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Volume 964

Number 2, 2024 April 1

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Water fountain objects are generally defined as evolved stars with low to intermediate initial mass accompanied by high-velocity molecular jets detectable in the 22.235 GHz H2O maser line. They are the key objects of understanding the morphological transitions of circumstellar envelopes during the post asymptotic giant branch phase. Masers are useful tools to trace the kinematic environments of the circumstellar envelopes. In this Letter we report the discovery of exceptionally uncommon excited-state hydroxyl (ex-OH) masers at 4660 and 6031 MHz toward the water fountain source IRAS 18460−0151. These are the brightest ex-OH masers discovered in late-type objects to date. To the best of our knowledge, prior to the current work, no evolved stellar object has been observed in the 4660 MHz ex-OH maser line. The ground-state hydroxyl (g-OH) masers at 1612 and 1665 MHz are also observed. The velocity components of the 4660 MHz ex-OH maser line and the much weaker 1665 MHz g-OH maser line all can be seen in the 1612 MHz g-OH maser line profile. The blueshifted components of the three masers are more intense than the redshifted ones in contrast to the ex-OH maser line at 6031 MHz. The relevance of the behaviors of the ex-OH masers to the circumstellar environments is unclear.

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Quantifying disequilibria is important to understand whether an environment could be habitable. It has been proposed that the exoplanet K2-18b has a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean, making it a "hycean world." The James Webb Space Telescope recently made measurements of methane, CO2, and possibly dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere of this planet. The initial interpretation of these data is that they may support the occurrence of hycean conditions. Here I attempt to take a next step in exploring the prospects for habitability. I use constraints on the abundances of atmospheric gases to calculate how much chemical disequilibrium there could be, assuming that K2-18b is a hycean world. I find that the presence of oxidized carbon species coexisting with abundant H2 (1–1000 bars) at cool to warm (25°C–120°C) conditions creates a strong thermodynamic drive for methanogenesis. More than ∼75 kJ (mol C)−1 of free energy can be released from CO2 hydrogenation. Partially oxidized carbon compounds such as DMS (if present) also have the potential to provide metabolic energy, albeit in smaller quantities. Because of the thermodynamic instability of CO2 under hycean conditions, other reductive reactions of CO2 are likely to be favored, including the synthesis of amino acids. Glycine and alanine synthesis can be energy releasing or at least much less costly on K2–18b than in Earth's ocean, even when NH3 is scarce but not totally absent. These first bioenergetic calculations for a proposed ocean-bearing exoplanet lay new groundwork for assessing exoplanetary habitability.

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Based on the current detectable cataclysmic variable (CV) population in Galactic globular clusters (GCs), we show that there is not a clear relation between the number of sources per unit of mass and the stellar encounter rate, the cluster mass, or the cluster central density. If any, only in the case of core-collapsed GCs could there be an anticorrelation with the stellar encounter rate. Our findings contrast with previous studies where clear positive correlations were identified. Our results suggest that correlations between faint X-ray sources, from which often conclusions for the CV population are drawn, and the GC parameters considered here, are likely influenced by other type of X-ray sources, including other types of compact binaries, which have X-ray luminosities similar to CVs. The findings presented here also suggest that the role of primordial systems is more important than previously believed and that dynamical formation has less influence in the current detectable CV population. The long-standing paradigm that GCs are efficient factories of CVs formed via dynamical interactions does not seem to be supported by current observations.

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Using 3D particle-in-cell simulation, we characterize energy conversion, as a function of guide magnetic field, in a thin current sheet in semirelativistic plasma, with relativistic electrons and subrelativistic protons. There, magnetic reconnection, the drift-kink instability (DKI), and the flux-rope kink instability all compete and interact in their nonlinear stages to convert magnetic energy to plasma energy. We compare fully 3D simulations with 2D in two different planes to isolate reconnection and DKI effects. In zero guide field, these processes yield distinct energy conversion signatures: ions gain more energy than electrons in 2Dxy (reconnection), while the opposite is true in 2Dyz (DKI), and the 3D result falls in between. The flux-rope instability, which occurs only in 3D, allows more magnetic energy to be released than in 2D, but the rate of energy conversion in 3D tends to be lower. Increasing the guide magnetic field strongly suppresses DKI, and in all cases slows and reduces the overall amount of energy conversion; it also favors electron energization through a process by which energy is first stored in the motional electric field of flux ropes before energizing particles. Understanding the evolution of the energy partition thus provides insight into the role of various plasma processes, and is important for modeling radiation from astrophysical sources such as accreting black holes and their jets.

