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Cosmic strings are important remnants of early-Universe phase transitions. We show that they can be probed by Gravitational Waves (GWs) from compact binary mergers. If such chirping GW passes by a cosmic string, it is gravitationally lensed and left with a characteristic signal of the lensing—the GW fringe. It is observable naturally through the frequency chirping of GWs. This allows to probe cosmic strings with small tension Δ = 8π G μ = 10−6 − 10−10, just below the current constraint, at high-frequency LIGO-band and mid-band detectors. Although its detection rates are estimated to be small, even a single detection can be used to identify a cosmic string. Contrary to the stochastic GW produced from loop decays only in local U(1) models, the GW fringe can directly probe straight strings model independently. This is also complementary to the existing probes with the strong lensing of light.


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A portion of light scalar dark matter, especially axions, may organize into gravitationally bound clumps (stars) and be present in large number in the galaxy today. It is therefore of utmost interest to determine if there are novel observational signatures of this scenario. Work has shown that for moderately large axion-photon couplings, such clumps can undergo parametric resonance into photons, for clumps above a critical mass Mc determined precisely by some of us in ref. [1]. In order to obtain a clump above the critical mass in the galaxy today would require mergers. In this work we perform full 3-dimensional simulations of pairs of axion clumps and determine the conditions under which mergers take place through the emission of scalar waves, including analyzing head-on and non-head-on collisions, phase dependence, and relative velocities. Consistent with other work in the literature, we find that the final mass from the merger Mfinal≈ 0.7(M1+M2) is larger than each of the original clump masses (for M1∼ M2). Hence, it is possible for sub-critical mass clumps to merge and become super-critical and therefore undergo parametric resonance into photons. We find that mergers are expected to be kinematically allowed in the galaxy today for high Peccei-Quinn scales, which is strongly suggested by unification ideas, although the collision rate is small. While mergers can happen for axions with lower Peccei-Quinn scales due to statistical fluctuations in relative velocities, as they have a high collision rate. We estimate the collision and merger rates within the Milky Way galaxy today. We find that a merger leads to a flux of energy on earth that can be appreciable and we mention observational search strategies.


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We investigate the interior structure, perturbations, and the associated quasinormal modes of a quantum black hole model recently proposed by Bodendorfer, Mele, and Münch (BMM). Within the framework of loop quantum gravity, the quantum parameters in the BMM model are introduced through polymerization, consequently replacing the Schwarzschild singularity with a spacelike transition surface. By treating the quantum geometry corrections as an `effective' matter contribution, we first prove the violation of energy conditions (in particular the null energy condition) near the transition surface and then investigate the required junction conditions on it. In addition, we study the quasinormal modes of massless scalar field perturbations, electromagnetic perturbations, and axial gravitational perturbations in this effective model. As expected, the quasinormal spectra deviate from their classical counterparts in the presence of quantum corrections. Interestingly, we find that the quasinormal frequencies of perturbations with different spins share the same qualitative tendency with respect to the change of the quantum parameters in this model.



We study the phenomenology associated to non-minimally coupled dark matter. In particular, we consider the model where the non-minimal coupling arises from the formation of relativistic Bose-Einstein condensates in high density regions of dark matter [1]. This non-minimal coupling is of Horndeski type and leads to a local modification of the speed of gravity with respect to the speed of light. Therefore we can constrain the model by using the joint detection of GW170817 and GRB170817A. We show that the constraints obtained in this way are quite tight, if the dark matter field oscillates freely, whereas they are substantially weakened, if the oscillations are damped by the non-minimal coupling.


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We study quantum effects in Higgs inflation in the Palatini formulation of gravity, in which the metric and connection are treated as independent variables. We exploit the fact that the cutoff, above which perturbation theory breaks down, is higher than the scale of inflation. Unless new physics above the cutoff leads to unnaturally large corrections, we can directly connect low-energy physics and inflation. On the one hand, the lower bound on the top Yukawa coupling due to collider experiments leads to an upper bound on the non-minimal coupling of the Higgs field to gravity: ξ ≲ 108. On the other hand, the Higgs potential can only support successful inflation if ξ ≳ 106. This leads to a fairly strict upper bound on the top Yukawa coupling of 0.925 (defined in the bar Mbar S-scheme at the energy scale 173.2 GeV) and constrains the inflationary prediction for the tensor-to-scalar ratio. Additionally, we compare our findings to metric Higgs inflation.



It is shown that a mechanism of PBH formation from high-baryon bubbles with log-normal mass spectrum naturally leads to the central mass of the PBH distribution close to ten solar masses independently of the model details. This result is in good agreement with observations.


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The peculiar velocities of biased tracers of the cosmic density field contain important information about the growth of large scale structure and generate anisotropy in the observed clustering of galaxies. Using N-body data, we show that velocity expansions for halo redshift-space power spectra are converged at the percent-level at perturbative scales for most line-of-sight angles μ when the first three pairwise velocity moments are included, and that the third moment is well-approximated by a counterterm-like contribution. We compute these pairwise-velocity statistics in Fourier space using both Eulerian and Lagrangian one-loop perturbation theory using a cubic bias scheme and a complete set of counterterms and stochastic contributions. We compare the models and show that our models fit both real-space velocity statistics and redshift-space power spectra for both halos and a mock sample of galaxies at sub-percent level on perturbative scales using consistent sets of parameters, making them appealing choices for the upcoming era of spectroscopic, peculiar-velocity and kSZ surveys.


A new approach to vacuum decay in quantum field theory, based on a simple variational formulation in field space using a tunneling potential, is ideally suited to study the effects of gravity on such decays. The method allows to prove in new and simple ways many results, among others, that gravitational corrections tend to make Minkowski or Anti de Sitter false vacua more stable semiclassically or that higher barriers increase vacuum lifetime. The approach also offers a very clean picture of gravitational quenching of vacuum decay and its parametric dependence on the features of a potential and allows to study the BPS domain-walls between vacua in critical cases. Special attention is devoted to supersymmetric potentials and to the discussion of near-critical vacuum decays, for which it is shown how the new method can be usefully applied beyond the thin-wall approximation.



We determine the conditions for which the constraints from lunar laser ranging on the time evolution of the local gravitational constant can be extrapolated to impose constraints on the time evolution of the cosmological gravitational constant in scalar-tensor theories of modified gravity. We allow for the possibility that the scalar-tensor theories are non-linear and contain a screening mechanism. This results in strong late Universe constraints on the running of the cosmological Planck mass described by the Horndeski function |αM|≲ 0.002. We find that our assumptions are valid for most Vainshtein and kinetic screening models, where the shift symmetry ϕ→ϕ + c holds, but are violated by some Chameleon and Symmetron screening models, where the macroscopic equivalence principle is broken.


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The observed accelerated expansion of the Universe may be explained by dark energy or the breakdown of general relativity (GR) on cosmological scales. When the latter case, a modified gravity scenario, is considered, it is often assumed that the background evolution is the same as the ΛCDM model but the density perturbation evolves differently. In this paper, we investigate more general classes of modified gravity, where both the background and perturbation evolutions are deviated from those in the ΛCDM model. We introduce two phase diagrams, α−fσ 8 and Hfσ 8 diagrams; H is the expansion rate, fσ8 is a combination of the growth rate of the Universe and the normalization of the density fluctuation which is directly constrained by redshift-space distortions, and α is a parameter which characterizes the deviation of gravity from GR and can be probed by gravitational lensing. We consider several specific examples of Horndeski's theory, which is a general scalar-tensor theory, and demonstrate how deviations from the ΛCDM model appears in the α−fσ 8 and Hfσ 8 diagrams. The predicted deviations will be useful for future large-scale structure observations to exclude some of the modified gravity models.


