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Volume 843

Number 1, 2017 July 1

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We present a path forward on a long-standing issue concerning the flux of small and slow meteoroids, which are believed to be the dominant portion of the incoming meteoric mass flux into the Earth's atmosphere. Such a flux, which is predicted by dynamical dust models of the Zodiacal Cloud, is not evident in ground-based radar observations. For decades this was attributed to the fact that the radars used for meteor observations lack the sensitivity to detect this population, due to the small amount of ionization produced by slow-velocity meteors. Such a hypothesis has been challenged by the introduction of meteor head echo (HE) observations with High Power and Large Aperture radars, in particular the Arecibo 430 MHz radar. Janches et al. developed a probabilistic approach to estimate the detectability of meteors by these radars and initially showed that, with the current knowledge of ablation and ionization, such particles should dominate the detected rates by one to two orders of magnitude compared to the actual observations. In this paper, we include results in our model from recently published laboratory measurements, which showed that (1) the ablation of Na is less intense covering a wider altitude range; and (2) the ionization probability, ${\beta }_{\mathrm{ip}}$, for Na atoms in the air is up to two orders of magnitude smaller for low speeds than originally believed. By applying these results and using a somewhat smaller size of the HE radar target we offer a solution that reconciles these observations with model predictions.


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We investigate core-collapse supernova (CCSN) nucleosynthesis with self-consistent, axisymmetric (2D) simulations performed using the neutrino hydrodynamics code Chimera. Computational costs have traditionally constrained the evolution of the nuclear composition within multidimensional CCSN models to, at best, a 14-species α-network capable of tracking only $(\alpha ,\gamma )$ reactions from 4He to 60Zn. Such a simplified network limits the ability to accurately evolve detailed composition and neutronization or calculate the nuclear energy generation rate. Lagrangian tracer particles are commonly used to extend the nuclear network evolution by incorporating more realistic networks into post-processing nucleosynthesis calculations. However, limitations such as poor spatial resolution of the tracer particles; inconsistent thermodynamic evolution, including misestimation of expansion timescales; and uncertain determination of the multidimensional mass cut at the end of the simulation impose uncertainties inherent to this approach. We present a detailed analysis of the impact of such uncertainties for four self-consistent axisymmetric CCSN models initiated from solar-metallicity, nonrotating progenitors of 12, 15, 20, and 25 ${M}_{\odot }$ and evolved with the smaller α-network to more than 1 s after the launch of an explosion.


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The obscuring circumnuclear torus of dusty molecular gas is one of the major components of active galactic nuclei (AGN). The torus can be studied by analyzing the time response of its infrared (IR) dust emission to variations in the AGN continuum luminosity, a technique known as reverberation mapping. The IR response is the convolution of the AGN ultraviolet/optical light curve with a transfer function that contains information about the size, geometry, and structure of the torus. Here, we describe a new computer model that simulates the reverberation response of a clumpy torus. Given an input optical light curve, the code computes the emission of a 3D ensemble of dust clouds as a function of time at selected IR wavelengths, taking into account light travel delays. We present simulated dust emission responses at 3.6, 4.5, and 30 μm that explore the effects of various geometrical and structural properties, dust cloud orientation, and anisotropy of the illuminating radiation field. We also briefly explore the effects of cloud shadowing (clouds are shielded from the AGN continuum source). Example synthetic light curves have also been generated, using the observed optical light curve of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 6418 as input. The torus response is strongly wavelength-dependent, due to the gradient in cloud surface temperature within the torus, and because the cloud emission is strongly anisotropic at shorter wavelengths. Anisotropic illumination of the torus also significantly modifies the torus response, reducing the lag between the IR and optical variations.



We provide evidence for particle acceleration up to ∼5 MeV at reconnecting current sheets in the solar wind based on both case studies and a statistical analysis of the energetic ion and electron flux data from the five Advanced Composition Explorer Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) detectors. The case study of a typical reconnection exhaust event reveals (i) a small-scale peak of the energetic ion flux observed in the vicinity of the reconnection exhaust and (ii) a long-timescale atypical energetic particle event (AEPE) encompassing the reconnection exhaust. AEPEs associated with reconnecting strong current sheets last for many hours, even days, as confirmed by statistical studies. The case study shows that time-intensity profiles of the ion flux may vary significantly from one EPAM detector to another partially because of the local topology of magnetic fields, but mainly because of the impact of upstream magnetospheric events; therefore, the occurrence of particle acceleration can be hidden. The finding of significant particle energization within a time interval of ±30 hr around reconnection exhausts is supported by a superposed epoch analysis of 126 reconnection exhaust events. We suggest that energetic particles initially accelerated via prolonged magnetic reconnection are trapped and reaccelerated in small- or medium-scale magnetic islands surrounding the reconnecting current sheet, as predicted by the transport theory of Zank et al. Other mechanisms of initial particle acceleration can contribute also.


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In order to resolve and characterize anisotropy in turbulent plasma flows, a proper estimation of the background magnetic field is crucially important. Various approaches to calculating the background magnetic field, ranging from local to globally averaged fields, are commonly used in the analysis of turbulent data. We investigate how the uncertainty in the orientation of a scale-dependent background magnetic field influences the ability to resolve anisotropy. Therefore, we introduce a quantitative measure, the angle uncertainty, that characterizes the uncertainty of the orientation of the background magnetic field that turbulent structures are exposed to. The angle uncertainty can be used as a condition to estimate the ability to resolve anisotropy with certain accuracy. We apply our description to resolve the spectral anisotropy in fast solar wind data. We show that, if the angle uncertainty grows too large, the power of the turbulent fluctuations is attributed to false local magnetic field angles, which may lead to an incorrect estimation of the spectral indices. In our results, an apparent robustness of the spectral anisotropy to false local magnetic field angles is observed, which can be explained by a stronger increase of power for lower frequencies when the scale of the local magnetic field is increased. The frequency-dependent angle uncertainty is a measure that can be applied to any turbulent system.


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The Pan-STARRS (PS1) Medium Deep Survey discovered over 5000 likely supernovae (SNe) but obtained spectral classifications for just 10% of its SN candidates. We measured spectroscopic host galaxy redshifts for 3147 of these likely SNe and estimate that ∼1000 are Type Ia SNe (SNe Ia) with light-curve quality sufficient for a cosmological analysis. We use these data with simulations to determine the impact of core-collapse SN (CC SN) contamination on measurements of the dark energy equation of state parameter, w. Using the method of Bayesian Estimation Applied to Multiple Species (BEAMS), distances to SNe Ia and the contaminating CC SN distribution are simultaneously determined. We test light-curve-based SN classification priors for BEAMS as well as a new classification method that relies upon host galaxy spectra and the association of SN type with host type. By testing several SN classification methods and CC SN parameterizations on large SN simulations, we estimate that CC SN contamination gives a systematic error on w (${\sigma }_{w}^{{CC}}$) of 0.014, 29% of the statistical uncertainty. Our best method gives ${\sigma }_{w}^{{CC}}=0.004$, just 8% of the statistical uncertainty, but could be affected by incomplete knowledge of the CC SN distribution. This method determines the SALT2 color and shape coefficients, α and β, with ∼3% bias. However, we find that some variants require α and β to be fixed to known values for BEAMS to yield accurate measurements of w. Finally, the inferred abundance of bright CC SNe in our sample is greater than expected based on measured CC SN rates and luminosity functions.


We model the star formation relation of molecular clumps in dependence of their dense-gas mass when their volume density profile is that of an isothermal sphere (i.e., ${\rho }_{\mathrm{clump}}(r)\propto {r}^{-2}$). Dense gas is defined as gas whose volume density is higher than a threshold ${\rho }_{\mathrm{th}}=700\,{M}_{\odot }\,{\mathrm{pc}}^{-3}$ (i.e., HCN(1-0)-mapped gas). We divide the clump into two regions: a dense inner region (where ${\rho }_{\mathrm{clump}}(r)\geqslant {\rho }_{\mathrm{th}}$), and low-density outskirts (where ${\rho }_{\mathrm{clump}}(r)\lt {\rho }_{\mathrm{th}}$). We find that the total star formation rate of clumps scales linearly with the mass of their dense inner region, even when more than half of the clump star formation activity takes place in the low-density outskirts. We therefore emphasize that a linear star formation relation does not necessarily imply that star formation takes place exclusively in the gas whose mass is given by the star formation relation. The linearity of the star formation relation is strengthened when we account for the mass of dense fragments (e.g., cores, fibers) seeding star formation in the low-density outskirts, and which our adopted clump density profile ${\rho }_{\mathrm{clump}}(r)$ does not resolve. We also find that the star formation relation is significantly tighter when considering the dense gas than when considering all the clump gas, as observed for molecular clouds of the Galactic plane. When the clumps have no low-density outskirts (i.e., they consist of dense gas only), the star formation relation becomes superlinear and progressively wider.


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Double-coronal hard X-ray (HXR) sources are believed to be critical observational evidence of bi-directional energy release through magnetic reconnection in large-scale current sheets in solar flares. Here, we present a study on double-coronal sources observed in both HXR and microwave regimes, revealing new characteristics distinct from earlier reports. This event is associated with a footpoint-occulted X1.3-class flare (2014 April 25, starting at 00:17 UT) and a coronal mass ejection that were likely triggered by the magnetic breakout process, with the lower source extending upward from the top of the partially occulted flare loops and the upper source co-incident with rapidly squeezing-in side lobes (at a speed of ∼250 km s−1 on both sides). The upper source can be identified at energies as high as 70–100 keV. The X-ray upper source is characterized by flux curves that differ from those of the lower source, a weak energy dependence of projected centroid altitude above 20 keV, a shorter duration, and an HXR photon spectrum slightly harder than those of the lower source. In addition, the microwave emission at 34 GHz also exhibits a similar double-source structure and the microwave spectra at both sources are in line with gyrosynchrotron emission given by non-thermal energetic electrons. These observations, especially the co-incidence of the very-fast squeezing-in motion of side lobes and the upper source, indicate that the upper source is associated with (and possibly caused by) this fast motion of arcades. This sheds new light on the origin of the corona double-source structure observed in both HXRs and microwaves.


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We investigate the optical and Wide-field Survey Explorer (WISE) colors of "E+A" identified post-starburst galaxies, including a deep analysis of 190 post-starbursts detected in the 2 μm All Sky Survey Extended Source Catalog. The post-starburst galaxies appear in both the optical green valley and the WISE Infrared Transition Zone. Furthermore, we find that post-starbursts occupy a distinct region of [3.4]–[4.6] versus [4.6]–[12] WISE colors, enabling the identification of this class of transitioning galaxies through the use of broadband photometric criteria alone. We have investigated possible causes for the WISE colors of post-starbursts by constructing a composite spectral energy distribution (SED), finding that the mid-infrared (4–12 μm) properties of post-starbursts are consistent with either 11.3 μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission, or thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) and post-AGB stars. The composite SED of extended post-starburst galaxies with 22 μm emission detected with signal-to-noise ratio $\geqslant 3$ requires a hot dust component to produce their observed rising mid-infrared SED between 12 and 22 μm. The composite SED of WISE 22 μm non-detections (S/N < 3), created by stacking 22 μm images, is also flat, requiring a hot dust component. The most likely source of the mid-infrared emission of these E+A galaxies is a buried active galactic nucleus (AGN). The inferred upper limits to the Eddington ratios of post-starbursts are 10−2–10−4, with an average of 10−3. This suggests that AGNs are not radiatively dominant in these systems. This could mean that including selections capable of identifying AGNs as part of a search for transitioning and post-starburst galaxies would create a more complete census of the transition pathways taken as a galaxy quenches its star formation.


