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Volume 830

Number 1, 2016 October 10

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The NASA Kepler mission ha s discovered thousands of new planetary candidates, many of which have been confirmed through follow-up observations. A primary goal of the mission is to determine the occurrence rate of terrestrial-size planets within the Habitable Zone (HZ) of their host stars. Here we provide a list of HZ exoplanet candidates from the Kepler Q1–Q17 Data Release 24 data-vetting process. This work was undertaken as part of the Kepler HZ Working Group. We use a variety of criteria regarding HZ boundaries and planetary sizes to produce complete lists of HZ candidates, including a catalog of 104 candidates within the optimistic HZ and 20 candidates with radii less than two Earth radii within the conservative HZ. We cross-match our HZ candidates with the stellar properties and confirmed planet properties from Data Release 25 to provide robust stellar parameters and candidate dispositions. We also include false-positive probabilities recently calculated by Morton et al. for each of the candidates within our catalogs to aid in their validation. Finally, we performed dynamical analysis simulations for multi-planet systems that contain candidates with radii less than two Earth radii as a step toward validation of those systems.


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Using quantum chemical methods, we investigate the possible outcomes of ${{\rm{H}}}^{-}$ reactions with acetylene and diacetylene molecules. We find both reactions to be exothermic reactions without barriers, yielding stable anions of the corresponding polyynes: ${{\rm{C}}}_{2}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$ and ${{\rm{C}}}_{4}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$. We show in this work that the computed chemical rates in the case of the formation of the ${{\rm{C}}}_{4}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$ anion would be larger than those existing for the direct radiative electron attachment (REA) process, the main mechanism generally suggested for their formation. In the case of the ${{\rm{C}}}_{2}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$ anion, however, the present chemical rates of formation at low T are even lower than those known for its REA process, both mechanisms being inefficient for its formation under astrochemical conditions. The present results are discussed in view of their consequences on the issue of the possible presence of such anions in the ISM environments. They clearly indicate the present chemical route to ${{\rm{C}}}_{2}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$ formation to be inefficient at the expected temperatures of a dark molecular cloud, whereas this is found not to be the case for the ${{\rm{C}}}_{4}{{\rm{H}}}^{-}$, in line with the available experimental findings.


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We present the star formation history (SFH) of the extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxy DDO 68, based on our photometry with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. With a metallicity of only $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})=7.15$ and a very isolated location, DDO 68 is one of the most metal-poor galaxies known. It has been argued that DDO 68 is a young system that started forming stars only ∼0.15 Gyr ago. Our data provide a deep and uncontaminated optical color–magnitude diagram (CMD) that allows us to disprove this hypothesis since we find a population of at least ∼1 Gyr old stars. The star formation activity has been fairly continuous over all the look-back time. The current rate is quite low, and the highest activity occurred between 10 and 100 Myr ago. The average star formation rate over the whole Hubble time is ≃0.01 M yr−1, corresponding to a total astrated mass of ≃1.3 × 108M. Our photometry allows us to infer the distance from the tip of the red giant branch, D = 12.08 ± 0.67 Mpc; however, to let our synthetic CMD reproduce the observed ones, we need a slightly higher distance, D = 12.65 Mpc, or (mM)0 = 30.51, still inside the errors of the previous determination, and we adopt the latter. DDO 68 shows a very interesting and complex history, with its quite disturbed shape and a long tail, probably due to tidal interactions. The SFH of the tail differs from that of the main body mainly for enhanced activity at recent epochs likely triggered by the interaction.


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We present Large Binocular Telescope observations of 109 H ii regions in NGC 5457 (M101) obtained with the Multi-Object Double Spectrograph. We have robust measurements of one or more temperature-sensitive auroral emission lines for 74 H ii regions, permitting the measurement of "direct" gas-phase abundances. Comparing the temperatures derived from the different ionic species, we find: (1) strong correlations of T[N ii] with T[S iii] and T[O iii], consistent with little or no intrinsic scatter; (2) a correlation of T[S iii] with T[O iii], but with significant intrinsic dispersion; (3) overall agreement between T[N ii], T[S ii], and T[O ii], as expected, but with significant outliers; (4) the correlations of T[N ii] with T[S iii] and T[O iii] match the predictions of photoionization modeling while the correlation of T[S iii] with T[O iii] is offset from the prediction of photoionization modeling. Based on these observations, which include significantly more observations of lower excitation H ii regions, missing in many analyses, we inspect the commonly used ionization correction factors (ICFs) for unobserved ionic species and propose new empirical ICFs for S and Ar. We have discovered an unexpected population of H ii regions with a significant offset to low values in Ne/O, which defies explanation. We derive radial gradients in O/H and N/O which agree with previous studies. Our large observational database allows us to examine the dispersion in abundances, and we find intrinsic dispersions of 0.074 ± 0.009 in O/H and 0.095 ± 0.009 in N/O (at a given radius). We stress that this measurement of the intrinsic dispersion comes exclusively from direct abundance measurements of H ii regions in NGC 5457.



During its five-year mission, the Kepler spacecraft has uncovered a diverse population of planetary systems with orbital configurations ranging from single-transiting planets to systems of multiple planets co-transiting the parent star. By comparing the relative occurrences of multiple to single-transiting systems, recent analyses have revealed a significant over-abundance of singles. Dubbed the "Kepler Dichotomy," this feature has been interpreted as evidence for two separate populations of planetary systems: one where all orbits are confined to a single plane, and a second where the constituent planetary orbits possess significant mutual inclinations, allowing only a single member to be observed in transit at a given epoch. In this work, we demonstrate that stellar obliquity, excited within the disk-hosting stage, can explain this dichotomy. Young stars rotate rapidly, generating a significant quadrupole moment, which torques the planetary orbits, with inner planets influenced more strongly. Given nominal parameters, this torque is sufficiently strong to excite significant mutual inclinations between planets, enhancing the number of single-transiting planets, sometimes through a dynamical instability. Furthermore, as hot stars appear to possess systematically higher obliquities, we predict that single-transiting systems should be relatively more prevalent around more massive stars. We analyze the Kepler data and confirm this signal to be present.


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M87 is arguably the best supermassive black hole (BH) to explore jet and/or accretion physics, due to its proximity and fruitful high-resolution multi-waveband observations. We model the multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) of the M87 core that observed at a scale of 0.4 arcsec (∼105Rg, Rg is gravitational radius), as recently presented by Prieto et al. Similar to Sgr A*, we find that the millimeter bump as observed by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array can be modeled by the synchrotron emission of the thermal electrons in an advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), while the low-frequency radio emission and X-ray emission may predominantly come from the jet. The millimeter radiation from ADAF predominantly comes from the region within 10Rg, which is roughly consistent with the recent very long baseline interferometry observations at 230 GHz. We further calculate the Faraday rotation measure (RM) from both ADAF and jet models, and find that the RM predicted from the ADAF is roughly consistent with the measured value, while the RM predicted from the jet is much higher if jet velocity close to the BH is low or moderate (e.g., vjet ≲ 0.6 c). With the constraints from the SED modeling and RM, we find that the accretion rate close to the BH horizon is $\sim (0.2\mbox{--}1)\,\times {10}^{-3}\,{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}\ll {\dot{M}}_{{\rm{B}}}\sim 0.2\,{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ (${\dot{M}}_{{\rm{B}}}$ is Bondi accretion rate), where the electron density profile, ne ∝ r∼−1, in the accretion flow, is consistent with that determined from X-ray observation inside the Bondi radius and recent numerical simulations.


Decretion (or external) disks are gas disks freely expanding to large radii due to their internal stresses. They are expected to naturally arise in tidal disruption events, around Be stars, in mass-losing post-main-sequence binaries, as a result of supernova fallback, etc. Their evolution is theoretically understood in two regimes: when the central object does not exert torque on the disk (a standard assumption for conventional accretion disks) or when no mass inflow (or outflow) occurs at the disk center. However, many astrophysical objects—circumbinary disks, Be stars, neutron stars accreting in a propeller regime, etc.—feature non-zero torque simultaneously with the non-zero accretion (or ejection of mass) at the disk center. We provide a general description for the evolution of such disks (both linear and nonlinear) in the self-similar regime, to which the disk should asymptotically converge with time. We identify a similarity parameter λ, which is uniquely related to the degree, to which the central mass accretion is suppressed by the non-zero central torque. The known decretion disk solutions correspond to the two discrete values of λ, while our new solutions cover a continuum of its physically allowed values, corresponding to either accretion or mass ejection by the central object. A direct relationship between λ and central $\dot{M}$ and torque is also established. We describe the time evolution of the various disk characteristics for different λ, and show that the observable properties (spectrum and luminosity evolution) of the decretion disks, in general, are different from the standard accretion disks with no central torque.


