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Volume 950

Number 1, 2023 June 10

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The origin of nonradial solar wind flows and their effect on space weather are poorly understood. Here we present a detailed investigation of 12 nonradial solar wind events during solar cycles 23–24, covering the period 1995–2017. In all these events the azimuthal flow angles of the solar wind exceed 6° as measured at the L1 Lagrangian point of the Sun–Earth system, for periods of 24 hr. In addition, all the events were selected during periods when coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and/or corotating interaction regions (CIRs) were absent. For most of the events, the near-Earth solar wind density was <5 cm−3 for periods exceeding 24 hr, similar to the well-known "solar wind disappearance events" wherein near-Earth solar wind densities dropped by two orders of magnitude for periods exceeding 24 hr. The solar source regions determined for all the cases were found to be associated with active region–coronal hole (AR–CH) pairs located around the central meridian. Further, the dynamical evolution of the source regions, studied using both the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope and the Michelson Doppler Imager, showed a clear reduction in the CH area accompanied by the emergence of new magnetic flux regions. This dynamic evolution in the AR–CH source regions eventually disturbed the stable CH configurations, thereby giving rise to the extremely nonradial solar wind outflows. We discuss, based on our results, a possible causative mechanism for the origin of these highly nonradial flows that were not associated with either CMEs or CIRs.

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Preflare activities contain critical information about the precursors and causes of solar eruptions. Here we investigate the characteristics and origin of a group of broadband pulsations (BBPs) in the decimetric-metric wavelengths that took place during the preflare stage of the M7.1 flare on 2011 September 24. The event was recorded by multiple solar instruments, including the Nançay Radioheliograh, that measure the properties of the radio source. The BBPs started ∼24 minutes before the flare onset, extending from <360 to above 800 MHz without a discernible spectral drift. The BBPs consisted of two stages. During the first stage, the main source remained stationary, and during the second stage, it moved outward along with a steepening extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave driven by the eruption of a high-temperature structure. In both stages, we observe frequent EUV brightenings and jets originating from the flare region. During the second stage, the BBPs became more frequent and stronger in general, and the polarization level gradually increased from <20% to >60% in the right-handed sense. These observations indicate that the steepening EUV wave is important to the BBPs during the second stage, while the preflare reconnections causing the jets and EUV brightenings are important in both stages. This is the first time that such a strong association of an EUV wave with BBPs is reported. We suggest a scenario in which reconnection occurs together with a shock that sweeps across the loops as the cause of the BBPs.

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Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) and intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals (IMRIs) are important gravitational-wave (GW) sources for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). So far, their formation and evolution have been considered to be independent. However, recent theories suggest that stellar-mass black holes (sBHs) and intermediate-mass black hole (IMBHs) can coexist in the accretion disk of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), which indicates that EMRIs and IMRIs may form in the same place. Motivated by the fact that a gas giant migrating in a protoplanetary disk could trap planetesimals close to its orbit, in this paper we study a similar interaction between a gap-opening IMBH in an AGN disk and the sBHs surrounding it. We analyze the torques imposed on the sBHs by the disk and also by the IMBH, and show that the sBHs can be trapped by the IMBH if they are inside the orbit of the IMBH. We then implement the torques in our numerical simulations to study the migration of an outer IMBH and an inner sBH, which are both embedded in an AGN disk. We find that their migration is synchronized until they reach a distance of about 10 Schwarzschild radii from the central supermassive black hole, where the pair break up due to strong GW radiation. This result indicates that LISA may detect an EMRI and an IMRI within several years from the same AGN. This GW source will bring rich information about the formation and evolution of sBHs and IMBHs in AGNs.

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Based on the recent advancements in numerical simulations of galaxy formation, we anticipate the achievement of realistic models of galaxies in the near future. Morphology is the most basic and fundamental property of galaxies, yet observations and simulations still use different methods to determine galaxy morphology, making it difficult to compare them. We hereby perform a test on the recent NewHorizon simulation, which has spatial and mass resolutions that are remarkably high for a large-volume simulation, to resolve the situation. We generate mock images for the simulated galaxies using SKIRT, which calculates complex radiative transfer processes in each galaxy. We measure morphological and kinematic indicators using photometric and spectroscopic methods following observers' techniques. We also measure the kinematic disk-to-total ratios using the Gaussian mixture model and assume that they represent the true structural composition of galaxies. We found that spectroscopic indicators such as V/σ and λR closely trace the kinematic disk-to-total ratios. In contrast, photometric disk-to-total ratios based on the radial profile fitting method often fail to recover the true kinematic structure of galaxies, especially small ones. We provide translating equations between various morphological indicators.

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We present an analysis of the relativistic reflection spectra of GX 339–4 during the hard-to-soft transition of its 2021 outburst observed by Insight–HXMT. The strong relativistic reflection signatures in the data suggest a high black hole spin (a* > 0.86) and an intermediate disk inclination angle (i ≈ 35°–43°) of the system. The transition is accompanied by an increasing temperature of the disk and a softening of the corona emission, while the inner disk radius remains stable. Assuming a lamppost geometry, the corona height is also found to stay close to the black hole across the state transition. If we include the Comptonization of the reflection spectrum, the scattering fraction parameter is found to decrease during the state transition. We also perform an analysis with a reflection model designed for hot accretion disks of stellar mass black holes where the surface of the innermost accretion disk is illuminated by emission from the corona and the thermal disk below. Our results support the scenario in which the state transition is associated with variations in the corona properties.

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Delta Scuti (δ Sct) variables are intermediate-mass stars that lie at the intersection of the main sequence and the instability strip on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Various lines of evidence indicate that nonlinear mode interactions shape their oscillation spectra, including the particularly compelling detection of resonantly interacting mode triplets in the δ Sct star KIC 8054146. Motivated by these observations, we use the theory of three-mode coupling to study the strength and prevalence of nonlinear mode interactions in 14 δ Sct models that span the instability strip. For each model, we calculate the frequency detunings and nonlinear coupling strengths of ∼104 unique combinations of mode triplets. We find that all the models contain at least ∼100 well-coupled triplets whose detunings and coupling strengths are consistent with the triplets identified in KIC 8054146. Our results suggest that resonant mode interactions can be significant in δ Sct stars and may explain why many exhibit rapid changes in amplitude and oscillation period.

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We present the mid-infrared (MIR) morphologies for 64 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at 0.2 < z < 2.5 with stellar mass M* > 109M using James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) observations from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science survey. The MIRI bands span the MIR (7.7–21 μm), enabling us to measure the effective radii (Reff) and Sérsic indexes of these SFGs at rest-frame 6.2 and 7.7 μm, which contains strong emission from Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features, a well-established tracer of star formation in galaxies. We define a "PAH band" as the MIRI bandpass that contains these features at the redshift of the galaxy. We then compare the galaxy morphologies in the PAH bands to those in the rest-frame near-ultraviolet (NUV) using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/F435W or ACS/F606W and optical/near-IR using HST WFC3/F160W imaging from UVCANDELS and CANDELS. The Reff of galaxies in the PAH band are slightly smaller (∼10%) than those in F160W for galaxies with M* ≳ 109.5M at z ≤ 1.2, but the PAH band and F160W have similar fractions of light within 1 kpc. In contrast, the Reff of galaxies in the NUV band are larger, with lower fractions of light within 1 kpc compared to F160W for galaxies at z ≤ 1.2. Using the MIRI data to estimate the SFRIR surface density, we find that the correlation between the SFRIR surface density and stellar mass has a steeper slope than that of the SFRUV surface density and stellar mass, suggesting more massive galaxies having increasing amounts of obscured fraction of star formation in their inner regions. This paper demonstrates how the high-angular resolution data from JWST/MIRI can reveal new information about the morphology of obscured star formation.

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Y dwarfs are the coolest spectral class of brown dwarf. They have effective temperatures less than 500 K, with the coolest detection as low as ∼250 K. They make up the low-mass tail of the star formation process, and are a valuable analog to the atmospheres of giant gaseous exoplanets in a temperature range that is difficult to observe. Understanding Y dwarf atmospheric compositions and processes will thus deepen our understanding of planet and star formation and provide a stepping stone toward characterizing cool exoplanets. Their spectra are shaped predominantly by gaseous water, methane, and ammonia. At the warmer end of the Y-dwarf temperature range, spectral signatures of disequilibrium carbon monoxide have been observed. Cooler Y dwarfs could host water clouds in their atmospheres. JWST spectral observations are anticipated to provide an unprecedented level of detail for these objects, and yet published self-consistent model grids do not accurately replicate even the existing Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observations. In this work, we present a new suite of 1D radiative-convective equilibrium models to aid in the characterization of Y-dwarf atmospheres and spectra. We compute clear, cloudy, equilibrium chemistry and disequilibrium chemistry models, providing a comprehensive suite of models in support of the impending JWST era of panchromatic Y-dwarf characterization. Comparing these models against current observations, we find that disequilibrium CH4–CO and NH3–N2 chemistry and the presence of water clouds can bring models and observations into better, though still not complete, agreement.

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Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are thought to be the result of thermonuclear explosions in white dwarfs (WDs). Commonly considered formation pathways include two merging WDs (the double-degenerate channel) and a single WD accreting material from a H or He donor (the single-degenerate channel). Since the predicted SN Ia rates from WDs in binaries are thought to be insufficient to explain the observed SN Ia rate, it is important to study similar interactions in higher-order multiple-star systems such as triple systems. We use the evolutionary population synthesis code Multiple Stellar Evolution (MSE) to study the stellar evolution, binary interactions, and gravitational dynamics of the triple-star systems. Also, unlike previous studies, prescriptions are included to simultaneously take into account the single- and double-degenerate channels, and we consider triples across the entire parameter space (including those with tight inner binaries). We explore the impact of typically ignored or uncertain physics such as flybys and common envelope prescription parameters on our results. The majority of systems undergo circular mergers to explode as SNe Ia, while eccentric collisions contribute to 0.4%−4% of SN Ia events. The time-integrated SN Ia rate from the triple channel is found to be $(3.60\pm 0.04)\times {10}^{-4}\,{M}_{\odot }^{-1}$, which is, surprisingly, similar to that of the isolated binary channel, where the SN Ia rate is $(3.2\pm 0.1)\times {10}^{-4}\,{M}_{\odot }^{-1}$. This implies that triples, when considering their entire parameter space, yield an important contribution to the overall SN Ia rate.

