use of iron powder as an active oxygen absorbent material in the packaging in reducing the total value of oxidation of fish oil during the storage period. This study used a completely randomized design with 6 treatments. Fish oil stored in a Polyethylene Terephthalate packaging bottle and placed in a refrigerator at 23°C for 21 days. The addition of iron powder on fish oil packs is 2.7 grams, 5.4 grams, 8.1 grams, and 10.7 grams with negative controls in the form of pure fish oil and positive control in the form of packaged fish oil. The results showed that the addition of 10.7 grams of iron powder as an oxygen absorber to the active packaging of fish oil had a greater ability to reduce the total value of fish oil oxidation during storage (P <0.05).

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This study aims to determine the occurrence of helminth endoparasites that infect threadfin bream from Fish Auction Place of Mayangan, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. Helminth endoparasite found in the stomach, intestine (mucosa), and threadfin bream's liver were third-stage larvae of Anisakis simplex type I. The prevalence of Anisakis simplex infected threadfin bream in sizes 10-16 cm was 5.71% and in sizes 17-25 cm was 17.1%. The differences in the prevalence of threadfin bream endoparasites in different sizes did not show a significant difference.

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Fish handling conditions on the market nowadays mainly in the traditional market is less a principle handling with caution, fast, and clean, making the selling fish polluted with chemical, physical, and microbiological pollutants. The fish handling on the modern market is generally better than the traditional markets. Puncak Permai and Simo Gunung Market provide fresh fish more than any other market in Surabaya, making these markets become the main destination for consumers, therefore this study was conducted to observe the fish freshness in both markets. The purpose of this study was to compare the freshness and observe the handling way of traders situating in both markets. This research used a survey method that was conducted for seven times sampling with three days of interval sampling. This study took three types of marine fish. The main parameters observed were pH and organoleptic values, while the supporting parameters were interviewed data. The result showed that the handling method had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the organoleptic condition of all samples observed, but it had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the pH level.

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Vibrio harveyi is a bacteria that causes Vibriosis in shrimp and can cause mass death. The use of antibiotics and chemicals continuously can harm the environment and humans as consumers. Ketapang leaves (Terminalia catappa) are natural ingredients that can be an alternative to antibiotics and chemicals used to suppress V. harveyi bacteria. The purpose of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of ketapang leaf extract against V. harveyi in vitro using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) methods. The experimental study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 14 treatments and three replications. The results showed that ketapang leaf extract was able to inhibit and kill V. harveyi bacteria in vitro. The minimum concentration of ketapang leaf extract which can inhibit V. harveyi bacteria was 1.56% and the one who was able to kill was 3.12%. This proves that ketapang leaves can be used as an antibacterial against V. harveyi

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Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the fisheries commodities that are popular with many people. In aquaculture, fingerling is the main component that support the business. This study aimed to provide information on the performance of the rearing techniques of tilapia fingerling so that the information could be used in tilapia hatchery activities. This study was conducted at Loka PBIAT Janti, Klaten, Central Java on December 2018-January 2019. The work method used in this research was descriptive method with supported by primer and ssecondary data, especially survival rate data. With high quality rearing techniques, the survival rate of larasati tilapia fingerling in PBIAT Janti showed high level of 88.81%.

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Land preparation in a traditional shrimp pond is one of the most important parts to do. Soil Redox Potential is an indispensable parameter to see the readiness of soil land or the level of fertility of cultivated land in carrying out activities. It is toxic to shrimp such as sulfide compounds (H2S), nitrites and ammonia. This research is descriptive in nature, by observing 5 traditional aquaculture ponds measuring 3500 m2, with shrimp densities of 100 individuals/m2. The use of Hydrogen Peroxide is pool 1 (0.5 ppm/m2), pool 2 (1 ppm/m2), pool 3 (1.5 ppm/m2), pool 4 (2 ppm/m2) and pool 5 as a control (0 ppm/m2). The basis for determining the use of Hydrogen Peroxide doses is from a minimum reference dose. The best results in pool 3 with a potential reduction value of 331 m/v, wherein one period the value of NH4 ranged from 0-2 ppm with ADG (Average Daily Growth) every week an average of 0.3 grams.

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Goldfish production increase in four years, specifically 66,823,000 in 2010 to 72,997,000 in 2014. The increment of goldfish production growth altogether with problems which is a discontinuity of fry stock. The solution for this problem is the purpose of this study, which is understood techniques in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) hatchery. The feed given to goldfish brood is blood worms (Chironomus sp. larvae) and pellets with a ratio of 50:50 as much as 3% of the biomass. Goldfish hatchery techniques involve broodstock cultivation, spawning techniques, larval development observation, and larval cultivation. Two kinds of Goldfish used, namely Oranda and Mutiara Goldfish. The results of Oranda goldfish spawning and Mutiara goldfish spawning consecutively are Fecundity 875 eggs, FR 94%, HR 91.83%, SR 93.04% and Fecundity 3850 eggs, FR 93.66%, HR 92.48%, and SR 91.10%. Larval development observation includes embryogenesis until post-hatched larval. Larval cultivation consists of giving various types of feeds, which are artemia nauplii (for 3-7 days old larval), Moina (for 7-14 days old larval), and blood worm or tubifex (> 14 days old larval). Fertilized goldfish eggs will develop through several phases, including zygotes, initial cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, pharyngula, egg hatching, and development of larvae after hatching.

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Catfish (Clarias sp.) is one of the important fish commodities, especially in the freshwater cultivation. The study aimed to reveal the substitution of maggot flour (Hermetia illucens) toward the growth and life sustainability of dumbo catfish. The treatments were difference doses of flour maggot substitution: P0 dose (0%) P1 (4%), P2 (6%), P3 (8%) and P4 (10%). The data were analyzed using ANOVA in order to reveal the treatment impact. The differences among treatments were analyzed using Duncan's multiple range test. After 30 days of cultivation, there were clear differences in the specific growth rate of the catfish after maggot flour substitution. The maggot flour substitution as artificial feeding cultivation of treatment P4 showed the highest growth rate for about 0.3075 g/day. Meanwhile, the specific growth rate of treatment P4 showed 3.4425 %/day. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between treatments in the term of survival rate, among treatment P0-P4 which was 100%.

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Catfish (Clarias sp.) Is a freshwater fish that have been grown commercially. One effort to improve feed efficiency is to use a feed additive. Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a medicinal plant that can be used as a natural feed additive (fitobiotik). This study purposed to study the influence of noni juice (addition on commercial feed on protein and fat retentions in catfish. This study was used as an experimental method to completely randomized design consisting of five treatments and four replications. The number of doses of noni juice is added to the commercial feed is: P0 (0 ml/kg), P1 (5 ml/kg), P2 (10 ml/kg), P3 (15 ml/kg) and P4 (20 ml/kg). Analysis of the data using variant analysis (ANOVA) followed by Duncan's multiple range test. The addition of noni juice on commercial diets significant effect on the retention of the protein in catfish and the addition of Noni juice on commercial diets do not provide a real impact on the retention of fat in catfish.

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Pangasius catfish are not able to synthesize amino acids in their bodies so that Pangasius catfish need a supply of amino acids such as lysine in their feed. This study aims to find out the effect of lysine addition in commercial feed towards the growth, protein content, and fatty acid of Pangasius catfish meat. Total doses of lysine added to the commercial feed are: P0 (0%), P1 (1.2%), P2 (2.2%), dan P3 (3.2%). The results showed that the addition of lysine essential amino acids in commercial feed showed a significantly different effect (P<0.05) on t h e specific growth rate, feed efficiency, feed conversion ratio, Saturated Fatty Acid (SFA), and Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA) of Pangasius catfish meat. On the other hand, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) showed a very significant difference (P<0.01) with lysine addition dose of 3.2% and no significant effect (P>0.05) on SR. The results of this study showed that lysine addition dose of 1.2% could increase SGR, feed efficiency, and FCR, and lysine addition dose of 2.2% can increase the protein content of Pangasius catfish meat also lysine addition dose of 3.2% provides the best performance for fatty acids of Pangasius catfish meat.

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Cantang grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × lanceolatus) is an Indonesian fisheries commodity that seeded and has high economic value. Cantang grouper is also had excellence because it has fast growth and tolerance to disease, so these fish are widely cultured. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hatching rate, growth monitoring, and survival rate of cantang grouper. This research was conducted at UPT PBL Situbondo, East Java Province on December 2018 until January 2019. Spawning of the cantang grouper was done artificially. The hatching rate of cantang grouper eggs was 53.3 %, growth rate ranging from 0.0009-0.7900 gr/day and specific growth rate ranging from 10.34-29.84 %. Larvae maintenance includes feeding, measurement of water quality, and change of water. Feeding is in the form of Chlorella sp., Rotifer, Artemia sp., Acetes sp., and artificial feed. The survival rate of cantang grouper was 26.9%. The measured water quality was a temperature ranging from 29-30 °C, pH with a range of 7.9-8, and dissolved oxygen (DO) was 7 mg/L.

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Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria have been pathogen of Motile Aeromonads Septicemia disease that infects all of the freshwater fish. Control of microbe growth can be done by manipulating environmental factors and utilizing antimicrobial agents. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature, salinity, and antimicrobial on the growth and viability of A. hydrophila. The treatments of the study consisted of temperature, salinity, and antimicrobial tests. Temperature treatment used Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) medium incubated at 4˚C, 28˚C, 37˚C, and 70˚C. Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) added with NaCl of 0%, 3%, and 10% in salinity treatment. Antimicrobial treatment was performed by disc diffusion method using chloramphenicol (25 ppm and 50 ppm), Phyllanthus niruri extract (3 ppt and 30 ppt), formaldehyde (0.4% and 4%), penicillin (25 ppm and 50 ppm), and NaCl 0.9% (control). All treatments were incubated for 24 hours at 28˚C and were observed for bacterial growth. The study showed that A. hydrophila bacteria were growth optimally in medium with salinity 0% and 3% after incubated in temperatures of 4˚C, 28˚C, and 37˚C. Antimicrobial that inhibits the growth of A. hydrophila was Chloramphenicol 25 and 50 ppm; Phyllanthus niruri extract 30 ppt and formaldehyde 0.4% and 4%.

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Agar Gracilaria sp. is potential seaweed in Indonesia with largely opportunity to be used as raw material for cosmetics, especially skincare creams, lotions, powder, lipstick, facial makeup, and soap. Liquid bath soap is one of the cosmetics that require thickener in the composition, which often generally uses carcinogenic cocamide DEA. On the other hand, agar Gracilaria sp. has a gelling agent capable of having a thickening effect on certain products such as liquid bath soap. This study aimed to determine the potential of agar Gracilaria sp. as a thickener agent in liquid bath soap as a cocamide DEA substitute. This study used agar Gracilaria sp. with a percentage of 0, 1, 2% and 1% cocamide DEA. Parameters determined were the viscosity, pH, specific gravity, microbial contamination, and organoleptic. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test, while organoleptic data analysis used the Kruskal Wallis test. The study results showed that the addition of 1% Gracilaria sp. agar had 762.22 cPs viscosity, pH 9.06, 1.05 g/ml specific gravity, and <1x101 colonies/ml microbial contamination.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between blood glucose levels of humpback grouper with an infestation of protozoa ectoparasites and the correlation between blood glucose levels and the infestation of protozoa ectoparasites in humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) in the Sea Cultivation Development Unit, Situbondo, East Java. This research is survey research. The sample was in the form of a humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) measuring 13-20 cm, 30 of which were randomly drawn from a population of 2,000 individuals. The results of the study showed that the blood glucose level of the humpback grouper Nurserys was the lowest of 21 mg/dL and the highest was 67 mg/dL. Humpback grouper Nurserys began to be infested with Trichodina sp. Ectoparasites, and Cryptocaryon sp. in fish with glucose levels of 25-28 mg/dL included in the category of normal infestations, while fish with glucose levels of 29 - 36 mg/dL (Normal) are included in the category of mild to severe infestations. The results showed that there was a very close correlation between blood glucose levels of humpback grouper Nurserys and ectoparasite infestations. The higher the blood glucose level the higher the ectoparasite infestation in the Nurserys of the humpback grouper.

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Ocean pollution occurs because of the concentration of population and industrialization in the coastal areas. The existence of heavy metals in the water can be accumulated in aquatic organisms, especially blood shells. The purpose of this study is to know the contents of cadmium (Cd) in blood shells, water, sediments and to determine the relation of blood shell's size with the contents of cadmium (Cd) in the Bancaran Coastal, Bangka, Madura. The research method used was observations of that method. The main parameters are observed that the contents of cadmium (Cd) in seawater, sediment, and blood in the Bancaran Coastal shells. Supporting parameters that observed are water quality include temperature, pH, salinity, DO and brightness. Data analysis is used to find relations of the data Obtained (regression-correlation). The results showed that the contents of cadmium (Cd) of large shells blood are higher than the small and medium blood shells, and there were the relations between the size of the blood shells with the contents of cadmium (Cd). The water quality of Bancaran Coastal was the temperature 28°C-29°C, pH 7-8, the salinity of 30 ppt, the brightness of 30 cm, and DO 5 mg/L.

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The study aims to find out the types of ectoparasites infected in the fry of Asian Sea Bass (Lates calcalifer), White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), and Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus), and to know their prevalence. The method used in this study is an examination of fish samples using the wet mount method. The results showed that the parasites found in the fry of Asian Sea Bass were Trichodina sp., Caligus sp., and Dactylogyrus sp., with the prevalence, were 18.85%, 3.28%, and 1.64% respectively. While, the parasites of Vorticella sp., Epistylis sp and Zoothamnium sp. infected on white shrimp with the prevalence respectively were 2.71%, 0.84%, and 0.17%. Furthermore, on the blue swimming crab was found parasite of Vorticella sp. with the prevalence was 16.47% and Epistylis sp. with the prevalence value was 12.54%.

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Milkfish cultivation has long been recognized by farmers and is now developing in almost all Indonesian waters. Fish culture technology is also experiencing rapid development, ranging from traditional maintenance to intensive technology that requires seed, water, and planned feed management. One way to fill the empty ecological space is to cultivate a mixture (polyculture) between several fisheries commodities. With this system, the benefits obtained are high land productivity. The development of aquaculture technology shows that milkfish (Chanos chanos Forskal) can be cultivated together with Gracilaria sp. Seaweed in a pond. This polyculture system can increase the efficiency of land use and farmers' income in a sustainable manner. The study was conducted using the experimental method. The density of gracilaria sp distribution in this study was: treatment A (nongracilaria), treatment B (gracilaria 50 Kg), treatment C (gracilaria 100 Kg), treatment D (gracilaria 150 Kg) and Treatment E (gracilaria 200 Kg). The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The main parameters observed were growth including absolute length, absolute weight, specific growth rate, and survival. As supporting data the measurement of water quality is also carried out.

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VNN is one of the viruses that can cause death in cantang grouper hatchery in Southeast Asia including Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to find out the expression of NFkB in cantang grouper brain which was exposed by VNN and treated by D. salina extract. Fifty hybrid groupers with 7-9 cm length were stocked in 5 containers with a density of 10 fish/container. Five treatments applied with different D. salina extracts are 0, 250, 300, 350 and 400 mg/kg feed. Feed treatment was given twice a day for 10 days before being challenged with VNN. The expression of NFkB was detected with immunohistochemistry tests and analyzed by immunoreaction software. The result showed that the highest NFkB expression is in treatment 0 mg/kg feed with a percentage of 66%, while the lowest expression is shown in 400 mg/kg feed with a percentage of 31,2%. Different dosages of D. salina have a significant effect on NFκB expression so that it can be concluded that D. salina has the potential as a VNN antiviral candidate in the grouper.

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Gurame (Osphronemus goramy) is one of the most commodities cultivated by the people in Indonesia, but there is a production constraint due to gurame that attacked Motile Aeromonas Septicemia (MAS) disease caused by Aeromonas hyrdophila. One of the most effective precautions that can be used is vaccination. Based on the above description, it is necessary to research the effectiveness of Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine in gurame. This research aims to determine the effect of Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine and the amount of bacterial density in an effective vaccine for preventing MAS on gurame (Osphronemus goramy). This study used an experimental method with a complete lyrandomized design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. Parameters observed were survival rate (SR) and antibody titre of carp. The results of this research indicate that giving Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine to gurame can give an effect for increasing the antibody titer and survival rate (SR). The results showed that the amount of 104 CFU/ml of bacterial density in the Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine was the effective vaccine density used as the MAS prevention and showed a high survival rate of 95%. The conclusion of this research is by giving Aeromonas vaccine can prevent MAS and the density of Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine 104 CFU/ml.

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Increasing seaweed production in Indonesia is the result of industrial demand that continues to soar, especially Kappaphycus alvarezii, and has an impact on the accumulation of seaweed processing waste. The use of waste as a substitute for sand in making lightweight concrete can be done because there is a cellulose content that can make bonds between materials which can be used as earthquake-resistant building materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the industrial waste treatment of K. alvarezii can be used as a lightweight concrete for earthquake resistant building materials. This study uses a complete random range with six treatments and four replications by testing compressive strength, flexural strength, and water absorption. The best treatment is a substitution with a 60% waste concentration with the results of the compressive strength test of 1.15 MPa, the flexural strength of 5.37 MPa, and a water absorption capacity of 62.25%. The suggestion from this research is to do mass production with the substitution formulation of carrageenan waste by 60%.

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Heavy metals copper (Cu) was microelements needed by organisms in small quantities. The type of plankton that could be used as a bioremediation agent because of its abundance and resistance in nature was Skeletonema costatum. This study aims to determine the effect of different density of Skeletonema costatum exposure Cu and Determine the effect of exposure to the growth of Skeletonema costatum. The design used in this research was an experimental method. This research using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and six replications. Treatment used was 5,000 cells/ml (A), 10,000 cells/ml (B), and 15,000 cells/ml (C) of cells density at 1 ppm Cu concentration. The results of this study prove that the density of Skeletonema costatum could affect Cu uptake levels with the absorption percentage of treatment A was78,62b ± 10.40; the absorption percentage of treatment B was 88,13ab ± 7.49; the absorption percentage of treatment C was 91,96b ± 4.87. Culture media that contained 1 ppm Cu concentration could affect the growth and growth phase of Skeletonema costatum. Skeletonema costatum that exposed cells with Cu has higher growth than with Cu reviews those not exposed.

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This study seeks to determine the best method for preventing separating one cell into two cells in early embryogenesis as a means to induce tetraploid in the Mutiara catfish strain (Clarias sp.). Heat shocks were applied to newly fertilized eggs. Heat shock that was administered at 40 °C, for 4 min at 30 min post-spawning, was the best method for tetraploid induction, as evidenced by the highest percentage of forming four pronuclei in syngamy (84.12%). Therefore, heat shock induction was employed to further explore the advantage of tetraploid over diploid catfish. After hatching of the heat-shocked eggs, the larvae were allowed to reach juvenile levels of development. At day 30 in culture, the number and amount of chromosomes were determined in juvenile stages, using Silver Nitrate Staining methods, by which the catfish were divided into diploid and tetraploid groups. The average specific growth rate of the tetraploid (22.55%/gr/day) was significantly higher (Pb 0.05) than that of their diploid counterparts (15.42%/gr/day). These results reveal the advantages of growing tetraploid over diploid Mutiara catfish strain and its feasibility for future commercial production.

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Pangasius sp are included in the group of catfish that have high economic value. Catfish are susceptible to infection with Edwardsiellosis caused by Edwardsiella sp. Edwardsiellosis is one of disease which causes declining of catfish production in Indonesia. Histopathological test can be one way to diagnose a disease infection by observing cell or tissue changes. The method used in this study is descriptive and sampling method by exsitu, by taking samples from the field and observing in the laboratory. The results showed tissue changes in the organs of Pangasius sp. due to bacterial infection which leads to damage hyperplasia, lamella fusion, and necrosis.

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Nile tilapia is a type of mouthbreeder fish which is a fish that incubates its eggs in the mouth. The parent fish that do spawning must incubate eggs for up to 12 days and fast until the eggs in their mouths hatch, it can cause nutrient deficient and a long recovery period that will affect the subsequent production. The conditions on artificial tilapia eggs hatching media are made to resemble the conditions in the mouth of tilapia, one of which is the presence of the protease enzyme. One of the protease enzymes that can be used is the bromelain enzyme found in pineapple. This study used the experimental method and used a completely randomized design (CRD) trial with three replications and five treatments. Bromelain enzymes used were A (0, 09 µmol), B (0.105 µmol), C (0, 12 µmol), D (0.135 µmol) and E (0.15 µmol). The parameters observed were hatchability and survival rate. The results suggested that the bromelain enzyme can be used to do tilapia egg hatching outside the mother's mouth with the highest hatching rate was 74.44%. But it does not affect the survival rate of tilapia larvae with a survival rate was 82.5%.

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Phytochemical test results of Majapahit leaf extract contain active ingredients saponins, tannins, steroids and triterpenoids which have in vitro potential as antibacterial and from the results of GCMS analysis in previous studies. Majapahit leaves contain active ingredients such as 2-Methoxyl4-vinylpheol, Thiosulfuric acid, Octadec9-enoicacid, n-Hexadeconoic acid which has the potential as an antibacterial insilico. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of Majapahit leaf powder (Crescentiacujete L.) in feed with different doses to the growth of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) The parameters observed in this study were the growth of tilapia weight by treating different doses of majapahit leaf powder with doses A (7.5%), B (10%), C (12.5%) and D (0%). To find out the weight of the fish, sampling was done every 5 days. The results showed the best absolute weight growth in treatment C (12.5%) which was 21.33 g higher than the control treatment which was 10.33 g.

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This study aimed to determine the marketing chain of vaname shrimp (L. vannamei) in Turi district, Lamongan, East Java Province, Indonesia and the most frequent marketing chain based on the number of shrimp farmers chosen. This study used the survey method to describe the problem following the facts based on a field survey and simple random sampling for obtaining the appropriate respondents. Data were obtained from marketing agencies involved, marketing structures, market behavior, marketing margins, farmer's share, and profit cost ratio. The result showed that vaname shrimp post-harvest marketing in Turi district, Lamongan had four marketing chain types involving shrimp farmers, shrimp farmers, wholesale traders, retailed traders, and factories. The most frequent marketing chain type used was marketing chain I (shrimp farmers – distributors – wholesale traders – consumers), though it was the longest chain type and lowest farmer's share value, besides the most inefficient marketing chain type. This study suggested that it was necessary to cut the marketing chain to make the profit cost ratio increase, resulting in high profit for the shrimp farmers.

