Focus on Women's Perspectives in Quantum Materials

Guest Editors

Leni Bascones, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
Hae-Young Kee, University of Toronto, Canada
Maia Vergniory, Max Planck for the Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany

Recent developments have boosted the field of quantum materials making it one of the hottest topics in condensed matter physics. Quantum materials show a plethora of emerging quantum phenomena and can lead to cutting edge technologies, from quantum computers to racetrack memories or sensors. It is now possible to design and engineer heterostructures with specific properties, sometimes not present in naturally found materials, allowing the community to detect unprecedented effects and driving the development of new ideas. This focus issue will cover recent developments and challenges in the field of quantum materials, including but not limited to:

  • Strongly correlated electron materials: unconventional superconductors, heavy fermion materials, Mott insulators, frustrated magnets, etc
  • Topological materials
  • 2D materials, van der Waals and moiré heterostructures
  • Other novel superconductors
  • Multiferroic materials
  • Heterostructures and devices for quantum computation or to detect Majorana fermions

This focus issue aims to highlight the work of a selection of women investigators at different stages of their independent career; not only to recognize their excellent contribution to science, but also to show to the next generation of women scientists that there are a multitude of female role models out there. This issue will form part of a greater series of focus issues that highlight the excellent scientific contribution that women scientists continue to make in all areas of advanced materials and provide a list of highly respected women researchers that could be used for invited talks, panel discussions, editorial board members and more.

The issue will be made up primarily of original research papers, although we will also consider review articles and shorter perspective pieces.


Silvia Gallego
Silvia Gallego studied Theoretical Physics at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and developed her PhD in Physics at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (CSIC), where she is now Tenured Scientist. During her PhD she combined experimental and theoretical LEED studies to discover a new magnetic surface alloy. Her expertise is the ab initio simulation of magnetic materials, always working in close connection to experimentalists. She has broad interests in the field of nanostructured magnets and spinorbitronics, from permanent magnets to p magnetism and chiral systems. More recently she has also become interested in the application of artificial intelligence methods as a complementary tool to characterize magnetic materials. She has also devoted important efforts to training, outreach and equity initiatives, including the direction of specialized courses and the organization of large events.

Open access
Towards control of the chirality sign at ultrathin metal films: Bi at 2Ni/Co

Silvia Gallego 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 034005

Proximity effects can be used to introduce spin–orbit interactions in magnetic metallic layers in contact to a heavy metal (HM). This well known phenomenon has been exploited to induce chiral spin textures at Co ultrathin films, where the left- or right- handedness can be tuned by the HM layer position, based on the broken inversion symmetry of the film and the existence of an additive interface effect. Here we show that structural and chemical features introducing further symmetry reductions can be added to this scenario ultimately enabling control over the definition of a unique winding sense. We focus on 2Ni/Co heterostructures and Bi, a scarcely explored HM metal of large size, to combine a chemically inhomogeneous ferromagnetic stack along the normal to the surface with in-plane asymmetries. Our results are contrasted to 2Co layers combined with Ir.

Silke Bühler-Paschen
Silke Bühler-Paschen is an experimental condensed matter physicist, with a research focus on strongly correlated electron systems. After her graduation at the Graz University of Technology, her PhD at EPFL Lausanne and research stays at ETH Zurich, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, and Nagoya University, she was appointed Full Professor of Physics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). The activities of her "Quantum Materials" group span from materials synthesis to advanced physical property measurements under multiple extreme conditions. Current topics include quantum criticality, correlation-driven topological phases, heavy fermion metals and Kondo insulators, and correlation effects in thermoelectrics. She is an APS Fellow and recipient of two ERC Advanced Grants.

