Table of contents



We study multi-field inflation in random potentials generated via a non-equilibrium random matrix theory process. We make a novel modification of the process to include correlations between the elements of the Hessian and the height of the potential, similar to a Random Gaussian Field (RGF). We present the results of over 50,000 inflationary simulations involving 5-100 fields. For the first time, we present results of Script O(100) fields using the full `transport method', without slow-roll approximation. We conclude that Planck compatibility is a common prediction of such models, however significant isocurvature power at the end of inflation is possible.


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We derive quantum Boltzmann equations for preheating by means of the density matrix formalism, which account for both the non-adiabatic particle production and the leading collisional processes between the produced particles. In so doing, we illustrate the pivotal role played by pair correlations in mediating the particle production. In addition, by numerically solving the relevant system of Boltzmann equations, we demonstrate that collisional processes lead to a suppression of the growth of the number density even at the very early stages of preheating.


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Irrespective of the dark matter (DM) candidate, several potentially observable signatures derive from the velocity distribution of DM in halos, in particular in the Milky Way (MW) halo. Examples include direct searches for weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs), p-wave suppressed or Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation signals, microlensing events of primordial black holes (PBHs), etc. Most current predictions are based on the Maxwellian approximation which is not only theoretically inconsistent in bounded systems, but also not supported by cosmological simulations. A more consistent method sometimes used in calculations for direct WIMP searches relies on the so-called Eddington inversion method, which relates the DM phase-space distribution function (DF) to its mass density profile and the total gravitational potential of the system. Originally built upon the isotropy assumption, this method can be extended to anisotropic systems. We investigate these inversion methods in the context of Galactic DM searches, motivated by the fact that the MW is a strongly constrained system, and should be even more so with the ongoing Gaia survey. We still draw conclusions that apply to the general case. In particular, we illustrate how neglecting the radial boundary of the DM halo leads to theoretical inconsistencies. We also show that several realistic configurations of the DM halo and the MW baryonic content entail ill-defined DFs, significantly restricting the configuration space over which these inversion methods can apply. We propose consistent solutions to these issues. Finally, we compute several observables inferred from constrained Galactic mass models relevant to DM searches (WIMPs or PBHs), e.g. moments and inverse moments of the DM speed and relative speed distributions.


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Are the stellar-mass merging binary black holes, recently detected by their gravitational wave signal, of stellar or primordial origin? Answering this question will have profound implications for our understanding of the Universe, including the nature of dark matter, the early Universe and stellar evolution. We build on the idea that the clustering properties of merging binary black holes can provide information about binary formation mechanisms and origin. The cross-correlation of galaxy with gravitational wave catalogues carries information about whether black hole mergers trace more closely the distribution of dark matter—indicative of primordial origin—or that of stars harboured in luminous and massive galaxies—indicative of a stellar origin. We forecast the detectability of such signal for several forthcoming and future gravitational wave interferometers and galaxy surveys, including, for the first time in such analyses, an accurate modelling for the different merger rates, lensing magnification and other general relativistic effects. Our results show that forthcoming experiments could allow us to test most of the parameter space of the still viable models investigated, and shed more light on the issue of binary black hole origin and evolution.


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For the first time, we obtain the analytical form of a stationary black hole space-time metric in dark matter halos. First, using the relation between the rotational velocity (in the equatorial plane) and the spherically symmetric space-time metric coefficients, we obtain the space-time metric for pure dark matter. By considering the dark matter halo in spherically symmetric space-time as part of the energy-momentum tensors in the Einstein field equation, we then obtain the spherically symmetric black hole solutions with a dark matter halo. Finally, utilizing the Newman-Janis method, we further generalize to rotational black holes. As examples, we obtain the space-time metric of black holes surrounded by Cold Dark Matter and Scalar Field Dark Matter halos, respectively. Our main results regarding the interaction between black holes and dark matter halos are as follows: (i) for both dark matter models, the density profile always produces a "cusp" phenomenon at small scales; (ii) the dark matter halo increases the black hole horizon but shrinks the ergosphere, while the magnitude is small; (iii) dark matter does not change the singularity of black holes. These results are useful to study the interaction of a stationary black hole and dark matter halo system. Particularly, the "cusp" produced at the 0 ∼ 1 kpc scale would be observable in the Milky Way. Perspectives on future work regarding the applications of our results in astrophysics are also briefly discussed.


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We present the second-order expression for the observed redshift, accounting for all the relativistic effects from the light propagation and from the frame change at the observer and the source positions. We derive the generic gauge-transformation law that any observable quantities should satisfy, and we verify our second-order expression for the observed redshift by explicitly checking its gauge transformation property. This is the first time an explicit verification is made for the second-order calculations of observable quantities. We present our results in popular gauge choices for easy use and discuss the origin of disagreements in previous calculations.