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The research aimed to find out whether there was interaction between fermentation duration and probiotics dose toward the increase in crude protein and decrease in crude fiber content in coffee peel. This research was experimental using complete randomized design (RAL) factorial, data analysis using duncan. The result of the research showed that there was interaction between duration and probiotics doses in coffee peel fermentation to crude protein in day 5 of fermentation duration with probiotics dose of 5%, it was the highest result of crude protein content. There was no interaction between duration fermentation and probiotics dose in fermentation of coffee peel toward crude fiber content in day 7 duration of fermentation with probiotics dose of 5%, it was the result of the lowest crude fiber. Fermentation in 7 days with dose of 5% was the best result. There was increase of protein from 12.15% to 13.93% and decrease of fiber from 34.27% to 30.8%.

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Consumption of cockles with high concentrations of lead metal (Pb) will hurt harm humans from health aspects. The concentration of Pb metal in cockles can be reduced through a depuration process. This study aims to determine the efficient time of retention and the rate of decrease in the concentration of Pb in the cockles (Anadara sp.) by using activated carbon as a filter during the depuration process. The treatment of study consists of P0 (no depuration), P1 (depuration 24 Hours), P2 (depuration 48 Hours), and P3 (depuration 72 Hours). The results showed that the process of depuration of the cockles for 24 hours with activated carbon filters was able to reduce the Pb metal content to 0.926 mg/kg and even the depuration process for 72 hours, the efficiency of the depuration process increased to 86.52% so that the Pb content in the cockles became 0.273 mg/kg. Overall, the duration of the process of depuration of the cockles with activated charcoal as a filter can increase the efficiency of Pb metal reduction in the cockles so that it according to SNI 7387: 2009, which is the maximum metal content of Pb in the shellfish 1.5 mg/kg.

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Boeseman's rainbowfish is an endemic ornamental fish from Papua. This fish is popular because of its beauty and uniqueness. Problems that occur in rainbow fish farming are low growth rates and high mortality rates in the larvae stage. The purpose of this research is to analyze the growth performance and survival rate of Boeseman's rainbowfish. This research was conducted at BRBIH Depok, West Java, on December 17, 2018, until January 17, 2019. The technique is used was natural spawning technique. In this technique used aquarium containers and fiberglass tanks. Maintenance of the parent is done by feeding Chironomus sp. twice a day. The parent selection is carried out before the spawning process. The results of spawning for 20 days had a fertilization rate of 91.47 % and a hatching rate of 86.12%. Growth monitoring results of the average growth rate were 0.0031 g/day, the specific growth rate was 0.013 – 0.095 %bb/day and the survival rate of larvae was 47.24%.

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This encourages monosex male guppies cultivation which can be done through sex reversal techniques, namely masculinization by adding safer natural ingredients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of immersion of pregnant guppies fish using water of coconut hybrid on the percentage of male larvae and determine the dose of coconut water and the duration of immersion. The research method used was the experimental method with Factorial Completely Randomized Design continued with DMRT. The results of immersion of pregnant guppies fish in a solution of water coconut hybrid with different dosages and the duration of immersion had a significant effect (P <0.05) on the percentage of male larvae. The dosage of 15 ml coconut water for 10 hours produced 66.90% male guppies fish larvae. Supporting parameters showed results at a dose of 15 ml with the duration immersion of 10 hours obtained survival of 100%. Water quality during immersion and maintenance of larvae, namely temperatures of 26 - 28 oC, pH 6.6 - 8.0 and DO 6.4 - 6.8 mg/L.

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S. costatum is one type of phytoplankton used in the maintenance of fish, shrimp, and crab larvae, but most are given in the maintenance of tiger shrimp larvae (Penaeus monodon) from the phase of nauplius phase after zoea. S. costatum has the advantages found in the autolysis enzyme itself so that it is easily digested by the larvae and does not pollute the cultivation media. Therefore knowledge about how is the effect of nutrients in S. costatum commercial life of food culture on laboratory scale up to mass scale. The method S. costatum is generally started by sterilizing tools and materials, preparation of culture media for laboratory scale (2 liters), semi-mass scale (80 liters) and mass scale (2 tons), fertilizer application, seed selection, the cost of counting S. costatum cells with peak population depends on the 36th hour with the highest number of cells in each culture scale items, namely laboratory scale of 602.547 × 103 cells/mL, semi-mass scale of 484.713 × 103 cells/mL and mass scale of 133.757 × 103 cells/mL then the last process is harvesting until it becomes flour. The obstacles encountered are environmental problems such as unstable weather and can be contaminated.

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Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is a commodity that has the highest increase in consumption value, which is 24.55%. Milkfish production centers in Indonesia have developed such as in East Java, South Sulawesi, West Java, Central Java, and Southeast Sulawesi (DJPB, 2015). The technology of enlargement and seeding has been mastered and developed in the community, for example modular, semi-intensive and intensive systems. The difference in the growth of modular and semi-intensive milkfish systems has been observed in the Center for Brackish Water Aquaculture (BBPBAP) Jepara, Central Java on 19 December 2018 until 19 January 2019. Since 1 month, milkfish was observed with long, heavy growth parameters, life velocity of milkfish, and water quality. Milkfish enlargement techniques are preparation of ponds, liming, fertilization, stocking of milkfish logs, management of water quality, pest and disease control, and harvesting. Based on observations made, the growth in length and weight of milkfish develops faster using semi-intensive systems compared to modular systems. The semi-intensive system also speeds up the harvest of milkfish, which are generally 6 months to 4 months.

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Silver rasbora (Rasbora argyrotaenia) is a fish that high economic price, a relatively short maintenance period, and cultivation can be in a narrow area. The purpose of this research was to know the effect and optimum dosage of S. platensis supplementation in diet to sperm performance of silver rasbora. This study was conducted in February until March 2019 at Wet Laboratory and Instrument Laboratory Universitas Airlangga, Banyuwangi Campus, Indonesia. A total 24 male of silver rasbora with initial weight of 3.96 ± 0.41 g and length of 7.58 ± 0.41 cm was randomly distributed in 4 tanks (6 fish per tank) according to 4 different treatment doses of S. platensis in the diet namely 0% (P0), 1% (P1), 2% (P2), and 3% (P3). The parameters were observed in this study are milt volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm viability. Supplementation of S. platensis in diet was increased sperm performance of silver rasbora and the optimum dosage is 3% with the amount of milt volume, sperm motility, sperm concentration, sperm viability are 9.11 ± 0.95 μL/gr body weight, 76.07 ± 0.97 %, 82.70 ± 0.79 ×104 cell/μL, and 73.90 ± 1.8 %.

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Freshwater fish that became the leading commodity of gourami. Fish cultivation is often experienced constraints of infection from motile aeromonas septicaemia (MAS), also known as red spotting disease caused by bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. A vaccine is an effective preventive measure because in this way immune can be obtained only once or twice vaccine administration until the fish is harvested. This study aims to determine the haematological picture of gourame (Osphronemus gouramy) that vaccinated and challenged bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. This research is an experimental research using completely randomized design which consists of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment of this study was the difference of vaccine dose ie A (control +) fish injected vaccine without any challenge test, B (control -) fish injected NaCl Physiological and tested challenge, C vaccine dose 104 CFU/mL, D vaccine dose 105 CFU/mL, and E vaccine dose of 106 CFU/mL. The results of this study showed vaccinations and tests of bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila in gouramy can give effect to total erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocyte total, and leukocyte differential. The 106 cell/mm3 (E) vaccine dose provides the best (responsive immune response) effectiveness compared to the other two doses.

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Disease motile aeromonas septicemia (MAS) caused by the bacterium A. hydhrophilla, is a disease that can affect all species of freshwater fish in the tropics. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial diseases have long been used, but the use of antibiotics that are not controlled pathogens causing bacterial resistance. The purpose of this study to determine the effect and the optimum concentration of the mahkota dewa leaf extract against bacteria A. hydhrophilla. The treatment in this study was the addition of the mahkota dewa leaf extract and DMSO with a variant concentration of 100 mg, 140 mg, 180 mg, 220 mg, 260 mg, positive control using antibiotics chloramphenicol and negative controls using DMSO. Research of mahkota dewa leaf extracts to inhibit the growth of Aeromonas hydrhopilla. This is indicated resources by the formation of an inhibition zone at all concentrations. The formation of inhibition zone of the mahkota dewa against A. hydhrophilla leaf extract shows that the mahkota dewa leaf extract can inhibit the growth of bacteria.

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Kersen (M. calabura L) leaf can be used as a medicine because kersen leaf contains compounds flavonoids, saponins, polyphenols, and tannins. This study aims to determine the inhibitory power and the smallest concentration of a solution of kersen (M. calabura L) leaf extract to A. salmonicida in vitro. This research uses experimental methods and studied is the activity of kersen leaf extract as an antibacterial to A. salmonicida with a comparison between treatment and control. The treatments were concentrations of kersen leaf extract of 2 mg/ml, 1 mg/ml, 0.5 mg/ml, 0:25 mgml, and 0.125 mg/ml, positive control (chloramphenicol) and negative control, dimethyl sufoxide (DMSO 5% ). The parameters were observed in this study the antibacterial activity of kersen leaf extract to A. salmonicida, and dilution of the concentration of the smallest kersen leaf extract can inhibit A. salmonicida in vitro. The results showed that kersen leaf extract had antibacterial power to A. salmonicida growth. Cassava leaf extract has the ability to inhibit the in vitro growth of A. salmonicida at the smallest concentration of 0.5 mg/ml with inhibiting zone of 10 mm Because at that concentration is more effective when compared with chloramphenicol.

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Sardinelle fish oil is one of the compositions of the fat source which contains Omega-3 potentially to improve growth performance. The addition of sardinelle fish oil in fish feed is, therefore, important to do to could boost the growth of the fish. This study aims to determine the effect of adding sardinelle fish oil towards the growth performance and survival rate of silver barb and also determines the optimum concentration of sardinelle fish oil in feed formulation that results in the highest growth and survival rate of the silver barb. This research applied a completely randomized design for experimental method, which consisted of five treatments each treatment has four replications in 42 days. The results showed that adding sardinelle fish oil with different concentrations significantly has affected specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR), but did not significantly affect survival rate (SR) and average daily length gain (ADGL) of silver barb. Addition of sardinelle fish oil by 4% resulted in SR (100%), SGR (2.17%/day), ADGL (0.85%/day), highest FI (63.81g/50 fish) and lowest FCR (1.73).

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The highest cost in catfish farming is feed. One of the imported feed ingredients is fermented dregs flour of soybean juice. This study aims to determine the effect of substitution of soybean meal flour with fermented dregs flour of soybean juice in catfish formulation feed (Pangasius pangasius) toward specific growth rate, the efficiency of feed, feed conversion ratio, digestibility of crude protein and energy. This research was experimental using 5 treatments which included P0 (100% soybean meal flour), P1 (90% soybean meal flour + 10% fermented dregs flour of soybean juice), P2 (80% soybean meal flour + 20% fermented dregs flour of soybean juice), P3 (70% soybean meal flour + 30% fermented dregs flour of soybean juice), P4 (60% soybean meal flour + 40% fermented dregs flour of soybean juice) with 4 times treatments repetition. The main parameters observed were specific growth rate, the efficiency of feed, feed conversion ratio, digestibility of crude protein, and energy. The results showed that the substitution of soybean meal of specific growth rate, the efficiency of feed, feed conversion ratio, digestibility of crude protein and energy were not significantly different (p> 0.05).

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The development of aquaculture technology to produce silver barb is constrained by the low fecundity and long space of reproduction periodicity. As a consequence, feed manipulation is necessary to improve fecundity and gonadal maturity. Fecundity and gonadal maturity could be developed through additional fat from lemuru fish oil. Lemuru fish oil contains high Omega-3 that frequently used in the vitellogenesis process. The objectives of this study were adding lemuru fish oil in feed to increase the gonadal maturity level of the female silver barb. This research applied a completely randomized design (CRD) method which consist of five treatments (0%,2%,4%,6%,8%) in adding the different concentration of lemuru fish oil in feed and four replications for each. The feeding was done three times a day, at 4% biomass in 42 days of treatment. The parameters observed in this study were the gonadal maturity level in morphology as well as histology, gonad somatic index (GSI), gonad index (GI) of the female silver barb. The results of this study indicated that the addition of lemuru fish oil at 4% concentration in feed was able to accelerate 60% of the population of female silver barb gonadal maturity in the level of III and IV.

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Nile tilapia has high economic value, in its cultivation, to optimize the growth and survival rate of Nile tilapia could be done by adding vitamin C in its feed as antioxidant. However, vitamin C could not be synthesized in the fish body and expensive. Mangrove leaves Avicennia rumphiana contains antioxidant that suitable as the alternative of antioxidant likes vitamin C. This study aimed to observe the using of feed additive of mangrove leaves flour as antioxidant towards the growth and survival rate of Nile tilapia. This research applied a completely randomized design method which consist both of four treatments and replications that involve 0.02gr/kg vitamin C (K), amount of 0.2gr/kg, 0.4gr/kg, 0.6gr/kg mangrove leaves flour (P1, P2, P3). The result showed that the using of mangrove leaves flour as feed additive in commercial feed in 30 days at 0.02gr/kg has influenced the development of growth and survival rate of Nile tilapia. Therefore, it has proved that mangrove Avicennia rumphiana leaves flour is qualified to be the alternative of feed additive antioxidant in fish feed.

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The purpose of this study to evaluate the effects of combination 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% Lactobacillus acidophilus on egg yolk cholesterol, High density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) in hens. Methods: this research using completely randomized design. Sixty layers were randomized into three treatments, each treatment contains four replicates and each replicates contains five hens. Twenty five week-old Isa Brown layers were fed without probiotic (T0), 0.1% antibiotic growth promoters (T1), 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% L. acidophilus (T2) for 30 days. Result: the result showed that there was a significant difference between the control and all treatment groups on egg yolk cholesterol, HDL and LDL. Supplementation of 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% L. acidophilus probiotic decreased the egg yolk cholesterol and LDL (p<0.05) and increased HDL in egg yolk (p<0.05) levels. The lowest egg yolk cholesterol and LDL by supplementation 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% L. acidophilus probiotic (155.86 and 48.46 mg/dL) respectively, compared the control (224.0200 and 58.6300 mg/dL) and the highest egg yolk HDL by supplementation of 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% L. acidophilus probiotic (50.00 mg/dL) compared the control treatment (41.5900 mg/dL). The conclusion of this study was the supplementation of 0.5% Bifidobacterium sp.+0.5% L. acidophilus could improve egg yolk quality of hens.

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Spirulina platensis is one type of blue-green autotrophic microalgae which is included in the cyanobacteria class. Spirulina platensis microscopically, it looks like a thin thread (filament) in the form of a spiral. Phycocyanin, and phycobiliprotein are used in food, biotechnology, and the cosmetics industry because of their color and antioxidants. This goal of research is to provide information of the best polar solvents on the thermal stability of phycocyanin extract from Spirullina platensis. The research method used was the complete random design (CRD) method. The results of the concentration and purity of phycocyanin showed that the heating process using 80ºC for 60 minutes produced phycocyanin. The best polar solvent showe in etanol.

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Colossoma macropomum is one of the fisheries commodities that has high economic value. It is necessary to to use quality feed, such as maggot, to increase its production. Since fish growth is largely influenced by nutrient content in feed and fish energy needs Maggot has high protein content of 40-50% and fat content 29-32%.This study aimed to determine the retention of protein and retention of Colossomamacropomum. This study used an experimental method with a Completely Randomized Design consisting five treatments and four replications. The provided treatment was a commercial feed which was replaced by the maggot fermentation with different doses. The treatments used in this study were: treatment P0 (0%), P1 (12%), P2 (14%), P3 (16%) and P4 (18%). Parameters observed in this study were protein retention and energy retention. This research used Variant Of Analysis (ANOVA) for data analysis. The result showed that the substitution of maggot fermentation flour on commercial feed for 30 days of maintenance was significantly different (p<0,05) on protein retention. While the energy retention, result showed no significantly different (p> 0.05). The protein retention value ofColossoma macropomum's meat was 7.8568% -10.3620% and the energy retention showed 3.9868% -5.2540%.

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Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fish that has great potential to be developed and has a fairly high economic value. One of the important factors to support the success of Tilapia fish farming is the availability of seeds. Instalasi Budidaya Air Tawar (IBAT) Pandaan is contributing to the fulfillment of the superior seeds through the activities of tilapia fish hatchery. The purpose of this study was to identified the performance of hatcheries techniques of tilapia fish in Instalasi Budidaya Air Tawar (IBAT) Pandaan, Pasuruan, East Java through the survival rate. This research used in this study was descriptive method, supported by primer and secondary data. The survival rate result showed that high value of survivaval rate of 92% and showed good condition of fish This was due to the good technique of tilapia hatcheries included the pond preparation, broodstock selection and preparation, hatchery, feeding, and water quality control.

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The Maluku Sea acts as the east gate for the Pacific transport going to Indian Ocean via internal Indonesian Seas. The observational measurement using RV Baruna Jaya VIII, which was conducted during the second transitional monsoon in the respective years 2015,2016 and 2017, aims to figure out a snapshot condition of waters including in the Maluku Sea. The results emphasize a dominant southward current in the surface layer during the period. Despite having a variation of the meridional current pattern, a greater southward transport during 2016 and 2017 (La Niña years) with the maximum –1 Sv indicates that the air-sea interaction may have influence in the subsurface layer. While three type of water mass are observed in 2015 (El Niño year) such as North Pacific Subtropical Water (NPSW), North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) and South Pacific Subtropical Water (SPSW), there is an isopycnal mixing which triggers a fluctuation of the salinity value in the 200-700 m during 2016 and 2017(La Niña years). In addition, the temperature shifting during El Niño and La Niña events contributes to the discrepancy of nutrient concentration. The higher orthophospate and nitrate are observed during El Niño event associated with the warmer temperature.

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Sea cucumber are one of the Echinodermata type that have nutritional value in high protein content and as the sea of commodities with high economical value. The attempts to Obtain sea cucumber are Increasingly declining. Based on the review above, it is noticed that the cultivation of sea cucumber are needed to fulfill the needs of the market and restore the wild population. Sand sea cucumber breeding begins with the preparation of the broodstock rearing media, the availability preparation of the broodstock, water quality management, the broodstock feeding, the broodstock selection for high quality broodstock, conducting the artificial spawning using the method of temperature shock, egg incubation, hatching egg, and the larval rearing. The larvae were fed using the phytoplankton Chaetoceros sp. with a feeding frequency of once per day. The water quality parameters measured include temperature, DO, pH and salinity. The obstacles that were found on the sand sea cucumber breeding is the difficulty of getting the high quality of the broodstock, so the egg produced from spawning process are limited.

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Barbodes binotatus (Bleeker, 1859) is an endemic freshwater fish species that currently used for aquaculture. Good quality seed can be attained from cross-breed of parental stock from different geographical areas. This study aimed to distinguish morphological asymmetry of the species collected from three different rivers in Java: Sungai Tawang (East Java); Sungai Opak (Central Java); and Sungai Cisanggarung (West Java). Total 30 specimen were randomly sub-sampled from each river. Morphology, morphometry and meristic characters, based on 14 anatomical landmarks were measured and analyzed using Thin Plate Spline (TPSDIG), Symmetry-Asymmetry Geometric Analysis (SAGE) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Result of SAGE analysis showed that there were no significant asymmetries observed within, and between regions, respectively (p > 0.05). The result of PCA analysis however, showed qualitative differences in ratio between eye diameter (ED) versus head length (HL) (49%) and total length (TL) versus standard length (SL) (17%). Genetic (through DNA analysis) study need to be elaborated to see the differences more accurately.

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Microalgae is a very potential to be developed biota Because of its abundant amount on earth. Research on microalgae and its application as pigment analysis, provides important information about chemical compounds such as carotenoids and chlorophyll roomates that can be developed into drugs. Microalgae such as Chlorella vulgaris, Nannochloropsis sp., Porphyridium cruentum and Spirulina platensis has known had carotenoid pigments and chlorophyll content, but the optimization of the production of pigment in microalgae life phase has not been known in detail. Chlorophyll content in microalgae in the logarithmic phase of Chlorella vulgaris 200-1500 mg/L, Nannochloropsis sp. 100-500 g/L, Porphyridium cruentum 500-800 g/L and Spirulina platensis 1000-3500 mg/L and for stationary phases microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 100-1000 mg/L, Nannochloropsis sp. 200-500 g/L, Porphyridium cruentum 900-2000 mg/L and Spirulina platensis 2000-6000 mg/L. While the carotenoid content of microalgae in the logarithmic phase of Chlorella vulgaris 10-40 g/L, Nannochloropsis sp. 10-60 g/L, Porphyridium cruentum 10-60 ug/L and Spirulina platensis 20-40 ug/L and for stationary phases microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 10-50 g/L, Nannochloropsis sp. 10-70 g/L, Porphyridium cruentum 70-130 ug/L and Spirulina platensis 20-1100 mg/L.

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Many factors influence the success of a cultivation business, the availability of the land, the availability of adequate fry and feed in quality and quantity to support maximum production. The study is to know the effect of catfish and chicken cultivation of waste to Daphnia sp. culture. Which is it does not pollute the culture medium and the high nutrient content. Daphnia sp. culture activity is divided into laboratory and mass scale. Culture activity started by sterilization and preparation of culture equipment and continued with Daphnia sp. forage provision. Stocking density that used in laboratory or semi mass scale is about ten ind/ml Daphnia. Duration of culture activity of Daphnia sp. was ten days and use water from catfish pond as media resulted from the highest density of Daphnia sp. with 5355 ind/liter produced during a period in laboratory scale. Daphnia culture in laboratory scale with molasses and plankton as a nutrient booster resulted in 1768.5 ind/liter, and it is lower than the Daphnia culture that uses water from catfish pond as media. The result in the spring-mass scale of Daphnia sp. culture was 451.400 ind/liter in 10 days period.