Open access
How to identify and characterize strongly correlated topological semimetals

Diana M Kirschbaum et al 2024 J. Phys. Mater. 7 012003

How strong correlations and topology interplay is a topic of great current interest. In this perspective paper, we focus on correlation-driven gapless phases. We take the time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetal as an example because it is expected to have clear (albeit nonquantized) topological signatures in the Hall response and because the first strongly correlated representative, the noncentrosymmetric Weyl–Kondo semimetal Ce3Bi4Pd3, has recently been discovered. We summarize its key characteristics and use them to construct a prototype Weyl–Kondo semimetal temperature-magnetic field phase diagram. This allows for a substantiated assessment of other Weyl–Kondo semimetal candidate materials. We also put forward scaling plots of the intrinsic Berry-curvature-induced Hall response vs the inverse Weyl velocity—a measure of correlation strength, and vs the inverse charge carrier concentration—a measure of the proximity of Weyl nodes to the Fermi level. They suggest that the topological Hall response is maximized by strong correlations and small carrier concentrations. We hope that our work will guide the search for new Weyl–Kondo semimetals and correlated topological semimetals in general, and also trigger new theoretical work.

Her full female team (click to view)

Diana Kirschbaum started her PhD work in the Quantum Materials group at TU Wien in 2021, after finishing her master's thesis in the same group. Her research focuses on nontrivial electronic topology in heavy fermion compounds, where she is probing the phase diagram of candidate materials by means of electrical transport and specific heat measurements under multiple extreme conditions of low temperatures, and high pressures and magnetic fields.

Monika Lužnik joined the Quantum Materials group in 2018. Initially mostly interested in thermoelectrics, she soon developed a fascination for topological and strongly correlated materials. Still, her experimental methods of choice remain thermal and electrical transport measurements at low temperatures, which she performs on both bulk and meso-structured samples.

Gwenvredig Le Roy graduated with a MSc in Quantum Matter from the Grenoble-Alpes University in 2022 and is now a PhD student in the Quantum Materials group at TU Wien. Her work focuses on transport measurements at low and ultralow temperatures on strongly correlated materials.

Zuzana Pribulová
Zuzana Pribulová (Vargaeštoková) received her PhD in Physics from P J Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia, in 2005. After her postdoctoral fellowship at Université Joseph Fourier and CNRS, Grenoble, France she joined the Department of Low Temperature Physics at the Institute of Experimental Physics Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice, Slovakia. Her research is focused on unconventional superconductors performing heat capacity and local magnetometry measurements, including the implementation and development of the two techniques. She received the Science Award from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic: in 2012 in the category Scientific Team of the Year, together with P Samuely, P Szabó, and J Kačmarčík; and in 2013 in the category Personality of Science and Technology up to 35 years of age.

Open access
Defect-induced weak collective pinning in superconducting YB6 crystals

Zuzana Pribulová et al 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 045002

In a previous study (2017 Phys. Rev. B96 144501), a strong variation in the superconducting transition temperature Tc of YB6 differing by a factor of two has been explained by a change in the density of yttrium and boron vacancies tuning the electron–phonon interaction. Here, by using an array of miniature Hall probes, we address the penetration of the magnetic field, pinning, and critical current density on a series of YB6 single crystals with Tc variation between 4.25 and 7.35 K. The analysis of the superconducting and normal-state specific heat characteristics allowed us to determine Tc and the stoichiometry of our samples. We observed almost no pinning in the most stoichiometric YB6 crystal with the lowest Tc. Upon increasing the number of vacancies weak pinning appears, and the critical current density is enhanced following the increased transition temperature in a linear variation. We argue that such an increase is, within weak collective pinning theory, consistent with the increasing number of vacancies that serve as pinning centers.

Priya Mahadevan
Dr. Priya Mahadevan is a Senior Professor in the Department of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics at SN Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. She received her PhD from the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1999. Her research interests include modeling materials using a combination of ab-initio and model Hamiltonian methods. She is a fellow of the Indian Academy of Science since 2014 and The World Academy of Science since 2022. She is the recipient of the NASI SCOPUS young scientist award (2010), and the TWOWS award for young woman scientist in Physics/Mathematics in Asia-Pacific region (2010) and the MRSI medal (2014). She is also an Editorial Advisory Board member in ACS Energy Letters as well as Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials since 2021.