It was recently proposed that the disagreement in the experimental measurements of the lifetime of the neutron might be eradicated if the neutron decays to particles responsible for the dark matter in the Universe. In this paper we construct a prototype self-interacting dark matter model which, apart from reproducing the correct relic abundance, resolves all small-scale problems of the ΛCDM paradigm. The theory is compatible with the present cosmological observations and astrophysical bounds.



The detection of the GW170817/GRB170817A event improved the constraints on the propagation speed of gravitational waves, thus placing possible variations caused by dark energy under restraint. For models based on scalar fields belonging to the family of Horndeski Lagrangians, non-minimal derivative couplings are now severely constrained, entailing a substantially limited phenomenology. In this work we want to stress that there is still a plethora of dark energy models that get around this obstacle while still providing interesting phenomenologies able to distinguish them from the standard cosmology. We focus on a class involving vector fields as a proxy, but our discussion is extensible to a broader class of models. In particular, we show the possibility of having a non-minimal derivative coupling giving a non-trivial effect on scalar modes without affecting gravitational waves and the possibility of having a second tensor mode that can oscillate into gravitational waves. We also present a novel class of configurations breaking rotational invariance but with an energy-momentum tensor that is isotropic on-shell. This peculiar feature makes the scalar and vector sectors of the perturbations mix so that, even in a perfectly isotropic background cosmology, preferred direction effects can appear in the perturbations. We also comment on models that give rise to isotropic solutions when averaging over rapid oscillations of the vector fields. The explored models are classified according to distinctive field configurations that provide inequivalent realisations of the Cosmological Principle.


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In this paper we will show all the linearized curvature tensors in the infinite derivative ghost and singularity free theory of gravity in the static limit. We have found that in the region of non-locality, in the ultraviolet regime (at short distance from the source), the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar are not vanishing, meaning that we do not have a Ricci flat vacuum solution anymore due to the smearing of the source induced by the presence of non-local gravitational interactions. It also follows that, unlike in Einstein's gravity, the Riemann tensor is not traceless and it does not coincide with the Weyl tensor. Secondly, these curvatures are regularized at short distances such that they are singularity-free, in particular the same happens for the Kretschmann invariant. Unlike the others, the Weyl tensor vanishes at short distances, implying that the spacetime metric approaches conformal-flatness in the region of non-locality, in the ultraviolet. We briefly discuss the solution in the non-linear regime, and argue that 1/r metric potential cannot be the solution in the short-distance regime, where non-locality becomes important.


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Light vector mediators can naturally induce velocity-dependent dark matter self-interactions while at the same time allowing for the correct dark matter relic abundance via thermal freeze-out. If these mediators subsequently decay into Standard Model states such as electrons or photons however, this is robustly excluded by constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background. We study to what extent this conclusion can be circumvented if the vector mediator is stable and hence contributes to the dark matter density while annihilating into lighter degrees of freedom. We find viable parts of parameter space which lead to the desired self-interaction cross section of dark matter to address the small-scale problems of the collisionless cold dark matter paradigm while being compatible with bounds from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis observations.


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The relative probability to decay towards different vacua during inflation is studied. The calculation is performed in single-field slow-roll potentials using the stochastic inflation formalism. Various situations are investigated, including falling from a local maximum of the potential and escaping from a local minimum. In the latter case, our result is consistent with that of Hawking and Moss, but is applicable to any potential. The decay rates are also computed, and the case of a generic potential with multiple minima and maxima is discussed.


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A canonical quantization à la Wheeler-DeWitt is performed for a model of three-form fields in a homogeneous and isotropic universe. We start by carrying out the Hamiltonian formalism of this cosmological model. We then apply this formalism to a Little Sibling of the Big Rip (LSBR), an abrupt event milder than a Big Rip and that is known to be generic to several minimally coupled three-form fields for a variety of potentials. We obtain a set of analytical solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation using different analytical approximations and explore the physical consequences of them. It turns out that there are quantum states where the wave function of the universe vanishes, i.e. the DeWitt condition is fulfilled for them. Given that this happens only for some subset of solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, this points out that the matter inducing the LSBR is equally important in the process as, it has been previously shown, a minimally coupled phantom scalar field feeding classically a LSBR is smoothed at the quantum level, i.e. all the quantum states lead to a vanishing wave function.


