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Accepted Manuscripts

Steering in Neutrino Oscillations with Non-Standard Interaction

Konwar et al 

The following article is Open access
Modified electron trajectory due to axion dark matter background

Garnica et al 

The QCD phase diagram and the baryon number fluctuations in NJL model with a temperature damping coupling strength

Zhou et al 

Response functions and giant monopole resonances for light to medium-mass nucleifrom the ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell model

Burrows et al 

Hadron production in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions and finite baryon-size effects

Mir et al 

ρ-,π-meson form-factor in point form of Poincaré-invariant quantum mechanics

Haurysh et al 

Secondary electron emission model for X-Ray induced photoelectric emission from semiconductors and insulators and the calculation of X-Ray attenuation cross sections

Zhuang et al 

The following article is Open access
Theoretical tools for neutrino scattering: interplay between lattice QCD, EFTs, nuclear physics, phenomenology, and neutrino event generators

Alvarez Ruso et al 

The following article is Open access
Impact of reactor neutrino uncertainties on coherent scattering's discovery potential


The following article is Open access
Rare and exclusive few-body decays of the Higgs, Z, W bosons, and the top quark

d'Enterria et al 