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We find an exact, rotating charged black hole solution within Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. To this end we employ a recently developed correspondence or mapping between modified gravity models built as scalars out of contractions of the metric with the Ricci tensor, and formulated in metric-affine spaces (Ricci-Based Gravity theories) and General Relativity. This way, starting from the Kerr-Newman solution, we show that this mapping bring us the axisymmetric solutions of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity coupled to a certain model of non-linear electrodynamics. We discuss the most relevant physical features of the solutions obtained this way, both in the spherically symmetric limit and in the fully rotating regime. Moreover, we further elaborate on the potential impact of this important technical progress for bringing closer the predictions of modified gravity with the astrophysical observations of compact objects and gravitational wave astronomy.


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We study the energy budget of a first-order cosmological phase transition, which is an important factor in the prediction of the resulting gravitational wave spectrum. Formerly, this analysis was based mostly on simplified models as for example the bag equation of state. Here, we present a model-independent approach that is exact up to the temperature dependence of the speed of sound in the broken phase. We find that the only relevant quantities that enter in the hydrodynamic analysis are the speed of sound in the broken phase and a linear combination of the energy and pressure differences between the two phases which we call pseudotrace (normalized to the enthalpy in the broken phase). The pseudotrace quantifies the strength of the phase transition and yields the conventional trace of the energy-momentum tensor for a relativistic plasma (with speed of sound squared of one third). We study this approach in several realistic models of the phase transition and also provide a code snippet that can be used to determine the efficiency coefficient for a given phase transition strength and speed of sound. It turns out that our approach is accurate to the percent level for moderately strong phase transitions, while former approaches give at best the right order of magnitude.



Decoherence describes the tendency of quantum sub-systems to dynamically lose their quantum character. This happens when the quantum sub-system of interest interacts and becomes entangled with an environment that is traced out. For ordinary macroscopic systems, electromagnetic and other interactions cause rapid decoherence. However, dark matter (DM) may have the unique possibility of exhibiting naturally prolonged macroscopic quantum properties due to its weak coupling to its environment, particularly if it only interacts gravitationally. In this work, we compute the rate of decoherence for light DM in the galaxy, where a local density has its mass, size, and location in a quantum superposition. The decoherence is via the gravitational interaction of the DM overdensity with its environment, provided by ordinary matter. We focus on relatively robust configurations: DM perturbations that involve an overdensity followed by an underdensity, with no monopole, such that it is only observable at relatively close distances. We use non-relativistic scattering theory with a Newtonian potential generated by the overdensity to determine how a probe particle scatters off of it and thereby becomes entangled. As an application, we consider light scalar DM, including axions. In the galactic halo, we use diffuse hydrogen as the environment, while near the earth, we use air as the environment. For an overdensity whose size is the typical DM de Broglie wavelength, we find that the decoherence rate in the halo is higher than the present Hubble rate for DM masses ma ≲ 5 × 10−7 eV and in earth based experiments it is higher than the classical field coherence rate for ma ≲ 10−6 eV . When spreading of the states occurs, the rates can become much faster, as we quantify. Also, we establish that DM BECs decohere very rapidly and so are very well described by classical field theory.


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Oscillons are extremely long-lived, spatially-localized field configurations in real-valued scalar field theories that slowly lose energy via radiation of scalar waves. Before their eventual demise, oscillons can pass through (one or more) exceptionally stable field configurations where their decay rate is highly suppressed. We provide an improved calculation of the non-trivial behavior of the decay rates, and lifetimes of oscillons. In particular, our calculation correctly captures the existence (or absence) of the exceptionally long-lived states for large amplitude oscillons in a broad class of potentials, including non-polynomial potentials that flatten at large field values. The key underlying reason for the improved (by many orders of magnitude in some cases) calculation is the systematic inclusion of a spacetime-dependent effective mass term in the equation describing the radiation emitted by oscillons (in addition to a source term). Our results for the exceptionally stable configurations, decay rates, and lifetime of large amplitude oscillons (in some cases ≳ 108 oscillations) in such flattened potentials might be relevant for cosmological applications.


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The consistency relations for the large scale structure provide a link between the amplitude of baryonic acoustic oscillations in the squeezed bispectrum (BS) and in the power spectrum (PS). This relation depends on the large scale bias of the considered tracer, bα, and on the growth rate of structures, f. Remarkably, originating from basic symmetry principles, this relation is exact and independent on the underlying cosmological model. By analysing data from large volume simulations, both for dark matter and for haloes, we illustrate how BS and PS measurements can be used to extract bα and f without the need of any theoretical approximation scheme for the computation of the BS and the PS. We show that, combining measurements of the squeezed BS with the quadrupole to monopole ratios for the PS at large scales can successfully break the bα −f degeneracy. We forecast that this method, applied to a Euclid-like survey, will be able to measure bias, and then the growth rate, at better than 10% level, with no extra assumption.



Recently there has been a surge of interest in regularizing, a D → 4  limit of, the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity, and the resulting regularized 4D EGB gravity has nontrivial dynamics. The theory admits spherically symmetric black holes generalizing the Schwarzschild black holes. We consider the rotating black hole in regularized 4D EGB gravity and discuss their horizon properties and shadow cast. The effects of the GB coupling parameter on the shape and size of shadows are investigated in the context of recent M87* observations from the EHT . Interestingly, for a given spin parameter, the apparent size of the shadow decreases and gets more distorted due to the GB coupling parameter. We find that within the finite parameter space, e.g. for a=0.1M, α⩽ 0.00394M2, and within the current observational uncertainties, the rotating black holes of the 4D EGB gravity are consistent with the inferred features of M87* black hole shadow.



Based on the new version of the gedanken experiment proposed by Sorce and Wald, we investigate the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC) for Reissner-Nordström-AdS (RN-AdS) black holes under the second-order approximation of the perturbation that comes from the matter fields. First of all, we propose that the cosmological constant is a portion of the matter fields. It means that the cosmological constant can be seen as a variable, and its value will vary with the process of the perturbation. Moreover, we assume that the perturbation satisfies the stability condition, which states that after the perturbation, the spacetime geometry also belongs to the class of RN-AdS solutions. Based on the stability condition and the null energy condition, while using the method of the off-shell variation, the first two order perturbation inequalities are derived. In the two inequalities, the term which contains the thermodynamic pressure and volume is involved firstly. Furthermore, based on the first-order optimal option and the second-order inequality, the WCCC for nearly extremal RN-AdS black holes is examined. It is shown that considering the cosmological constant varying with the perturbation, the WCCC for RN-AdS black holes cannot be violated under the second-order approximation of the matter fields perturbation.



In the EFT of biased tracers the noise field epsilong is not exactly uncorrelated with the nonlinear matter field δ. Its correlation with δ is effectively captured by adding stochasticities to each bias coefficient. We show that if these stochastic fields are Gaussian (the impact of their non-Gaussianity being subleading on quasi-linear scales anyway) it is possible to resum exactly their effect on the conditional likelihood Pg|δ] to observe a galaxy field δg given an underlying δ. This resummation allows to take them into account in EFT-based approaches to Bayesian forward modeling. We stress that the resulting corrections to a purely Gaussian conditional likelihood with white-noise covariance are the most relevant on scales where the EFT is under control: they are more important than any non-Gaussianity of the noise epsilong.