Open access
The role of stacking on the electronic structure of MoSe2 at small twist angles

S Patra et al 2024 J. Phys. Mater. 7 014001

We consider two high symmetry stackings AA and AB and examine the changes induced in the electronic structure by considering small angles of rotation of 3.48° from both these stackings. In both cases we largely recover the low energy electronic structure of the untwisted limit. We additionally find flat bands emerging above the dispersing bands. Surprisingly, while the rotation from the AA end leads to one flat band above the highest occupied band at Γ, one finds two flat bands emerging for small rotations from the AB end. Examining the real space localisation of the flat bands allows us to discuss the origin of the flat bands in terms of quantum well states and qualitatively understand the dependence of the number of flat bands found on the twist angle.

Petra Rudolf
Petra Rudolf studied Physics at the La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and specialized in Surface Science TASC INFM laboratory in Trieste, Italy and at Bell Labs in the USA. In 1993 she moved to the University of Namur, Belgium where she received her PhD in 1995 and then quickly progressed from postdoctoral researcher to lecturer and senior lecturer before taking up the Chair in Experimental Solid State Physics at the University in Groningen in 2003. Her principal research interests lie in the areas of molecular motors, 2D solids, organic thin films and inorganic-organic hybrids. She was elected member of the Academia Europaea, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, as well as honorary member of the Italian Physical Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Lid van verdienste of the Dutch Physical Society and Fellow of the American Physical Society. For her work on molecular motors she received the 2007 Descartes Prize of the European Commission. In 2013 she was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau by H.M. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.

Open access
Different healing characteristics of thiol-bearing molecules on CVD-grown MoS2

Giovanna Feraco et al 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 034006

Vacancies in atomically thin molybdenum disulphide play an essential role in controlling its optical and electronic properties, which are crucial for applications in sensorics, catalysis or electronics. For this reason, defect engineering employing thiol-terminated molecules is used to heal and/or functionalise defective nanosheets. In this work, chemical vapour deposition-grown MoS2 with different defect densities was functionalised with three molecules: 4-aminothiophenol (ATP), biphenyl-4-thiol (BPT) and 4-nitrothiophenol (NTP). The molecules' efficacy in functionalising MoS2 was probed by x-ray photoelectron, Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The results show that exposing a defective single layer of MoS2 to either ATP, BPT or NTP molecules heals the defects, however the chemical structure of these molecules affects the optical response and only for BPT the PL intensity increases.

Maria Gastiasoro
Maria N Gastiasoro received her PhD in Physics in 2016 from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She did her first postdoc at the University of Minnesota from 2017 to 2019 and was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at CNR-La Sapienza in Rome from 2020 to 2022. Maria joined the Donostia International Physics Center in San Sebastian (Spain) in January 2023 as a Ramon y Cajal Fellow to start her own research group. Her research activities are in theoretical condensed matter physics, focusing on emergent phases of correlated electronic systems, such as unconventional superconductivity and magnetism.

Open access
Anisotropic Rashba coupling to polar modes in KTaO3

Giulia Venditti et al 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 014007

Motivated by the discovery of superconductivity in KTaO3-based heterostructures, we study a pairing mechanism based on spin-orbit assisted coupling between the conduction electrons and the ferroelectric (FE) modes present in the material. We use ab initio frozen-phonon computations to show a linear-in-momentum Rashba-like coupling with a strong angular dependence in momentum for the lower $j = 3/2$ manifold, deviating from the conventional isotropic Rashba model. This implies the Rashba-like interaction with the polar modes has substantial L = 3 cubic harmonic corrections, which we quantify for each electronic band. The strong anisotropy of the Rashba interaction is captured by a microscopic toy model for the $t_{2g}$ electrons. We find its origin to be the angular dependence in electronic momentum imposed by the kinetic term on the degenerate $j = 3/2$ manifold. A comparison between the toy model and ab initio results indicates that additional symmetry allowed terms beyond odd-parity spin-conserving inter-orbital hopping processes are needed to describe the Rashba-like polar interaction between the electrons and the soft FE mode.