Several classes of stellar binaries with post-main-sequence (post-MS) components—millisecond pulsars with the white dwarf companions (MSP+WD) and periods of ${P}_{b}\sim 30$ days, binaries hosting post-asymptotic giant branch stars, or barium stars with ${P}_{b}\,\sim $ several years—feature high eccentricities (up to 0.4) despite the expectation of their efficient tidal circularization during their post-MS evolution. It was suggested that the eccentricities of these binaries can be naturally excited by their tidal coupling to the circumbinary disk, formed by the material ejected from the binary. Here we critically reassess this idea using simple arguments rooted in the global angular momentum conservation of the disk+binary system. Compared to previous studies, we (1) fully account for the viscous spreading of the circumbinary disk, (2) consider the possibility of reaccretion from the disk onto the binary (in agreement with simulations and empirical evidence), and (3) allow for the reduced viscosity after the disk expands, cools, and forms dust. These ingredients conspire to significantly lower the efficiency of eccentricity excitation by the disk tides. We find that explaining eccentricities of the post-MS binaries is difficult and requires massive ($\gtrsim {10}^{-2}\,{M}_{\odot }$), long-lived ($\gtrsim {10}^{5}$ years) circumbinary disks that do not reaccrete. While disk tides may account for the eccentricities of the MSP+WD binaries, we show reaccretion to also be detrimental for these systems. Reduced efficiency of the disk-driven excitation motivates the study of alternative mechanisms for producing the peculiar eccentricities of the post-MS binaries.


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This project sought to consider two important aspects of the planetary nebula NGC 3242 using new long-slit HST/STIS spectra. First, we investigated whether this object is chemically homogeneous by spatially dividing the slit into different regions and calculating the abundances of each region. The major result is that the elements of He, C, O, and Ne are chemically homogeneous within uncertainties across the regions probed, implying that the stellar outflow was well-mixed. Second, we constrained the stellar properties using photoionization models computed by CLOUDY and tested the effects of three different density profiles on these parameters. The three profiles tested were a constant density profile, a Gaussian density profile, and a Gaussian with a power-law density profile. The temperature and luminosity were not affected significantly by the choice of density structure. The values for the stellar temperature and luminosity from our best-fit model are ${89.7}_{-4.7}^{+7.3}$ kK and log(L/L) = ${3.36}_{-0.22}^{+0.28}$, respectively. Comparing to evolutionary models on an HR diagram, this corresponds to an initial and final mass of ${0.95}_{-0.09}^{+0.35}{M}_{\odot }$ and ${0.56}_{-0.01}^{+0.01}{M}_{\odot }$, respectively.


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We present results of an optical search conducted as part of the SH0ES project (Supernovae and H0 for the Equation of State of dark energy) for Cepheid variable stars using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 19 hosts of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and the maser-host galaxy NGC 4258. The targets include nine newly imaged SN Ia hosts using a novel strategy based on a long-pass filter that minimizes the number of HST orbits required to detect and accurately determine Cepheid properties. We carried out a homogeneous reduction and analysis of all observations, including new universal variability searches in all SN Ia hosts, which yielded a total of 2200 variables with well-defined selection criteria, the largest such sample identified outside the Local Group. These objects are used in a companion paper to determine the local value of H0 with a total uncertainty of 2.4%.


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We present optical spectroscopy, ultraviolet-to-infrared imaging, and X-ray observations of the intermediate luminosity optical transient (ILOT) SN 2010da in NGC 300 (d = 1.86 Mpc) spanning from −6 to +6 years relative to the time of outburst in 2010. Based on the light-curve and multi-epoch spectral energy distributions of SN 2010da, we conclude that the progenitor of SN 2010da is a ≈10–12 M yellow supergiant possibly transitioning into a blue-loop phase. During outburst, SN 2010da had a peak absolute magnitude of Mbol ≲ −10.4 mag, dimmer than other ILOTs and supernova impostors. We detect multi-component hydrogen Balmer, Paschen, and Ca ii emission lines in our high-resolution spectra, which indicate a dusty and complex circumstellar environment. Since the 2010 eruption, the star has brightened by a factor of ≈5 and remains highly variable in the optical. Furthermore, we detect SN 2010da in archival Swift and Chandra observations as an ultraluminous X-ray source (LX ≈ 6 × 1039 erg s−1). We additionally attribute He ii 4686 Å and coronal Fe emission lines in addition to a steady X-ray luminosity of ≈1037 erg s−1 to the presence of a compact companion.


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The r-process nuclei are robustly synthesized in the material ejected during neutron star binary mergers (NSBMs). If NSBMs are indeed solely responsible for the solar system r-process abundances, a galaxy like our own would be required to host a few NSBMs per million years, with each event ejecting, on average, about 5 × 10−2M of r-process material. Because the ejecta velocities in the tidal tail are significantly larger than those in ordinary supernovae, NSBMs deposit a comparable amount of energy into the ISM. In contrast to extensive efforts studying spherical models for supernova remnant evolution, calculations quantifying the impact of NSBM ejecta in the ISM have been lacking. To better understand their evolution, we perform a suite of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of isolated NSBM ejecta expanding in environments with conditions adopted from Milky-Way-like galaxy simulations. Although the remnant morphology is highly complex at early times, the subsequent radiative evolution is remarkably similar to that of a standard supernova. This implies that sub-resolution supernova feedback models can be used in galaxy-scale simulations that are unable to resolve the key evolutionary phases of NSBMs. Among other quantities, we examine the radius, mass, and kinetic energy content of the remnant at shell formation. We find that the shell formation epoch is attained when the swept-up mass is about 103(nH/1 cm−3)−2/7M⊙; at this point, the mass fraction of r-process material is enhanced up to two orders of magnitude in relation to a solar metallicity ISM.


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We present ultraviolet through near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the host galaxies of all superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory prior to 2013 and derive measurements of their luminosities, star formation rates, stellar masses, and gas-phase metallicities. We find that Type I (hydrogen-poor) SLSNe (SLSNe I) are found almost exclusively in low-mass (${M}_{* }\lt 2\times {10}^{9}\,{M}_{\odot }$) and metal-poor (12 + log10[O/H] $\lt \,8.4$) galaxies. We compare the mass and metallicity distributions of our sample to nearby galaxy catalogs in detail and conclude that the rate of SLSNe I as a fraction of all SNe is heavily suppressed in galaxies with metallicities $\gtrsim 0.5\,{Z}_{\odot }$. Extremely low metallicities are not required and indeed provide no further increase in the relative SLSN rate. Several SLSN I hosts are undergoing vigorous starbursts, but this may simply be a side effect of metallicity dependence: dwarf galaxies tend to have bursty star formation histories. Type II (hydrogen-rich) SLSNe (SLSNe II) are found over the entire range of galaxy masses and metallicities, and their integrated properties do not suggest a strong preference for (or against) low-mass/low-metallicity galaxies. Two hosts exhibit unusual properties: PTF 10uhf is an SLSN I in a massive, luminous infrared galaxy at redshift z = 0.29, while PTF 10tpz is an SLSN II located in the nucleus of an early-type host at z = 0.04.


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We present results from a survey of the internal kinematics of 49 star-forming galaxies at $z\sim 2$ in the CANDELS fields with the Keck/MOSFIRE spectrograph, Survey in the near-Infrared of Galaxies with Multiple position Angles (SIGMA). Kinematics (rotation velocity Vrot and gas velocity dispersion ${\sigma }_{g}$) are measured from nebular emission lines which trace the hot ionized gas surrounding star-forming regions. We find that by $z\sim 2$, massive star-forming galaxies ($\mathrm{log}\,{M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot }\gtrsim 10.2$) have assembled primitive disks: their kinematics are dominated by rotation, they are consistent with a marginally stable disk model, and they form a Tully–Fisher relation. These massive galaxies have values of ${V}_{\mathrm{rot}}/{\sigma }_{g}$ that are factors of 2–5 lower than local well-ordered galaxies at similar masses. Such results are consistent with findings by other studies. We find that low-mass galaxies ($\mathrm{log}\,{M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot }\lesssim 10.2$) at this epoch are still in the early stages of disk assembly: their kinematics are often dominated by gas velocity dispersion and they fall from the Tully–Fisher relation to significantly low values of Vrot. This "kinematic downsizing" implies that the process(es) responsible for disrupting disks at $z\sim 2$ have a stronger effect and/or are more active in low-mass systems. In conclusion, we find that the period of rapid stellar mass growth at $z\sim 2$ is coincident with the nascent assembly of low-mass disks and the assembly and settling of high-mass disks.