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Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) is newly developed fish in Indonesia with an export value, however, the production activities of this fish continue to decrease due to fish massive mortality caused by disease. This study aimed to determine the predilection, prevalence, and intensity of Neobenedenia girellae infestation on cobia in floating net cages culture at Hurun Bay, Lampung. The sampling method used in this study was the purposive sampling method. Fish samples were taken at 20-30 cm as much as 50 fish, while 40-50 cm as much as 20 fish. Neobenedenia girellae were found on cobia eyes, head, and fins. Results showed the prevalence level in 20-30 cm fish was 30% and intensity level was 2.31 parasites/fish, while in 40-50 cm fish showed the prevalence level of 65% with the intensity of 1.47 parasites/fish.

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Mangrove ecotourisms in Cemara Beach Banyuwangi Regency continues to grow. Community groups develop Cemara Beach by utilizing mangroves as natural resources without reducing the value of conservation. Mangrove processed which have been produced is mangrove peyek, mangrove tea, and mangrove syrup. The problems founded is 1) legality of mangrove product like peyek, tea, and mangrove syrup, 2) The potential of Mangrove Rivers that have not been explored. The method used is training related to the legality of processed food products, as well as observation and documentation for the utilization of mangrove-surrounded rivers in Cemara Beach. The purpose of this is the people who are members of the Joint Business Group of Rejo Beach Pakis Banyuwangi Village, which has been consistent and committed to developing the Cemara Coast area through evaluation values. The approved results are training on food security, and that become the basis for the issuance of the legality of processed mangrove products that are certified as Household Products (P-IRT). Another result is an ecotourism attractions by traversing rivers using boats or called a mangrove tracing, where the river facilitates mangrove trees with a path to the river and sea or estuary.

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Kancra fish, also known as Batak fish, is often used in North Sumatera in traditional ceremonies. Nevertheless, overfishing has led to a decrease in its population. Cryopreservation is a strategy that might be effectively used to solve this problem. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of various concentrations of quail egg yolk on the spermatozoa motility of kancra fish after 48-hours of cryopreservation. The concentration of quail egg yolk were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. The sperm of kancra fish were collected using the stripping method and was diluted with the quail egg yolk, fish ringer, and 10% methanol. It was then equilibrated for 10 minutes at a temperature of 5° C before being frozen at -10 °C for 48 hours. Thawing was carried out at 40 °C for 1 minute. The motility was analyzed using ANOVA and proceeded by Tukey test. The ANOVA test showed the use of various concentrations of quail egg yolk has a significant effect (p<0.05) on the spermatozoa motility of kancra fish after cryopreservation. The concentration of 10% of quail egg yolk showed the highest spermatozoa motility (85.10 ± 1.51%) after 48-hours of cryopreservation (p<0.05).

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Tor soro, an endemic fish from North Sumatera, has a high economic value. Environmental damage causes a decreasing of Tor soro populations and leads to the extinction of these fishes in their natural habitat. Cryopreservation is an efficient strategy that can be used to minimize the problem. The success of this approach depends on how effective it is. This study to evaluate the fertilization of Tor soro using post cryopreservation spermatozoa 48 hours. The sperms collected by stripping, followed by the dilution using soluble liquid (fish ringer methanol 10%+skim milk) 1:9 comparison. The concentrations of the skim milk that is used in 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. The equilibration was carried out at the 5°C for 10 minutes before, then it kept frozen at the temperature of -10°C for 48 hours. The sperm thawing was carried out at the 40°C for 1 minute and one hundred egg cells (±1 g) were fertilized using 1.5ml of post cryopreservation sperm. The ANOVA test showed there was a fertility percentage effect of the skim milk on the frozen sperm. The 10% skim milk give an optimum with the highest fertility of (p<0.05) with 91.25±2.22% and motility (p<0.05) in 10% with 82.90±1.40%.

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Kancra (Tor soro) is a freshwater endemic fish found in specific place of Indonesia, with a drastic decrease in its population due to the varying gonad maturity times between males and females. However, the use of cryopreservation is effective for the synchronization of their gametes using cryoprotectants. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of honey concentration (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%) using 10% of methanol in the spermatozoa motility of kancra fish 48 hours after cryopreservation. The study was conducted in the Research and Development Institute for Freshwater Fish Genetic Resources (Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Ikan Tawar, BBPBAT), in Cijeruk, Bogor, West Java. The sperm were collected through the stripping method followed by the evaluation of spermatozoa motility 48 hours after cryopreservation. Furthermore, it was equilibrated for 10 minutes at a temperature of 5 ºC, frozen at 10 ºC for 48 hours, and thawed for 1 minute at 40 ºC. The data were analyzed using ANOVA followed by the Tukey test. Additionally, the ANOVA test showed that honey had effects (P<0.05) on the motility percentage after cryopreservation with a 5% optimum concentration using 85.97±1.91%.

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Kancra fish (Tor soro, Valenciennes 1842) is one of the endemic fish in Indonesia which population keeps decreasing due to degradation of the environment. Conservation is needed and cryopreservation is an effective strategy in this regard. Brown sugar as a natural cryoprotectant has the potential to substitute less eco-friendly synthetic cryoprotectant. The study was carried out to determine the viability of T. soro spermatozoa after 48 hours of cryopreservation using brown sugar. Sperm sample were collected through stripping method. The ejaculated sperm were diluted using the extender (brown sugar-fish ringer + methanol 10%, 1:9). The brown sugar concentration examined were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%, and the sample was equilibrated at 4 °C for 10 minutes, and frozen at -10 °C for 48 hours. The process was followed by thawing process ast 40 ºC for 60 seconds. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, followed by Tukey test. The results showed that brown sugar concentration of 15% significantly affects viability of the sperm after 48 hours of cryopreservation with 83.75±1.71% (p<0.05). However, a study is needed to determine the effectivity of brown sugar as a cryoprotectant.

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Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) is much demand by the public as a consumption fish. Addition of curcuma in feed to increase fish appetite because it contains curcumin and essential oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth rate and food efficiency in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomun) with feed additives of curcuma flour (Curcumaxanthorhiza) on commercial feed. The research method used is the experimental method. The research design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Having 5 types of treatment with repeated 4 times. The treatment used was the addition of curcuma flour on commercial feed, namely P1 (2.5%), P2 (5%), P3 (7.5%), P4 (10%) and P0 (100% commercial feed). The main parameters observed were the growth rate and feed efficiency. The supporting parameters observed were water quality (temperature, pH, DO and ammonia). Data analysis using Analyze of Variance. The results of the feed additive of curcuma in commercial feed of tambaqui have the highest average value of growth rate in P0 treatment, but not significantly different (P> 0.05) with treatment P1, P2, P3 and P4. Feed efficiency values have the highest average value in P2 treatment, but not significantly different (P> 0.05) with treatments P0, P1, P3 and P4.

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Kancra is one of the endemic fishes in Indonesia, however, its population keeps decreasing due to overexploitation. One of the ways methods to solve this problem is by implementing cryopreservation. Cryoprotectant has effect on successful cryopreservation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of free-range chicken egg yolk as a natural cryoprotectant combined with 10% of methanol to motility of spermatozoa that had been used after 48 hours cryopreservation. The egg yolk concentration used were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. The sperm was collected by stripping and diluted with methanol and fish ringer, then it was equilibrated at 5 °C for 10 minutes. After that, it was frozen at -10°C for 48 hours and thawed at 40 °C for 1 minute. The spermatozoa motility was analyze using ANOVA and Tukey test. The results show there is a significant effect (p <0.05) on all of egg yolk concentrations. The 5% concentration of free-range chicken egg yolk shows the highest motility percentage of 84.06 ± 1.67%.

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Sperm cryopreservation is a way of managing and maintaining kancra fish (Tor soro) resources that increasingly threatened because of over-exploitation. The optimization of sperm cryopreservation is carried out using a natural cryoprotectant with lower toxicity than a chemical cryoprotectant. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of soybean milk as a natural cryoprotectant on sperm motility percentage of kancra fish after 48 hours preservation. The sperm was collected through stripping and was diluted into the soluble liquid of fish ringer + methanol 10% + soybean milk. Importantly, the concentration of soybean used were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. The sample was equilibrated at the temperature of 5 °C for 10 minutes, frozen at the -10 °C for 48 hours and thawed at 40 °C for 1 minute. The motility percentage was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test. The result showed soybean milk had effects (p < 0.05) on the post-cryopreservation sperm motility. Additionally, 5% of soybean milk showed the highest sperm motility (84.37 ± 1.54%).

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Kancra is an endemic fish used in traditional functions in different parts of Indonesia. However, the population of the fish is decreasing due to environmental damage and excessive fishing. Cryopreservation of sperm of kancra fish is one of the most effective approaches to solving this problem. One of the success factors of cryopreservation is cryoprotectant. This study aims to evaluate the date palm juice as a natural cryoprotectant on the viability percentage of kancra fish after 48 hours of post cryopreservation. The sperm was collected by stripping and was diluted in the soluble liquid (fish ringer solution+methanol 10%+ date palm juice). The date palm juice concentration used were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. The sperm was equilibrated for 10 minutes at the 5°C temperature before it was frozen for 48 hours at the -10 °C. The thawing was done for 1 minute at 40 °C. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and followed by Tukey test. The result showed there was an effect of date palm juice (p<0.05) on the viability percentage of sperm post cryopreservation. The 10% concentration of date palm juice was optimum (p<0.05) with the percentage of viability 80.75 ± 1.19%.

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The purpose of this research was to know the combination effect of Bacillus spp., Nitrosomonas sp., that added to the commercial feed to feed conversion and growth on Sangkuriang Catfish. The method used in this experiment was design with 3 treatments and 3 replications. Samples (24.49±1.21 g) were a stocking density of 1,500 fish/pond and maintenanced for 30 days. The treatment applied was P0 treatment (feed without probiotic), P1 (5.0 x 107 CFU/gram feed of probiotic was sprayed), and treatment P2 (5.0 x 109 CFU/gram feed of probiotic is sprayed). The best treatment was probiotic in treatment P1 quantitatively made a real effect in growth and made a better feed efficiency than other treatments, with FCR (0.7±0.57), SGR (4.33±0.11), EPP (109.61±9.69), SR (96.91±0.45), DWG (2.07±0.18). Water quality of culture media was in the range of reasonable level of cultivation C. gariepinus. Adding probiotic P1 could be an effective alternative to increase growth performance and feed efficiency on C. gariepinus.

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An experiment was conducted to observe the effect of commercial feeding, and trash fish feed supplement on cantang grouper fish growth in floating net cages at Situbondo, Indonesia. The method used in this experiment was designed with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Samples (26.49 ± 0.81 cm) were a stocking density of400 fish/cage and maintenance for 30 days. The treatments used were P0;commercial pellets, P1;100% beloso trash fish (Saurida tumbil), P2; 100% kurisi trash fish (Nemipterus nematophorus) and P3; mixed wasted fish; 50% beloso trash fish + 50% kurisi trash fish, with four replicates. The best treatment result is that P0 quantitatively has significant effect on feed growth, survival, and efficiency compared to other treatments; SGR (0.5618%), SR (85%), FCR (3.69), and EPP (27.08%) compared to other treatments. The best treatment result is that P0 quantitatively has significant effect feed on growth, survival, and efficiency feed utilization of cantang grouper (E. fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus) compared to other treatments.

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Natural cryoprotectant is an important factor needed to protect cell compound. Its proper usage is based on toxicity which is influenced by its type, concentration, temperature, and exposure period of the compound. This study aims to evaluate the best concentration period of natural cryoprotectant, with the utilized sperm obtained from Tor soro fish using the stripping technique. It was further diluted with a solution consisting of fish ringer, methanol 10%, and natural cryoprotectant in a ratio of 1:10. The natural cryoprotectant used were honey, brown sugar, and date palm juice, at 10 % concentration. Furthermore, the sperm was stored in the liquid nitrogen at -196 °C for 48 h, melted at 36 °C for 1 minute, and mixed with 100 eggs for fertilization. The percentage of embryo viability was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test. The result showed an effect of natural cryoprotectant on frozen sperm towards the percentage of embryo viability (p<0.05). The honey cryoprotectant is a natural compound that produces the highest embryo viability percentage at 1080 minutes after fertilization with a total of 94.20 ± 2.79 (p<0.05).

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Banyuwangi district has widely rice field with big potential in agriculture and fisheries such as Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus). Endoparasites infection in Asian swamp eel happened by consumption of natural feed that infected with endoparasites larvae. This research aims to identify and determine the prevalence and intensity of nematode endoparasites that infected to Asian swamp eel (M. albus). Three hundred asian swamp eel (30-110 cm length and 29,8-60 g weight) were collected from five traditional market in Banyuwangi district (Banyuwangi City, Srono, Cluring, Rogojampi and Genteng). The result showed that Asian swamp eel from Banyuwangi district was infected by Eustrongylides ignotus with the highest prevalence and intensity, 16,33% and 1,92 respectively than another endoparasite (Procamallanus and Pingus sinensis). This result expected to base for further study to determine the prevalence and intensity of endoparasite in a different season for mapping the spread of endoparasite in Asian swamp eel at Banyuwangi district.

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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different bacterial type in probiotics on the growth performance of Nile tilapia. In this study, commercial probiotics with a different type of bacteria were added to the diet. The first group, as control, was fed with a commercial diet without probiotic. The second group was fed with commercial diet plus probiotic X contained Lactobacillus sp., Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. The third group was applied commercial diet plus probiotic Y contained Lactobacillus sp., Bacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. Feeding trial was performed for 30 days. The result showed that the growth performance of Nile Tilapia including weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) was significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05). The addition of probiotics in the commercial diet also improved feed utilization significantly. The best growth performance was obtained in the third group where the probiotic Y applied. Different bacterial strain in probiotic could give a different effect on the growth performance of Nile Tilapia because of their different action mode in fish. Therefore, the appropriate selection of probiotic strains can lead to specific advantages for species in aquaculture.

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Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) was known as highly demand of fisheries commodity and exported in many countries. Pond and floating net cage culture of barramundi have several problems that cause many mortality in fish, such as endoparasite infection. This study aims to determine and to count the prevalence and intensity of endoparasite Rhadinorhynchus bicircumspinis in barramundi (L. calcarifer) from pond and floating net cage in Situbondo waters. Sixty samples of barramundi with length 18.18 ± 1.41 cm were taken from ponds and floating net cages and examined for endoparasite from digestive track, liver, gonad and kidney. The result showed endoparasite R. bicircumspinis was found from digestive track with prevalence was 10% and 40% in pond and floating net cage, respectively. The intensity of endoparasite R. bicircumspinis was 1 and 2.5 in pond and net cage, respectively. Further studies were needed to examined the histopathological damage caused by R. bicircumspinis infection.

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Solen sp. is classified as a Pelecypoda which is found in certain waters in Indonesia. Solen sp. is utilized as fresh and processed food. Alarmingly, catching Solen sp. continuously will reduce the number of its population in the world. The research aims to determining the population growth of Solen sp. and its fishery status on Talang Siring Beach, Pamekasan. The results of the research show that the range of Solen sp. length is between 1.8 and 4.4 cm. The growth calculation is Lt = 5.5 (1 - e(-0.07(t + 0.006)). The growth of Solen sp. calculated by the ELEFAN I method in the FISAT II software produces the value (L = 5.5 cm, k = 0.07/year). Estimation of the length at time t0 calculated by Pauly's empirical formula is t0 = -0.006. The natural rate of mortality (M) is 2.23/year, and the capture mortality (F) is 5.72/year and total mortality (Z) is 7.96/year. The exploitation rate (E) is 0.72/year. The conclusion of the research is that the Solen sp. on Talang Siring beach, Pamekasan is overfished. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate a fishing time and protection to Solen sp. so that the population remains everlasting and sustainable.

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Ectoparasites which often attack humpback groupers are protozoa from the Ciliate class, Trichodina sp. and Cryptocaryon sp. This study studied the differences in the prevalence and intensity of protozoan ectoparasites in nursery of humpback grouper in hatcheries and floating net cages. The results showed that there was a significant difference (p <0.05) between the prevalence and intensity of protozoan ectoparasites in nursery of grouper which were kept in hatchery and floating net cages. The prevalence nursery of humpback grouper infested from hatcheries and floating net cages is Trichodina sp. ectoparasites are 83.3% and 76.6%. Prevalence of Cryptocaryon sp. ectoparasites are 76.6% in hatchery and the prevalence of floating net cages is 50%. From the statistical test shows that the intensity of the Trichodina sp. ectoparasites at the hatchery is 12.76 individuals/head was significantly different (p <0.05) on the intensity of the Trichodina sp. ectoparasites. In floating net cages of 4.2 individuals/head. Meanwhile, the results of statistical tests on the intensity of ectoparasite Cryptocaryon sp. at the hatchery is 4.47 individuals/head significantly different (p <0.05) on the intensity of ectoparasites Cryptocaryon sp. in floating net cages there are 1.73 individuals/head.

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The aims of this study are to inform the morphology, morphometrics, and some qualitative parameters of silver rasbora (Rasbora argyrotaenia) sperm as the knowledge that can be used as a basis for further research. This study was conducted in March until April 2018 in Wet Laboratory and Instrument Laboratory Universitas Airlangga, Banyuwangi Campus, Indonesia. A total of 10 male of silver rasbora with a weight of 4.11 ± 0.31g and length 7.78 ± 0.20 cm was induced using Ovaprim™ at a dose of 0.35 mL/g body weight to stimulate spermiation. Abdominal gentle stripping was done after 10 hours to collect sperm. The observed parameters are sperm morphology, head length and tail length as morphometric parameters, thickness, colour, and smell. Morphological description based on observation; a sperm consists of an oval head, a cylindrical midpiece, and a thin elongated tail. Averages of head length and tail length are 1.64 ± 0.25 mm and 30.57 ± 2.87 mm. Some qualitative parameters of sperm were observed include thick consistency, milky white colour, and fishy odour.

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Ectoparasites can attack on pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) which are kept in high density concrete ponds. The purpose of this study was to determine the type, prevalence, infestation and intensity degree of ectoparasites pacific white shrimp Postlarva (PL11 – PL15) stage and Postlarva (PL20 - PL30) stage in Bangil ponds that are cultivated with high density. The method used in this research is a survey method with random sampling. Data were analyzed using T test. The results of this study indicate that there are three genus of ectoparasites both in the pacific white shrimp PL11 - PL15 stage and PL20 - PL30 stage, namely Zoothamnium sp., Vorticella sp. and Epistylis sp. The prevalence of ectoparasites in pacific white shrimp is in the PL20 - PL30 stage at 100% while the prevalence of ectoparasites in the PL11 - PL15 stage is 75%. The level of ectoparasite intensity that attacks the pacific white shrimp (PL11 - PL15) includes a moderate category of 21.8 individuals/head, while the level of intensity of ectoparasites that attacks the pacific white shrimp (PL20 - PL30) includes a very severe category that is 814.05 individuals/head.

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Grouper is one of the fish that is much sought after by the general public because grouper have high economic value and one of the exported fish products. The high demand for grouper to cause community develop hatcheries grouper. Appropriate feeding and efficiency very influential towards the process of optimal fish growth. One of the feeding management of frequently used IE frequency feeding. Feed frequency is influenced by several factors, namely age, type and the appetite of the fish itself. The purpose of this study is to see the number of frequency of feeding on seeds of hybrid grouper cantang best to promote growth and feed efficiency and to lower the value of the feed conversion. This study used a RCD. The results showed that the granting of different frequency-feed can increase the growth of specific daily on the seed of hybrid cantang grouper. The highest growth rate of treatment weight i.e. P2 of 4.2 %/day. The value of the efficiency of feed conversion ratio and best i.e. P1 of 67% and 1.55. Treatment of the P1 value is the SGR. efficiency of feed conversion ratio and the lowest i.e. respectively 3.3%/day. 46% and 2.26.

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Colour is one of quality attributes of shrimp paste where some industries add non-food grade colouring agent, which may possibly generate adverse effects for customer. The development of colouring agent for shrimp paste is a crucial field of study in the food technology. Fucoxanthin, a yellow pigment extracted from Sargassum sp. which was proven capable of possessing antioxidant activity was used in this study to colorize the produced shrimp paste. The fucoxanthin concentration of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12% was designed by using a completely randomized design with four replications of each level. This research revealed that the addition of fucoxanthin significantly affected the colour (L*, a*, b*, and °hue), but did not significantly affect the preference of odour and texture. This study investigated that the fucoxanthin concentration of 12% was the best concentration.

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Fucoxanthin is the main carotenoid produced from brown seaweed Sargassum sp. Fucoxanthin has an orange color and antioxidant activity. Fucoxanthin as coloring agents and antioxidants can be used to maintain the quality of catfish sausage during storage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of incorporating fucoxanthin from Sargassum sp. to color intensity, pH value and peroxide value of catfish sausages during storage. The method was implemented as the experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Five different catfish sausages formulations were produced containing 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% fucoxanthin. The results showed that the incorporating of fucoxanthin had a significantly different (p <0.05) on the value of color intensity, pH value and peroxide value of catfish sausages during storage. Incorporation of fucoxanthin decreases the * L value, pH value, peroxide value and increases the * a and * b value of catfish sausage. Hedonic test of catfish sausages shows that panelist score on appearance, odor, flavor, texture, color and overall quality were significantly different (p<0.05). Catfish sausage with 1% fucoxanthin is the most preferable by the panelist.

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Detergents are a chemical product that is commonly used in personal care and household product on a daily basis. Its huge consumption in human activities resulted in the increasing awareness of its toxicity in the aquatic environment due to their active ingredients. Daphnia is a planktonic invertebrate organism that usually found in freshwater ecosystems. It plays an essential part in the lower trophic level of food chains. Because of its sensitivity to various environmental changes, they are generally used as a model organism in toxicology. In the present study, we analyzed the toxic effect of household detergent exposure on Daphnia sp. Four different concentration of detergent (25, 50, 75, and 100 mg.L−1) were prepared and the aquadest was used as control. The mortality of Daphnia was observed for 24 hours. The result showed that the mortality of Daphnia increased along with the increasing concentration of detergent exposures. LC50-24 hours values obtained in this study was 28.89 mg.L−1. This result described that the higher level of detergent in a water body can be harmful to the aquatic organism, especially on Daphnia sp. as predominant food for planktivorous fish.