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We survey systematically the general parametrisations of particle-physics models for a first-order phase transition in the early universe, including models with polynomial potentials both with and without barriers at zero temperature, and Coleman-Weinberg-like models with potentials that are classically scale-invariant. We distinguish three possibilities for the transition—detonations, deflagrations and hybrids—and consider sound waves and turbulent mechanisms for generating gravitational waves during the transitions in these models, checking in each case the requirement for successful percolation. We argue that in models without a zero-temperature barrier and in scale-invariant models the period during which sound waves generate gravitational waves lasts only for a fraction of a Hubble time after a generic first-order cosmological phase transition, whereas it may last longer in some models with a zero-temperature barrier that feature severe supercooling. We illustrate the implications of these results for future gravitational-wave experiments.


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We investigate the potential of the galaxy power spectrum to constrain compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIPs), primordial fluctuations in the baryon density that are compensated by fluctuations in CDM density to ensure an unperturbed total matter density. We show that CIPs contribute to the galaxy overdensity at linear order, and if they are close to scale-invariant, their effects are nearly perfectly degenerate with the local PNG parameter fNL if they correlate with the adiabatic perturbations. This degeneracy can however be broken by analyzing multiple galaxy samples with different bias parameters, or by taking CMB priors on fNL into account. Parametrizing the amplitude of the CIP power spectrum as Pσσ = A2PRR(where PRR is the adiabatic power spectrum) we find, for a number of fiducial galaxy samples in a simplified forecast setup, that constraints on A, relative to those on fNL, of order σAfNL ≈ 1−2 are achievable for CIPs correlated with adiabatic perturbations, and σAfNL ≈ 5 for the uncorrelated case. These values are independent of survey volume, and suggest that current galaxy data are already able to improve significantly on the tightest existing constraints on CIPs from the CMB. Future galaxy surveys that aim to achieve σfNL ∼ 1 have the potential to place even stronger bounds on CIPs.



We study the power spectrum dipole of an N-body simulation which includes relativistic effects through ray-tracing and covers the low redshift Universe up to zmax = 0.465 (RayGalGroup simulation). We model relativistic corrections as well as wide-angle, evolution, window and lightcone effects. Our model includes all relativistic corrections up to third-order including third-order bias expansion. We consider all terms which depend linearly on H/k (weak field approximation). We also study the impact of 1-loop corrections to the matter power spectrum for the gravitational redshift and transverse Doppler effect. We found wide-angle and window function effects to significantly contribute to the dipole signal. When accounting for all contributions, our dipole model can accurately capture the gravitational redshift and Doppler terms up to the smallest scales included in our comparison (k=0.48 h Mpc−1), while our model for the transverse Doppler term is less accurate. We find the Doppler term to be the dominant signal for this low redshift sample. We use Fisher matrix forecasts to study the potential for the future Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to detect relativistic contributions to the power spectrum dipole. A conservative estimate suggests that the DESI-BGS sample should be able to have a detection of at least 4.4σ, while more optimistic estimates find detections of up to 10σ. Detecting these effects in the galaxy distribution allows new tests of gravity on the largest scales, providing an interesting additional science case for galaxy survey experiments.



Using the quantum information picture to describe the early universe as a time dependent quantum density matrix, with time playing the role of a stochastic variable, we compute the non-gaussian features in the distribution of primordial fluctuations. We use a quasi de Sitter model to compute the corresponding quantum Fisher information function as the second derivative of the relative entanglement entropy for the density matrix at two different times. We define the curvature fluctuations in terms of the time quantum estimator. Using standard quantum estimation theory we compute the non-gaussian features in the statistical distribution of primordial fluctuations. Our approach is model independent and only relies on the existence of a quasi de Sitter phase. We show that there are primordial non-gaussianities, both in the form of squeezed and equilateral shapes. The squeezed limit gives a value of fNL ∼ ns−1. In the equilateral limit we find that fNL ∼ 0.03. The equilateral non-gaussianity is due to the non-linearity of Einstein's equation. On the other hand, the squeezed one is due to the quantum nature of clock synchronization and thus real and cannot be gauged away as a global curvature. We identify a new effect: clock bias which is a pure quantum effect and introduces a bias in the spectral tilt and running of the power spectrum of order ∼ 10−4, which could be potentially measurable and yield precious information on the quantum nature of the early Universe.



In this paper, we study some aspects of moduli stabilization using string gases in the context of the Swampland. In the framework which we derive, the matter Lagrangian for string gases yields a potential for the size moduli which satisfies the de Sitter conjecture with the condition |∇ V|/V ⩾ 1/√p 1/Mp, where p is the number of compactified dimensions. Moreover, the moduli find themselves stabilized at the self-dual radius, and gravity naturally emerges as the weakest force.


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Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) used as standardizable candles have been instrumental in the discovery of cosmic acceleration, usually attributed to some form of dark energy (DE). Recent studies have raised the issue of whether intrinsic SNeIa luminosities might evolve with redshift. While the evidence for cosmic acceleration is robust to this possible systematic, the question remains of how much the latter can affect the inferred properties of the DE component responsible for cosmic acceleration. This is the question we address in this work. We use SNeIa distance moduli measurements from the Pantheon and JLA samples. We consider models where the DE equation of state is a free parameter, either constant or time-varying, as well as models where DE and dark matter interact, and finally a model-agnostic parametrization of effects due to modified gravity (MG). When SNeIa data are combined with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements, we find strong degeneracies between parameters governing the SNeIa systematics, the DE parameters, and the Hubble constant H0. These degeneracies significantly broaden the DE parameter uncertainties, in some cases leading to Script O(σ) shifts in the central values. However, including low-redshift Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and Cosmic Chronometer measurements, as well as CMB lensing measurements, considerably improves the previous constraints, and the only remaining effect of the examined systematic is a ≲ 40% broadening of the uncertainties on the DE parameters. The constraints we derive on the MG parameters are instead basically unaffected by the systematic in question. We therefore confirm the overall soundness of dark energy properties.


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Neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping traces the large-scale distribution of matter in the Universe and therefore should correlate with the gamma-ray emission originated from particle dark matter annihilation or from active galactic nuclei and star-forming galaxies, since the related processes occur in the same cosmic structures hosting HI. In this paper, we derive the cross-correlation signal between the brightness temperature of the 21-cm line emission of the HI spin-flip transition in the Universe and the unresolved gamma-ray background. Specifically, we derive forecasts for the cross-correlation signal by focussing on the opportunities offered by the combination of the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) gamma-ray sensitivity with the expectations of the HI intensity mapping measurements from future radio telescopes, for which we concentrate on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and MeerKAT, one of its precursors. We find that the combination of MeerKAT with the current Fermi-LAT statistics has the potential to provide a first hint of the cross-correlation signal originated by astrophysical sources, with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 3.7. With SKA Phase 1 and SKA Phase 2, the SNR is predicted to increase up to 5.7 and 8.2, respectively. The bounds on dark matter properties attainable with SKA combined with the current statistics of Fermi-LAT are predicted to be comparable to those obtained from other techniques able to explore the unresolved components of the gamma-ray background. The enhanced capabilities of SKA Phase 2, combined with a future generation gamma-ray telescope with improved specifications, can allow us to investigate the whole mass window for weakly interacting massive particles up to the TeV scale.