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We use high time cadence, high spectral resolution optical observations to detect excess Hα emission from the 2–3 Myr old weak-lined T Tauri star PTFO 8-8695. This excess emission appears to move in velocity as expected if it were produced by the suspected planetary companion to this young star. The excess emission is not always present, but when it is, the predicted velocity motion is often observed. We have considered the possibility that the observed excess emission is produced by stellar activity (flares), accretion from a disk, or a planetary companion; we find the planetary companion to be the most likely explanation. If this is the case, the strength of the Hα line indicates that the emission comes from an extended volume around the planet, likely fed by mass loss from the planet which is expected to be overflowing its Roche lobe.


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We present observations of the growth of an active region filament caused by magnetic interactions among the filament and its adjacent superpenumbral filament (SF) and dark thread-like structures (T). Multistep reconnections are identified during the whole growing process. Magnetic flux convergence and cancellation occurring at the positive footpoint region of the filament is the first step reconnection, which resulted in the filament bifurcating into two sets of intertwined threads. One set anchored in situ, while the other set moved toward and interacted with the SF and part of T. This indicates the second step reconnection, which gave rise to the disappearance of the SF and the formation of a long thread-like structure that connects the far ends of the filament and T. The long thread-like structure further interacted with the T and then separated into two parts, representing the third step reconnection. Finally, another similar long thread-like structure, which intertwined with the fixed filament threads, appeared. Hα observations show that this twisted structure is a longer sinistral filament. Based on the observed photospheric vector magnetograms, we performed a non-linear force-free field extrapolation to reconstruct the magnetic fields above the photosphere and found that the coronal magnetic field lines associated with the filament consists of two twisted flux ropes winding around each other. These results suggest that magnetic interactions among filaments and their adjacent SFs and T could lead to the growth of the filaments, and the filament is probably supported in a flux rope.


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We present new, more precise measurements of the mass and distance of our Galaxy's central supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. These results stem from a new analysis that more than doubles the time baseline for astrometry of faint stars orbiting Sgr A*, combining 2 decades of speckle imaging and adaptive optics data. Specifically, we improve our analysis of the speckle images by using information about a star's orbit from the deep adaptive optics data (2005–2013) to inform the search for the star in the speckle years (1995–2005). When this new analysis technique is combined with the first complete re-reduction of Keck Galactic Center speckle images using speckle holography, we are able to track the short-period star S0-38 (K-band magnitude = 17, orbital period = 19 yr) through the speckle years. We use the kinematic measurements from speckle holography and adaptive optics to estimate the orbits of S0-38 and S0-2 and thereby improve our constraints of the mass (Mbh) and distance (Ro) of Sgr A*: Mbh = (4.02 ± 0.16 ± 0.04) × 106M and 7.86 ± 0.14 ± 0.04 kpc. The uncertainties in Mbh and Ro as determined by the combined orbital fit of S0-2 and S0-38 are improved by a factor of 2 and 2.5, respectively, compared to an orbital fit of S0-2 alone and a factor of ∼2.5 compared to previous results from stellar orbits. This analysis also limits the extended dark mass within 0.01 pc to less than 0.13 × 106M at 99.7% confidence, a factor of 3 lower compared to prior work.



Robust knowledge of molecular gas mass is critical for understanding star formation in galaxies. The ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ molecule does not emit efficiently in the cold interstellar medium, hence the molecular gas content of galaxies is typically inferred using indirect tracers. At low metallicity and in other extreme environments, these tracers can be subject to substantial biases. We present a new method of estimating total molecular gas mass in galaxies directly from pure mid-infrared rotational ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ emission. By assuming a power-law distribution of ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ rotational temperatures, we can accurately model ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ excitation and reliably obtain warm (T ≳ 100 K) ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ gas masses by varying only the power law's slope. With sensitivities typical of Spitzer/IRS, we are able to directly probe the ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ content via rotational emission down to ∼80 K, accounting for ∼15% of the total molecular gas mass in a galaxy. By extrapolating the fitted power-law temperature distributions to a calibrated single lower cutoff temperature, the model also recovers the total molecular content within a factor of ∼2.2 in a diverse sample of galaxies, and a subset of broken power-law models performs similarly well. In ULIRGs, the fraction of warm ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}$ gas rises with dust temperature, with some dependency on αCO. In a sample of five low-metallicity galaxies ranging down to $12+\mathrm{log}[{\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}}]=7.8$, the model yields molecular masses up to ∼100× larger than implied by CO, in good agreement with other methods based on dust mass and star formation depletion timescale. This technique offers real promise for assessing molecular content in the early universe where CO and dust-based methods may fail.


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Cosmic-ray anisotropy has been observed in a wide energy range and at different angular scales by a variety of experiments over the past decade. However, no comprehensive or satisfactory explanation has been put forth to date. The arrival distribution of cosmic rays at Earth is the convolution of the distribution of their sources and of the effects of geometry and properties of the magnetic field through which particles propagate. It is generally believed that the anisotropy topology at the largest angular scale is adiabatically shaped by diffusion in the structured interstellar magnetic field. On the contrary, the medium- and small-scale angular structure could be an effect of nondiffusive propagation of cosmic rays in perturbed magnetic fields. In particular, a possible explanation for the observed small-scale anisotropy observed at the TeV energy scale may be the effect of particle propagation in turbulent magnetized plasmas. We perform numerical integration of test particle trajectories in low-β compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence to study how the cosmic rays' arrival direction distribution is perturbed when they stream along the local turbulent magnetic field. We utilize Liouville's theorem for obtaining the anisotropy at Earth and provide the theoretical framework for the application of the theorem in the specific case of cosmic-ray arrival distribution. In this work, we discuss the effects on the anisotropy arising from propagation in this inhomogeneous and turbulent interstellar magnetic field.


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Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) coronal dimmings are often observed in response to solar eruptive events. These phenomena can be generated via several different physical processes. For space weather, the most important of these is the temporary void left behind by a coronal mass ejection (CME). Massive, fast CMEs tend to leave behind a darker void that also usually corresponds to minimum irradiance for the cooler coronal emissions. If the dimming is associated with a solar flare, as is often the case, the flare component of the irradiance light curve in the cooler coronal emission can be isolated and removed using simultaneous measurements of warmer coronal lines. We apply this technique to 37 dimming events identified during two separate two-week periods in 2011 plus an event on 2010 August 7, analyzed in a previous paper to parameterize dimming in terms of depth and slope. We provide statistics on which combination of wavelengths worked best for the flare-removal method, describe the fitting methods applied to the dimming light curves, and compare the dimming parameters with corresponding CME parameters of mass and speed. The best linear relationships found are

\begin{eqnarray*}{v}_{\mathrm{CME}}\ \left[\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{km}}{{\rm{s}}}\right] & \approx & 2.36\times {10}^{6}\ \left[\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{km}}{ \% }\right]\times {s}_{\dim }\ \left[\displaystyle \frac{ \% }{{\rm{s}}}\right]\\ {m}_{\mathrm{CME}}\ [{\rm{g}}] & \approx & 2.59\times {10}^{15}\left[\displaystyle \frac{g}{ \% }\right]\times \sqrt{{d}_{\dim }}\ [ \% ].\end{eqnarray*}

These relationships could be used for space weather operations of estimating CME mass and speed using near-real-time irradiance dimming measurements.


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We perform MHD modeling of a single bright coronal loop to include the interaction with a non-uniform magnetic field. The field is stressed by random footpoint rotation in the central region and its energy is dissipated into heating by growing currents through anomalous magnetic diffusivity that switches on in the corona above a current density threshold. We model an entire single magnetic flux tube in the solar atmosphere extending from the high-β chromosphere to the low-β corona through the steep transition region. The magnetic field expands from the chromosphere to the corona. The maximum resolution is ∼30 km. We obtain an overall evolution typical of loop models and realistic loop emission in the EUV and X-ray bands. The plasma confined in the flux tube is heated to active region temperatures (∼3 MK) after ∼2/3 hr. Upflows from the chromosphere up to ∼100 km s−1 fill the core of the flux tube to densities above 109 cm−3. More heating is released in the low corona than the high corona and is finely structured both in space and time.