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The study aim was to find the effect of different vaccination application methods on hematological parameters of catfish (Clarias sp). A 107Aeromonas hydrophila measured by 625 nm wave length of Spectrophotometer was applied on 25 catfish with average weight 15.83 g. The application methods were dipping (1 ml/10 l water) and intramuscular injection (0.1 ml/fish). Hematological parameter measured were hematocrit levels, total leukocytes and phagocytic index. Measurement were conduct on day 0, 21, 23 and 27 after vaccine application. The results showed that hematocrit level on fish with injection method were higher (21.02%) than dipping method (15,05%), total leukocytes on fish with dipping method were higher (3,29 x 104 cells/mm3) than injection method (3,15 x 104 cells/mm3) and phagocytic index on fish with injection were higher (25%) than dipping method (23%). The survival of catfish were also observed, and showed that catfish with injection method have higher survival rate (36%) than dipping method (34%). Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine applied with injection method have shown better immune response on catfish (Clarias sp) hematological parameters than one with dipping method.

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In situ data of Longtail tuna fishing location and satellite-based oceanographic data of chlorophyll-a concentration (chl-a), sea-surface temperature (SST), and salinity were employed to figure out the impacts of oceanographic condition on the pattern of potential fishing zones for Longtail tuna in waters around Madura Island. The relation of those parameters to the dissemination of Longtail tuna was analyzed with a maximum entropy (Maxent). The predictive model performance was estimated using the area under the curve (AUC). The jackknife test was then employed to examine each parameter's model contribution. The results from the Maxent model exhibited a high predictive success of the model with AUC value of 0.932. Maxent prediction showed a high probability occurrence of Longtail tuna occurred in the offshore area of the Java Sea. The results also revealed that the Longtail tuna habitat selection was significantly controlled by the salinity ranges from 32.3 – 32.5 ppt, SST ranges from 29.5–30.5°C, and chl-a ranges from 0.2 – 0.4 mg/m3. Besides, among the set of oceanographic variables utilized (SST and chl-a), salinity exhibited the highest value of the jackknife test. Therefore salinity expressed to be the most significant factor in the geographic dissemination of Longtail tuna in the waters Madura Island.

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Argulus japonicus is common crustacea ectoparasite that infest in freshwater fish. The heavy infestation may trigger other fish pathogen infection which lead to mass mortality. Common carp seed has been known as the most vulnerable host for A. japonicus infestation due to their immature immune system. Generally, A. japonicus infestation could be controlled by chemical pesticides but its long-term use could create a harmful effect on the environment. Therefore, an eco-friendly natural product is needed to replace chemical pesticide. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectivity of water extract of robusta coffee leaves to control A. japonicus infestation. Water extract of robusta coffee leaves was obtained from decoction method. The fish were infected with A. japonicus by artificial infestation using cohabitation method. The infected fish were dipped at different concentration 400 (P1), 800 (P2), 1200 (P3) and 1600 ppm (P4) of water extract for 30 minutes. The result presented that the water extract of robusta coffee leaves was effective to control A. japonicus infestation in 1600 ppm. This study revealed that robusta coffee leaves have anti-parasitic activity against A. japonicus. Hence, it can be used as an alternative natural product for controlling A. japonicus infestation in fish.

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Spotted barb (Puntius binotatus) is one of Indonesian endemic fish with high economic value. However, this fish has slow growth, so innovative technology was required to increase fish growth. This study aimed to determine the different effects of heat shock duration and initial period on hatching rate, abnormality rate, length of egg yolk absorption, and survival rate of spotted barb larvae. This study was used an experimental method using factorial completely randomized design, with two factors of treatment, namely heat shock duration (1, 1.5, and 2 min) and initial period (3, 4, and 5 min after fertilization) of fish embryos. Egg fertilization was conducted artificially. The fish embryo was shocked at the temperature of 40ºC. Parameters of hatching and abnormality rates, length of egg yolk absorption period, and survival rate were observed. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance followed Duncan's multiple range test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that the fertilization rate of the spotted barb was above 81%. Treatment of heat shock duration and initial period influenced hatching rate of fish embryo, and abnormality and survival rates of larvae; however, treatments have similar lengths of egg yolk absorption in spotted barb larvae.

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Ornamental fish is one of the fisheries commodities that can be used as a source of foreign exchange income, and has its own beauty to attract the interest of ornamental fish lovers. One of the things that determines beauty in many species of ornamental fish is color. Color is a parameter to determine the value of ornamental fish, which is a brighter color, the higher the value of fish. Spirulina sp. Flour has a high carotenoid and protein content, each of which plays a role in increasing color intensity and growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of concentration Spirulina flour to the color quality and growth of koi fish (Cyprinus carpio). The method used was experimental with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using 4 treatments 5 replications. The dose of feed used is (Control), (dose 1%), (dose 3%) and (dose 5%), Color quality measurement using Adobe Photoshop CS8 software. The frequency of twice-daily feeding for each treatment resulted in color quality with the best value (3.0200%), absolute length growth (0.9780 cm) and absolute weight growth (3.7240 grams).

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This research is expected to improve the sustainable tuna fisheries management of Fisheries Management Area Republic of Indonesia (FMARI) 572 by considering fish resources and fishermen welfare. The objectives of the research are examining the status of tuna fisheries in the FMARI 572, analyzing the bioeconomic model of tuna fisheries in the FMARI 572, and determining the strategy of a sustainable tuna fisheries management in the FMARI 572. This research was carried out for 3 months from February to May 2019 at the existing fishing ports located along the west coast of Sumatra (FMARI 572), such as Lampulo Fishing Port (Aceh), Sibolga Fishing Port (North Sumatra), Bungus Fishing Port (West Sumatra), and Nizam Zachman Fishing Port (Jakarta). Some factors analyzed were: The fishing capacity of fishing units with a variety of fishing gears, the potential of fish resources, the optimum level of efforts reaching the sustainable maximum catches, and the implementation of fisheries bioeconomic models. The results of this study showed the level of utilization tuna in FMARI 572 is still moderate, Tuna fisheries in FMARI 572 have not experienced biological and economical overfishing, and there were 3 sustainable tuna fisheries management strategies proposed.

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This study was aimed to optimize the spermatozoa cryopreservation protocol in Albino pangasius catfish by assessing the effectiveness of different cryoprotectant concentrations and different time of equilibration. The first experiment was conducted to optimize the combination of 10% methanol with different concentration of skim milk (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The second experiment was aimed to optimize different equilibration time (10, 20, and 30 minutes). Deep freezer was used for the cryopreservation with a temperature of -80 °C at a storage period of 8 days. The first study found that the viability and motility of sperm after cryopreservation was significantly different (P<0.05) with fresh sperm. The best result was obtained at the 10% skim milk concentration with sperm viability of 78 ± 4.35% and motility of 69.66 ± 1.52%. The second experiment identified a significant different (P<0.05) in sperm viability and motility between fresh sperm and sperm post equilibration. The best result was obtained at 10 minutes equilibration time with sperm viability of 76 ± 1.15% and motility of 66 ± 2.64%. The study concluded that the 10% methanol with 10% skim milk, and 10 minutes equilibration time is the best combination for cryopreservation of Albino pangasius catfish spermatozoa.

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Bengkak mangrove center as a natural environment has been managed by the society as a means of tourism and preservation. These areas were located on Bali strait, consist of fisheries activity and residential. This study aims to determine the density of Avicennia sp, nitrate and phosphate content and the relationship between both. Three stations were determined using purposive sampling and the sample was obtained using the belt transect technique. Linear regression analysis was carried out to determine the density of Avicennia sp, with nitrate, phosphate content. Results of this study showed that the highest density of Avicennia sp was found in station 3 with a value of 3.25, followed by station 2 of 1.38, and the lowest density at station 1 was 0.71. Nevertheless, the highest concentrations of nitrate and phosphate were found at station 3 of 207.27 mg/kg and 0.23%. The relationship between the density of Avicennia sp, with nitrate and phosphate showed a positive correlation.

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Environmental quality protection is done by processing shrimp waste into materials of high use value, including liquid fertilizer. The value of N/P ratio in shrimp culture waste fertilizer is still relatively low so it needs to add urea as a source of nitrogen to increase the N/P ratio in fertilizer. The purpose of this research was to determine the optimal N/P ratio in shrimp culture waste fertilizer to the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. The research method used in this research was an experimental method, A completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments used are giving different N/P ratios from shrimp culture waste fertilizer enriched by urea, with N/P ratio 10:1, 15:1 and 20:1, whereas Walne fertilizer with N/P ratio 17:1 and shrimp culture waste fertilizer with N/P ratio 5,5:1 as a control. Data analyze was processed use ANAVA and followed by DMRT. The results of the research showed that the using of different N/P ratios in shrimp culture waste fertilizer enriched by urea gave a significantly different effect on the population and growth rate with the highest population average of 1030x104 cell/ml and an average growth rate of 203x104 cell/ml/day during the exponential phase.

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Kerandang fish (Channa pleurophthalmus Blkr) as one of freshwater fish from the Channidae family which is very potential and abundant in Central Kalimantan. The aim of this research was to determine and obtain a picture of the protein profile Kerandang fish. The benefit of this research is that Kerandang fish can be utilized maximally as one of the nutritious foods to demand the nutritional needs of the people in Central Kalimantan. This research was conducted exploratively qualitative with the parameters of the proximate test, amino acids using HPLC and determination of protein molecular weight using SDS-PAGE. The results obtained for the proximate test were 76.48% water content, 16.35% protein content, 0.35% fat content and 6.82% carbohydrate content. The results for amino acids assay obtained 15 types of amino acids, 8 types of essential amino acids with the highest type of amino acid, Leucine 4.69% and 7 types of non-essential amino acids with the highest type of amino acid, glutamic acid 9.11%, and total acid amino 53.32%. The result of analysis of protein profile of Kerandang fish meat based on its molecular weight using SDS-PAGE there are 27 protein bands in the range of molecular weights 10.202 - 134.432 kDa.

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Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease has been a major challenge faced by white shrimp farmers in many shrimp-producing countries inducing Indonesia. The etiological agent of this disease was a virulent strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. However, a technology to treat or to prevent the disease infection has not been established yet, and probiont could be a potential approach for this disease. Thus, this study aimed at screening 35 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that originated from the gastrointestinal tract of wild white shrimp for the production of antivibrio compounds using an agar well diffusion. The result showed that three LAB strains (LAB-1, LAB-2, and LAB-3) showed antivibrio activity indicated by the formation of clearance zone (diameter of >10mm) on the diffusion agar plate. When the extracellular products (ECP) were incubated with proteinase K, the antivibrio activity was disappeared which indicated that the antimicrobial compounds were bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS). Phenotypic studies suggest that the LAB were Labctobacillus sp. (LAB-1 and LAB-2), and Enterococcus sp. (LB-3). These results suggest these LAB are potential candidates for preventing V. parahaemolyticus. Infection, although, further assays by in vivo using live white shrimp, are still required.

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Swett River Prawn, Macrobrachium esculentum (Thalwitz,1891) is one of the freshwater prawns' species that have important economic value and is the least concern species in the IUCN red list. The purpose of this study was to determine the length-weight relationship and condition factor of M. esculentum in the downstream watershed Rongkong. Prawns' sampling was conducted from September 2018 to February 2019 from the artisanal fishery in the downstream watershed Rongkong. using method simple of Random Sampling. M. ecsulentum obtained as many as 244 Prawns' consisting of 147 male and 97 female. The results showed that the long weight relationship for males was W = 0.712L0.2865 and females W = 11.137 L3.0537. b value for males is smaller than 3, growth is allometric negative while females are positive allometric (b>3). Average condition factor values for male and female shrimp are 275.28 and 1.88, respectively. The average relative weight (Wr) values for males and females are 100.2 and 101.9, respectively, which shows that the waters are still in good condition.

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Cantang grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus (E. fuscoguttatus x E. lanceolatus) is a hybrid fish between female tiger grouper and male kertang grouper, which has a high resistance to the environment and pathogen infection. The aim of this research was to find out the stress level (blood glucose levels) and helminth infections in the digestive tract of the cantang grouper (E. fuscoguttatus x E. lanceolatus) on a traditional pond in Kampung Kerapu Lamongan, East Java. This research is a survey research with 40 samples of Cantang grouper with purposive sampling. The results of the study showed that the Cantang groupers were reared in traditional ponds, positively infected by a single worms Prosorhynchus, with a prevalence of 24.4%. The lowest blood glucose levels was 0 mg/dL and the highest was 117 mg/dL. Infection was occurred in Cantang groupers that had blood glucose levels were below of normal, and above of normal with moderate infection degrees. The results also showed that there was no close correlation between blood glucose level of the Cantang grouper with intestinal helminth infections.

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The purpose of this study was to determine ectoparasite helminth species, predilection, prevalence and intensity of attacks on Hybrid Grouper "Cantang" (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus) from traditional ponds in Kampung Kerapu, Lamongan. This research is a survey with descriptive method. Hybrid Grouper "Cantang" samples were taken as many as 45 fish. Observations were made at the Anatomy and Fish Culture Laboratory, and Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Airlangga University, Surabaya. The result of this study, 25 of 45 Grouper were known to be infested. The ectoparasite helminth which infest the Groupers is Zeylanicobdella arugamensis which is a group of marine leech with a prevalence of 55.56 % so that it belongs to the very often category and the intensity of 11.32 ind/fish is classified in the moderate category. The distribution of Zeylanicobdella arugamensis predilection which infested Groupers was found most on the fins, 162 individual or 57.24 %.

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M. macrocopa culture success is influenced by the quality and quantity of inoculant, media, and feed used. Rice bran contains protein, lipid, amino acids, and vitamin B that supports M. macrocopa reproduction. This study aimed to determine the relationship of different rice bran suspension concentration against the reproduction of M. Macrocopa and the optimum concentration of bran suspension that produced the highest fecundity and offspring production level. This study was conducted using completely randomized design experimental method containing six treatments with four replications, i.e 22 mg/L (P0), 29.7 mg/L (P1), 39.6 mg/L (P2), 49.5 mg/L (P3), 59.4 mg/L (P4), and 69.3 mg/L (P5). Results showed that different suspension concentrations of rice bran in M. macrocopa influenced significantly (p < 0.05) against the fecundity and offspring production on each broodstock with the optimum rice bran suspension concentration of 69.3 mg/L, as it produced the highest fecundity and offspring production level of M. macrocopa.

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We observed the spatial pattern of physical oceanographic parameters, namely seawater turbidity and light transmission around the coastal waters of Cisadane. The observations were taken in July and November 2014 at 18 stations distributed in surrounding coastal waters of Cisadane. Water turbidity and light transmission were measured using CTD SBE 19 censor that could record simultaneously vertical profile of water turbidity and light transmission. The station's position was determined using a GPS instrument. The results showed that seawater turbidity and light transmission exhibit two distinct spatial and temporal variation which is closely associated with the monsoonal wind system in the region.

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The study of hepatopancreas purpose to monitor changes in the health condition of shrimp, which is hepatopancreas is a vital organ of metabolism and digestive system. This study was conducted in intensive shrimp ponds in Mayangan Village, Legon Kulon for 82 days. Sampling was carried out every 10 days. Hepatopancreas preparation was conducted by taking 30-50 mg with adding 0.1-0.2 ml of immersion liquid and observing used a microscope at 40x magnification. The parameters of hepatopancreas observed such as microphili, lipids, wrinkles, and necrosis. After monitoring the microphili in the Day of Culture (DOC) 1 - 40, the average score range shows that the culture shrimp is 90-100% healthy. in DOC 43 until the last sampling has decreased by 40-0% which is assumed to be the effect of a White Feces Disease (WFD). The lipid and wrinkle in DOC 1-40 sampling showed that the average range shrimp culture was 90-100% healthy. While in DOC-43 sampling until the last of lipid and wrinkle sampling decreased by 60-0%. Hepatopancreas necrosis in DOC 1-31 sampling does not exceed from 20%, while DOC-40 sampling until the last of necrosis sampling continues to increase to 100% assumed by WFD and WSSV (White Spot Syndrome Virus).

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Osteochilus spilurus is one of the freshwater fish species in the Cyprinidae family which is found in the ancient river region of Sunda shelf which empties toward the North Natuna Sea. This article explores the biological, ecological, and potential characteristics of fish called Cempedik (local name in Belitung Island) as an aquaculture species. Research results and literature showed about feeding habits, reproduction, habitat, and aquaculture potential. It is abundant and well suited for culture in an established market insure, especially Belitung Island, but reproductive biology is not well understood. It can be preserved in an artificial environment, and it is possible to become aquaculture species as well as other osteochilus genera.

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Eucheuma cottonii is a potential type of seaweed because of its abundant production. Its content of lignocellulose could be beneficial in Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) manufacture since it could increase the market of this kind of seaweed. Lignocellulose itself is influenced by the age of seaweed. The aim of this study was to determine the different age in Eucheuma cottonii which could effect on its physical and mechanical properties of MDF product. Furthermore, the aim was also to investigate whether the product could meet standard set by JIS A 5908 2003. The study was designed using a Completely Randomized Design with five types of treatment and four times replications. This study used Eucheuma cottonii and sawdust. Manufacture of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) consisted of five types of treatment: T0: Sawdust 100%, T1: Seaweed 100%, T2: Sawdust 50 % + Seaweed 50 % aged 15 days, T3: Sawdust 50 % + Seaweed 50 % aged 30 days, T4 Sawdust 50 % + Seaweed 50 % aged 45 days. The results showed that different between physical and mechanical test for the each treatment.

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Mangroves are still considered as underexploited marine resources in Indonesia, and functional materials from Indonesian mangroves are not characterized yet. In this study, different part of mangroves (Sonneratia alba leaves - SAL, Sonneratia alba roots - SAR, Sonneratia alba fruit - SAF, Rhizhopora mucronata - RMF, Rhizhopora lamarckii - RLF) were hydrolyzed using the subcritical water extraction (SCWE) system at 120 ºC. Mangroves hydrolysates (SAL, SAR, SAF, RMF and RLF) were further analyzed for total protein, sugar, reducing sugar, saponin and flavonoid content. The antioxidant capacity and functional material contents including total sugar, reducing sugar, protein, flavonoid and saponin contents. The highest flavonoid and saponin contents were obtained from RLF with the value of 20.13±0.17 mg/g and 31.83±0.18 mg/g, respectively. The antioxidant capacity and antibacterial properties of mangroves hydrolysates varied significantly based on the sample materials, with RLF showing the highest total antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity. The results of our study suggest that tropical mangroves especially R. lamarckii could be valorized efficiently, as a source of bioactive material using subcritical water extraction

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Tor is endemic freshwater fish in Sunda, locally known as kancra or dewa, which inhabits rivers with clean and clear water quality. In local customary and cultural perspectives, it is sacred fish whose populations have persistently depleted into scarcity. Sperm cryopreservation is one of many techniques to maintain its survival from extinction by inducing breeding at the reproductive stage. This study was designed to determine the effects of duck egg yolk as a cryoprotectant on the viability of Tor fish spermatozoa after 48 hours of cryopreservation. It employed the stripping method to obtain the fish semen and used diluent solution consisting of fish ringer solution, 10% methanol, and duck egg yolk in various concentrations (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%), with 1:10 ratio of sperm to diluent solution. These samples were equilibrated at 5°C for 10 minutes, frozen at -10°C for 48 hours in a freezer, and then defrosted at 40°C for 1 minute. The One-way ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences (p <0.05), and the post-hoc Tukey test also showed statistically significant differences (p <0.05). Because the 10% duck egg yolk produced the highest viability (averagely 83.75±1.71%), this concentration is the best cryoprotectant for optimal Tor spermatozoa cryopreservation.

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This study aimed to determine the antiproliferation effect of Glycine max Linn ethanolic extract on Sprague Dawley albino rats induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(á)anthracene (DMBA) on the mammary gland. This study used 20 albino rats then divided into five treatment groups, i.e., positive control (C+) induced DMBA; negative control (C-) none treatment; Treatment groups (T1; T2; T3) induced DMBA then followed extract dose (5; 10; 20 mg/day). DMBA induction was given every two days for 20 days subcutaneously. Administration of Glycine max Linn extract was given peroral for 14 days. It can be concluded that Glycine max Linn ethanolic extract inhibits the proliferation cell in mammary gland carcinoma in albino rats revealed on aspect hyperchromatization, tubular formation, and shape of the nuclei.

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Macrozoobenthos is an organism that lives on the surface or in liquid sediment. Macrozoobenthos is one of the most important organisms for marine and coastal ecosystems. This study aimed to determine the value of the community structure of macrozoobenthos existing in Mangrove Center Bengkak, a subdistrict of Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi regency. Sampling was conducted on three stations with different location characteristics. The community structure was measured by Shannon's diversity index, Equitability index, and dominance index. The results of this study obtained Shannon's diversity index of 0.51, equitability index of 0.12, and dominance index of 0.76 at Station 1. At station 2, Shannon's diversity index of 1.19, equitability index of 0.39, and dominance index of 0.36. While at station 3, it was obtained that Shannon's diversity index of 1.64, equitability index of 0.85, and dominance index of 0.31.

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Live food played an important role in aquaculture especially hatcheries. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of enriched different probiotic doses on total lenght, nutritional profile and enzymatic activities of Daphnia sp. This research used 3 treatments and 3 replications. The experimental treatments are 0, 5 and 10 ml L−1 and enriched period was 0, 12 and 24 hours. Probiotic consortia bacteria of Bacillus subtilis (107 CFU ml−1) and Lactobacillus casei (107 CFU ml−1) which is fermented by the addition of spices and molasses. Daphnia sp. was cultured in fresh water with a density of 20 ind ml−1. Observed parameters include total lenght, nutritional profile and enzymatic activities. The results showed that probiotic doses effect significantly different (p<0.05). In this research, the best performance enriched at 10 ml L−1 doses of probiotic and 12 hours incubation period included total lenght of 1.8 mm, and moisture, protein, lipid, ash amounted to 98.43±0.03, 42.72±0.3, 6.34±0.07, 11.72±0.39 %, protease and lipase activity were 21.92±0.90 U ml−1 and 0.82±0.06 U ml−1. Enriched Daphnia sp. has live food potential for hatcheries.