Starting from first principles, we derive the fundamental equations that relate the n-point correlation functions in real and redshift space. Our result generalises the so-called `streaming model' to higher-order statistics: the full n-point correlation in redshift-space is obtained as an integral of its real-space counterpart times the joint probability density of n−1 relative line-of-sight peculiar velocities. Equations for the connected n-point correlation functions are obtained by recursively applying the generalised streaming model for decreasing n. Our results are exact within the distant-observer approximation and completely independent of the nature of the tracers for which the correlations are evaluated. Focusing on 3-point statistics, we use an N-body simulation to study the joint probability density function of the relative line-of-sight velocities of pairs of particles in a triplet. On large scales, we find that this distribution is approximately Gaussian and that its moments can be accurately computed with standard perturbation theory. We use this information to formulate a phenomenological 3-point Gaussian streaming model. A practical implementation is obtained by using perturbation theory at leading order to approximate several statistics in real space. In spite of this simplification, the resulting predictions for the matter 3-point correlation function in redshift space are in rather good agreement with measurements performed in the simulation. We discuss the limitations of the simplified model and suggest a number of possible improvements. Our results find direct applications in the analysis of galaxy clustering but also set the basis for studying 3-point statistics with future peculiar-velocity surveys and experiments based on the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.


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The distribution of galaxies within the local universe is characterized by anisotropic features. Observatories searching for the production sites of astrophysical neutrinos can take advantage of these features to establish directional correlations between a neutrino dataset and overdensities in the galaxy distribution in the sky. The results of two correlation searches between a seven-year time-integrated neutrino dataset from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, and the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) catalog are presented here. The first analysis searches for neutrinos produced via interactions between diffuse intergalactic Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) and the matter contained within galaxies. The second analysis searches for low-luminosity sources within the local universe, which would produce subthreshold multiplets in the IceCube dataset that directionally correlate with galaxy distribution. No significant correlations were observed in either analyses. Constraints are presented on the flux of neutrinos originating within the local universe through diffuse intergalactic UHECR interactions, as well as on the density of standard candle sources of neutrinos at low luminosities.


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We study a metric cubic gravity theory considering odd-parity modes of linear inhomogeneous perturbations on a spatially homogeneous Bianchi type I manifold close to the isotropic de Sitter spacetime. We show that in the regime of small anisotropy, the theory possesses new degrees of freedom compared to General Relativity, whose kinetic energy vanishes in the limit of exact isotropy. From the mass dispersion relation we show that such theory always possesses at least one ghost mode as well as a very short-time-scale (compared to the Hubble time) classical tachyonic (or ghost-tachyonic) instability. In order to confirm our analytic analysis, we also solve the equations of motion numerically and we find that this instability is developed well before a single e-fold of the scale factor. This shows that this gravity theory, as it is, cannot be used to construct viable cosmological models.


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We employ gauge-gravity duality to study the backreaction effect of 4-dimensional large-N quantum field theories on constant-curvature backgrounds, and in particular de Sitter space-time. The field theories considered are holographic QFTs, dual to RG flows between UV and IR CFTs. We compute the holographic QFT contribution to the gravitational effective action for 4d Einstein manifold backgrounds. We find that for a given value of the cosmological constant λ, there generically exist two backreacted constant-curvature solutions, as long as λ < λmax ∼ Mp2 / N2, otherwise no such solutions exist. Moreover, the backreaction effect interpolates between that of the UV and IR CFTs. We also find that, at finite cutoff, a holographic theory always reduces the bare cosmological constant, and this is the consequence of thermodynamic properties of the partition function of holographic QFTs on de Sitter.


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We consider an Early Dark Energy (EDE) cosmological model, and perform an analysis which takes into account both background and perturbation effects via the parameters c2eff and c2vis, representing effective sound speed and viscosity, respectively. By using the latest available data we derive constraints on the amount of dark energy at early times and the present value of the equation of state. Our focus is on the effect that early dark energy has on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data, including polarization and lensing, in a generalized parameter space including a varying total neutrino mass, and tensor to scalar ratio, besides the 6 standard parameters of the minimal cosmological model. We find that the inclusion of Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) data and CMB lensing significantly improves the constraints on the EDE parameters, while other high redshift data like the Quasar Hubble diagram and the Lyman-α forest BAO have instead a negligible impact. We find ΩeDE < 0.0039  and w0 < −0.95  at the 95 % C.L. for EDE accounting for its clustering through the inclusion of perturbation dynamics. This limit becomes weaker ΩeDE < 0.0034 if perturbations are neglected. The constraints on the EDE parameters are remarkably stable even when Σ mν, and r parameters are varied, with weak degeneracies between ΩeDE and r or Σ mν. In general we expect smaller values for the upper limits on the total amount of EDE with an increasing neutrino mass, while with a decreasing value of the tensor to scalar ratio we expect the 2σ upper limits on EDE to increase. We compare this EDE model with a simple wCDM with zero dark energy at early times and we find ∼1–2% different upper limits on total neutrino mass and ∼0.1–0.2% difference on the equation of state at the present time. Perturbation parameters are not constrained with current data sets, and tensions between the CMB derived H0 and σ8 values and those measured with local probes are not eased. This work demonstrates the capability of CMB probes to constrain the total amount of EDE well below the percent level.


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Axion is a popular candidate for dark matter particles. Axionic dark matter may form Bose-Einstein condensate and may be gravitationally bound to form axion clumps. Under the presence of electromagnetic waves with frequency ω= ma/ 2, where ma is the axion mass, a resonant enhancement may occur, causing an instability of the axion clumps. With analytical and numerical approaches, we study the resonant instability of axionic dark matter clumps with infinite homogeneous mass distribution, as well as distribution with a finite boundary. After taking realistic astrophysical environments into consideration, including gravitational redshift and plasma effects, we obtain an instability region in the axion density—clump size parameter space with given mass and coupling of axions. In particular, we show that, for axion clumps formed by the QCD axions in equilibrium, no resonant instability will occur.



In this work we update the bounds on ∑ mν from latest publicly available cosmological data and likelihoods using Bayesian analysis, while explicitly considering particular neutrino mass hierarchies. In the minimal ΛCDM + ∑ mν model with most recent CMB data from Planck 2018 TT,TE,EE, lowE, and lensing; and BAO data from BOSS DR12, MGS, and 6dFGS, we find that at 95% C.L. the bounds are: ∑ mν<0.12 eV (degenerate), ∑ mν<0.15 eV (normal), ∑ mν<0.17 eV (inverted). The bounds vary across the different mass orderings due to different priors on ∑ mν. Also, we find that the normal hierarchy is very mildly preferred relative to the inverted, using both minimum χ2 values and Bayesian Evidence ratios. In this paper we also provide bounds on ∑ mν considering different hierarchies in various extended cosmological models: ΛCDM + ∑ mν+r, wCDM+∑ mν, w0 wa CDM+∑ mν, w0 wa CDM+∑ mν with w(z)⩾ −1, Λ CDM + ∑ mν + Ωk, and Λ CDM + ∑ mν + ALens. We do not find any strong evidence of normal hierarchy over inverted hierarchy in the extended models either.