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Several models of inflation employing a triplet of SU(2) vectors with spatially orthogonal vacuum expectation values (VEVs) have been recently proposed. One (tensor) combination t of the vector modes is amplified in some momentum range during inflation. Due to the vector VEVs, this combination mixes with gravitational waves (GW) at the linear level, resulting in a GW amplification that has been well studied in the literature. Scalar perturbations in this class of models have been so far studied only at the linear level. We perform a first step toward the nonlinear computation using as an example the original model of Chromo-Natural Inflation. We compute the contribution to the scalar power spectrum arising from the coupling of the combination t to the inflaton. This contribution is mostly controlled by a single parameter of the model (namely, the ratio between the mass of the fluctuations of the vector field and the Hubble rate), and, for a wide range of this parameter, it can significantly affect the phenomenology obtained from the linear theory. This nonlinear contribution is significantly blue, improving the comparison between the two-point function and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. This growth can be also relevant for smaller scale phenomenology, such as large scale structure, CMB distortions, and primordial black holes.


Neutrinos in water can be detected thanks to several reactions. The most important one is the inverse beta decay bar nue + p → n + e+. The detection of 2.2 MeV γ from neutron capture on free protons is very difficult. The feasibility of Gadolinium (Gd) doping in water Cherenkov detectors essentially reduces background signals and enhances the sensitivity to neutrino detection. In this work the supernova neutrino charged-current interactions with the most abundant Gd even isotopes (A=156,158 and 160) are studied. We use measured spectra and the quasiparticle random phase approximation to calculate the charged current response of Gd isotopes to supernova neutrinos. Flux-averaged cross sections are obtained considering quasi-thermal neutrino spectra.


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We present a new method for generating initial conditions for numerical cosmological simulations in which massive neutrinos are treated as an extra set of N-body (collisionless) particles. It allows us to accurately follow the density field for both Cold Dark Matter (CDM) and neutrinos at both high and low redshifts. At high redshifts, the new method is able to reduce the shot noise in the neutrino power spectrum by a factor of more than 107 compared to previous methods, where the power spectrum was dominated by shot noise at all scales. We find that our new approach also helps to reduce the noise on the total matter power spectrum on large scales, whereas on small scales the results agree with previous simulations. Our new method also allows for a systematic study of clustering of the low velocity tail of the distribution function of neutrinos. This method also allows for the study of the evolution of the overall velocity distribution as a function of the environment determined by the CDM field.



We propose a minimal model to simultaneously account for a realistic neutrino spectrum through a type-I seesaw mechanism and a viable dark matter relic density. The model is an extension of the Littlest Seesaw model in which the two right-handed neutrinos of the model are coupled to a Z2-odd dark sector via right-handed neutrino portal couplings. In this model, a highly constrained and direct link between dark matter and neutrino physics is achieved by considering the freeze-in production mechanism of dark matter. We show that the neutrino Yukawa couplings which describe neutrino mass and mixing may also play a dominant role in the dark matter production. We investigate the allowed regions in the parameter space of the model that provide the correct neutrino masses and mixing and simultaneously give the correct dark matter relic abundance. In certain cases the right-handed neutrino mass may be arbitrarily large, for example in the range 1010–1011 GeV required for vanilla leptogenesis, with a successful relic density arising from frozen-in dark matter particles with masses around this scale, which we refer to as "fimpzillas".


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The spectral flux density of stars can indicate their atmospheric physical properties. A detector can obtain any band flux density at the design stage. However, the band flux density is confirmed and fixed in the process of operation because of the restriction of filters. Other band flux densities cannot be obtained through the same detector. In this study, a computational model of stellar spectral flux density is established based on basic physical parameters which are effective temperature and angular parameter. The stochastic particle swarm optimization algorithm is adopted to address this issue with appropriately chosen values of the algorithm parameters. Four star catalogues are studied and consist of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX), and Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). The given flux densities from catalogues are input parameters. Stellar effective temperatures and angular parameters are inverted using the given flux densities according to SPSO algorithm. Then the flux density is calculated according to Planck's law on the basis of stellar effective temperatures and angular parameters. The calculated flux density is compared with the given value from catalogues. It is found that the inversion results are in good agreement for all bands of the MSX and 2MASS catalogues, whereas they do not agree well in some bands of the LAMOST and WISE catalogues. Based on the results, data from the MSX and 2MASS catalogues can be used to calculate the spectral flux density at different wavelengths of given wavelength ranges. The stellar flux density is obtained and can provide data support and an effective reference for detection and recognition of stars.



The Λ Cold Dark Matter model (ΛCDM) represents the current standard model in cosmology. Within this, there is a tension between the value of the Hubble constant, H0, inferred from local distance indicators and the angular scale of fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In terms of Bayseian evidence, we investigate whether the tension is significant enough to warrant new physics in the form of modifying or adding energy components to the standard cosmological model. We find that late time dark energy explanations are not favoured by data whereas a pre-CMB decoupling extra dark energy component has a positive, although not substantial, Bayesian evidence. A constant equation of state of the additional early energy density is constrained to 0.086+0.04−0.03. Although this value deviates significantly from 1/3, valid for dark radiation, the latter is favoured based on the Bayesian evidence. If the tension persists, future estimates of H0 at the 1% level will be able to decisively determine which of the proposed explanations is favoured.