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High-cadence, multiwavelength observations have continuously revealed the diversity of tidal disruption events (TDEs), thus greatly advancing our knowledge and understanding of TDEs. In this work, we conducted an intensive optical-UV and X-ray follow-up campaign of TDE AT 2023lli and found a remarkable month-long bump in its UV/optical light curve nearly 2 months prior to maximum brightness. The bump represents the longest separation time from the main peak among known TDEs to date. The main UV/optical outburst declines as t−4.10, making it one of the fastest-decaying optically selected TDEs. Furthermore, we detected sporadic X-ray emission 30 days after the UV/optical peak, accompanied by a reduction in the period of inactivity. It is proposed that the UV/optical bump could be caused by the self-intersection of the stream debris, whereas the primary peak is generated by the reprocessed emission of the accretion process. In addition, our results suggest that episodic X-ray radiation during the initial phase of decline may be due to the patched obscurer surrounding the accretion disk, a phenomenon associated with the inhomogeneous reprocessing process. The double TDE scenario, in which two stars are disrupted in sequence, is also a possible explanation for producing the observed early bump and main peak. We anticipate that the multicolor light curves of TDEs, especially in the very early stages, and the underlying physics can be better understood in the near future with the assistance of dedicated surveys such as the deep high-cadence survey of the 2.5 m Wide Field Survey Telescope.

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In high-metallicity environments the mass that black holes (BHs) can reach just after core collapse widely depends on how much mass their progenitor stars lose via winds. On one hand, new theoretical and observational insights suggest that early-stage winds should be weaker than what many canonical models prescribe. On the other hand, the proximity to the Eddington limit should affect the formation of optically thick envelopes already during the earliest stages of stars with initial masses MZAMS ≳ 100 M, hence resulting in higher mass-loss rates during the main sequence. We use the evolutionary codes MESA and Genec to calculate a suite of tracks for massive stars at solar metallicity Z = 0.014, which incorporate these changes in our wind-mass-loss prescription. In our calculations we employ moderate rotation, high overshooting, and magnetic angular momentum transport. We find a maximum BH mass ${M}_{\mathrm{BH},\max }=28.3$M at Z. The most massive BHs are predicted to form from stars with MZAMS ≳ 250 M, with the BH mass directly proportional to its progenitor's MZAMS. We also find in our models that at Z almost any BH progenitor naturally evolves into a Wolf–Rayet star due to the combined effect of internal mixing and wind mass loss. These results are considerably different from most recent studies regarding the final mass of stars before their collapse into BHs. While we acknowledge the inherent uncertainties in stellar evolution modeling, our study underscores the importance of employing the most up-to-date physics in BH mass predictions.

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We present measurements of the rest-frame UV spectral slope, β, for a sample of 36 faint star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 9–16 discovered in one of the deepest JWST NIRCam surveys to date, the Next Generation Deep Extragalactic Exploratory Public Survey. We use robust photometric measurements for UV-faint galaxies (down to MUV ∼ −16), originally published in Leung et al., and measure values of the UV spectral slope via photometric power-law fitting to both the observed photometry and stellar population models obtained through spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with Bagpipes. We obtain a median and 68% confidence interval for β from photometric power-law fitting of ${\beta }_{\mathrm{PL}}=-{2.7}_{-0.5}^{+0.5}$ and from SED fitting, ${\beta }_{\mathrm{SED}}=-{2.3}_{-0.1}^{+0.2}$ for the full sample. We show that when only two to three photometric detections are available, SED fitting has a lower scatter and reduced biases than photometric power-law fitting. We quantify this bias and find that after correction the median ${\beta }_{\mathrm{SED},\mathrm{corr}}=-{2.5}_{-0.2}^{+0.2}$. We measure physical properties for our galaxies with Bagpipes and find that our faint (${M}_{\mathrm{UV}}=-{18.1}_{-0.9}^{+0.7}$) sample is low in mass ($\mathrm{log}[{M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot }]={7.7}_{-0.5}^{+0.5}$), fairly dust-poor (${A}_{{\rm{v}}}={0.1}_{-0.1}^{+0.2}$ mag), and modestly young ($\mathrm{log}[\mathrm{age}]={7.8}_{-0.8}^{+0.2}$ yr) with a median star formation rate of $\mathrm{log}(\mathrm{SFR})=-{0.3}_{-0.4}^{+0.4}{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$. We find no strong evidence for ultrablue UV spectral slopes (β ∼ −3) within our sample, as would be expected for exotically metal-poor (Z/Z < 10−3) stellar populations with very high Lyman continuum escape fractions. Our observations are consistent with model predictions that galaxies of these stellar masses at z ∼ 9–16 should have only modestly low metallicities (Z/Z ∼ 0.1–0.2).

