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Volume 818

Number 1, 2016 February 10

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We analyzed a large sample of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasar spectra at redshift 1.0 ≤ z ≤ 1.2 to compare the inferred underlying quasar continuum slopes (after removal of the host galaxy contribution) with accretion disk models. The latter predict redder (decreasing) α3000 continuum slopes (${L}_{\nu }\propto {\nu }^{\alpha }$ at 3000 Å) with increasing black hole mass, bluer α3000 with increasing luminosity at 3000 Å, and bluer α3000 with increasing spin of the black hole, when all other parameters are held fixed. We find no clear evidence for any of these predictions in the data. In particular, we find the following. (i) α3000 shows no significant dependence on black hole mass or luminosity. Dedicated Monte Carlo tests suggest that the substantial observational uncertainties in the black hole virial masses can effectively erase any intrinsic dependence of α3000 on black hole mass, in line with some previous studies. (ii) The mean slope α3000 of radio-loud sources, thought to be produced by rapidly spinning black holes, is comparable to, or even redder than, that of radio-quiet quasars. Indeed, although quasars appear to become more radio loud with decreasing luminosity, we still do not detect any significant dependence of α3000 on radio loudness. The predicted mean α3000 slopes tend to be bluer than in the data. Disk models with high inclinations and dust extinction tend to produce redder slopes closer to empirical estimates. Our mean α3000 values are close to the ones independently inferred at z < 0.5, suggesting weak evolution with redshift, at least for moderately luminous quasars.


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Focus on Exploring Fundamental Physics

The observed time delays between different energy bands from TeV blazars provide a new, interesting way of testing the Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP). If the whole time delay is assumed to be dominated by the gravitational field of the Milky Way, the conservative upper limit on the EEP can be estimated. Here, we show that the strict limits on the differences of the parameterized post-Newtonian parameter γ values are ${\gamma }_{{\rm{TeV}}}-{\gamma }_{{\rm{keV}}}\lt 3.86\times {10}^{-3}$ for Mrk 421 and ${\gamma }_{{\rm{TeV}}}-{\gamma }_{{\rm{keV}}}\lt 4.43\times {10}^{-3}$ for Mrk 501, while expanding the scope of the tested EEP energy range out to the TeV–keV range for the first time. With the small time lag from the 0.2–0.8 TeV and >0.8 TeV light curves of PKS 2155-304, a much more severe constraint on γ differences of ∼10−6 can be achieved, although the energy difference is of the order of ∼TeV. Furthermore, we can combine these limits on the energy dependence of γ with the bound on the absolute γ value $\gamma -1\sim 0.3\%$ from light deflection measurements at the optical (eV) bands, and conclude that this absolute bound on γ can be extended from optical to TeV energies.


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We present an analysis of deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) multi-band imaging of the BDF field specifically designed to identify faint companions around two of the few Lyα emitting galaxies spectroscopically confirmed at z ∼ 7. Although separated by only 4.4 proper Mpc these galaxies cannot generate H ii regions large enough to explain the visibility of their Lyα lines, thus requiring a population of fainter ionizing sources in their vicinity. We use deep HST and VLT-Hawk-I data to select z ∼ 7 Lyman break galaxies around the emitters. We select six new robust z ∼ 7 LBGs at Y ∼ 26.5–27.5 whose average spectral energy distribution is consistent with the objects being at the redshift of the close-by Lyα emitters. The resulting number density of z ∼ 7 LBGs in the BDF field is a factor of approximately three to four higher than expected in random pointings of the same size. We compare these findings with cosmological hydrodynamic plus radiative transfer simulations of a universe with a half neutral IGM: we find that indeed Lyα emitter pairs are only found in completely ionized regions characterized by significant LBG overdensities. Our findings match the theoretical prediction that the first ionization fronts are generated within significant galaxy overdensities and support a scenario where faint, "normal" star-forming galaxies are responsible for reionization.