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Bacillus megaterium is a spore forming bacteria that is mostly used as a probiotic in aquaculture. Spore formation for probiotic production using carbon source is costly. This research evaluated the effect of different carbon doses of tapioca (Manihot esculenta) flour on vegetative cells, spore production, sporulation efficiency and spore germination of B. megaterium. Experiments were carried out in Aquaculture Laboratory, University of Brawijaya. In flasks, 50 ml of growth media were used and were inoculated with 1% of B. megaterium (2.6 x 108 cells/ml). The cultures were mixed (120 rpm) and incubated at 37 °C for 120 hours with 4 different treatments of carbon doses (5, 10, 15 and 20 g/L, respectively). The results showed that the highest vegetative cells (8.4 x 107 cell/ml) and spore production (4.1 x 107 spore/ml) of B. megaterium were found at 15 g/L carbon dose. However, it was not followed by high sporulation efficiency (only 49.01%). The high spore germination was observed in more than 5 g/L carbon dose. Thus, 5-15 g/L carbon doses of tapioca flour could positively enhance vegetative cells, spore production, sporulation efficiency and spore germination of B. megaterium and could be used as a potential source of probiotics in aquaculture.

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Grouper (Epinephelus sp.) is one of the superior species in the development of marine culture in Indonesia which has high economic value and has become an export commodity. One of the factors that influence production results in aquaculture is feed. Good quality of feed is crucial for fish survival and growth. Therefore, the feed given to cultured fish must be able to meet all the nutrients needed. One way that can be used to improve nutrition in feed is enrichment. This study aims to determine the enrichment of feed on the growth of cantang grouper by addition multivitamins to the feed. Cantang grouper reared in two floating net cages; one is given artificial feed without enrichment and the other one with multivitamin enrichment. The multivitamin dose for enrichment is 0.3%. Sampling was carried out by measuring the weight and length of 10 fishes every seven days from each floating net cage. The growth of cantang grouper which was given a multivitamin enrichment in the feed showed a growth rate 2.53 grams/day, length of growth 0.055 cm/day, feed efficiency was 29.4% higher and FCR was 3.4 lower compared to the grouper without enriched feed.

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Organic matter, ammonia, and total Vibrio are some parameters in shrimp culture media that can influence the success of shrimp culture. This study aims to determine the effect of Pseudomonas and Bacillus probiotic storage duration on decreasing organic matter, ammonia, and Total Vibrio in shrimp pond water. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments namely without the addition of probiotics (P0, control), addition of fresh probiotics (P1), addition of probiotics with a storage period of 1 month (P2), addition of probiotics with a storage time of 2 months (P3) and addition of probiotics with a storage period of 3 months (P4). Each treatment repeated four times. The content of total organic matter and Vibrio in water measured on day 0 (initial), and third (end), ammonia content was measured every 24 hours during the study (t0-t3). The results showed that the addition of probiotics with a long storage different give in decreasing total organic matter, ammonia, and Vibrio in shrimp pond water. Addition of probiotics with a storage period of 3 months gave a Total Vibrio, organic matter, and ammonia content lower compared to the shrimp pond water without adding probiotics and gave significantly different (p <0.05).

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One of the main coastal ecosystems of Tangerang Regency is the mangrove ecosystem is the mangrove ecosystem has numerous functions. However, this does not guarantee that it would not experience degradation and damage. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the level of mangrove ecosystem degradation in Tangerang Regency. The method used in this study is purposive sampling, whilst the measurement was performed through transect and non-transect methods with a reference to Indonesian National Standard Number 7717 year 2011. Data analysis in this study refers to calculations based on the Decree of the State Minister of Environment Number 201 year 2004 and Fauzi and Anna's study in 2005. Results of this study indicated that the level of mangrove density of all village sites/stations in the category of rarely-damaged due to the fact that density values in all villages are below the range of 1,000 trees/ha. Meanwhile, the percentage value of mangrove cover is under the category of rarely-damaged to tightly-good. Even so, observation areas in Tangerang Regency are dominated by mangrove conditions in a rarely-damaged category. According to the analysis of the calculation of degradation level indicated mangrove ecosystem in Tangerang give trend in degradation categories.

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Exocoetidae have valid name 71 species, in Indonesia we found 18 species Makassar Strait is a potential area for catching flying fish. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and distribution of flying fish species captured by gillnet. Flying fish data collection is conducted from March to May 2019. There are six species of flying fish collected. The results showed that in Makassar Strait, the species could be an identified of morphologic of flying fish is Hirundichthys oxycephalus, Cypselurus poecilopterus, Cheilopogon abeia, Cheilopogon spilopterus. Flyingfish was obtaining at latitude 117045'-118030' 'BT and 4030'BT - 3005' LS during the study. There are expected to be reference literature as primary data for the management and sustainable use of flying fish in the Makassar Strait.

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Indonesia is part of the coral triangle region which is known as the world's highest marine biodiversity, including stony corals. This situation used to benefit local people by trading ornamental corals. The aims of this study are to investigate the potential stock of ornamental corals as well as the reef conditions. The study took place in Kendari, Luwuk, Sumbawa and Belitung where the ornamental coral-collecting activities used to occur. The result indicates there were approximately 110 species of corals found with the majority of coral status are common (harvest limited) and uncommon (harvest with cautions). Based on the juvenile existence, only 66 corals have potential stocks. Euphyllidae (Euphyllia glabrescens and Plerogyra sinousa) had the highest potential stock in Kendari and Luwuk, while Fungiidae (Fungia spp) held the highest potential stock in Belitung and Sumbawa. This difference is likely related to different locality or habitat type. In general, coral reefs in Kendari, Luwuk and Belitung are in good condition, while fair condition occurs in Sumbawa. To conclude, the stock of ornamental corals is still high and the reefs are generally good, suggesting the collecting activities may be allowed with proper quota and continuous monitoring habitat condition to ensure the sustainability.

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The relationship between Sama Bajo's small-scale fishers and land-dwellers are unique and paradox. These ties embedded in the everyday economic and social life of Sama Bajo as an Indonesian iconic maritime tribe. This article will identify key actors between Sama Bajo and varied land-dwellers. We presume that the actors support cooperation and enhance the social resilience of Sama Bajo communities in marine preserve social context. The research was conducted from May until June 2019 in three Sama Bajo villages and land-dwellers islands in Wakatobi Regency. A social mapping, using UCINET 6.0, is offered to seek key actors in the different local social context of land-dwellers. Research findings found that key actors related to trading networks, social identity, and gender dimension. Later, the actors' social relation has contributed to the social resilience amongst three different Sama Bajo communities in Wakatobi Marine National Park.

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Indonesia exported >900 species of marine ornamental organisms, considered the largest together with The Philippines. However, records on catch statistics are negligible — this study conducted along the coastal area of Bangsring (Banyuwangi) and Gerokgak (Bali). The research aimed to identify species diversity, dominant families, and catch composition. Species diversity was estimated through underwater visual census and catch records from three fish collectors in the area. All the species were photographed and deposited at Depository Ichthyologicum Brawijaya, each with a specific accession number. Species identification merely based on morphology and color-stained for transparent osteology. The results of the analysis showed that there at least 106 species out of 483 specimens collected from middlemen. It consisted of 25 families and 59 different genera. The fish sources came from local surrounding West Bali National Park (Pinggiran), Madura Islands (Bunian), and the eastern part of Indonesia (Tanjungan). Unit price at middlemen levels varied between US$ 0.2-3.6 per species, with an average of US$ 0.95±0.95 (n = 106). Three Tanjungan species: Hoplolatilus luteus, Pomacanthus imperator, and Paracanthurus hepatus sold at unit price US$ 8.5. This niche fishery needs specific management measures to control the supply chain apart from its economic contribution to national income.

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Carassius fish culture is usually carried out in freshwater with 0 ppt salinity, but the maintenance of 0 ppt salinity is less comprehensive in distributing fish culture itself. Therefore maintenance of fish with raised salinity is one of the solutions for cultivators so that fish farming can optimally be distributed. This study aims to determine the growth and hepatosomatic index (HSI) of Carassius auratus that are maintained at different salinity for 30 days. This experimental study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, namely P0 (0 ppt), P1 (4 ppt), P2 (8 ppt), and P3 (12 ppt) with five replications. The parameters of this study were fish growth, hepatosomatic index (HSI), and survival rate (SR). The results showed that the salinity of 12 ppt gave a low growth value and the highest HSI value. The survival rate that is generated at all events is 100%.

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A study on the effect of immunostimulant feed with additional Cr3+-Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Garlic on Haematological Parameters of Catfish (Clarias sp.) has been conducted. There were two types of immunostimulant, a commercial feed combined with Cr3+-Yeast and a feed in combination of commercial feed, Cr3+-yeast, and garlic. A 180 Catfish with an average of 8.79 g in weight and 11 cm in length were used in the study. Haematological parameters measured were haematocrit level, total leucocyte, phagocytic index, and leucocyte differential. Haematological parameters were observed at day 0, 7, 14 after immunostimulant application, and also one and 5th days after challenge test. Catfish fed with immunostimulant Cr3+-Yeast and garlic combination show higher but not significantly different (P>0.05) haematocrit level (20.5%) than those fed with Cr3+-Yeast added immunostimulant (20%). A significantly higher (P<0.05) total leucocyte on immunostimulant added with Cr3+-Yeast and Garlic (58.850 sel/mm3) than Cr3+-Yeast (41.075 sel/mm3) and only feed (23.650 sel/mm3). Phagocytic index were observed significantly higher (P<0.05) on Cr3+-Yeast-Garlic (22%) than Cr3+-Yeast (13%). Leucocyte differential were observed lower in monocyte (4%), higher in neutrophil (23%) and highest in lymphocyte (73%) on Cr3+-Yeast-Garlic combination compared to Cr3+-Yeast combination (14% monocyte, 70.5% lymphocyte and 15.5% neutrophil).

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One important factor in cultivation is feed. The addition of fish oil to feed affects the activity of the protein and cell synthesis so that it affects the growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and protein and fat contents of the fish body. This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of lemuru fish oil in feed on fat retention and fatty acid profiles of silver barb (Rasbora argyrotaenia) fish. This study was used as an experimental method with a completely randomized design consisting of five treatments and four replications for each treatment. The lemuru fish oil with different concentrations, namely 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% were added to commercial feed of silver barb. The parameters of fat retention and fatty acid profile were observed. Data were analyzed statistically using a variant of analysis followed by Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that the addition of lemuru fish oil in the fish feed for 40 days of fish rearing had a significant effect (p<0.05) on fat retention and increased fatty acid profile of silver barb. The 2% treatment has the best of fat retention (53.36%). A fat concentration of 9% in the diet increase unsaturated fatty acids content of silver barb (66.32%).

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Silver barb Rasbora argyrotaenia is one of the local freshwater fish in indonesia that has advantage of being a source of protein and also resistant to disease. This study aims to determine the effect of adding lemuru fish oil to feeds on protein retention and the feed utilization efficiency of silver barb. This study used an experimental method with a complete randomized design consisting of five treatments and four replications. The treatment given is commercial food which is added with lemuru fish oil with different concentrations. In this study it can be seen that the treatments tested were: P0 (0%), P1 (2%), P2 (4%), P3 (6%), P4 (8%). The parameters observed in this study were protein retention and feed utilization efficiency of silver barb. Data analysis using Variant Analysis (ANOVA) and continued with Duncan's Multiple Distance Test. The results showed that the addition of lemuru fish oil in feed had a significant effect (P<0,05) on protein retention and feed utilization efficiency of silver barb. The highest protein retention in treatment P2 (4%) of 16.95% and the highest efficiency of feed utilization was also found in the treatment of P2 (4%) of 57.93%.

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The purpose of this study is to monitor the cover of mangrove forests on Lembeh Island, North Sulawesi, to support various protections. The method used to determine mangrove health uses the value of Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI). NDVI value of mangrove forest cover in 2016 and 2019 using Landsat image 8. Mangrove health in Lembeh Island Seen more in 2016 and 2019. Percentage of mangrove forest cover based on Minister of Environment Decree No. 201 of 2004 concerning standard criteria and guidelines for determining mangrove health. The rate obtained based on the dense category increased from 65% in 2016 to 67% in 2019, while mangrove in the group spares decreased from 13% percent in 2016 to 10% in 2019.

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Probiotic is considered an effective means for disease prevention in the aquaculture system. The most of probiotic species used in aquaculture were Bacillus in the form of vegetative cells. Therefore, this study evaluates the immune responses of Oreochromis niloticus under the Bacillus supplementation in the form of vegetative cells and spore. The addition of vegetative cells and spore Bacillus was given in the fish diet for 49 days. Several non-specific immune responses were evaluated afterward. Treatment without Bacillus supplementation in the diet was used as a control. The results showed that Bacillus supplementation in the form of spore and vegetative increased the non-specific immune response compared to those of control. Some parameters of the immune response, such as total leukocytes, haematocrit value, and respiratory burst, were affected by the form of Bacillus supplementation. Total haematocrit (31.67%), total leukocytes (8,2x104, Lymphocyte (81.33%) and respiratory burst (0.09 nm) of Tilapia with spore Bacillus supplementation were noted as the highest value. On the other hand, the phagocytosis activity of Tilapia was found statistically similar to vegetative or spore form of Bacillus supplementation. The factor that affected those results was the higher viability of the Bacillus spore in the fish diet. This study indicated that Bacillus supplementation in the form of spore gave the best improvement on the Tilapia non-specific immune response and could maintain the health status of the fish.

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Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) cultivation is quite easy to maintain if it can look carefully at fish health well. The Difficulty in maintenance due to parasitic attacks is Myxobolus sp., and this parasite is capable of causing death in fish. Treatment of parasites attached to koi fish can be done by giving chemicals such as Pyrethrum. This research aims to determine the reaction of kutuklin hemagglutination adhesin to koi fish infected by Myxobolus sp. The method used is an explorative and descriptive by conducting an In-Vivo test on koi fish. The treatment is, healthy fish without drug as a control, healthy fish with a drug dose of 1 µl/g feed, and fish were infected with a drug dose of 1 µl/g. Observation is done by taking fish blood plasma in each treatment. The results showed that kutuklin was able to contribute to treating Myxobolus sp. However, it cannot restore such a healthy state. This is indicated by high (up to 1/1024 dilution) in the hemagglutination (HA) test of koi fish blood plasma. So, that kutuklin can be used as an immune suppressor (immunosuppressor).

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Catfish cultivation has been carried out in Indonesia. One such development is the maintenance of catfish using an aquaponic system. Aquaponics aims to improve the water quality of fish farming with the help of plants. But plants cannot directly utilize fish farming waste directly, it is necessary to have a nitrification process first. Nitrification is the reformation of inorganic compounds into organic compounds with the help of bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria are colonized and non-motile bacteria, so a substrate is needed as a place to attach to the bacteria. The substrate that can be used is bioball and bioring. This study aims to determine whether the effect and filter media are effective in catfish farming with an aquaponic system. This study using the RAL method consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications, namely P0 = control, P1 = bioball, P2 = bioring and P3 = bioball and bioring combinations. The results obtained that P3 (bioball and bioring combination) is the most effective treatment in reducing the nitrogenous waste catfish aquaculture using an aquaponics system, the results is 0,000 mg / L ammonium, nitrite 0.001 mg / L and nitrate 13.0 mg / L at the end of the study.

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Biofloc system can overcome the problem on intensive system aquaculture by convert nitrogenous waste into microbial mass that can consumed by fish. Moreover, aquaponics systems that culture fish and plants also able to increase crop yields and improve water quality at the same time. Combination from those two system could create synergism to maximize the effects from both system. This study aims to determine the effect of molasses addition on feed conversion ratio (FCR) and water quality (TAN, nitrite and nitrate) of catfish rearing by biofloc-aquaponic system. This experimental study was carried out for 30 days using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of four treatments with five replications. Those four treatments are based on the difference in the amount of molasses added. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan multiple range test (DMRT). The results of this study indicate that the different addition of molasses is able to bring a positive effect on FCR and water quality in the catfish rearing using biofloc-aquaponic system with the lowest FCR obtained by P3 (1.33) and the lowest nitrogenous waste obtained by P2 but the FCR were not significantly different with P3.

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The study aimed to determine the different effects of heat shock duration and embryo age on embryonic development and hatching lengths of spotted barb fish. The method was used the experimental method using a factorial completely randomized design with two factors of treatment, namely heat shock duration (1, 1.5, and 2 min) and embryo age (3, 4, and 5 min after fertilization). The fish embryos were shocked at temperature of 40ºC. Each combination was repeated three times. One treatment was conducted without heat shock as control. The results showed that treatments of heat shock duration and embryo age have affected embryonic development and hatching lengths of spotted barb embryo.

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This study was aimed to observe the effect of cryopreservation on gastrula-staged embryo of African catfish. The gastrula-staged embryos were treated 5% (v/v) solutions concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide, propylene glycol, honey, and combined cryoprotectants, respectively and preserved at temperatures of -4 and -196ºC (in liquid nitrogen) for 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, 4 h, 5 h, and 6 h, respectively. Thawing of embryos was conducted in freshwater at temperature of 28ºC. After thawing, the embryos were incubated in the aquaria at 28ºC temperature. The result showed that the cryopreservation of gastrula-staged embryo at temperatures of -4 and -196ºC affects damage and hatching percentages of African catfish embryos. The percentage of catfish embryo damage increases with the length of preservation at temperature of -4ºC for all treatments. A combination of DMSO+honey and PG+honey has the lowest damage percentage and the highest hatching rate of catfish embryo compared to other treatments (p<0.05). Meanwhile, total embryo damage occurs since the first 30 min of preservation at temperature of -196ºC for all treatments. Cryoprotectant toxicity and inability to protect the embryo are thought to be a cause of damage and death of catfish embryos on preservation, especially at temperature of -196ºC.

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Organic and anorganic waste in Palu city has exceeded the capacity of the service and the existing waste management facilities so that waste piling up in landfills while (TPS), and locations of residential areas around the watershed that eventually the waste to the sea. Comprehensive research is needed to formulate the management of such waste. It is given because the higher the level of human activity residing in the city of Palu, has brought the issue of marine pollution in the Palu bay, namely through the waste dump along the Watershed (DAS) Palu which empties into the sea. It can be seen through the rubbish heaps of the sea at low tide, be it in the estuaries and bays along the coast of Palu. So far, the management of coastal waste less attention than the waste in the city. It is time for the attention given to the coastal environment is given the function of these coast systemic interplay of other ecosystems. Integrated management and the sustainable coastal environment will preserve it so that its function will be maintained properly and as intended. The success of this integrated waste management depends on community participation, as the main producer of waste.

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the success the transplantation method using kerbstone media from blocks made of coal waste (fly ash and bottom ash) from Thermal Power Station (PLTU). The research was done from March to August 2018 in the waters of Paiton, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. The method applied in this research a 7-block design with "H" formation for every module. The coral fragments of Acropora formosa, Acropora pulchra, Acropora intermedia, and Acropora gomezi was 10 cm in average size with 30 repetitions for each size. The average growth rate showed different values during five months of research since the transplantation was done. Acropora formosa had the highest growth rate of 1.958 cm/month. Acropora intermedia 1.730 cm/month, Acropora pulchra 0.958 cm/month, and 0.756 cm/month for Acropora gomezi. By using Kruskal Wallis test for data analysing, obtained a survival rate of over 80% for all types, with Acropora formosa as the highest (92.3%) and Acropora gomezi as the lowest (82.61%). Therefore, kerbstone is considered feasible as a growth media for the coral reef as an effort to support CTI (Coral Triangle Initiative) program in overcoming global warming as an innovation.

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Ampana City, Tojo Una-Una Regency has the potential of marine tourism and the area also faces a serious threat from the litter that can affect aesthetic value, reduce the quality of waters, intervention to normal systems in the environment. Sampling to the beach in general representative locations in Malotong Beach (area of 100 x 25 m2), and Bailo Beach (100 x 10 m2). The sampling units in the transect plots are 5 plots covering 25 m2 (plot size 1 x 1 m2) randomly determined. The next procedures are the collection and classification of litter. The composition and density of the type of litter are distinguished for meso (0.5cm-2.5cm) and macro (> 2.5cm) litter. The results showed that the type and abundance of the litter that generally comes from recreational activities of beach visitors and household litter. In general, meso and macro litter were found in Malotong Beach as many as 25 types, and in Bailo Beach as many as 35 types. The presence of litter on the coast and the sea threatens life on the Coast of Ampana City. Today's public awareness is needed to change habits and give more respect to their environment.

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Coastal waters of Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia obtains water resources from residential areas, the fishing industry, the shipping industry in the surrounding area. This study aims to determine the influences of water quality on phytoplankton abundance, seen from differences characteristics of coastal waters of Banyuwangi. The research method is descriptive. Data collection technique is observation, with the required data including water quality parameters (Sn, PO4, Total Organic Matter, NO3, Cu Copper, DO, Water Temperature, Pb, Salinity, Alkalinity, pH, and NH4) and phytoplankton. The analysis used plankton abundance analysis calculated using the Lachlan modification formula (1982), and multiple regression analysis. The analysis result showed that the type of phytoplankton found was green algae Chlorella type and blue-green algae Oscillatoria type. The abundance of phytoplankton in the coastal area of Banyuwangi is around 12.5 - 513.75 ind/L, where it is included in the level of eutrophic phytoplankton abundance, which waters in a high fertility. There is an influence between water quality on the abundance of phytoplankton on the coast of Wongsorejo, Banyuwangi and Blimbingsari Districts. Whereas in Lampon (Pesanggaran subdistrict), water quality does not affect the abundance of phytoplankton.