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The Event Horizon Telescope observed the horizon-scale synchrotron emission region around the Galactic center supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), in 2017. These observations revealed a bright, thick ring morphology with a diameter of 51.8 ± 2.3 μas and modest azimuthal brightness asymmetry, consistent with the expected appearance of a black hole with mass M ≈ 4 × 106M. From these observations, we present the first resolved linear and circular polarimetric images of Sgr A*. The linear polarization images demonstrate that the emission ring is highly polarized, exhibiting a prominent spiral electric vector polarization angle pattern with a peak fractional polarization of ∼40% in the western portion of the ring. The circular polarization images feature a modestly (∼5%–10%) polarized dipole structure along the emission ring, with negative circular polarization in the western region and positive circular polarization in the eastern region, although our methods exhibit stronger disagreement than for linear polarization. We analyze the data using multiple independent imaging and modeling methods, each of which is validated using a standardized suite of synthetic data sets. While the detailed spatial distribution of the linear polarization along the ring remains uncertain owing to the intrinsic variability of the source, the spiraling polarization structure is robust to methodological choices. The degree and orientation of the linear polarization provide stringent constraints for the black hole and its surrounding magnetic fields, which we discuss in an accompanying publication.

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In a companion paper, we present the first spatially resolved polarized image of Sagittarius A* on event horizon scales, captured using the Event Horizon Telescope, a global very long baseline interferometric array operating at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. Here we interpret this image using both simple analytic models and numerical general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations. The large spatially resolved linear polarization fraction (24%–28%, peaking at ∼40%) is the most stringent constraint on parameter space, disfavoring models that are too Faraday depolarized. Similar to our studies of M87*, polarimetric constraints reinforce a preference for GRMHD models with dynamically important magnetic fields. Although the spiral morphology of the polarization pattern is known to constrain the spin and inclination angle, the time-variable rotation measure (RM) of Sgr A* (equivalent to ≈46° ± 12° rotation at 228 GHz) limits its present utility as a constraint. If we attribute the RM to internal Faraday rotation, then the motion of accreting material is inferred to be counterclockwise, contrary to inferences based on historical polarized flares, and no model satisfies all polarimetric and total intensity constraints. On the other hand, if we attribute the mean RM to an external Faraday screen, then the motion of accreting material is inferred to be clockwise, and one model passes all applied total intensity and polarimetric constraints: a model with strong magnetic fields, a spin parameter of 0.94, and an inclination of 150°. We discuss how future 345 GHz and dynamical imaging will mitigate our present uncertainties and provide additional constraints on the black hole and its accretion flow.

