All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.
• Type of peer review: Double-blind
The conference papers were double-blind reviewed, where the identity of both author and reviewer on the papers will be hidden. The process is started by manuscript submission to EasyChair- web-based conference management software system. The editorial team then doing plagiarism check using DrillBit plagiarism software on submitted papers. The plagiarism process is under no-repository mode. If the plagiarism result exceeds 10%, the paper will be returned to the author for revision and request for new submission. For papers passed the similarity checks, the editorial member will then assign the papers to two reviewers for topic-related content review within designated time limits. All reviewers will have access link to the papers to evaluate and judge substantial indicators, such as: abstract sufficiently informative; clarity in the presentation of findings; methodology appropriate to study; results or conclusion supported by data analysis; and originality/novelty of finding. Clarity of figures and texts are also the main concern. The reviewers can also write their constructive critics directly in the EasyChair and put their judgement for the papers to be:
(1) accepted and continued for camera-ready version,
(2) accepted with minor revision,
(3) accepted with major revision, or
(4) rejected. Editors will notify all authors about the review results by email.
• Number of submissions received: 250 papers
• Number of submissions sent for review: 210 papers
• Number of submissions accepted: 115 papers
• Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 210 / 250 x 100 = 46%
• Average number of reviews per paper: 2 reviews
• Total number of reviewers involved: 25 reviewers
Dr. Veerendrakumar C Khed (5894),
Organizing Secretary ICACE-2021
Research Group Head (Structural Engg)
Department of Civil Engineering,
K L Deemed to be UNIVERSITY,Guntur.
Phone: +91 9480374757,