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Existence of hypothetical fourth neutrino, so-called sterile neutrino, is one of open issues in the particle and neutrino physics. This fourth neutrino is a candidate for explaining some anomalies reported in LSND, MiniBoone, reactor experiments, and gallium experiments. To search for the existence of the sterile neutrino, we report detailed analysis of a feasible experiment for short baseline electron antineutrino (bar nue) disappearance study, in which a bar nue source from 8Li generator is considered under non-accelerator system. For 8Li production, we suggest to use 252Cf source as an intense neutron emitter, by which one can produce 8Li isotope through 7Li(n,γ)8Li reaction, effectively. Using the 8Li generator, one does not need any accelerator or reactor facilities because the generator can be placed on any present and/or planned neutrino detectors as closely as possible. For the effect of the possible sterile neutrinos, we estimate expected neutrino flux and event rates from the neutrino source scheme, and show neutrino disappearance features and possible reaction rate changes by the sterile neutrino using the spectral shape analysis.


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An SU(2)N extension (N stands for neutral) of the Standard Model (SM) is proposed with an additional U(1)=S' global symmetry, which stabilizes the lightest of the vector boson (X,bar X) as dark matter (DM) through unbroken S=T3N+S'. The field content of the model is motivated to address neutrino mass generation, a possible unification to SU(7), along with spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(2)N resulting in massive gauge bosons. None of the SM particles are charged under SU(2)N and therefore X,bar X do not have a direct coupling to the visible sector besides a Higgs portal, which is tiny to avoid any conflict with Higgs data. We show that, a large kinematic region of this model allows the neutral component of SU(2)N scalar triplet and heavy neutrinos introduced here to become additional DM components. In this paper we explore the viability of such multipartite DM parameter space, including non-zero DM-DM interactions, to comply with relic density and direct search constraints. We also demonstrate that the model may yield hadronically quiet single lepton and two lepton signatures with missing energy at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that can be accessed with high luminosity.


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Most secondary sources of cosmic microwave background anisotropy (radio sources, dusty galaxies, thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich distortions from hot gas, and gravitational lensing) are highly non-Gaussian. Statistics beyond the power spectrum are therefore potentially important sources of information about the physics of these processes. We combine data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and with data from the Planck satellite (only using Planck data in the overlapping region) to constrain the amplitudes of a set of theoretical bispectrum templates from the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect, dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs), gravitational lensing, and radio galaxies. We make a strong detection of radio galaxies (>5σ) and have hints of non-Gaussianity arising from the tSZ effect, DSFGs, from cross-correlations between the tSZ effect and DSFGs and from cross-correlations among the tSZ effect, DSFGs and radio galaxies. These results suggest that the same halos host radio sources, DSFGs, and have tSZ signal. We present a new method to calculate the non-Gaussian contributions to the template covariances. Using this method we find significant non-Gaussian contributions to the variance and covariance of our templates, with templates involving the tSZ effect most effected. Strong degeneracies exist between the various sources at the current noise levels. In light of these degeneracies, combined with theoretical uncertainty in the templates, these results are a demonstration of this technique. With these caveats, we demonstrate the utility of future bispectrum measurements by using the tSZ bispectrum measurement to constrain a combination of the amplitude of matter fluctuations and the matter density to be σ8 Ωm0.17=0.65+0.05−0.06. Improvements in signal to noise from upcoming Advanced ACT, SPT-3G, Simons Observatory, and CMB-S4 observations will enable the separation of bispectrum components and robust constraints on cosmological parameters.


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Recently, a new form of dark matter has been suggested to naturally reproduce the empirically successful aspects of Milgrom's law in galaxies. The dark matter particle candidates are axion-like, with masses of order eV and strong self-interactions. They Bose-Einstein condense into a superfluid phase in the central regions of galaxy halos. The superfluid phonon excitations in turn couple to baryons and mediate an additional long-range force. For a suitable choice of the superfluid equation of state, this force can mimic Milgrom's law. In this paper we develop in detail some of the main phenomenological consequences of such a formalism, by revisiting the expected dark matter halo profile in the presence of an extended baryon distribution. In particular, we show how rotation curves of both high and low surface brightness galaxies can be reproduced, with a slightly rising rotation curve at large radii in massive high surface brightness galaxies, thus subtly different from Milgrom's law. We finally point out other expected differences with Milgrom's law, in particular in dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies, tidal dwarf galaxies, and globular clusters, whose Milgromian or Newtonian behavior depends on the position with respect to the superfluid core of the host galaxy. We also expect ultra-diffuse galaxies within galaxy clusters to have velocities slightly above the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. Finally, we note that, in this framework, photons and gravitons follow the same geodesics, and that galaxy-galaxy lensing, probing larger distances within galaxy halos than rotation curves, should follow predictions closer to the standard cosmological model than those of Milgrom's law.