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Lobster resources are one of renewable resources but if catches are increasing without any control will cause a depleted resource. Catching lobsters is not only in the adult phase but all phases are captured. The purpose of this study to determine the composition of lobster seeds between depths that have a high value of lobster seeds collection so that it can be used as a reference for lobster protection in nature. This research was conducted in January – February 2019, located in Pacitan district with the operational area in Wawaran beach waters. The statistical method used in this research was Chi-Square analysis and Kruskall-Wallis. Based on the results of the operation atracror puerulus lobster in two different depths (14 and 20 meters) in Wawaran beach waters found that there are four species puerulus, i.e., Panulirus homarus, Panulirus penicillatus, Panulirus ornatus and Panulirus versicolor. Its found that different depths did not affect the composition of the collected puerulus species. Then the Kruskal-Wallis test at 14 meters and 20 meters depth found a significant difference in the value of each type of lobster. The type of puerulus from Panulirus homarus has the dominant results compared than the other three species.

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Argulus japonicus is an ectoparasite that invades freshwater fish, causing ulceration and bleeding, besides opening the secondary infections access for bacteria, fungi, viruses and triggering fish death. A. japonicus efficient control can be done by cutting the ectoparasite life cycle, specifically the egg stage, using natural insecticide. One of the natural insecticides is M. oleifera leaves as it has phytochemical contents, i.e., tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and toxic saponins for eggs A. japonicus. The study aimed to analyze the immersion effect of M, oleifera leaf aqueous extract under different concentrations against A. japonicus egg damage and determine the optimal concentration of M. oleifera leaf aqueous extract that significantly damaged A. japonicus egg until 100%. This study used four aqueous extract treatment, namely 0% (A), 4% (B), 6% (C), and 8% (D) with five times repetitions. The results showed that each treatment had significant influence against A. japonicus egg damage (P < 0.05). The lowest A. japonicus egg damage was found at A treatment, while the highest was at D treatment. M. oleifera leaf aqueous extract can be utilized as a natural insecticide to disrupt the egg phase of A. japonicus with 8% concentration in aqueous extract.

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Eucheuma cottonii is widespread in coastal areas. The content of seaweed in the form of agar, carrageenan, and alginate causes seaweed to have an important meaning in industry. The problem currently faced is the lack of production of seaweed for industrial materials, caused by the lack of growth rate. The community's understanding is that the more weight the seedlings plant, the more yields will be obtained and the faster to harvest. But in reality, the less weight the seeds planted, the faster the rate of growth, so that the seeds needed are not so many and produce a lot of harvest. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different initial seed weights on the growth rate of E. cottonii seaweed. This research is an experimental study, using a Completely Randomized Trial Design consisting of one factor and six replications. While the treatment used is the initial weight of different seedlings, ( 25 gr, 50 gr, 75 gr, and 100 gr). This research was conducted in the waters of Lamawalang District, Larantuka City, East Flores Regency. Data analysis technique used one-way ANOVA (one factor) with the Least Significant Difference Test level of 5%.

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Jatimbulan Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the third generation of the crossover six parental strain of tilapia. The nursery method for Jatimbulan Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry is carried out in soil and concrete-walled pond, as well as seeds having an average length of 2.3 cm and an average weight of 0.181 grams. The treatment used is feeding pellets by feeding frequency two times a day with a 30% feeding rate of the biomass. Treatment significantly generating good growth and survival; SGR (1.12%) and SR (97%). Water quality in the maintenance media contained in a reasonable range for raising Jatimbulan Tilapia.

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The condition of water will also affect the distribution pattern or distribution of phytoplankton both horizontally and vertically, so that it will affect the abundance of phytoplankton which in turn affects the primary productivity value. The waters of Sathean Village are some floating net cages (KJA) owned by both the community and the company. The existence of economic activities in the waters of Sathean Village, it results in disruption of the balance of the aquatic environment which ultimately affects the growth of phytoplankton in these waters. The study was conducted using an experimental method with a factorial completely randomized design. The first research factor was the distance of KJA placement with 3 sub-factors, namely 26 m distance; 38 m; and 52 m. The second research factor is the depth of sampling consisting of 4 depths namely 0 m; 2 m; 4 m; and 6 m. The test is done 3 times. Station B, a distance of 38 m from the beach 38 from the beach with a sampling depth of 0m, 2m, 4m and 6m, and 3 replications. The main parameters observed were phytoplankton abundance, diversity index, uniformity index, and dominance index. Meanwhile, the supporting factor is water quality.

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Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and active suspension aquaculture system (ASS) are rearing systems which are commonly used in aquaculture productions nowadays. This study aimed at comparing the growth performances of Nile tilapia cultured at the two aquaculture systems for 42 days. The measured parameters were growth rate, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, survival rate, and nutrient utilization (protein efficiency ratio, fat efficiency ratio, and energy efficiency ratio). The results showed that Tilapia reared in the RAS had significantly higher growth rate, weight gain, lower feed conversion ratio, and more efficiently in the utilization of protein, fat, and energy compared to tilapia reared in ASS. These results may indicate that the recirculating aquaculture system provided more comfortable environments for the tilapia for growth compared to the active suspension aquaculture system. However, another study in terms of economic perspective is still required, since the recirculating aquaculture system requires more rearing tanks and operational costs, especially from electricity.

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Ornamental fish farming is easy to stress, which results in fading colors and patterns of the body. The effort to maintain the color and pattern of the fish's body are using Almond leaf. This study aims to obtain the optimum concentration of Almond leaf in the maintenance of neon tetra fish, which is expected to improve the color quality and growth of fish. Neon tetra fish seeds measuring 1 - 2 cm were maintained in an aquarium sizing 25 cm x 40 cm x 28 cm with a stocking density of 4 tails liter−1. The completely randomized design (CRD) was applied with four treatments and three replications. The different of Almond concentrations as a treatment i.e. 0 ppm, 250 ppm, 500 ppm, and 750 ppm. Parameters measured such as survival (SR), growth (absolute length and weight), color quality (lightness, chroma, hue a, and b) and glucose levels. Water quality measured such as DO, temperature, pH, conductivity, TDS, ammonia and nitrite. The results showed that Almond leaf affected the growth of absolute length and absolute weight. Almond leaf with a concentration of 500 ppm could improve color quality, especially for green-red colors.

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Fishery-based lobster production decreased substantially due to over-exploitation and urge fishermen to catch smaller-size. In early 2015, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries restrained catch of species up to 8 cm carapace length or at least 200 g weight. This study to identify species and individual size within catch of two different fishing gears at different fishing ground. "Krendet", demersal pot (trap) was operated from the cliff of strong reef crest that connected to land-coast with a strong rope. Outside the cliff, fishermen operated gill net. Catch species were identified based on morphology and meristic. Species composition was calculated based on number of each species within catch. The results showed that there were six species was catch: Panulirus penicillatus, P. homarus, P. longipes, P. ornatus, P. versicolor, and P. polyphagus. It represents all lobster species of Indonesia. P. homarus dominated the catch at fishing ground outside the pinnacle (63%), and near cliff species was dominated by P. penicillatus (69%). Regarding size regulation, only 42% of catch met the carapace length of > 8 cm. Carapace length-weight relationship does not always meet the criteria. These results indicated that part of lobster fishery were exploited undersize exposing the stock under risk.

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This study aimed to screen probiotic candidates for the capacity to degrade ammonia content in the manure of laying hens. Seven bacteria previously isolated from broilers' intestine were assigned to a completely randomized design. A fresh culture of each bacterial isolate was cultured to reach optical density at OD600:0.5. One ml suspension was inoculated into 100 ml samples (2g manure diluted in 100 ml of sterilized distilled water) and incubated for three days. Ammonia concentrations in each sample were measured daily using Ammonium/Ammonia-Test sera ammonia kits. The results showed that the ammonia concentration in all bacteria-treated samples was significantly lower than ammonia content in control, P<0.05). The average amount of ammonia in the control was 1.00±0.44 mg/l, while isolate I1-treated sample was 0.03±0.00 mg/l, isolate I2 0.02±0.00 mg/l, isolate I3 0.02±0.00 mg/l, isolate I4 0.04±0.01 mg/l, isolate I5 0.04±0.01 mg/l, isolate I6 0.02±0.01 mg/l and isolate I7 0.05±0.00 mg/l. The best three ammonia degrading capacity among the seven isolates were I2, I3, and I6. Based on the phenotypical characteristics, these bacteria were identified as Nitrosomonas sp. (I2), Nitrosobolus sp. (I3), and Nitrosococcus sp. (I6). Therefore, these three bacteria were recommended for probiotic candidates in laying hen.

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This study aims to determine the effect of the administration of bacteria isolated from shrimp pond sediment Bacillus mycoides, B. subtilis, and Pseudomonas diminuta towards plankton abundance, N/P ratio, and total bacteria in the culture media of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). This experimental research using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of four treatments based on the difference in the bacterial density, namely K(0 cell/mL), B1 (106cells/mL), B2 (107 cells/mL), and B3 (108 cells/mL), with four replications each treatment and the shrimps were carried out for 28 days. The parameters were observed are plankton abundance, N/P ratio, and total bacteria. This research showed that probiotics could increase plankton abundance, N/P ratio, and total bacteria. The results of this research indicate that the different density of bacteria from shrimp pond sediment significantly different (p<0,05) towards plankton abundance and total bacteria in the culture media of white shrimp, while the administration of bacteria from shrimp pond sediment could increase the N/P ratio. The B3 gave the best results on plankton abundance, N/P ratio, and total bacteria of 13,566.88 cells/mm3, 7.22, and 2.93 x 109 cells/mL respectively.

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This study aimed to measure oxidative stress parameters during pig slaughter preparation. This study used 60 landrace pigs that were taken the serum and saliva samples under conditions before stunned (T1), after stunned (T2) and after slaughtered (T3). Superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were also evaluated. The serum was taken through the jugular vein with vacutainer. Saliva was taken with a salivate tube. Serum and saliva were tested using the Cortisol ELISA immunoassay method. The level of SOD, MDA and GPx were analyzed through serum concentration. The results showed significant differences (p<0.05) in T2 and increased significantly (p<0.05) in T3. The SOD levels showed the opposite results with MDA and GPx. The SOD levels decrease after stunning and increase after slaughter, vice versa. It can be concluded that there were significant differences in serum and salivary cortisol of pigs taken before stunned, after stunned and after slaughtered. The level of SOD, MDA and GPx could be a reference for oxidative stress parameters during handling and restraint in pig slaughter.

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Goatfish is one of the most dominant demersal-fish species currently caught by local fishermen in North-Coast of East Java and Madura using modified Danish-Seine. This research aimed to investigate species diversity goatfish and spawning potential ratio (SPR) of most representative species, U. suphureus. Identification was completed through morphometric and meristic investigation. A total of 2,550 fish were sub-sampled from catches for length-frequency analysis, length at first maturity (Lm), length-weight relationship and SPR. The results showed that there were five species within catches, being: U. sulphureus, U. moluccensis, U. tragula, U. sundaicus, and P. heptacanthus. Length-weight followed cubic formula with Wt = 0.0159 * Lt3.124 (p< 0.05; r2 = 0.92). Female length-at-first mature was reached at 11.67 cm Fork-Length, with total female biomass in the sample 6.5 kg. Total biomass was 93.1 kg, hence the SPR was < 7%. The minimum value of SPR while maintaining stock at good parent stock was >20%. From these results, it was very clear that demersal fishery in North-Coast of East Java, represented by U. sulphureus is unsustainable. Management measure, either size or effort limitation should be implemented, otherwise, the stock will soon collapse.

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Blood cockles one of shellfish which can potentially be developed as a source of protein and minerals. The shell provides a source of calcium, as the structure is similar to that of bone. This research aims to characterize nano calcium powder from blood cockle (Anadara sp.) shell produced by using different hydrochloric acid (HCl) concentrations. Four concentrations vis. 0.5 N, 1.0 N, 1.5 N and 2.0 N were designed by using a completely randomized design. This research revealed that different the concentration affected the particle size and mineral content of the nano calcium powder, where concentration of 1 N was the most appropriate concentration used. The yield generated was 0.82% with the calcium content of 62.89%, the particle size of 454.4nm and high uniformity.

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Milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) and sea cucumbers (Holothurians leucospilot), have high economic value, both to meet domestic and foreign consumption needs. This study examines the long-weight relationship of milkfish and sea cucumbers that are cultivated by multi tropic sea farming at the Tablolong Fish Seed Center in West Kupang District which has been conducted in October to December 2018. Sampling is done every 15 days with a maintenance period of 45 days showed that the milkfish and sea cucumbers have a negative algometric growth pattern based on a value of b which is lower than 3. The water quality parameters at the Balai Benih Ikan Pantai are still in the normal range to support the growth of milkfish and sea cucumbers.

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Gracilaria sp. contains macro and micronutrients needed by plants, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and boron. Seaweed-based liquid organic fertilizer currently on the market has low phosphorus and potassium content. One ingredient that can increase phosphorus and potassium content is fishbone. This study aimed to determine the effect of fishbone meal addition to Gracilaria sp. liquid organic fertilizer on the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The method used in this study was the experimental method with four treatments and five replications on each treatment. These treatments were P0 (0% fish bone meal), P1 (25% fish bone meal), P2 (50% fish bone meal), and P3 (75% fish bone meal). The main parameters in this study were the concentration level of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The addition of fishbone meal increased nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentration. The highest nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents were found in the treatment with the addition of 75% fish bone meal, producing 0.69% nitrogen, 0.42% phosphorus, and 0.43% potassium content.

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The purpose of this research was to know the appropriation of extract from Datura metel L. seeds as anti-stress with ethanol solvent can give effect towards blood glucose levels and survival rate of Osphronemus Gouramy seed in closed system transportation, to know optimal doses of extract from Datura metel L. seeds as antistress with ethanol solvent can maintain normal blood glucose levels and yield the best survival rate of Osphronemus gouramy seed. This research was carried in September 2016 in Education Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Airlangga University Surabaya. This research used Completely Randomized Design with five treatments (negative control without extract, positive control with chloralhydrate, Datura metel L. seeds extract 0.5 g/L, 1,5 g/L dan 4.5 g/L) and four replications. Statistical analysis used the Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) to determine the effect of treatment and continued with Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that the appropriation of extract from Datura metel L. seeds give effect towards blood glucose levels and survival rate on Osphronemus Gouramy seed. Doses 0.5 g/L was the optimal dose as antistress of Osphronemus Gouramy seed during closed system transportation.

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Disease is one of the obstacles in cultivation are caused by an imbalance of the interaction between environmental factors, host, and disease agents. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of helminth species and endoparasites which infect the gastrointestinal tract swamp eel (Synbranchus bengalensis) is marketed in the city of Surabaya, East Java. Samples was taken 75 swamp eel of (10%) from total population 750. The research method used is a survey method. The collected data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of checks are performed on 75 samples of eel swamp tail result 22 positive swamp eels infected with helminth endoparasit Pingus sinensis and Eustrongylides Ignotus. Based on these results the prevalence values obtained for an average of 29.3%. In this study, found a single L3 Pingus sinensis infection with a prevalence rate of 4% and a single infection L4 Eustrongylides Ignotus infection rate of 8%. While the prevalence of infection mixture L3 Pingus sinensis and L4 Eustrongylides Ignotus by 16%. These results indicate that the helminth Pingus sinensis and Eustrongylides Ignotus often infects the eel.

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Water is an important environmental component for life. Heavy metal water pollution comes from many industries. Heavy Metals Copper (Cu) is one of several other heavy metals that are harmful to living things. One way to anticipate the increased pollution of heavy metals Copper (Cu) in waters is bioremediation using microalgae. This study aims to determine the ability of Spirulina plantesis in absorbing heavy metals Copper (Cu) and to determine the influence of heavy metal Copper (Cu) on the growth of Spirulina platensis. This study used an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of four treatments and five replicates, namely A (S. platensis 0 ppm), B (S. platensis 1 ppm), C (S. platensis 3 ppm), D (S. Platensis 5 ppm). The results showed that Spirulina platensis was able to absorb heavy metal of Copper (Cu) so that it can be used as a heavy metal bioremediation agent. On treatment B (1 ppm) absorption of 87,719%, C (3 ppm) equal to 97,886% and D (5ppm) equal to 95,872 % Growth with the addition of Cu affects Spirulina platensis growth

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Antibiotic usage in aquaculture serves for the prevention and treatment of diseases but causes an accumulation of residues, and the development of resistant bacterial strains that demands the use of probiotics is increasing. The quality of fish not only seen on the weight of fish but also of bacteria associated with the digestive tract. Some types of bacteria found in the digestive tract of animals have an essential role in order to improve the utilization of feed, fish health, and improvement of environmental quality and microorganisms. The research aims to determine the type of bacteria that can be isolated and characterized from the gastrointestinal tract Anguilla bicolor and potential as a candidate probiotic bacteria. This study used data analysis with descriptively. The gastrointestinal tract is the intestine isolation and characterization of bacterial strains obtained. The observations made include morphological characters, hydrolysis tests (fat, starch, protein), and identification of each isolate. From the digestive tract, Anguilla bicolor found seven bacterial isolates based on the identification and competent to hydrolyze protein, fat, and starch consists of 3 species thought to be used as probiotics Anguilla bicolor are Bacillus subtilis, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus plantarum.

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Fucoidan is a polysaccharide with complex sulfate groups that are found in the cell walls of brown seaweed, one is Sargassum sp. This study aimed to determine the effect of addition fucoidan from Sargassum sp. on the antioxidant activity of skin lotion and to determine antioxidant activity of skin lotion with the addition of antioxidants after storage. The method used was experimental with completely randomized design (RAL) with four treatments and five replications. The treatments used are: P1 (fucoidan 1 X IC50), P2 (fucoidan 2 X IC50), P3 (fucoidan 3X IC50) and Control (Skin lotion with green tea extract commercial).The antioxidant activity testis done with DPPH method. The results showed that the IC50 value of fucoidan extract were 1407.667 ppm. In the result of adding fucoidan on skin lotion prode result IC50 values P1, P2, P3 and Control in a row was 1709, 816, 645 and 314 ppm. While the IC50 value of skin lotion 30th day in a row was 1723, 825, 699 and 323 ppm. Based on these results, the skin lotion with fucoidan has a weak antioxidant activity because it had IC50 values above 200 ppm, while storage for 30 days can increase the value of IC50.

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Koi (Cyprinus carpio) has an interesting added value which one of the most famous freshwater ornamental fish. There are a lot of factors which have to be faced when we were trying to cultivate or culture Koi; one of those factors is the disease. Ectoparasite is one factor that can be the decline on koi selling because the ectoparasite can reduce the selling point caused by the effect on koi. One of ectoparasite known as attack koi is Argulus. The purpose of this research to determine relations between water quality and the prevalence of Argulus on Koi (Cyprinus carpio). The research was conducted at Magelang, Central Java (on Mungkid's and Muntilan's region). Measurement of water quality was temperature, pH, DO, and ammonia. This research use survey method and take the sample with random sampling. The result of this research shown that the prevalence of Koi that infested by Argulus in Mungkid subdistrict are 30.77 %, and in the Muntilan sub-district are 55.17%. There was a positive correlation between water quality and the prevalence of Argulus especially at the temperature, which has a significant correlation. Higher temperatures will also increase the Argulus prevalence.

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Fish oil waste from the canning of low quality but can be recovered through purification processes correctly. Bleaching is a process to improve the color of the oil. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the use activated carbon to the effective characteristics and concentration on the fish oil purification byproduct of fish canning industry. This research method used is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments with four replications. The concentrations used in this study is the treatment A (0 %), treatment B (2 %), treatment C (4 %), treatment D (6 %) and treatment E (8 %). The results showed that the addition of activated carbon adsorbent in the process of bleaching fish oil showed a highly significant (p <0.01) on levels of free fatty acids and significantly different (p <0.05) on the peroxide value. The highest level of free fatty acids is the treatment A (5.53%). The lowest level of free fatty acids is the treatment of B (1.68%). The highest value is peroxide of treatment E (110.35 meq / kg). The lowest level value is peroxide of treatment A (58.38 meq / kg).

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This study aims to determine the effect of HCl concentration and temperature affect chitin characteristics as the result of demineralization process from penshells. This study uses Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial consisting. The method based on two steps, there are demineralization and deproteination. This study aims to determine the effect of HCl concentration and temperature on chitin characteristics as the result of demineralization process for penshells. This study used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors, including HCl concentration (2N, 4N, and 6N) and temperature (33°C and 60°C) which consists six combination treatments and three replications. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test to determine differences between treatments. The results showed that interaction of HCl concentration and temperature has significant effect (p⌄0.05) to ash content of chitin. The use concentration of 6N and 33°C produces low ash content. Characteristics chitin resulted from the treatment of 6N and 33°C produces ash content 25.33%±6.82, moisture content 3.67%±1.10, yield 0.72%±0.12 and protein content 5.86 %.

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One parasite known to infect is Argulus. Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is one of the traditional medicinal plants that can be used as an alternative to control parasitic infections. Noni fruit has four levels of ripeness; each of them contains a different antiparasitic. This research aims to determine whether the noni fruit ripeness level differences provide different effects on the control of Argulus on Carassius auratus auratus. This research is experimental, using Completely Randomized Design. The data obtained in this research were analyzed using statistical test ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to determine whether there are differences among the treatments, and then followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The result showed value F count < F Table 0,01 and 0,05 which means there is no significant difference in treatment of giving noni juice with different ripeness levels. While Duncan's multiple range test showed that there is a significant difference between P0 (control treatment) and P3 (treatment using noni fruit ripeness level C). This means that noni juice has an impact on the release of Argulus on Carassius auratus auratus and the most effective treatment is by giving noni juice in the ripeness level C

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Washing waste material surimi fish meat has the potential to be developed into a natural flavor because it contains of proteins and amino acids are quite high. Enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins can produce compounds savory (umami) which can be used as natural flavor. This study aimed to determine the effect of the enzyme papain as an agent of the natural flavor of the washing waste material surimi fish meat. The treatment includes control of 0% (without the enzyme papain), the addition of the enzyme papain 2%, 4% and 6%. The results showed that administration of different concentrations of the enzyme papain give effect to the yield and the value of the resulting organoleptic flavor. The yield of flavor respectively-helped by 6.18%, 7.23%, 9.98% and 12.03%. Best papain enzyme concentrations in this study were treated with the addition of P2 which papain enzyme 4%, note the value yield of 9.98% with an average rate of acceptance of the panelists of the color, aroma, and flavor are 6; 3.4 and 3.7 which means rather liked, a bit fishy, and rather tasteless fish, the protein content of 15.62%, 0.26% glutamic acid, and water solubility of 96.5%.

