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Volume 1842


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International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020, 24 October 2020, Surakarta, Indonesia

Accepted papers received: 25 February 2021
Published online: 23 March 2021


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International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020 is annual international conference held by Doctorate Program of Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret. ICOSETH 2020 is held by Zoom meeting, but We hope that this online conference will give us nothing less meaning. This is the first virtual international conference history in our study program, which is completely conducted on a digital platform in line with the social distancing norms due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The first ICoSETH was held on 2019 which had a theme about Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 on Science Education and Technology. While, the theme of this ICoSETH 2020 is Enhancing Research and Collaboration in Science Education and Technology in the Digital Era.

The first plan was that today's conference would be held offline as usual, but this pandemic situation changes everything. It is not a regret anymore since this online conference is supporting our theme even more, "The Digital Era". And yet, we are making our progress on digital era conference.

Thank you very much for listening and let us welcome our ditinguished speakers, Prof. Chun Yen Chang from NTNU Taiwan, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Sajidan, M.Si. from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Associate Professor Mihye Won from Curtin University, Australia, and Prof. Stephane Grumbach, due to his healthy send Wisnu Uriawan, Ph.D from INSA Lyon, France.

We hope this conference will be value adding to all, highly educative, contribute to existing knowledge, pragmatic, memorable, and not-to-be-missed. Thank you!


Prof. Sulistyo Saputro, M.Si., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sajidan, M.Si.

Prof. Dra. Suparmi, M.A., Ph.D.

Dewanta Arya Nugraha, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Si.

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List of International advisory boards, Organizing Commite, logos are available in the pdf

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Logo ICOSETH are available in the pdf

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All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.

Type of peer review: Single-blind/Double-blind / Triple-blind / Open / Other (please describe)

Conference submission management system:

Number of submissions received: 236 Abstracts

166 papers received

Number of submissions sent for review: 166 papers

Number of submissions accepted: 98 papers

Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 59.04 %

Average number of reviews per paper: 10 papers

Total number of reviewers involved: 16 reviewers

Any additional info on review process:

1. abstract review stage

2. full paper review (content, language, format/layout)

3. full paper plagiarism, grammarly check

4. full paper final format/layout

5. final paper

Contact person for queries:

Name : Dewanta Arya Nugraha, M.Pd., M.Si., Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret,

Computer science

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As a distributor of gas cylinders, the company will make every effort to distribute the products to customers effectively. In the distribution of gas cylinders, there are always problems in terms of saving distance and time in distribution. For this reason, an analysis is needed to optimize the distribution using the Artificial Immune System (AIS) method. The purpose of this research is to optimize the distance and time of distribution of gas cylinders by using the existing algorithm in AIS, namely the Artificial Immune Network Algorithm (aiNet). In this study, the distribution is limited specifically to the city of Cirebon. Furthermore, the AINet algorithm is analyzed for 20 distribution points using 3 vehicles. The results of the aiNet analysis show that the optimization within the distance is 1.28% and the time optimization is 0.37%. So using the Artificial Immune System with the AINet Algorithm, the distance and time can be optimized in the distribution of gas cylinders.

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Flora in Indonesia has about 25% of the species of flowering plant species present in the world. Roses are one type of flowering plants and are usually used as an ornamental plant that has a thorny stem. Roses have more than 150 species. In Indonesia there are several flower gardens that is larger than the others. One of the famous flower garden in Indonesia is located on Malang city, East Java. The flower garden in Malang has several varieties of many roses and has a large production of roses. To help the sales system of roses there, the researchers want to create a program that can classify the type of roses in order to help simplify the system of automatic sales of roses without through manual sorting. So that will accelerate the sale of roses with an automated system. Ordinary people with limited botanical knowledge usually don't know how to classify the flowers just by looking at them. To classify the flowers properly, it is important to provide enough information, and one of them is the name of it. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one method of deep learning that can be used for image classification process. The CNN design is motivated by the discovery of the visual mechanism, the visual cortex present in the brain. CNN has been widely used in many real-world applications, such as Face Recognition, Image Classification and Recognition, and Object Detection, because this is one of the most efficient method for extracting important features. In this research, the classification accuracy value obtained from the test data is 96.33% using 2-dimension Red Green Blue (RGB) input image, and the size of each image is 32 × 32 pixels that are trained with CNN algorithm and the network structure of four convolution layers and four layers pooling supported by dropout technique.

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The digital era describes the presence of technology where everyone can exchange information so quickly by the internet. For an institution, a website has its own benefits, among others, as a media for promotion, presenting information, and providing online services. This study aims to evaluate and improve website performance by analyzing the quality of the Sebelas Maret University selection of new student admissions (SPMB) website by utilizing a combination of WebQual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) methods. In its analysis, WebQual method looks at 3 main dimensions: Usability Quality, Information Quality, and Service Interaction Quality. This research, which involved students in UNS, found that the website's gap analysis still has a negative value on all attributes and there are several attributes that require improvement related to website design, presentation of detailed and up-to-date information and navigation on the website. The results from this study are expected could be used as evaluation for the SPMB website's development to meet user expectation.

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Arrangement patient's report process of Elim Rantepao hospital is especially complicated because patient data was obtained from FCR Console Prima what saved as DDO file extension as Unicode string. This problem makes understanding and select data manually become difficult. This research tries to give a solution on how to arrange reports easily through application tools developing. This research uses a rule-based classification algorithm to extract Patient Name, Age, ID Number, Date, and time. Applying this algorithm, increase system performance up to 96,6%. This application is very accurate as long as the file DDO has not broken.

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Determining the right candidate as an envoy to take part in a quiz contest can increase the chances of becoming a champion. To achieve these opportunities the school must be more selective in choosing the students who excel in the subjects to be contested. In the selection of students, intelligent representatives are usually the school only takes students who get the first rank of each class, even though it is not necessarily that the students master the lessons to be contested. Can help Senior High School 1 Sungai Aur in making quick and accurate decisions for the selection of representatives of quiz competition. Data obtained from the Senior High School 1 Sungai Aur in the form of student data with a sample of 20 students who have the potential in their respective subjects. Furthermore, the data will be analyzed using the Profile Matching method. The results of this study, it was decided that only 12 participants from 20 samples were passed. Processing results found that there were 3 participants whose decisions were different from those of the school and 9 participants with the same decision. So that the value of data processing accuracy is 75% and an error value of 25% of the 12 participants determined. It can be concluded that this study can help the school to determine students who have the right to represent their school in a quiz competition.

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At the beginning of 2020, Indonesia was shocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the areas affected by the COVID-19 outbreak is tourism. In the tourism sector, the Indonesian government is closing tourism activities to minimize the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The tourism sector has been a mainstay of income for tourism village communities and supports its foreign exchange earnings. This study analyzes local government tourism applications using IT governance trust (ITGT)in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The method used is by distributing questionnaires to application makers and government employees who use tourist applications. Data were analyzed inferentially using quantitative Smart-PLS analysis. The application of multiple regression techniques to analyze questionnaire data on mobile tourism applications' reliability and validity during the COVID-19 epidemic. This article used descriptive research to respond to the implementation of IT governance (ITG). The statistical results obtained indicate that the quality of information, system quality, and service quality of the tourism mobile application significantly affect user confidence in using tourism applications. Thus, this study contributes to recommendations for using the ITGT model to determine the extent to which tourism applications can prepare themselves to improve their tourism applications during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study provides direct information to practitioners about what to consider in enhancing tourist application features, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, so there is a need for ITG in planning reliable tourism applications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The scheduling of lectures is an important activity that is carried out every beginning of the semester. The process of making a lecture schedule in the Informatics Engineering Study Program of Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia Cirebon still uses office applications, so it takes a long time to complete. This is because certain criteria or conditions that make the scheduling of lectures complicated, such as the willingness of teaching days and courses for each lecturer to differ and the availability of parallel classes. The research methods used consist of several stages, namely data collection, analysis, and system design, as well as the implementation of software created. The method of data collection used is observation and library study. The method of analysis and design of the system used is Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) using Unified Modelling Language (UML). Applications created using the PHP programming language with the Yii Framework and MySQL as databases, as well as applying genetic algorithms to solve scheduling problems. The result of this research is a lecture scheduling application used by BAAK Staff to create a lecture schedule in the Informatics Engineering Study Program. The application of this application can save time in the creation of lecture schedules.

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Data is growing fast, triggered by the wider use of information technology (IT) by the public or organizations. In line with data growth, data processing is also developing. One of them is data mining. Data mining is very necessary in business to obtain the information that needed to make business strategy such as marketing strategy. At Matana University, the Marketing Department needs to utilize data mining to optimize the achievement of its targets, particularly to predict and classify the prospective student data. Current data mining processing machines already have the high performances with large storage capacities. To improve the performance of data mining processing machines, machine learning is applied. The machine becomes intelligent and able to learn from the provided data. The application of machine learning to predict and classify new students is based on supervised learning by applying the Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) algorithm. The data used is the data of prospective students who have registered at Matana University. Machine learning is built, using the Python programming language. The result of the application has an accuracy of 0.73 (73%) and very helpful to the head of marketing in making marketing strategies. In the future, several developments can be done such as using other algorithms, accessed by smartphone, using dashboards in visualization, or adding data attributes such as parental income, religion, hobby, future goal and so on.

Design and implementation of a technology-rich learning environment

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Batik is one of the cultural heritages that have been established by UNESCO as a Cultural Heritage Humanity's Oral and Non-material (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) since October 2009. Art Batik is the art over the cloths to clothe the beginning only used by the family empires only. The advancement of science in the field of information and communication technology, especially the use of handheld devices Android smartphone has changed the perspective and lifestyle in carrying out daily activities. This impacted on the traditional arts activities. The less the interest of the public to learn or just know about the background of this application that combines the advancement of science in the field of technology to load content such as batik, especially in Ngawi Regency so that people can preserve it.. This application is made into a games interactive education format mockup use software Marvell and is designed to run on devices with operating systems Android and if the teacher want to explain with the students, the teachers can use STEAM learning model.