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We propose a geometrically thick, super-Eddington accretion disk model, where an optically thick wind is not necessary, to understand ultraluminous supersoft sources (ULSs). For high mass accretion rates $\dot{M}\gtrsim 30{\dot{M}}_{{\rm{Edd}}}$ and not small inclination angles $\theta \gtrsim 25^\circ $, where ${\dot{M}}_{{\rm{Edd}}}$ is the Eddington accretion rate, the hard photons from the hot inner region may be shaded by the geometrically thick inner disk, and therefore only the soft photons from the outer thin disk and the outer photosphere of the thick disk can reach the observer. Our model can naturally explain the approximate relation between the typical thermal radius and the thermal temperature, ${R}_{{\rm{bb}}}\propto {T}_{{\rm{bb}}}^{-2}$. Moreover, the thick disk model can unify ULSs and normal ultraluminous X-ray sources, where the different observational characteristics are probably related to the inclination angle and the mass accretion rate. By comparing our model with the optically thick outflow model, we find that a lower mass accretion rate is required in our model.


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On 2015 June 15 the burst alert telescope (BAT) on board Swift detected an X-ray outburst from the black hole (BH) transient V404 Cyg. We monitored V404 Cyg for the last 10 years with the 2-m Faulkes Telescope North in three optical bands (V, R, and i'). We found that, one week prior to this outburst, the optical flux was 0.1–0.3 mag brighter than the quiescent orbital modulation, implying an optical precursor to the X-ray outburst. There is also a hint of a gradual optical decay (years) followed by a rise lasting two months prior to the outburst. We fortuitously obtained an optical spectrum of V404 Cyg 13 hr before the BAT trigger. This too was brighter than quiescence, and showed spectral lines typical of an accretion disk, with characteristic absorption features of the donor being much weaker. No He ii emission was detected, which would have been expected had the X-ray flux been substantially brightening. This, combined with the presence of intense Hα emission, about seven times the quiescent level, suggests that the disk entered the hot, outburst state before the X-ray outburst began. We propose that the outburst is produced by a viscous–thermal instability triggered close to the inner edge of a truncated disk. An X-ray delay of a week is consistent with the time needed to refill the inner region and hence move the inner edge of the disk inwards, allowing matter to reach the central BH, finally turning on the X-ray emission.


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Recent analysis of the SDSS-III/Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) Data Release 12 stellar catalog has revealed that the Milky Way's (MW) metallicity distribution function (MDF) changes shape as a function of radius, transitioning from being negatively skewed at small Galactocentric radii to positively skewed at large Galactocentric radii. Using a high-resolution, N-body+SPH simulation, we show that the changing skewness arises from radial migration—metal-rich stars form in the inner disk and subsequently migrate to the metal-poorer outer disk. These migrated stars represent a large fraction ($\gt 50\%$) of the stars in the outer disk; they populate the high-metallicity tail of the MDFs and are, in general, more metal-rich than the surrounding outer disk gas. The simulation also reproduces another surprising APOGEE result: the spatially invariant high-[α/Fe] MDFs. This arises in the simulation from the migration of a population formed within a narrow range of radii (3.2 ±1.2 kpc) and time (8.8 ± 0.6 Gyr ago), rather than from spatially extended star formation in a homogeneous medium at early times. These results point toward the crucial role radial migration has played in shaping our MW.


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We obtained high-speed photometry of the disintegrating planetesimals orbiting the white dwarf WD 1145+017, spanning a period of four weeks. The light curves show a dramatic evolution of the system since the first observations obtained about seven months ago. Multiple transit events are detected in every light curve, which have varying durations (≃3–12 minutes) and depths (≃10%–60%). The time-averaged extinction is ≃11%, much higher than at the time of the Kepler observations. The shortest-duration transits require that the occulting cloud of debris has a few times the size of the white dwarf, longer events are often resolved into the superposition of several individual transits. The transits evolve on timescales of days, both in shape and in depth, with most of them gradually appearing and disappearing over the course of the observing campaign. Several transits can be tracked across multiple nights, all of them recur on periods of ≃4.49 hr, indicating multiple planetary debris fragments on nearly identical orbits. Identifying the specific origin of these bodies within this planetary system, and the evolution leading to their current orbits remains a challenging problem.