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It has been suggested that the comet-like activity of main belt comets (MBCs) is due to the sublimation of sub-surface water–ice that has been exposed as a result of their surfaces being impacted by meter-sized bodies. We have examined the viability of this scenario by simulating impacts between meter-sized and kilometer-sized objects using a smooth particle hydrodynamics approach. Simulations have been carried out for different values of the impact velocity and impact angle, as well as different target material and water-mass fractions. Results indicate that for the range of impact velocities corresponding to those in the asteroid belt, the depth of an impact crater is slightly larger than 10 m, suggesting that if the activation of MBCs is due to the sublimation of sub-surface water–ice, this ice has to exist no deeper than a few meters from the surface. Results also show that ice exposure occurs in the bottom and on the interior surface of impact craters, as well as on the surface of the target where some of the ejected icy inclusions are re-accreted. While our results demonstrate that the impact scenario is indeed a viable mechanism to expose ice and trigger the activity of MBCs, they also indicate that the activity of the current MBCs is likely due to ice sublimation from multiple impact sites and/or the water contents of these objects (and other asteroids in the outer asteroid belt) is larger than the 5% that is traditionally considered in models of terrestrial planet formation, providing more ice for sublimation. We present the details of our simulations and discuss their results and implications.



We present an analysis of archival HST/ACS imaging in the F475W (g475), F606W (V606), and F814W (I814) bands of the globular cluster (GC) system of a large (3.4 kpc effective radius) ultra-diffuse galaxy (DF17) believed to be located in the Coma Cluster of galaxies. We detect 11 GCs down to the 5σ completeness limit of the imaging (I814 = 27 mag). Correcting for background and our detection limits yields a total population of GCs in this galaxy of 27 ± 5 and a V-band specific frequency SN = 28 ± 5. Based on comparisons to the GC systems of local galaxies, we show that both the absolute number and the colors of the GC system of DF17 are consistent with the GC system of a dark-matter-dominated dwarf galaxy with virial mass ∼9.0 × 1010M and a dark-to-stellar mass ratio Mvir/Mstar ∼ 1000. Based on the stellar mass growth of the Milky Way, we show that DF17 cannot be understood as a failed Milky-Way-like system, but is more similar to quenched Large-Magellanic-Cloud-like systems. We find that the mean color of the GC population, g475I814 = 0.91 ± 0.05 mag, coincides with the peak of the color distribution of intracluster GCs and is also similar to those of the blue GCs in the outer regions of massive galaxies. We suggest that both the intracluster GC population in Coma and the blue peak in the GC populations of massive galaxies may be fed—at least in part—by the disrupted equivalents of systems such as DF17.


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The habitability of an exoplanet depends on many factors. One such factor is the impact of stellar eruptive events on nearby exoplanets. Currently this is poorly constrained due to heavy reliance on solar scaling relationships and a lack of experimental evidence. Potential impacts of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which are the large eruption of magnetic field and plasma from a star, are space weather and atmospheric stripping. A method for observing CMEs as they travel though the stellar atmosphere is the type II radio burst, and the new Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) provides a means of detection. We report on 15 hr of observation of YZ Canis Minoris (YZ CMi), a nearby M dwarf flare star, taken in LOFAR's beam-formed observation mode for the purposes of measuring transient frequency-dependent low-frequency radio emission. The observations utilized the Low Band Antenna (10–90 MHz) or High Band Antenna (110–190 MHz) for five three-hour observation periods. In this data set, there were no confirmed type II events in this frequency range. We explore the range of parameter space for type II bursts constrained by our observations. Assuming the rate of shocks is a lower limit to the rate at which CMEs occur, no detections in a total of 15 hr of observation places a limit of ${\nu }_{\mathrm{type}\mathrm{II}}\lt 0.0667$ shocks/hr ≤ νCME for YZ CMi due to the stochastic nature of the events and the limits of observational sensitivity. We propose a methodology to interpret jointly observed flares and CMEs which will provide greater constraints to CMEs and test the applicability of solar scaling relations.



We present the composite measurements of total solar irradiance (TSI) as measured by an ensemble of space instruments. The measurements of the individual instruments are put on a common absolute scale, and their quality is assessed by intercomparison. The composite time series is the average of all available measurements. From 1984 April to the present the TSI shows a variation in phase with the 11 yr solar cycle and no significant changes of the quiet-Sun level in between the three covered solar minima.


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We have measured the energies of the strongest 1s–2${\ell }\ ({\ell }={\rm{s}},{\rm{p}})$ transitions in He- through Ne-like silicon and sulfur ions to an accuracy of $\lt 1\,\mathrm{eV}$ using the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's electron beam ion traps, EBIT-I and SuperEBIT, and the NASA/GSFC EBIT Calorimeter Spectrometer (ECS). We identify and measure the energies of 18 and 21 X-ray features from silicon and sulfur, respectively. The results are compared to new Flexible Atomic Code calculations and to semi-relativistic Hartree–Fock calculations by Palmeri et al. (2008). These results will be especially useful for wind diagnostics in high-mass X-ray binaries, such as Vela X-1 and Cygnus X-1, where high-resolution spectral measurements using Chandra's high-energy transmission grating has made it possible to measure Doppler shifts of $100\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$. The accuracy of our measurements is consistent with that needed to analyze Chandra observations, exceeding Chandra's $100\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ limit. Hence, the results presented here not only provide benchmarks for theory, but also accurate rest energies that can be used to determine the bulk motion of material in astrophysical sources. We show the usefulness of our results by applying them to redetermine Doppler shifts from Chandra observations of Vela X-1.


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Transient detection and flux measurement via image subtraction stand at the base of time domain astronomy. Due to the varying seeing conditions, the image subtraction process is non-trivial, and existing solutions suffer from a variety of problems. Starting from basic statistical principles, we develop the optimal statistic for transient detection, flux measurement, and any image-difference hypothesis testing. We derive a closed-form statistic that: (1) is mathematically proven to be the optimal transient detection statistic in the limit of background-dominated noise, (2) is numerically stable, (3) for accurately registered, adequately sampled images, does not leave subtraction or deconvolution artifacts, (4) allows automatic transient detection to the theoretical sensitivity limit by providing credible detection significance, (5) has uncorrelated white noise, (6) is a sufficient statistic for any further statistical test on the difference image, and, in particular, allows us to distinguish particle hits and other image artifacts from real transients, (7) is symmetric to the exchange of the new and reference images, (8) is at least an order of magnitude faster to compute than some popular methods, and (9) is straightforward to implement. Furthermore, we present extensions of this method that make it resilient to registration errors, color-refraction errors, and any noise source that can be modeled. In addition, we show that the optimal way to prepare a reference image is the proper image coaddition presented in Zackay & Ofek. We demonstrate this method on simulated data and real observations from the PTF data release 2. We provide an implementation of this algorithm in MATLAB and Python.


Observations relating the characteristics of electrons seen near Earth (solar energetic particles [SEPs]) and those producing flare radiation show that in certain (prompt) events the origin of both populations appears to be the flare site, which shows strong correlation between the number and spectral index of SEP and hard X-ray radiating electrons, but in others (delayed), which are associated with fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs), this relation is complex and SEPs tend to be harder. Prompt event spectral relation disagrees with that expected in thick or thin target models. We show that using a more accurate treatment of the transport of the accelerated electrons to the footpoints and to Earth can account for this discrepancy. Our results are consistent with those found by Chen & Petrosian for two flares using nonparametric inversion methods, according to which we have weak diffusion conditions, and trapping mediated by magnetic field convergence. The weaker correlations and harder spectra of delayed events can come about by reacceleration of electrons in the CME shock environment. We describe under what conditions such a hardening can be achieved. Using this (acceleration at the flare and reacceleration in the CME) scenario, we show that we can describe the similar dichotomy that exists between the so-called impulsive, highly enriched (3He and heavy ions), and softer SEP events and stronger, more gradual SEP events with near-normal ionic abundances and harder spectra. These methods can be used to distinguish the acceleration mechanisms and to constrain their characteristics.


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We present observations of three FU Orionis objects (hereafter, FUors) with nonredundant aperture-mask interferometry at 1.59 μm and 2.12 μm that probe for binary companions on the scale of the protoplanetary disk that feeds their accretion outbursts. We do not identify any companions to V1515 Cyg or HBC 722, but we do resolve a close binary companion to V1057 Cyg that is at the diffraction limit ($\rho =58.3\pm 1.4$ mas or 30 ± 5 au) and currently much fainter than the outbursting star (${\rm{\Delta }}K^{\prime} =3.34\pm 0.10$ mag). Given the flux excess of the outbursting star, we estimate that the mass of the companion ($M\sim 0.25{M}_{\odot }$) is similar to or slightly below that of the FUor itself, and therefore it resembles a typical T Tauri binary system. Our observations only achieve contrast limits of ${\rm{\Delta }}K^{\prime} \sim 4$ mag, and hence we are only sensitive to companions that were near or above the pre-outburst luminosity of the FUors. It remains plausible that FUor outbursts could be tied to the presence of a close binary companion. However, we argue from the system geometry and mass reservoir considerations that these outbursts are not directly tied to the orbital period (i.e., occurring at periastron passage), but instead must only occur infrequently.