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Gayo Lues is aregency that still preserves cultural customs in everyday life and upholds the traditions of their ancestors. The majority of the Gayo people are farmers. They process natural products such as prickly pandan leaves into a product called tape. Tape is used as a wrapper and a rice. The purpose of this study is to determine the function, types, and motifs of tape. The benefits of this research serve as an effort to preserve local culture, and an effort to preserve ancestral heritage for the future. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to describe the importance of local culture. Sociological observation, theoretical and cultural analysis based on intensive field research. Based on the field researchresults, tape has several functions. First, tape is used as rice wrappers, envelopes for invitations to traditional events and as a container to store plain flour that is served to newlyweds at weddings. Second, there are three forms of tape in general, namely ucak, kul and dere. Third, tape has various motifs called sesiku, matapat, bunge terong and special motifs such as bebalun which is only used as a substitute for invitation letters. Tape bebalun is perceived as a symbol of luxury and respect among the Gayo community. This can be seen from the use of tape to invite close relatives to attend traditional events in Gayo. The role of tape in the Gayo is very important because it is an identity and symbol of the Gayo community's customs.

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The application of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in science learning can facilitate communication interactions between teachers and their students while also encouraging classroom management teachers. However, not all teachers can apply essential principles in using STEM. This research aimed to get information about teachers' readiness and confidence in preparing, teaching, and evaluating the application of STEM. We also gain some information about the difficulties and difficulties of teachers in using STEM. Data collected through a survey by distributing questionnaires to 50 teachers randomly. Data were descriptively analyzed. The results show that some teachers have not been able to integrate several science fields in an integrated manner and how to evaluate them. This finding is expected to be a recommendation for research into STEM implementation in learning.

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This development research aims to develop a learning media that collaborates virtual reality and educational game to learn Madurese history and alphabet. This learning media was created to facilitate the difficulties of 3rd grade students of Pangarangan III Elementary School of Sumenep in learning Madurese history and alphabet. This learning media is developed based on information technology that can bring students to an environment that seems real. This media also supports distance learning which is suitable for students to use in learning during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The development of this learning media uses ADDIE Model. The learning media that has been created are then tested with results of trials on media design experts is 91% (very high), trials on material or content experts are 84% (high), trials on individual users (three students) are 85% (high), testing trials in small group users (six students) was 87% (high), and trials in large group users (twenty students) was 86% (high). It can be concluded that the virtual reality and educational games are well worth it and no need to revise. The application of this media in learning will have an impact on increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness of learning Madura history and alphabet.

Distance learning on education

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Some pre-service teachers who are studying give less effective perceptions regarding the implementation of online learning during the Pandemic period. Pre-service teachers today belong to a generation of digital natives (DNG) who are very familiar with technology and have unique characteristics, so it is very important to analyze their online learning behavior to design effective online learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the online learning behaviors of digital natives reviewed from perceived fits, attitudes, and self-efficacy. Survey research was used to analyze the phenomenon of DNG's online learning behavior and identify the factors that influence it. The instrument in the form of a questionnaire consists of 49 statement items on a scale of 5. Of the 152 polls collected, only 148 were valid. Quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis was used for data analysis. The results of this study showed that all components of DNG's online learning behavior had relatively high average scores except the interaction component through online discussion forums. The causes of low interaction through online discussion forums were DNG less active, lack of enthusiasm, easy to give up, difficult to move on, and network constraints. The conclusion of this study was an in-depth analysis related to perceived fits, attitudes, and self-efficacy producing phenomena and are variables capable of explaining the variables of DNG online learning behavior. The results of this study can be used as the basis for further research, namely related to the development of online learning models for the DNG.

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Covid-19 changes face-to-face learning to online, this also applies to science learning in elementary education students. This study aims to: 1) determine the learning outcomes and responses of elementary school students to science learning during the Covid-19 period; 2) to find out the obstacles/difficulties in implementing science learning for elementary school students during the COVID-19 period. This study used a descriptive method with a sample of 33 students. The data collection technique used essay test questions, questionnaires, and interviews. The data that has been obtained will be analyzed qualitatively and described in descriptive form as well as Ms. Excel. The results of data analysis showed 1) the average student learning outcomes was 71.06. The other 16 students scored below the KKM and the remaining 17 students had their scores met the KKM scores; 2) student response, almost all students said that online learning was fun, although there were still many obstacles in its implementation; 3) the obstacles faced include inadequate facilities, limited interaction, student interest in learning, lecturers cannot thoroughly control students who are involved in online learning and learning that takes a long time to make students experience boredom. This shows that the use of science learning for basic education students using online learning still needs to be optimized.

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Online learning using multiple platforms will be more effective when juxtaposed with other methods or approaches. This study aims to determine the online learning process based on the MIKiR Approach during the Covid 19 Pandemic at MIS Muhajirin Jambi City. This research is a qualitative descriptive field research. This research was conducted at MIS Muhajirin Jambi City. The subjects of this study were teachers and students of grade VI. Data collection was taken through interviews, observation, documentation and field notes. The author takes the role of a direct interviewer to explore more complete data for teachers and students. Thinking is a learning approach that was initiated by the Tanoto Foundation in 2018. Thinking stands for Experiencing, Interaction, Communication, and Reflection. The results showed that the online learning process based on the MIKiR approach began with the preparation of a learning implementation plan and the preparation of media and learning resources, learning assessment tools and learning scenarios along with Student Worksheets (LKPD) based on the "MiKiR" approach. The implementation of learning with learning steps consists of experiencing activities, interaction, communication, and reflection. Assessment is carried out by the teacher by assessing the assignments sent by students through google classroom to be used as a portfolio. Each lesson uses a learning approach to think, the teacher always tries to be creative and innovative in preparing teaching materials and learning scenarios.

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The spread of COVID-19 has an impact on changing the learning process at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Nusa Nipa University (UNIPA). UNIPA chose to implement online learning using Microsoft Teams. This study aims to determine the FKIP students' perceptions on the use of Microsoft Teams application in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample of this research was 176 FKIP students' which were spread in 5 study programs. They are Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education, and Elementary School Teacher Education. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques were questionnaire and analyzed using Likert scale. The results showed that FKIP UNIPA students had a good perception of using Microsoft Teams. Students hope that this application will continue to be used during online learning with some improvements so that learning using this application can take place more effectively and efficiently.

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English Language Teaching (ELT) is part of a teaching and learning activity focused on English development. The ELT's distance learning enactment is used for English communication. These activities may be linked to digital literacy practices, particularly for Chinese students as non-native speakers, in stimulating English as regular communication in spoken and written centered on communication. From distance learning, some Chinese ICUTK students have contributed a lot to using English to teach and practice contact at any time. Running digital literacy practices as an ELT approach and strategy will help improve English skills in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, especially by enacting distance learning from China Mainland to Thailand. The purpose of this research is to know how well students can learn ELT. It describes how essential social media platforms are in delivering ELT lessons for distance learning countries between Thailand and the People's Republic of China and how Chinese students practice digital literacy through media apps synchronously and asynchronously. This study uses a qualitative approach focused on classroom learning. Simultaneously, researchers learn how useful ELT activity for Chinese students through asynchronous and synchronous methods such as WeChat apps and Ding Talks apps. These online platforms demonstrate how effective distance learning for Chinese students in the ELT is and how useful a forum is to help teach and learn in English.

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Visual literacy is determined by one's reading comprehension, visual literacy is always found in our environment, lecturers need to provide opportunities for students to get activities that can develop their visual literacy skills, and it is hoped that these visual skills can be taught to MI / SD students. One of the activities that can support visual literacy is the MIKiR approach. MIKiR stands for Experiencing, Interaction, Communication, and Reflection. Experiencing activities such as students observing, doing experiments, making things. Interaction such as discussing, asking, and answering questions, explaining the results of group work. Communication such as conveying work results, telling stories, expressing opinions. Reflection is like writing or mentioning what was learned today and what was not understood. Online lecture activities carried out with the MIKiR approach are able to develop student visual literacy such as students being able to present messages in text into visual forms and students being able to transform visual messages into written text. The implication of this research is that students are able to develop their visual literacy skills and students are able to choose an appropriate learning approach in improving the visual literacy of students.

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Online learning practices during the Covid-19 pandemic were completely carried out without being accompanied by face-to-face activities. This condition forces lecturers and students to adapt to new learning approaches by implementing online learning (e-learning). The research aims to develop a practical framework for Blended Learning (BL) implementation from best-practices and the concept of the flipped classroom (FC). The research method used is the ADDIE method (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The research stage began with a survey of online learning service experiences had been using various online learning tools. The results of the inventory of best practices in online learning were used to compile the BL framework and integrate it with the FC framework as an alternative to vocational learning scenarios. The scenario of the BL framework was validated by the FGD technique. A vocational learning scenario called flipped training (FT) is applied in Online Classroom Management Training activities. The principle of implementing FT in online vocational learning begins with implementing project-based learning packaged in worksheets, class projects are presented in the LMS room and guided by video tutorials. After asynchronous delivery of project content, virtual face-to-face activities are carried out for confirmation and discussion of project execution preparation. At the end of the virtual face-to-face session, class participants were tested cognitively to ensure readiness for project execution. Production results are presented in video format, evaluated, and assessed on a rubric basis.