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We study the properties of the dark matter component of the radially anisotropic stellar population recently identified in the Gaia data, using magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way-like halos from the Auriga project. We identify 10 simulated galaxies that approximately match the rotation curve and stellar mass of the Milky Way. Four of these have an anisotropic stellar population reminiscent of the Gaia structure. We find an anti-correlation between the dark matter mass fraction of this population in the Solar neighbourhood and its orbital anisotropy. We estimate the local dark matter density and velocity distribution for halos with and without the anisotropic stellar population, and use them to simulate the signals expected in future xenon and germanium direct detection experiments. We find that a generalized Maxwellian distribution fits the dark matter halo integrals of the Milky Way-like halos containing the radially anisotropic stellar population. For dark matter particle masses below approximately 10 GeV, direct detection exclusion limits for the simulated halos with the anisotropic stellar population show a mild shift towards smaller masses compared to the commonly adopted Standard Halo Model.


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We study and compare fitting methods for the Lyman-α (Lyα) forest 3D correlation function. We use the nested sampler PolyChord and the community code picca to perform a Bayesian analysis which we compare with previous frequentist analyses. By studying synthetic correlation functions, we find that the frequentist profile likelihood produces results in good agreement with a full Bayesian analysis. On the other hand, Maximum Likelihood Estimation with the Gaussian approximation for the uncertainties is inadequate for current data sets. We compute for the first time the full posterior distribution from the Lyα forest correlation functions measured by the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS). We highlight the benefits of sampling the full posterior distribution by expanding the baseline analysis to better understand the contamination by Damped Lyα systems (DLAs). We make our improvements and results publicly available as part of the picca package.


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The Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model agrees with most of the cosmological observations, but has some hindrances from observed data at smaller scales such as galaxies. Recently, Berezhiani and Khoury proposed a new theory involving interacting superfluid dark matter with three model parameters in [1], which explains galactic dynamics with great accuracy. In the present work, we study the cosmological behaviour of this model in the linear regime of cosmological perturbations. In particular, we compute both analytically and numerically the matter linear growth factor and obtain new bounds for the model parameters which are significantly stronger than previously found. These new constraints come from the fact that structures within the superfluid dark matter framework grow quicker than in ΛCDM, and quite rapidly when the DM-baryon interactions are strong.


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We write down the Lagrangian bias expansion in general relativity up to 4th order in terms of operators describing the curvature of an early-time hypersurface for comoving observers. They can be easily expanded in synchronous or comoving gauges. This is necessary for the computation of the one-loop halo bispectrum, where relativistic effects can be degenerate with a primordial non-Gaussian signal. Since the bispectrum couples scales, an accurate prediction of the squeezed limit behavior needs to be both non-linear and relativistic. We then evolve the Lagrangian bias operators in time in comoving gauge, obtaining non-local operators analogous to what is known in the Newtonian limit. Finally, we show how to renormalize the bias expansion at an arbitrary time and find that this is crucial in order to cancel unphysical 1/k2 divergences in the large-scale power spectrum and bispectrum that could be mistaken for a contamination to the non-Gaussian signal.


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We examine which information on the early cosmological history can be extracted from the potential measurement by third-generation gravitational-wave observatories of a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) produced by cosmic strings. We consider a variety of cosmological scenarios breaking the scale-invariant properties of the spectrum, such as early long matter or kination eras, short intermediate matter and inflation periods inside a radiation era, and their specific signatures on the SGWB . This requires to go beyond the usually-assumed scaling regime, to take into account the transient effects during the change of equation of state of the universe. We compute the time evolution of the string network parameters and thus the loop-production efficiency during the transient regime, and derive the corresponding shift in the turning-point frequency. We consider the impact of particle production on the gravitational-wave emission by loops. We estimate the reach of future interferometers LISA, BBO, DECIGO, ET and CE and radio telescope SKA to probe the new physics energy scale at which the universe has experienced changes in its expansion history. We find that a given interferometer may be sensitive to very different energy scales, depending on the nature and duration of the non-standard era, and the value of the string tension. It is fascinating that by exploiting the data from different GW observatories associated with distinct frequency bands, we may be able to reconstruct the full spectrum and therefore extract the values of fundamental physics parameters.


We present modified cosmological scenarios that arise from the application of the "gravity-thermodynamics" conjecture, using the Barrow entropy instead of the usual Bekenstein-Hawking one. The former is a modification of the black hole entropy due to quantum-gravitational effects that deform the black-hole horizon by giving it an intricate, fractal structure. We extract modified cosmological equations which contain new extra terms that constitute an effective dark-energy sector, and which coincide with the usual Friedmann equations in the case where the new Barrow exponent acquires its Bekenstein-Hawking value. We present analytical expressions for the evolution of the effective dark energy density parameter, and we show that the universe undergoes through the usual matter and dark-energy epochs. Additionally, the dark-energy equation-of-state parameter is affected by the value of the Barrow deformation exponent and it can lie in the quintessence or phantom regime, or experience the phantom-divide crossing. Finally, at asymptotically large times the universe always results in the de-Sitter solution.



In a broad class of scenarios, inflation is followed by an extended era of matter-dominated expansion during which the inflaton condensate is nonrelativistic on subhorizon scales. During this phase density perturbations grow to the point of nonlinearity and collapse into bound structures. This epoch strongly resembles structure formation with ultra-light axion-like particles. This parallel permits us to adapt results from studies of cosmological structure formation to describe the nonlinear dynamics of this post-inflationary epoch. We show that the inflaton condensate fragments into "inflaton clusters", analogues of axion dark matter halos in present-day cosmology. Moreover, solitonic objects or "inflaton stars" can form inside these clusters, leading to density contrasts as large as 106 in the post-inflationary universe.


According to the Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz scenario, a collapsing universe approaching a spacelike singularity can be approximated by homogeneous cosmological dynamics, but only if asymptotically small spatial regions are considered. It is shown here that the relevant small-volume behavior in solvable models of loop quantum cosmology is crucially different from the large-volume behavior exclusively studied so far. While bouncing solutions exist and may even be generic within a given quantum representation, they are not generic if quantization ambiguities such as choices of representations are taken into account. The analysis reveals an interesting interplay between sl(2,R)-representation theory and canonical effective theory.


We show that embedding natural inflation in a more general scalar-tensor theory, with non-minimal couplings to the Ricci scalar and the kinetic term, alleviates the current tension of natural inflation with observational data. The coupling functions respect the periodicity of the potential and the characteristic shift symmetry ϕ → ϕ + 2π f of the original natural inflation model, and vanish at the minimum of the potential. Furthermore, showing that the theory exhibits a rescaling symmetry in the regime where the coupling to the Ricci scalar is small and the coupling to the kinetic term is large, we obtain that the agreement with cosmological data can take place at an arbitrarily low periodicity scale f, solving at tree-level the problem of super-Planckian periodicity scales needed in natural inflation.


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We investigate first-order phase transitions arising from hidden sectors, which are in thermal equilibrium with the Standard Model bath in the Early Universe. Focusing on two simplified scenarios, a higgsed U(1) and a two scalar singlet model, we show the impact of friction effects acting on the bubble walls on the gravitational wave spectra and the consequences for present and future interferometer experiments. We further comment on the possibility of disentangling the properties of the underlying theory featuring the first-order phase transition should a stochastic gravitational-wave signal be discovered.