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We present DES14X3taz, a new hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova (SLSN-I) discovered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) supernova program, with additional photometric data provided by the Survey Using DECam for Superluminous Supernovae. Spectra obtained using Optical System for Imaging and low-Intermediate-Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS show DES14X3taz is an SLSN-I at z = 0.608. Multi-color photometry reveals a double-peaked light curve: a blue and relatively bright initial peak that fades rapidly prior to the slower rise of the main light curve. Our multi-color photometry allows us, for the first time, to show that the initial peak cools from 22,000 to 8000 K over 15 rest-frame days, and is faster and brighter than any published core-collapse supernova, reaching 30% of the bolometric luminosity of the main peak. No physical 56Ni-powered model can fit this initial peak. We show that a shock-cooling model followed by a magnetar driving the second phase of the light curve can adequately explain the entire light curve of DES14X3taz. Models involving the shock-cooling of extended circumstellar material at a distance of ≃400 ${\text{}}{R}_{\odot }$ are preferred over the cooling of shock-heated surface layers of a stellar envelope. We compare DES14X3taz to the few double-peaked SLSN-I events in the literature. Although the rise times and characteristics of these initial peaks differ, there exists the tantalizing possibility that they can be explained by one physical interpretation.


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Magnetic reconnection is a leading mechanism for dissipating magnetic energy and accelerating nonthermal particles in Poynting-flux-dominated flows. In this Letter, we investigate nonthermal particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection in a magnetically dominated ion–electron plasma using fully kinetic simulations. For an ion–electron plasma with a total magnetization of ${\sigma }_{0}={B}^{2}/(4\pi n({m}_{i}+{m}_{e}){c}^{2})$, the magnetization for each species is ${\sigma }_{i}\sim {\sigma }_{0}$ and ${\sigma }_{e}\sim ({m}_{i}/{m}_{e}){\sigma }_{0}$, respectively. We have studied the magnetically dominated regime by varying σe = 103–105 with initial ion and electron temperatures ${T}_{i}={T}_{e}=5-20{m}_{e}{c}^{2}$ and mass ratio ${m}_{i}/{m}_{e}=1-1836$. The results demonstrate that reconnection quickly establishes power-law energy distributions for both electrons and ions within several (2–3) light-crossing times. For the cases with periodic boundary conditions, the power-law index is $1\lt s\lt 2$ for both electrons and ions. The hard spectra limit the power-law energies for electrons and ions to be ${\gamma }_{{be}}\sim {\sigma }_{e}$ and ${\gamma }_{{bi}}\sim {\sigma }_{i}$, respectively. The main acceleration mechanism is a Fermi-like acceleration through the drift motions of charged particles. When comparing the spectra for electrons and ions in momentum space, the spectral indices sp are identical as predicted in Fermi acceleration. We also find that the bulk flow can carry a significant amount of energy during the simulations. We discuss the implication of this study in the context of Poynting-flux dominated jets and pulsar winds, especially the applications for explaining nonthermal high-energy emissions.


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The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetic fields as well as the influence of the magnetic fields on the evolution of galaxies are unknown. Though not without challenges, the dynamo theory can explain the large-scale coherent magnetic fields that govern galaxies, but observational evidence for the theory is so far very scarce. Putting together the available data of non-interacting, non-cluster galaxies with known large-scale magnetic fields, we find a tight correlation between the integrated polarized flux density, SPI, and the rotation speed, vrot, of galaxies. This leads to an almost linear correlation between the large-scale magnetic field $\bar{B}$ and vrot, assuming that the number of cosmic-ray electrons is proportional to the star formation rate, and a super-linear correlation assuming equipartition between magnetic fields and cosmic rays. This correlation cannot be attributed to an active linear α-Ω dynamo, as no correlation holds with global shear or angular speed. It indicates instead a coupling between the large-scale magnetic field and the dynamical mass of the galaxies, $\bar{B}\sim \;{M}_{{\rm{dyn}}}$0.25–0.4. Hence, faster rotating and/or more massive galaxies have stronger large-scale magnetic fields. The observed $\bar{B}-{v}_{{\rm{rot}}}$ correlation shows that the anisotropic turbulent magnetic field dominates $\bar{B}$ in fast rotating galaxies as the turbulent magnetic field, coupled with gas, is enhanced and ordered due to the strong gas compression and/or local shear in these systems. This study supports a stationary condition for the large-scale magnetic field as long as the dynamical mass of galaxies is constant.