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We report observations of the high frequency type II radio burst (≈430–30 MHz) that occurred in the solar corona on 2015 November 4. The drift rate of the burst, estimated close to the start frequency of its fundamental component (≈215 MHz), is unusually high (≈2 MHz s−1). Our analysis shows that the estimated speed of the magnetohydrodynamic shock driver of the burst varies with time. The peak speed and acceleration are very large, $\approx 2450\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ and $\approx 17\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-2}$, respectively. There is spatio-temporal correlation between the type II burst and the associated coronal mass ejection (CME) in the whitelight and extreme-ultraviolet images. The time profile of the shock speed and the light curve of the associated soft X-ray flare correlate well. These results indicate that in the present case, (i) the magnetohydrodynamic shock responsible for the high frequency coronal type II burst is driven by the CME and (ii) the time profile of the type II burst shock speed represents the near-Sun kinematics of the CME.


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The scaling relations that relate the average asteroseismic parameters ${\rm{\Delta }}\nu $ and ${\nu }_{\max }$ to the global properties of stars are used quite extensively to determine stellar properties. While the ${\rm{\Delta }}\nu $ scaling relation has been examined carefully and the deviations from the relation have been well documented, the ${\nu }_{\max }$ scaling relation has not been examined as extensively. In this paper, we examine the ${\nu }_{\max }$ scaling relation using a set of stellar models constructed to have a wide range of mass, metallicity, and age. We find that as with ${\rm{\Delta }}\nu $, ${\nu }_{\max }$ does not follow the simple scaling relation. The most visible deviation is because of a mean molecular weight term and a ${{\rm{\Gamma }}}_{1}$ term that are commonly ignored. The remaining deviation is more difficult to address. We find that the influence of the scaling relation errors on asteroseismically derived values of $\mathrm{log}g$ are well within uncertainties. The influence of the errors on mass and radius estimates is small for main sequence and subgiants, but can be quite large for red giants.


HESS J1534−571 is a very high-energy gamma-ray source that was discovered by the H.E.S.S. observatory and reported as one of several new sources with a shell-like morphology at TeV energies, matching in size and location with the supernova remnant (SNR) G323.7−1.0 discovered in radio observations by the Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey. Many known TeV shells also show X-ray emission; however, no X-ray counterpart has been seen for HESS J1534−571. The detection of a new GeV source using data from the Fermi satellite that is compatible in extension with the radio SNR and shows a very hard power-law spectrum $\left(\tfrac{{dN}}{{dE}}\propto {E}^{-1.35}\right)$ is presented here, together with the first broadband modeling of the nonthermal emission from this source. It is shown that leptonic emission is compatible with the known multiwavelength data and a corresponding set of physical source parameters is given. The required total energy budget in leptons is reasonable, ∼1.5 × 1048 erg for a distance to the object of 5 kpc. The new GeV observations imply that a hadronic scenario, on the other hand, requires a cosmic-ray spectrum that deviates considerably from theoretical expectations of particle acceleration.



The cumulative number count N of sources above a threshold is known to approximately follow a power-law behavior $N\propto {S}^{-x}$. We study the variation of spectral index x across the sky to look for possible signals of a violation of isotropy. We develop a rigorous algorithm of likelihood maximization to accurately fit for the spectral index. We divide the sky into upper and lower hemispheres for a particular choice of the z axis and determine the error normalized difference between the best fit values of the spectral indices between the two hemispheres. The maximum value of this difference obtained by varying over the z axis provides us with a measure of departure from isotropy. We find that the data support isotropy of the spectral index. We also perform a dipole fit to the spectral index as a function of the angular coordinates. The result is found to be consistent with isotropy.


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The radio galaxy 0402+379 is believed to host a supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB). The two compact-core sources are separated by a projected distance of 7.3 pc, making it the most (spatially) compact resolved SMBHB known. We present new multi-frequency VLBI observations of 0402+379 at 5, 8, 15, and 22 GHz and combine them with previous observations spanning 12 years. A strong frequency-dependent core shift is evident, which we use to infer magnetic fields near the jet base. After correcting for these shifts we detect significant relative motion of the two cores at $\beta =v/c=0.0054\pm 0.0003$ at $\mathrm{PA}=-34\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 4$. With some assumptions about the orbit, we use this measurement to constrain the orbital period $P\approx 3\times {10}^{4}$ yr and SMBHB mass $M\approx 15\times {10}^{9}\,{M}_{\odot }$. While additional observations are needed to confirm this motion and obtain a precise orbit, this is apparently the first black hole system resolved as a visual binary.


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We use data on extreme radio scintillation to demonstrate that this phenomenon is associated with hot stars in the solar neighborhood. The ionized gas responsible for the scattering is found at distances up to $1.75\,\mathrm{pc}$ from the host star, and on average must comprise ∼105 distinct structures per star. We detect azimuthal velocities of the plasma, relative to the host star, up to $9.7\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$, consistent with warm gas expanding at the sound speed. The circumstellar plasma structures that we infer are similar in several respects to the cometary knots seen in the Helix and in other planetary nebulae. There the ionized gas appears as a skin around tiny molecular clumps. Our analysis suggests that molecular clumps are ubiquitous circumstellar features, unrelated to the evolutionary state of the star. The total mass in such clumps is comparable to the stellar mass.



A study of the group properties of galaxies in our immediate neighborhood provides a singular opportunity to observationally constrain the halo mass function, a fundamental characterization of galaxy formation. Detailed studies of individual groups have provided the coefficients of scaling relations between a proxy for the virial radius, velocity dispersion, and mass that usefully allow groups to be defined over the range ${10}^{10}\mbox{--}{10}^{15}$M. At a second hierarchical level, associations are defined as regions around collapsed halos extending to the zero-velocity surface at the decoupling from cosmic expansion. The most remarkable result of the study emerges from the construction of the halo mass function from the sample. At ∼1012M, there is a jog from the expectation Sheth-Tormen function, such that halo counts drop by a factor ∼3 in all lower mass bins.


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High-energy neutrinos are expected to originate from different stages in a gamma-ray burst (GRB) event. In this work, we revisit the dissipative photospheric scenario, in which the GRB prompt emission is produced around the photospheric radius. Meanwhile, possible dissipation mechanisms (e.g., internal shocks or magnetic reconnection) could accelerate cosmic-rays (CRs) to ultra-high energies and then produce neutrinos via hadronuclear and photohadronic processes, which are referred to as prompt neutrinos. In this paper, we obtain the prompt neutrino spectrum of a single GRB within a self-consistent analytical framework, in which the jet-cocoon structure and possible collimation effects are included. We investigate a possible neutrino signal from the cocoon, which has been ignored in the previous studies. We show that if a GRB event happens at a distance of the order of Mpc, there is a great chance to observe the neutrino emission from the cocoon by IceCube, which is even more promising than jet neutrinos, as the opening angle of the cocoon is much larger. We also determine the diffuse neutrino flux of GRB cocoons and find that it could be comparable with that of the jets. Our results are consistent with the latest result reported by the IceCube collaboration that no significant correlation between neutrino events and observed GRBs is seen in the new data.


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In Tombesi et al., we reported the first direct evidence for a quasar accretion disk wind driving a massive (>100 M yr−1) molecular outflow. The target was F11119+3257, an ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) with unambiguous type 1 quasar optical broad emission lines. The energetics of the accretion disk wind and molecular outflow were found to be consistent with the predictions of quasar feedback models where the molecular outflow is driven by a hot energy-conserving bubble inflated by the inner quasar accretion disk wind. However, this conclusion was uncertain because the mass outflow rate, momentum flux, and mechanical power of the outflowing molecular gas were estimated from the optically thick OH 119 μm transition profile observed with Herschel. Here, we independently confirm the presence of the molecular outflow in F11119+3257, based on the detection of ∼±1000 km s−1 blue- and redshifted wings in the CO(1−0) emission line profile derived from deep ALMA observations obtained in the compact array configuration (∼2farcs8 resolution). The broad CO(1−0) line emission appears to be spatially extended on a scale of at least ∼7 kpc from the center. Mass outflow rate, momentum flux, and mechanical power of (80–200) ${R}_{7}^{-1}$M yr−1, (1.5–3.0) ${R}_{7}^{-1}$LAGN/c, and (0.15–0.40)% ${R}_{7}^{-1}$${L}_{\mathrm{AGN}}$, respectively, are inferred from these data, assuming a CO-to-H2 conversion factor appropriate for a ULIRG (R7 is the radius of the outflow normalized to 7 kpc, and LAGN is the AGN luminosity). These rates are time-averaged over a flow timescale of 7 × 106 yr. They are similar to the OH-based rates time-averaged over a flow timescale of 4 × 105 yr, but about a factor of 4 smaller than the local ("instantaneous"; ≲105 yr) OH-based estimates cited in Tombesi et al. The implications of these new results are discussed in the context of time-variable quasar-mode feedback and galaxy evolution. The need for an energy-conserving bubble to explain the molecular outflow is also reexamined.


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Low radio frequency solar observations using the Murchison Widefield Array have recently revealed the presence of numerous weak short-lived narrowband emission features, even during moderately quiet solar conditions. These nonthermal features occur at rates of many thousands per hour in the 30.72 MHz observing bandwidth, and hence necessarily require an automated approach for their detection and characterization. Here, we employ continuous wavelet transform using a mother Ricker wavelet for feature detection from the dynamic spectrum. We establish the efficacy of this approach and present the first statistically robust characterization of the properties of these features. In particular, we examine distributions of their peak flux densities, spectral spans, temporal spans, and peak frequencies. We can reliably detect features weaker than 1 SFU, making them, to the best of our knowledge, the weakest bursts reported in literature. The distribution of their peak flux densities follows a power law with an index of −2.23 in the 12–155 SFU range, implying that they can provide an energetically significant contribution to coronal and chromospheric heating. These features typically last for 1–2 s and possess bandwidths of about 4–5 MHz. Their occurrence rate remains fairly flat in the 140–210 MHz frequency range. At the time resolution of the data, they appear as stationary bursts, exhibiting no perceptible frequency drift. These features also appear to ride on a broadband background continuum, hinting at the likelihood of them being weak type-I bursts.


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We present deep 3500–10000 Å spectra of H ii regions and planetary nebulae (PNe) in the starburst irregular galaxy NGC 4449, acquired with the Multi Object Double Spectrograph at the Large Binocular Telescope. Using the "direct" method, we derived the abundance of He, N, O, Ne, Ar, and S in six H ii regions and in four PNe in NGC 4449. This is the first case of PNe studied in a starburst irregular outside the Local Group. Our H ii region and PN sample extends over a galactocentric distance range of ≈2 kpc and spans ≈0.2 dex in oxygen abundance, with average values of $12+\mathrm{log}({\rm{O}}/{\rm{H}})=8.37\pm 0.05$ and 8.3 ± 0.1 for H ii regions and PNe, respectively. PNe and H ii regions exhibit similar oxygen abundances in the galactocentric distance range of overlap, while PNe appear more than ∼1 dex enhanced in nitrogen with respect to H ii regions. The latter result is the natural consequence of N being mostly synthesized in intermediate-mass stars and brought to the stellar surface during dredge-up episodes. On the other hand, the similarity in O abundance between H ii regions and PNe suggests that NGC 4449's interstellar medium has been poorly enriched in α-elements since the progenitors of the PNe were formed. Finally, our data reveal the presence of a negative oxygen gradient for both H ii regions and PNe, while nitrogen does not exhibit any significant radial trend. We ascribe the (unexpected) nitrogen behavior to local N enrichment by the conspicuous Wolf-Rayet population in NGC 4449.