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The Hubble tension between the ΛCDM-model-dependent prediction of the current expansion rate H0 using Planck data and direct, model-independent measurements in the local universe from the SH0ES collaboration disagree at >3.5σ. Moreover, there exists a milder ∼ 2σ tension between similar predictions for the amplitude S8 of matter fluctuations and its measurement in the local universe. As explanations relying on unresolved systematics have not been found, theorists have been exploring explanations for these anomalies that modify the cosmological model, altering early-universe-based predictions for these parameters. However, new cosmological models that attempt to resolve one tension often worsen the other. In this paper, we investigate a decaying dark matter (DDM) model as a solution to both tensions simultaneously. Here, a fraction of dark matter density decays into dark radiation. The decay rate Γ is proportional to the Hubble rate H through the constant αdr, the only additional parameter of this model. Then, this model deviates most from ΛCDM in the early universe, with αdr being positively correlated with H0 and negatively with S8. Hence, increasing αdr (and allowing dark matter to decay in this way) can then diminish both tensions simultaneously. When only considering Planck CMB data and the local SH0ES prior on H0, ∼ 1% dark matter decays, decreasing the S8 tension to 0.3σ and increasing the best-fit H0 by 1.6 km/s/Mpc. However, the addition of intermediate-redshift data (the JLA supernova dataset and baryon acoustic oscillation data) weakens the effectiveness of this model. Only ∼ 0.5% of the dark matter decays bringing the S8 tension back up to ∼ 1.5 σ and the increase in the best-fit H0 down to 0.4 km/s/Mpc.


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We consider the possibility that the majority of dark matter in our Universe consists of black holes of primordial origin. We determine the conditions under which such black holes may have originated from a single-field model of inflation characterized by a quartic polynomial potential. We also explore the effect of higher-dimensional operators. The large power spectrum of curvature perturbations that is needed for a large black hole abundance sources sizable second order tensor perturbations. The resulting stochastic background of primordial gravitational waves could be detected by the future space-based observatories LISA and DECIGO or—as long as we give up on the dark matter connection—by the ground-based Advanced LIGO-Virgo detector network.


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The angular resolution of an extensive air shower (EAS) array plays a critical role in determining its sensitivity for the detection of point γ-ray sources in the multi-TeV energy range. The GRAPES-3, an EAS array located at Ooty in India (11.4oN, 76.7oE, 2200 m altitude) is designed to study γ-rays in the TeV-PeV energy range. It comprises of a dense array of 400 plastic scintillators deployed over an area of 25000 m2 and a large area (560 m2) muon telescope. The development of a new statistical method has allowed the real time determination of propagation delay of each detector in the GRAPES-3 array. The shape of the shower front is known to be curved and here the details of a new method developed for accurate measurement of the shower front curvature is presented. These two developments have led to a sizable improvement in the angular resolution of the GRAPES-3 array. It is shown that the curvature depends on the size and the age of an EAS. By employing two different techniques, namely, the odd-even and the left-right methods, independent estimates of the angular resolution are obtained. The odd-even method estimates the best achievable resolution of the array. For obtaining the angular resolution, the left-right method is used after implementing the size and age dependent curvature correction. A comparison of the angular resolution as a function of EAS energy by these two methods shows them be virtually indistinguishable. The angular resolution of the GRAPES-3 array is 47' for energies E>5 TeV and improves to 17' at E>100 TeV, eventually approaching 10' at E>500 TeV.


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Supernovae and cooling neutron stars have long been used to constrain the properties of axions, such as their mass and interactions with nucleons and other Standard Model particles. We investigate the prospects of using neutron star mergers as a similar location where axions can be probed in the future. We examine the impact axions would have on mergers, considering both the possibility that they free-stream through the dense nuclear matter and the case where they are trapped. We calculate the mean free path of axions in merger conditions, and find that they would free-stream through the merger in all thermodynamic conditions. In contrast to previous calculations, we integrate over the entire phase space while using a relativistic treatment of the nucleons, assuming the matrix element is momentum-independent. In particular, we use a relativistic mean field theory to describe the nucleons, taking into account the precipitous decrease in the effective mass of the nucleons as density increases above nuclear saturation density. We find that within current constraints on the axion-neutron coupling, axions could cool nuclear matter on timescales relevant to neutron star mergers. Our results may be regarded as first steps aimed at understanding how axions affect merger simulations and potentially interface with observations.

The following article is Open access

The recent interpretation of cold dark matter as the sum of contributions of different mass Primordial Black Hole (PBH) families [1] could explain a number of so far unsolved astrophysical mysteries. Here I assume a realistic 10−8–1010 M PBH mass distribution providing the bulk of the dark matter, consistent with all observational constraints. I estimate the contribution of baryon accretion onto this PBH population to various cosmic background radiations, concentrating first on the cross-correlation signal between the Cosmic X-ray and the Cosmic infrared background fluctuations discovered in deep Chandra and Spitzer surveys. I assume Bondi capture and advection dominated disk accretion with reasonable parameters like baryon density and effective relative velocity between baryons and PBH, as well as appropriate accretion and radiation efficiencies, and integrate these over the PBH mass spectrum and cosmic time. The prediction of the PBH contribution to the X-ray background is indeed consistent with the residual X-ray background signal and the X-ray/infrared fluctuations. The predicted flux peaks at redshifts z≈17–30, consistent with other constraints requiring the signal to come from such high redshifts. The PBH contribution to the 2–5 μm cosmic infrared background fluctuations is only about 1%, so that these likely come from star formation processes in regions associated with the PBH. I discuss a number of other phenomena, which could be significantly affected by the PBH accretion. Magnetic fields are an essential ingredient in the Bondi capture process, and I argue that the PBH can play an important role in amplifying magnetic seed fields in the early universe and maintaining them until the galactic dynamo processes set in. Next I study the contribution of the assumed PBH population to the re-ionization history of the universe and find that they do not conflict with the stringent ionization limits set by the most recent Planck measurements. X-ray heating from the PBH population can provide a contribution to the entropy floor observed in groups of galaxies. The tantalizing redshifted 21-cm absorption line feature observed by EDGES could well be connected to the radio emission contributed by PBH to the cosmic background radiation. Finally, the number of intermediate-mass black holes and the diffuse X-ray emission in the Galactic Center region are not violated by the assumed PBH dark matter, on the contrary, some of the discrete sources resolved in the deepest {\em Chandra} observations of the Galactic Ridge could indeed be accreting PBH.



Based on the rate of resolved stellar origin black hole and neutron star mergers measured by LIGO and Virgo, it is expected that these detectors will also observe an unresolved Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) by the time they reach design sensitivity. A background from the same class of sources also exists in the LISA band, which will be observable by LISA with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ∼ 121. Unlike the stochastic signal from Galactic white dwarf binaries, for which a partial subtraction is expected to be possible by exploiting its yearly modulation (induced by the motion of the LISA constellation), the background from unresolved stellar origin black hole and neutron star binaries acts as a foreground for other stochastic signals of cosmological or astrophysical origin, which may also be present in the LISA band. Here, we employ a principal component analysis to model and extract an additional hypothetical SGWB in the LISA band, without making any a priori assumptions on its spectral shape. At the same time, we account for the presence of the foreground from stellar origin black holes and neutron stars, as well as for possible uncertainties in the LISA noise calibration. We find that our technique leads to a linear problem and is therefore suitable for fast and reliable extraction of SGWBs with SNR up to ten times weaker than the foreground from black holes and neutron stars, quite independently of the SGWB spectral shape.