We examine the effects of higher-order multipole contributions of rotating neutron star (NS) spacetimes on the propagation of corrugation (c-)modes within a thin accretion disk. We find that the Lense–Thirring precession frequency, which determines the propagation region of the low-frequency fundamental corrugation modes, can experience a turnover allowing for c-modes to become self-trapped for sufficiently high dimensionless spin j and quadrupole rotational deformability α. If such self-trapping c-modes can be detected, e.g., through phase-resolved spectroscopy of the iron line for a high-spin low-mass accreting neutron star, this could potentially constrain the spin-induced NS quadrupole and the NS equation of state.


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Recently, Gauza et al. reported the discovery of a companion to the late M-dwarf, VHS J125601.92–125723.9 (VHS 1256–1257). The companion's absolute photometry suggests its mass and atmosphere are similar to the HR 8799 planets. However, as a wide companion to a late-type star, it is more accessible to spectroscopic characterization. We discovered that the primary of this system is an equal-magnitude binary. For an age ∼300 Myr the A and B components each have a mass of ${64.6}_{-2.0}^{+0.8}\;{M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$, and the b component has a mass of ${11.2}_{-1.8}^{+9.7}$, making VHS 1256–1257 only the third brown dwarf triple system. There exists some tension between the spectrophotometric distance of 17.2 ± 2.6 pc and the parallax distance of 12.7 ± 1.0 pc. At 12.7 pc VHS 1256–1257 A and B would be the faintest known M7.5 objects, and are even faint outliers among M8 types. If the larger spectrophotmetric distance is more accurate than the parallax, then the mass of each component increases. In particular, the mass of the b component increases well above the deuterium burning limit to $\sim 35\;{M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$ and the mass of each binary component increases to ${73}_{-17}^{+20}\;{M}_{\mathrm{Jup}}$. At 17.1 pc, the UVW kinematics of the system are consistent with membership in the AB Dor moving group. The architecture of the system resembles a hierarchical stellar multiple suggesting it formed via an extension of the star formation process to low masses. Continued astrometric monitoring will resolve this distance uncertainty and will provide dynamical masses for a new benchmark system.



Asteroseismology is a powerful tool for probing stellar interiors and determining stellar fundamental parameters. In previous works, the ${\chi }^{2}$-minimization method is usually used to find the best-matching model to characterize observations. In this Letter, we adopt the ${\chi }^{2}$-minimization method but only use the observed high-precision oscillation to constrain theoretical models for solar-like oscillating star KIC 6225718, which is observed by the Kepler satellite. We also take into account the influence of model precision. Finally, we find that the time resolution of stellar evolution cannot be ignored in high-precision asteroseismic analysis. Based on this, we find the acoustic radius ${\tau }_{0}$ is the only global parameter that can be accurately measured by the ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$-matching method between observed frequencies and theoretical model calculations. We obtain ${\tau }_{0}={4601.5}_{-8.3}^{+4.4}$ s. In addition, we analyze the distribution of ${\chi }_{\nu }^{2}$-minimization models (CMMs) and find that the distribution range of CMMs is slightly enlarged by some extreme cases, which possess both a larger mass and a higher (or lower) heavy element abundance, at the lower acoustic radius end.