The following article is Open access

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Magnetic reconnection is a primary mechanism for particle energization in space and astrophysical plasmas. By carrying out two-dimensional (2D) fully kinetic simulations, we study particle acceleration during magnetic reconnection in plasmas with different plasma β (the ratio between the thermal pressure and the magnetic pressure). For the high-β cases, we do not observe significant particle acceleration. In the low-β regime ($\beta \lt 0.1$), we find that reconnection is efficient at energizing both electrons and ions. While the distribution of accelerated particles integrated over the whole simulation box appears highly non-thermal, it is actually the superposition of a series of distributions in different sectors of a 2D magnetic island. Each of those distributions has only a small non-thermal component compared with its thermal core. By tracking a large number of particles, we show that particles get energized in X-line regions, contracting magnetic islands, and magnetic island coalescence regions. We obtain the particle energization rate ${\boldsymbol{j}}\cdot {\boldsymbol{E}}$ by averaging over particle drift motions and find that it agrees well with the particle kinetic energy change. We quantify the contribution of curvature drift, gradient drift, polarization drift, magnetization, non-gyrotropic effect, and parallel electric field in different acceleration regions. We find that the major energization is due to particle curvature drift along the motional electric field. The other particle motions contribute less but may become important in different acceleration regions. The highly efficient particle energization in low-β plasmas may help us understand the strong particle energization in solar flares and accretion disk coronae.



Standard accretion disk theory predicts that the total pressure in disks at typical (sub-)Eddington accretion rates becomes radiation pressure dominated. However, radiation pressure dominated disks are thermally unstable. Since these disks are observed in approximate steady state over the instability timescale, our accretion models in the radiation-pressure-dominated regime (i.e., inner disk) need to be modified. Here, we present a modification to the Shakura & Sunyaev model, where the radiation pressure is in equipartition with the gas pressure in the inner region. We call these flows accretion in radiative equipartition (AiRE) disks. We introduce the basic features of AiRE disks and show how they modify disk properties such as the Toomre parameter and the central temperature. We then show that the accretion rate of AiRE disks is limited from above and below, by Toomre and nodal sonic point instabilities, respectively. The former leads to a strict upper limit on the mass of supermassive black holes as a function of cosmic time (and spin), while the latter could explain the transition between hard and soft states of X-ray binaries.


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We carefully examine the depolarization feature of blazars in the optical and near-infrared bands using the sample of Mead et al. Magnetohydrodynamics turbulence could be one possible reason for the depolarization of optical/infrared blazars when we apply the theoretical analysis of Lazarian & Pogosyan. We further identify in the sample that the depolarization results shown in most blazars roughly obey the form of the three-dimensional anisotropic Kolmogorov scaling. The effective Faraday rotation window length scale is not small enough to resolve the polarization correlation length scale in the blazar sample. The depolarization and the related turbulent features show diversities in different blazar sources. We suggest more simultaneous observations in both the optical/infrared and the high-energy bands for the study of the blazar polarization.


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We utilize a multi-step modeling process to produce synthetic interferometric and spectroscopic observables, which are then compared to their observed counterparts. Our extensive set of interferometric observations of the Be star 48 Per, totaling 291 data points, were obtained at the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer from 2006 November 07 to 23. Our models were further constrained by comparison with contemporaneous Hα line spectroscopy obtained at the John S. Hall Telescope at the Lowell Observatory on 2006 November 1. Theoretical spectral energy distributions, SEDs, for 48 Per were confirmed by comparison with observations over a wavelength regime of 0.4–60 μm from Touhami et al. and Vieira et al. Our best-fitting combined model from Hα spectroscopy, Hα interferometry, and SED fitting has a power-law density fall off, n, of 2.3 and an initial density at the stellar surface of ${\rho }_{0}=1.0\times {10}^{-11}$${\rm{g}}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{-3}$ with an inclination constrained by Hα spectroscopy and interferometry of ${45}^{^\circ }\pm 5^\circ $. The position angle for the system, measured east from north, is 114° ± 18°. Our best-fit model shows that the disk emission originates in a moderately large disk with a radius of 25 R*, which is consistent with a disk mass of approximately 5 × 1024 g or 3 × 10−10M*. Finally, we compare our results with previous studies of 48 Per by Quirrenbach et al. and find agreement, whereas our disk size does not agree with Delaa et al., based on a much smaller visibility set.


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Future very-large-area X-ray instruments (for which the effective area is larger than $\gt 3$ m2) will be able to measure the frequencies of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in the X-ray flux from accreting compact objects with sub-percent precision. If correctly modeled, QPOs can provide a novel way to test the strong-field regime of gravity. By using the relativistic precession model and a modified version of the epicyclic resonance model, we develop a method to test general relativity against a generic class of theories with quadratic curvature corrections. With the instrumentation being studied for future missions such as eXTP, LOFT, or STROBE-X, a measurement of at least two QPO triplets from a stellar mass black hole can set stringent constraints on the coupling parameters of quadratic gravity.



Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind display many properties reflecting an ongoing nonlinear cascade, e.g., a well-defined spectrum in frequency, together with some characteristics more commonly associated with the linear propagation of waves from the Sun, such as the variation of fluctuation amplitude with distance, dominated by solar wind expansion effects. Therefore, both nonlinearities and expansion must be included simultaneously in any successful model of solar wind turbulence evolution. Because of the disparate spatial scales involved, direct numerical simulations of turbulence in the solar wind represent an arduous task, especially if one wants to go beyond the incompressible approximation. Indeed, most simulations neglect solar wind expansion effects entirely. Here we develop a numerical model to simulate turbulent fluctuations from the outer corona to 1 au and beyond, including the sub-Alfvénic corona. The accelerating expanding box (AEB) extends the validity of previous expanding box models by taking into account both the acceleration of the solar wind and the inhomogeneity of background density and magnetic field. Our method incorporates a background accelerating wind within a magnetic field that naturally follows the Parker spiral evolution using a two-scale analysis in which the macroscopic spatial effect coupling fluctuations with background gradients becomes a time-dependent coupling term in a homogeneous box. In this paper we describe the AEB model in detail and discuss its main properties, illustrating its validity by studying Alfvén wave propagation across the Alfvén critical point.


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HH 212 is a nearby (400 pc) Class 0 protostellar system recently found to host a "hamburger"-shaped dusty disk with a radius of ∼60 au, deeply embedded in an infalling-rotating flattened envelope. We have spatially resolved this envelope-disk system with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array at up to ∼16 au (0farcs04) resolution. The envelope is detected in HCO+J = 4–3 down to the dusty disk. Complex organic molecules (COMs) and doubly deuterated formaldehyde (D2CO) are detected above and below the dusty disk within ∼40 au of the central protostar. The COMs are methanol (CH3OH), deuterated methanol (CH2DOH), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH), and formamide (NH2CHO, a prebiotic precursor). We have modeled the gas kinematics in HCO+ and COMs and found a centrifugal barrier (CB) at a radius of ∼44 au, within which a Keplerian rotating disk is formed. This indicates that HCO+ traces the infalling-rotating envelope down to the CB and COMs trace the atmosphere of a Keplerian rotating disk within the CB. The COMs are spatially resolved for the first time, both radially and vertically, in the atmosphere of a disk in the earliest, Class 0 phase of star formation. Our spatially resolved observations of COMs favor their formation in the disk rather than a rapidly infalling (warm) inner envelope. The abundances and spatial distributions of the COMs provide strong constraints on models of their formation and transport in low-mass star formation.


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We present the results of a Chandra X-ray survey of the eight most massive galaxy clusters at z > 1.2 in the South Pole Telescope 2500 deg2 survey. We combine this sample with previously published Chandra observations of 49 massive X-ray-selected clusters at 0 < z < 0.1 and 90 Sunyaev–Zel'dovich–selected clusters at 0.25 < z < 1.2 to constrain the evolution of the intracluster medium (ICM) over the past ∼10 Gyr. We find that the bulk of the ICM has evolved self-similarly over the full redshift range probed here, with the ICM density at $r\gt 0.2{R}_{500}$ scaling like $E{(z)}^{2}$. In the centers of clusters ($r\lesssim 0.01{R}_{500}$), we find significant deviations from self-similarity (${n}_{e}\propto E{(z)}^{0.2\pm 0.5}$), consistent with no redshift dependence. When we isolate clusters with overdense cores (i.e., cool cores), we find that the average overdensity profile has not evolved with redshift—that is, cool cores have not changed in size, density, or total mass over the past ∼9–10 Gyr. We show that the evolving "cuspiness" of clusters in the X-ray, reported by several previous studies, can be understood in the context of a cool core with fixed properties embedded in a self-similarly evolving cluster. We find no measurable evolution in the X-ray morphology of massive clusters, seemingly in tension with the rapidly rising (with redshift) rate of major mergers predicted by cosmological simulations. We show that these two results can be brought into agreement if we assume that the relaxation time after a merger is proportional to the crossing time, since the latter is proportional to $H{(z)}^{-1}$.


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We carry out a series of simulations of G2-type clouds interacting with the black hole at the galactic center, to determine why no large changes in the luminosity of Sgr A* were seen, and to determine the nature of G2. We measure the accretion rate from the gas cloud onto Sgr A* for a range of simulation parameters, such as cloud structure, background structure, background density, grid resolution, and accretion radius. For a broad range of parameters, the amount of cloud material accreted is small relative to the amount of background material accreted. The total accretion rate is not significantly effected for at least 30 yr after periapsis. We find that reproducing observations of G2 likely requires two components for the object: an extended, cold gas cloud responsible for the Br-γ emission, and a compact core or dusty stellar object dominating the bolometric luminosity. In simulations, the bolometric and X-ray luminosity have a peak lasting from about one year before to one year after periapsis, a feature not detected in observations. Our simulated Br-γ emission is largely consistent with observations leading up to periapsis, with a slight increase in luminosity and a large increase in the FWHM of the line velocity. All emission from a gaseous component of G2 should fade rapidly after periapsis and be undetectable after one year, due to shock heating and expansion of the cloud. Any remaining emission should be from the compact component of G2.