Instructional technology and application in science education

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The purpose of this study was to develop interactive learning multimedia using the drill & practice model on the scientific literacy of junior high school students which had validity, practicality, and potential impact. This study used Frey and Sutton's development research model which combined formative evaluation from Tessmer. This study was tested on junior high school students. Data were obtained from interviews, documentation, walkthrough, questionnaires, and tests. Based on the expert reviews, this interactive learning multimedia was declared very valid with an average score of 0.99 (the maximum score is 1). In the one-to-one evaluation, it was declared very practical with an average score of 0.83 (the maximum score is 1). In the small group evaluation, it was declared very practical with an average score of 3.34 (the maximum score is 4). In the field test, the average classical test result was 62.18 with a good category. From the research data, it can be concluded that interactive learning multimedia using the drill & practice model on the scientific literacy of junior high school students was feasible to use in learning. The research results imply that students can understand science with the help of interactive multimedia learning which can have an impact on students' scientific literacy.

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The Research purpose was to determine The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School (Exploration Study at Elementary School Teacher of Surakarta .The research method used survey technique of quantitative research. The population were 80 Elementary School teachers in Surakarta and the sampling technique was purposive random sampling., consistst of Tempel Elementary School, Mojosongo 3 Elementary School, Bumi 1 Elementary School, Islam Bakti 1 Elementary School and Gandekan Elementary School. The data collection was questionnaire that to know the Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model. The questionnaire of Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model were dimensions, e.i curriculum concept understanding, teacher responsesiveness, responsibility, teacher self oriented, teacher perspective and teacher self confidence.The result revwal that The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School only slightly more than general, finding indicates that curriculum concept understanding needed intensive trainning in order to improve effectively learning process in classroom.

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Biology Laboratory is an essential variable in determining the quality of secondary school output. Sufficient laboratory equipment suitable for teaching in secondary schools helps improve students' skills. Knowing the equipment and materials in the laboratory supports the students in the learning process in the laboratory. This study aims to identify the level of students' knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. It used a survey method with a sample of 106 high school students from grade XI in Yogyakarta. The data were collected by testing the students' level of knowledge of laboratory equipment and materials. Then, the data were analyzed by calculating the average percentage and grouped them into a range of category values. The results showed that the level of students' knowledge of the laboratory equipment is quite good; the level of students' knowledge of the function of laboratory equipment is good; and the level of students' knowledge of the procedure to use the laboratory equipment is good. Moreover, the level of students' knowledge of the characteristics of laboratory materials is good and the level of students' knowledge of the group or categorization of the laboratory materials used in practices for certain subjects is poor. The low knowledge of students about laboratory equipment and materials is due to the lack of time allocation for the teacher's explanation about the laboratory equipment and materials and the practicum guidelines used do not summarize the laboratory equipment and materials. Therefore, further research is expected to develop practicum guidelines that contain detailed information on laboratory equipment and materials.

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This study aims to develop a learning model based on Mobile Learning Media (MLM), test its effectiveness, and describe its benefits. MLM was developed for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming courses in vocational high schools. The effectiveness is tested by indicators of students' higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). Advantages are explored based on their performance in learning. Recently, CNC programming lesson is known as a difficult subject because it requires critical and creative thinking skills. The research design was experimental with a pretest-posttest random control group pattern. Research respondents totaled 120 students with 60 students in the experimental class and 60 students in the control class. The research data includes data on the effectiveness of the model and student learning outcomes. Analysis of research data used descriptive statistical techniques and independent sample T-test with the help of SPSS 2.0 software. The results showed that the use of MLM was effective to improve teacher performance in teaching. MLM can facilitate students to develop HOTS. This is proved by the increase in student learning outcomes after the application of MLM. Based on the analysis of answers accompanied by reasons, students are able to show significant improvement in all critical and creative thinking processes.

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During the pandemic, LMS is getting popular for facilitating learning. LMS is a software application for network or online activity and an electronic learning program (e-learning program). This study aims to identify high school students' learning chemistry experience with the Learning Management System (LMS) in the Pandemic Era. Fifty-four high school students of 12th grade from high schools in Karanganyar, Indonesia, participated in this research. The survey was used as the methodology. The survey instrument consists of 33 items, which are divided into six parts: student profile, analysis of the needs of internet, analysis of the needs of mobile phones, analysis of the implementation of learning chemistry during the pandemic, LMS application that has been used, and the mobile learning design expectations. The finding shows that most students use the internet more than 5 hours a day with the main priority for online learning, so they are consuming 10-20 GB of internet data per month. In online learning, most students use mobile phones. During the pandemic, the learning majority only consisted of assignment to practice problems via Whatsapp Group, Google classroom, Microsoft Teams, Google form, or watching videos via YouTube. With LMS, students feel sufficient and comfortable to support learning during this pandemic. Chemistry LMS is expected to contain a collection of materials, virtual, practice questions, a set of formulas, and animation.

Learning Innovations and Evaluation

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Entrepreneurial activities require a variety of skills. Instruments that measure the entrepreneurial skills of vocational school students are still very limited. This article aims to develop and validate instruments in measuring the entrepreneurial skills of vocational school students based on sustainable development. The research population was vocational school students in Klaten. Stratified cluster random sampling is used for sampling. The research method used is a quantitative method with an explanatory type of study that is directed to analyze and produce an instrument for assessing entrepreneurial skills. The item analysis to determine the criteria of internal consistency used Pearson Product Moment regarding data collected from one hundred and sixty students. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The criteria of internal consistency from each component is relatively high. The lowest average degree is 0.556 in the component view of independence, and the highest average level is 0.605 in the seeing opportunities component. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the reliability test was 0.622 in the learning orientation component as the lowest degree and 0.819 in the result-oriented component as the highest degree. The results revealed that the entrepreneurial skills instrument is a valid and reliable tool for assessing the entrepreneurial skills of vocational school students.

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Discovery learning is an alternative learning model that can improve the science learning process. Discovery learning research has developed rapidly in recent years. Discovery learning research has produced many theoretical and empirical findings. Many trends and problems have emerged, highlighting the complexities and dynamics of research in discovery learning. Therefore, this study aims to determine current trends regarding discovery learning. This study used a bibliometric analysis approach based on the Scopus database. Based on the title, abstract, and keywords, this research succeeded in obtaining 634 documents from 2015 to 2019 for further study. This study uses bibliometric standards as a measure to report research results such as year of publication, country/territory of publication, type of document, type of source, subject area, author, affiliation, keyword analysis, and author collaboration analysis. The results showed that the publication of discovery learning has increased significantly since 2015, although it had decreased in 2017. The increase in the number of discovery learning research shows the importance of applying discovery learning in the learning process. The implications of this research for the development of discovery learning in a variety of frameworks, although much discovery learning research has been conducted.

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Student's learning outcomes are influenced by several factors, both internal and external. Problem solving skills and scientific attitudes are internal factors affecting students' learning outcomes. This was a quantitative research with the correlational approach and quantitative descriptive method. The populations were grade X science program students at SMA Negeri 1 (Senior high school) Boyolali, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, academic year of 2019/2020. The data were analyzed with the correlation and regression analysis. The results showed the significant positive relationship between problem solving skills with students' learning outcomes with the correlation coefficient value of 0.845 and determination coefficient of 71.4%; the significant positive relationship between scientific attitude with students' learning outcomes with the correlation coefficient value of 0.926 and determination coefficient of 85.7%; and the significant positive relationship between problem solving skills and scientific attitude with students' learning outcomes with correlation coefficient value of 0.936 and determination coefficient of 87.5%. The effective contribution of problem solving skills was 20.45%, and the scientific attitude was 67.05%. The relative contribution of problem solving skills was 23.4%, and the scientific attitude was 76.6%.

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One of the components of critical thinking is an explanation. This study aims to identify critical thinking skills in aspects of explanation using a performance assessment rubric. To measure students' scientific explanations in chemistry learning, a performance assessment rubric is needed. The arrangement of rubrics based on indicators of students' scientific explanations on chemical equilibrium material. This research uses the RASCH analysis model, the instrument was in good category. The number of samples is 122 students from one senior high school in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. The results showed students still had difficulty explaining ideas, students had difficulty explaining phenomena and connecting with relevant information.

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Empowering skills students to help prepare themselves for the defiance 21st century. One of the skills needed is critical thinking. The ability to think critically can be honed by applying waste environmental learning tools. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the waste environment learning tools on students' critical thinking skills. The study used a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest nonrandomized control group design. Data collection occurs before and after online learning activities using questions and rubrics. The research subjects were two tenth classes of Biology. Data analysis used Ancova showed that α <(α = 0.05). Based on data analysis, there are differences in students' critical thinking skills with learning to use and not to use waste environment learning tools.

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Chemistry learning plays a significant role in producing pupils whom both mastered the cognitive aspect and multiple representative aspects (contextual learning). Evaluation instrument used by the teacher for measuring cognitive aspect is common, but those for measuring multiple representation ability is rare. The proper instrument is needed to measure multiple representations. This study aims to describe the analysis of the needs of the Computerized Three-Tier Multiple choice (C3TMC) Instrument to measure student's multiple representational abilities in chemistry learning. Qualitative descriptive is the research method chosen by conducting a qualitative survey. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The participants consisted of 17 chemistry teachers in the Surakarta area. This research used 13 items of the survey that aimed to reveal teachers' needs on the learning evaluation process had been validated by two experts. The results obtained show that the analysis of computerized and needed an assessment instrument that was able to measure students' multiple representational abilities has a high utilization category in chemistry learning, namely 88.2%. By considering the results, the teachers tremendously need a good instrument to measure pupils' multiple representation abilities in Chemistry learning.

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This study aims to develop and analyze the feasibility of collaboration skills based on the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) rubric in junior high school science learning which is feasible from the aspects of validity and practicality. The research method used is the method of research and development of the Borg and Gall model which is limited to only 7 stages. Data collection techniques and tools are adapted to the research stage. The results of the validation of the research content using the Lawshe formula obtained CVI (Content Validity Instrument) = 0.99. Practicality tests through a questionnaire response to educators in a limited manner obtained positive statements of 92.55% and widely obtained positive statements of 97.35%. The conclusion of this research is that collaborative skills rubric is feasible to be used to measure collaboration skills in science learning in junior high schools.