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We present millimeter and submillimeter continuum observations for 36 sources with potentially large black hole shadows at 230 and 345 GHz using the Submillimeter Array. The sources are selected based on the criterion of the large diameter of the black hole shadows. Our motivation is to explore the nature of the accretion flow of the potential candidates of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs) through photometry at millimeter/submillimeter wavelengths. The detected result serves as the pathfinder of future high-angular resolution observations such as the Event Horizon Telescope. As a result, we successfully detected 17 and eight sources at 230 and 345 GHz, respectively. We reveal that three of the detected sources (IC 310, NGC 1277, and NGC 5846) show significant excess at millimeter/submillimeter wavelengths in comparison with the extrapolation both from low-frequency radio and infrared, which are considered to be attributed to the extended jet and dust component, respectively. One possible explanation is that these excesses are associated with the hot accretion flow onto the supermassive black holes of the LLAGNs. By adopting the advection-dominated accretion flow model's semi-analytic model, we obtained the upper bound of the mass accretion rate. Those are less than 10−2${\dot{M}}_{\mathrm{EDD}}$, where ${\dot{M}}_{\mathrm{EDD}}$ is the Eddington mass accretion rate computed via the Eddington luminosity. This is in good agreement with the expected range of the LLAGNs. The ∼200 mJy flux densities and negative spectral index of IC 1459 within millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths make it a promising candidate for future submillimeter high-angular resolution experiments for imaging the black hole shadow.

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Fine-grained dust rims (FGRs) surrounding chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites encode important information about early processes in the solar nebula. Here, we investigate the effect of the nebular environment on FGR porosity, dust size distribution, and grain alignment, comparing the results for rims comprised of ellipsoidal and spherical grains. We conduct numerical simulations in which FGRs grow by collisions between dust particles and chondrules in both neutral and ionized turbulent gas. The resultant rim morphology is related to the ratio epsilon of the electrostatic potential energy at the collision point to the relative kinetic energy between colliding particles. In general, large epsilon leads to a large rim porosity, large rim grain size, and low growth rate. Dust rims comprised of ellipsoidal monomers initially grow faster in thickness than rims comprised of spherical monomers, due to their higher porosity. As the rims grow and obtain a greater electrostatic potential, repulsion becomes dominant, and this effect is reversed. Grain size coarsening toward the outer regions of the rims is observed for low- and high-epsilon regimes, and is more pronounced in the ellipsoidal case, while for the medium-epsilon regime, small monomers tend to be captured in the middle of the rims. In neutral environments, ellipsoidal grains have random orientations within the rim, while in charged environments ellipsoidal grains tend to align with maximum axial alignment for epsilon = 0.15. The characterization of these FGR features provides a means to relate laboratory measurements of chondrite samples to the formation environment of the parent bodies.

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Fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20180916B exhibits a 16.33-day periodicity in its burst activity. It is as of yet unclear what proposed mechanism produces the activity, but polarization information is a key diagnostic. Here we report on the polarization properties of 44 bursts from FRB 20180916B detected between 2018 December and 2021 December by CHIME/FRB, the FRB project on the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment. In contrast to previous observations, we find significant variations in the Faraday rotation measure (RM) of FRB 20180916B. Over the 9-month period 2021 April and 2021 December we observe an apparent secular increase in RM of ∼50 rad m−2 (a fractional change of over 40%) that is accompanied by a possible drift of the emitting band to lower frequencies. This interval displays very little variation in the dispersion measure (ΔDM ≲ 0.8 pc cm−3), which indicates that the observed RM evolution is likely produced from coherent changes in the Faraday-active medium's magnetic field. Burst-to-burst RM variations appear unrelated to the activity cycle phase. The degree of linear polarization of our burst sample (≳80%) is consistent with the negligible depolarization expected for this source in the 400–800 MHz bandpass of CHIME. FRB 20180916B joins other repeating FRBs in displaying substantial RM evolution. This is consistent with the notion that repeater progenitors may be associated with young stellar populations by their preferential occupation of dynamic magnetized environments commonly found in supernova remnants, in pulsar wind nebulae, or near high-mass stellar companions.

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The origin of stellar-mass black hole mergers discovered through gravitational waves is being widely debated. Mergers in the disks of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent a promising source of origin, with possible observational clues in the gravitational-wave data. Beyond gravitational waves, a unique signature of AGN-assisted mergers is electromagnetic emission from the accreting black holes. Here we show that jets launched by accreting black holes merging in an AGN disk can be detected as peculiar transients by infrared, optical, and X-ray observatories. We further show that this emission mechanism can explain the possible associations between gravitational-wave events and the optical transient ZTF 19abanrhr and the proposed gamma-ray counterparts GW150914-GBM and LVT151012-GBM. We demonstrate how these associations, if genuine, can be used to reconstruct the properties of these events' environments. Searching for infrared and X-ray counterparts to similar electromagnetic transients in the future, once host galaxies are localized by optical observations, could provide a smoking-gun signature of the mergers' AGN origin.

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We present near-infrared (NIR) and optical observations of the Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) SN 2021krf obtained between days 13 and 259 at several ground-based telescopes. The NIR spectrum at day 68 exhibits a rising K-band continuum flux density longward of ∼2.0 μm, and a late-time optical spectrum at day 259 shows strong [O i] 6300 and 6364 Å emission-line asymmetry, both indicating the presence of dust, likely formed in the SN ejecta. We estimate a carbon-grain dust mass of ∼2 × 10−5M and a dust temperature of ∼900–1200 K associated with this rising continuum and suggest the dust has formed in SN ejecta. Utilizing the one-dimensional multigroup radiation-hydrodynamics code STELLA, we present two degenerate progenitor solutions for SN 2021krf, characterized by C–O star masses of 3.93 and 5.74 M, but with the same best-fit 56Ni mass of 0.11 M for early times (0–70 days). At late times (70–300 days), optical light curves of SN 2021krf decline substantially more slowly than those expected from 56Co radioactive decay. Lack of H and He lines in the late-time SN spectrum suggests the absence of significant interaction of the ejecta with the circumstellar medium. We reproduce the entire bolometric light curve with a combination of radioactive decay and an additional powering source in the form of a central engine of a millisecond pulsar with a magnetic field smaller than that of a typical magnetar.

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With its cored surface brightness profile, the elliptical galaxy NGC 5419 appears as a typical high-mass early-type galaxy (ETG). However, the galaxy hosts two distinct nuclei in its center. We use high-signal MUSE (Multi-unit Spectroscopic Explorer (Based on observations collected at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere under ESO program 099.B-0193(A).)) spectral observations and novel triaxial dynamical orbit models to reveal a surprisingly isotropic central orbit distribution in NGC 5419. Recent collisionless simulations of merging massive ETGs suggest a two-phase core formation model, in which the low-density stellar core forms rapidly by supermassive black holes (SMBHs) sinking into the center due to dynamical friction. Only afterwards do the SMBHs form a hard binary, and the black hole scouring process slowly changes the central orbit distribution from isotropic to tangential. The observed cored density profile, the double nucleus, and the isotropic center of NGC 5419 together thus point to an intermediate evolutionary state where the first phase of core formation has taken place, yet the scouring process is only beginning. This implies that the double nucleus is an SMBH binary. Our triaxial dynamical models indicate a total mass of the two SMBHs in the center of NGC 5419 of MBH = (1.0 ± 0.08) × 1010 M. Moreover, we find that NGC 5419's complex kinematically distinct core can be explained by a coherent flip of the direction of orbital rotation of stars on tube orbits at ∼3 kpc distance from the galaxy center together with projection effects. This is also in agreement with merger simulations hosting SMBHs in the same mass regime.

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The feedback from the accretion of central supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is a hot topic in the coevolution of SMBHs and their host galaxies. By tracing the large-scale outflow using the line profile and bulk velocity shift of [O iii]λ5007, the evolutionary role of outflow is studied here on a large sample of 221 type 2 quasars (QSO2s) extracted from Reyes et al. By following our previous study on local Seyfert 2 galaxies, the current spectral analysis on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopic database enables us to arrive at the following results: (1) by using the Lick indices, we confirm that QSO2s are, on average, more frequently associated with younger stellar populations than Seyfert galaxies; (2) QSO2s with a stronger outflow tend to be associated with a younger stellar population, which implies a coevolution between the feedback from SMBHs and the host in QSO2s; (3) although occupied at the high Lbol/LEdd end, the QSO2s follow the Lbol/LEdd-Dn(4000) sequence established from local, less-luminous Seyfert galaxies, which suggests a decrease of the accretion activity of SMBHs and also of feedback as the circumnuclear stellar population continuously ages.

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We have conducted photometric and spectroscopic observations of the peculiar Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2016ije that was discovered through the Tsinghua-NAOC Transient Survey. This peculiar object exploded in the outskirts of a metal-poor, low-surface brightness galaxy (i.e., Mg = −14.5 mag). Our photometric analysis reveals that SN 2016ije is subluminous (${M}_{B,\max }$ = −17.65 ± 0.06 mag) but exhibits relatively broad light curves (Δm15(B) = 1.35 ± 0.14 mag), similar to the behavior of SN 2002es. Our analysis of the bolometric light curve indicates that only 0.14 ± 0.04 M of 56Ni was synthesized in the explosion of SN 2016ije, which suggests a less energetic thermonuclear explosion when compared to normal SNe Ia, and this left a considerable amount of unburned materials in the ejecta. Spectroscopically, SN 2016ije resembles other SN 2002es-like SNe Ia, except that the ejecta velocity inferred from its carbon absorption line (∼4500 km s−1) is much lower than that from silicon lines (∼8300 km s−1) at around the maximum light. Additionally, most of the absorption lines are broader than other 02es-like SNe Ia. These peculiarities suggest the presence of significant unburned carbon in the inner region and a wide line-forming region along the line of sight. These characteristics suggest that SN 2016ije might originate from the violent merger of a white dwarf binary system, when viewed near an orientation along the iron-group-element cavity caused by the companion star.

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We report strong and rapid X-ray variability found from the super-Eddington accreting quasar SDSS J081456.10+532533.5 at z = 0.1197. It has a black hole mass of 2.7 × 107M and a dimensionless accretion rate of ≈4 measured from reverberation-mapping observations. It showed weak X-ray emission in the 2021 February Chandra observation, with the 2 keV flux density being ${9.6}_{-4.6}^{+11.6}$ times lower compared to an archival Swift observation. The 2 keV flux density is also ${11.7}_{-6.3}^{+9.6}$ times weaker compared to the expectation from its optical/UV emission. In a follow-up XMM-Newton observation 32 days later, the 2 keV flux density increased by a factor of ${5.3}_{-2.4}^{+6.4}$, and the spectra are best described by a power law modified with partial-covering absorption; the absorption-corrected intrinsic continuum is at a nominal flux level. Nearly simultaneous optical spectra reveal no variability, and there is only mild long-term optical/infrared variability from archival data (with a maximum variability amplitude of ≈50%). We interpret the X-ray variability with an obscuration scenario, where the intrinsic X-ray continuum does not vary but the absorber has a variable column density and covering factor along the line of sight. The absorber is likely the small-scale clumpy accretion wind that has been proposed to be responsible for similar X-ray variability in other super-Eddington accreting quasars.