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We investigate the relationship between the $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}\ \lambda 2798$ emission line and the 3000 Å continuum variations using a sample of 68 intermediate-redshift ($z\sim 0.65\mbox{--}1.50$) broad-line quasars spanning a bolometric luminosity range of 44.49 erg ${{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\leqslant \mathrm{log}{L}_{\mathrm{bol}}\leqslant 46.31$ erg s−1 (Eddington ratio from ∼0.026 to 0.862). This sample is constructed from SDSS-DR7Q and BOSS-DR12Q, each with at least two spectroscopic epochs in SDSS-I/II/III surveys. In addition, we adopt the following signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) selection criteria: (a) for $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}$ and the 3000 Å continuum, S/N $\geqslant $ 10; and (b) for narrow lines, S/N $\geqslant $ 5. All our quasar spectra are recalibrated based on the assumption of constant narrow emission-line fluxes. In an analysis of spectrum-to-spectrum variations, we find a fairly close correlation (Spearman $\rho =0.593$) between the variations in broad $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}$ and in the continuum. This is consistent with the idea that $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}$ is varying in response to the continuum emission variations. Adopting the modified weighted least squares regression method, we statistically constrain the slopes (i.e., the responsivity α of the broad $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}$) between the variations in both components for the sources in different luminosity bins after eliminating intrinsic biases introduced by the rescaling process itself. It is shown that the responsivity is quite small (average $\bar{\alpha }\approx 0.464$) and anti-correlates with the quasar luminosity. Our results indicate that high signal-to-noise flux measurements are required to robustly detect the intrinsic variability and the time lag of the $\mathrm{Mg}\,{\rm{II}}$ line.


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Characterizing the UV spectral energy distribution (SED) of an exoplanet host star is critically important for assessing its planet's potential habitability, particularly for M dwarfs, as they are prime targets for current and near-term exoplanet characterization efforts and atmospheric models predict that their UV radiation can produce photochemistry on habitable zone planets different from that on Earth. To derive ground-based proxies for UV emission for use when Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations are unavailable, we have assembled a sample of 15 early to mid-M dwarfs observed by HST and compared their nonsimultaneous UV and optical spectra. We find that the equivalent width of the chromospheric Ca ii K line at 3933 Å, when corrected for spectral type, can be used to estimate the stellar surface flux in ultraviolet emission lines, including H i Lyα. In addition, we address another potential driver of habitability: energetic particle fluxes associated with flares. We present a new technique for estimating soft X-ray and >10 MeV proton flux during far-UV emission line flares (Si iv and He ii) by assuming solar-like energy partitions. We analyze several flares from the M4 dwarf GJ 876 observed with HST and Chandra as part of the MUSCLES Treasury Survey and find that habitable zone planets orbiting GJ 876 are impacted by large Carrington-like flares with peak soft X-ray fluxes ≥10−3 W m−2 and possible proton fluxes ∼102–103 pfu, approximately four orders of magnitude more frequently than modern-day Earth.


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Understanding the evolution of the Milky Way calls for the precise abundance determination of many elements in many stars. A common perception is that deriving more than a few elemental abundances ([Fe/H], [α/Fe], perhaps [C/H], [N/H]) requires medium-to-high spectral resolution, R ≳ 10,000, mostly to overcome the effects of line blending. In a recent work, we presented an efficient and practical way to model the full stellar spectrum, even when fitting a large number of stellar labels simultaneously. In this paper, we quantify to what precision the abundances of many different elements can be recovered, as a function of spectroscopic resolution and wavelength range. In the limit of perfect spectral models and spectral normalization, we show that the precision of elemental abundances is nearly independent of resolution, for a fixed exposure time and number of detector pixels; low-resolution spectra simply afford much higher S/N per pixel and generally larger wavelength range in a single setting. We also show that estimates of most stellar labels are not strongly correlated with one another once R ≳ 1000. Modest errors in the line-spread function, as well as small radial velocity errors, do not affect these conclusions, and data-driven models indicate that spectral (continuum) normalization can be achieved well enough in practice. These results, to be confirmed with an analysis of observed low-resolution data, open up new possibilities for the design of large spectroscopic stellar surveys and for the reanalysis of archival low-resolution data sets.


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We present an overview and first results of the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy Massive (SOMA) Star Formation Survey, which is using the FORCAST instrument to image massive protostars from ∼10 to 40 μm. These wavelengths trace thermal emission from warm dust, which in Core Accretion models mainly emerges from the inner regions of protostellar outflow cavities. Dust in dense core envelopes also imprints characteristic extinction patterns at these wavelengths, causing intensity peaks to shift along the outflow axis and profiles to become more symmetric at longer wavelengths. We present observational results for the first eight protostars in the survey, i.e., multiwavelength images, including some ancillary ground-based mid-infrared (MIR) observations and archival Spitzer and Herschel data. These images generally show extended MIR/FIR emission along directions consistent with those of known outflows and with shorter wavelength peak flux positions displaced from the protostar along the blueshifted, near-facing sides, thus confirming qualitative predictions of Core Accretion models. We then compile spectral energy distributions and use these to derive protostellar properties by fitting theoretical radiative transfer models. Zhang and Tan models, based on the Turbulent Core Model of McKee and Tan, imply the sources have protostellar masses m* ∼ 10–50 M accreting at ∼10−4–10−3M yr−1 inside cores of initial masses Mc ∼ 30–500 M embedded in clumps with mass surface densities Σcl ∼ 0.1–3 g cm−2. Fitting the Robitaille et al. models typically leads to slightly higher protostellar masses, but with disk accretion rates ∼100× smaller. We discuss reasons for these differences and overall implications of these first survey results for massive star formation theories.


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We developed a new analytical experimental setup called AROMA (Astrochemistry Research of Organics with Molecular Analyzer) that combines laser desorption/ionization techniques with ion trap mass spectrometry. We report here on the ability of the apparatus to detect aromatic species in complex materials of astrophysical interest and characterize their structures. A limit of detection of 100 femto-grams has been achieved using pure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) samples, which corresponds to 2 × 108 molecules in the case of coronene (C24H12). We detected the PAH distribution in the Murchison meteorite, which is made of a complex mixture of extraterrestrial organic compounds. In addition, collision induced dissociation experiments were performed on selected species detected in Murchison, which led to the first firm identification of pyrene and its methylated derivatives in this sample.


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The physical process whereby a carbon–oxygen white dwarf explodes as a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) remains highly uncertain. The degree of neutronization in SN Ia ejecta holds clues to this process because it depends on the mass and the metallicity of the stellar progenitor, and on the thermodynamic history prior to the explosion. We report on a new method to determine ejecta neutronization using Ca and S lines in the X-ray spectra of Type Ia supernova remnants (SNRs). Applying this method to Suzaku data of Tycho, Kepler, 3C 397, and G337.2−0.7 in the Milky Way, and N103B in the Large Magellanic Cloud, we find that the neutronization of the ejecta in N103B is comparable to that of Tycho and Kepler, which suggests that progenitor metallicity is not the only source of neutronization in SNe Ia. We then use a grid of SN Ia explosion models to infer the metallicities of the stellar progenitors of our SNRs. The implied metallicities of 3C 397, G337.2−0.7, and N103B are major outliers compared to the local stellar metallicity distribution functions, indicating that progenitor metallicity can be ruled out as the origin of neutronization for these SNRs. Although the relationship between ejecta neutronization and equivalent progenitor metallicity is subject to uncertainties stemming from the 12C + 16O reaction rate, which affects the Ca/S mass ratio, our main results are not sensitive to these details.


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We present the first determination of the galaxy luminosity function (LF) at z ∼ 4, 5, 6, and 7, in the rest-frame optical at ${\lambda }_{\mathrm{rest}}\sim 900\,\mathrm{nm}$ (z' band). The rest-frame optical light traces the content in low-mass evolved stars (∼stellar mass—M*), minimizing potential measurement biases for M*. Moreover, it is less affected by nebular line emission contamination and dust attenuation, is independent of stellar population models, and can be probed up to z ∼ 8 through Spitzer/IRAC. Our analysis leverages the unique full-depth Spitzer/IRAC 3.6–8.0 μm data over the CANDELS/GOODS-N, CANDELS/GOODS-S, and COSMOS/UltraVISTA fields. We find that, at absolute magnitudes where ${M}_{z^{\prime} }$ is fainter than $\gtrsim -23$ mag, ${M}_{z^{\prime} }$ linearly correlates with ${M}_{\mathrm{UV},1600}$. At brighter ${M}_{z^{\prime} }$, ${M}_{\mathrm{UV},1600}$ presents a turnover, suggesting that the stellar mass-to-light ratio ${M}_{* }/{L}_{\mathrm{UV},1600}$ could be characterized by a very broad range of values at high stellar masses. Median-stacking analyses recover an ${M}_{* }/{L}_{z^{\prime} }$ roughly independent on ${M}_{z^{\prime} }$ for ${M}_{z^{\prime} }\gtrsim -23$ mag, but exponentially increasing at brighter magnitudes. We find that the evolution of the LF marginally prefers a pure luminosity evolution over a pure density evolution, with the characteristic luminosity decreasing by a factor of $\sim 5\times $ between z ∼ 4 and z ∼ 7. Direct application of the recovered ${M}_{* }/{L}_{z^{\prime} }$ generates stellar mass functions consistent with average measurements from the literature. Measurements of the stellar-to-halo mass ratio at fixed cumulative number density show that it is roughly constant with redshift for ${M}_{h}\gtrsim {10}^{12}{M}_{\odot }$. This is also supported by the fact that the evolution of the LF at $4\lesssim z\lesssim 7$ can be accounted for by a rigid displacement in luminosity, corresponding to the evolution of the halo mass from abundance matching.


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This paper is the first in a series whose aim is to examine the relative distributions of dark and baryonic matter as a function of star formation history in a representative sample of low-mass disk galaxies. In this paper, we present high-resolution 12CO($J=1\to 0$) interferometry for a sample of 26 nearby dwarf galaxies that were obtained from the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA). Among these 26 galaxies, 14 have good CO detections, including 6 galaxies previously detected in single-dish CO measurements and 8 newly detected ones. We find a linear correlation between the CO flux and the mid- and far-IR flux from the WISE and IRAS catalogs. Compared to the far-IR flux, the mid-IR flux may be a better indication of whether a galaxy contains sufficient CO for detection at the level of instrument sensitivity of CARMA. This correlation might prove to be useful in future studies to help choosing other CO targets for observation. The median molecular mass (including helium) of our galaxies is $2.8\times {10}^{8}\,{M}_{\odot }$, which is consistent with past observations for dwarf galaxies. The molecular content is weakly correlated with the dynamical mass, r-band luminosity and size of the galaxies. The median ratios of molecular mass versus dynamical mass and molecular mass versus r-band luminosity are ${M}_{\mathrm{mol}}/{M}_{\mathrm{dyn}}\approx 0.035$ and ${M}_{\mathrm{mol}}/{L}_{r}\approx 0.078\,{M}_{\odot }/{L}_{r,\odot }$, respectively, which are also consistent with past observations for dwarf galaxies.


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Chemistry plays an important role in the interstellar medium (ISM), regulating the heating and cooling of the gas and determining abundances of molecular species that trace gas properties in observations. Although solving the time-dependent equations is necessary for accurate abundances and temperature in the dynamic ISM, a full chemical network is too computationally expensive to incorporate into numerical simulations. In this paper, we propose a new simplified chemical network for hydrogen and carbon chemistry in the atomic and molecular ISM. We compare results from our chemical network in detail with results from a full photodissociation region (PDR) code, and also with the Nelson & Langer (NL99) network previously adopted in the simulation literature. We show that our chemical network gives similar results to the PDR code in the equilibrium abundances of all species over a wide range of densities, temperature, and metallicities, whereas the NL99 network shows significant disagreement. Applying our network to 1D models, we find that the CO-dominated regime delimits the coldest gas and that the corresponding temperature tracks the cosmic-ray ionization rate in molecular clouds. We provide a simple fit for the locus of CO-dominated regions as a function of gas density and column. We also compare with observations of diffuse and translucent clouds. We find that the CO, ${\mathrm{CH}}_{x}$, and ${\mathrm{OH}}_{x}$ abundances are consistent with equilibrium predictions for densities $n=100\mbox{--}1000\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{-3}$, but the predicted equilibrium C abundance is higher than that seen in observations, signaling the potential importance of non-equilibrium/dynamical effects.