We studied 4-dimensional non-charged and charged spherically symmetric spacetimes in conformal teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. For this aim, we apply the field equations of non-charged and charged to diagonal and non-diagonal vierbeins and derive their sets of non-linear differential equations. We investigate in details that the Schwarzschild, for the non-charged case, and the Reissner-Nordström, for the charged case, are the only black hole solutions for the spherically symmetric case in the frame of conformal teleparallel equivalent of general relativity theory. Our conclusion indicates that the scalar field in the conformal teleparallel equivalent of general relativity theory has no effect for the spherically symmetric manifold.


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We investigate the observational consequences of a novel class of stable interacting dark energy (IDE) models, featuring interactions between dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE). In the first part of our work, we start by considering two IDE models which are known to present early-time linear perturbation instabilities. Applying a transformation depending on the dark energy equation of state (EoS) to the DM-DE coupling, we then obtain two novel stable IDE models. Subsequently, we derive robust and accurate constraints on the parameters of these models, assuming a constant EoS wx for the DE fluid, in light of some of the most recent publicly available cosmological data. These include Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements from the Planck satellite, a selection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation measurements, Supernovae Type-Ia luminosity distance measurements from the JLA sample, and measurements of the Hubble parameter up to redshift 2 from cosmic chronometers. Our analysis displays a mild preference for the DE fluid residing in the phantom region (wx<−1), with significance up to 95% confidence level, while we obtain new upper limits on the coupling parameter between the dark components. The preference for a phantom DE suggests a coupling function 0Q<, thus a scenario where energy flows from the DE to the DM . We also examine the possibility of addressing the H0 and σ8 tensions, finding that only the former can be partially alleviated. Finally, we perform a Bayesian model comparison analysis to quantify the possible preference for the two IDE models against the standard concordance ΛCDM model, finding that the latter is always preferred with the strength of the evidence ranging from positive to very strong.


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Neutron stars can provide new insight into dark matter properties, as these dense objects capture dark matter particles very efficiently. It has recently been shown that the energy transfer in the dark matter capture process can lead to appreciable heating of neutron stars, which may be observable with forthcoming infra-red telescopes. We examine this heating in the context of inelastic dark matter, for which signals in conventional nuclear-recoil based direct detection experiments are highly suppressed when the momentum transfer is small compared to the mass splitting between dark matter states. Neutron stars permit inelastic scattering for much greater mass splittings, because dark matter particles are accelerated to velocities close to the speed of light during infall. Using an effective operator approach for fermionic DM that scatters inelastically, we show that the observation of a very cold neutron star would lead to very stringent limits on the interaction strengths that, in most cases, are much stronger than any present, or future, direct detection experiment on Earth. This holds both for elastic scattering and for inelastic scattering with mass splittings up to ∼ 300MeV.



We present strong bounds on the sum of three active neutrino masses (∑mν) using selected cosmological datasets and priors in various cosmological models. We use the following baseline datasets: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature data from Planck 2015, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements from SDSS-III BOSS DR12, the newly released Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) dataset from Pantheon Sample, and a prior on the optical depth to reionization from 2016 Planck Intermediate results. We constrain cosmological parameters with these datasets with a Bayesian analysis in the background of ΛCDM model with 3 massive active neutrinos. For this minimal ΛCDM + ∑mν model we find a upper bound of ∑mν < 0.152 eV at 95% C.L. Adding the high-l polarization data from Planck strengthens this bound to ∑mν < 0.118 eV, which is very close to the minimum required mass of ∑mν ≃ 0.1 eV for inverted hierarchy. This bound is reduced to ∑mν < 0.110 eV when we also vary r, the tensor to scalar ratio (Λ CDM + r + ∑mν model), and add an additional dataset, BK14, the latest data released from the Bicep-Keck collaboration (which we add only when r is varied). This bound is further reduced to ∑mν < 0.101 eV in a cosmology with non-phantom dynamical dark energy (w0waCDM + ∑mν model with w(z)⩾ −1 for all z). Considering the w0waCDM + r + ∑mν model and adding the BK14 data again, the bound can be even further reduced to ∑mν < 0.093 eV . For the w0wa CDM+∑mν model without any constraint on w(z), the bounds however relax to ∑mν < 0.276 eV . Adding a prior on the Hubble constant (H0 = 73.24±1.74 km/sec/Mpc) from Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the above mentioned bounds further improve to ∑mν < 0.117 eV, 0.091 eV, 0.085 eV, 0.082 eV, 0.078 eV and 0.247 eV respectively. This substantial improvement is mostly driven by a more than 3σ tension between Planck 2015 and HST measurements of H0 and should be taken cautiously.