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We report on high-dispersion spectroscopy results of a classical nova V2659 Cyg (Nova Cyg 2014) that are taken 33.05 days after the V-band maximum. The spectrum shows two distinct blueshifted absorption systems originating from H i, Fe ii, Ca ii, etc. The radial velocities of the absorption systems are −620 km s−1, and −1100 to −1500 km s−1. The higher velocity component corresponds to the P-Cygni absorption features frequently observed in low-resolution spectra. Much larger numbers of absorption lines are identified at the lower velocity. These mainly originate from neutral or singly ionized Fe-peak elements (Fe i, Ti ii, Cr ii, etc.). Based on the results of our spectroscopic observations, we discuss the structure of the ejecta of V2659 Cyg. We conclude that the low- and high-velocity components are likely to be produced by the outflow wind and the ballistic nova ejecta, respectively.


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Owing to the remarkable photometric precision of space observatories like Kepler, stellar and planetary systems beyond our own are now being characterized en masse for the first time. These characterizations are pivotal for endeavors such as searching for Earth-like planets and solar twins, understanding the mechanisms that govern stellar evolution, and tracing the dynamics of our Galaxy. The volume of data that is becoming available, however, brings with it the need to process this information accurately and rapidly. While existing methods can constrain fundamental stellar parameters such as ages, masses, and radii from these observations, they require substantial computational effort to do so. We develop a method based on machine learning for rapidly estimating fundamental parameters of main-sequence solar-like stars from classical and asteroseismic observations. We first demonstrate this method on a hare-and-hound exercise and then apply it to the Sun, 16 Cyg A and B, and 34 planet-hosting candidates that have been observed by the Kepler spacecraft. We find that our estimates and their associated uncertainties are comparable to the results of other methods, but with the additional benefit of being able to explore many more stellar parameters while using much less computation time. We furthermore use this method to present evidence for an empirical diffusion–mass relation. Our method is open source and freely available for the community to use.6



The gas and dust are spatially segregated in protoplanetary disks due to the vertical settling and radial drift of large grains. A fuller accounting of the mass content and distribution in disks therefore requires spectral line observations. We extend the modeling approach presented in Williams & Best to show that gas surface density profiles can be measured from high fidelity 13CO integrated intensity images. We demonstrate the methodology by fitting ALMA observations of the HD 163296 disk to determine a gas mass, Mgas = 0.048 M, and accretion disk characteristic size Rc = 213 au and gradient γ = 0.39. The same parameters match the C18O 2–1 image and indicate an abundance ratio [12CO]/[C18O] of 700 independent of radius. To test how well this methodology can be applied to future line surveys of smaller, lower mass T Tauri disks, we create a large 13CO 2–1 image library and fit simulated data. For disks with gas masses 3–10 MJup at 150 pc, ALMA observations with a resolution of 0farcs2–0farcs3 and integration times of ∼20 minutes allow reliable estimates of Rc to within about 10 au and γ to within about 0.2. Economic gas imaging surveys are therefore feasible and offer the opportunity to open up a new dimension for studying disk structure and its evolution toward planet formation.


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We present the images of a Hubble Space Telescope (HST/WFC3) snapshot program of angularly compact Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe), acquired with the aim of studying their size, evolutionary status, and morphology. PNe that are smaller than ∼4'' are underrepresented in most morphological studies, and today they are less well studied than their immediate evolutionary predecessors, the pre-planetary nebulae. The images have been acquired in the light of [O iii]λ5007, which is commonly used to classify the PN morphology, in the UV continuum with the aim of detecting the central star unambiguously, and in the I-band to detect a cool stellar companion, if present. The sample of 51 confirmed PNe exhibits nearly the full range of primary morphological classes, with the distribution more heavily weighted toward bipolar PNe, but with the total of aspherical PNe almost identical to that of the general Galactic sample. A large range of microstructures is evident in our sample as well, with many nebulae displaying attached shells, halos, ansae, and internal structure in the form of arcs, rings, and spirals. Various aspherical structures in a few PNe, including detached arcs, suggest an interaction with the ISM. We studied the observed sample of compact Galactic PNe in the context of the general Galactic PN population, and explore whether their physical size, spatial distribution, reddening, radial metallicity gradient, and possible progenitors are peculiar within the population of Galactic PNe. We found that these compact Galactic PNe, which have been selected based on apparent dimensions, constitute a diverse Galactic PN population that is relatively uniformly distributed across the Galactic disk, including the outskirts of our Galaxy. This unique sample will be used in the future to probe the old Galactic disk population.


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We present a measurement of the abundance of carbon monoxide in the early universe, utilizing the final results from the CO Power Spectrum Survey (COPSS). Between 2013 and 2015, we performed observations with the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Array to measure aggregate CO emission from $z\sim 3$ galaxies with the intensity mapping technique. Data were collected on 19 fields, covering an area of 0.7 square degrees, over the frequency range $27\mbox{--}35\,\mathrm{GHz}$. With these data, along with data analyzed in COPSS I, we are able to observe the CO(1–0) transition within the redshift range $z=2.3\mbox{--}3.3$ for spatial frequencies between $k=0.5\mbox{--}10\,h\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{-1}$, spanning a comoving volume of $4.9\times {10}^{6}\,{h}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{3}$. We present estimates of contributions from continuum sources and ground illumination within our measurement. We constrain the amplitude of the CO power spectrum to ${P}_{\mathrm{CO}}={3.0}_{-1.3}^{+1.3}\times {10}^{3}\,\mu {{\rm{K}}}^{2}{({h}^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc})}^{3}$, or ${{\rm{\Delta }}}_{\mathrm{CO}}^{2}(k=1\,h\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{-1})={1.5}_{-0.7}^{+0.7}\times {10}^{3}\,\mu {{\rm{K}}}^{2}$, at 68% confidence, and ${P}_{\mathrm{CO}}\gt 0$ at 98.9% confidence. These results are a factor of 10 improvement in sensitivity compared to those of COPSS I. With this measurement, we constrain on the CO(1–0) galaxy luminosity function at $z\sim 3$. Assuming that CO emission is proportional to halo mass and using theoretical estimates of the scatter in this relationship, we constrain the ratio of $\mathrm{CO}(1\mbox{--}0)$ luminosity to halo mass to ${A}_{\mathrm{CO}}={6.3}_{-2.1}^{+1.4}\times {10}^{-7}\,{L}_{\odot }\,{M}_{\odot }^{-1}$. Assuming a Milky Way-like linear relationship between CO luminosity and molecular gas mass, we estimate a mass fraction of molecular gas of ${f}_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}={5.5}_{-2.2}^{+3.4}\times {10}^{-2}$ for halos with masses of $\sim {10}^{12}{M}_{\odot }$. Using theoretical estimates for the scaling of molecular gas mass fraction and halo mass, we estimate the cosmic molecular gas density to be ${\rho }_{z\sim 3}({{\rm{H}}}_{2})={1.1}_{-0.4}^{+0.7}\times {10}^{8}\,{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{-3}$.


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NGC 2420 is a ∼2 Gyr old well-populated open cluster that lies about 2 kpc beyond the solar circle, in the general direction of the Galactic anti-center. Most previous abundance studies have found this cluster to be mildly metal-poor, but with a large scatter in the obtained metallicities. Detailed chemical abundance distributions are derived for 12 red-giant members of NGC 2420 via a manual abundance analysis of high-resolution (R = 22,500) near-infrared (λ1.5–1.7 μm) spectra obtained from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey. The sample analyzed contains six stars that are identified as members of the first-ascent red giant branch (RGB), as well as six members of the red clump (RC). We find small scatter in the star-to-star abundances in NGC 2420, with a mean cluster abundance of [Fe/H] = −0.16 ± 0.04 for the 12 red giants. The internal abundance dispersion for all elements (C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni) is also very small (∼0.03–0.06 dex), indicating a uniform cluster abundance distribution within the uncertainties. NGC 2420 is one of the clusters used to calibrate the APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundance Pipeline (ASPCAP). The results from this manual analysis compare well with ASPCAP abundances for most of the elements studied, although for Na, Al, and V there are more significant offsets. No evidence of extra-mixing at the RGB luminosity bump is found in the 12C and 14N abundances from the pre-luminosity-bump RGB stars in comparison to the post-He core-flash RC stars.