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The Crab Nebula is the brightest TeV gamma-ray source in the sky and has been used for the past 25 years as a reference source in TeV astronomy, for calibration and verification of new TeV instruments. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC), completed in early 2015, has been used to observe the Crab Nebula at high significance across nearly the full spectrum of energies to which HAWC is sensitive. HAWC is unique for its wide field of view, nearly 2 sr at any instant, and its high-energy reach, up to 100 TeV. HAWC's sensitivity improves with the gamma-ray energy. Above ∼1 TeV the sensitivity is driven by the best background rejection and angular resolution ever achieved for a wide-field ground array. We present a time-integrated analysis of the Crab using 507 live days of HAWC data from 2014 November to 2016 June. The spectrum of the Crab is fit to a function of the form $\phi {(E)={\phi }_{0}(E/{E}_{0})}^{-\alpha -\beta \cdot \mathrm{ln}(E/{E}_{0})}$. The data is well fitted with values of α = 2.63 ± 0.03, β = 0.15 ± 0.03, and ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}({\phi }_{0}\,{\mathrm{cm}}^{2}\,{\rm{s}}\,\mathrm{TeV})=-12.60\pm 0.02$ when E0 is fixed at 7 TeV and the fit applies between 1 and 37 TeV. Study of the systematic errors in this HAWC measurement is discussed and estimated to be ±50% in the photon flux between 1 and 37 TeV. Confirmation of the Crab flux serves to establish the HAWC instrument's sensitivity for surveys of the sky. The HAWC all-sky survey will be the deepest survey of the northern sky ever conducted in the multi-TeV band.


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We present the first catalog of TeV gamma-ray sources realized with data from the newly completed High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC). It is the most sensitive wide field-of-view TeV telescope currently in operation, with a one-year survey sensitivity of ∼5%–10% of the flux of the Crab Nebula. With an instantaneous field of view >1.5 sr and >90% duty cycle, it continuously surveys and monitors the sky for gamma-ray energies between hundreds of GeV and tens of TeV. HAWC is located in Mexico, at a latitude of 19° N, and was completed in 2015 March. Here, we present the 2HWC catalog, which is the result of the first source search performed with the complete HAWC detector. Realized with 507 days of data, it represents the most sensitive TeV survey to date for such a large fraction of the sky. A total of 39 sources were detected, with an expected number of false detections of 0.5 due to background fluctuation. Out of these sources, 19 are new sources that are not associated with previously known TeV sources (association criteria: <0fdg5 away). The source list, including the position measurement, spectrum measurement, and uncertainties, is reported, then each source is briefly discussed. Of the 2HWC associated sources, 10 are reported in TeVCat as PWN or SNR: 2 as blazars and the remaining eight as unidentified.


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We provide the first observational constraints on the sizes of the faintest galaxies lensed by the Hubble Frontier Fields (HFF) clusters. Ionizing radiation from faint galaxies likely drives cosmic reionization, and the HFF initiative provides a key opportunity to find such galaxies. However, we cannot assess their ionizing emissivity without a robust measurement of their sizes, since this is key to quantifying both their prevalence and the faint-end slope to the UV luminosity function. Here we provide the first size constraints with two new techniques. The first utilizes the fact that the detectability of highly magnified galaxies as a function of shear is very dependent on a galaxy's size. Only the most compact galaxies remain detectable in high-shear regions (versus a larger detectable size range for low shear), a phenomenon we quantify using simulations. Remarkably, however, no correlation is found between the surface density of faint galaxies and the predicted shear, using 87 high-magnification ($\mu =10$–100) $z\sim 2$–8 galaxies seen behind the first four HFF clusters. This can only be the case if faint ($\sim -15$ mag) galaxies have significantly smaller sizes than more luminous galaxies, i.e., $\lesssim 30$ mas or 160–240 pc. As a second size probe, we rotate and stack 26 faint high-magnification sources along the major shear axis. Less elongation is found even for objects with an intrinsic half-light radius of 10 mas. Together, these results indicate that extremely faint $z\sim 2$–8 galaxies have near point-source profiles (half-light radii <30 mas and perhaps 5–10 mas). These results suggest smaller completeness corrections and hence shallower faint-end slopes for the $z\sim 2$–8 LFs than derived in some recent studies (by ${\rm{\Delta }}\alpha \gtrsim 0.1$–0.3).


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It has been suggested that the high-energy gamma-ray emission ($\gt 100\,\mathrm{MeV}$) of nearby star-forming galaxies may be produced predominantly by cosmic rays colliding with the interstellar medium through neutral pion decay. The pion decay mechanism predicts a unique spectral signature in the gamma-ray spectrum, characterized by a fast-rising spectrum (in ${E}^{2}F(E)$ representation) and a spectral break below a few hundred MeV. Here, we report evidence of a spectral break, around 500 MeV in the disk emission of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), that was found during an analysis of the gamma-ray data extending down to 60 MeV, observed by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope. The break is consistent with the pion decay model of gamma-ray emission, although leptonic models, such as electron bremsstrahlung emission, cannot be ruled out completely.



Spectroscopy on the globular cluster (GC) system of NGC 5128 revealed bimodality in absorption-line index distributions of its old GCs. GC division is a widely observed and studied phenomenon whose interpretation has depicted host galaxy formation and evolution such that it harbors two distinct metallicity groups. Such a conventional view of GC bimodality has mainly been based on photometry. The recent GC photometric data, however, presented an alternative perspective in which the nonlinear metallicity-to-color transformation is responsible for color bimodality of GC systems. Here we apply the same line of analysis to the spectral indices and examine the absorption-line index versus metallicity relations for the NGC 5128 GC system. NGC 5128 GCs display nonlinearity in the metallicity-index planes, most prominently for the Balmer lines and by a non-negligible degree for the metallicity-sensitive magnesium line. We demonstrate that the observed spectroscopic division of NGC 5128 GCs can be caused by the nonlinear nature of the metallicity-to-index conversions and thus one does not need to resort to two separate GC subgroups. Our analysis incorporating this nonlinearity provides a new perspective on the structure of NGC 5128's GC system, and a further piece to the global picture of the formation of GC systems and their host galaxies.


In this paper, a simple pile-up model is presented. This model calculates the probability $P(n| N)$ of having n counts if N particles collide with a sensor during an exposure time. Through some approximations, an analytic expression depending on only one parameter is obtained. This parameter characterizes the pile-up magnitude, and depends on features of the instrument and the source. The statistical model obtained permits the determination of probability distributions of measured counts from the probability distributions of incoming particles, which is valuable for time series analysis. Applicability limits are discussed, and an example of the improvement that can be achieved in the statistical analysis considering the proposed pile-up model is shown by analyzing real data.


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A long-standing open issue of the paradigm of low-mass star formation is the luminosity problem: most protostars are less luminous than theoretically predicted. One possible solution is that the accretion process is episodic. FU Ori-type stars (FUors) are thought to be the visible examples for objects in the high accretion state. FUors are often surrounded by massive envelopes, which replenish the disk material and enable the disk to produce accretion outbursts. However, we have insufficient information on the envelope dynamics in FUors, about where and how mass transfer from the envelope to the disk happens. Here we present ALMA observations of the FUor-type star V346 Nor at 1.3 mm continuum and in different CO rotational lines. We mapped the density and velocity structure of its envelope and analyze the results using channel maps, position–velocity diagrams, and spectro-astrometric methods. We found that V346 Nor is surrounded by gaseous material on a 10,000 au scale in which a prominent outflow cavity is carved. Within the central ∼700 au, the circumstellar matter forms a flattened pseudo-disk where material is infalling with conserved angular momentum. Within ∼350 au, the velocity profile is more consistent with a disk in Keplerian rotation around a central star of $0.1\,{M}_{\odot }$. We determined an infall rate from the envelope onto the disk of $6\times {10}^{-6}\,{M}_{\odot }$ yr−1, a factor of a few higher than the quiescent accretion rate from the disk onto the star, hinting at a mismatch between the infall and accretion rates as the cause of the eruption.


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We explore the evolution of the internal gas kinematics of star-forming galaxies from the peak of cosmic star formation at $z\sim 2$ to today. Measurements of galaxy rotation velocity Vrot, which quantify ordered motions, and gas velocity dispersion ${\sigma }_{g}$, which quantify disordered motions, are adopted from the DEEP2 and SIGMA surveys. This sample covers a continuous baseline in redshift over $0.1\,\lt \,z\,\lt \,2.5$, spanning 10 Gyr. At low redshift, nearly all sufficiently massive star-forming galaxies are rotationally supported (${V}_{\mathrm{rot}}\gt {\sigma }_{g}$). By z = 2, 50% and 70% of galaxies are rotationally supported at low (${10}^{9}\mbox{--}{10}^{10}\,{M}_{\odot }$) and high (${10}^{10}\mbox{--}{10}^{11}\,{M}_{\odot }$) stellar mass, respectively. For ${V}_{\mathrm{rot}}\,\gt \,3\,{\sigma }_{g}$, the percentage drops below 35% for all masses. From z = 2 to now, galaxies exhibit remarkably smooth kinematic evolution on average. All galaxies tend toward rotational support with time, and higher-mass systems reach it earlier. This is largely due to a mass-independent decline in ${\sigma }_{g}$ by a factor of 3 since z = 2. Over the same time period, Vrot increases by a factor of 1.5 in low-mass systems but does not evolve at high mass. These trends in Vrot and ${\sigma }_{g}$ are at a fixed stellar mass and therefore should not be interpreted as evolutionary tracks for galaxy populations. When populations are linked in time via abundance matching, ${\sigma }_{g}$ declines as before and Vrot strongly increases with time for all galaxy populations, enhancing the evolution in ${V}_{\mathrm{rot}}/{\sigma }_{g}$. These results indicate that $z=2$ is a period of disk assembly, during which strong rotational support is only just beginning to emerge.


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We investigate angular momentum acquisition in Milky Way-sized galaxies by comparing five high resolution zoom-in simulations, each implementing identical cosmological initial conditions but utilizing different hydrodynamic codes: Enzo, Art, Ramses, Arepo, and Gizmo-PSPH. Each code implements a distinct set of feedback and star formation prescriptions. We find that while many galaxy and halo properties vary between the different codes (and feedback prescriptions), there is qualitative agreement on the process of angular momentum acquisition in the galaxy's halo. In all simulations, cold filamentary gas accretion to the halo results in ∼4 times more specific angular momentum in cold halo gas (λcold ≳ 0.1) than in the dark matter halo. At z > 1, this inflow takes the form of inspiraling cold streams that are co-directional in the halo of the galaxy and are fueled, aligned, and kinematically connected to filamentary gas infall along the cosmic web. Due to the qualitative agreement among disparate simulations, we conclude that the buildup of high angular momentum halo gas and the presence of these inspiraling cold streams are robust predictions of Lambda Cold Dark Matter galaxy formation, though the detailed morphology of these streams is significantly less certain. A growing body of observational evidence suggests that this process is borne out in the real universe.