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This study aims to calibrate the instrument of argumentation skills on the subject of Fluid Statics using item response theory (IRT). The blueprint instrument developed based on the aspects and sub-aspects of argumentation skills, totaling 20 items. The scoring uses the Partial Credit Model (PCM) principle in 4 categories. Subjects involved in the study were 206 undergraduate students at two different universities. The validation of the instrument using expert judgment techniques, which consisted of linguists, physicists, and educational measurement experts. Instrument calibration for argumentation skills is carried out by (1) analysis of item fit with PCM by testing goodness of fit items, (2) testing prerequisite analysis, (3) reliability, (4) difficulty level, and (5) Standard Error of Measurement (SEM). The test developed is valid with Aiken V index values in the range 0.93 to 1. The analysis of IRT assumptions uses two parameters, the adequacy test of the sample and the factor analysis. The Chi-Square value in the Bartlett test is 2202.67 with df 190, and a p-value value (Sig.) <0.05 indicates that the sample size used has met the unidimensional requirements. The instrument developed has met the criteria for scoring the Polytomus items, based on a) the MNSQ INFIT value is in the range of 0.70 to 1.30, and b) the difficulty index test is in the range -2.00 <b <2.00. The results of the reliability estimate on the test equipment obtained a reliability value of 0.86, which means that the reliability of the test is in the high category. The graph of the information function and SEM converge on the ability scales of -2.8 and +1.5, meaning that the skills test kit argues it is suitable for testees in the low to moderate ability range.

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This research is aimed to describe about the using of Figure Character media to introduce adjective in English learning for children to increase the students of teacher elementary program of STKIP Muhamadiyah Blora exploring media in English learning. This research happen is caused by the use of media in English learning is low in Blora area, so those reason became a motivation to make English learning process better and more effective. This research is descriptive qualitative research in case study method. Qualitative research is explained in words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs. The collecting data method uses questioner and interview. The two methods to collect variaty answers in the use of Figure Character media. Demontration mastery to attract the students is chosen and consulted to the expert. The result of this research is the using of learning media Figure Character to introduce adjective to the children in English learning can improve the students' interest and spirit. Besides, the teacher become easier to teach the mastery by using they own learning media. The media usage can build an interesting learning process for the teacher and the students. The informans of this research are agree that using Figure Character media can ease the teacher to introduce adjective to the children as elementary students with high entusiasm. This research has motivated the teacher candidate to use learning media.

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This paper explores a group of primary teachers' knowledge and perspectives about multimodal text and its usage in teaching critical reading skills for upper primary students in Surakarta, Indonesia. This case study explores a group of primary teachers' knowledge and perspectives about multimodal text and its usage in teaching critical reading skills for upper primary students (students of grades 4, 5 and 6) in Surakarta, Indonesia. A focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted among 30 primary teachers and 10 school principals by using open-ended inquiries. The discussion administered several topics related to teachers' perspectives about multimodal texts, teaching critical reading instructions, and the application of multimodal text in upper primary learning. The results of the research shows that text-based learning in the primary curriculum was mostly using written text with minimum illustration and often was only supported by a video from the internet. Most participants confirmed that they develop upper primary students' critical reading skills by asking students to retell, finding key information, discussing the main ideas, and mostly answering questions about the text they read. The conclusion of the research is that the implementation of multimodal text in upper primary learning was limited to written text with illustrations, posters, advertisements, and video or animation videos from the internet. The implication of this research urges teachers to use multimodal texts to enhance critical thinking skills.

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An assessment on the level of employability skills of students is deemed necessary, given the employers' need for skills that must be mastered by job seekers. The purpose of this study is to create an instrument that is able to assess the level of mastery of students' employability skills. Instrument making was carried out through seven stages: composing of variable constructs, preparing of instrument lines, arranging the instrument items, conducting content validation, testing instrument, conducting the consistency analysis of items, and estimating the reliability coefficient of instruments. Based on the instrument making process, it has been found out that the construct of the measured employability skills variable includes the skills of communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and technology utilization. Subsequent stages were carried out procedurally and content validation was carried out until obtaining the expert approval. The process of analyzing the consistency of items and estimating the reliability coefficient of the instrument was conducted using the SPSS. The results of the consistency analysis of items with SPSS showed seven statement items that had an internal consistency index below 0.3. As a consequence, these items were not used for not representing the construct of the measured indicator. After doing the item consistency analysis, 49 good items were obtained and the instrument reliability coefficient was estimated. Based on the analysis results, the reliability coefficient of the instrument obtained the value of 0.905. As the results obtained were more than 0.7, the instrument was then stated to be reliable and could be used as a data collection tool.

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One of the alternatives offers to enhance the improvement of learning process is by adopting a game which is known as serious game. The using of serious game in various studies published by leading journals has gradually increased. This increase is also reflected in various fields of research. The purpose of this research is therefore to define the current trends in serious game. The research performed a bibliometric analysis based on the Scopus database. Based on the keywords, the research was able to collect 5,375 documents in further review. Various methods have been used, such as frequency analysis, VOSviewer for data visualization, citation and metrics analysis. This study reports research results using standard bibliometric measures such as publication year, document type, source type, subject area, keyword analysis, geographic distribution, authorship, affiliation and citation analysis. Based on these results, serious game publications have increased significantly since 1984 in recent years. The increasing number of serious game research underlines the importance of serious game for learning.

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This research aims at comparing the estimation stability of participants' abilities on scientific literacy test based on the integrated Sciences using Rasch Dichotomous Model and One-parameter Logistic Model (1-PL IRT). The research data was the responses of scientific literacy test based on the integrated Sciences involving 310 students joining the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Programs at SMA N 2 and SMA N 3 Tegal City, Indonesia. The estimation of test participants' abilities with those two models was assisted with the eRm package and ltm package contained in the R program version 4.0.2. The next stage included analyzing mean, median, and variance of the estimation scores resulted from both models. Bootstrapping was then conducted to the parameter estimation using the new samples which have the same size with the original samples starting from 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000 2500, 3000 to 4000. The research result showed that the estimation of participants' abilities in scientific literacy test based on the integrated Sciences using the Rasch Dichotomous Model was more stable than that using the 1- PL IRT seen from both bias and error standard. This means that Rasch modeling on high-stakes test assessments is more precise than using the One-Parameter Logistic Model.

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This research was aimed to find out: (1) the relationship between students' critical thinking skills with students' achievement; (2) the relationship between students' learning motivation with students' achievement; and (3) the relationship between students' critical thinking skills and learning motivation with learning achievement in learning about buffer solution. This was a quantitative research with a correlational approach. The populations were 178 students at eleventh grade science program from SMA Negeri 6 (senior high school) in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, academic year of 2019/2020.. One class with 36 students was selected sample by using cluster random sampling. The data were obtained through a multiple-choice test about critical thinking skills, a multiple-choice test about the buffer solution topic, and a questionnaire about students' learning motivation. The data were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment correlation, multiple correlations, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) A positive and significant relationship between students' critical thinking skills with students' achievement was found, as shown by the correlation coefficient value of 0.871; (2) A positive and significant relationship between students' learning motivation with their achievement was found, as shown by the correlation coefficient value of 0.884; and (3) A positive relationship between students' critical thinking skills and learning motivation with their learning achievement, as shown by correlation coefficient value of 0.931. Regression analysis obtained the equation of Y = 10,416 + 0.423 X1 + 0.487 X2, and the value of coefficient determination was 0.845 or 84.5%.

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A technological development has extremely changes the value of society which is now moving to society 5.0. It is an era in which technology is being a part of human life. Internet is supposed not only to be an information media but also becomes a part of life including in education. Society 5.0 requires students to have the ability to solve complex problems, think critically, and be creative. This ability is needed to adopt the development of science and technology, not only as a "taker" but also as a "maker" through entrepreneurial principles. Therefore, the learning system should move to the concept of science-based entrepreneurship (SciPreneur). However, the current entrepreneurial learning system has not adopted the learning paradigm emphasizing on cognitive understanding because the learning process is still either theoretical-based or rote learning. Therefore, we need an appropriate learning model to accommodate a learning system to meet the society 5.0. In this paper, we introduce a framework on science-based entrepreneurship using the discovery ability-based creative entrepreneurial learning model (CEL-BaDiS UP). This model is expected to enhance a science-based entrepreneurship skill.

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Thinking ability is a basic thing that every student has. Concrete and Abstract thinking abilities are part of the cognitive development stage. This study aimed to identify the correlation between concrete and abstract thinking abilities with cognitive learning outcomes. This study design was a non-experimental correlation in quantitative research. All 7th-grade students of SMPN 2 Surakarta in the 2019/2020 academic year were used as subject in this study. One sample class was selected using Cluster Random Sampling. Data on thinking ability and cognitive learning outcomes were collected using an online test method via a google form. The analysis techniques were correlation product moment on SPSS and scalogram on Rasch Model Analysis. This study found that there is a positive correlation between concrete and abstract thinking abilities with cognitive learning outcomes, students who dominate the abstract thinking abilities have better learning outcomes than the student who dominates the concrete thinking abilities.

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Cognitive abilities are important abilities that students have to be able to construct and understand lessons. The development of students' cognitive abilities can be done through modules where the use of modules can improve learning activities and student learning outcomes. The use of modules with local potential learning resources makes learning more meaningful. The research aimed to compare student's cognitive skills between students using the ecosystem module based on inquiry with fishpond as a learning resource and worksheet. The research was a quasi-experiment using a nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this research were two classes including 28 students of grade X IPA 3 as an experimental class and 28 students of grade X IPA 4 as a control class. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The result showed that the p-value was less than α or p < α (α = 0.05) that meant H1 was accepted. It was concluded that there was a difference in student's cognitive skills using the ecosystem module and worksheet. Therefore learning using ecosystem module based on inquiry with fishpond as a learning resource empowered student's cognitive skills. The effectiveness of modules based on local potential improves students' cognitive abilities so that modules with learning resources from local potential can be applied in schools, especially ecosystem materials.