Martina Meinero
Martina Meinero received her PhD in physics in 2019 from the University of Genova, Italy. She then went on as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Genova (2019-2022) in the research group of Prof. Marina Putti. Her research is focussed on the study of unconventional superconductivity from cuprates to iron based superconductors by means of electrical, thermal and thermoelectric properties measurements.

Open access
Magnetotransport as a probe for the interplay between Sm and Fe magnetism in SmFeAsO

M Meinero et al 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 014005

The complex magnetic ordering of parent compounds of most unconventional superconductors is crucial for the understanding of high-temperature superconductivity (SC). Within this framework, we have performed temperature-dependent magnetotransport experiments on a single crystal of SmFeAsO, a parent compound of iron pnictide superconductors. We observe multiple features in the measured transport properties at temperatures below the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of Sm, $T < {T_{{\text{NSm}}}}$, which evolve with in-plane magnetic field, suggesting a rich variety of metamagnetic transitions never before observed in this compound. Considering that transport mainly involves Fe d orbitals at the Fermi level, these findings suggest that the features originate from magnetic transitions of the Fe moments sublattice, which in turn may be induced by magnetic transitions of the Sm moments sublattice via the interaction between Fe and Sm moments. We outline a possible scenario in which the Fe moments, strongly affected by the Sm ordering below TNSm, reorder to an in-plane canted AFM structure, which is washed out by the application of an in-plane magnetic field up to 9 T. Our work shows that transport properties are a valuable tool for investigating magnetic ordering in iron pnictide parent compounds, where the interplay of magnetism and SC is believed to be the origin of high-temperature SC.

Julia Chan
Julia Chan received her BSc in Chemistry from Baylor University and a PhD in Chemistry at University of California at Davis in 1998. She was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institute of Standards of Technology. In 2022, she was recruited to Baylor University where she is the Fenn Family Chair in Materials Science at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. Her research team is at the interface of chemistry and physics, and is focused on crystal growth of highly correlated quantum materials. She is a AAAS Fellow and currently serving as Deputy Editor for Science Advances.

Open access
Anisotropic magnetic and transport properties of orthorhombic o-Pr2Co3Ge5

Trent M Kyrk et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044007

The crystal structure, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), heat capacity, and anisotropic magnetic and resistivity measurements are reported for Sn flux grown single crystals of orthorhombic Pr2Co3Ge5 (U2Co3Si5-type, Ibam). Our findings show that o-Pr2Co3Ge5 hosts nearly trivalent Pr ions, as evidenced by EELS and fits to temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements. Complex magnetic ordering with a partially spin-polarized state emerges near Tsp = 32 K, with a spin reconfiguration transition near TM = 15 K. Heat capacity measurements show that the phase transitions appear as broad peaks in the vicinity of Tsp and TM. The magnetic entropy further reveals that crystal electric field splitting lifts the Hund's rule degeneracy at low temperatures. Taken together, these measurements show that Pr2Co3Ge5 is an environment for complex f state magnetism with potential strongly correlated electron states.

Yanina Fasano
Yanina Fasano has received her PhD in Physics from the Instituto Balseiro at Patagonia, Argentina, in 2003. After a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, she joined the Low Temperatures Lab at the Centro Atómico Bariloche of the Atomic National Commission as a permanent researcher of Conicet. In 2021 she became assistant professor at the Instituto Balseiro. Her research is in the field of experimental condensed matter at low temperatures, focusing on superconductivity and vortex matter. She received the Houssay prize of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina in 2022 and was honored with the Georg Forster Research Prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2021.