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The Local Arm of the Milky Way, a short spiral feature near the Sun whose existence has been known for decades, was recently observed in detail with different tracers. Many efforts have been dedicated to elaborate plausible hypotheses concerning the origin of the main spiral arms of the Galaxy; however, up to now, no specific mechanism for the origin of the Local Arm has been proposed. Here we explain, for the first time, the Local Arm as an outcome of the spiral corotation resonance, which traps arm tracers and the Sun inside it. We show that the majority of maser sources belonging to the Local Arm, together with the Sun, evolve inside the corotation resonance, never crossing the main spiral arms but instead oscillating in the region between them. This peculiar behavior of the Sun could have numerous consequences for our understanding of the local kinematics of stars, the Galactic Habitable Zone, and the solar system evolution.


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We analytically derive the expressions for the structure of the inner region of protoplanetary disks based on the results from the recent hydrodynamical simulations. The inner part of a disk can be divided into four regions: a dust-free region with a gas temperature in the optically thin limit, an optically thin dust halo, an optically thick condensation front, and the classical, optically thick region, in order from the innermost to the outermost. We derive the dust-to-gas mass ratio profile in the dust halo using the fact that partial dust condensation regulates the temperature relative to the dust evaporation temperature. Beyond the dust halo, there is an optically thick condensation front where all the available silicate gas condenses out. The curvature of the condensation surface is determined by the condition that the surface temperature must be nearly equal to the characteristic temperature ∼1200 K. We derive the midplane temperature in the outer two regions using the two-layer approximation, with the additional heating by the condensation front for the outermost region. As a result, the overall temperature profile is step-like, with steep gradients at the borders between the outer three regions. The borders might act as planet traps where the inward migration of planets due to gravitational interaction with the gas disk stops. The temperature at the border between the two outermost regions coincides with the temperature needed to activate magnetorotational instability, suggesting that the inner edge of the dead zone must lie at this border. The radius of the dead zone inner edge predicted from our solution is ∼2–3 times larger than that expected from the classical optically thick temperature.


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This study investigated the properties of the molecular gas content and star formation activity of 17 Virgo spirals, 21 Ursa Major (UMa) spirals, 13 Pisces spiral galaxies, and a comparison sample of 11 field spiral galaxies with a spatially resolved gas and stellar distribution. The H i-deficient galaxies with a defH i > 0.4 have a similar range of CO luminosity normalized by the K-band luminosity (LCO/LK) like the field spirals, although their CO content can be smaller by up to a factor of 2. The CO, H i, and stellar disk diameters are closely related to each other for both cluster and field galaxies, and the relative diameters of the CO and H i disks grow monotonically and smoothly as the H i-to-stellar disk diameter ratio decreases. Cluster galaxies have a molecular gas consumption time up to 10 times shorter than that of the field comparison sample, suggesting a significant change in the molecular gas content and star formation activity among all the cluster galaxies, even when they do not show any sign of H i stripping. The strongly H i-stripped Virgo cluster galaxies show only a modestly reduced total gas consumption time, indicating that the star formation activity and gas consumption are a highly local (rather than global) phenomenon. Our finding is that the depletion of cold gas by ram-pressure stripping and/or starvation caused by preprocessing in each cluster environment makes galaxies evolve passively.


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We present a SOFIA FORCAST grism spectroscopic survey to examine the mineralogy of the circumstellar dust in a sample of post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) yellow supergiants that are believed to be the precursors of planetary nebulae. Our mineralogical model of each star indicates the presence of both carbon-rich and oxygen-rich dust species—contrary to simple dredge-up models—with a majority of the dust in the form of amorphous carbon and graphite. The oxygen-rich dust is primarily in the form of amorphous silicates. The spectra do not exhibit any prominent crystalline silicate emission features. For most of the systems, our analysis suggests that the grains are relatively large and have undergone significant processing, supporting the hypothesis that the dust is confined to a Keplerian disk and that we are viewing the heavily processed, central regions of the disk from a nearly face-on orientation. These results help to determine the physical properties of the post-AGB circumstellar environment and to constrain models of post-AGB mass loss and planetary nebula formation.


We carry out high-resolution calculations of the solar overshoot region with unprecedentedly realistic parameters, especially the small energy flux compared with $\rho {c}_{{\rm{s}}}^{3}$, where ρ and cs are density and speed of sound. Our main purpose is to investigate the behavior of the overshoot and the small-scale dynamo with parameters as close as possible to those of the Sun. Our calculations show that the bottom part of the convection zone (CZ) becomes subadiabatic, which efficiently suppresses downflows. As a result, we see a steep transition from the CZ to the radiative zone, whose width is estimated to be 0.4% of the local pressure scale height. This result is consistent with a semianalytic convection/overshoot model. We also find that the small-scale dynamo becomes efficient with a smaller energy flux. The sudden suppression of the downflows around the base of the CZ increases the efficiency of the small-scale dynamo.


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We use three different techniques to identify hundreds of white dwarf (WD) candidates in the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS) based on photometry from the NGVS and GUViCS, and proper motions derived from the NGVS and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Photometric distances for these candidates are calculated using theoretical color–absolute magnitude relations, while effective temperatures are measured by fitting their spectral energy distributions. Disk and halo WD candidates are separated using a tangential velocity cut of 200 km s−1 in a reduced proper motion diagram, which leads to a sample of six halo WD candidates. Cooling ages, calculated for an assumed WD mass of 0.6M, range between 60 Myr and 6 Gyr, although these estimates depend sensitively on the adopted mass. Luminosity functions for the disk and halo subsamples are constructed and compared to previous results from the SDSS and SuperCOSMOS survey. We compute a number density of (2.81 ± 0.52) × 10−3 pc−3 for the disk WD population—consistent with previous measurements. We find (7.85 ± 4.55) × 10−6 pc−3 for the halo, or 0.3% of the disk. Observed stellar counts are also compared to predictions made by the TRILEGAL and Besançon stellar population synthesis models. The comparison suggests that the TRILEGAL model overpredicts the total number of WDs. The WD counts predicted by the Besançon model agree with the observations, although a discrepancy arises when comparing the predicted and observed halo WD populations; the difference is likely due to the WD masses in the adopted model halo.


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We present new Effelsberg 100-m, Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and Very Large Array observations of rotational SiS transitions in the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of IRC +10216. Thanks to the high angular resolution achieved by the ATCA observations, we unambiguously confirm that the molecule's $J=1\to 0$ transition exhibits maser action in this CSE, as first suggested more than 30 years ago. The maser emission's radial velocity, peaking at a local standard of rest velocity of −39.862 ± 0.065 km s−1, indicates that it arises from an almost fully accelerated shell. Monitoring observations show time variability of the SiS ($1\to 0$) maser. The two lowest-J SiS quasi-thermal emission lines trace a much more extended emitting region than previous high-J SiS observations. Their distributions show that the SiS quasi-thermal emission consists of two components: one is very compact ($\mathrm{radius}\lt 1\buildrel{\prime\prime}\over{.} 5$, corresponding to $\lt 3\times {10}^{15}$ cm), and the other extends out to a radius >11''. An incomplete shell-like structure is found in the northeast, which is indicative of existing SiS shells. Clumpy structures are also revealed in this CSE. The gain of the SiS ($1\to 0$) maser (optical depths of about −5 at the blueshifted side and, assuming inversion throughout the entire line's velocity range, about −2 at the redshifted side) suggests that it is unsaturated. The SiS ($1\to 0$) maser can be explained in terms of ro-vibrational excitation caused by infrared pumping, and we propose that infrared continuum emission is the main pumping source.


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Though there has been a significant amount of work investigating the early stages of low-mass star formation in recent years, the evolution of the mass assembly rate onto the central protostar remains largely unconstrained. Examining in depth the variation in this rate is critical to understanding the physics of star formation. Instabilities in the outer and inner circumstellar disk can lead to episodic outbursts. Observing these brightness variations at infrared or submillimeter wavelengths constrains the current accretion models. The JCMT Transient Survey is a three-year project dedicated to studying the continuum variability of deeply embedded protostars in eight nearby star-forming regions at a one-month cadence. We use the SCUBA-2 instrument to simultaneously observe these regions at wavelengths of 450 and 850 μm. In this paper, we present the data reduction techniques, image alignment procedures, and relative flux calibration methods for 850 μm data. We compare the properties and locations of bright, compact emission sources fitted with Gaussians over time. Doing so, we achieve a spatial alignment of better than 1'' between the repeated observations and an uncertainty of 2%–3% in the relative peak brightness of significant, localized emission. This combination of imaging performance is unprecedented in ground-based, single-dish submillimeter observations. Finally, we identify a few sources that show possible and confirmed brightness variations. These sources will be closely monitored and presented in further detail in additional studies throughout the duration of the survey.


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Galazutdinov et al. (2017) recently claimed that the relative strengths of the 9577 and 9632 Å diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are too poorly correlated to be caused by a single source, the ${{\rm{C}}}_{60}^{+}$ ion. Their conclusion is based on theoretical modeling of contaminating stellar Mg ii lines at 9631.9 and 9632.4 Å and UVES spectra. This contradicts their earlier result and those of several others that the two DIBs are closely correlated and, within the errors and effects of stellar blends, exhibit an intensity ratio consistent with that found in the 6 K laboratory spectrum of ${{\rm{C}}}_{60}^{+}$. We consider the use of close spectral standards to be superior to model atmosphere calculations in correcting for contamination by the Mg ii lines. We have examined some of the same UVES spectra and demonstrate that a lack of suitably observed telluric standards makes it impossible to adequately correct for telluric water vapor contamination, leading to unreliable continuum levels. The possible effects of higher temperatures, in the 30–100 K range, on the ${{\rm{C}}}_{60}^{+}$ electronic absorption band profiles, and their relative intensities, are also considered.


We present a kinetic model of the formation of silicon carbide (SiC) in the expanding and cooling outflows of Type II supernova ejecta. We assume an ejecta cloud composed of a mixture of Si, C, and O in the gas phase, with the initial temperature, density, and composition as tunable parameters. The condensation of diatomic SiC into (SiC)2 molecules provides the abundance of nucleation sites for the eventual condensation of larger SiC solids and dust grains. We find that the abundance of these nucleation sites, formed after the first 1700 days after the explosion, is strongly governed by the C/Si ratio, the density of the gas, and the rate of cooling in the ejecta.



Near-Eddington radiation from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) has significant dynamical influence on the surrounding dusty gas, plausibly furnishing AGNs with geometrically thick obscuration. We investigate this paradigm with radiative magnetohydrodynamics simulations. The simulations solve the magnetohydrodynamics equations simultaneously with the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiative transfer (RT) equations; no approximate closure is used for RT. We find that our torus, when given a suitable sub-Keplerian angular momentum profile, spontaneously evolves toward a state in which its opening angle, density distribution, and flow pattern change only slowly. This "steady" state lasts for as long as there is gas resupply toward the inner edge. The torus is best described as a midplane inflow and a high-latitude outflow. The outflow is launched from the torus inner edge by UV radiation and expands in solid angle as it ascends; IR radiation continues to drive the wide-angle outflow outside the central hole. The dusty outflow obscures the central source in soft X-rays, the IR, and the UV over three-quarters of solid angle, and each decade in column density covers roughly equal solid angle around the central source; these obscuration properties are similar to what observations imply.


