ISSN: 3050-2454

Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering is an international gold OA journal sponsored by the Institute of Systems Engineering of China Academy of Engineering Physics, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the Hunan University, and the Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering. It covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the reliability of engineered systems, electronic systems, quantum systems, intelligent systems, life systems and emerging systems.

Free for readers. All article publication charges are currently paid by the JRSE editorial office.

Now open for submissions

Why should you publish in Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering?

  • Gold open access without an APC: Your paper will be published Gold Open Access (OA), providing you and the scientific community with immediate access to articles without the payment of a subscription fee or license. All the costs of publishing the journal are covered by the journal Editorial Office, ensuring maximum visibility at no cost to you.
  • International Editorial Board: Your paper will be managed by an Editorial Board comprising leading experts and an established group of leading scientists and engineers, providing support and guidance throughout the publication process.
  • High standards: Your manuscript will undergo a thorough and rigorous peer review process, and will be checked for scientific validity, novelty, quality, and alignment with the journal scope.
  • Fast publication: Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering is committed to providing you with a fast, professional service to ensure rapid first decision, acceptance, and publication. Once accepted, your article will be accessible to readers within 24 hours, with a citable DOI.
  • Ease of formatting: You can format your manuscript in any way you choose; the design and typesetting will be undertaken by IOP Publishing as part of the publication process.