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Low-mass white dwarfs (LMWDs) are believed to be exclusive products of binary evolution, as the universe is not old enough to produce them from single stars. Because of the strong tidal forces operating during the binary interaction phase, the remnant systems observed today are expected to have negligible eccentricities. Here, we report on the first unambiguous identification of an LMWD in an eccentric (e = 0.13) orbit around the millisecond pulsar PSR J2234+0511, which directly contradicts this picture. We use our spectra and radio-timing solution (derived elsewhere) to infer the WD temperature (${T}_{{\rm{eff}}}=8600\pm 190$ K), and peculiar systemic velocity relative to the local standard of rest ($\simeq 31$ km s−1). We also place model-independent constraints on the WD radius (${R}_{{\rm{WD}}}={0.024}_{-0.002}^{+0.004}$${R}_{\odot }$) and surface gravity ($\mathrm{log}\,g={7.11}_{-0.16}^{+0.08}$ dex). The WD and kinematic properties are consistent with the expectations for low-mass X-ray binary evolution and disfavor a dynamic three-body formation channel. In the case of the high eccentricity being the result of a spontaneous phase transition, we infer a mass of ∼1.60 M for the pulsar progenitor, which is too low for the quark-nova mechanism proposed by Jiang et al., and too high for the scenario of Freire & Tauris, in which a WD collapses into a neutron star via a rotationally delayed accretion-induced collapse. We find that eccentricity pumping via interaction with a circumbinary disk is consistent with our inferred parameters. Finally, we report tentative evidence for pulsations that, if confirmed, would transform the star into an unprecedented laboratory for WD physics.


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Type III and type-III-like radio bursts are produced by energetic electron beams guided along coronal magnetic fields. As a variant of type III bursts, Type N bursts appear as the letter "N" in the radio dynamic spectrum and reveal a magnetic mirror effect in coronal loops. Here, we report a well-observed N-shaped burst consisting of three successive branches at metric wavelength with both fundamental and harmonic components and a high brightness temperature (>109 K). We verify the burst as a true type N burst generated by the same electron beam from three aspects of the data. First, durations of the three branches at a given frequency increase gradually and may be due to the dispersion of the beam along its path. Second, the flare site, as the only possible source of non-thermal electrons, is near the western feet of large-scale closed loops. Third, the first branch and the following two branches are localized at different legs of the loops with opposite senses of polarization. We also find that the sense of polarization of the radio burst is in contradiction to the O-mode and there exists a fairly large time delay (∼3–5 s) between the fundamental and harmonic components. Possible explanations accounting for these observations are presented. Assuming the classical plasma emission mechanism, we can infer coronal parameters such as electron density and magnetic field near the radio source and make diagnostics on the magnetic mirror process.


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We present deep polarimetric observations at 154 MHz with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), covering 625 deg2 centered on α = 0hand δ = −27°. The sensitivity available in our deep observations allows an in-band, frequency-dependent analysis of polarized structure for the first time at long wavelengths. Our analysis suggests that the polarized structures are dominated by intrinsic emission but may also have a foreground Faraday screen component. At these wavelengths, the compactness of the MWA baseline distribution provides excellent snapshot sensitivity to large-scale structure. The observations are sensitive to diffuse polarized emission at ∼54' resolution with a sensitivity of 5.9 mJy beam−1 and compact polarized sources at ∼2farcm4 resolution with a sensitivity of 2.3 mJy beam−1 for a subset (400 deg2) of this field. The sensitivity allows the effect of ionospheric Faraday rotation to be spatially and temporally measured directly from the diffuse polarized background. Our observations reveal large-scale structures (∼1°–8° in extent) in linear polarization clearly detectable in ∼2 minute snapshots, which would remain undetectable by interferometers with minimum baseline lengths of >110 m at 154 MHz. The brightness temperature of these structures is on average 4 K in polarized intensity, peaking at 11 K. Rotation measure synthesis reveals that the structures have Faraday depths ranging from −2 to 10 rad m−2 with a large fraction peaking at approximately +1 rad m−2. We estimate a distance of 51 ± 20 pc to the polarized emission based on measurements of the in-field pulsar J2330–2005. We detect four extragalactic linearly polarized point sources within the field in our compact source survey. Based on the known polarized source population at 1.4 GHz and non-detections at 154 MHz, we estimate an upper limit on the depolarization ratio of 0.08 from 1.4 GHz to 154 MHz.


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We present an analysis of the complex gas hydrodynamics in the X-ray-luminous galaxy cluster RX J1347.5–1145 caught in the act of merging with a subcluster to its southeast using a combined 186 ks Chandra exposure, 2.5 times greater than previous analyses. The primary cluster hosts a sloshing cold front spiral traced by four surface brightness edges $5\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} {85}_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$ west, $7\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} {10}_{-0.03}^{+0.07}$ southeast, $11\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} {5}_{-1.2}^{+1.3}$ east, and $16\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} {7}_{-0.5}^{+0.3}$ northeast from the primary central dominant galaxy, suggesting that the merger is in the plane of the sky. We measure temperature and density ratios across these edges, confirming that they are sloshing cold fronts. We observe the eastern edge of the subcluster infall shock, confirming that the observed subcluster is traveling from the southwest to the northeast in a clockwise orbit. We measure a shock density contrast of ${1.38}_{-0.15}^{+0.16}$ and infer a Mach number of 1.25 ± 0.08 and a shock velocity of ${2810}_{-240}^{+210}$ km s−1. Temperature and entropy maps show cool, low-entropy gas trailing the subcluster in a southwestern tail, consistent with core shredding. Simulations suggest that a perturber in the plane of the sky on a clockwise orbit would produce a sloshing spiral winding counterclockwise, opposite to that observed. The most compelling solution to this discrepancy is that the observed southeastern subcluster is on its first passage, shock-heating gas during its clockwise infall, while the main cluster's clockwise cold front spiral formed from earlier encounters with a second perturber orbiting counterclockwise.


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Models of nova outbursts suggest that an X-ray flash should occur just after hydrogen ignition. However, this X-ray flash has never been observationally confirmed. We present four theoretical light curves of the X-ray flash for two very massive white dwarfs (WDs) of 1.380 and 1.385 ${M}_{\odot }$ and for two recurrence periods of 0.5 and 1 yr. The duration of the X-ray flash is shorter for a more massive WD and for a longer recurrence period. The shortest duration of 14 hr (0.6 days) among the four cases is obtained for the $1.385\,{M}_{\odot }$ WD with a 1 yr recurrence period. In general, a nova explosion is relatively weak for a very short recurrence period, which results in a rather slow evolution toward the optical peak. This slow timescale and the predictability of very short recurrence period novae give us a chance to observe X-ray flashes of recurrent novae. In this context, we report the first attempt, using the Swift observatory, to detect an X-ray flash of the recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a (0.5 or 1 yr recurrence period), which resulted in the nondetection of X-ray emission during the period of 8 days before the optical detection. We discuss the impact of these observations on nova outburst theory. The X-ray flash is one of the last frontiers of nova studies, and its detection is essential for understanding the pre-optical-maximum phase. We encourage further observations.


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While dozens of stellar-mass black holes (BHs) have been discovered in binary systems, isolated BHs have eluded detection. Their presence can be inferred when they lens light from a background star. We attempt to detect the astrometric lensing signatures of three photometrically identified microlensing events, OGLE-2011-BLG-0022, OGLE-2011-BLG-0125, and OGLE-2012-BLG-0169 (OB110022, OB110125, and OB120169), located toward the Galactic Bulge. These events were selected because of their long durations, which statistically favors more massive lenses. Astrometric measurements were made over one to two years using laser-guided adaptive optics observations from the W. M. Keck Observatory. Lens model parameters were first constrained by the photometric light curves. The OB120169 light curve is well fit by a single-lens model, while both OB110022 and OB110125 light curves favor binary lens models. Using the photometric fits as prior information, no significant astrometric lensing signal was detected and all targets were consistent with linear motion. The significant lack of astrometric signal constrains the lens mass of OB110022 to 0.05–1.79 M in a 99.7% confidence interval, which disfavors a BH lens. Fits to OB110125 yielded a reduced Einstein crossing time and insufficient observations during the peak, so no mass limits were obtained. Two degenerate solutions exist for OB120169, which have a lens mass between 0.2–38.8 M and 0.4–39.8 M for a 99.7% confidence interval. Follow-up observations of OB120169 will further constrain the lens mass. Based on our experience, we use simulations to design optimal astrometric observing strategies and show that with more typical observing conditions the detection of BHs is feasible.