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We report the discovery of a binary composed of two brown dwarfs, based on the analysis of the microlensing event OGLE-2016-BLG-1469. Thanks to the detection of both finite-source and microlens-parallax effects, we are able to measure both the masses ${M}_{1}\sim 0.05\ {M}_{\odot }$ and ${M}_{2}\sim 0.01\ {M}_{\odot }$, and the distance ${D}_{{\rm{L}}}\sim 4.5\,\mathrm{kpc}$, as well as the projected separation ${a}_{\perp }\sim 0.33$ au. This is the third brown-dwarf binary detected using the microlensing method, demonstrating the usefulness of microlensing in detecting field brown-dwarf binaries with separations of less than 1 au.


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We used archival International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) high-dispersion, short wavelength spectra data to search for evidence of the spectra of hot subdwarf companions of six rapidly rotating Be stars in binary systems. We searched for the signature of a hot companion through an analysis of the cross-correlation functions (CCFs) of observed and model spectra that were separated into primary and secondary components using a Doppler tomography algorithm and adopted spectroscopic orbital solutions. A positive detection of the flux from a hot companion was made for the reconstructed secondary CCF of just one target, 60 Cygni (B1 Ve). We estimate that the companion of the Be star in 60 Cygni has ${T}_{\mathrm{eff}}=42\pm 4$ kK, mass ratio ${M}_{2}/{M}_{1}=0.15\pm 0.02$, and monochromatic flux ratio ${f}_{2}/{f}_{1}=0.034\pm 0.002$ in the spectral region near 1525 Å. If the companions of the other target Be stars are also hot, then they must be faint and contribute less than $\approx 1 \% $ of the UV flux (<0.6% in the case of γ Cas). We also discuss a shell episode of Pleione (28 Tau) recorded in the IUE spectran in an appendix.


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We analyzed the 2.6 mm CO and 21 cm H i lines toward the Magellanic superbubble 30 Doradus C, in order to reveal the associated molecular and atomic gas. We uncovered five molecular clouds in a velocity range from 251 to 276 km s−1 toward the western shell. The non-thermal X-rays are clearly enhanced around the molecular clouds on a parsec scale, suggesting possible evidence for magnetic field amplification via shock–cloud interaction. The thermal X-rays are brighter in the eastern shell, where there are no dense molecular or atomic clouds, opposite to the western shell. The TeV γ-ray distribution may spatially match the total interstellar proton column density as well as the non-thermal X-rays. If the hadronic γ-ray is dominant, the total energy of the cosmic-ray protons is at least $\sim 1.2\times {10}^{50}$ erg with the estimated mean interstellar proton density ∼60 cm−3. In addition, the γ-ray flux associated with the molecular cloud (e.g., MC3) could be detected and resolved by the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). This should permit CTA to probe the diffusion of cosmic-rays into the associated dense ISM.


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The "disk of satellites" (DoS) around the Milky Way is a highly debated topic with conflicting interpretations of observations and their theoretical models. We perform a comprehensive analysis of all of the dwarfs detected in the Milky Way and find that the DoS structure depends strongly on the plane identification method and the sample size. In particular, we demonstrate that a small sample size can artificially produce a highly anisotropic spatial distribution and a strong clustering of the angular momentum of the satellites. Moreover, we calculate the evolution of the 11 classical satellites with proper motion measurements and find that the thin DoS in which they currently reside is transient. Furthermore, we analyze two cosmological simulations using the same initial conditions of a Milky-Way-sized galaxy, an N-body run with dark matter only, and a hydrodynamic one with both baryonic and dark matter, and find that the hydrodynamic simulation produces a more anisotropic distribution of satellites than the N-body one. Our results suggest that an anisotropic distribution of satellites in galaxies can originate from baryonic processes in the hierarchical structure formation model, but the claimed highly flattened, coherently rotating DoS of the Milky Way may be biased by the small-number selection effect. These findings may help resolve the contradictory claims of DoS in galaxies and the discrepancy among numerical simulations.


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We present an overview of the first data release (DR1) and first-look science from the Green Bank Ammonia Survey (GAS). GAS is a Large Program at the Green Bank Telescope to map all Gould Belt star-forming regions with ${A}_{{\rm{V}}}\gtrsim 7$ mag visible from the northern hemisphere in emission from NH3 and other key molecular tracers. This first release includes the data for four regions in the Gould Belt clouds: B18 in Taurus, NGC 1333 in Perseus, L1688 in Ophiuchus, and Orion A North in Orion. We compare the NH3 emission to dust continuum emission from Herschel and find that the two tracers correspond closely. We find that NH3 is present in over 60% of the lines of sight with ${A}_{{\rm{V}}}\gtrsim 7$ mag in three of the four DR1 regions, in agreement with expectations from previous observations. The sole exception is B18, where NH3 is detected toward ∼40% of the lines of sight with ${A}_{{\rm{V}}}\gtrsim 7$ mag. Moreover, we find that the NH3 emission is generally extended beyond the typical 0.1 pc length scales of dense cores. We produce maps of the gas kinematics, temperature, and NH3 column densities through forward modeling of the hyperfine structure of the NH3 (1, 1) and (2, 2) lines. We show that the NH3 velocity dispersion, ${\sigma }_{v}$, and gas kinetic temperature, TK, vary systematically between the regions included in this release, with an increase in both the mean value and the spread of ${\sigma }_{v}$ and TK with increasing star formation activity. The data presented in this paper are publicly available (



Due to the quick evolution of the solar chromosphere, its magnetic field cannot be inferred reliably without accounting for the temporal variations of its polarized light. This has been broadly overlooked in the modeling and interpretation of the polarization, due to technical problems (e.g., lack of temporal resolution or of time-dependent MHD solar models) and/or because many polarization measurements can apparently be explained without dynamics. Here, we show that the temporal evolution is critical for explaining the spectral-line scattering polarization because of its sensitivity to rapidly varying physical quantities and the possibility of signal cancellations and attenuation during extended time integration. For studying the combined effect of time-varying magnetic fields and kinematics, we solved the 1.5D non-LTE problem of the second kind in time-dependent 3D R-MHD solar models and synthesized the Hanle and Zeeman polarization in forward scattering for the chromospheric λ4227 line. We find that the quiet-Sun polarization amplitudes depend on the periodicity and spectral coherence of the signal enhancements produced by kinematics, but that substantially larger linear polarization signals should exist all over the solar disk for short integration times. The spectral morphology of the polarization is discussed as a combination of Hanle, Zeeman, partial redistribution and dynamic effects. We give physical references for observations by degrading and characterizing our slit time series in different spatiotemporal resolutions. The implications of our results for the interpretation of the second solar spectrum and for the investigation of the solar atmospheric heatings are discussed.


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We put constraints on dark energy (DE) properties using PADE parameterization, and compare it to the same constraints using Chevalier–Polarski–Linder (CPL) and ΛCDM, at both the background and the perturbation levels. The DE equation of the state parameter of the models is derived following the mathematical treatment of PADE expansion. Unlike CPL parameterization, PADE approximation provides different forms of the equation of state parameter that avoid the divergence in the far future. Initially we perform a likelihood analysis in order to put constraints on the model parameters using solely background expansion data, and we find that all parameterizations are consistent with each other. Then, combining the expansion and the growth rate data, we test the viability of PADE parameterizations and compare them with CPL and ΛCDM models, respectively. Specifically, we find that the growth rate of the current PADE parameterizations is lower than ΛCDM model at low redshifts, while the differences among the models are negligible at high redshifts. In this context, we provide for the first time a growth index of linear matter perturbations in PADE cosmologies. Considering that DE is homogeneous, we recover the well-known asymptotic value of the growth index (namely ${\gamma }_{\infty }=\tfrac{3({w}_{\infty }-1)}{6{w}_{\infty }-5}$), while in the case of clustered DE, we obtain ${\gamma }_{\infty }\simeq \tfrac{3{w}_{\infty }(3{w}_{\infty }-5)}{(6{w}_{\infty }-5)(3{w}_{\infty }-1)}$. Finally, we generalize the growth index analysis in the case where γ is allowed to vary with redshift, and we find that the form of $\gamma (z)$ in PADE parameterization extends that of the CPL and ΛCDM cosmologies, respectively.


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We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of multiple populations along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) of the intermediate-metallicity globular clusters (GCs) NGC 2808 and NGC 6121 (M4). Chemical abundances of O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Y, and Ce in AGB stars from high-resolution FLAMES+UVES@VLT spectra are reported for both clusters. Our spectroscopic results have been combined with multiwavelength photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope UV survey of Galactic GCs and ground-based photometry, as well as proper motions derived by combining stellar positions from ground-based images and Gaia DR1. Our analysis reveals that the AGBs of both clusters host multiple populations with different chemical compositions. In M4, we have identified two main populations of stars with different Na/O content lying on distinct AGBs in the ${m}_{{\rm{F}}438{\rm{W}}}$ versus ${C}_{{\rm{F}}275{\rm{W}},{\rm{F}}336{\rm{W}},{\rm{F}}438{\rm{W}}}$ and the V versus ${C}_{{\rm{U}},{\rm{B}},{\rm{I}}}$ pseudo-color–magnitude diagrams. In the more massive and complex GC NGC 2808, three groups of stars with different chemical abundances occupy different locations on the so-called "chromosome map" photometric diagram constructed for AGB stars. The spectroscopic + photometric comparison of stellar populations along the AGB and the red giants of this GC suggests that the AGB hosts stellar populations with a range in helium abundances from primordial to high contents of $Y\sim 0.32$. By contrast, from our data set, there is no evidence for stars with extreme helium abundance ($Y\sim 0.38$) on the AGB, suggesting that the most He-rich stars of NGC 2808 do not reach this phase.


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The X-class solar flare of 2012 October 23 generated continuum photospheric emission and a strong helioseismic wave ("sunquake") that points to an intensive energy release in the dense part of the solar atmosphere. We study properties of the energy release with high temporal and spatial resolutions, using photospheric data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board Solar Dynamics Observatory, and hard X-ray observations made by RHESSI. For this analysis we use level-1 HMI data (filtergrams), obtained by scanning the Fe i line (6731 Å) with the time cadence of ∼3.6 s and spatial resolution of ∼0farcs5 per pixel. It is found that the photospheric disturbances caused by the flare spatially coincide with the region of hard X-ray emission but are delayed by ≲4 s. This delay is consistent with predictions of the flare hydrodynamics RADYN models. However, the models fail to explain the magnitude of variations observed by the HMI. The data indicate that the photospheric impact and helioseismic wave might be caused by the electron energy flux, which is substantially higher than that in the current flare radiative hydrodynamic models.


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We use three-dimensional radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations to study the effects of magnetic fields on the energy transport and structure of radiation pressure–dominated main sequence massive star envelopes at the region of the iron opacity peak. We focus on the regime where the local thermal timescale is shorter than the dynamical timescale, corresponding to inefficient convective energy transport. We begin with initially weak magnetic fields relative to the thermal pressure, from 100 to 1000 G in differing geometries. The unstable density inversion amplifies the magnetic field, increasing the magnetic energy density to values close to equipartition with the turbulent kinetic energy density. By providing pressure support, the magnetic field's presence significantly increases the density fluctuations in the turbulent envelope, thereby enhancing the radiative energy transport by allowing photons to diffuse out through low-density regions. Magnetic buoyancy brings small-scale magnetic fields to the photosphere and increases the vertical energy transport, with the energy advection velocity proportional to the Alfvén velocity, although in all cases we study, photon diffusion still dominates the energy transport. The increased radiative and advective energy transport causes the stellar envelope to shrink by several scale heights. We also find larger turbulent velocity fluctuations compared with the purely hydrodynamic case, reaching $\approx 100\,{{\rm{km}}{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ at the stellar photosphere. The photosphere also shows vertical oscillations with similar averaged velocities and periods of a few hours. The increased turbulent velocity and oscillations will have strong impacts on the line broadening and periodic signals in massive stars.