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The apparent tension between the luminosity functions of red supergiant (RSG) stars and of RSG progenitors of Type II supernovae (SNe) is often referred to as the RSG problem and it motivated some to suggest that many RSGs end their life without an SN explosion. However, the luminosity functions of RSG SN progenitors presented so far were biased to high luminosities, because the sensitivity of the search was not considered. Here, we use limiting magnitudes to calculate a bias-corrected RSG progenitor luminosity function. We find that only (36 ± 11)% of all RSG progenitors are brighter than a bolometric magnitude of −7 mag, a significantly smaller fraction than (56 ± 5)% quoted by Davies & Beasor. The larger uncertainty is due to the relatively small progenitor sample, while uncertainties on measured quantities such as magnitudes, bolometric corrections, extinction, or SN distances, only have a minor impact, as long as they fluctuate randomly for different objects in the sample. The bias-corrected luminosity functions of RSG SN progenitors and Type M supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud are consistent with each other, as also found by Davies & Beasor for the uncorrected luminosity function. The RSG progenitor luminosity function, hence, does not imply the existence of failed SNe. The presented statistical method is not limited to progenitor searches, but applies to any situation in which a measurement is done for a sample of detected objects, but the probed quantity or property can only be determined for part of the sample.

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Parker Solar Probe observations reveal that the near-Sun space is almost filled with magnetic switchbacks ("switchbacks" hereinafter), which may be a major contributor to the heating and acceleration of solar wind. Here, for the first time, we develop an analytic model of an axisymmetric switchback with uniform magnetic field strength. In this model, three parameters control the geometry of the switchback: height (length along the background magnetic field), width (thickness along radial direction perpendicular to the background field), and the radial distance from the center of switchback to the central axis, which is a proxy of the size of the switchback along the third dimension. We carry out 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations to investigate the dynamic evolution of the switchback. Comparing simulations conducted with compressible and incompressible codes, we verify that compressibility, i.e., parametric decay instability, is necessary for destabilizing the switchback. Our simulations also reveal that the geometry of the switchback significantly affects how fast the switchback destabilizes. The most stable switchbacks are 2D-like (planar) structures with large aspect ratios (length to width), consistent with the observations. We show that when plasma beta (β) is smaller than one, the switchback is more stable as β increases. However, when β is greater than 1, the switchback becomes very unstable as the pattern of the growing compressive fluctuations changes. Our results may explain some of the observational features of switchbacks, including the large aspect ratios and nearly constant occurrence rates in the inner heliosphere.

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, , , , , , , , , et al

James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam images have revealed 154 reliable globular cluster (GC) candidates around the z = 0.0513 elliptical galaxy VV 191a after subtracting 34 likely interlopers from background galaxies inside our search area. NIRCam broadband observations are made at 0.9–4.5 μm using the F090W, F150W, F356W, and F444W filters. Using point-spread-function-matched photometry, the data are analyzed to present color–magnitude diagrams and color distributions that suggest a relatively uniform population of GCs, except for small fractions of reddest (5%–8%) and bluest (2%–4%) outliers. GC models in the F090W versus (F090W–F150W) diagram fit the NIRCam data well and show that the majority of GCs detected have a mass of ∼106.5M, with metallicities [Fe/H] spanning the typical range expected for GCs (−2.5 ≲ [Fe/H]≲ 0.5). However, the models predict ∼0.3–0.4 mag bluer (F356W–F444W) colors than the NIRCam data for a reasonable range of GC ages, metallicities, and reddening. Although our data do not quite reach the luminosity function turnover, the measured luminosity function is consistent with previous measurements, suggesting an estimated peak at mAB ∼ −9.4 ± 0.2 mag in the F090W filter.

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Despite a few space observations where Langmuir and ion acoustic waves are expected to participate in the mechanism of electrostatic decay, this is to date believed to be the main and fastest nonlinear wave process in the solar wind. However, in such a plasma where random density fluctuations are ubiquitous, the question of whether nonlinear wave processes play a significant role in Langmuir wave turbulence generated by electron beams associated with type III solar radio bursts remains still open. This paper provides several answers by studying, owing to two-dimensional challenging particle-in-cell simulations, the dynamics and the properties of the ion acoustic waves excited by such Langmuir wave turbulence and the role they play in the electrostatic decay. The impact on this process of plasma background density fluctuations and electron-to-ion temperature ratio is studied. Moreover, it is shown that, for a typical solar wind plasma with an average level of density fluctuations of a few percent of the ambient density and a temperature ratio of the order of 1, nonlinear induced scattering off ions occurs, with small intensity low-frequency quasi-modes and only in localized plasma regions where density is depleted or weakly perturbed by low-frequency turbulence.