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Constraints on dark matter annihilation or decay offer unique insights into the nature of dark matter. We illustrate how surveys dedicated to detect the highly redshifted 21 cm signal from the dark ages will offer a new window into properties of particle dark matter. The 21 cm intensity mapping signal and its fluctuations are sensitive to energy injection from annihilation or decay of long-lived particles in a way that is complementary to other probes. We present forecasted constraints from forthcoming and next-generation radio surveys. We show that, while SKA might be capable of a detection for some cases, the most promising opportunity to detect dark matter in the 21 cm intensity mapping signal is with a futuristic radio array on the lunar far-side, with the potential to detect a signal many orders of magnitude weaker than current or maximal constraints from other probes.


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Sub-horizon perturbations in scalar-tensor theories have been shown to grow generically faster than in uncoupled models due to a positive, additive Yukawa force. In such cases, the amount of clustering becomes larger than in the standard cosmological model, exacerbating the observed tension in the σ8 parameter. Here we show instead that in some simple cases of conformally coupled dark energy one can obtain a transient regime of negative Yukawa force, without introducing ghosts or other instabilities.


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The dynamics of the vacuum Kantowski-Sachs space-time are studied in the so-called limiting curvature mimetic gravity theory. It is shown that in this theory the vacuum Kantowski-Sachs space-time is always singular. While the departures from general relativity due to the limiting curvature mimetic theory do provide an upper bound on the magnitude of the expansion scalar, both its rate of oscillations and the magnitude of the directional Hubble rates increase without bound and cause curvature invariants to diverge. Also, since the radial scale factor does not vanish in finite (past) time, in this particular theory the Kantowski-Sachs space-time cannot be matched to a null black hole event horizon and, therefore, does not correspond to the interior of a static and spherically symmetric black hole.


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In this work we present a Neural Network (NN) algorithm for the identification of the appropriate parametrization of diffuse polarized Galactic emissions in the context of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) B-mode multi-frequency observations. In particular, we focus our analysis on the low frequency polarized foregrounds represented by Galactic Synchrotron and Anomalous Microwave Emission (AME). We have implemented and tested our approach on a set of simulated maps corresponding to the frequency coverage and sensitivity represented by future satellite and low frequency ground based probes. The NN efficiency in recognizing the underlying foreground model in different sky regions reaches an accuracy above 90%, while the same information using a standard χ2 approach following parametric component separation corresponds to about 70%. Our results indicate a significant improvement when NN-based algorithms are applied to foreground model recognition in CMB B-mode observations, and stimulate the design and exploitation of dedicated procedures to this purpose.


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Unstable heavy particles well above the TeV scale are unaccessible experimentally. So far, Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) provides the strongest limits on their mass and lifetime, the latter being shorter than 0.1 second. We show how these constraints could be potentially tremendously improved by the next generation of Gravitational-Wave (GW) interferometers, extending to lifetimes as short as 10−16 second. The key point is that these particles may have dominated the energy density of the universe and have triggered a period of matter domination at early times, until their decay before BBN . The resulting modified cosmological history compared to the usually-assumed single radiation era would imprint observable signatures in stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds of primordial origin. In particular, we show how the detection of the GW spectrum produced by long-lasting sources such as cosmic strings would provide a unique probe of particle physics parameters. When applied to specific particle production mechanisms in the early universe, these GW spectra could be used to derive new constraints on many UV extensions of the Standard Model. We illustrate this on a few examples, such as supersymmetric models where the mass scale of scalar moduli and gravitino can be constrained up to 1010 GeV . Further bounds can be obtained on the reheating temperature of models with only-gravitationally-interacting particles as well as on the kinetic mixing of heavy dark photons at the level of 10−18.


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We analyse the MOdified Gravity (MOG) theory, proposed by Moffat, in a cosmological context. We use data from Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia), Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and Cosmic Chronometers (CC) to test MOG predictions. For this, we perform χ2 tests considering fixed values of H0 and VG, the self-interaction potential of one of the scalar fields in the theory. Our results show that the MOG theory is in agreement with all data sets for some particular values of H0 and VG, being the BAO data set the most powerful tool to test MOG predictions, due to its constraining power.



We study graviton non-Gaussianities in the EFT of Inflation. At leading (second) order in derivatives, the graviton bispectrum is fixed by Einstein gravity. There are only two contributions at third order. One of them breaks parity. They come from operators that directly involve the foliation: we then expect sizable non-Gaussianities in three-point functions involving both gravitons and scalars. However, we show that at leading order in slow roll the parity-odd operator does not modify these mixed correlators. We then identify the operators that can affect the graviton bispectrum at fourth order in derivatives. There are two operators that preserve parity. We show that one gives a scalar-tensor-tensor three-point function larger than the one computed in Maldacena, 2003 [1] if M2PAs2≫ 1 (where Λ is the scale suppressing this operator and As the amplitude of the scalar power spectrum). There are only two parity-odd operators at this order in derivatives.


We reformulate the recently proposed regularized version of Lovelock gravity in four dimensions as a scalar-tensor theory. By promoting the warp factor of the internal space to a scalar degree of freedom by means of Kaluza-Klein reduction, we show that regularized Lovelock gravity can be described effectively by a certain subclass of the Horndeski theory. Cosmological aspects of this particular scalar-tensor theory are studied. It is found that the background with a scalar charge is generically allowed. The consequences of this scalar charge are briefly discussed.



It has been proposed that two resonances could coincide in the early universe at temperatures T ∼ 0.2 ... 0.5 GeV: one between two nearly degenerate GeV-scale sterile neutrinos, producing a large lepton asymmetry through freeze-out and decays; another between medium-modified active neutrinos and keV-scale sterile neutrinos, converting the lepton asymmetry into dark matter. Making use of a framework which tracks three sterile neutrinos of both helicities as well as three separate lepton asymmetries, and scanning the parameter space of the GeV-scale species, we establish the degree of fine-tuning that is needed for realizing this scenario.


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We study the impact of different bias and redshift-space models on the halo power spectrum, quantifying their effect by comparing the fit to a subset of realizations taken from the WizCOLA suite. These provide simulated power spectrum measurements between kmin = 0.03 h/Mpc and kmax = 0.29 h/Mpc, constructed using the comoving Lagrangian acceleration method. For the bias prescription we include (i) simple linear bias; (ii) the McDonald & Roy model and (iii) its coevolution variant introduced by Saito et al.; and (iv) a very general model including all terms up to one-loop and corrections from advection. For the redshift-space modelling we include the Kaiser formula with exponential damping and the power spectrum provided by (i) tree-level perturbation theory and (ii) the Halofit prescription; (iii) one-loop perturbation theory, also with exponential damping; and (iv) an effective field theory description, also at one-loop, with damping represented by the EFT subtractions. We quantify the improvement from each layer of modelling by measuring the typical improvement in χ2 when fitting to a member of the simulation suite. We attempt to detect overfitting by testing for compatibility between the best-fit power spectrum per realization and the best-fit over the entire WizCOLA suite. For both bias and the redshift-space map we find that increasingly permissive models yield improvements in χ2 but with diminishing returns. The most permissive models show modest evidence for overfitting. Accounting for model complexity using the Bayesian Information Criterion, we argue that standard perturbation theory up to one-loop, or a related model such as that of Taruya, Nishimichi & Saito, coupled to the Saito et al. coevolution bias model, is likely to provide a good compromise for near-future galaxy surveys operating with comparable kmax.


