It takes a village to perform a petascale computation—domain scientists, applied
mathematicians, computer scientists, computer system vendors, program managers, and
support staff—and the village was assembled during 24–28 June 2007 in Boston's Westin
Copley Place for the third annual Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing
(SciDAC) 2007 Conference. Over 300 registered participants networked around 76
posters, focused on achievements and challenges in 36 plenary talks, and brainstormed in
two panels. In addition, with an eye to spreading the vision for simulation at the
petascale and to growing the workforce, 115 participants—mostly doctoral students and
post-docs complementary to the conferees—were gathered on 29 June 2007 in
classrooms of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a full day of tutorials on the
use of SciDAC software. Eleven SciDAC-sponsored research groups presented their
software at an introductory level, in both lecture and hands-on formats that included live
runs on a local BlueGene/L.
Computation has always been about garnering insight into the behavior of systems too
complex to explore satisfactorily by theoretical means alone. Today, however,
computation is about much more: scientists and decision makers expect quantitatively
reliable predictions from simulations ranging in scale from that of the Earth's climate,
down to quarks, and out to colliding black holes. Predictive simulation lies at the heart of
policy choices in energy and environment affecting billions of lives and expenditures of
trillions of dollars. It is also at the heart of scientific debates on the nature of matter and
the origin of the universe. The petascale is barely adequate for such demands and we are
barely established at the levels of resolution and throughput that this new scale of
computation affords. However, no scientific agenda worldwide is pushing the petascale
frontier on all its fronts as vigorously as SciDAC.
The breadth of this conference archive reflects the philosophy of the SciDAC
program, which was introduced as a collaboration of all of the program offices in the
Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in Fall 2001 and was renewed
for a second period of five years in Fall 2006, with additional support in certain areas
from the DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the U.S. National
Science Foundation (NSF). All of the projects in the SciDAC portfolio were represented
at the conference and most are captured in this volume. In addition, the Organizing
Committee incorporated into the technical program a number of computational science
highlights from outside of SciDAC, and, indeed, from outside of the United States.
As implied by the title, scientific discovery is the driving deliverable of the SciDAC
program, spanning the full range of the DOE Office of Science: accelerator design,
astrophysics, chemistry and materials science, climate science, combustion, life science,
nuclear physics, plasma physics, and subsurface physics. As articulated in the
eponymous report that launched SciDAC, the computational challenges of these diverse
areas are remarkably common. Each is profoundly multiscale in space and time and
therefore continues to benefit at any margin from access to the largest and fastest
computers available. Optimality of representation and execution requires adaptive,
scalable mathematical algorithms in both continuous (geometrically complex domain)
and discrete (mesh and graph) aspects. Programmability and performance optimality
require software environments that both manage the intricate details of the underlying
hardware and abstract them for scientific users. Running effectively on remote
specialized hardware requires transparent workflow systems. Comprehending the
petascale data sets generated in such simulations requires automated tools for data
exploration and visualization. Archiving and sharing access to this data within the
inevitably distributed community of leading scientists requires networked collaborative
environments. Each of these elements is a research and development project in its own
right. SciDAC does not replace theoretical programs oriented towards long-term basic
research, but harvests them for contemporary, complementary state-of-the-art
computational campaigns. By clustering researchers from applications and enabling
technologies into coordinated, mission-driven projects, SciDAC accomplishes two ends
with remarkable effectiveness: (1) it enriches the scientific perspective of both
applications and enabling communities through mutual interaction and (2) it leverages
between applications solutions and effort encapsulated in software.
Though SciDAC is unique, its objective of multiscale science at extreme computational
scale is shared and approached through different programmatic mechanisms, notably
NNSA's ASC program, NSF's Cyberinfrastructure program, and DoD's CREATE
program in the U.S., and RIKEN's computational simulation programs in Japan.