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We explore the constraints on the history of reionization from Planck 2015 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data and we derive the forecasts for future CMB observations. We consider a class of monotonic histories of reionization as parametrized by two additional extra parameters with respect to the average optical depth used in the instantaneous reionization modeling. We investigate the degeneracies between the history of reionization and selected extensions of the standard cosmological model. In particular, we consider the degeneracies with the total mass of the neutrino sector and we discuss the possible correlation between the dark matter annihilation and the duration of reionization in the CMB. We use an extension to poly-reion model that was proposed in [1]. We compare the constraints from Planck 2015 data with the predicted constraints from possible future CMB mission as LiteBIRD, and we also use the proposed CORE-like specifications as an example of what higher resolution can bring in addition. We find that the degeneracy between the averaged optical depth and the duration of reionization will be substantially removed by both concepts. Degeneracies between the reionization history and either the total neutrino mass and properties of dark matter annihilation will also be improved by future surveys. We find only marginal improvement in the constraints on reionization history for the higher resolution in the case of long duration of reionization.


It is often argued that quantum gravitational correction to the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle leads to, among other things, a black hole remnant with finite temperature. However, such a generalized uncertainty principle also seemingly removes the Chandrasekhar limit, i.e., it permits white dwarfs to be arbitrarily large, which is at odds with astrophysical observations. We show that this problem can be resolved if the parameter in the generalized uncertainty principle is negative. We also discuss the Planck scale physics of such a model.


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We propose a minimal predictive scenario for dark matter and radiative neutrino mass where the relic abundance of dark matter is generated from a hybrid setup comprising of both thermal freeze-out as well as non-thermal freeze-in mechanisms. Considering three copies of fermion triplets and one scalar doublet, odd under an unbroken Bbb Z2 symmetry, to be responsible for radiative origin of neutrino mass, we consider the lightest fermion triplet as a dark matter candidate which remains under-abundant in the sub-TeV regime from usual thermal freeze-out. Late decay of the Bbb Z2-odd scalar doublet into dark matter serves as the non-thermal (freeze-in) contribution which not only fills the thermal dark matter deficit, but also constrains the mother particle's parameter space so that the correct relic abundance of dark matter is generated. Apart from showing interesting differences from the purely freeze-out and purely freeze-in dark matter scenarios, the model remains testable through disappearing charge track signatures at colliders, observable direct and indirect detection rates for dark matter and prediction of almost vanishing lightest neutrino mass.



We investigate the inhomogeneous inflation, in which the space exponentially expands with inhomogeneities, and its cosmological perturbations. The inhomogeneous inflation is realized by introducing scalar fields with spacelike gradients that break the spatial symmetry. We find that the space can expand uniformly in different direction with the same rate. By using the perturbative method, we calculate the corrections to the power spectra of gravitational waves and curvature perturbation up to the linear order in the background inhomogeneities. Since the background is inhomogeneous, perturbations modes with different wave numbers get correlated. We show that generally the power spectra of perturbations depend on the ratio and the angle of wave numbers of the two correlated modes. In particular, the two circular polarization modes of the gravitational waves gain different powers when the background inhomogeneity is of vector or tensor type.

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JCAP 20th Anniversary Retrospective

A fundamental property of the Standard Model is that the Higgs potential becomes unstable at large values of the Higgs field. For the current central values of the Higgs and top masses, the instability scale is about 1011 GeV and therefore not accessible by colliders. We show that a possible signature of the Standard Model Higgs instability is the production of gravitational waves sourced by Higgs fluctuations generated during inflation. We fully characterise the two-point correlator of such gravitational waves by computing its amplitude, the frequency at peak, the spectral index, as well as their three-point correlators for various polarisations. We show that, depending on the Higgs and top masses, either LISA or the Einstein Telescope and Advanced-Ligo, could detect such stochastic background of gravitational waves. In this sense, collider and gravitational wave physics can provide fundamental and complementary informations. Furthermore, the consistency relation among the three- and the two-point correlators could provide an efficient tool to ascribe the detected gravitational waves to the Standard Model itself. Since the mechanism described in this paper might also be responsible for the generation of dark matter under the form of primordial black holes, this latter hypothesis may find its confirmation through the detection of gravitational waves.