Open access
Impact of atomic defects in the electronic states of FeSe$_{1-x}$S$_{x}$ superconducting crystals

Jazmín Aragón Sánchez et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044008

The electronic properties of Fe-based superconductors are drastically affected by deformations on their crystal structure introduced by doping and pressure. Here we study single crystals of FeSe$_{1-x}$Sx and reveal that local crystal deformations such as atomic-scale defects impact the spectral shape of the electronic core level states of the material. By means of scanning tunneling microscopy we image S-doping induced defects as well as diluted dumbbell defects associated with Fe vacancies. We have access to the electronic structure of the samples by means of x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and show that the spectral shape of the Se core levels can only be adequately described by considering a principal plus a minor component of the electronic states. We find this result for both pure and S-doped samples, irrespective that in the latter case the material presents extra crystal defects associated to doping with S atoms. We argue that the second component in our XPS spectra is associated with the ubiquitous dumbbell defects in FeSe that are known to entail a significant modification of the electronic clouds of surrounding atoms.

Inna Vishik
Inna Vishik received her BS in Physics and MS in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2006, and a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 2013. She was a Pappalardo Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013-2016. Inna joined the department of Physics and Astronomy at University of California, Davis in 2016 and was tenured in 2021. The Vishik lab studies emergent electronic phenomena in quantum materials, including correlated electron systems, 2D materials, topological materials, and unconventional superconductors using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and ultrafast optics.

Open access
Copper migration and surface oxidation of $\mathrm{Cu}_x\mathrm{Bi}_{2}\mathrm{Se}_{3}$ in ambient pressure environments

Adam L Gross et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044005

Chemical modifications such as intercalation can be used to modify surface properties or to further functionalize the surface states of topological insulators (TIs). Using ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we report copper migration in $\mathrm{Cu}_x\mathrm{Bi}_{2}\mathrm{Se}_{3}$, which occurs on a timescale of hours to days after initial surface cleaving. The increase in near-surface copper proceeds along with the oxidation of the sample surface and large changes in the selenium content. These complex changes are further modeled with core-level spectroscopy simulations, which suggest a composition gradient near the surface which develops with oxygen exposure. Our results shed light on a new phenomenon that must be considered for intercalated TIs—and intercalated materials in general—that surface chemical composition can change when specimens are exposed to ambient conditions.

Leslie Schoop
Leslie Schoop received her Diploma in Chemistry from Johannes Gutenberg University (2010) and PhD in Chemistry from Princeton University (2015). She then went on to work as a Minerva fast-track fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (2015-2017). Leslie joined the Princeton University Department of Chemistry Faculty in 2017 and was tenured in 2022. The Schoop Lab is working at the interface of chemistry and physics, using chemical principles to find new materials with exotic physical properties.

Open access
Chemically exfoliated nanosheets of β-Bi2O3

Brianna L Hoff et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044004

Exploring two dimensional (2D) materials is important for further developing the field of quantum materials. However, progress in 2D material development is limited by difficulties with their production. Specifically, freestanding 2D materials with bulk non-layered structures remain particularly challenging to prepare. Traditionally, chemical or mechanical exfoliation is employed for obtaining freestanding 2D materials, but these methods typically require layered starting materials. Here we put forth a method for obtaining thin layers of β-Bi2O3, which has a three-dimensional covalent structure, by using chemical exfoliation. In this research, Na3Ni2BiO6 was exfoliated with acid and water to obtain β-Bi2O3 nanosheets less than 10 nm in height and over 1 µm in lateral size. Our results open the possibility for further exploring β-Bi2O3 nanosheets to determine whether their properties change from the bulk to the nanoscale. Furthermore, this research may facilitate further progress in obtaining nanosheets of non-layered bulk materials using chemical exfoliation.

Manuela Garnica
Manuela Garnica obtained her PhD in Physics from the Universidad Aut?noma de Madrid in 2013. After a brief postdoc in Madrid, she moved to Germany in 2014 at the Technical University of Munich. In February 2018, she started an independent research line at IMDEA Nanoscience Institute in Madrid. Her research interests deal with 2D materials and new topological states of matter studied by means of scanning probe microscopies.