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Asteroseismology has been used extensively in recent years to study the interior structure and physical processes of main-sequence stars. We consider prospects for using pressure modes (p-modes) near the frequency of maximum oscillation power to probe the structure of the near-core layers of main-sequence stars with convective cores by constructing stellar model tracks. Within our mass range of interest, the inner turning point of p-modes as determined by the Jeffreys–Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (JWKB) approximation evolves in two distinct phases during the main sequence, implying a sudden loss of near-core sensitivity during the discontinuous transition between the two phases. However, we also employ non-JWKB asymptotic analysis to derive a contrasting set of expressions for the effects that these structural properties will have on the mode frequencies, which do not encode any such transition. We show analytically that a sufficiently near-core perturbation to the stellar structure results in nonoscillatory, degree-dependent perturbations to the star's oscillation mode frequencies, contrasting with the case of an outer glitch. We also demonstrate numerically that these near-core acoustic glitches exhibit strong angular degree dependence, even at low degree, agreeing with the non-JWKB analysis, rather than the degree-independent oscillations that emerge from JWKB analyses. These properties have important implications for using p-modes to study near-core mixing processes for intermediate-mass stars on the main sequence, as well as for the interpretation of near-center acoustic glitches in other astrophysical configurations, such as red giants.

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We study how supersonic streaming velocities of baryons relative to dark matter—a large-scale effect imprinted at recombination and coherent over ∼3 Mpc scales—affect the formation of dwarf galaxies at z ≳ 5. We perform cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, including and excluding streaming velocities, in regions centered on halos with Mvir(z = 0) ≈ 1010M; the simulations are part of the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project and run with FIRE-3 physics. Our simulations comprise many thousands of systems with halo masses between Mvir = 2 × 105M and 2 × 109M in the redshift range z = 20–5. A few hundred of these galaxies form stars and have stellar masses ranging from 100 to 107M. While star formation is globally delayed by approximately 50 Myr in the streaming relative to nonstreaming simulations and the number of luminous galaxies is correspondingly suppressed at high redshift in the streaming runs, these effects decay with time. By z = 5, the properties of the simulated galaxies are nearly identical in the streaming versus nonstreaming runs, indicating that any effects of streaming velocities on the properties of galaxies at the mass scale of classical dwarfs and larger do not persist to z = 0.

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The transient optical sky has remained largely unexplored on very short timescales. While there have been some experiments searching for optical transients from minutes to years, none have had the capability to distinguish millisecond fast optical bursts (FOBs). Such very fast transients could be the optical counterparts of fast radio bursts, the prompt emission from γ-ray bursts, or other previously unknown phenomena. Here, we investigate a novel approach to the serendipitous detection of FOBs, which relies on searching for anomalous spatial images. In particular, due to their short duration, the seeing-distorted images of FOBs should look characteristically different than those of steady sources in a standard optical exposure of finite duration. We apply this idea to simulated observations with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, produced by tracing individual photons through a turbulent atmosphere, and down through the optics and camera of the Rubin telescope. We compare these simulated images to steady-source star simulations in 15 s integrations, the nominal Rubin exposure time. We report the classification accuracy results of a neural network classifier for distinguishing FOBs from steady sources. From this classifier, we derive constraints in duration–intensity parameter space for unambiguously identifying FOBs in Rubin observations. We conclude with estimates of the total number of detections of FOB counterparts to FRBs expected during the 10 yr Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

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A significant challenge in radiative transfer theory for atmospheres of exoplanets and brown dwarfs is the derivation of computationally efficient methods that have adequate fidelity to more precise, numerically demanding solutions. In this work, we extend the capability of the first open-source radiative transfer model for computing the reflected light of exoplanets at any phase geometry, PICASO (Planetary Intensity Code for Atmospheric Spectroscopy Observations). Until now, PICASO has implemented two-stream approaches to the solving the radiative transfer equation for reflected light, in particular following the derivations of Toon et al. In order to improve the model accuracy, we have considered higher-order approximations of the phase functions; namely, we have increased the order of approximation from two to four, using spherical harmonics. The spherical harmonics approximation decouples spatial and directional dependencies by expanding the intensity and phase function into a series of spherical harmonics, or Legendre polynomials, allowing for analytical solutions for low-order approximations to optimize computational efficiency. We rigorously derive the spherical harmonics method for reflected light and benchmark the four-term method (SH4) against Toon et al. and two independent and higher-fidelity methods (CDISORT and doubling method). On average, the SH4 method provides an order-of-magnitude increase in accuracy, compared to Toon et al. Finally, we implement SH4 within PICASO and observe only a modest increase in computational time, compared to two-stream methods (20% increase).

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A Forbush decrease (FD) is a sudden reduction of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) that is usually caused by intense solar wind transients, such as Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) and Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs). Using daily proton fluxes measured by AMS-02 between 2011 May and 2019 October, we identified 142 FD events with an automatic systematic analysis method. The properties of 47 FDs caused by ICMEs and of 54 FDs caused by CIRs were analyzed. We found that the rigidity dependence of the GCR flux decrease is generally better described by an exponential function for both ICME and CIR FDs. We also found that the FD Amplitude of ICME FDs has a moderate correlation with the minimum Dst index and a number of solar wind parameters, such as maximum temperature, pressure, and magnetic field. For CIR FD events, neither FD Amplitude nor Maximum Affected Rigidity had a significant correlation with solar wind parameters.

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Cluster galaxies are subject to the ram pressure exerted by the intracluster medium, which can perturb or even strip away their gas while leaving the stars undisturbed. We model the distribution and kinematics of the stars and the molecular gas in four late-type cluster galaxies (JO201, JO204, JO206, and JW100), which show tails of atomic and ionized gas indicative of ongoing ram pressure stripping. We analyze MUSE@VLT data and CO data from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array searching for signatures of radial gas flows, ram pressure stripping, and other perturbations. We find that all galaxies, with the possible exception of JW100, host stellar bars. Signatures of ram pressure are found in JO201 and JO206, which also shows clear indications of ongoing stripping in the molecular disk outskirts. The stripping affects the whole molecular gas disk of JW100. The molecular gas kinematics in JO204 is instead dominated by rotation rather than ram pressure. We also find indications of enhanced turbulence of the molecular gas compared to field galaxies. Large-scale radial flows of molecular gas are present in JO204 and JW100, but more uncertain in JO201 and JO206. We show that our sample follows the molecular gas mass–size relation, confirming that it is essentially independent of environment even for the most extreme cases of stripping. Our findings are consistent with the molecular gas being affected by the ram pressure on different timescales and less severely than the atomic and ionized gas phases, likely because the molecular gas is denser and more gravitationally bound to the galaxy.

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We report the results of observations toward the center of the molecular cloud CO 0.02–0.02 made using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. The successfully obtained 1'' resolution images of CO J = 3–2, H13CN J = 4–3, H13CO+J = 4–3, SiO J = 8–7, CH3OH J${}_{{\text{}}{K}_{a},{K}_{c}}$ = 71,7–61,6 A+ lines, and 900 μm continuum show several new features, which have not been identified in previous observations. The dense gas probe (H13CN, SiO, CH3OH) images are dominated by a pair of northeast-southwest elongated filaments, which may be the main body of CO 0.02–0.02. Two striped patterns perpendicular to each other (F1 and F2) and a high-velocity feature (HV), which appear in different velocity ranges, were prominent in the CO image. An emission hole that may represent an expanding feature was found in the F1 velocity range. F2 appeared to align along the western edge of a 20 pc × 13 pc ellipse (the Large Shell) identified in the single-dish CO map. The HV contains eight compact clumps at the positive high-velocity end of the CO emissions. Based on these results, we propose a formation scenario for CO 0.02–0.02; internal explosions of supernovae, external perturbations by the Large Shell, and gravitational acceleration by a less-luminous star cluster have formed CO 0.02–0.02 in its current state.

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The aim of our work is to study the origin of the spectral transitions of transient black hole binaries. In this work, we find signatures of spectral state transition (hard to soft state) while studying the radiative shock for the accretion flow. The gradient of the energy dissipation curve shows a sudden break for certain critical flow parameters when the post-shock dissipation is maximum. This particular feature is common to all spins, and the transitions are well observed. We have identified all the critical flow parameters for different black hole spins. With the dissipation, the inner edge of the disk or the geometry of the post-shock corona reduces progressively and attains a minimum for maximum dissipation. The spin enhances the maximum dissipation further. Using the exact general relativistic framework, we therefore systematically study the various dynamical properties of radiative/dissipative shocks in accretion flows to understand the observed phenomena, namely, the variation of the hard intensity emitted from the evolving Comptonizing medium, the spectral transitions, and their entanglement with the inner edge of the disk, etc. The results presented here might be useful in finding the variation of the hardness ratio and could be a first step to procuring the "q" diagram theoretically.

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Magnetic braking has a prominent role in driving the evolution of close low-mass binary systems and heavily influences the rotation rates of low-mass F- and later-type stars with convective envelopes. Several possible prescriptions that describe magnetic braking in the context of 1D stellar evolution models currently exist. We test four magnetic braking prescriptions against both low-mass X-ray binary orbital periods from the Milky Way and single-star rotation periods observed in open clusters. We find that the data favor a magnetic braking prescription that follows a rapid transition from fast to slow rotation rates, exhibits saturated (inefficient) magnetic braking below a critical Rossby number, and that is sufficiently strong to reproduce ultra-compact X-ray binary systems. Of the four prescriptions tested, these conditions are satisfied by a braking prescription that incorporates the effect of high-order magnetic field topology on angular momentum loss. None of the braking prescriptions tested are able to replicate the stalled spin down observed in open cluster stars aged 700–1000 Myr or so, with masses ≲0.8 M.

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For a subpopulation of energetic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), a moderate baryonic loading may suffice to power ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Motivated by this, we study the radiative signatures of cosmic-ray protons in the prompt phase of energetic GRBs. Our framework is the internal shock model with multicollision descriptions of the relativistic ejecta (with different emission regions along the jet), plus time-dependent calculations of photon and neutrino spectra. Our GRB prototypes are motivated by Fermi-Large Area Telescope-detected GRBs (including GRB 221009A) for which further, owing to the large energy flux, neutrino nonobservation of single events may pose a strong limit on the baryonic loading. We study the feedback of protons on electromagnetic spectra in synchrotron- and inverse Compton-dominated scenarios to identify the multiwavelength signatures, to constrain the maximally allowed baryonic loading, and to point out the differences between hadronic and inverse Compton signatures. We find that hadronic signatures appear as correlated flux increases in the optical-UV to soft X-ray and GeV–TeV gamma-ray ranges in the synchrotron scenarios, whereas they are difficult to identify in inverse Compton-dominated scenarios. We demonstrate that baryonic loadings around 10, which satisfy the UHECR energetic requirements, do not distort the predicted photon spectra in the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor range and are consistent with constraints from neutrino data if the collision radii are large enough (i.e., the time variability is not too short). It therefore seems plausible that under the condition of large dissipation radii a population of energetic GRBs can be the origin of the UHECRs.

