Secondary electron emission SEE model for 0.1-10 keV X-Ray induced photoelectric emission PE from semiconductors and insulators SI was developed here. From the SEE model for X-Ray induced PE from SI developed here, theories of thermal emission and the characteristics of electron induced SEE and X-Ray induced PE, the methods of obtaining BPE, the mean escape depth of 0.1-10 keV X-Ray induced true secondary electrons λPE from SI and ɛPE were presented, respectively; BPE denotes the mean probability that an internal true secondary electron, which is excited by X-Ray, escapes into vacuum upon reaching emission surface of SI; ɛPE denotes the average energy required to produce a true secondary electron in SI by X-Ray. Based on parameters of vacuum evaporated alkali halides, existing theories of propagate of secondary electrons from SI and theories developed here, the universal formula for λPE of vacuum evaporated alkali halides in photon energy range of 0.1-10 keV was obtained, and the methods of calculating the spectra of X-Ray induced true secondary electrons, X-Ray attenuation cross sections and X-Ray penetration depth were presented, respectively. 
Index terms: X-Ray, photoelectric emission from semiconductors and insulators, X-Ray attenuation cross sections, X-Ray penetration depth, secondary electron emission.