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Teaching material is one component that occupies an important role in the learning process. Teaching material with HOTS component will be able to clearly distinguish ideas or ideas, argue well, be able to solve problems, be able to construct explanations, be able to hypothesize, and understand complex matters more clearly. The research aims to produce valid, practical, and effective HOTS-based mathematics teaching materials in elementary schools. The research type is research and development (R&D). The subjects of this study were students and teachers of SDN 4 Ngawen Blora. Data collection techniques used were interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The research result presented is based on the results of limited trials. To this research, it was found that the average mathematics learning achievement increased from 57.50 to 86,50. The prototype of HOTS-based mathematics teaching materials that was developed has shown good results with a percentage of assessment by the teacher of 95.45%. Students show an interest in HOTS-based mathematics teaching materials. Students feel challenged by the activities and learning activities presented. However, a few things need to be fixed, that is unclear pictures of the presentation aspect to students. Additionally, the teacher also provides suggestions and input on improvements to the HOTS-based mathematics teaching material prototype. The suggestion given includes replacing unclear images and providing explanations that match with the image, enlarging the image size that contained in the prototype, and correcting typographical errors. Moreover, the revised prototype results will be used in further trials.

Mathematics and modeling

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The purpose of this development research is to produce Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)-based pre-service training model for students of PGSD Study Program of STKIP Muhammadiyah Blora who take Mathematics I courses. The teaching materials are in the form of HOTS-based teaching materials and evaluation questions to measure students' mathematical problem solving abilities. Teaching materials developed meet valid and effective criteria. This type of research is development research following Borg and Gall procedures. This research leads to the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving abilities after applying Mathematics based on Higher Order Thinking. In addition, through this teaching material, students become accustomed to high-level thinking so that they are able to solve any mathematical problems given even the average student's mathematical problem-solving ability was increased from 57.50 to 87.90. Thus, the development of HOTS-based mathematics learning modules can improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities.

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Regression analysis is a statistical analysis used to determine the pattern of relationships between predictor variables and response variables. There are two models of estimation approaches in regression analysis, namely parametric regression, and nonparametric regression. The parametric regression approach is used in the shape of the regression curve is known. In cases with unknown relationship patterns, the development is done using nonparametric regression. Nonparametric regression is a model estimation method which is based on an approach that is not bound by certain assumptions of the regression curve shape. Nonparametric regression varies greatly with variable curves that are different between one predictor variable with another predictor variable. In nonparametric regression, there are several types of the recommended kernel, spline, and Fourier series. In many cases, however, these conservative nonparametric regression methods cannot handle more complex problems. Mixture methods by combining several methods such as a mixture of spline and Fourier series, kernel and Fourier series, and so on, give a better result. This study aims to obtain estimates of a mixture of a truncated spline, kernel, and Fourier series by using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method and obtain methods for selecting knots, bandwidth, and optimal oscillation parameters with the smallest GCV. The results of this study are the formulation of a mixed estimation model of the truncated spline, kernel, and Fourier series and the smallest GCV formula to obtain the optimum location and number of points of knots, bandwidth, and oscillations.

Natural science

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Students' scientific literacy skills are still low because they are still minimal or not the availability of chemistry teaching materials that contain balanced scientific literacy skills. The research objective was to develop scientific literacy-based chemistry teaching materials that contain balanced scientific literacy, validity, readability, and effectiveness. This research conducted research and development methods with the ADDIE approach which consists of five steps; analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluation. Based on the research results, the teaching materials were based on science literacy colloid material which developed has the characteristics of a balanced scientific literacy content, namely 41,17% of science as the body of knowledge, 17,64% of science as a way of investigating, 17,64% science as a way of thinking, and 23,52% interaction of science, technology, and society. 7 validators of scientific literacy-oriented teaching materials were declared feasible and have criteria easy to understand with average readability of 74.11%. An increase in scientific literacy skills students who use science literacy-based teaching materials is higher than students who using teaching materials used in school.

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Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a model whose learning relates to problems in everyday life. Through problem-solving activities, it is hoped that it can empower students' critical thinking skills. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to explore the implementation of problem-based learning in empowering critical thinking. This research method is qualitative research categorized as a literature review. Data collection was carried out by documentation method trough the stages of searching, selection, presentation, and descriptive analysis of literature related to PBL and critical thinking. The method use is qualitative with the main source from the literature review of the PBL and critical thinking. From the results of the literature review analysis reveals the steps of the PBL model are, 1) oriented questions to problems, 2) Organize student to learn, 3) Guiding individual and group investigations, 4) Develop and Present the Work, 5) Analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. Critical thinking skills that can the empowered through the application of problem-based learning in this article include 1) the ability to focus on questions, 2) analyze arguments, 3) the ability to ask a question and the ability to answer the question, and 4) express opinions during presentations appropriately based on appropriate learning resources, 5) observing and considering the results of observations, 6) identifying assumptions, and 7) deciding on an action. The literature review results show that the syntax contained in PBL can improve critical thinking.

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In the world, the dyes pollutant from industrial activity is big issue that must be sought the solution. Among of dyes pollutants were methylene blue (MB) and congo red (CR). In this research have been conducted the removal of methylene blue and congo red onto sulfonated carbon derived fishbone (SCFB) as adsorbent from aqueous solution. The preparation steps of SCFB adsorbent involved the sulfonation (H2SO4; 1M) of fishbone powder for 6 h, by stirrer at room temperature, and followed by carbonization at 500 °C for 2 h. The physical properties of the adsorbents were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and nitrogen adsorption-desorption studies. The dye removal study using SCFB adsorbent was carried out by varying contact time and initial dye concentration. The kinetics models were determined by the effects of contact time. The adsorption isotherms were tested to isotherm Langmuir and Freundlich with a base on the effect of initial dye concentration. The result showed that The removal of MB and CR dyes using SCFB adsorbent fitted a pseudo-second-order kinetic models. The maximum dye removal capacity of SCFB was 128.2 mg g−1 for CR and 35.7 mg g 1 for MB. Base on the maximum dye removal capacity, the SCFB can be considered as good adsorbent to remove dyes pollutant from environment.

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In this study, the synthesize of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composites has carried out using the microwave-assisted method. The hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite is interesting to develop based on the application in many fields. Porous hydroxyapatite is very useful for reconstructing damaged bones because it will stimulate the growth of new bone cells. The synthesize of hydroxyapatite utilized waste of Geloina coaxans shells as the calcium source both phosphate sources are ammonium dihydrogen phosphate NH4H2PO4 and KH2PO4 while for synthesis hydroxyapatite-chitosan composites will be carried out using the waste of Scylla olivacea shell as a source of chitosan. The rapid pathway synthesis is very crucial for producing composites. Synthesis has done using the microwave 450 W with a retention time of 20 minutes. Based on the results, the hydroxyapatite powder can be produced with specific peaks of hydroxyapatite at 31.7°. Mass of chitosan influenced pore of the hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite increased the pore diameter of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite 0.28 to 5.0308 nm and 4.3182 and 7.0268 using KH2PO4 and NH4H2PO4. The functional group also shows the specific bands of hydroxyapatite.

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Data and information on the health condition of conservation forests can be obtained by periodically monitoring forest health. Forest health monitoring is intended to monitor, assess, and report on the current status, changes and long-term trends in the health of forest ecosystems. This study aims to obtain changes in the value of the status of conservation forest conditions. The location of this research is in the Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) in the plant and animal collection block area. This study used the Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method with a sample measuring plot in the form of six FHM clusters. The stages of this research are making measuring plots, monitoring forest health, and assessing the health of conservation forests. The results showed that the change in the value of the status of the health condition of conservation forests was that the cluster plots 1, 2, and 5 had changed and the cluster plots 3, 4, and 6 did not change. Thus there is a change in the value of the health status of conservation forests which tends to be better.

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The extreme rainfall in an area makes the area vulnerable to various disasters. To reduce the risk of damage caused by floods, it is important to know the characteristics of extreme rainfall. Generally, the characteristics of extreme rainfall are described by one variable. However, most of the extreme rainfall events also need to be explained based on the return period they occur using several variables with copula approach. This study model to the characteristics of extreme rainfall with two variables, they are namely extreme rainfall intensity and extreme rainfall volume. The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of the return period from extreme rainfall in South Sulawesi. To determine the characteristics of the return period distribution in South Sulawesi, spatial analysis is carried out using the Moran's index and the LISA index. The results of the spatial autocorrelation analysis with the Moran's index show that there is a relationship between several return period values in South Sulawesi, with the Moran's index value of 0.209. This means that the value of the return period in South Sulawesi has a clustered relationship pattern. Furthermore, the results of the spatial autocorrelation analysis with LISA show that there are seven sub-districts identified as having local spatial autocorrelation. The conclusion obtained from Moran's scatterplot is that 15 sub-districts are the main concern in preventing natural disasters because extreme rainfall in these 15 sub-districts tends to occur more frequently, so that it can lead to various natural disasters.