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Cosmic multimessenger backgrounds include relic diffuse components created in the early universe and contributions from individual sources. Here, we study both type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) contributions to the diffuse neutrino and gamma-ray backgrounds in the MeV regime referred to as DSNB and DSGB respectively. We show that the diffuse SN Ia background is 106 times lower (for ${\overline{\nu }}_{e}$) than the CCSN background making it negligible. Our predicted DSNB ${\overline{\nu }}_{e}$ flux at earth in the 19.3–32 MeV regime is 0.36 ν cm−2 s−1. We also find that the DSNB flux in the energy range from 11.3 to 32 MeV varies by +29% with a change in the SFRD model from Madau & Fragos which yielded a minimum predicted flux, to the extragalactic background light reconstruction model (maximum predicted flux). The diffuse SN Ia gamma-ray background and its dependence on the progenitor supernova delay time distribution are also evaluated. Furthermore, we address the origin of the CGB (Cosmic Gamma-ray Background) in the 0.1–7 MeV regime by adding contributions from sources such as SNe Ia, CCSNe, radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei, Flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and Neutron star—neutron star mergers. We find that our modeled background (including uncertainties) matches the observed CGB above 1.0 MeV, but is a factor ≈2 lower than the observed flux in the 0.1–1.0 MeV range, highlighting the need for future MeV missions to establish the CGB spectrum more reliably, and to possibly identify additional sources or even source classes in the underexplored MeV band.

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The intrinsic statistical properties and correlations of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) have not been fully determined, due to the limitations of observations. In this paper, we compile a more extensive sample of 82 SGRBs with measured redshifts and present a comprehensive study of their intrinsic characteristics. We obtain the median values of the intrinsic duration (T90,z), peak energy (Ep,z), isotropic energy (Eiso), and peak luminosity (Liso) as 0.47 s, 466 keV, 8.21 ×1050 erg, and 3.22 × 1051 erg s−1, respectively. We update the spectrum–energy correlations, and report ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{z}}}\propto {E}_{\mathrm{iso}}^{0.36\pm 0.05}$ and ${E}_{{\rm{p}},{\rm{z}}}\propto {L}_{\mathrm{iso}}^{0.33\pm 0.04}$, which further confirm the previous results that the Ep,zEiso correlations of SGRBs and long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) are different and that this correlation can be used to distinguish GRB types. We report for the first time that there is a tighter correlation between the isotropic energy of the prompt emission of SGRBs and the star formation rate of their host galaxies, which reads $\mathrm{sSFR}\propto {E}_{\mathrm{iso}}^{0.38\pm 0.11}$. Using the measured jet break time (tjet) of 11 SGRBs, we tentatively investigate the EisoEp,ztjet,z and LisoEp,ztjet,z correlations of SGRBs and find that three-parameter correlations of SGRBs also exist and are different from those of LGRBs. Based on the EisoEp,ztjet,z correlation, we estimate the tjet,z values of other SGRBs and calculate the opening angles of SGRBs. We find that the median value of the SGRB opening angle is 7fdg5, which is larger than that of LGRBs.

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A black hole (BH) traveling through a uniform, gaseous medium is described by Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton (BHL) accretion. If the medium is magnetized, then the black hole can produce relativistic outflows. We performed the first 3D, general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of BHL accretion onto rapidly rotating black holes using the H-AMR code, where we mainly varied the strength of a background magnetic field that threads the medium. We found that the ensuing accretion continuously drags the magnetic flux to the BH, which accumulates near the event horizon until it becomes dynamically important. Depending on the strength of the background magnetic field, the BHs can sometimes launch relativistic jets with high enough power to drill out of the inner accretion flow, become bent by the headwind, and escape to large distances. For stronger background magnetic fields, the jets are continuously powered, while at weaker field strengths they are intermittent, turning on and off depending on the fluctuating gas and magnetic flux distributions near the event horizon. We find that our jets reach extremely high efficiencies of ∼100%–300%, even in the absence of an accretion disk. We also calculated the drag forces exerted by the gas onto to the BH and found that the presence of magnetic fields causes the drag forces to be much less efficient than in unmagnetized BHL accretion. They can even sometimes become negative, accelerating the BH rather than slowing it down. Our results extend classical BHL accretion to rotating BHs moving through magnetized media, and demonstrate that accretion and drag are significantly altered in this environment.

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For the majority of short-period exoplanets transiting massive stars with radiative envelopes, the spin angular momentum of the host star is greater than the planetary orbital angular momentum. In this case, the orbits of the planets will undergo nodal precession, which can significantly impact the probability that the planets transit their parent star. In particular, for some combinations of the spin–orbit angle ψ and the inclination of the stellar spin i*, all such planets will eventually transit at some point over the duration of their precession period. Thus, as the time over which the sky has been monitored for transiting planets increases, the frequency of planets with detectable transits will increase, potentially leading to biased estimates of exoplanet occurrence rates, especially orbiting more-massive stars. Furthermore, due to the dependence of the precession period on orbital parameters such as spin–orbit misalignment, the observed distributions of such parameters may also be biased. We derive the transit probability of a given exoplanet in the presence of nodal precession induced by a rapidly spinning host star. We find that the effect of nodal precession has already started to become relevant for some short-period planets, i.e., hot Jupiters, orbiting massive stars, by increasing transit probabilities by order of a few percent for such systems within the original Kepler field. We additionally derive simple expressions to describe the time evolution of the impact parameter b for applicable systems, which should aid in future investigations of exoplanet nodal precession and spin–orbit alignment.

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Feedback likely plays a crucial role in resolving discrepancies between observations and theoretical predictions of dwarf galaxy properties. Stellar feedback was once believed to be sufficient to explain these discrepancies, but it has thus far failed to fully reconcile theory and observations. The recent discovery of energetic galaxy-wide outflows in dwarf galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGNs) suggests that AGN feedback may have a larger role in the evolution of dwarf galaxies than previously suspected. In order to assess the relative importance of stellar versus AGN feedback in these galaxies, we perform a detailed Keck/KCWI optical integral field spectroscopic study of a sample of low-redshift star-forming (SF) dwarf galaxies that show outflows in ionized gas in their Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra. We characterize the outflows and compare them to observations of AGN-driven outflows in dwarfs. We find that SF dwarfs have outflow components that have comparable widths (W80) to those of outflows in AGN dwarfs, but are much less blueshifted, indicating that SF dwarfs have significantly slower outflows than their AGN counterparts. Outflows in SF dwarfs are spatially resolved and significantly more extended than those in AGN dwarfs. The mass-loss, momentum, and energy rates of star-formation-driven outflows are much lower than those of AGN-driven outflows. Our results indicate that AGN feedback in the form of gas outflows may play an important role in dwarf galaxies and should be considered along with SF feedback in models of dwarf galaxy evolution.

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After decades, the theoretical study of core-collapse supernova explosions is moving from parameterized, spherically symmetric models to increasingly realistic multidimensional simulations. However, obtaining nucleosynthesis yields based on such multidimensional core-collapse supernova simulations is not straightforward. Frequently, tracer particles are employed. Tracer particles may be tracked in situ during the simulation, but often they are reconstructed in a post-processing step based on the information saved during the hydrodynamic simulation. Reconstruction can be done in a number of ways, and here we compare the approaches of backward and forward integration of the equations of motion to the results based on inline particle trajectories. We find that both methods agree reasonably well with the inline results for isotopes for which a large number of particles contribute. However, for rarer isotopes that are produced only by a small number of particle trajectories, deviations can be large. For our setup, we find that backward integration leads to better agreement with the inline particles by more accurately reproducing the conditions following freeze-out from nuclear statistical equilibrium, because the establishment of nuclear statistical equilibrium erases the need for detailed trajectories at earlier times. Based on our results, if inline tracers are unavailable, we recommend backward reconstruction to the point when nuclear statistical equilibrium was last applied, with an interval between simulation snapshots of at most 1 ms for nucleosynthesis post-processing.

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Interpretation of resolved polarized images of black holes by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) requires predictions of the polarized emission observable by an Earth-based instrument for a particular model of the black hole accretion system. Such predictions are generated by general relativistic radiative transfer (GRRT) codes, which integrate the equations of polarized radiative transfer in curved spacetime. A selection of ray-tracing GRRT codes used within the EHT Collaboration is evaluated for accuracy and consistency in producing a selection of test images, demonstrating that the various methods and implementations of radiative transfer calculations are highly consistent. When imaging an analytic accretion model, we find that all codes produce images similar within a pixel-wise normalized mean squared error (NMSE) of 0.012 in the worst case. When imaging a snapshot from a cell-based magnetohydrodynamic simulation, we find all test images to be similar within NMSEs of 0.02, 0.04, 0.04, and 0.12 in Stokes I, Q, U, and V, respectively. We additionally find the values of several image metrics relevant to published EHT results to be in agreement to much better precision than measurement uncertainties.

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The faint CO gases in debris disks are easily dissolved into C by UV irradiation, while CO can be reformed via reactions with hydrogen. The abundance ratio of C/CO could thus be a probe of the amount of hydrogen in the debris disks. We conduct radiative transfer calculations with chemical reactions for debris disks. For a typical dust-to-gas mass ratio of debris disks, CO formation proceeds without the involvement of H2 because a small amount of dust grains makes H2 formation inefficient. We find that the CO to C number density ratio depends on a combination of nHZ0.4χ−1.1, where nH is the hydrogen nucleus number density, Z is the metallicity, and χ is the far-UV flux normalized by the Habing flux. Using an analytic formula for the CO number density, we give constraints on the amount of hydrogen and metallicity for debris disks. CO formation is accelerated by excited H2 when either the dust-to-gas mass ratio is increased or the energy barrier of chemisorption of hydrogen on the dust surface is decreased. This acceleration of CO formation occurs only when the shielding effects of CO are insignificant. In shielded regions, the CO fractions are almost independent of the parameters of dust grains.

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Cosmological parameters encoding our understanding of the expansion history of the universe can be constrained by the accurate estimation of time delays arising in gravitationally lensed systems. We propose TD-CARMA, a Bayesian method to estimate cosmological time delays by modeling observed and irregularly sampled light curves as realizations of a continuous auto-regressive moving average (CARMA) process. Our model accounts for heteroskedastic measurement errors and microlensing, an additional source of independent extrinsic long-term variability in the source brightness. The semiseparable structure of the CARMA covariance matrix allows for fast and scalable likelihood computation using Gaussian process modeling. We obtain a sample from the joint posterior distribution of the model parameters using a nested sampling approach. This allows for "painless" Bayesian computation, dealing with the expected multimodality of the posterior distribution in a straightforward manner and not requiring the specification of starting values or an initial guess for the time delay, unlike existing methods. In addition, the proposed sampling procedure automatically evaluates the Bayesian evidence, allowing us to perform principled Bayesian model selection. TD-CARMA is parsimonious, and typically includes no more than a dozen unknown parameters. We apply TD-CARMA to six doubly lensed quasars HS2209+1914, SDSS J1001+5027, SDSS J1206+4332, SDSS J1515+1511, SDSS J1455+1447, and SDSS J1349+1227, estimating their time delays as −21.96 ± 1.448, 120.93 ± 1.015, 111.51 ± 1.452, 210.80 ± 2.18, 45.36 ± 1.93, and 432.05 ± 1.950, respectively. These estimates are consistent with those derived in the relevant literature, but are typically two to four times more precise.

