Journal collections

Explore a range of fascinating article collections, special issues, topical reviews and roadmaps published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

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Emerging Leaders

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics has brought together the best early-career researchers in applied physics. Called 'Emerging Leaders', this special issue is being published annually. This special issue will cover a vast range of topics covered within the scope of the journal.

Institutional Focus Collections

Institutional Focus Collections are a new family of collections for the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. These are collections of timely, high-quality invited articles from an institute, department or multi-institutional collaborations specialising in applied physics research.

Special Issues

Collections of timely, high-quality invited articles on a rapidly emerging subject area.


Extended collaborative articles offering an overview of a topical research area.

Advances in Bioimaging

A special collection of multidisciplinary research articles, reviews and opinion pieces on the exciting and fast developing area of bioimaging. Led by Topic Editors Marco Fritzsche, Dong Li and Emad Moeendarbary.

Advances in Plasma for a Sustainable Future

A special collection of research articles, review papers, and special issues on the exciting field of plasma for environmental and energy applications. Led by Topic Editors Annemie Bogaerts and Xin Tu.