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Analytical thinking skills are part of critical thinking skills and higher-order thinking skills that are the demands of students in the 21st century. This study aims to produce a conceptual framework for a model in science learning to empower students' analytical thinking skills. The method used in this study was a qualitative method, with the primary source was literature review. Data collection techniques employed literature study which collected data through books and journals. The data obtained from the literature were collected and processed by editing, organizing, and finding the results. Data analysis in this research was content analysis to analyze in-depth the contents of the literature being studied. The results of this study consisted of: 1) The conceptual framework of the modified science learning model is called the problem and research-based learning (PRBL) model, 2) The modified PRBL model has the potential to empower students' analytical thinking skills. This study illustrates to lecturers and subsequent researchers that the modified PRBL model demonstrates the potential to empower analytical thinking skills. The researcher suggests the next researchers conduct research on the application of the PRBL model in the field to test the validity and practicality of the model.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the level of creative thinking of junior high school students in motion material. This research data collection method is to use the test and interview methods. The test used in this study used test questions. Quantitative descriptive analysis is the score of the results of each aspect of student creative thinking. Qualitative descriptive analysis to classify students' level of creative thinking. The results of the analysis of the ability to think creatively in this study indicate that the fluency aspect of the score reaches 57.94 in the low category; The value of the flexibility aspect reaches 35.58 in the very low category; The score for the authenticity aspect of 55.88 categories is low and the score for the elaboration aspect is 45.58 for the very low category. The level of creative thinking of students is still very low because the average score of the four aspects of creative thinking is 48.75. This study provides an overview of the level of creative thinking of students who are in the low and very low categories, so that teachers need to innovate in the learning process to improve the creative thinking aspects of student

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This study aims to analyze the fulfillment of HOTS components in elements such as learning indicators, materials, activities, and competency test questions in science textbooks for Class VII Semester 2. The research method uses mixed methods with an explanatory design starting from the collection and analysis of quantitative data followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data that is built on the initial results of quantitative data. The material used to analyze HOTS fulfillment of "The Interaction of Living Things with the Environment" with Basic Competencies of 3.7 and 4.7. There are 27 identified components of HOTS fulfillment that are based on 8 learning indicators, 12 learning activities, and 7 competency test questions. With the results of HOTS fulfillment recapitulation the percentage of HOTS cognitive level at the analysis level (C4) 66.67%, the evaluation level (C5) 3.70%, and the creative level (C6) 11.11%. While the HOTS development matrix consists of 56 levels with high criteria of 30.36%, medium criteria of 41.07%, and low criteria of 28.57%. HOTS occurs when students are involved so that through a series of HOTS activities by determining learning sources in textbooks and appropriate learning arrangements, junior high school students can develop higher-order thinking habits.


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Graphene, a family of carbon has been known as a superior material of both conducting and transparent. Therefore, graphene is very promising material for many applications on microelectronics and nanotechnology. The structural, thermal, optical and electrical properties of the graphene were also potential to be applied on sensor. Graphene is the most recognized nanoparticle for fabrication of biomedical sensors due to its stimulating qualities such as excellence aqueous process ability, functional surface properties, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, cell growth ability, and good biocompatibility. Due to the high specific surface area of graphene, it was very excellent material for gas sensor application. The outstanding properties of graphene were also led to increasing the demand of graphene every year which is dominated by China (70%), India (14%), and Canada (2%). Moreover, current marketplace of graphene was also dominated for academic research, super capacitor, ITO, and sensor. Every year, the market of graphene sensor is continuously increasing. This trend reveals graphene-based sensors very promising commodity for future technology. The present study highlights the state of art review and potential future local economic development of graphene for use as sensors.

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Zinc oxide having the chemical formula ZnO, while titanium dioxide is titanium oxide having the chemical formula TiO2. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are inorganic compounds. Zno and TiO2 are often used for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). This research was conducted by mixing ZnO and TiO2 as photoanodes. The mixture of ZnO and TiO2 is made by mixing ZnO and TiO2 with a ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 then dissolved in ethanol. The natural dye used is broccoli extract (Brassia oleracea var. italica). Fabrication is carried out using FTO glass with a work area of 1cm × 1cm. The efficiency results obtained by nanocomposite ZnO/TiO2 (1:1) with an efficiency (η) of 0.07180%, nanocomosite ZnO/TiO2 (1:2) with an efficiency (η) of 0,1555% nanocomosite ZnO/TiO2 (1:3) with an efficiency (η) of 0.1713%. When compared to the efficiency using ZnO/TiO2 (1:1) with TiO2, the efficiency increased by 0.002%. At ZnO/TiO2 (1:2) the efficiency increased by 0.0886%. Whereas at ZnO/TiO2 (1:3) the efficiency increased by 0.1023%.

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ZnO and TiO2 are semiconductor materials used to make DSSC. In this research Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) manufacturing by mixing ZnO and TiO2 materials. ZnO is made by synthesis using the sol-gel method with a mixture of zinc tetrahydrate (Zn(NO3)2.4H2O), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). In this research, the dye used was extracted leaves of green mustard (Brassica rapa) and nanocomposite ZnO/TiO2 with ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:3). Fabrication using FTO glass with a work area of 1cm × 1cm obtained the results of the efficiency of nanocomposite ZnO/TiO2 (1:1) with an efficiency (η) of 0.0755%, nanocomposite ZnO/TiO2 (1:2) with an efficiency (η) of 0.1935%, nanocomposite ZnO/TiO2 (1:3) with an efficiency (η) of 0.2098%.

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We study a scheme of accelerated adiabatic quantum dynamics. This scheme was originally proposed by Masuda-Nakamura. The strategy of combining two opposite idea: infinitely-large timemagnification factor and infinitely-small growth rate of adiabatic parameter was elucidated. We apply the proposed method to two dimensional system with electric field and magnetic field using two dimensional Dirac equation. We settle the quasi-adiabatic dynamics (QAD) by adding the regularization terms to the original vector potential and scalar potential and accelerate it with use of a large time-scaling factor which realizes QAD on shortened time scale. These terms multiplied by the velocity function give the counterdiabatic terms that generate the fast forward potential. The fast forward potential can accelerate the dynamics of the system from iniitial state to the final state with the same condition.

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So many jobs today require high-level skills, logical thinking, creative thinking, generic and scientific processes, being able to solve problems, and make decisions. These skills are one of the main goals of 21st-century learning. Based on the results of a survey by TIMSS (Third International in Mathematics and Science Study) students in Indonesia in the field of science are ranked 38 out of 40 countries. This study aims to describe the generic science skill profile of YPPK Teruna Bakti high school students class XI on momentum and impulse. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. Data were collected through a test method in the form of multiple-choice questions based on three of the nine generic science skills indicators according to Brotosiswoyo. The test was conducted on 35 students. The test results showed that the overall average level of mastery was 55.7%. Generic science skills per indicator, for direct observation indicators 59.5%, concept building indicators 55.7%, logical consistency indicators 51.4%. The overall average for the concept of momentum and impulse is 60%, the concept of momentum-impulse relationship and the law of conservation of momentum is 52%, and the concept of collision and application impulse-momentum is 55%.

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Participation between radiographers and medical physicists is needed in optimizing efforts to control the selection of exposure factors by the required clinical radiographic examination. This research is descriptive quantitative by analyzing of exposure index results used in the chest PA examination as an effort to optimizing radiation dose. Also, statistical analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between exposure and the exposure factor using the Spearman test. Results the Spearman test results for underexposure to kV 0.207, and mAs 0.012, meanwhile for overexposed to kV -0.283 and mAs 0.166, the radiographer can make efforts to optimize radiographic examinations by considering the optimal selection of exposure factor parameters which can use a combination of exposure index by assessing the deviation index indicator and maximizing use post-processing or windowing to improve image quality.

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In this paper, we study the Maxwell Klein Gordon system (MKG) with the addition of general gauge couplings on four-dimensional Minkowski space. This system analyzes the interaction of the electromagnetic field (photon) coupled with the complex scalar field (spin-0 particles). This research considers the multi-field interactions by adding general coupling. Our method begins from the Lagrangian of Maxwell Klein Gordon equation with potential turn on. We derive the energy of the system, then write the equation of motion in the form of a non-linear partial differential equation. By using the spherical means method, we express the solutions in an integral form of its curvature. Then, by using temporal gauge condition and conservation of energy, we prove the inequality for some general coupling. The result shows that the first and the second derivative of it bounded by the energy and IL norm. This result will become the main key to proving the global existence of Maxwell Klein-Gordon's theory.

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People all over the world always cooked every day, the fuel they used neither biomass, fossil fuels or firewood. All of these fuels had several problems, it can cause global warming and some of them nearly extinct. Solar cookers can be used to solve this problem. These cookers use solar radiation as fuel, so it won't be extinct. The device has been used in some developed country and successfully reduce pollution at a low cost. A minus point of solar cookers is, it was consumed a longer time to cook which caused many people to still prefer conventional cookers. This research tried to reduce cooking time in solar cooker by adding a convex lens as a light collector. The design of solar cooker used a common rectangular with a size 45 × 20 × 12 cm and three reflector panels attached. Various components like reflector, insulation and cover lid have been analyzed to created solar cookers with lower cost and better performance. Solar cooker builds from wood and the inner part is coated with black styrofoam for storage heat. Mirror and aluminum seal has been used as a reflector and the result showed mirror had similar performance with aluminum seal. Convex lens put directly on top of cookers lid, the pot with convex lens reach 5-8° C temperature higher than the one without it.

Robotic and game teaching in science education

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The educational development in the sector of science and technology is needed to anticipate technological advances in the challenges and changes of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The society of education must prepare its students to be able to follow these challenges and changes by using a learning process that uses robots or what is known as Educational Robotics (ER). The objectives of this study are to identify what kinds of skills can be trained in the learning process using ER and to evaluate what types of robots can be applied to the learning process in the sector of science and technology. The research method is the Comprehensive Literature Review that has three phases that are 1) exploring phase, 2) interpretation phase, 3) communication phase. The research results showed that ER can be used for the learning process in developing the skills needed by science and technology education. The type of robot that can support the ability of students' skills is an assembled robot type that must be composed at the beginning to learn a robot by the students. Meanwhile, the built-in robot type is more limited in its usefulness for the teaching-learning process because it is more specific.