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We investigate general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations to determine the physical origin of the twisty patterns of linear polarization seen in spatially resolved black hole images and explain their morphological dependence on black hole spin. By characterizing the observed emission with a simple analytic ring model, we find that the twisty morphology is determined by the magnetic field structure in the emitting region. Moreover, the dependence of this twisty pattern on spin can be attributed to changes in the magnetic field geometry that occur due to the frame dragging. By studying an analytic ring model, we find that the roles of Doppler boosting and lensing are subdominant. Faraday rotation may cause a systematic shift in the linear polarization pattern, but we find that its impact is subdominant for models with strong magnetic fields and modest ion-to-electron temperature ratios. Models with weaker magnetic fields are much more strongly affected by Faraday rotation and have more complicated emission geometries than can be captured by a ring model. However, these models are currently disfavoured by the recent EHT observations of M87*. Our results suggest that linear polarization maps can provide a probe of the underlying magnetic field structure around a black hole, which may then be usable to indirectly infer black hole spins. The generality of these results should be tested with alternative codes, initial conditions, and plasma physics prescriptions.

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We present LIMFAST, a seminumerical code for simulating high-redshift galaxy formation and cosmic reionization as revealed by multitracer line intensity mapping (LIM) signals. LIMFAST builds upon and extends the 21cmFAST code widely used for 21 cm cosmology by implementing state-of-the-art models of galaxy formation and evolution. The metagalactic radiation background, including the production of various star formation lines, together with the 21 cm line signal tracing the neutral intergalactic medium (IGM), is self-consistently described by photoionization modeling and stellar population synthesis coupled to the galaxy formation model. We introduce basic structure and functionalities of the code, and demonstrate its validity and capabilities by showing broad agreements between the predicted and observed evolution of cosmic star formation, IGM neutral fraction, and metal enrichment. We also present the LIM signals of 21 cm, Lyα, Hα, Hβ, [O ii], and [O iii] lines simulated by LIMFAST, and compare them with results from the literature. We elaborate on how several major aspects of our modeling framework, including models of star formation, chemical enrichment, and photoionization, may impact different LIM observables and thus become testable once applied to observational data. LIMFAST aims at being an efficient and resourceful tool for intensity mapping studies in general, exploring a wide range of scenarios of galaxy evolution and reionization and frequencies over which useful cosmological signals can be measured.

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The epoch of reionization (EoR) offers a unique window into the dawn of galaxy formation, through which high-redshift galaxies can be studied by observations of both themselves and their impact on the intergalactic medium. Line intensity mapping (LIM) promises to explore cosmic reionization and its driving sources by measuring intensity fluctuations of emission lines tracing the cosmic gas in varying phases. Using LIMFAST, a novel seminumerical tool designed to self-consistently simulate LIM signals of multiple EoR probes, we investigate how building blocks of galaxy formation and evolution theory, such as feedback-regulated star formation and chemical enrichment, might be studied with multitracer LIM during the EoR. On galaxy scales, we show that the star formation law and the feedback associated with star formation can be indicated by both the shape and redshift evolution of LIM power spectra. For a baseline model of metal production that traces star formation, we find that lines highly sensitive to metallicity are generally better probes of galaxy formation models. On larger scales, we demonstrate that inferring ionized bubble sizes from cross-correlations between tracers of ionized and neutral gas requires a detailed understanding of the astrophysics that shape the line luminosity–halo mass relation. Despite various modeling and observational challenges, wide-area, multitracer LIM surveys will provide important high-redshift tests for the fundamentals of galaxy formation theory, especially the interplay between star formation and feedback by accessing statistically the entire low-mass population of galaxies as ideal laboratories, complementary to upcoming surveys of individual sources by new-generation telescopes.

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We have reevaluated recent studies of the effects on Earth by cosmic rays (CRs) from nearby supernovae (SNe) at 100 and 50 pc, in the diffusive transport CR case, here including an early-time suppression at lower CR energies neglected in the previous works. Inclusion of this suppression leads to lower overall CR fluxes at early times, lower atmospheric ionization, smaller resulting ozone depletion, and lower sea-level muon radiation doses. Differences in the atmospheric impacts are most pronounced for the 100 pc case with less significant differences in the 50 pc case. We find a greater discrepancy in the modeled sea-level muon radiation dose, with significantly smaller dose values in the 50 pc case; our results indicate it is unlikely that muon radiation is a significant threat to the biosphere for SNe beyond 20 pc, for the diffusive transport case. We have also performed new modeling of the effects of SN CRs at 20 and 10 pc. Overall, our results indicate that, considering only the effects of CRs, the "lethal" SN distance should be closer to 20 pc rather than the typically quoted 8–10 pc. Recent work on extended SN X-ray emission indicates significant effects out to 50 pc and therefore the case is now strong for increasing the standard SN lethal distance to at least 20 pc. This has implications for studies of the history of life on Earth as well as considerations of habitability in the Galaxy.

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The relatively high fluxes of the Galactic ultraluminous X-ray pulsar Swift J0243 allow a detailed study of its spin-down regime in the quiescent state for the first time. After the 2017 giant outburst, its spin frequency shows a linearly decreasing trend with some variations due to minor outbursts. The linear spin-down rate is ∼ −1.9 × 10−12 Hz s−1 during the period of lowest luminosity, from which one can infer a dipole field of ∼1.75 × 1013 G. The $\dot{\nu }\mbox{--}L$ relation during the spin-down regime is complex, and $\dot{\nu }$ is close to zero when the luminosity reaches both the high end (L38 ∼ 0.3) and the lowest value (L38 ∼ 0.03). The luminosity of zero torque is different for the giant outburst and other minor outbursts. This is likely due to different accretion flows for different types of outburst, as evidenced by the differences in the spectra and pulse profiles at a similar luminosity for different types of outburst (giant or not). The pulse profile changes from double peaks in the spin-up state to a single broad peak in the low spin-down regime, indicating the emission beam/region is larger in the low spin-down regime. These results show that accretion is still ongoing in the low spin-down regime, for which the neutron star is supposed to be in a propeller state.

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The Larmor electric field (LEF) was previously suggested as a signature to identify the diffusion region in asymmetry reconnection. Using 2.5D particle-in-cell simulations, we show that the LEF also exists in symmetric reconnection, manifested as a transient structure upstream of the Hall electric field. The LEF emerges during the rapid growth phase of the reconnection rate and has opposite polarity to the Hall field. The half-width of the current sheet spontaneously decreases to the electron scale as the evolution of reconnection, which gives rise to the LEF. The current sheet later thickens to maintain the fast reconnection rate, which causes the disappearance of the LEF. We further find that the magnitude of LEF is sensitive to the initial half-width current sheet, the background plasma temperature and density, the guide-field strength, and the ion–electron mass ratio. Our results provide new insight into the dynamics around the diffusion region. The LEF can help satellites not only locate the diffusion region but also identify the onset phase of reconnection in the magnetotail.

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Type Ib and Ic supernovae (SNe Ib/Ic) originate from hydrogen-deficient massive star progenitors, of which the exact properties are still much debated. Using SN data in the literature, we investigate the optical BV color of SNe Ib/Ic at the V-band peak and show that SNe Ib are systematically bluer than SNe Ic. We construct SN models from helium-rich and helium-poor progenitors of various masses using the radiation hydrodynamics code STELLA and discuss how the BV color at the V-band peak is affected by the 56Ni to ejecta mass ratio, 56Ni mixing, and the presence/absence of a helium envelope. We argue that the dichotomy in the amount of helium in the progenitors plays the primary role in making the observed systematic color difference at the optical peak, in favor of the most commonly invoked SN scenario that SNe Ib and SNe Ic progenitors are helium rich and helium poor, respectively.

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Currently, the Λ cold dark matter model, which relies on the existence of cold dark matter and a cosmological constant Λ, best describes the universe. However, we lack information in the high-redshift (z) region between Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia; up to z = 2.26) and the cosmic microwave background (z = 1100), an interval crucial to test cosmological models and their possible evolution. We have defined a sample of 983 quasars up to z = 7.54 with a reduced intrinsic dispersion δ = 0.007, which determines the matter density parameter ΩM with the same precision of SNe Ia. Although previous analysis have used quasars as cosmological tools, this is the first time that high-redshift sources, in this case quasars, as standalone cosmological probes yield such tight constraints on ΩM. Our results show the importance of correcting cosmological relationships for selection biases and redshift evolution and how the choice of a golden sample reduces considerably the intrinsic scatter. This proves the reliability of quasars as standard cosmological candles.

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Magnetic reconnection has been proposed to play an important role in energy dissipation in space plasma. The diffusion region is an essential place for generation of energetic electrons. However, the mechanism responsible for the generation of these energetic electrons in such a confined region remains elusive. Here a diffusion region of asymmetric reconnection is observed at the turbulent magnetopause. The diffusion region is a rather structured region where two dynamical filamentary currents at subion scale were observed. Intense electron flow and nonideal electric field inside the filamentary currents induced significant energy dissipation. Concurrently, the electron parallel temperature between the current layers increases from 58 to 80 eV. Direct evidence indicates that the electrons inside the three-dimensional diffusion region are accelerated by the parallel electric fields inside the current layers and are effectively heated by the turbulence between them.

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We present a new study of the Z Cam-type eclipsing cataclysmic variable AY Piscium with the aim of determining the fundamental parameters of the system and the structure of the accretion flow therein. We use time-resolved photometric observations supplemented by spectroscopy in the standstill, to which we applied our light-curve modeling techniques and the Doppler tomography method, to update system parameters. We found that the system has a massive white dwarf MWD = 0.90(4) M, a mass ratio q = 0.50(3), and the effective temperature of a secondary T2 = 4100(50) K. The system inclination is i = 74fdg8(7). The orbital period of the system Porb = 0.217320523(8) day is continuously increasing at a rate of ${\dot{P}}_{\mathrm{orb}}=+7.6(5)\times {10}^{-9}$ day yr−1. The mass-transfer rate varies between 2.4 × 10−10M yr−1 in quiescence up to 1.36 × 10−8M yr−1 in outburst. The accretion disk transitions from the cooler, flared, steady-state disk to a warmer state with a practically constant and relatively high disk height. The mass-transfer rate is about 1.6 × 10−9M yr−1 in the standstill. The Balmer emission lines show a multicomponent structure similar to that observed in long-orbital-period nova-like systems. Out of standstill, the system exhibits outburst bimodality, with long outbursts being more prominent. We conclude that the Balmer emission lines in AY Psc are formed by the combination of radiation from the irradiated surface of the secondary, from the outflow zone, and from winds originating in the bright spot and the disk's inner part.

