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Volume 887

Number 2, 2019 December 20

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We analyze a confined flare that developed a hot cusp-like structure high in the corona (H ∼ 66 Mm). A growing cusp-shaped flare arcade is a typical feature in the standard model of eruptive flares, caused by magnetic reconnection at progressively larger coronal heights. In contrast, we observe a static hot cusp during a confined flare. Despite an initial vertical temperature distribution similar to that in eruptive flares, we observe a distinctly different evolution during the late (decay) phase, in the form of prolonged hot emission. The distinct cusp shape, rooted at locations of nonthermal precursor activity, was likely caused by a magnetic field arcade that kinked near the top. Our observations indicate that the prolonged heating was a result of slow local reconnection and an increased thermal pressure near the kinked apexes due to continuous plasma upflows.



The origin of anomalous, non-classical ion heating during magnetic reconnection has been a longstanding problem. It is verified via fully kinetic analyses and particle-in-cell simulations that stochastic heating is the main ion heating mechanism in collisionless magnetic reconnection up to moderate guide fields. Strong in-plane Hall electric fields that form during reconnection render ion motions chaotic and de facto broaden the ion distribution function. The mechanism is consistent with numerous observed features of ion heating in reconnection, such as the preferential heating of ions with higher mass-to-charge ratios and the non-conservation of the ion magnetic moment.


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We report the detection of repeat bursts from the source of FRB 171019, one of the brightest fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected in the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) fly's eye survey. Two bursts from the source were detected with the Green Bank Telescope in observations centered at 820 MHz. The repetitions are a factor of ∼590 fainter than the ASKAP-discovered burst. All three bursts from this source show no evidence of scattering and have consistent pulse widths. The pulse spectra show modulation that could be evidence for either steep spectra or patchy emission. The two repetitions were the only ones found in an observing campaign for this FRB totaling 1000 hr, which also included ASKAP and the 64 m Parkes radio telescope, over a range of frequencies (720–2000 MHz) at epochs spanning two years. The inferred scaling of repetition rate with fluence of this source agrees with the other repeating source, FRB 121102. The detection of faint pulses from FRB 171019 shows that at least some FRBs selected from bright samples will repeat if follow-up observations are conducted with more sensitive telescopes.


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Amino acids, sugars, and nucleobases are considered as the so-called molecular bricks of life, the major subunits of proteins and genetic materials. All three chemical families have been previously detected in meteorites. In dense molecular cloud ice analogs, the formation of a large set of amino acids and sugars (+derivatives) has been observed. In this contribution, we demonstrate that similar ices (H2O:13CH3OH:NH3 ices, 2:1:1) can also lead to the formation of nucleobases. Using combined UPLC-Orbitrap mass spectrometric and UPLC-SRM-triple quadrupole mass spectrometric analyses, we have unambiguously detected cytosine in these primitive, realistic astrophysical ice analogs. Additionally, a huge variety of nucleobase isomers was observed. These results indicate that all central subunits of biochemical materials may have already been present at early stages of chemical evolution of the protosolar nebula, before accretion toward planetesimals. Consequently, the formation of amino acids, sugars, and nucleobases does not necessarily require secondary alteration processes inside meteoritic parent bodies. They might have been supplied from dense molecular cloud ices toward post-accretional objects, such as nonaqueously modified comets, and subsequently delivered onto the early Earth's surface, potentially triggering the emergence of prebiotic chemistry leading to the first living systems.


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The Herbig Ae star HD 169142 is known to have a gaseous disk with a large inner hole, and also a photometrically variable inner dust component in the sub-astronomical-unit region. Following up on our previous analysis, we further studied the temporal evolution of inner dust around HD 169142, which may provide information on the evolution from late-stage protoplanetary disks to debris disks. We used near-infrared interferometric observations obtained with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer/PIONIER to constrain the dust distribution at three epochs spanning six years. We also studied the photometric variability of HD 169142 using our optical–infrared observations and archival data. Our results indicate that a dust ring at ∼0.3 au formed some time between 2013 and 2018, and then faded (but did not completely disappear) by 2019. The short-term variability resembles that observed in extreme debris disks, and is likely related to short-lived dust of secondary origin, though variable shadowing from the inner ring could be an alternative interpretation. If confirmed, this is the first direct detection of secondary dust production inside a protoplanetary disk.


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Transiting planets with radii 2–3 R are much more numerous than larger planets. We propose that this drop-off is so abrupt because at R ∼ 3 R base-of-atmosphere pressure is high enough for the atmosphere to readily dissolve into magma, and this sequestration acts as a strong brake on further growth. The viability of this idea is demonstrated using a simple model. Our results support extensive magma–atmosphere equilibration on sub-Neptunes, with numerous implications for sub-Neptune formation and atmospheric chemistry.