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We report on the annual variation of quiet-time suprathermal heavy ion spectral indices for C through Fe in the energy range 0.3–1.28 MeV nuc−1 during Solar Cycle 23's rising phase through Solar Cycle 24's declining phase. These Advanced Composition Explorer/Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer measurements cover 1998–2019. We show that the average quiet-time suprathermal spectral index across species is γ = 2.5 ± 0.3. Such observations may imply that quiet-time suprathermals are the result of a superposition of various underlying acceleration and transport processes that accelerate suprathermal ions. As such, they may be remnants of particles from discrete events like large and impulsive solar energetic particle events along with corotating interaction regions that have decayed in intensity.

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The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the cumulative radiation outside the Milky Way. The determination of its corresponding primary emitting sources as well as its total energy level across the entire electromagnetic spectrum has profound implications for both cosmology and galaxy formation. However, the detailed origin of the EBL at far-infrared wavelengths, particularly those close to the peak of the cosmic infrared background, remains unclear. Here we report the results of our ongoing SCUBA-2 450 μm survey of 10 massive galaxy cluster fields. By exploiting the strong gravitational lensing offered by these clusters, we obtain significant counts down to an unprecedented depth of ∼0.1 mJy at this wavelength, about 10 times deeper than that reached by any other previous survey. The cumulative energy density based on the counts is 138.1${}_{-19.3}^{+23.9}$ Jy deg−2 or 0.45${}_{-0.06}^{+0.08}$ MJy sr−1. Comparing our measurements to those made by the COBE and Planck satellites, we find that at this flux density level, the 450 μm EBL is entirely resolved by our SCUBA-2 observations. Thus, we find for the first time that discrete sources produce fully to the 450 μm EBL, and that about half of it comes from sources with sub-mJy flux densities. Our deep number counts provide strong constraints on galaxy formation models.

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We explore the morphological features and star formation activities of [O ii] emitters in the COSMOS UltraDeep field at z ∼ 1.5 using JWST NIRCam data from the COSMOS-Web survey and Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam. We also report the discovery of large filamentary structures traced by [O ii] emitters surrounding an extremely overdense core with a galaxy number density ∼11× higher than the field average. These structures span over 50 cMpc, underscoring their large scale in the cosmic web at this epoch. After matching the stellar-mass distributions, the core galaxies show a higher frequency of disturbances (50% ± 9%) than those in the outskirts (41% ± 9%) and the field (21% ± 5%), indicative of more frequent mergers and interactions in the innermost ≲1farcm5 region. Additionally, we observe that specific star formation rates are elevated in denser environments. A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test comparing the distribution of specific star formation rates of core and field galaxies yields a p-value of 0.02, suggesting an enhancement of star formation activity driven by the dense environment. Our findings underscore the environmental impact on galaxy evolution during a pivotal cosmic epoch and set the stage for further investigation with the increasing larger data from upcoming surveys.

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Focus on Early Results from the Chinese Hα Solar Explorer (CHASE) Mission

Solar prominences observed close to the limb commonly include a bright feature that, from the perspective of the observer, runs along the interface between itself and the underlying chromosphere. Despite several idealized models being proposed to explain the underlying physics, a more general approach remains outstanding. In this manuscript we demonstrate as a proof of concept the first steps in applying the Lightweaver radiative transfer framework's 2.5D extension to a "toy" model prominence + VAL3C chromosphere, inspired by recent 1.5D experiments that demonstrated a significant radiative chromosphere–prominence interaction. We find the radiative connection to be significant enough to enhance both the electron number density within the chromosphere, as well as its emergent intensity across a range of spectral lines in the vicinity of the filament absorption signature. Inclining the viewing angle from the vertical, we find these enhancements to become increasingly asymmetric and merge with a larger secondary enhancement sourced directly from the prominence underside. In wavelength, the enhancements are then found to be the largest in both magnitude and horizontal extent for the spectral line cores, decreasing into the line wings. Similar behavior is found within new Chinese Hα Solar Explorer/Hα Imaging Spectrograph observations, opening the door for subsequent statistical confirmations of the theoretical basis we develop here.