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The spin–orbit misalignment of stellar-mass black hole (sBH) binaries provides important constraints on the formation channels of merging sBHs. Here, we study the role of secular spin–orbit resonance in the evolution of an sBH binary component around a supermassive BH (SMBH) in an AGN disk. We consider the sBH's spin precession due to the J2 moment introduced by a circum-sBH disk within the warping/breaking radius of the disk. We find that the sBH's spin–orbit misalignment (obliquity) can be excited via spin–orbit resonance between the sBH binary's orbital nodal precession and the sBH spin precession driven by a massive circum-sBH disk. Using an α-disk model with Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton accretion, the resonances typically occur for sBH binaries with semimajor axis of 1 au and at a distance of ∼1000 au around a 10M SMBH. The spin–orbit resonances can lead to high sBH obliquities and a broad distribution of sBH binary spin–spin misalignments. However, we note that the Bondi–Hoyle–Lyttleton accretion is much higher than that of Eddington accretion, which typically results in spin precession being too low to trigger spin–orbit resonances. Thus, secular spin–orbit resonances can be quite rare for sBHs in AGN disks.

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Large imaging surveys, such as the Legacy Survey of Space and Time, rely on photometric redshifts and tomographic binning for 3 × 2 pt analyses that combine galaxy clustering and weak lensing. In this paper, we propose a method for optimizing the tomographic binning choice for the lens sample of galaxies. We divide the CosmoDC2 and Buzzard simulated galaxy catalogs into a training set and an application set, where the training set is nonrepresentative in a realistic way, and then estimate photometric redshifts for the application sets. The galaxies are sorted into redshift bins covering equal intervals of redshift or comoving distance, or with an equal number of galaxies in each bin, and we consider a generalized extension of these approaches. We find that bins of equal comoving distance produce the highest dark energy figure of merit of the initial binning choices, but that the choice of bin edges can be further optimized. We then train a neural network classifier to identify galaxies that are either highly likely to have accurate photometric redshift estimates or highly likely to be sorted into the correct redshift bin. The neural network classifier is used to remove poor redshift estimates from the sample, and the results are compared to the case when none of the sample is removed. We find that the neural network classifiers are able to improve the figure of merit by ∼13% and are able to recover ∼25% of the loss in the figure of merit that occurs when a nonrepresentative training sample is used.

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The Yarkovsky effect causes the semimajor axis drift of near-Earth asteroids. The drift can be detected by a precise orbit determination process. Using the proposed algorithm, 2233 out of 27,078 near-Earth asteroids are chosen as the initial candidates. Out of these initial candidates, 769 have a measurable Yarkovsky effect with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) larger than 1, and 166 have a measurable Yarkovsky effect with an S/N larger than 3. The ratio between retrograde and prograde near-Earth asteroids is plotted with respect to their size. An average ratio of 2 is found for asteroids with an absolute magnitude between 14 and 21. The measurement work is carried out based on orbit determination software developed by the authors that considers a high-precision dynamical model.

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Owing to its low density and high temperature, the solar wind frequently exhibits strong departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium, which include distinct temperatures for its constituent ions. Prior studies have found that the ratio of the temperatures of the two most abundant ions—protons (ionized hydrogen) and α-particles (ionized helium)—is strongly correlated with the Coulomb collisional age. These previous studies, though, have been largely limited to using observations from single missions. In contrast, this present study utilizes contemporaneous, in situ observations from two different spacecraft at two different distances from the Sun: the Parker Solar Probe (PSP; r = 0.1–0.3 au) and Wind (r = 1.0 au). Collisional analysis, which incorporates the equations of collisional relaxation and large-scale expansion, was applied to each PSP datum to predict the state of the plasma farther from the Sun at r = 1.0 au. The distribution of these predicted α–proton relative temperatures agrees well with that of values observed by Wind. These results strongly suggest that, outside of the corona, relative ion temperatures are principally affected by Coulomb collisions and that the preferential heating of α-particles is largely limited to the corona.

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Interstellar shocks, a key element of stellar feedback processes, shape the structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) and are essential for the chemistry, thermodynamics, and kinematics of interstellar gas. Powerful, high-velocity shocks are driven by stellar winds, young supernova explosions, more evolved supernova remnants, cloud–cloud collisions, and protostellar outflows, whereas the existence and origin of much-lower-velocity shocks (≲10 km s−1) are not understood. Direct observational evidence for interstellar shocks in diffuse and translucent ISM environments has been especially lacking. We present the most sensitive survey to date of SiO—often considered an unambiguous tracer of interstellar shocks—in absorption, obtained with the Northern Extended Millimeter Array interferometer. We detect SiO in five of eight directions probing diffuse and translucent environments without ongoing star formation. Our results demonstrate that SiO formation in the diffuse ISM (i.e., in the absence of significant star formation and stellar feedback) is more widespread and effective than previously reported. The observed SiO line widths are all ≲4 km s−1, excluding high-velocity shocks as a formation mechanism. Yet, the SiO abundances we detect are mostly 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those typically assumed in quiescent environments and are often accompanied by other molecular transitions whose column densities cannot be explained with UV-dominated chemical models. Our results challenge the traditional view of SiO production via stellar feedback sources and emphasize the need for observational constraints on the distribution of Si in the gas phase and grain mantles, which are crucial for understanding the physics of grain processing and the diffuse interstellar chemistry.

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Understanding dark matter is one of the most urgent questions in modern physics. A very interesting candidate is primordial black holes (PBHs). For the mass ranges <10−16 M and >100 M, PBHs have been ruled out. However, they are still poorly constrained in the mass range 10−16–100 M. Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond flashes of radio light of unknown origin, mostly from outside the Milky Way. Due to their short timescales, gravitationally lensed FRBs, which are yet to be detected, have been proposed as a useful probe for constraining the presence of PBHs in the mass window of <100 M. Up to now, the most successful project in finding FRBs has been CHIME. Due to its large field of view, CHIME has detected at least 600 FRBs since 2018. However, none of them is confirmed to be gravitationally lensed. Taiwan plans to build a new telescope, the Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan (BURSTT), dedicated to detecting FRBs. Its survey area will be 25 times greater than CHIME. BURSTT can localize all of these FRBs through very long baseline interferometry. We estimate the probability to find gravitationally lensed FRBs, based on the scaled redshift distribution from the latest CHIME catalog and the lensing probability function from Munõz et al. BURSTT-2048 can detect ∼24 lensed FRBs out of ∼1700 FRBs per annum. With BURSTT's ability to detect nanosecond FRBs, we can constrain PBHs to form a part of dark matter down to 10−4 M.

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We perform a statistical investigation of the occurrence rates of energetic electron (100–500 eV) pancake pitch-angle distributions (PADs) in the Martian space environment by utilizing 6 yr of MAVEN data. In the Martian ionosphere, we find the following: (1) at the same altitude in the terminator and night regions, the occurrences rates in the center of the southern magnetic anomaly regions are very low, but at the edges of strong magnetic fields, they increase significantly; (2) the occurrence rates of energetic electron perpendicular anisotropies on the Martian dayside increase with altitude; and (3) some closed magnetic lines in the 10°S–55°S, 30°W–125°W region at 400–800 km altitude gradually become open during the rotation of Mars from duskside to dawnside, while more closed magnetic lines are produced in the 40°S–65°S, 35°E–90°E region. In the Martian induced magnetosphere, we find the following: (1) the high-energy electron perpendicular anisotropy in the magnetosheath is the most significant; (2) the occurrence rates in the southern (ZMSO ≤−1 RM) magnetosheath are higher than those in the northern (ZMSO ≥ 1 RM) magnetosheath; (3) in the region of ∣ZMSO∣ < 0.5 RM, these high-energy electron pancake PADs are mainly concentrated in the magnetosheath region with YMSO ∈ [−1.4RM, 2RM]; (4) the occurrence rates in the dawnside (YMSO ≤−1 RM) magnetosheath are higher than those in the duskside (YMSO ≥ 1 RM) magnetosheath; and (5) in the region of ∣YMSO∣ < 0.5 RM, the occurrence rates throughout the magnetosheath are very high.

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Reactions between cyano radicals and aromatic hydrocarbons are believed to be important pathways for the formation of aromatic nitriles in the interstellar medium (ISM) including those identified in the Taurus molecular cloud (TMC-1). Aromatic nitriles might participate in the formation of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons (PANHs) in Titan's atmosphere. Here, ab initio kinetic simulations reveal a high efficiency of ∼10−10 cm3 s−1 and the competition of the different products of the CN + toluene reaction at 30–1800 K and 10−7–100 atm. In the star-forming region of the TMC-1 environment, the product yields of benzonitrile and tolunitriles for CN reacting with toluene are approximately 17% and 83%, respectively. Detections of the main products, tolunitriles, can serve as proxies for the undetected toluene in the ISM due to their much larger dipole moments. Competition between bimolecular and unimolecular products is extremely intense in the warmer and denser PANH-forming region of Titan's stratosphere. Computational results show that the fractions of tolunitriles, adducts, and benzonitrile are 19%–68%, 15%–64%, and 17%, respectively, at 150–200 K and 0.0001–0.001 atm (Titan's stratosphere). Then, benzonitrile and tolunitriles may contribute to the formation of PANHs by consecutive C2H additions. The kinetic information of aromatic nitriles for the CN + toluene reaction calculated here helps to explain the formation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PANHs under different interstellar environments and constrains corresponding astrochemical models.

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We employ the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE-2) physics model to study how the properties of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) evolve during galaxy mergers. We conduct a pixel-by-pixel analysis of molecular gas properties in both the simulated control galaxies and galaxy major mergers. The simulated GMC pixels in the control galaxies follow a similar trend in a diagram of velocity dispersion (σv) versus gas surface density (Σmol) to the one observed in local spiral galaxies in the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) survey. For GMC pixels in simulated mergers, we see a significant increase of a factor of 5–10 in both Σmol and σv, which puts these pixels above the trend of PHANGS galaxies in the σv versus Σmol diagram. This deviation may indicate that GMCs in the simulated mergers are much less gravitationally bound compared with simulated control galaxies with virial parameters (αvir) reaching 10–100. Furthermore, we find that the increase in αvir happens at the same time as the increase in global star formation rate, which suggests that stellar feedback is responsible for dispersing the gas. We also find that the gas depletion time is significantly lower for high-αvir GMCs during a starburst event. This is in contrast to the simple physical picture that low-αvir GMCs are easier to collapse and form stars on shorter depletion times. This might suggest that some other physical mechanisms besides self-gravity are helping the GMCs in starbursting mergers collapse and form stars.

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We have analyzed the NH2CHO, HNCO, H2CO, and CH3CN (13CH3CN) molecular lines at an angular resolution of ∼0farcs3 obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Band 6 toward 30 high-mass star-forming regions. The NH2CHO emission has been detected in 23 regions, while the other species have been detected toward 29 regions. A total of 44 hot molecular cores (HMCs) have been identified using the moment 0 maps of the CH3CN line. The fractional abundances of the four species have been derived at each HMC. In order to investigate pure chemical relationships, we have conducted a partial correlation test to exclude the effect of temperature. Strong positive correlations between NH2CHO and HNCO (ρ = 0.89) and between NH2CHO and H2CO (0.84) have been found. These strong correlations indicate their direct chemical links; dual-cyclic hydrogen addition and abstraction reactions between HNCO and NH2CHO and gas-phase formation of NH2CHO from H2CO. Chemical models including these reactions can reproduce the observed abundances in our target sources.