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The Lyman-α (hereafter Lyα) forest is a probe of large-scale matter density fluctuations at high redshift, z > 2.1. It consists of H I absorption spectra along individual lines-of-sight. If the line-of-sight density is large enough, 3D maps of H I absorption can be inferred by tomographic reconstruction. In this article, we investigate the Lyα forest available in the Stripe 82 field (220 deg2), based on the quasar spectra from SDSS Data Release DR16. The density of observed quasar spectra is 37 deg−2 with a mean pixel signal-to-noise ratio of two per angstrom. This study provides an intermediate case between the average SDSS density and that of the much denser but smaller CLAMATO survey. We derive a 3D map of large-scale matter fluctuations from these data, using a Wiener filter technique. The total volume of the map is 0.94 h−3 Gpc3. Its resolution is 13 h−1 Mpc, which is related to the mean transverse distance between nearest lines-of-sight. From this map, we provide a catalog of voids and protocluster candidates in the cosmic web. The map-making and void catalog are compared to simulated eBOSS Stripe 82 observations. A stack over quasar positions provides a visualization of the Lyα forest-quasar cross-correlation. This tomographic reconstruction constitutes the largest-volume high-redshift 3D map of matter fluctuations.


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As a physical and sufficient compression of the full CMB data, the CMB distance priors, or shift parameters, have been widely used and provide a convenient way to include CMB data when obtaining cosmological constraints. In this paper, we revisit this data vector and examine its stability under different cosmological models. We find that the CMB distance priors are an accurate substitute for the full CMB data when probing dark energy dynamics. This is true when the primordial power spectrum model is directly generalized from the power spectrum of the model used in the derivation of the distance priors from the CMB data. We discover a difference when a non-flat model with the untilted primordial inflation power spectrum is used to measure the distance priors. This power spectrum is a radical change from the more conventional tilted primordial power spectrum and violates fundamental assumptions for the reliability of the CMB shift parameters. We also investigate the performance of CMB distance priors when the sum of neutrino masses ∑ mν and the effective number of relativistic species Neff are allowed to vary. Our findings are consistent with earlier results: the neutrino parameters can change the measurement of the sound horizon from CMB data, and thus the CMB distance priors. We find that when the neutrino model is allowed to vary, the cold dark matter density ωc and Neff need to be included in the set of parameters that summarize CMB data, in order to reproduce the constraints from the full CMB data. We present an updated and expanded set of CMB distance priors which can reproduce constraints from the full CMB data within 1σ, and are applicable to models with massive neutrinos, as well as non-standard cosmologies.


In this work the supernova neutrino (SN) charged-current interactions with Gd odd isotopes (A=155 and 157) are studied. We use measured spectra and the quasiparticle-phonon model (MQPM) to calculate the charged current response of odd Gd isotopes to supernova neutrinos. Flux-averaged cross sections are obtained considering quasi-thermal neutrino spectra.


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We investigate cosmological consequences of an inflationary model which incorporates a generic seesaw extension (types I and II) of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. A non-minimal coupling between the inflaton field and the Ricci scalar is considered as well as radiative corrections at one loop order. This connection between the inflationary dynamics with neutrino physics results in a predictive model whose observational viability is investigated in light of the current cosmic microwave background data, baryon acoustic oscillation observations and type Ia supernovae measurements. Our results show that the non-minimal coupled seesaw potential provides a good description of the observational data when radiative corrections are positive. Such result favours the type II seesaw mechanism over type I and may be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model.



Perivolaropoulos et al. [1] (P19) have argued that the residual torque data in the Eöt-Wash experiment is consistent with an oscillating signal. This could either be a signature of non-local modified gravity theories or some other systematic error in the data. We independently assess the viability of such an oscillating signal in the same data using Bayesian and information theoretical criterion, to complement the frequentist analysis in P19. We fit this data to three different parametrizations (an offset Newtonian, Yukawa, and an oscillating model), and assess the significance of the oscillating model using AIC, BIC, WAIC, and Bayes factor. All these techniques provide decisive evidence for the oscillating model compared to the Newtonian model, provided the phase is fixed at the same value as P19. If the phase is allowed to vary, then significance from BIC, WAIC, and Bayes based tests reduces to strong evidence, whereas only AIC still shows decisive evidence. Our analysis codes have been made publicly available.



Galaxy shapes have been observed to align with external tidal fields generated by the large-scale structures of the Universe. While the main source for these tidal fields is provided by long-wavelength density perturbations, tensor perturbations also contribute with a non-vanishing amplitude at linear order. We show that parity-breaking gravitational waves produced during inflation leave a distinctive imprint in the galaxy shape power spectrum which is not hampered by any scalar-induced tidal field. We also show that a certain class of tensor non-Gaussianities produced during inflation can leave a signature in the density-weighted galaxy shape power spectrum. We estimate the possibility of observing such imprints in future galaxy surveys.


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Late-time cosmology in the extended cuscuton theory is studied, in which gravity is modified while one still has no extra dynamical degrees of freedom other than two tensor modes. We present a simple example admitting analytic solutions for the cosmological background evolution that mimics ΛCDM cosmology. We argue that the extended cuscuton as dark energy can be constrained, like usual scalar-tensor theories, by the growth history of matter density perturbations and the time variation of Newton's constant.



A class of scalar-tensor theories (STT) including a non-metricity that unifies metric, Palatini and hybrid metric-Palatini gravitational actions with non-minimal interaction is proposed and investigated from the point of view of their consistency with generalized conformal transformations. It is shown that every such theory can be represented on-shell by a purely metric STT possessing the same solutions for a metric and a scalar field. A set of generalized invariants is also proposed. This extends the formalism previously introduced in [1]. We then apply the formalism to Starobinsky model, write down the Friedmann equations for three possible cases: metric, Palatini and hybrid metric-Palatini, and compare some inflationary observables.


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Constant-roll warm inflation is introduced in this work. A novel approach to finding an exact solution for Friedman equations in the constant-roll framework is presented for cold inflation and is extended to warm inflation with the constant dissipative parameter Q=Γ/3H. The evolution of the primordial inhomogeneities of a scalar field in a thermal bath is also studied. The 1σ consistency between the theoretical predictions of the model and observational constraints has been proven for a range of Q and β=−ϕ̈/(3Hϕ) (constant rate of inflaton roll). In addition, we briefly investigate the possible enhancement of super-horizon perturbations beyond the slow-roll approximation.


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We calculate and discuss the implications of neutrino self-interactions for the physics of weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) in the early universe. In such neutrino-sector extensions of the standard model, neutrinos may not free-stream, yet can stay thermally coupled to one another. Nevertheless, the neutrinos exchange energy and entropy with the photon, electron-positron, and baryon component of the early universe only through the ordinary weak interaction. We examine the effects of neutrino self-interaction for the primordial helium and deuterium abundances and Neff, a measure of relativistic energy density at photon decoupling. These quantities are determined in, or may be influenced by, the physics in the weak decoupling epoch. Self-interacting neutrinos have been invoked to address a number of anomalies, including as a possible means of ameliorating tension in the Hubble parameter. Our calculations show that surprisingly subtle changes in BBN accompany some of these neutrino self-interaction schemes. Such minute signals require high-precision measurements, making deuterium the best abundance for BBN constraints in the models explored here.