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Long duration γ-ray bursts are a rare subclass of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (SNe) that launch collimated relativistic outflows (jets). All γ-ray-burst-associated SNe are spectroscopically Type Ic, with broad-lines, but the fraction of broad-lined SNe Ic harboring low-luminosity γ-ray bursts remains largely unconstrained. Some SNe should be accompanied by off-axis γ-ray burst jets that initially remain invisible, but then emerge as strong radio sources (as the jets decelerate). However, this critical prediction of the jet model for γ-ray bursts has yet to be verified observationally. Here, we present K. G. Jansky Very Large Array observations of 15 broad-lined SNe of Type Ic discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory in an untargeted manner. Most of the SNe in our sample exclude radio emission observationally similar to that of the radio-loud, relativistic SN 1998bw. We constrain the fraction of 1998bw-like broad-lined SNe Ic to be $\lesssim 41 \% $ (99.865% confidence). Most of the events in our sample also exclude off-axis jets similar to GRB 031203 and GRB 030329, but we cannot rule out off-axis γ-ray bursts expanding in a low-density wind environment. Three SNe in our sample are detected in the radio. PTF11qcj and PTF14dby show late-time radio emission with average ejecta speeds of ≈0.3–0.4 c, on the dividing line between relativistic and "ordinary" SNe. The speed of PTF11cmh radio ejecta is poorly constrained. We estimate that $\lesssim 85 \% $ (99.865% confidence) of the broad-lined SNe Ic in our sample may harbor off-axis γ-ray bursts expanding in media with densities in the range probed by this study.


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We report the discovery of K2-56b, a high-density sub-Neptune exoplanet, made using photometry from Campaign 4 of the two-wheeled Kepler (K2) mission, ground-based radial velocity (RV) follow-up from HARPS and high-resolution lucky and adaptive optics imaging obtained using AstraLux and MagAO, respectively. The host star is a bright (V = 11.04, Ks = 9.37), slightly metal-poor ([Fe/H] = −0.15 ± 0.05 dex) solar analogue located at ${152.1}_{-7.4}^{+9.7}$ pc from Earth, for which we find a radius of ${R}_{* }={0.928}_{-0.040}^{+0.055}{R}_{\odot }$ and a mass of ${M}_{* }={0.961}_{-0.029}^{+0.032}{M}_{\odot }$. A joint analysis of the K2 photometry and HARPS RVs reveal that the planet is in a ≈42 day orbit around its host star, has a radius of ${2.23}_{-0.11}^{+0.14}{R}_{\oplus }$, and a mass of ${16.3}_{-6.1}^{+6.0}{M}_{\oplus }$. Although the data at hand put the planet in the region of the mass–radius diagram where we could expect planets with a pure rock (i.e., magnesium silicate) composition using two-layer models (i.e., between rock/iron and rock/ice compositions), we discuss more realistic three-layer composition models which can explain the high density of the discovered exoplanet. The fact that the planet lies in the boundary between "possibly rocky" and "non-rocky" exoplanets makes it an interesting planet for future RV follow-up.



We use a 440.5 ks Chandra observation of the ≈500 Myr old open cluster M37 to derive the X-ray luminosity functions of its ≤1.2 ${M}_{\odot }$ stars. Combining detections of 162 M37 members with upper limits for 160 non-detections, we find that its G, K, and M stars have a similar median (0.5–7 keV) X-ray luminosity ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}={10}^{29.0}\,\mathrm{erg}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$, whereas the ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}$-to-bolometric-luminosity ratio (${L}_{{\rm{X}}}/{L}_{\mathrm{bol}}$) indicates that M stars are more active than G and K stars by $\approx 1$ order of magnitude at 500 Myr. To characterize the evolution of magnetic activity in low-mass stars over their first $\approx 600\,{\rm{Myr}}$, we consolidate X-ray and optical data from the literature for stars in six other open clusters: from youngest to oldest they are, the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), NGC 2547, NGC 2516, the Pleiades, NGC 6475, and the Hyades. For these, we homogenize the conversion of instrumental count rates to ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}$ by applying the same one-temperature emission model as for M37, and obtain masses using the same empirical mass-absolute magnitude relation (except for the ONC). We find that for G and K stars X-ray activity decreases $\approx 2$ orders of magnitude over their first 600 Myr, and for M stars, ≈1.5. The decay rate of the median ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}$ follows the relation ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}\propto \,{t}^{b}$, where $b=-0.61\pm 0.12$ for G stars, −0.82 ± 0.16 for K stars, and −0.40 ± 0.17 for M stars. In ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}/{L}_{\mathrm{bol}}$ space, the slopes are −0.68 ± 0.12, −0.81 ± 0.19, and −0.61 ± 0.12, respectively. These results suggest that for low-mass stars the age-activity relation steepens after $\approx 625\,{\rm{Myr}}$, consistent with the faster decay in activity observed in solar analogs at $t\gt 1\,{\rm{Gyr}}$.


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We present the first global 3D simulations of thermal convection in the oblate envelopes of rapidly rotating solar-type stars. This has been achieved by exploiting the capabilities of the new compressible high-order unstructured spectral difference (CHORUS) code. We consider rotation rates up to 85% of the critical (breakup) rotation rate, which yields an equatorial radius that is up to 17% larger than the polar radius. This substantial oblateness enhances the disparity between polar and equatorial modes of convection. We find that the convection redistributes the heat flux emitted from the outer surface, leading to an enhancement of the heat flux in the polar and equatorial regions. This finding implies that lower-mass stars with convective envelopes may not have darker equators as predicted by classical gravity darkening arguments. The vigorous high-latitude convection also establishes elongated axisymmetric circulation cells and zonal jets in the polar regions. Though the overall amplitude of the surface differential rotation, ΔΩ, is insensitive to the oblateness, the oblateness does limit the fractional kinetic energy contained in the differential rotation to no more than 61%. Furthermore, we argue that this level of differential rotation is not enough to have a significant impact on the oblateness of the star.


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We present the discovery of three modestly irradiated, roughly Neptune-mass planets orbiting three nearby Solar-type stars. HD 42618 b has a minimum mass of 15.4 ± 2.4 ${M}_{\oplus }$, a semimajor axis of 0.55 au, an equilibrium temperature of 337 K, and is the first planet discovered to orbit the solar analogue host star, HD 42618. We also discover new planets orbiting the known exoplanet host stars HD 164922 and HD 143761 (ρ CrB). The new planet orbiting HD 164922 has a minimum mass of 12.9 ± 1.6 ${M}_{\oplus }$ and orbits interior to the previously known Jovian mass planet orbiting at 2.1 au. HD 164922 c has a semimajor axis of 0.34 au and an equilibrium temperature of 418 K. HD 143761 c orbits with a semimajor axis of 0.44 au, has a minimum mass of 25 ± 2 ${M}_{\oplus }$, and is the warmest of the three new planets with an equilibrium temperature of 445 K. It orbits exterior to the previously known warm Jupiter in the system. A transit search using space-based CoRoT data and ground-based photometry from the Automated Photometric Telescopes (APTs) at Fairborn Observatory failed to detect any transits, but the precise, high-cadence APT photometry helped to disentangle planetary-reflex motion from stellar activity. These planets were discovered as part of an ongoing radial velocity survey of bright, nearby, chromospherically inactive stars using the Automated Planet Finder (APF) telescope at Lick Observatory. The high-cadence APF data combined with nearly two decades of radial velocity data from Keck Observatory and gives unprecedented sensitivity to both short-period low-mass, and long-period intermediate-mass planets.


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We report observations of low-frequency waves at 1 au by the magnetic field instrument on the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE/MAG) and show evidence that they arise due to newborn interstellar pickup He+. Twenty-five events are studied. They possess the generally predicted attributes: spacecraft-frame frequencies slightly greater than the He+ cyclotron frequency, left-hand polarization in the spacecraft frame, and transverse fluctuations with minimum variance directions that are quasi-parallel to the mean magnetic field. Their occurrence spans the first 18 years of ACE operations, with no more than 3 such observations in any given year. Thus, the events are relatively rare. As with past observations by the Ulysses and Voyager spacecraft, we argue that the waves are seen only when the background turbulence is sufficiently weak as to allow for the slow accumulation of wave energy over many hours.


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The prediction of the arrival time for fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their associated shocks is highly desirable in space weather studies. In this paper, we use two shock propagation models, i.e., Data Guided Shock Time Of Arrival (DGSTOA) and Data Guided Shock Propagation Model (DGSPM), to predict the kinematical evolution of interplanetary shocks associated with fast CMEs. DGSTOA is based on the similarity theory of shock waves in the solar wind reference frame, and DGSPM is based on the non-similarity theory in the stationary reference frame. The inputs are the kinematics of the CME front at the maximum speed moment obtained from the geometric triangulation method applied to STEREO imaging observations together with the Harmonic Mean approximation. The outputs provide the subsequent propagation of the associated shock. We apply these models to the CMEs on 2012 January 19, January 23, and March 7. We find that the shock models predict reasonably well the shock's propagation after the impulsive acceleration. The shock's arrival time and local propagation speed at Earth predicted by these models are consistent with in situ measurements of WIND. We also employ the Drag-Based Model (DBM) as a comparison, and find that it predicts a steeper deceleration than the shock models after the rapid deceleration phase. The predictions of DBM at 1 au agree with the following ICME or sheath structure, not the preceding shock. These results demonstrate the applicability of the shock models used here for future arrival time prediction of interplanetary shocks associated with fast CMEs.