Open access
Atomic-scale study of type-II Dirac semimetal PtTe2 surface

Pablo Casado Aguilar et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044003

Dirac semimetals (DSM) host linear bulk bands and topologically protected surface states, giving rise to exotic and robust properties. Platinum ditelluride (PtTe2) belongs to this interesting group of topological materials. Here, we employ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in combination with first-principles calculations to visualize and identify the native defects at the surface of a freshly cleaved PtTe2 crystal. Around these defects, short-wavelength electron density oscillations are observed. Fourier transform analysis of the energy-dependent quasiparticle interference patterns is in good agreement with our calculated joint density of states, demonstrating the singular properties of the surface of this type-II DSM. Our results evidence the power of STM in understanding the surface of topological materials.

Paula Mellado
Paula Mellado obtained her PhD in Physics from Johns Hopkins University in 2010. After her postdoc at Harvard University, she became an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in Chile, where she became a full professor in 2021. Her research is in the broad area of condensed matter physics.

Open access
Topological edge states in dipolar zig-zag stripes

Paula Mellado 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 034007

We study the magnon spectrum of stacked zig-zag chains of point magnetic dipoles with an easy axis. The anisotropy due to the dipolar interactions and the two-point basis of the zig-zag chain unit cell combine to give rise to topologically non-trivial magnon bands in 2D zig-zag lattices. Adjusting the distance between the two sublattice sites in the unit cell causes a band touching, which triggers the exchange of the Chern numbers of volume bands switching the sign of the thermal conductivity and the sense of motion of edges modes in zig-zag stripes. We show that these topological features survive when the range of the dipolar interactions is truncated up to the second nearest neighbors.

Mona Berciu
Mona Berciu received her PhD in physics from University of Toronto in 1999. After a postdoctoral appointment at Princeton University, she joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia in 2002, becoming a professor in 2012. She is a Fellow of APS since 2019, and a founding member of the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute. Her current research interests focus on developing accurate variational approximations for answering key questions that arise in the study of strongly correlated systems, namely what are the characteristics of the quasiparticle that forms when a charge carrier becomes 'dressed' by a cloud of excitations such as phonons, magnons, etc. What effective interactions arise between such quasiparticles through exchange of excitations between their clouds, and what is their combined influence on the properties of the host material?

Open access
Polarons in spinless metals—a variational solution

M Berciu 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044002

We propose a simple variational solution for calculating one-particle spectral functions in lattice models of spinless metals with strong electron-phonon coupling. It is based on a generalization of the Momentum Average variational approximation for single polarons, combined with the assumption that the other fermions in the system are locked into an inert Fermi sea. We expect the method to be accurate for fermion addition spectral functions in metals with a small Fermi energy (nearly empty band), and for fermion removal spectral functions in metals with a large Fermi energy (nearly full band), provided that the characteristic phonon frequency is not too small. Both these regions are far from the region where the Migdal theorem holds, thus our results offer new insights into polaronic behavior in a largely unexplored part of the parameter space. Here, we show results for the Holstein coupling in one-dimension and present ways to gauge their accuracy, but ultimately this will need to be verified against numerical calculations. This variational method can be extended straightforwardly to higher dimensions and other forms of electron-phonon coupling.

Priscila Rosa
Priscila Rosa received her PhD in Physics in 2013 from the University of Campinas, Brazil. After a postdoctoral appointment at the University of California at Irvine, she joined Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) as a Director's Postdoctoral Fellow in 2015 before becoming a Staff Scientist in 2016. Her main research interest is the synthesis and characterization of strongly correlated quantum materials that exhibit emergent phenomena, such as unconventional superconductivity, electronic nematicity, complex magnetism, and non-trivial topology. Priscila Rosa has coauthored over 110 peer-reviewed articles, one patent, and two book chapters. She has also presented 40+ invited talks in national and international conferences. At Los Alamos, her research further focuses on the application of extreme conditions (high pressure, high magnetic field, and low temperatures) to tune novel materials towards desired functionality.