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The Lyman-α forest is a valuable probe of dark matter models featuring a scale-dependent suppression of the power spectrum as compared to ΛCDM . In this work, we present a new estimator of the Lyman-α flux power spectrum that does not rely on hydrodynamical simulations. Our framework is characterized by nuisance parameters that encapsulate the complex physics of the intergalactic medium and sensitivity to highly non-linear small-scale modes. After validating the approach based on high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations for ΛCDM, we derive conservative constraints on interacting dark matter models from BOSS Lyman-α data on large scales, k<0.02  (km/s)−1, with the relevant nuisance parameters left free in the model fit. The estimator yields lower bounds on the mass of cannibal dark matter, where freeze-out occurs through 3 → 2 annihilation, in the MeV range. Furthermore, we find that models of dark matter interacting with dark radiation, which have been argued to address the H0 and σ8 tensions, are compatible with BOSS Lyman-α data.


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We investigate the turnaround radius in the spherical collapse model, both in General Relativity and in modified gravity, in particular f(R) scenarios. The phases of spherical collapse are marked by the non-linear density contrast in the instant of turnaround δt, and by the linear density contrast in the moment of collapse, δc. We find that the effective mass of the extra scalar degree of freedom which arises in modified gravity models has an impact on δt of up to ∼16%, and that δc can increase by ∼2.3%, for structures with mass of ≃ 1013 h−1 M at z≃ 0. We also compute the turnaround radius, Rt, which in modified gravity models can increase by up to ∼ 6%.


Higgs inflation scenario is one of the most compelling models of inflation at present time. It not only explains the observed data well, but also provides means to include the inflaton field within the well understood Standard Model of particle physics, without invoking any need for its extension. Despite this, due to the requirement of large non-minimal coupling to the curvature scalar of the inflaton field, or in this case the Higgs field, this model suffers from a problem often called as the `unitarity' or the `naturalness' problem. On the other hand, to address the longstanding `interpretational issue' of quantum to classical transition of the primordial modes, the collapse dynamics of quantum mechanics has recently been included into the inflationary mechanism. We show that inclusion of such collapse mechanism in Higgs inflation helps alleviate the `unitarity problem' to a great deal.



We present direct measurements of cubic bias parameters of dark matter halos from the halo-matter-matter-matter trispectrum. We measure this statistic efficiently by cross-correlating the halo field measured in N-body simulations with specific third-order nonlocal transformations of the initial density field in the same simulation. Together with the recent ref. [1], these are the first measurements of halo bias using the four-point function that have been reported to date. We also obtain constraints on the quadratic bias parameters. For all individual cubic parameters involving the tidal field Script Kij, we find broad consistency with the prediction of the Lagrangian local-in-matter-density ansatz, with some indications of a positive Lagrangian coefficient bL multiplying the time derivative of Script Kij. For the quadratic tidal bias (bK2), we obtain a significant detection of a negative Lagrangian tidal bias.



Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa), used as one of the standard candles in astrophysics, are believed to form when the mass of the white dwarf approaches Chandrasekhar mass limit. However, observations in last few decades detected some peculiar SNeIa, which are predicted to be originating from white dwarfs of mass much less than the Chandrasekhar mass limit or much higher than it. Although the unification of these two sub-classes of SNeIa was attempted earlier by our group, in this work, we, for the first time, explain this phenomenon in terms of just one property of the white dwarf which is its central density. Thereby we do not vary the fundamental parameters of the underlying gravity model in the contrary to the earlier attempt. We effectively consider higher order corrections to the Starobinsky-f(R) gravity model to reveal the unification. We show that the limiting mass of a white dwarf is ∼ M for central density ρc ∼ 1.4×108 g/cc, while it is ∼ 2.8M for ρc ∼1.6× 1010 g/cc under the same model parameters. We further confirm that these models are viable with respect to the solar system test. This perhaps enlightens very strongly the long standing puzzle lying with the predicted variation of progenitor mass in SNeIa.


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Clustering of a perfect fluid does not lead to the generation of vorticity. It is the collisionless nature of dark matter, inducing velocity dispersion and shell crossing, which is at the origin of cosmological vorticity generation. In this paper we investigate the generation of vorticity during the formation of cosmological large scale structure using the public relativistic N-body code gevolution. We test several methods to compute the vorticity power spectrum and we study its convergence with respect to the mass and grid resolution of our simulations. We determine the power spectrum, the spectral index on large-scales, the amplitude of the peak position and their time evolution. We also compare the vorticity extracted from our simulations with the vector perturbations of the metric. Our results are accompanied by resolution studies and compared with previous studies in the literature.