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Broad emission lines in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) mainly arise from gas photoionized by continuum radiation from an accretion disk around a central black hole. The shape of the broad-line profile, described by ${{ \mathcal D }}_{{\rm{H}}\beta }={\rm{FWHM}}/{\sigma }_{{\rm{H}}\beta }$, the ratio of full width at half maximum to the dispersion of broad Hβ, reflects the dynamics of the broad-line region (BLR) and correlates with the dimensionless accretion rate ($\overset{\quad \cdot }{{\mathcal{M}}}$) or Eddington ratio (${L}_{{\rm{bol}}}$/${L}_{{\rm{Edd}}}$). At the same time, $\overset{\quad \cdot }{{\mathcal{M}}}$ and ${L}_{{\rm{bol}}}$/${L}_{{\rm{Edd}}}$ correlate with ${{ \mathcal R }}_{{\rm{Fe}}}$, the ratio of optical Fe ii to Hβ line flux emission. Assembling all AGNs with reverberation mapping measurements of broad Hβ, both from the literature and from new observations reported here, we find a strong bivariate correlation of the form $\mathrm{log}(\overset{\quad \cdot }{{\mathcal{M}}},{L}_{{\rm{bol}}}/{L}_{{\rm{Edd}}})=\alpha +\beta {{ \mathcal D }}_{{\rm{H}}\beta }+\gamma {{ \mathcal R }}_{{\rm{Fe}}},$ where α = (2.47, 0.31), β = −(1.59, 0.82), and γ = (1.34, 0.80). We refer to this as the fundamental plane of the BLR. We apply the plane to a sample of z < 0.8 quasars to demonstrate the prevalence of super-Eddington accreting AGNs are quite common at low redshifts.


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We present H- and K-band imaging polarimetry for the PDS 66 circumstellar disk obtained during the commissioning of the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI). Polarization images reveal a clear detection of the disk in to the 0farcs12 inner working angle (IWA) in the H band, almost three times closer to the star than the previous Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations with NICMOS and STIS (0farcs35 effective IWA). The centro-symmetric polarization vectors confirm that the bright inner disk detection is due to circumstellar scattered light. A more diffuse disk extends to a bright outer ring centered at 80 AU. We discuss several physical mechanisms capable of producing the observed ring + gap structure. GPI data confirm enhanced scattering on the east side of the disk that is inferred to be nearer to us. We also detect a lateral asymmetry in the south possibly due to shadowing from material within the IWA. This likely corresponds to a temporally variable azimuthal asymmetry observed in HST/STIS coronagraphic imaging.


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An unsolved problem in step-wise core-accretion planet formation is that rapid radial drift in gas-rich protoplanetary disks should drive millimeter-/meter-sized particles inward to the central star before large bodies can form. One promising solution is to confine solids within small-scale structures. Here, we investigate dust structures in the (sub)millimeter continuum emission of four disks (TW Hya, HL Tau, HD 163296, and DM Tau), a sample of disks with the highest spatial resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations to date. We retrieve the surface brightness distributions using synthesized images and fitting visibilities with analytical functions. We find that the continuum emission of the four disks is ∼axisymmetric but rich in 10–30 AU-sized radial structures, possibly due to physical gaps, surface density enhancements, or localized dust opacity variations within the disks. These results suggest that small-scale axisymmetric dust structures are likely to be common, as a result of ubiquitous processes in disk evolution and planet formation. Compared with recent spatially resolved observations of CO snow lines in these same disks, all four systems show enhanced continuum emission from regions just beyond the CO condensation fronts, potentially suggesting a causal relationship between dust growth/trapping and snow lines.


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Young solar-type stars grow through the accretion of material from the circumstellar disk during pre-main-sequence (PMS) evolution. The ultraviolet radiation generated in this process plays a key role in the chemistry and evolution of young planetary disks. In particular, the hydrogen Lyα line (Lyα) etches the disk surface by driving photoevaporative flows that control disk evolution. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, we have monitored the PMS binary star AK Sco during the periastron passage and have detected a drop of the H2 flux by up to 10% lasting 5.9 hr. We show that the decrease of the H2 flux can be produced by the occultation of the stellar Lyα photons by a gas stream in free fall from 3 R${}_{*}$. Given the high optical depth of the Lyα line, a very low gas column of ${N}_{{\rm{H}}}\gt 5\times {10}^{17}$ cm−2 suffices to block the Lyα radiation without producing noticeable effects in the rest of the stellar spectral tracers.


