For pt.I see ibid., vol.9, p.357 (1976). A theory of the optical pumping of high-J molecule levels with a broad-band CW laser has previously been developed. The linewidth of the Hanle effect is analysed in the present paper for two particular cases in which an exact integration is possible. These cases are: (i) gT (where g is the Lande factor and T the lifetime) is the same for the two levels; and (ii) one of the Lande factors vanishes. In general, the Hanle resonance is power-broadened for high laser intensities. However, in the case of a zero Lande factor of the ground state, the theory predicts a radiative narrowing of the Hanle effect. It is shown that this most unusual feature is connected to the fact that, in the latter case, the physical observables of the resonance level may get the ground-state lifetime, when the transition is saturated.