STEM curriculum in science education

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Indonesian batik has been awarded by UNESCO as one of the world's non-object cultural heritages. And this is a challenge for young generation on how to preserve this culture. The purpose of this research is to implement Biotechnology learning through the Ethno-STEM PJBL model for PGSD students and produce sains batik, so it can triggger the young generation to preserve it. This learning model is a project based learning in analyzing several natural materials as natural dyes for batik, dye-making techniques that are integrated into the concept of biotechnology, and producing a product designed by the students. This research method is R&D research. It has 3 steps: (1) Define; (2) Design Development; and (3) Disseminate. The instruments used in this research are product validation sheets, assessment rubric products on the designs, colors, and symbolic value. Data were analyzed descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistics. The finding of the research showed that the products of sains batik validatated, one of which is "piperidine seribu daun" has a a secondary metabolite content of the mango combined with the design of thousand of leaves, the special Ciwaringin batik. It has a meaning of togetherness to preserve the environment for manga as local plant of Cirebon. The conclusion from this research is that students not only learn the concept of biotechnology but also they can develop Ciwaringin batik. The implication of this research is that it can stimulate the young generation to take a part in preserving and developing the Indonesian batik industry.

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In 21st century learning, most students are expected to have good critical thinking and problem-solving skills. According to this goal, the education system should have a learning method that results in improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students. The purpose of the study is to analyse the level of STEM literacy and problem solving of students in chemistry materials. This study involved seventy students in grade twelve of senior high school in Sragen Regency, Indonesia. The research design employed a qualitative method. The distribution of questions given in the form of open-ended question type consists of six cases in ten items. Such cases include three components of literacy: science literacy, mathematical literacy, technology-engineering literacy, and problem-solving. The findings show that most students are lacking STEM literacy skills and the ability to solve problems. The ability of STEM literacy and problem-solving is deficient. This research shows that students are unfamiliar with STEM literacy and problem-solving in chemistry. This result is not following the 21st-century learning. Therefore, it is critical to put a particular action in improving STEM literacy skills and problem-solving among students in the Indonesia education system.

Teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

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The skills needed in the 21st century, including critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, can be developed through argumentation skills. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with a sample size of 102 students. Student argument analysis refers to Toulmin's Argumentation Pattern (TAP), which contains aspects of claim, grounds, warrant, backing, and rebuttal. This study aims to describe the profile of the students' argumentation skills of class XII science at Senior High School 1 Sungai Pinyuh on the structure and function of cells in the reproductive system. The results showed that the students' argumentation skills had a percentage of 64.8% with enough category. The percentage of each aspect, namely the claim was in excellent category (95.25%), grounds was in enough category (59.25%), warrant was in good category (70.5%), backing was in enough category (56%), and rebuttal was in less category (42.75%). This study also showed the percentage level of student argumentation, namely the percentage of students categorized as level 1 at 1.96%, level 2 at 29.41%, level 3 at 68.63%, level 4 at 0%, and level 5 at 0%. The students' argumentation skills categorized as enough and were at levels 1, 2, and 3. Empowering through appropriate learning models and strategies.

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This study was purposed to find out is there any significant difference of guided inquiry and conventional learning model implementation towards Analytical Chemistry practicum courses, particularly on Redox, Argentometry and Complexometry titrations. This study also analyzed the effect of the learning model through quasi-experimental method. There were 28 teacher candidates in experimental class which taught by using guided inquiry (GI) learning model and 23 teacher candidates in control class which taught by using conventional learning model. Based on Mann-Whitney test, p-values for Redox, Argentometry and Complexometry practicum courses were 0.001, 0.012, 0.030 respectively. Since p-values were less than 0.05 then Ha is accepted which means teacher candidates' science process skill in experimental class is different significantly compared to control class. The effect of model was calculated through N-gain which score 81%, 76% and 80% in experimental class and 55%, 57% and 59% in control class for respective practicum. This means the teacher candidates' science process skill is better in experimental class (taught by using GI model) than control class (taught by using conventional model). These findings give contribution to chemistry education especially for improving chemistry teacher candidates' quality and reducing them who often feel difficult to learn Analytical Chemistry.

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Creative thinking skills are high-level thinking skills that have a large impact on the progress of students in particular. The importance of creative thinking skills is a major concern for training it to students. This study aims to train students' creative thinking skills on the material in cell metabolism by using modules based on stimulating higher order thinking skills (Stim-HOTs). This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. The instrument used was a creative thinking test instrument on cell metabolic material that had been integrated with aspects of creative thinking. The research subjects were 64 students of 12th grade high school in Surakarta including 32 control class students and 32 module class students. The results showed that the creative thinking skills of students who were trained using modules based on stimulating higher order thinking skills on metabolic material had increased. It showed in the eksperimen class, namely in the aspects of fluency 70,31, originality 71,48, and flexibility 62,5 are at the high category level.

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The development of the local wisdom-based Biotechnology module is one of the important factors that needed to support the ability of Biology Students and their knowledge about their mascot flora. This research was aims to find out about the preliminary studies of the research about the development of a local wisdom-based Biotechnology module for Biology Students on the topic of molecular analysis and the application of them for some aspects of studies. The type of the research about the development of module is Research and Development (R & D) model which has been carried out from the problem studies to the initial investigation data stages. The results showed that based on the results of the curriculum analysis and Semester Learning Plan (RPS of Biotechnology) that had been implemented, the topics in biotechnology learning consisted of ten topics in learning. The results of interviews conducted with lecturers in the Biotechnology subject also revealed that there were several obstacles in the implementation of the Biotechnology course at the Riau Islamic University Biology Education Study Program, one of which was the lack of student references to study biotechnology. Based on the student problem questionnaire, it is known that students do not have a local wisdom-based biotechnology module yet (about 100%). The results of the student need analysis questionnaire showed that the students strongly agreed with the development of the Biotechnology module based on local wisdom (with a percentage of 100%). In conclusion, it is necessary to develop a module for Biotechnology subjects based on local wisdom for biology students to help students understand the learning material in the learning process.

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A learning success could be seen from the material mastery and conceptual understanding inculcation obtained by the students. To find out how students' misconceptions occur, it could be done by developing a diagnostic assessment. This research aims to develop and describe the instrument validity of the four-tier diagnostic test for diagnosing misconceptions by the Primary School Teacher Education program of Universitas Muria Kudus on Science Concept course. This research applies the Research and Development design. It consists of a preliminary study, diagnostic test development, and diagnostic test validation. This article discusses the development and four-tier diagnostic test instrument validation results. The developed instrument consisted of 40 question items. They were Physics and Biology materials. The validation stage involved content and face validities. The expert judgment results showed an average score of 93.09, with very valid criterion. Thus, the four-tier based diagnostic test was valid and could be implemented. The reliability calculation obtained the r-count score = 0.698, while the r-table score = 0.514. The r-count is higher than r-table, then the instrument was reliable. It showed that the instrument was valid and reliable and could be implemented for the students of Primary School Teacher Education. Based on the validation result, the Four-Tier based diagnostic test was valid and reliable to apply for diagnosing the students' misconceptions in science concept course.

Faculty of Universitas Muria Kudus that allowed us to conduct this research. Thanks to the executive team for assistance.

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This study aims to analyze the learning obstacle of students in elementary schools on the addition operation whole number. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method. The subjects of this study were 15 elementary school students who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques include non-participatory observation, test of addition operation whole number in the form of story questions, unstructured interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that there were learning obstacle for elementary school students found in the addition operation whole number including: 1) students had difficulty understanding the meaning of the questions; 2) students have difficulty understanding the concept of place value; 3) students have difficulty translating questions into math sentences; 4) students have difficulty doing addition calculations, other than the pattern a+b=?; 5) students have difficulty giving conclusions from the results of their work; and 6) students do not have confidence in solving problems. This study concludes that students experience three types of learning obstacles, namely: ontogenic obstacle, didactical obstacle, and epistemological obstacle. The implications of the results of this study can be used as an analysis of student learning needs and the factors that affect student learning difficulties, especially in mathematics.

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In 21st century learning, students are required to be able to face the world of work that requires the ability, one of them is critical thinking. The objective of this meta-analysis is to estimate the effectiveness of problem-based learning on critical thinking skills. This meta-analysis research method consists of some steps, they are research problem, data collection (study), data coding, data analysis, and interpretation. Based on the journal research, it is found 17 critical thinking skills journals, 17 articles that fulfill the criteria: an empirical study on problem-based learning in college and secondary education conducted in classrooms. This explanation revealed that there is a strong positive effect of Problem-based Learning on critical thinking skills. The findings of the research revealed that the results of the meta-analysis were obtained an effect size of the influence of Problem-based Learning on the dependent variable of critical thinking skills of 3,1 which is classified as high where the influence of Problem-based Learning on the dependent variable of critical thinking skills is 99.9%.

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The research aims to develop social studies basic concept teaching materials containing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for college students of the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. This research uses your Research Development (R&D) method and uses an experimental study using a one group pretest-posttest research design. This type of research is a quasi experimental research with one group pretest posttest design. The subjects of this study were students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Blora Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. The data collection instrument used was an assessment sheet for the quality of teaching materials, an analitycally skill test, and a student response questionnaire. Based on data analysis, it can be conclude that: teaching materials based high-level thinking in the basic concepts of social studies course is stated to be practical and gets a response positive from students. Based on the expert's assessment, teaching materials are declared feasible and valid. Teaching materials have a positive effect on general activities and skills activities high level thinking. The used of teaching materials developed effective in improving the analytically skills of students.

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The problem solving difficulty level of the topic of optics is ranked number two among other topics in physics, but the solution to this situation by implementing STEM approach with Virtual Simulation Media (VSM) in Problem Based Learning is still rarely done. This study aims to develop students' problem solving skills on the topic of optical instrument through PBL-STEM with VSM learning. The type of this research is a quasi-experimental with Pre-and Posttest Design, involving grade XI students in Malang, Indonesia. There are experiment and comparison classes, which received, respectively, PBL-STEM with VSM and PBL learning models. This study uses The Optical Instrument Problem Solving Skills Test with the alpha Cronbach reliability of 0.83. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and independent sample t test, N-gain, and effect size. The results showed that the students in experimental class had significantly better problem solving ability than the students in comparison class. PBL-STEM with VSM class has N-gain in medium category, while PBL class has low category. The two classes had the highest increase in the "useful description" step and the convex lens subtopic, and the lowest increase in the "logical progession" step and the telescope and camera subtopics. The PBL-STEM with VSM class has a practical effect of the "very large" category toward the PBL class in building problem solving skills. Therefore, research of Experiment-Comparison class pair is recommended to be widely implemented in schools as an effort to improve problem solving ability of student.