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We examine spectropolarimetric data from the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) instrument, acquired during the evolution of the 2017 September 10 X8.2 solar flare on the western solar limb. CoMP captured linearly polarized light from two emission lines of Fe xiii at 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm, from 1.03 to 1.5 solar radii. We focus here on the hot plasma sheet lying above the bright flare loops and beneath the ejected coronal mass ejection. The polarization has a striking and coherent spatial structure, with unexpectedly small polarization aligned with the plasma sheet. By elimination, we find that small-scale magnetic field structure is needed to cause such significant depolarization, and suggest that plasmoid formation during reconnection (associated with the tearing-mode instability) creates magnetic structure on scales below instrument resolution of 6 Mm. We conclude that polarization measurements with new coronagraphs, such as the upcoming Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, will further enhance our understanding of magnetic reconnection and development of turbulence in the solar corona.


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In this Letter we focus on the peculiar case of a coalescing compact-object binary whose chirp mass is compatible both with a neutron star–neutron star and black hole–neutron star system, with the black hole in the ∼3–5 M range defined as the "mass gap." Some models of core-collapse supernovae predict the formation of such low-mass black holes and a recent observation seems to confirm their existence. Here we show that the nature of the companion to the neutron star can be inferred from the properties of the kilonova emission once we know the chirp mass, which is the best constrained parameter inferred from the gravitational signal in low-latency searches. In particular, we find that the kilonova in the black hole–neutron star case is far more luminous than in the neutron star–neutron star case, even when the black hole is nonspinning. The difference in the kilonovae brightness arises primarily from the mass ejected during the merger. Indeed, in the considered interval of chirp masses, the mass ejection in double neutron star mergers is at its worst as the system promptly forms a black hole. Instead mass ejection for the black hole–neutron star case is at its best as the neutron stars have low mass/large deformability. The kilonovae from black hole–neutron star systems can differ by two to three magnitudes. The outcome is only marginally dependent on the equation of state. The difference is above the systematics in the modeling.



Several scenarios were suggested for the origins of gravitational-wave (GW) sources from mergers of stellar binary black holes (BBHs). Here we propose a novel origin through catalyzed formation of GW sources from ultra-wide binaries in the field. Such binaries experience perturbations from random stellar flybys that excite their eccentricities. Once a wide binary is driven to a sufficiently small pericenter approach, GW emission becomes significant, and the binary inspirals and merges. We derive an analytic model and verify it with numerical calculation to compute the merger rate to be $\sim 1\times {f}_{\mathrm{wide}}\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{{yr}}^{-1}$ (fwide is the fraction of wide BH-binaries), which is a relevant contribution to the observationally inferred rate. The observational signatures from this channel include spin-orbit misalignment; preference for high mass ratio BBH; preference for high velocity dispersion host galaxies; and a uniform delay-time distribution.

The following article is Open access

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Nonthermal loop-top sources in solar flares are the most prominent observational signatures that suggest energy release and particle acceleration in the solar corona. Although several scenarios for particle acceleration have been proposed, the origin of the loop-top sources remains unclear. Here we present a model that combines a large-scale magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a two-ribbon flare with a particle acceleration and transport model for investigating electron acceleration by a fast-mode termination shock (TS) at the loop top. Our model provides spatially resolved electron distribution that evolves in response to the dynamic flare geometry. We find a concave-downward magnetic structure located below the flare TS, induced by the fast reconnection downflows. It acts as a magnetic trap to confine the electrons at the loop top for an extended period of time. The electrons are energized significantly as they cross the shock front, and eventually build up a power-law energy spectrum extending to hundreds of kiloelectron volts. We suggest that this particle acceleration and transport scenario driven by a flare TS is a viable interpretation for the observed nonthermal loop-top sources.


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Solar-type stars are born with relatively rapid rotation and strong magnetic fields. Through a process known as magnetic braking, the rotation slows over time as stellar winds gradually remove angular momentum from the system. The rate of angular momentum loss depends sensitively on the magnetic morphology, with the dipole field exerting the largest torque on the star. Recent observations suggest that the efficiency of magnetic braking may decrease dramatically in stars near the middle of their main-sequence lifetimes. One hypothesis to explain this reduction in efficiency is a shift in magnetic morphology from predominantly larger to smaller spatial scales. We aim to test this hypothesis with spectropolarimetric measurements of two stars that sample chromospheric activity levels on opposite sides of the proposed magnetic transition. As predicted, the more active star (HD 100180) exhibits a significant circular polarization signature due to a nonaxisymmetric large-scale magnetic field, while the less active star (HD 143761) shows no significant signal. We identify analogs of the two stars among a sample of well-characterized Kepler targets, and we predict that the asteroseismic age of HD 143761 from future Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite observations will substantially exceed the age expected from gyrochronology. We conclude that a shift in magnetic morphology likely contributes to the loss of magnetic braking in middle-aged stars, which appears to coincide with the shutdown of their global dynamos.


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We propose a new way to search for hypervelocity stars (HVS) in the Galactic bulge, by using red clump (RC) giants, that are good distance indicators. The second Gaia Data Release and the near-IR data from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey led to the selection of a volume limited sample of 34 bulge RC stars. A search in this combined data set leads to the discovery of seven candidate hypervelocity red clump stars in the Milky Way bulge. Based on this search we estimate the total production rate of hypervelocity RC stars from the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) to be NHVRC = 3.26 × 10−4 yr−1. This opens up the possibility of finding larger samples of HVS in the Galactic bulge using future surveys, closer to their main production site, if they originated from interactions of binaries with the central SMBH.