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Dramatic deficiencies of Li in the mid-F dwarf stars of the Hyades cluster were discovered by Boesgaard & Tripicco. Boesgaard & King discovered corresponding, but smaller, deficiencies in Be in the same narrow temperature region in the Hyades. Using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we investigate B abundances in the Hyades F stars to look for a potential B dip using the B i resonance line at 2496.8 Å. The light elements Li, Be, and B are destroyed inside stars at increasingly hotter temperatures: 2.5, 3.5, and 5 × 106 K, respectively. Consequently, these elements survive to increasingly greater depths in a star and their surface abundances indicate the depth and thoroughness of mixing in the star. We have (re)determined Li abundances/upper limits for 79 Hyades dwarfs, Be for 43 stars, and B for 5 stars. We find evidence for a small drop in the B abundance across the Li–Be dip. The B abundances for the four stars in the temperature range 6100–6730 K fit the B–Be correlation found previously by Boesgaard et al. Models of rotational mixing produce good agreement with the relative depletions of Be and B in the dip region. We have compared our nLTE B abundances for the three high B stars on either side of the Li–Be dip with those found by Duncan et al. for the two Hyades giants. This confirms the factor of 10 decline in the B abundance in the Hyades giants as predicted by dilution due to the deepening of the surface convection zone.


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We obtained Keck/OSIRIS near-IR adaptive optics-assisted integral-field spectroscopy to probe the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas in four velocity-offset active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These objects possess optical emission lines that are offset in velocity from systemic as measured from stellar absorption features. At a resolution of ∼0farcs18, OSIRIS allows us to distinguish which velocity offset emission lines are produced by the motion of an AGN in a dual supermassive black hole system, and which are produced by outflows or other kinematic structures. In three galaxies, J1018+2941, J1055+1520, and J1346+5228, the spectral offset of the emission lines is caused by AGN-driven outflows. In the remaining galaxy, J1117+6140, a counterrotating nuclear disk is observed that contains the peak of Paα emission 0farcs2 from the center of the galaxy. The most plausible explanation for the origin of this spatially and kinematically offset peak is that it is a region of enhanced Paα emission located at the intersection zone between the nuclear disk and the bar of the galaxy. In all four objects, the peak of ionized gas emission is not spatially coincident with the center of the galaxy as traced by the peak of the near-IR continuum emission. The peaks of ionized gas emission are spatially offset from the galaxy centers by 0farcs1–0farcs4 (0.1–0.7 kpc). We find that the velocity offset originates at the location of this peak of emission, and the value of the offset can be directly measured in the velocity maps. The emission-line ratios of these four velocity-offset AGNs can be reproduced only with a mixture of shocks and AGN photoionization. Shocks provide a natural explanation for the origin of the spatially and spectrally offset peaks of ionized gas emission in these galaxies.


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The FourStar galaxy evolution survey (ZFOURGE) is a 45 night legacy program with the FourStar near-infrared camera on Magellan and one of the most sensitive surveys to date. ZFOURGE covers a total of 400 arcmin2 in cosmic fields CDFS, COSMOS and UDS, overlapping CANDELS. We present photometric catalogs comprising >70,000 galaxies, selected from ultradeep Ks-band detection images (25.5–26.5 AB mag, 5σ, total), and >80% complete to Ks < 25.3–25.9 AB. We use 5 near-IR medium-bandwidth filters (J1, J2, J3, Hs, Hl) as well as broad-band Ks at 1.05–2.16 μm to 25–26 AB at a seeing of ∼0farcs5. Each field has ancillary imaging in 26–40 filters at 0.3–8 μm. We derive photometric redshifts and stellar population properties. Comparing with spectroscopic redshifts indicates a photometric redshift uncertainty σz = 0.010, 0.009, and 0.011 in CDFS, COSMOS, and UDS. As spectroscopic samples are often biased toward bright and blue sources, we also inspect the photometric redshift differences between close pairs of galaxies, finding σz,pairs = 0.01–0.02 at 1 < z < 2.5. We quantify how σz,pairs depends on redshift, magnitude, spectral energy distribution type, and the inclusion of FourStar medium bands. σz,pairs is smallest for bright, blue star-forming samples, while red star-forming galaxies have the worst σz,pairs. Including FourStar medium bands reduces σz,pairs by 50% at 1.5 < z < 2.5. We calculate star formation rates (SFRs) based on ultraviolet and ultradeep far-IR Spitzer/MIPS and Herschel/PACS data. We derive rest-frame U − V and V − J colors, and illustrate how these correlate with specific SFR and dust emission to z = 3.5. We confirm the existence of quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 3, demonstrating their SFRs are suppressed by > ×15.


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Star-forming galaxies form a sequence in the [O iii] λ5007/${\rm{H}}\beta $ versus [N ii] λ6584/${\rm{H}}\alpha $ diagnostic diagram, with low-metallicity, highly ionized galaxies falling in the upper left corner. Drawing from a large sample of UV-selected star-forming galaxies at $z\sim 2$ with rest-frame optical nebular emission line measurements from Keck-MOSFIRE, we select the extreme ∼5% of the galaxies lying in this upper left corner, requiring log([N ii]/${\rm{H}}\alpha $$\leqslant -1.1$ and log([O iii]/${\rm{H}}\beta $$\geqslant \,0.75$. These cuts identify galaxies with $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O/H}})\lesssim 8.0$, when oxygen abundances are measured via the O3N2 diagnostic. We study the $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ properties of the resulting sample of 14 galaxies. The mean (median) rest-frame $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ equivalent width is 39 (36) Å, and 11 of the 14 objects (79%) are $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ emitters (LAEs) with ${W}_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha }$$\gt 20\,\mathring{\rm{A}} $. We compare the equivalent width distribution of a sample of 522 UV-selected galaxies at $2.0\lt z\lt 2.6$ identified without regard to their optical line ratios; this sample has mean (median) $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ equivalent width −1 (−4) Å, and only 9% of these galaxies qualify as LAEs. The extreme galaxies typically have lower attenuation at $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ than those in the comparison sample and have ∼50% lower median oxygen abundances. Both factors are likely to facilitate the escape of $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $: in less dusty galaxies $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ photons are less likely to be absorbed during multiple scatterings, while the harder ionizing spectrum and higher ionization parameter associated with strong, low-metallicity star formation may reduce the covering fraction or column density of neutral hydrogen, further easing $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ escape. The use of nebular emission line ratios may prove useful in the identification of galaxies with low opacity to $\mathrm{Ly}\alpha $ photons across a range of redshifts.


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We report new IRAM/PdBI, JCMT/SCUBA-2, and VLA observations of the ultraluminous quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 (hereafter, J0100+2802) at z = 6.3, which hosts the most massive supermassive black hole (SMBH), $1.24\times {10}^{10}\,{M}_{\odot }$, that is known at z > 6. We detect the [C ii] 158 μm fine structure line and molecular CO(6-5) line and continuum emission at 353, 260, and 3 GHz from this quasar. The CO(2-1) line and the underlying continuum at 32 GHz are also marginally detected. The [C ii] and CO detections suggest active star formation and highly excited molecular gas in the quasar host galaxy. The redshift determined with the [C ii] and CO lines shows a velocity offset of $\sim 1000\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ from that measured with the quasar Mg ii line. The CO (2-1) line luminosity provides a direct constraint on the molecular gas mass, which is about $(1.0\pm 0.3)\times {10}^{10}\,{M}_{\odot }$. We estimate the FIR luminosity to be $(3.5\pm 0.7)\times {10}^{12}\,{L}_{\odot }$, and the UV-to-FIR spectral energy distribution of J0100+2802 is consistent with the templates of the local optically luminous quasars. The derived [C ii]-to-FIR luminosity ratio of J0100+2802 is 0.0010 ± 0.0002, which is slightly higher than the values of the most FIR luminous quasars at z ∼ 6. We investigate the constraint on the host galaxy dynamical mass of J0100+2802 based on the [C ii] line spectrum. It is likely that this ultraluminous quasar lies above the local SMBH–galaxy mass relationship, unless we are viewing the system at a small inclination angle.