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and is an online media that focuses on providing the latest information on news articles and article writing activities in the IDN Times community. The problem from has had a significant difference the number of community website users at each level (member, community writer and verified writer). Furthermore, there are problems about the quality of the website, is that the bounce rate on the website is still relatively high, around 60 %, there are still more than 32 links are broken with a status of 404 code and the page load time is still quite long. So this research was conducted to determine the level of user satisfaction through the Webqual 4.0 method. As Huang said, if a company wants to build loyalty from its customers, it must pay attention to one aspect is the service quality of the website. This study used a sample of 350 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using PLS analysis. The results of the research based on the hypothesis show that the t-value is smaller than the t-table value, so the variables used, namely usability, information quality, and service interaction quality were highly significant factors that directly affected user satisfaction according to the testing model. The amount of influence obtained based on the R-Square value is 88.2%

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the mathematical proxies of elementary school class students in Tasikmalaya. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach with an exploratory method. The subjects of this study were 100 elementary school students in Tasikmalaya City who were selected using purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used were test techniques, interviews, questionnaires, and document studies. The data analysis technique of this research uses an interactive analysis model with the stages: data validity, data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed: (1) 66.4% of students had mastered the understanding of the concept of fractions; (2) 62.33% of students have mastered the fluency of the procedure; (3) 64% of students have mastered strategic competencies; (4) 62.5% have mastered productive dispositions; and (5) as many as 74.33% of children's productive dispositions can be easily seen. The conclusion of this research is the mathematical proficiency of elementary school students in Tasikmalaya must be improved immediately. Based on the results and conclusions of the research that has been done, the theoretical implications of this study strengthen the theory which states that mathematical proficiency are very important to be developed and have an impact on students.

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This research aimed to analyze the ability of PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) students of prospective chemistry teachers FKIP UNS. The research method was qualitative descriptive. The study samples were all prospective chemistry teachers of FKIP UNS who took the course of Chemical Application Planning (PPK). Data was collected from the observation of student PCK competencies, including the ability to design learning, ability in material mastery, and general PCK skills of prospective chemistry teachers from Content Representation. This research instrument was an observation sheet of PCK and CoRe competency students' prospective chemistry teachers. The percentage of students' prospective chemistry teachers of FKIP UNS to plan learning was 75.38% for grade A and 74.34% for grade B, while for content mastery was 77.19% for class A 74.79% for grade B, where the results were included in the category enough. The results of content representation by prospective chemistry teachers in high school chemistry were also quite sufficient.

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Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is the basic knowledge that teachers must have to transform subject matter for students. PCK is very influential in research for teacher education, especially in science. Identification of PCK abilities needed as an effort to build teacher professional knowledge through the PCK construct. This study aims to identify the PCK ability of prospective chemistry teachers in each component. This study was descriptive with qualitative and quantitative approaches (mix-method). The instruments used in this study were the lesson plan's review sheet based on the Magnusson's framework and the interview sheets validated by two science education experts. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The subjects of this study were 61 Chemistry Education students in the fourth semester. The identification results show that the PCK ability of prospective chemistry teachers in the components of the knowledge of curriculum, knowledge of students' understanding of science, and knowledge of assessment is still in the "fair" category with the percentage of mastery of the components respectively 70.96%; 62.70%; 74.67%. Based on the research results, it is necessary to have a professional development program to enhance the PCK ability of prospective chemistry teachers.

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In entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is also known as the phenomenon of disruptive innovation, a learning process is needed that leads to the formation of high-order thinking skills (HOTS). Elementary school is the earliest formal education to provide a foundation for the next education. For this reason, HOTS-based learning is also needed in elementary schools. Following the demands of the refined 2013 curriculum, learning is given in a thematic form. This study is combining thematic learning with scientific learning to build higher-order thinking skills. Because currently it is still in a pandemic period, so the learning is carried out by distance learning. To support the learning, the communicative learning media are made that can be accessed by zoom meeting and lead to higher-order thinking. The media is made using power points, which be arranged according to sub-themes, that have been determined according to the curriculum based on the stages of scientific learning by paying attention to higher-order thinking processes. Also, an evaluation tool that leads to higher-order thinking is developed. From the trial results, scientific thematic learning can be carried out online with the help of power point media, with the result that more than 70% of students get a score of more than 70. By using the mean difference test, it is evident that there is a significant increase in the average value between pretest and posttest for 4 (four) subjects.The limitation of this learning is that not all students can actively participate in online discussions.

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Natural Science is mostly delivered using the lecture method and providing exercises or written assignments as well as laboratory activities which are limited to carrying out the activity steps according to the worksheets used. In this case, the educators do not provide opportunities for students to conduct experiment according to their ideas and knowledge. As a result, the process of learning becomes less interesting and meaningful. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of guided inquiry based science basic concepts teaching materials. The method used in this study was a research and development. This study was conducted in several stages, they are define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study was conducted at STKIP Muhammadiyah Blora by using the research data sources that derived from experts, professionals, educators, and students. The results of this study indicated that; (1) the define stage was carried out by using front end analysis (FEA) which consists of field studies and material analysis; (2) the planning stage (design) begins with the preparation of learning tools, preparation of questionnaire guidelines, observation, interviews, preparation of guided inquiry based teaching materials, and restrictions on the scope of the research; (3) the development stage (develop) was conducted through two steps, namely; 1) expert judgment followed by revision; 2) limited scale trial and error. The results of the validation of the feasibility of teaching materials for the guided inquiry based science basic concepts obtained an average percentage of 83% with feasible criteria; and (4) the product dissemination stage in the form of guided inquiry based science basic concepts teaching materials conducted on lecturers and students. The conclusion of this study is that guided inquiry based teaching materials are suitable to be used for teaching. The implication of this study is that the development of guided inquiry based science basic concepts teaching materials can increase the activity of students in the learning process.

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One of the skills developed in the 21st century is creative thinking skills. Creative thinking is a thought process that produces a wide variety of possible ideas and various solutions. The theme of environmental change and waste recycling is one of the learning themes closely related to everyday life. This study aims to analyze students' creative thinking skills in biology subjects with environmental change and waste recycling. This research is descriptive quantitative research. The subjects of this study were 32 students of class X science Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. The technique of collecting data wasa test of creative thinking skills in the form of description questions. The questions used were based on indicators from Torrance (1969). The percentage of each indicators, namely fluency was in the medium category (55.5%), flexibility was in the medium category (52.3%), originality was in the medium category (50.8%), and elaboration was in the low category (32.9%). The average of all indicators was 48%. Based on findings, it can be concluded the ability to think creatively is still low. Further research requires a learning model to improve creative thinking skills such as the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) or Project Based Learning (PjBL) model.

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The 21st-century skills was broadly discussed in all sectors. It challenges education to equip next generation with all important skills to face the digital technology transformation. The focus of this study was to identify profile of student's higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and digital literacy among junior high school students in science learning. Mixed method, a combination of quantitative and qualitative was used in this study. A total number of 170 of grade 7th students in private and public junior high school in Semarang City were administered in the integrated science test (IST). IST were used to measure student's HOTS through constructed-multiple choice test. 17 science teachers were the key informant of HOTS and digital literacy in science learning. Rasch model and descriptive analysis used to identify HOTS and digital literacy based on gender and type of school. The results reveal that : (1) most of junior high school students HOTS performace were at low slight to moderate level (2) female students performs better than male students in HOTS, (3) type of school significantly impact on students' achievement, and (4) teachers' operation and thinking skills as basic skill of digital literacy were still unsufficient to provide digital-based learning. However, it is necessary to accustom implementation of HOTS assessment as well as digital technology in the science learning environment.

Training and professional development for STEM teachers

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Education plays an important role to build a sustainable development framework. To support the sustainable development framework, many researchers have constructed various methods, learning approaches, and learning models. STEM is one of the most popular learning approaches in the 21st century, although it has some issues such as the curriculum and structure, skills development, career exposure, evaluation, and the interrelationship between humans and nature. This research was aimed to measure pre-service teachers' perspectives on the relationship between the implementation of STEM in education to support Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Nine pre-service teachers from biology education and science education have been interviewed to comprehend the role of STEM in ESD. The result showed that there were different ideas from participants about STEM, ESD, and the advantage of STEM implementation to promote ESD. Further research should be conducted to develop and socialize STEM, specifically based on students' characteristic, behavior, and culture in each country.

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The purpose of this research was to take inventory of teachers' experiences and practices in online learning services during Covid-19 were aligned with the SAMR model (substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition) as a framework for the formulation of 21st Century Teacher competencies. Formulation of 21st-century teacher competency profiles is specifically developed based on competency standards for Indonesian Teachers, online learning practice experiences during Covid-19, and synergized with the SAMR framework. The 21st-century Indonesian teachers profile conceptually validated through the FGD technique (focus group discussion). The formulation of the specific competence of 21st-century Indonesian teachers refers to the SAMR framework is formulated successively in stages: 1) substitution; 2) augmentation; 3) modification; and 4) redefinition. Specific professional competences in developing content: 1) packaging and serving; 2) enrich; 3) adapting, and 4) creating. Specific pedagogical competencies in packaging and serving content: 1) offline; 2) online; 3) offline simulation; and 4) online simulations. Teacher position-specific social competencies: 1) instructor; 2) facilitator; 3) motivator; and 4) inspiration. Personality specific competencies in classroom communication: 1) passive; 2) active; 3) adaptive; and 4) interactive.