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The Atacama B-mode Search is an experiment designed to measure the cosmic microwave background polarization at large angular scales (0ℓ>4). It observes at 145 GHz from a site at 5,190 m elevation in northern Chile. The noise equivalent polarization temperature, or NEQ, is 41 μK√s. One of the unique features of ABS is its use of a rapidly rotating ambient-temperature half-wave plate (HWP) {as the first optical element}. {The HWP spins} at 2.55 Hz to modulate the incident polarized signal at frequencies above where instrument white noise dominates over atmospheric fluctuations and other sources of low-frequency noise. We report here on the analysis of data from a 2,400 deg2 region of sky. We perform a blind analysis to reduce potential bias. After unblinding, we find agreement with the Planck TE and EE measurements on the same region of sky, {with a derived calibration factor of 00.89 ± 0.1}. We marginally detect polarized dust emission {(at 3.2 σ for EE and 2.2 σ for BB)} and give an upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio of r<2.3 (95% confidence level) with the equivalent of 100 on-sky days of observation. We also present a new measurement of the polarization of Tau A and introduce new methods for calibration and data analysis associated with HWP-based observations.


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We study the emergence of quantum entanglement in multi-field inflation. In this scenario, the perturbations of one field contribute to the observable curvature perturbation, while multi-field dynamics with the other fields affect the curvature perturbation through particle production and entanglement. We develop a general formalism which defines the quantum entanglement between the perturbations of the multiple fields both in the Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures, and show that entanglement between different fields can arise dynamically in the context of multi-field inflationary scenarios. We also present a simple model in which a sudden change in the kinetic matrix of the scalar fields generates entanglement and an oscillatory feature appears in the power spectrum of the inflaton perturbation.


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Long-short mode coupling during inflation, encoded in the squeezed bispectrum of curvature perturbations, induces a dependence of the local, small-scale power spectrum on long-wavelength perturbations, leading to a scale-dependent halo bias. While this scale dependence is absent in the large-scale limit for single-field inflation models that satisfy the consistency relation, certain models such as resonant non-Gaussianity show a peculiar behavior on intermediate scales. We reconsider the predictions for the halo bias in this model by working in Conformal Fermi Coordinates, which isolate the physical effects of long-wavelength perturbations on short-scale physics. We find that the bias oscillates with scale with an envelope similar to that of equilateral non-Gaussianity. Moreover, the bias shows a peculiar modulation with the halo mass. Unfortunately, we find that upcoming surveys will be unable to detect the signal because of its very small amplitude. We also discuss non-Gaussianity due to interactions between the inflaton and massive fields: our results for the bias agree with those in the literature.


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Future neutrino detectors will obtain high-statistics data from a nearby core-collapse supernova. We study the mixing with eV-mass sterile neutrinos in a supernova environment and its effects on the active neutrino fluxes as detected by Hyper-Kamiokande and IceCube. Using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis, we make projections for how accurately these experiments will measure the active-sterile mixing angle θs given that there are substantial uncertainties on the expected luminosity and spectrum of active neutrinos from a galactic supernova burst. We find that Hyper-Kamiokande can reconstruct the sterile neutrino mixing and mass in many different situations, provided the neutrino luminosity of the supernova is known precisely. Crucially, we identify a degeneracy between the mixing angle and the overall neutrino luminosity of the supernova. This means that it will only be possible to determine the luminosity if the presence of sterile neutrinos with θs ≳ 0.1o can be ruled out independently. We discuss ways in which this degeneracy may be broken in the future.


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It is a well known fact that galaxies are biased tracers of the distribution of matter in the Universe. The galaxy bias is usually factored as a function of redshift and scale, and approximated as being scale-independent on large, linear scales. In cosmologies with massive neutrinos, the galaxy bias defined with respect to the total matter field (cold dark matter, baryons, and non-relativistic neutrinos) also depends on the sum of the neutrino masses Mν, and becomes scale-dependent even on large scales. This effect has been usually neglected given the sensitivity of current surveys. However, it becomes a severe systematic for future surveys aiming to provide the first detection of non-zero Mν. The effect can be corrected for by defining the bias with respect to the density field of cold dark matter and baryons, rather than the total matter field. In this work, we provide a simple prescription for correctly mitigating the neutrino-induced scale-dependent bias effect in a practical way. We clarify a number of subtleties regarding how to properly implement this correction in the presence of redshift-space distortions and non-linear evolution of perturbations. We perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis on simulated galaxy clustering data that match the expected sensitivity of the Euclid survey. We find that the neutrino-induced scale-dependent bias can lead to important shifts in both the inferred mean value of Mν, as well as its uncertainty, and provide an analytical explanation for the magnitude of the shifts. We show how these shifts propagate to the inferred values of other cosmological parameters correlated with Mν, such as the cold dark matter physical density Ωcdm h2 and the scalar spectral index ns. In conclusion, we find that correctly accounting for the neutrino-induced scale-dependent bias will be of crucial importance for future galaxy clustering analyses. We encourage the cosmology community to correctly account for this effect using the simple prescription we present in our work. The tools necessary to easily correct for the neutrino-induced scale-dependent bias will be made publicly available in an upcoming release of the Boltzmann solver CLASS.