Representatives of each of these programs were given the podium at SciDAC 2007 and
communication occurred that will be valuable towards the ends of complementarity,
leverage, and promulgation of best practices. The 2007 conference was graced with
additional welcome program announcements. Michael Strayer announced a new program
of postdoctoral research fellowships in the enabling technologies. (The computer science
post-docs will be named after the late Professor Ken Kennedy, who briefly led the
SciDAC project Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS) until
his untimely death in February 2007.) IBM announced its petascale BlueGene/P system
on June 26. Meanwhile, at ISC07 in Dresden, the semi-annual posting of a revised Top
500 list on June 27 showed several new Top 10 systems accessible to various SciDAC
While SciDAC is dominated in 2007 by the classical scientific pursuit of understanding
through reduction to components and isolation of causes and effects, simulation at scale
is beginning to offer something even more tantalizing: synthesis and integration of
multiple interacting phenomena in complex systems. Indeed, the design-oriented
elements of SciDAC, such as accelerator and tokamak modeling, area already
emphasizing multiphysics coupling, and climate science has been doing so for years in
the coupling of models of the ocean, atmosphere, ice, and land. In one of the panels at
SciDAC 2007, leaders of a three-stage `progressive workshop' on exascale simulation
for energy and environment (E3), considered prospects for whole-system modeling in a
variety of scientific areas within the domain of DOE related to energy, environmental,
and global security. Computer vendors were invited to comment on the prospects for
delivering exascale computing systems in another panel. The daunting nature of this
challenge is summarized with the observation that the peak processing power of the
entire Top 500 list of June 2007 is only 0.0052 exaflop/s. It takes the combined power of
most of the computers on the internet today worldwide to reach 1 exaflop/s or 1018
floating point operations per second.
The program of SciDAC 2007 followed a template honed by its predecessor meetings in
San Francisco in 2005 and Denver in 2006. The Boston venue permitted outreach to a
number of universities in the immediate region and throughout southern New England,
including SciDAC campuses of Boston University, Harvard, and MIT, and a dozen others
including most of the Ivy League. Altogether 55 universities, 20 laboratories, 14 private
companies, 5 agencies, and 4 countries were represented among the conference and
tutorial workshop participants. Approximately 47% of the conference participants were
from government laboratories, 37% from universities, 9% from federal program offices,
and 7% from industry.
Keys to the success of SciDAC 2007 were the informal poster receptions, coffee breaks,
working breakfasts and lunches, and even the `Right-brain Night' featuring artistic
statements, both reverent and irreverent, by computational scientists, inspired by their
work. The organizers thank the sponsors for their generosity in attracting participants to
these informal occasions with sumptuous snacks and beverages: AMD, Cray, DataDirect,
IBM, SGI, SiCortex, and the Institute of Physics.
A conference as logistically complex as SciDAC 2007 cannot possibly and should not be
executed primarily by the scientists, themselves. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the
many talented staff that contributed to a productive time for all participants and nearperfect
adherence to schedule. Chief among them is Betsy Riley, currently detailed from
ORNL to the program office in Germantown, with degrees in mathematics and computer
science, but a passion for organizing interdisciplinary scientific programs. Betsy staffed
the organizing committee during the year of telecon meetings leading up to the
conference and masterminded sponsorship, invitations, and the compilation of the
proceedings. Assisting her from ORNL in managing the program were Daniel Pack,
Angela Beach, and Angela Fincher. Cynthia Latham of ORNL performed admirably in
website and graphic design for all aspects of the online and printed materials of the
meeting. John Bui, John Smith, and Missy Smith of ORNL ran their customary tight ship
with respect to audio-visual execution and capture, assisted by Eric Ecklund and Keith
Quinn of the Westin. Pamelia Nixon-Hartje of Ambassador Services was personally
invaluable in getting the most out of the hotel and its staff. We thank Jeff Nichols of
ORNL for managing the primary subcontract for the meeting.
The SciDAC tutorial program was a joint effort of Professor John Negele of MIT, David
Skinner, PI of the SciDAC Outreach Center, and the SciDAC 2007 Chair. Sponsorship
from the Outreach Center in the form of travel scholarships for students, and of the local area
SciDAC university delegation of BU, Harvard, and MIT for food and facilities is
gratefully acknowledged.
Of course, the archival success of a scientific meeting rests with the willingness of the
presenters to make the extra effort to package their field-leading science in a form
suitable for interaction with colleagues from other disciplines rather than fellow
specialists. This goal, oft-stated in the run up to the meeting, was achieved to an
admirable degree, both in the live presentations and in these proceedings. This effort is
its own reward, since it leads to enhanced communication and accelerated scientific
Our greatest thanks are reserved for Michael Strayer, Associate Director for OASCR and
the Director of SciDAC, for envisioning this celebratory meeting three years ago, and
sustaining it with his own enthusiasm, in order to provide a highly visible manifestation
of the fruits of SciDAC. He and the other Office of Science program managers in
attendance and working in Washington, DC to communicate the opportunities afforded
by SciDAC deserve the gratitude of a new virtual scientific village created and cemented
under the vision of scientific discovery through advanced computing.
David E Keyes
Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics