DMCIT 2020 was held in the form of on-line conference on May 21, 2020, which should be held in Xi'an, China from May 21-24, 2020 as planned.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, many communities from all over the world were under strict health measures and strict travel restrictions, and participants of 4th International Conference on Data Mining, Communications and Information Technology (DMCIT 2020) which is organized by Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering also meet with the difficulty of travel restrictions. For communities, if our conference was not held in a virtual form, it would add huge work on traffic system, Exit-Entry system, medical system, etc., which is quite a serious issue, to actively respond to the call of the government, to strengthen the protection work, to effectively reduce people gathering and prevent COVID-19, considering the situation that most of the authors would like to publish their articles and make academic communications as scheduled, DMCIT 2020 was held on-line instead of postponing the conference. There are 92 people attended this on-line conference, who are from Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Japan, UK, USA, Nigeria, China and more countries and districts.
The conference provided a useful and wide platform both for display the latest research and for exchange of research results and thoughts in Data Mining, Communications and Information Technology and other topics. The participants of the conference were from almost every part of the world, with background of either academia or industry, even well-known enterprise. The success and prosperity of the conference is reflected high level of the papers received.