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Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) is a freshwater fish that has great potential to be developed, because it have high nutritional content. The eggs carp that is cultivated naturally have a high mortality rate, almost 80. Tannins have the ability to bind and precipitate proteins the caused by the presence of a number of functional groups that will bond strongly with protein molecules interacted which in turn will generate substantial crosslinking and tannin-protein complex that. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soaking the eggs in a solution of tannin on the embryonic development of carp. Method used in this study using quantitative descriptive method. The results showed that the soaking time tannin solution can affect to the rate of embryonic development of common carp at each phase. In the treatment of 120 and 180 seconds embryos develop faster in the early phase and the final phase is slower than the control. This suggests that the tannin solution can Accelerate the development of the embryo in the early phase and the discovery of abnormal larvae hatch in the treatment of 180 seconds.

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The objectives of this research were: 1) determine the effect of fermented rice bran suspension concentration on the fecundity and production of M. macrocopa offspring per parent, 2) determine the optimal concentration of fermented rice bran suspension on the fecundity and production of M. macrocopa offspring per parent. This research used an experimental method with a completely randomized design consisting of six treatments of suspension of rice bran without fermentation (P0), 19.54 mg / L fermented rice bran suspension (P1), 21.98 mg / L fermented rice bran suspension (P2), 24.42 mg / L fermented rice bran suspension (P3), 26.68 mg / L fermented rice bran suspension (P4) and 29.30 mg / L fermented rice bran suspension (P5) in four replications for each. The results of the culture with a different concentration of rice bran suspension showed a significant difference (P <0.05) on the fecundity and production of M. macrocopa offspring per parent. The highest fecundity and production of M. macrocopa offspring per parent occurred in M. macrocopa culture with a concentration of fermented rice bran suspension of 29.30 mg / L (P5) with the fecundity 21-25 grains/parent and production of offspring 20-24 ind/parent.

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Sexual induction of M. macrocopa can be induced by setting a density of feed concentration. To optimize the production of ephippia, sexual females must be given sufficient quality feed. Fermentation of tilapia fish from the results of preliminary studies showed a significant increase in protein concentration but fat concentration decreased. This research to determine the best concentration of fermented tilapia feces feed to produce ephippia M. macrocopa. This research is experimental by using a completely randomized design (CRD). This research consisted of 4 treatments of feed concentration is fermented feces suspension concentration of 33,30 mg/L (P1), 37,00 mg/L (P2) and 40,70 mg/L (P3) and control using rice bran suspension feed concentration of 37,00 mg/L(P0), with each using 5 replications. Induction sexual offspring is maintained at a density of 1000 ind/L for 6 days. During cultivation is calculated survival rate, M. macrocopa ephippia production, and some water quality parameters as support. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan test. This research showed that M. macrocopa cultivation using several concentrations of suspension feed of fermented tilapia feces at concentrations of 40.70 mg/L can induce sexual females and produce ephippia and showed the highest survival rate (1186 ± 26,45 grains/L) and 88,13%.

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The cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) is a newly developed clinical measurement for evaluating arterial stiffness from the origin of the aorta to the ankle. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is widely known as a vascular calcification mediator, which have a role to affect atherogenesis. Thirty subjects participated in this research and each subject underwent a CAVI examination to assess arterial stiffness and their blood samples were collected for OPG measurement. This study is analyzed with Pearson Correlation Test. There is a positive, strong and significant correlation between osteoprotegerin serum level and arterial stiffness using Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) in hypertensive patients. (r = 0.730 and p <0,0001). There was a positive, strong and significant correlation between osteoprotegerin serum level and arterial stiffness using Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) in hypertensive patients.

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Hypertension is the most prevalent non-communicable disease in Indonesia. Stress is one of the modifiable risk factors of hypertension. Work stress is a complaint or disorder of physical, psychological, or social conditions, related to work and can be experienced by workers. This study was aimed to investigate the correlation between work stress and hypertension among industrial workers. A cross-sectional study in 100 male workers in the production department of a manufacturing industry in Bekasi, Indonesia, was conducted. The measurement of work stress was obtained by Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ) and categorized as workers with work stress and without work stress. Hypertension was defined according to 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. The relationship of variables was analyzed by chi-square test and stated as prevalence ratio (PR). The confounder of age was adjusted using logistic regression. The prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in workers with work stress, PR = 5.58, 95% CI 1.54–20.23 (p=0.005). Adjusted PR after adjusting for age was 6.27, 95% CI 1.71–23.06 (p=0.006). In conclusion, there is a significant correlation between work stress and hypertension among industrial workers.

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New hope in the treatment of myocardial infarction has emerged by transplanting multipotent stem cells into the affected myocardium. Hypoxic preconditioning (HPC) is expected to increase the survival cell potency by inducing upregulation of Heat Shock Protein (HSP) in Adipocyte-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (AMSCs). This study aimed to investigate the roles of HPC in AMSCs to observe the in vitro expression of HSP27 as an ATP independent chaperone, and HSP70, HSP90 as an ATP dependent chaperone. This study is a true experimental randomized post-test design study. AMSCs were isolated from adipose tissue and cultured until there were four passages. The samples were then divided into two groups, HPC (O2 1%) and normoxia (O2 21%). Immunocytofluorescence techniques were used to evaluate the expression of HSP27, HSP70, and HSP90. Data were analyzed using a two paired t-test and Mann Whitney U test. There was a significant increase of HSP27, HSP70, and HSP90 expression in HPC compared to the normoxia group (272,00±92,225 vs 86,19±26,362 p<0.0001; 130,88±45,416 vs 120,75±97,113 p<0.05; 165,75±58,930 vs 96,81±22,578). Hypoxic preconditioning significantly increased the expression of HSP27, HSP70, and HSP90 on cultured AMSCs.

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Increasing the ability of survival stem cells can be determined by assessing the state of hypoxic preconditioning (HPC) in stimulated cells. The assessment is carried out through bone marrow-derived stem (BMSCs) cultures obtained from the femoral bone marrow aspiration procedure (Wismar Rat). This study aimed to prove the hypothesis that there is CD31+ expression on HPC cultures; also, the concentration of VEGF-A and SDF-1α were higher in HPC than control. This research is designed as a laboratory experiment for a period of three months. Male Wistar rat (n = 16) was divided into 2 groups: P0 controls (21% [O2]) and P1 treatments (1% [O2]). Each sample was run into eight repetitions and observed for 48 hours. The stages in this study include isolation and culture of BMSCs, identification of phenotypic BMSCs based on the expression of cell-surface markers (CD105+, CD34) and hypoxic exposure. After that, it was observed that the potential of angiogenesis in samples was based on CD31+ expression, the paracrine activity of vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and stromal-derived factor-1 Alpha (SDF-1α). The results showed that there is no CD31+ expression on P1. A of VEGF-A and SDF-1⌑ were higher in P1 than P0.

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Exercise capacity among cardiac patients is not sufficiently predicted using left ventricular ejection fraction resting measurement. The echocardiographic measurement using Wall Motion Score Index (WMSI) and Anatomical M-mode (AAM) Systolic Thickening post-myocardial infarction was studied to determine its correlation with functional capacity. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 33 consecutive post-MI patients. The inclusion criteria included heart failure patients with NYHA class I-II visiting the cardiology outpatient clinic of Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. A resting echocardiogram, measuring WSMI and AMM systolic thickening of basal and mid-LV segments, was taken. The patients underwent a treadmill stress test using the Naughton protocol on the same day of their echocardiography examination. Samples were then analyzed using SPSS 2.0. Study subjects were 69.7% males with age 58.45±6.2 years old and BMI 24.07±3.2 kg/m2. The proportion of hypertension was 60.6%, smoking 51.5%, diabetes mellitus 42.4%, and dyslipidemia 42.4%. WMSI was 1.68±0.45, mean AMM systolic thickening 39±13%, and exercise capacity 3.69±1.8 METs. There was a moderate negative correlation of WMSI and a moderate positive correlation of AMM systolic thickening with functional capacity (r = –0.466, r = 0.415 consecutively; p<0.05). WMSI and AMM systolic thickening were correlated with functional capacity in post-MI patients with heart failure.

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The reduced number and function of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPC) in stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) patients aggravate endothelial dysfunction and inhibit neovascularization, thus leading to atherosclerosis. Garlic is currently believed to increase the number and function of EPCs. Therefore, this in vitro study was conducted to analyse the effect of garlic extract (Allicin) on the proliferation of EPCs in patients with SCAD. Mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of eight SCAD patients and cultured on CFU-Hill media for three days. Samples were divided into 2 groups: a group treated with Allicin and a control group. The treatment group was then divided into 3 subgroups which received 10, 50, and 100 mg/ml of doses and incubated for 48 hours. EPC proliferation was assessed using MTT Cell Proliferation Assay. Immunohistochemical method of CD34+ were performed for EPC identification. Data was analysed using an independent T test and ANOVA. MTT Assay showed significant increase in EPC proliferation in Allicin group compared to control group (0.2811±0.008 vs 0.194±0.151, p<0.05) and significant improvements were observed in each dose increment. CFU-Hill quantification shows the addition of EPC colony in high-dose Allicin. Immunohistochemical method shows positive CD34+ expression. Allicin increases EPC proliferation dose-dependently from peripheral blood of SCAD patients.

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Atherosclerosis is a major cardiovascular issue in the world. Atherosclerosis has long been theorized to be originated from foam cells that build up due to the chronic inflammatory process of cholesterol deposition in the walls of blood vessels and the uptake of oxidized LDL (OxLDL) and phosphorylcholine. Until now, the treatment for atherosclerosis has been focusing on drugs that inhibit the progression of atherosclerotic plaques. Recent findings show that proper regulation of immune cells, both adaptive and innate, has been shown to have a relationship with the prevention of atherosclerotic lesions. The future of vaccination as prevention for atherosclerosis holds great potential, considering studies are abundant in proving the atheroprotective effects of the immunization with several types of antigens. In this literature review, we will discuss the types of antigens which hold promising potentials for atherosclerosis vaccine development and its future challenges.

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Coronary heart disease (CHD) causes high mortality and morbidity in many countries. Immature platelet reactivity is one of the major causes of CHD thrombus formation due to its larger size and stronger aggregation properties than normal platelets. Though still controversial, diabetes mellitus (DM), which is one of the CHD risk factors, is mentioned to have a strong association with a high immature platelet level. Since studies on immature platelet in stable CHD are limited, the authors intended to search for the difference between immature platelet level in DM and non-DM patients with stable CHD. This research was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design; 31 samples of CHD patients who underwent coronary catheterization were obtained. The characteristics of the data was collected by completing a pre-operation form and the immature platelets were counted using an automated cytometry tool, SYSMEX XE 2100. They were analyzed using Pearson's statistical analysis. There was no significant correlation between the immature platelet levels of DM and non-DM patients with stable CHD (p>0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between HbA1C and the immature platelet level (Immature Platelet Fraction, p <0.05; Immature Platelet Count, p <0.01) in stable CHD patients.

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Arterial stiffness has been recognized as an independent predictive value for cardiovascular events. However, information on the 'heart-vessel coupling disease' and its possible implications in different clinical conditions is still not well known. The aim of the study is to analyze the correlation between arterial stiffness and left diastolic ventricle stiffness in hypertensive patients. Carotid and femoral artery stiffness and left ventricle diastolic stiffness were measured using a cardiac ultrasound with hypertension patients (n 47). Subjects with chronic kidney disease, a history of cerebrovascular disease, and coronary artery disease were excluded from the study. Arterial stiffness obtained from the carotis communis artery was significantly correlated to left ventricle diastolic stiffness (r) = 0,38, p <0,01. Arterial stiffness measured from the carotis communis artery had a better correlation with left ventricle diastolic stiffness than arterial stiffness measured from the femoral artery (r) = 0,29; p <0,05.There was no difference in arterial stiffness (mean CAS 3,04±1,6 vs 3,60±1,7; p = 0,271 FAS 2,50±0,95 vs 3,03±1.06; p=0,162) and left ventricle diastolic stiffness (2,25±0,68 vs 2,12±0,6; p=0,52) in controlled vs uncontrolled hypertension in this study. Arterial stiffness is associated with increased left ventricle diastolic stiffness. However, further study is needed to determine the mechanisms.

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Hypertension (HTN) is a significant health problem because of the high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In rural areas, awareness and health facilities are limited, and report on the prevalence and related risk factors of hypertension is scarce. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of hypertension in the rural population in Indonesia. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted to adult subjects from a rural population in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. Data were collected by interviews to obtain socio-demographic characteristic and risk factors. Blood pressure measurements were performed using a mercury sphygmomanometer. We enrolled a total of 121 adult subjects. The prevalence of hypertension was 38.8%. Among hypertensive patients, 83% of them do not seek nor receive any treatment. The prevalent risk factors of hypertension in this study were age more than 40 years old (OR=4.1; 95%CI:1.8-8.9), abdominal obesity (OR=2.7; 95%CI: 1.2-6.01), and smoking (OR=3.2; 95%CI: 1.4-7.1). From our study, the prevalence of hypertension was high in rural adult population, and most of them did not receive treatments. Smoking and abdominal obesity are two risk factors that can be modified as one of the prevention strategies. These phenomena requires the attention of health workers.

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Elderly people have a higher risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) than younger adults. The causes of this are considered multifactorial, including changes in age-related hemostatic factors, greater comorbid conditions, and the frequency of hospitalizations, although they are not fully understood. Besides, DVT in the elderly can be difficult to recognize because the symptoms can appear atypically. The diagnostic approach of DVT remains the same for all age groups, including pre-test probability, D-dimer measurement, and imaging, although these can be less specific in older age. Antithrombotic agents are the main treatment of DVT. Direct oral anticoagulation (DOAC) provides clinicians with more choices for DVT therapy. However, the anticoagulation of DVT in the elderly must always be done carefully, because old age is also a risk factor for the occurrence of bleeding complications. Identifying bleeding risk factors that can be modified and balancing the risk of thrombosis with bleeding, including the selection and adjustment of anticoagulant doses, are important in considerations of using anticoagulants in the elderly. This narrative review summarizes the literature on the management of DVT in the elderly

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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of black tea administration on serum adiponectin level in male Wistar fed with atherogenic diet (AD). This study was designed as a true experimental design that assigns 20 rats, and divides them into four groups as follows: P1 (AD 3 months); P2, P3, and P4 (3 months AD + black tea extract administration at dosage 0.015gr/day, 0.03gr/day, 0.045gr/day, respectively). Serum adiponectin level was measured using ELISA method. This study demonstrated that there is an elevation trend of adiponectin level as the dose elevated. However, serum adiponectin level in AD-only group (380.6ng/mL) was not significantly different with treatment group (386.93ng/mL, 404.27ng/mL, and 416.6ng/mL in P2, P3, and P4, respectively) (ANOVA, p = 0.352). Furthermore, there was no significant association between the dosage of black tea and adiponectin levels (Pearson correlation test, p = 0.073, r = 0.373). We concluded that black tea extract increased serum adiponectin level insignificantly in atherogenic diet rats.

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Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a devastating severe infection. NF involving periorbital tissue is rarely found. We reported a 42-year-old woman with eyelid edema surrounded by necrotic tissue and pus production for about a week. LRINEC score was 6. Widespread local excision and debridement were urgently performed. Reconstruction performed two weeks after the onset. The rotational flap is taken from her forehead to prompt good skin remodeling and vascularization. A part of the flap slipped underneath the temporal skin. The flap was perfectly grown, and the eyelid function recovered. NF is a rare severe infection and rarely involves the periorbital area. Early recognition is critical. LRINEC score could be used, and urgent debridement is needed. Late skin flap could be a choice to cover the debrided skin and give a good aesthetic yet functional eyelid.

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Rheumatic heart disease remains a major medical problem of children and young adults. Rheumatic heart disease is sequelae of acute rheumatic fever, a bacterial infection Group A beta Hemolitiycus streptococci (GAS) in the pharynx. It is based on genetic predisposition and an autoimmune process causing defect of heart valves, hemodynamic changes, endothelial damage. Further, it is usually illustrated by elevated levels of P selectin. This study was conducted to prove the difference between peripheral P selectin level in multivalve and univalve (mitral stenosis) in rheumatic heart disease. This cross sectional study involving 37 RHD patients consists of 18 univalve (mitral stenosis), 19 multivalve, and 22 healthy controls. P selectin levels were collected through peripheral vein and echocardiography was performed. Peripheral P selectin was significantly higher in univalve and multivalve rheumatic heart disease than normal. Peripheral P selectin in multivalve group was higher than univalve group (2,384ng/mL vs 2,028ng/mL; ρ < 0.05). There was significant difference of peripheral P selectin between multivalve and univalve (mitral stenosis). P selectin potentially has an important role as an indicator of inflammation and progression of valve damage in mitral stenosis, rheumatic heart disease.

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Left ventricle (LV) remodeling often occurs after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and early detection and prompt treatment on this condition may improve prognosis of the patients. Basal soluble ST2 and Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS) 2D-speckle tracking echocardiography can detect early changes before LV remodeling occurs. This is an analytic observational study using one group pre-test and post-test design for correlation. Forty-five patients of AMI during August until December 2015 from ICCU and cardiology ward were analyzed and followed up for 12 weeks. There were 45 subjects with AMI, 38 (84.4%) patients with STEMI and seven (15.6%) patients with NSTEMI. There were significant differences of left ventricle end diastolic volume (LVEDV) baseline from 76±29.69ml/m2 to 98.11±36.84ml/m2 after 12 week follow-up (p=0,003). There was significant correlation between high baseline soluble ST2 with and low GLS baseline with LV remodeling (p=0.015). High baseline soluble ST2 and low GLS value can predict LV remodeling in patients with AMI.

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Left Atrial (LA) pressure and the trans-mitral pressure gradient chronically increases in Mitral Stenosis (MS), which results in LA enlargement and Pulmonary Hypertension (PH). We investigate the Left Atrial Volume Index (LAVI) as an indicator of severity and PH in MS. Fifty-nine subjects with MS (27 men and 32 women) mean ages 41.3±9.51 y.o were included in this study. We examined the correlation of LAVI and parameters of MS severity, and PH (Planimetry, MVA-PHT, MVA-VTI, MV-PHT, MV meanPG, TRmaxPG, and EstPASP). Most of the subjects had severe MS (77%), mild PH (40%) and AF (80%). LAVI value markedly increased in this study (Mean: 83.79 ± 38.32 ml/m2). In subjects with severe MS, LAVI was significantly higher than that in moderate MS (91.88±38.41 vs 54.83±19.28, p<0.05). LAVI was significantly correlated with Planimetry, MVA-PHT, MVA-VTI, MV-PHT, MV MeanPG, and EstPASP (-0.40; -0.42; -0.29; 0.42; 0.27 and 0.29, p<0.05, respectively). LAVI cut-off value as an indicator for severe MS was 59.72 ml/m2, with the sensitivity and specificity was 75.3% and 66%, respectively. LAVI was correlated well with severity and PH parameters in MS. LAVI also can be used as an indicator for severe MS.

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In cardiology, stem cell therapy is currently being used. Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cell (AMSC) is a cell culture expected to give a clinical improvement in patients. One of the methods to transfer the stem cell is cardiac catheterization assisted by contrast. There are no studies concerning the effect of contrast on proliferation or viability of stem cells. This study was designed to see the effect of contrast on the growth of AMSC culture in vitro. This research is an experimental post-test control group study. The samples were obtained from the thawing process at the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Unair. The samples were cultured and checked immunohistochemically, divided into two groups, which are the treated group given iodixanol contrast and control group. The treated group was divided into se subgroups incubated 24 hours, which received 1mg/mL, 500µg/ml, 250µg/ml, 125µg/ml, 62.5µg/ml, 31.25µg/ml and 15.625µg/ml. AMSC proliferation was assessed by microtetrazolium (MTT) Cell Proliferation Assay and analyzed using T 2 free sample test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). MTT Cell Proliferation Assay showed no significant differences in AMSC proliferation on iodixanol contrast media compared to the control group. Iodixanol contrast does not affect AMSC proliferation.

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Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death worldwide. Atherosclerosis is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and can be caused by various factors, such as genetics and lifestyle. Cells need energy to maintain their integrity and function. Energy that is often used is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Atherosclerosis can cause myocardial ischemia and induced reduction of ATP levels, so that that not only affects cellular energy, but also alters the normal function. D-ribose is a pentose carbohydrate that has been shown to increase cellular energy levels and improve function after ischemia in pre-clinical studies. It has shown potential benefits in clinical evaluation. This article aims to explain the role of D-ribose in increasing energy levels and myocardial function in ischemic cardiovascular disease.

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Hematological parameters provide independent information as well as troponin in non-ST-Elevation-Acute-Coronary-Syndrome (NSTE-ACS) patient. Refractory angina in NSTE-ACS patients significantly transforms this optimal management due to risk enhancement. This study aims to prove the association of white blood cell (WBC) to mean platelet volume ratio (WMR) with troponin and authenticate the best parameter for refractory angina prediction in NSTE-ACS patients. This observational study was conducted in ICCU Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya. There were 49 NSTE-ACS patients recruited as the study subject. Complete Blood Count (CBC), High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I (hs-cTnI) and CKMB examinations were conducted at the time of admission. We observed angina symptom for three months. The mean age of the patients was 60.8±8.67 years, and 75.5% of them were male. Elevated hs-cTnI level was found in 83.7% of study subjects. WMR significantly correlated with hs-cTnI (r=0.434 p=0.002). Refractory angina was found in 14.3% of study subjects. There was a positive moderate correlation of WMR and refractory angina (r=0.534 p=0.000), a positive moderate significant correlation of hs-cTnI and refractory angina (r=0.470 p=0.001). No significant correlation of other parameters. This study proved that WMR was an independent hematological predictor for refractory angina event in NSTE-ACS patients with higher significance level than hs-cTnI.