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We report the discovery of five bright, strong gravitationally lensed galaxies at 3 < z < 4: COOL J0101+2055 (z = 3.459), COOL J0104−0757 (z = 3.480), COOL J0145+1018 (z = 3.310), COOL J0516−2208 (z = 3.549), and COOL J1356+0339 (z = 3.753). These galaxies have magnitudes of rAB, zAB < 21.81 mag and are lensed by galaxy clusters at 0.26 < z < 1. This sample nearly doubles the number of known bright lensed galaxies with extended arcs at 3 < z < 4. We characterize the lensed galaxies using ground-based grz/giy imaging and optical spectroscopy. We report model-based magnitudes and derive stellar masses, dust content, and star formation rates via stellar population synthesis modeling. Building lens models based on ground-based imaging, we estimate source magnifications ranging from ∼29 to ∼180. Combining these analyses, we derive demagnified stellar masses in the range ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })\sim 9.69-10.75$ and star formation rates in the youngest age bin in the range ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}(\mathrm{SFR}/({M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}))\sim 0.39-1.46$, placing the sample galaxies on the massive end of the star-forming main sequence in this redshift interval. In addition, three of the five galaxies have strong Lyα emissions, offering unique opportunities to study Lyα emitters at high redshift in future work.

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Planetary nebula (PN) surveys in systems beyond ∼10 Mpc often find high-excitation, point-like sources with [O iii] λ5007 fluxes greater than the apparent bright-end cutoff of the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF). Here we identify PN superpositions as one likely cause for the phenomenon and describe the proper procedures for deriving PNLF distances when object blends are a possibility. We apply our technique to two objects: a model Virgo-distance elliptical galaxy observed through a narrowband interference filter, and the Fornax lenticular galaxy NGC 1380 surveyed with the MUSE integral-field unit spectrograph. Our analyses show that even when the most likely distance to a galaxy is unaffected by the possible presence of PN superpositions, the resultant value will still be biased toward too small a distance due to the asymmetrical nature of the error bars. We discuss the future of the PNLF in an era where current ground-based instrumentation can push the technique to distances beyond ∼35 Mpc.

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We present new NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) observations of the CO(2–1) emission in eight of the brightest Palomar-Green quasars at z ≲ 0.5 to investigate the role of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback in luminous quasars detected at low redshifts. We detect CO(2–1) emission in three objects, from which we derive CO luminosities, molecular gas masses and fractions, and gas depletion times. In combination with data available in the literature, we build a total sample of 138 local type 1 AGNs with CO(2–1) measurements. We compare the AGN properties with the host galaxy molecular gas properties, considering systems nondetected in CO emission. We find that the CO luminosity does not correlate with AGN luminosity and Eddington ratio, while the molecular gas fraction is weakly correlated with Eddington ratio. The type 1 AGNs can be roughly separated into two populations in terms of infrared-to-CO luminosity ratio, with one population presenting values typically found in normal star-forming systems, while the other having lower ratio values, comparable to those measured for starbursts. We find no evidence that AGN feedback rapidly quenches star formation in type 1 AGNs. Our results may imply an underlying the role of host galaxy gravitational instabilities or the fast inflow of cold gas in triggering AGN activity.

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We report the observation by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of a z ≳ 10 galaxy candidate (GHZ1) discovered from the GLASS–JWST Early Release Science Program. Our ALMA program aims to detect the [O iii] emission line at the rest-frame frequency 3393.0062 GHz (88.36 μm) and far-IR continuum emission with the spectral window setup seamlessly covering a 26.125 GHz frequency range (10.10 < z < 11.14). A total of 7 hr of on-source integration was employed, using four frequency settings to cover the full range (1.7 hr per setting), with 0farcs7 angular resolution. No line or continuum is clearly detected, with 5σ upper limits on the line emission of 0.93 mJy beam−1 at 25 km s−1 channel−1 and on the continuum emission of 30 μJy beam−1. We report marginal spectral (at 225 km s−1 resolution) and continuum features (4.1σ and 2.6σ peak signal-to-noise ratio, respectively), within 0farcs17 from the JWST position of GHZ1. This spectral feature implies z = 10.38 and needs to be verified with further observations. Assuming that the best estimate of photometric redshift ($z={10.60}_{-0.60}^{+0.52}$) is correct, the model of the galaxy's broadband spectral energy distribution for the 3σ upper limit of the continuum flux from GHZ1 suggests that GHZ1 has a small amount of dust (Md ≲ 104 M) at a high temperature (Td ≳ 90 K). The 5σ upper limit on the [O iii]88μm line luminosity and the inferred star formation rate of GHZ1 are consistent with the properties of low-metallicity dwarf galaxies. We also report serendipitous clear detections of six continuum sources at the locations of the JWST galaxy counterparts in the field.

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Interplanetary shocks are large-scale heliospheric structures often caused by eruptive phenomena at the Sun, and represent one of the main sources of energetic particles. Several interplanetary (IP) shock crossings by spacecraft at 1 au have revealed enhanced energetic-ion fluxes that extend far upstream of the shock. Surprisingly, in some shock events ion fluxes with energies between 100 keV and about 2 MeV acquire similar values (which we refer to as "overlapped" fluxes), corresponding to flat energy spectra in that range. In contrast, closer to the shock the fluxes are observed to depend on energy. In this work, we analyze three IP-shock-related energetic particle events observed by the Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft where flat ion energy spectra were observed upstream of the shock. We interpret these observations via a velocity-filter mechanism for particles in a given energy range. In particular, ions with velocity parallel to the local magnetic field larger than the speed of the upstream plasma, in the reference frame of the shock, can easily propagate back upstream, while lower-energy ions tend to be confined to the shock front, thus reducing their fluxes far upstream and giving rise to flat energy spectra. The velocity-filter mechanism has been corroborated from observations of particle flux anisotropy by the Solid-State Telescope of Wind/3DP.

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Using time–distance local helioseismology flow maps within 1 Mm of the solar photosphere, we detect inflows toward activity belts that contribute to solar-cycle scale variations in the near-surface meridional flow. These inflows stretch out as far as 30° away from the active region centroids. If active region neighborhoods are excluded, the solar-cycle-scale variation in the background meridional flow diminishes to below 2 m s−1, but still shows systematic variations in the absence of active regions between sunspot cycles 24 and 25. We therefore propose that the near-surface meridional flow is a three-component flow made up of a constant baseline flow profile that can be derived from quiet-Sun regions, variations due to inflows around active regions, and solar-cycle-scale variation of about 2 m s−1. Torsional oscillation, on the other hand, is found to be a global phenomenon, i.e., exclusion of active region neighborhoods does not significantly affect its magnitude or phase. This nonvariation in torsional oscillation with distance away from active regions and the three-component breakdown of the near-surface meridional flow serve as vital constraints for solar dynamo models and surface flux-transport simulations.

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Supernova remnants act as particle accelerators, providing the cosmic-ray protons that permeate the interstellar medium and initiate the ion–molecule reactions that drive interstellar chemistry. Enhanced fluxes of cosmic-ray protons in close proximity to supernova remnants have been inferred from observations tracing particle interactions with nearby molecular gas. Here I present observations of ${{\rm{H}}}_{3}^{+}$ and CO absorption, molecules that serve as tracers of the cosmic-ray ionization rate and gas density, respectively, in sight lines toward the W28 and Vela supernova remnants. Cosmic-ray ionization rates inferred from these observations range from about 2 to 10 times the average value in Galactic diffuse clouds (∼3 × 10−16 s−1), suggesting that the gas being probed is experiencing an elevated particle flux. While it is difficult to constrain the line-of-sight locations of the absorbing gas with respect to the supernova remnants, these results are consistent with a scenario where cosmic rays are diffusing away from the acceleration site and producing enhanced ionization rates in the surrounding medium.

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From 2022 March 18 to 21, NOAA Active Region (AR) 12967 was tracked simultaneously by Solar Orbiter at 0.35 au and Hinode/EIS at Earth. During this period, strong blueshifted plasma upflows were observed along a thin, dark corridor of open magnetic field originating at the AR's leading polarity and continuing toward the southern extension of the northern polar coronal hole. A potential field source surface model shows large lateral expansion of the open magnetic field along the corridor. Squashing factor Q-maps of the large-scale topology further confirm super-radial expansion in support of the S-web theory for the slow wind. The thin corridor of upflows is identified as the source region of a slow solar wind stream characterized by ∼300 km s−1 velocities, low proton temperatures of ∼5 eV, extremely high density >100 cm−3, and a short interval of moderate Alfvénicity accompanied by switchback events. When the connectivity changes from the corridor to the eastern side of the AR, the in situ plasma parameters of the slow solar wind indicate a distinctly different source region. These observations provide strong evidence that the narrow open-field corridors, forming part of the S-web, produce some extreme properties in their associated solar wind streams.

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We present a first sample of 117 [O iii] λλ4960, 5008–selected star-forming galaxies at 5.33 < z < 6.93 detected in JWST/NIRCam 3.5 μm slitless spectroscopy of a $6\buildrel{\,\prime}\over{.} 5\,\times \,3\buildrel{\,\prime}\over{.} 4$ field centered on the hyperluminous quasar SDSS J0100+2802, obtained as part of the Emission-line galaxies and Intergalactic Gas in the Epoch of Reionization (EIGER) survey. Three prominent galaxy overdensities are observed, one of them at the redshift of the quasar. Galaxies are found within 200 pkpc and 105 km s−1 of four known metal absorption-line systems. We focus on the role of the galaxies in ionizing the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the later stages of cosmic reionization and construct the mean Lyα and Lyβ transmission as a function of distance from the galaxies. At the lowest redshifts in our study, 5.3 < z < 5.7, the IGM transmission rises monotonically with distance from the galaxies, as seen previously at lower redshifts. In contrast, at 5.7 < z < 6.14, the transmission of both Lyα and Lyβ first increases with distance but then peaks at a distance of 5 cMpc before declining. Finally, in the region 6.15 < z < 6.26, where the additional ionizing radiation from the quasar dominates, the monotonic increase in transmission with distance is reestablished. This result is interpreted to represent evidence that the transmission of the IGM at z ∼ 5.9 toward J0100+2802 results from the "local" ionizing radiation of galaxies that dominates over the much-reduced cosmic background.

