The biological efficacy of of Metarrhizium anisopliae and Entomophothra muscae in the biological control of the first and fourth larval phases and adult male and female mosquitoes was studied. Culex quinquefasciatus Say Mosquito Breeding Cx. quinquefasciatus Say was conducted in the laboratory at a temperature of 25 ± 2 ° C, relative humidity 65 ± 5 of light a period of 12 hours / day the adult phase. He gave the fungus M. anisopliae at concentration of / 1 x 106 spore lml had the highest mortality ratio of 78.19% for the first larval age after 48 hours, while the suspension for E.muscae at concentration 1 x 106 sporel mlgave the highest mortality rate of 69.63% for the fourth larval age after 48 hours. M. anisopliae at concentration / 1 x 106 spore l ml highest mortality ratio 84.83% for the first larval age after 48 hours while the suspended for mushroom E. muscae at concentration 1 x 106 spore / ml gave the highest mortality rate 67.63% for the fourth larval age after 48 hours. The highest killing rate was 97.66% for males and 99.91% for females after 72 hours when using the concentration of 1 × 610 spore / ml of the fungus M. anisopliae, while the killing rate was 99.54% for males and 98.43% for females after 72 hours when concentrated / 1 x 106 spore l ml of for E.muscae fungus.

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