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The Be X-ray pulsar SMC X-3 underwent a giant outburst from 2016 August to 2017 March, which was monitored with the Swift satellite. During the outburst, its broadband flux increased dramatically, and the unabsorbed X-ray luminosity reached an extreme value of $\sim {10}^{39}$ erg s−1 around August 24. Using the Swift/XRT data, we measured the observed pulse frequency of the neutron star to compute the orbital parameters of the binary system. After applying the orbital corrections to Swift observations, we found that the spin frequency increased steadily from 128.02 mHz on August 10 and approached the spin equilibrium of ∼128.74 mHz in 2017 January with an unabsorbed luminosity of ${L}_{{\rm{X}}}\sim 2\times {10}^{37}$ erg s−1, indicating a strong dipolar magnetic field of $B\sim 6.8\times {10}^{12}$ G at the neutron star surface. The spin-up rate is tightly correlated with its X-ray luminosity during the super-Eddington outburst. The pulse profile in the Swift/XRT data is variable, showing double peaks at the early stage of outburst and then merging into a single peak at low luminosity. Additionally, we report that a low-temperature (${kT}\sim 0.2$ keV) thermal component emerges in the phase-averaged spectra as the flux decays, and it may be produced from the outer truncated disk or the boundary layer between the exterior flow and the magnetosphere.


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We present first results of a novel technique that provides, for the first time, constraints on the energy input flux at the coronal base (r ∼ 1.025 R) of the quiet Sun at a global scale. By combining differential emission measure tomography of EUV images, with global models of the coronal magnetic field, we estimate the energy input flux at the coronal base that is required to maintain thermodynamically stable structures. The technique is described in detail and first applied to data provided by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager instrument, on board the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory mission, and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly instrument, on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory mission, for two solar rotations with different levels of activity. Our analysis indicates that the typical energy input flux at the coronal base of magnetic loops in the quiet Sun is in the range ∼0.5–2.0 × 105 (erg s−1 cm−2), depending on the structure size and level of activity. A large fraction of this energy input, or even its totality, could be accounted for by Alfvén waves, as shown by recent independent observational estimates derived from determinations of the non-thermal broadening of spectral lines in the coronal base of quiet-Sun regions. This new tomography product will be useful for the validation of coronal heating models in magnetohydrodinamic simulations of the global corona.


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At $z=1\mbox{--}3$, the formation of new stars is dominated by dusty galaxies whose far-IR emission indicates they contain colder dust than local galaxies of a similar luminosity. We explore the reasons for the evolving IR emission of similar galaxies over cosmic time using (1) local galaxies from GOALS (${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}={10}^{11}\mbox{--}{10}^{12}\,{L}_{\odot }$), (2) galaxies at $z\sim 0.1\mbox{--}0.5$ from 5MUSES (${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}={10}^{10}\mbox{--}{10}^{12}\,{L}_{\odot }$), and (3) IR luminous galaxies spanning $z=0.5\mbox{--}3$ from GOODS and Spitzer xFLS (${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}\gt {10}^{11}\,{L}_{\odot }$). All samples have Spitzer mid-IR spectra, and Herschel and ground-based submillimeter imaging covering the full IR spectral energy distribution, allowing us to robustly measure ${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}^{\mathrm{SF}}$, ${T}_{\mathrm{dust}}$, and ${M}_{\mathrm{dust}}$ for every galaxy. Despite similar infrared luminosities, $z\gt 0.5$ dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFG) have a factor of 5 higher dust masses and 5 K colder temperatures. The increase in dust mass is linked to an increase in the gas fractions with redshift, and we do not observe a similar increase in stellar mass or star formation efficiency. ${L}_{160}^{\mathrm{SF}}/{L}_{70}^{\mathrm{SF}}$, a proxy for ${T}_{\mathrm{dust}}$, is strongly correlated with ${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}^{\mathrm{SF}}/{M}_{\mathrm{dust}}$ independently of redshift. We measure merger classification and galaxy size for a subsample, and there is no obvious correlation between these parameters and ${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}^{\mathrm{SF}}/{M}_{\mathrm{dust}}$ or ${L}_{160}^{\mathrm{SF}}/{L}_{70}^{\mathrm{SF}}$. In DSFG, the change in ${L}_{\mathrm{IR}}^{\mathrm{SF}}/{M}_{\mathrm{dust}}$ can fully account for the observed colder dust temperatures, suggesting that any change in the spatial extent of the interstellar medium is a second-order effect.


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Successive releases of Planck data have demonstrated the strength of the Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effect in detecting hot baryons out to the galaxy cluster peripheries. To infer the hot gas pressure structure from nearby galaxy clusters to more distant objects, we developed a parametric method that models the spectral energy distribution and spatial anisotropies of both the Galactic thermal dust (GTD) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which are combined with the cluster SZ and dust signals. Taking advantage of the best angular resolution of the High Frequency Instrument channels (5 arcmin) and using X-ray priors in the innermost cluster regions that are not resolved with Planck, this modeling allowed us to analyze a sample of 61 nearby members of the Planck Catalogue of SZ sources ($0\lt z\lt 0.5$, $\tilde{z}=0.15$) using the full mission data, as well as to examine a distant sample of 23 clusters ($0.5\lt z\lt 1$, $\tilde{z}=0.56$) that have been recently followed-up with XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. We find that (i) the average shape of the mass-scaled pressure profiles agrees with results obtained by the Planck Collaboration in the nearby cluster sample, and that (ii) no sign of evolution is discernible between averaged pressure profiles of the low- and high-redshift cluster samples. In line with theoretical predictions for these halo masses and redshift ranges, the dispersion of individual profiles relative to a self-similar shape stays well below 10% inside r500 but increases in the cluster outskirts.


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We have measured the probability distribution function (PDF) of a cosmic matter density field from a suite of N-body simulations. We propose the generalized normal distribution of version 2 (${{ \mathcal N }}_{{\rm{v}}2}$) as an alternative fitting formula to the well-known log-normal distribution. We find that ${{ \mathcal N }}_{{\rm{v}}2}$ provides a significantly better fit than that of the log-normal distribution for all smoothing radii (2, 5, 10, 25 [Mpc h−1]) that we studied. The improvement is substantial in the underdense regions. The development of non-Gaussianities in the cosmic matter density field is captured by continuous evolution of the skewness and shift parameters of the ${{ \mathcal N }}_{{\rm{v}}2}$ distribution. We present the redshift evolution of these parameters for aforementioned smoothing radii and various background cosmology models. All the PDFs measured from large and high-resolution N-body simulations that we use in this study can be obtained from the web site


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We present parameter distributions and fundamental scaling relations for 190 Virgo cluster galaxies in the SHIVir survey. The distribution of galaxy velocities is bimodal about Vcirc ∼ 125 km s−1, hinting at the existence of dynamically unstable modes in the inner regions of galaxies. An analysis of the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) of late-type galaxies (LTGs) and the fundamental plane (FP) of early-type galaxies (ETGs) is presented, yielding a compendium of galaxy scaling relations. The slope and zero-point of the Virgo TFR match those of field galaxies, while scatter differences likely reflect distinct evolutionary histories. The velocities minimizing scatter for the TFR and FP are measured at large apertures where the baryonic fraction becomes subdominant. While TFR residuals remain independent of any galaxy parameters, FP residuals (i.e., the FP "tilt") correlate strongly with the dynamical-to-stellar mass ratio, yielding stringent galaxy formation constraints. We construct a stellar-to-total mass relation (STMR) for ETGs and LTGs and find linear but distinct trends over the range M* = 108–11M. Stellar-to-halo mass relations (SHMRs), which probe the extended dark matter halo, can be scaled down to masses estimated within the optical radius, showing a tight match with the Virgo STMR at low masses; possibly inadequate halo abundance matching prescriptions and broad radial scalings complicate this comparison at all masses. While ETGs appear to be more compact than LTGs of the same stellar mass in projected space, their mass-size relations in physical space are identical. The trends reported here may soon be validated through well-resolved numerical simulations.



We have analyzed the theoretical model envelopes of eight Kepler F-stars by computing the phase shift of the acoustic waves, $\alpha (\omega )$, and its related function, $\beta (\omega )$. The latter is shown to be a powerful probe of the external stellar layers since it is particularly sensitive to the partial ionization zones located in these upper layers. We found that these theoretical envelopes can be organized into two groups, each of which is characterized by a distinct $\beta (\omega )$ shape that we show to reflect the differences related to the magnitudes of ionization processes. Since $\beta (\omega )$ can also be determined from the experimental frequencies, we compared our theoretical results with the observable $\beta (\omega )$. Using the function $\beta (\omega )$, and with the purpose of quantifying the magnitude of the ionization processes occurring in the outer layers of these stars, we define two indexes, ${\rm{\Delta }}{\beta }_{1}$ and ${\rm{\Delta }}{\beta }_{2}$. These indexes allow us to connect the microphysics of the interior of the star with macroscopic observable characteristics. Motivated by the distinct magnetic activity behaviors of F-stars, we studied the relation between the star's rotation period and these indexes. We found a trend, in the form of a power-law dependence, that favors the idea that ionization is acting as an underlying mechanism, which is crucial for understanding the relation between rotation and magnetism and even observational features such as the Kraft break.


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We derive and compare the fractions of cool-core clusters in the Planck Early Sunyaev–Zel'dovich sample of 164 clusters with $z\leqslant 0.35$ and in a flux-limited X-ray sample of 100 clusters with $z\leqslant 0.30$, using Chandra observations. We use four metrics to identify cool-core clusters: (1) the concentration parameter, which is the ratio of the integrated emissivity profile within 0.15 r500 to that within r500; (2) the ratio of the integrated emissivity profile within 40 kpc to that within 400 kpc; (3) the cuspiness of the gas density profile, which is the negative of the logarithmic derivative of the gas density with respect to the radius, measured at 0.04 r500; and (4) the central gas density, measured at 0.01 r500. We find that the sample of X-ray-selected clusters, as characterized by each of these metrics, contains a significantly larger fraction of cool-core clusters compared to the sample of SZ-selected clusters (44% ± 7% versus 28% ± 4% using the concentration parameter in the 0.15–1.0 r500 range, 61% ± 8% versus 36% ± 5% using the concentration parameter in the 40–400 kpc range, 64% ± 8% versus 38% ± 5% using the cuspiness, and 53% ± 7% versus 39 ± 5% using the central gas density). Qualitatively, cool-core clusters are more X-ray luminous at fixed mass. Hence, our X-ray, flux-limited sample, compared to the approximately mass-limited SZ sample, is overrepresented with cool-core clusters. We describe a simple quantitative model that uses the excess luminosity of cool-core clusters compared to non-cool-core clusters at fixed mass to successfully predict the observed fraction of cool-core clusters in X-ray-selected samples.