Open access
Investigating the limits of superconductivity in UTe2

A Weiland et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 044001

Spin-triplet bulk superconductors are a promising route to topological superconductivity, and UTe2 is a recently discovered contender. The superconducting properties of UTe2, however, vary substantially as a function of the synthetic route, and even nonsuperconducting single crystals have been reported. To understand the driving mechanism suppressing superconductivity, we investigate UTe2 single crystals grown close to the nonsuperconducting boundary (growth temperature ∼710 C) through a combination of thermodynamic and x-ray diffraction measurements. Specific heat measurements reveal a sharp decrease in the superconducting volume and a concomitant increase in the residual specific heat coefficient close to the nonsuperconducting boundary. Notably, these crystals are inhomogeneous and show an apparent double transition in specific heat measurements, similar to samples grown at much higher temperatures (∼1000 C). Our single crystal x-ray diffraction measurements reveal that there are two important tuning parameters: uranium vacancies and the atomic displacement along the c axis, which shows a twofold increase in samples with a reduced superconducting volume. Our results highlight the key role of local disorder along the uranium-uranium dimers and suggest that the apparent double superconducting transition is more likely to emerge close to the superconducting limits of UTe2.

Lilia M Woods
Lilia M Woods has obtained her PhD in condensed matter theory from the University of Tennessee under the supervision of Prof. Gerald D Mahan. After her postdoc at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and her NRC Fellowship at the Naval Research Laboratory, she became an assistant professor at the USF Department of Physics, where she became a full professor in 2012. Her research is in the broad area of theoretical and computational condensed matter physics funded by the US National Science Foundation and Department of Energy. She is an APS fellow and AAAS fellow. She has also received the Humboldt Research Award by the AvH Foundation.

Open access
Dispersive interactions between standard and Dirac materials and the role of dimensionality

Dai-Nam Le et al 2022 J. Phys. Mater. 5 034001

The van der Waals (vdW) interaction plays a prominent role between neutral objects at separations where short ranged chemical forces are negligible. This type of dispersive coupling is determined by the interplay between geometry and response properties of the materials making up the objects. Here, we investigate the vdW interaction between 1D, 2D, and 3D standard and Dirac materials within the Random Phase Approximation, which takes into account collective excitations originating from the electronic Coulomb potential. A comprehensive understanding of characteristic functionalities and scaling laws are obtained for systems with parabolic energy dispersion (standard materials) and crossing linear bands (Dirac materials). By comparing the quantum mechanical and thermal limits the onset of thermal fluctuations in the vdW interaction is discussed showing that thermal effects are significantly pronounced at smaller scales in reduced dimensions.

Gloria Platero
Gloria Platero is Research Professor at the Theoretical Condensed Matter Department, at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (CSIC). After receiving the PhD degree at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), she spent about two years at the MPI (Grenoble) as postdoctoral researcher. After that, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the UAM. Then, she began to work in quantum transport in semiconductor under magnetic and AC electric fields. She became Honorary Professor at UAM for eight years, and afterwards she got a permanent position at the Spanish Research Council CSIC where she was promoted as Research Professor in 2005.Her research has been focused on the theoretical analysis of charge and spin quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures under AC electric fields, spin qubits in quantum dot arrays, their manipulation and the analysis of different protocols for quantum state transfer.

Open access
Photo-assisted spin transport in double quantum dots with spin–orbit interaction

David Fernández-Fernández et al 2023 J. Phys. Mater. 6 034004

We investigate the effect of spin–orbit interaction on the intra- and interdot particle dynamics of a double quantum dot (QD) under ac electric fields. The former is modeled as an effective ac magnetic field that produces electric-dipole spin resonance transitions, while the latter is introduced via spin-flip tunneling amplitudes. We observe the appearance of non-trivial spin-polarized dark states (DSs), arising from an ac-induced interference between photo-assisted spin-conserving and spin-flip tunneling processes. These DSs can be employed to precisely measure the spin–orbit coupling in QD systems. Furthermore, we show that the interplay between photo-assisted transitions and spin-flip tunneling enables the system to operate as a highly tunable spin filter. Finally, we investigate the operation of the system as a resonant flopping-mode qubit for arbitrary ac voltage amplitudes, allowing for high tunability and enhanced qubit control possibilities.