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Studies had reported an increasing trend of coronary artery disease (CAD) cases in the navy population. However, the severity of the CAD among different navy ranks is yet to be studied. The Gensini scoring system is a popular and developed objective method to quantify the CAD severity through the coronary angiographic findings. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, researchers enrolled 171 patients referred to the Indonesian Navy Hospital of Dr. Ramelan who underwent elective coronary angiography between January 2019 and June 2019. Researchers divided the study population into five groups of civilians, enlisted, noncommissioned officers, new commissioned officers and middle-rank officers. Post-hoc least significant difference (LSD) test showed the average Gensini Score of civilian (41.54 ± 48.06) is higher than enlisted (13.37 ± 26.25; p=0.031), new-commissioned officers (13.21 ± 26.76; p=0.020), and middle-rank officers (21.23 ± 33.17; p=0.017), but not for non-commissioned officers (45.61 ± 42.62; p=0.657). Non-commissioned officers have a significantly higher Gensini Score than enlisted (p=0.027), new-commissioned officers (p=0.019) and middle-rank officers (p=0.023). This study concludes that the majority of Indonesian Navy personnel had a lower Gensini Score compared to civilians but not for non-commissioned officers. This study suggests that civilian and non-commissioned officers may have a higher risk of developing severe CAD.

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Assessment of left ventricular function in patients with chronic heart failure is important for determining prognosis and treatment plans. The prognostic values of the myocardium and global ventricular functions remain unclear. This cross-sectional study included 30 subjects obtained through purposive sampling. Global longitudinal strains (GLS) is used to assess the left ventricular systolic function and Tei index (TI) is used to assess both global systolic and diastolic ventricular function. SHFM scoring was calculated based on existing patient data. The mean GLS-left ventricle value was -8.08 ± 3.98, whereas TI value was 0.65 ± 0.14. GLS-left ventricle had significant negative correlation with estimated one and five years mortality based on SHFM score (r = - 0.676 and p = 0.0001) whereas TI had a significant positive correlation (r = 0.745 and p = 0.0001; r = 0.738 and p = 0.0001). GLS-left ventricle had a significant negative correlation with an estimated one and five years mortality based on SHFM score, whereas TI had a significant positive correlation. Hence it is suggested that GLS-left ventricle and TI can be a prognostic factor.

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Antithrombotic therapy is recommended in atrial fibrillation (AF) management due to high risk of stroke. The assessment of stroke risk, as well as risk of bleeding, can help clinicians to make optimal management decisions. This study aimed to assess the stroke and bleeding risk using the ATRIA score and to compare the drug utilization pattern of antithrombotic therapy in post-ischemic stroke patients with AF comorbidity. This study is a single-center, retrospective observational study. From June 2009 to April 2019, we enrolled 165 post-ischemic stroke patients with AF comorbidity (mean age 68.24years; 47.3% female). One hundred nineteen patients were first stroke patients and 46 were recurrent stroke patients. Antiplatelets were predominantly prescribed (n=106, 64.2%). Out of 106 patients prescribed with antiplatelets, 39 (23,6%) patients had high a ATRIA Stroke Risk score, while as per ATRIA Bleeding Risk score, 66 (40%) patients had a low score. Conversely, an anticoagulant was rarely prescribed. A total of only 59 (35.7%) patients were prescribed with an anticoagulant, as single or combination. Out of 59 patients, an anticoagulant was commonly prescribed in high ATRIA Stroke Risk score patients (n=40, 24,3%). While as per ATRIA Bleeding Stroke score, an anticoagulant was commonly prescribed among low bleeding risk patients (n=47, 28.5%).

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Hypertension is still the most prevalent of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia. Renovascular hypertension is one type of secondary hypertension. It is commonly caused by the presence of renal artery stenosis (RAS). Whereas, atherosclerosis (ARAS) and fibromuscular disease (FMD) are the most common causes of RAS. Early diagnosis is necessary because it has the potential to be cured by eliminating stenosis of the renal artery. However, the signs and symptoms of renovascular hypertension are not specific. The supporting examination to diagnose RAS is also expensive. So, screening in the population at risk is needed. The examinations to prove the presence of RAS are arteriography, captopril renogram, renal ultrasonography, renal Doppler ultrasonography, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and computed angiographic tomography (CTA). Until now, three therapeutic modalities can be selected in the management of renovascular hypertension; pharmacological therapy, surgical intervention, percutaneous intervention angioplasty with and without stenting. This narrative review summarizes the literature focused on the diagnosis and therapy of RAS.

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Background: Angina can be caused by atherosclerosis in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients either in Stable Coronary Artery Disease (SCAD) or Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). Histamine as a mast cell-preformed mediator is suspected to play a role in atherosclerosis. However, its mechanism is yet to be established and there is a lack of these data in the CAD population. To confirm the distinctness of plasma histamine level in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Stable Coronary Artery Disease Patients, this research was an observational analytic study with transversal design in 49 CAD patients by purposive sampling which consists of 25 ACS patients (72% men, mean age 55,6±9,66 years) and 24 SCAD patients (83,3% men, mean age 52,71±8,03 years). The level of plasma histamine was measured using a Histamine ELISA-Kit. Median values of plasma histamine level in ACS group and SCAD group were 30,79 ng/ml (5,85-36,09 ng/ml) and 26,42 ng/ml (0,30-41,39 ng/ml). Comparison analysis on the median value of plasma histamine level between two groups was done with Mann-Whitney U Test and showed a statistical difference between two groups (p=0,011). There are significant differences in plasma histamine level between Acute Coronary Syndrome and Stable Coronary Artery Disease Patients.

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In myocardial infarct patient with heart failure, left ventricular (LV) function evaluation after myocardial infarction provides prognostic information. However, the relationship between exercise capacity and LV function has not been fully explored. This study aims to analyze the correlation of LV function with functional capacity in acute myocardial infarct patient with heart failure. From 33 patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, treadmill and echocardiography were examined (LVEDd, myocardial performance index (MPI), E/E' diastolic function, LV Stiffness). The results are then statistically analyzed using SPSS. The mean LV ejection fraction is 44.27 ± 9.0% by Teich, and 40.55 ± 8.3% by Biplane. The value of the global MPI function is (0.60-0.90). The average E/A ratio is 1.0 ± 0.5, deceleration time (DT) is > 220m / sec, and E / E ratio is 11.46 ± 5.82ms. The functional capacity value is 3.4 (1.1-8.4) METS. There is a significant positive correlation of LV systolic function and functional capacity and significant negative correlation between MPI and functional capacity in myocardial infarct patients with heart failure. Furthermore, there is a non-significant correlation between diastolic function and functional capacity.

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Fibrinogen is considered as a risk factor associated with cardiovascular disease, especially acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The role of increasing levels of fibrinogen in the thrombosis shows that there is an effect that causes the pathway to form a thrombosis. Increased plasma high-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol can also induce the development of atherosclerosis and is associated with AMI events. This study was an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional approach, carried out from August-November 2015 in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Samples were 67 subjects who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 67 subjects were assessed, 47 (70.15%) were males, and 20 (29.85%) were females. The mean age was 5.07 ± 11.02 years old, ranging from 30 to 85 years. AMI was diagnosed in 49 patients (26.87%). Management of AMI patients consisted of conservative medical therapy (42.86%), thrombolytic therapy (18.37%) and PPCI (38.77%). The statistical analysis revealed significant differences in plasma fibrinogen and LDL cholesterol levels between the AMI patient group and the control group. There was a significant correlation between fibrinogen levels and LDL cholesterol levels. Fibrinogen and LDL cholesterol levels are correlated with AMI risk factors. In subjects with AMI, there were higher fibrinogen and LDL cholesterol levels compared to non-AMI subjects.

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Supine Percutaneous Nephrolitholapaxy (sPNL) is a safe, minimally invasive procedure with high success rates and low morbidity for simple or complex kidney stones. This study aims to describe patient profile who underwent Supine Percutaneous Nephrolitholapaxy (sPNL), stone complexity, average length of stay, average time of procedure, stone free rate, the relationship between stone complexity with amount of puncture needed, need of re-nephroscopy, incidence of postoperative complications, and relationship between time of procedure with the incidence of postoperative complication. Analytical retrospective study was performed from February 2017 until May 2018 in Jombang General Hospital. No significant differences were found between stone complexity and number of punctures, need of re-nephroscopy, and post-operative complications. Prolonged procedure related with the incidence of postoperative complications.

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Protein p53 has an important role in atherosclerosis plaque as part of senescence cell vascular. Increased vascular aging process is characterized by several parameters, one of which is an increase in carotid intima media thickness (CIMT). CIMT is one of the non-invasive methods that can determine vascular age, which is a safe, fast and inexpensive method of assessing atherosclerosis. This study was a correlational study conducted at cardiovascular outpatient clinic from August until November 2015. Serum p53 levels were measured by human p53 ELISA kit. CIMT is measured by B-mode ultrasound. The CIMT value was based on the normogram of the Atheosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Spearman rank test was used to analyze the relationship between serum p53 and vascular age. There were 19 men and 19 women in the subject of this study. The average vascular age is 54.34 + 8.5 years. Serum p53 levels were positively correlated with vascular age in the subject group of this study (p <0.001; r = 0.58). There is a positive, strong and significant correlation between serum p53 and vascular age levels determined by CIMT in patients with moderate cardiovascular risk factors.

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Nowadays obesity, defined as an imbalance between food intake and exercising, has become a health concern worldwide. Obesity triggers many diseases, one of them being diabetes melitus (DM) type 2. Atherosclerosis is known to be linked with CD 36 and it can be identified as platelet integral membrane glycoprotein IV. CD 36 is known as thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) which is found on gustatory cells, extracellular matrix (ECMs) and platelete a granules, therefore it has strong relationship with atherosclerosis. CD 36 can bind to oxLDL and induces prothrombotic state. Inspite of that, ENaC and AQP 2 also have a strong effect on heart, especially their role are often related to the heart failure (HF) because sodium and water are thought to be mediated through activation of arginine vasopression (AV), neurohormonal activity, the renal-angiotensin-aldosteron system (RAAS), and atrial natriuretic peptide that maintains cardiac output and blood pressure. This article is focused on the relationship of CD 36, ENaC, and AQP 2 effects' on heart, including the molecular mechanism. This understanding needed to treat and to cure the heart diseases and prolong the sufferers life expectancy.

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As a chronic disease, heart failure may have a significant impact on a patient's quality of life. There are conflicting study results regarding the relationship between systolic function and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure. This study identifies the relationship between systolic function and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure. This study was conducted on 34 consecutive Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) patients in Cardiovascular Department, Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo General Hospital. Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction (LVEF) was obtained from echocardiography, and quality of life was assessed using Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ). A low quality of life was defined as MLHFQ score ≥ 45. The correlation between LVEF and physical, emotional dimension, and overall score from MLHFQ shows significant results (p > 0.05). The correlation between LVEF and physical dimension and between LVEF and an overall score of MLHFQ shows strong negative degree (r = -0.727). The correlation between LVEF with both physical and emotional dimension shows negative strong degree (r = -0.678, the latter r = -0.547). There is a significant correlation between systolic function and physical, emotional, and overall quality of life in chronic heart failure patients.

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The inflammatory process plays an essential role in the process of atherosclerosis and the response of ventricular recovery after myocardial infarction. Galectin-3 is a mediator derived from macrophages and endothelium that is actively involved in various aspects of the inflammatory cell behavior. Galectin-3 increases in the formation of fibrosis and scar, which is a maladaptive response to injury and infarction such as ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Wall Motion Score Index (WMSI) is a semiquantitative visual assessment of the dynamic left ventricular wall. WMSI has an association with left ventricular ejection fraction in assessing prognosis after myocardial infarction. This study aimed to determine the correlation of increasing galectin-3 level with WMSI in STEMI patients. A cross-sectional study with purposive sampling was done. Galectin-3 levels were measured using R&D System ELISA Quantikine® Human galectin-3 Immunoassay with units ng/ml. WMSI measured by 2D-echocardiography. We enrolled a total of 35 STEMI patients, 28 (80%) were males. The result of measurement of galectin-3 levels in STEMI patients increase significantly (12,545±6,504 ng/mL) and moderate positive correlation with WMSI (r=+0,429, p=0.01). The result of the study showed there is a significant positive correlation between serum galectin-3 level with WMSI in STEMI patients.

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Tryptase, an enzyme secreted by mast cell, is suggested to play a significant role in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and subsequent ventricular remodeling (VR). This study aimed to understand the correlation between the serum level of tryptase and VR in patients with ACS after one month of onset. Sampling method was total sampling where patients with ACS enrolled in the study were allocated into two groups based on their serum tryptase level, lower level (n=13) and higher level (n=12) groups. All subjects underwent echocardiography examination on admission to obtain their initial data and they were reevaluated one month later for the signs of VR. The occurrences of VR were examined by echocardiography with LVEDP and LVESV used as the VR parameters. Fisher Exact Test showed no significant difference between both groups in term of VR (p=0.668). The contingency coefficient analysis revealed no correlation between tryptase level and the occurrence of VR (p=0.113). However, the multiple regression analysis suggested that LVEDP and LVESV demonstrated multicollinearity to tryptase and VR. Although the current study concluded no correlation between tryptase level and VR following ACS, a prospective study with longer follow-up time is expected to gain more information.

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Levofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic which is used widely in treating various infections. Despite this benefit, Levofloxacin has a cardiac side effect called drug-induced long QT syndrome (diLQTS), which is associated with Torsades de Pointes (TdP). In this study, our objective was to analyze the incidence of diLQTS associated with Levofloxacin use in Ahmad Dahlan Hospital Kediri. This study included patients who were admitted to Ahmad Dahlan Hospital Kediri from March-May 2019 and received Levofloxacin 500mg therapy once daily. An electrocardiogram was performed before and after initiation of therapy. Prolonged QTc was defined by heart rate-corrected QT ≥450ms for male and ≥470ms for female, calculated using Bazett formula; or if the prolongation of QT interval is >60ms from baseline. Acquired data were analyzed using Paired T-test. Of all 24 patients who received Levofloxacin, six patients developed long QTc. Two of which had >60ms difference from base ECG (p-value >0.05). No symptom of TdP was reported. The incidence of diLQTS associated with Levofloxacin use was 25%. Risk factor stratification and ECG monitoring should be done from the beginning of the therapy.

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Statin administration before Percutaneous Coronary Intervention procedures (PCI) is proved in reducing the incidence of Myocardial Peri-Procedural (PMI) infarction. This research was to compare between of pre-treatment 40mg Atorvastatin administered two hours before PCI in Stable Coronary Artery Disease (SCAD) patient and without pre-treatment in reducing the rate of periprocedural myocardial infarction. This study was a Clinical Trial with pretest-posttest control group open-label randomized design. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov Smirnov Sample test and Chi Square Test. The PMI incidence in the atorvastatin group was 0% and in the control group was 8.3% (p = 0.489). The maximum CK-MB value after PCI in the atorvastatin group was 6.4ng/ml and 25.49ng/ml in the control group. Administration of 40mg Atorvastatin in SCAD patients before undergoing PCI shows a tendency of a decrease in PMI incidence.

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Arterial stiffness (AS) is an independent predictive value of cardiovascular diseases. Patients that have chronic kidney disease have high mortality and morbidity of cardiovascular events. Increased AS is believed show cardiovascular damage. Therefore, this study was held to assess correlation of arterial stiffness to left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and diastolic function in stage 3 to 4 of non-diabetic CKD patients. This is a study using cross-sectional approach to 40 outpatients with stage 3 and 4 of CKD in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Carotid ultrasound and β stiffness index formula was utilized to study carotid arterial stiffness (CAS) while echocardiography was used to assess diastolic function and LVMI. Patients that had severe heart valve disease, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, congenital heart disease, history of diabetes mellitus, history of active smoking and cerebrovascular disease were not included in this study. There is significant relation between CAS with E/E' (r=0.517, p=0.001) and LVMI (r=0.396, p=0.011), also between SBP with LVMI (r=0.491, p=0.001). SBP has more significant role for LVMI (p<0.001) than CAS. Arterial stiffness had significant positive relation with E/E' and LVMI in patient with stage 3 and 4 of non-diabetic chronic kidney disease.

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Coronary heart disease incidence in octogenarian keeps increasing in line with increasing population of elderly. In elderly, there were more non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients compared to the ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) ones. In elderly, thrombolytic therapy is thought to have higher bleeding incidence compared to cardiac intervention. Aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bleeding associated with thrombolytic therapy in octogenarian patients with STEMI during 2018 at Buleleng General Hospital. This is a descriptive retrospective study conducted on octogenarian patients with STEMI who received thrombolytic therapy. Additionally, bleeding incidence that occurred during treatment is also observed. In 2018, 62 octogenarian patients were admitted with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). According to patient medical records, 16 patients were diagnosed with STEMI and six of them received thrombolytic therapy. Bleeding effect was recorded in all patients with details of two patients experienced oral mucosa bleeding and four patients experienced urinary tract bleeding. Out of all octogenarian patients with STEMI who were admitted, bleeding occurred in all patients in which urinary tract bleeding is the most common complication.

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Myocardial infarction (MI) may alter left ventricular (LV) systolic function, which, in turn, may reflect on functional capacity. Objective systolic function assessment using 2D speckle-tracking echocardiography is promising to assess the correlation between LV longitudinal strain and strain rate with functional capacity in post-MI patients with heart failure. A cross-sectional study was done on 33 consecutive post-MI patients with class I-II NYHA heart failure visiting the cardiology outpatient clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya. The resting echocardiogram was taken, followed by a treadmill stress test using Naughton protocol. Appropriate statistical analyses were used to determine the correlation of systolic longitudinal strain and strain rate with exercise capacity. Study subjects were 69.7% males with age 58.45±6.2 years old. EF by Biplane was 40.55±8.26%; with global peak longitudinal strain –12.23±5.19%, and strain rate – 0.67±0.25s−1; and peak exercise capacity 3.69±1.8 METs. Using Pearson's test, there was a strong negative correlation of systolic longitudinal strain and strain rate with functional capacity (r = –0.577, r = –0.607respectively; p<0.05). LV systolic longitudinal strain and strain rate were strongly correlated with functional capacity in post-MI patients with heart failure.

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Abundant scoring systems are available to assess the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) and its intervention. However, the majority of them require advanced technologies. CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF is a novel and simple risk scoring, easily used for screening in primary care level. We hypothesize that CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF is predictive for severe CAD and indicative for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Additionally, we compared its predictive value with CHA2DS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc score. A total of 210 consecutive patients who underwent elective coronary angiography were enrolled in our study. Anthropometric, laboratory, angiographic findings, and patient history were obtained from medical records and used to calculate CHA2DS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, and CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score. Severe CAD is defined as Gensini Score >20. CABG indication was defined based on Class I recommendation from the American Heart Association (AHA). Statistical analyses were done using SPSS 25.0. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed the CHA2DS2 score (AUC [Area Under the Curve], 0.630; 95% CI, 0.555–0.706; p = 0.001), CHA2DS2-VASc score (AUC, 0.680; 95% CI, 0.608–0.752; p=0.000), and CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score (AUC, 0.785; 95% CI, 0.723–0.846; p=0.000) were predictive of severe CAD. CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score (AUC, 0.841; 95% CI, 0.711–0.971; p=0.00) were predictive of CABG indication. The CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score provides the highest predictive value for severe CAD and CABG indication compared to the CHA2DS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc score, suggesting that CHA2DS2-VASc-HSF score may be used in primary care settings to suggest referral for coronary angiography and predict CABG possibilities.

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Early treatment in acute coronary syndrome plays as key role in short-term and long-term outcome. Some studies showed that statin treatment may improve long-term outcomes in post-ACS patients as secondary prevention. The most effective time to give statin in ACS patients is not well-known. The aim of this study is to review previous studies as to when is the best time to initiate statin therapy to reach the best long-term outcome in patients with ACS. PubMed and Medline database were searched with keywords in search engine. The inclusion criteria were: 1) trials that compared one of the statin drugs to placebo or standard care; 2) follow up at least 30 days; 3) publication between 2000-2018. Total of six studies was collected in this review. Many studies showed that early treatment with statin in patients with ACS in admission is associated with reduced one-year mortality. Moreover, early statin therapy reduced one-year major adverse cardiac effect. Statin therapy should be administered early during hospitalization for ACS on the basic data that early therapy with statin is proven reduced one-year mortality and MACE. Further investigation still needs to specify when is the most effective time to give statin in patient with ACS.

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Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the vascular access of choice in prevalent hemodialysis end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. However, there was a significant proportion of early AVF failure and its predictive factor was conflicting in several studies. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 225 AVFs created in 159 patients. The purpose of this study was to identify the predictive factors of AVF early failure. The data variables included age at AVF creation, sex, history of diabetes, hypertension, cigarette smoking, AVF location and side, history of subclavian tunneled dialysis catheter and history of preoperative ultrasound mapping. This information was collected by interviewing the patient and by AVF scar inspection. AVF that was never coming into use was classified as an early failure. AVF creation in the wrist was significantly associated with a higher early failure rate (29.9%) compared with AVF creation at the elbow (4.4%) (p < 0.001). There was no significant association in terms of AVF early failure in terms of the other variables. We concluded that wrist AVF is significantly associated with early failure. However, this finding should not preclude the National Kidney Foundation's recommendation of using wrist AVF for the first choice of vascular access to conserve more proximal access sites for future use.

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Obesity constitutes a major health issue which contributes as the risk factor of cardiovascular disease. This cross-sectional study included 50 consecutive patients with HHD (Hypertensive Heart Disease) in the Cardiovascular Department of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital. The echocardiographic examination was done using GE vivid 7. The statistics were evaluated using SPSS 25.0. The research showed that different grades of BMI (body mass index) were positively correlated with Left Atrial (LA) major (r=0.335), Right Atrial (RA) Major (r=0.371), Left Ventricle end Diastole (LVD) Mass (r=0.341), Left Ventricle end Sytole (LVS) Mass (r=0.303), Left Ventricle Posterior Wall end Diastole (LVPWD) (r=0.369), Left Ventricle Posterior end Systole (LVPWS) (r=0.391), and inversely correlated with Left Ventricle Sphericity Index (LVSI) Doppler (r=-0.376). Obese (BMI>30) patients have a significantly lower ejection fraction compared to normoweight (BMI<25) patients (64.3±3.67% vs 62.12±0.98%, p=0.046). In conclusion, the grade of BMI of the HHD patient is associated with an increased volume of the left atrium and ventricle. This suggests that obese patient with HHD should be assessed carefully for atrial and ventricle enlargement.