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We present emission-line measurements and physical interpretations for a sample of 117 [O iii] emitting galaxies at z = 5.33–6.93, using the first deep JWST/NIRCam wide-field slitless spectroscopic observations. Our 9.7 hr integration is centered upon the z = 6.3 quasar J0100+2802—the first of six fields targeted by the EIGER survey—and covers λ = 3–4 μm. We detect 133 [O iii] doublets, but close pairs motivated by their small scale clustering excess. The galaxies are characterized by a UV luminosity MUV ∼ −19.6 (−17.7 to −22.3), stellar mass ∼108 (106.8−10.1) M, Hβ and [O iii]4960+5008 EWs ≈ 850 Å (up to 3000 Å), young ages, a highly excited interstellar medium, and low dust attenuations. These high EWs are very rare in the local universe, but we show they are ubiquitous at z ∼ 6 based on the measured number densities. The stacked spectrum reveals Hγ and [O iii]4364, which shows that the galaxies are typically dust- and metal-poor (E (BV) = 0.1, $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})=7.4$) with a high electron temperature (2 × 104 K) and a production efficiency of ionizing photons (ξion = 1025.3 Hz erg−1). We further show the existence of a strong mass–metallicity relation. The properties of the stars and gas in z ∼ 6 galaxies conspire to maximize the [O iii] output from galaxies, yielding an [O iii] luminosity density at z ≈ 6 that is significantly higher than that at z ≈ 2. Thus, [O iii] emission-line surveys with JWST prove a highly efficient method to trace the galaxy density in the Epoch of Reionization.

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We present the first rest-frame optical spectrum of a high-redshift quasar observed with JWST/NIRCam in Wide Field Slitless mode. The observed quasar, J0100+2802, is the most luminous quasar known at z > 6. We measure the mass of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) by means of the rest-frame optical H β emission line, and find consistent mass measurements of the quasar's SMBH of M ≈ 1010M when compared to the estimates based on the properties of rest-frame UV emission lines C iv and Mg ii, which are accessible from ground-based observatories. To this end, we also present a newly reduced rest-frame UV spectrum of the quasar observed with X-Shooter/Very Large Telescope (VLT) and FIRE/Magellan for a total of 16.8 hr. We readdress the question whether this ultraluminous quasar could be effected by strong gravitational lensing making use of the diffraction limited NIRCam images in three different wide band filters (F115W, F200W, F356W), which improves the achieved spatial resolution compared to previous images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope by a factor of 2. We do not find any evidence for a foreground deflecting galaxy, nor for multiple images of the quasar, and determine the probability for magnification due to strong gravitational lensing with image separations below the diffraction limit of Δθ ≲ 0farcs05 to be ≲2.2 × 10−3. Our observations therefore confirm that this quasar hosts a 10 billion solar mass black hole less than 1 Gyr after the Big Bang, which is challenging to explain with current black hole formation models.

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Using the observations of the high-energy detector of the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) for Scorpius X-1 from 2017 to 2020, we search for hard X-ray tails in the X-ray spectra in ∼30–200 keV. The hard X-ray tails are found throughout the Z-track on the hardness–intensity diagram, and the detected hard X-ray tails become hard and weak from the horizontal branch (HB), through the normal branch (NB), to the flaring branch (FB). Comparing the hard X-ray spectra of Insight-HXMT between Cyg X-1 and Sco X-1, it is concluded that the hard X-ray spectrum of Cyg X-1 shows a high-energy cutoff, implying a hot corona in it, but the high-energy cutoff is not seen in the hard X-ray spectrum of Sco X-1. From fitting the broadband spectrum of Sco X-1 in ∼2–200 keV, it is proposed that the hard X-ray tails in the HB and NB can be explained by the overall Comptonization COMPTB model, suggesting that the hard X-ray tails could have resulted from the Comptonization of the photons from the neutron star (NS) surface by the thermal electrons in the region between the NS and the disk and the energetic electrons in the freefall toward the NS in the converging flow onto the NS. However, this model cannot be responsible for the hard X-ray tails in the FB. Further study on the FB hard X-ray tails is needed.

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Measuring the sum of the three active neutrino masses, Mν, is one of the most important challenges in modern cosmology. Massive neutrinos imprint characteristic signatures on several cosmological observables, in particular, on the large-scale structure of the universe. In order to maximize the information that can be retrieved from galaxy surveys, accurate theoretical predictions in the nonlinear regime are needed. Currently, one way to achieve those predictions is by running cosmological numerical simulations. Unfortunately, producing those simulations requires high computational resources—several hundred to thousand core hours for each neutrino mass case. In this work, we propose a new method, based on a deep-learning network (D3M), to quickly generate simulations with massive neutrinos from standard ΛCDM simulations without neutrinos. We computed multiple relevant statistical measures of deep-learning generated simulations and conclude that our approach is an accurate alternative to the traditional N-body techniques. In particular the power spectrum is within ≃6% down to nonlinear scales k = 0.7 h Mpc−1. Finally, our method allows us to generate massive neutrino simulations 10,000 times faster than the traditional methods.

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In this paper, we reanalyze the X1.7 class limb flare that occurred on 2013 May 13 (SOL2013-05-13T01:56 UT), concentrating on the energy-releasing process using microwave observations mainly made by Nobeyama and X-ray observations made by RHESSI. The analysis was carried out in the context of EUV observations made by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board Solar Dynamics Observatory. First, we complement the initiation process by showing that the initiation occurred together with material falling from a large-scale overlying prominence, a signature of drainage instability. The usual downward and upward motions of the microwave and X-ray sources are observed from their evolution. However, the microwave source's height shows a recurrent decrease and increase during its overall upward motion; it shows a kind of recurrent contraction and expansion. The time period of the recurrent contraction and expansion corresponds to the period of post-contraction oscillation of EUV loops, and the oscillatory motions are closely correlated with four microwave/hard X-ray peaks that unusually increased nonthermal emission levels by several times. X-ray spectra get hardened during the oscillation. In addition, the rapid contraction of magnetic loops located on the outside of the erupting flux rope occurs 5 minutes after the onset of the flare, showing that the contraction of the peripheral magnetic loops is more likely due to the vortex and sink flows generated by an upward erupting magnetic flux rope rather than a coronal implosion. The results can provide more insight into the physics of dynamic coronal magnetic field and particle acceleration during solar flares.

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We investigated dusty and dust-free gas dynamics for a radiation-driven sub-parsec-scale outflow in an active galactic nucleus (AGN) associated with a supermassive black hole 107M and bolometric luminosity 1044 erg s−1 based on the two-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. A radiation-driven "lotus-like" multi-shell outflow is launched from the inner part (r ≲ 0.04 pc) of the geometrically thin disk, and it repeatedly and steadily produces shocks as mass accretion continues through the disk to the center. The shape of the dust sublimation radius is not spherical and depends on the angle (θ) from the disk plane, reflecting the nonspherical radiation field and nonuniform dust-free gas. Moreover, we found that the sublimation radius of θ ∼ 20°–60° varies on a timescale of several years. The "inflow-induced outflow" contributes to the obscuration of the nucleus in the sub-parsec region. The column density of the dust-free gas is NH ≳ 1022 cm−2 for r ≲ 0.04 pc. Gases near the disk plane (θ ≲ 30°) can be the origin of the Compton-thick component, which was suggested by the recent X-ray observations of AGNs. The dusty outflow from the sub-parsec region can be also a source of material for the radiation-driven fountain for a larger scale.

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We investigate heat transport associated with compositionally driven convection driven by crystallization at the ocean–crust interface in accreting neutron stars, or growth of the solid core in cooling white dwarfs. We study the effect of thermal diffusion and rapid rotation on the convective heat transport, using both mixing length theory and numerical simulations of Boussinesq convection. We determine the heat flux, composition gradient, and Péclet number, Pe (the ratio of thermal diffusion time to convective turnover time) as a function of the composition flux. We find two regimes of convection with a rapid transition between them as the composition flux increases. At small Pe, the ratio between the heat flux and composition flux is independent of Pe, because the loss of heat from convecting fluid elements due to thermal diffusion is offset by the smaller composition gradient needed to overcome the reduced thermal buoyancy. At large Pe, the temperature gradient approaches the adiabatic gradient, saturating the heat flux. We discuss the implications for cooling of neutron stars and white dwarfs. Convection in neutron stars spans both regimes. We find rapid mixing of neutron star oceans, with a convective turnover time of the order of weeks to minutes depending on rotation. Except during the early stages of core crystallization, white dwarf convection is in the thermal-diffusion-dominated fingering regime. We find convective velocities much smaller than recent estimates for crystallization-driven dynamos. The small fraction of energy carried as kinetic energy calls into question the effectiveness of crystallization-driven dynamos as an explanation for observed magnetic fields in white dwarfs.

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We describe radio, optical, and X-ray observations of this rather faint, old Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) supernova remnant. The [O iii] emission forms a distinct shell, the remnant of the outer shock, which encloses the radio and X-ray emission and gives an estimate of age and explosion energy. Because of a collision with an LMC Hα filament, radio and X-ray emission are concentrated in the northern half of the remnant. The X-ray spectrum is well fit assuming the plasma is isothermal and in collisional equilibrium. The best-fit temperature is such that almost all energy is in lines from O, Ne, Mg, and Fe. The known distance, low extinction, and low interstellarmedium metallicity allow derivation of masses of several elements produced by the star and in the explosion. The masses of O, Ne, and Fe point to a Type II supernova from the explosion of a 20–25 M star. The mass of Mg, however, is higher than that of almost all predictions, but some of this apparent excess might be due to a higher-temperature region in the X-ray-emitting material. Point-like background sources are examined to search for a neutron star, and one possible candidate is found just inside the shell of the remnant.

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We report the results of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 1–2 kpc resolution, three rotational transition-line (J = 2–1, J = 3–2, and J = 4–3) observations of multiple dense molecular gas tracers (HCN, HCO+, and HNC) for 10 nearby (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies ((U)LIRGs). Following the matching of beam sizes to 1–2 kpc for each (U)LIRG, the high-J-to-low-J transition-line flux ratios of each molecule and the emission-line flux ratios of different molecules at each J transition are derived. We conduct RADEX non-LTE model calculations and find that, under a wide range of gas density and kinetic temperature, the observed HCN-to-HCO+ flux ratios in the overall (U)LIRGs are naturally reproduced with enhanced HCN abundance compared to HCO+. Thereafter, molecular gas properties are constrained primarily through the use of HCN and HCO+ data and the adoption of fiducial values for the HCO+ column density and HCN-to-HCO+ abundance ratio. We quantitatively confirm the following: (i) molecular gas at the (U)LIRGs' nuclei is dense (≳103–4 cm−3) and warm (≳100 K), (ii) the molecular gas density and temperature in nine ULIRGs' nuclei are significantly higher than those of one LIRG's nucleus, (iii) molecular gas in starburst-dominated sources tends to be less dense and cooler than ULIRGs with luminous AGN signatures. For six selected sources, we also apply a Bayesian approach by freeing all parameters and support the above main results. Our ALMA 1–2 kpc resolution, multiple transition-line data of multiple molecules are a very powerful tool for scrutinizing the properties of molecular gas concentrated around luminous energy sources in nearby (U)LIRGs' nuclei.