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The solar wind emanating from the Sun interacts with the local interstellar medium (LISM), forming the heliosphere. Hydrogen energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced by the solar-interstellar interaction carry important information about plasma properties from the boundaries of the heliosphere, and are currently being measured by NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). IBEX observations show the existence of a "ribbon" of intense ENA emission projecting a circle on the celestial sphere that is centered near the local interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) vector. Here we show that the source of the IBEX ribbon as a function of ENA energy outside the heliosphere, uniquely coupled to the draping of the ISMF around the heliopause, can be used to precisely determine the magnitude (2.93 ± 0.08 μG) and direction (227fdg28 ± 0fdg69, 34fdg62 ± 0fdg45 in ecliptic longitude and latitude) of the pristine ISMF far (∼1000 AU) from the Sun. We find that the ISMF vector is offset from the ribbon center by ∼8fdg3 toward the direction of motion of the heliosphere through the LISM, and their vectors form a plane that is consistent with the direction of deflected interstellar neutral hydrogen, thought to be controlled by the ISMF. Our results yield draped ISMF properties close to that observed by Voyager 1, the only spacecraft to directly measure the ISMF close to the heliosphere, and give predictions of the pristine ISMF that Voyager 1 has yet to sample.


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The metallicity of the progenitor system producing a type Ia supernova (SN Ia) could play a role in its maximum luminosity, as suggested by theoretical predictions. We present an observational study to investigate if such a relationship exists. Using the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) we have obtained intermediate-resolution spectroscopy data of a sample of 28 local galaxies hosting SNe Ia, for which distances have been derived using methods independent of those based on SN Ia parameters. From the emission lines observed in their optical spectra, we derived the gas-phase oxygen abundance in the region where each SN Ia exploded. Our data show a trend, with an 80% of chance not being due to random fluctuation, between SNe Ia absolute magnitudes and the oxygen abundances of the host galaxies, in the sense that luminosities tend to be higher for galaxies with lower metallicities. This result seems likely to be in agreement with both the theoretically expected behavior and with other observational results. This dependence MBZ might induce systematic errors when it is not considered when deriving SNe Ia luminosities and then using them to derive cosmological distances.



We have developed a numerical model of flare heating due to the dissipation of Alfvénic waves propagating from the corona to the chromosphere. With this model, we present an investigation of the key parameters of these waves on the energy transport, heating, and subsequent dynamics. For sufficiently high frequencies and perpendicular wave numbers, the waves dissipate significantly in the upper chromosphere, strongly heating it to flare temperatures. This heating can then drive strong chromospheric evaporation, bringing hot and dense plasma to the corona. We therefore find three important conclusions: (1) Alfvénic waves, propagating from the corona to the chromosphere, are capable of heating the upper chromosphere and the corona, (2) the atmospheric response to heating due to the dissipation of Alfvénic waves can be strikingly similar to heating by an electron beam, and (3) this heating can produce explosive evaporation.


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Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) are transient events observed when a star passes close enough to a supermassive black hole to be tidally destroyed. Many TDE candidates have been discovered in host galaxies whose spectra have weak or no line emission yet strong Balmer line absorption, indicating a period of intense star formation that has recently ended. As such, TDE host galaxies fall into the rare class of quiescent Balmer-strong galaxies. Here, we quantify the fraction of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with spectral properties like those of TDE hosts, determining the extent to which TDEs are over-represented in such galaxies. Galaxies whose spectra have Balmer absorption ${\rm{H}}{\delta }_{{\rm{A}}}$σ(H${\delta }_{{\rm{A}}}$) > 4 Å (where σ(H${\delta }_{{\rm{A}}}$) is the error in the Lick ${\rm{H}}{\delta }_{{\rm{A}}}$ index) and Hα emission equivalent width (EW) < 3 Å have had a strong starburst in the last ∼Gyr. They represent 0.2% of the local galaxy population, yet host 3 of 8 (37.5%) optical/UV-selected TDE candidates. A broader cut, ${\rm{H}}{\delta }_{{\rm{A}}}\quad \gt $ 1.31 Å and Hα EW < 3 Å, nets only 2.3% of SDSS galaxies, but 6 of 8 (75%) optical/UV TDE hosts. Thus, quiescent Balmer-strong galaxies are over-represented among the TDE hosts by a factor of 33–190. The high-energy-selected TDE Swift J1644 also lies in a galaxy with strong Balmer lines and weak Hα emission, implying a $\gt 80\times $ enhancement in such hosts and providing an observational link between the γ/X-ray-bright and optical/UV-bright TDE classes.