The Role of Dust, UV Luminosity and Large-scale Environment on the Escape of Lyα Photons: A Case Study of a Protocluster Field at z = 3.1

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Published 2021 October 26 © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Yun Huang et al 2021 ApJ 921 4 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ac1acc

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We present a detailed characterization of the Lyα properties for 93 Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z ∼ 3.1 selected from the D1 field of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, including 24 members of a massive protocluster. The median-stacked Lyα image shows an extended Lyα halo (LAH) surrounding the galaxy with the exponential scale length 4.9 ± 0.7 kpc, which accounts for roughly half of the total line flux. Accounting for the LAH contribution, the total Lyα escape fraction, fesc, is 40% ± 26%. Combining the data set with existing measurements, we find a dependence of fesc on the galaxy's UV slope (β) and UV luminosity (LUV). The simultaneous use of both parameters allows prediction of fesc within 0.18 dex, a substantial improvement over 0.23 dex when only β is used. The correlation between fesc and E(BV) suggests that Lyα photons undergo interstellar dust attenuation in a similar manner to continuum photons. Yet, Lyα transmission is typically higher than that expected for continuum photons at a similar wavelength by a factor, which depends on UV luminosity, up to 2 in the samples we studied. These results hint at complex geometries and physical conditions of the interstellar medium, which affect the Lyα transmission or production. Alternatively, the dust law may change with luminosity leading to an over- or underestimation of fesc. Finally, we report that protocluster LAEs tend to be bluer and more UV luminous than their field cousins, resulting in systematically higher fesc values. We speculate that it may be due to the widespread formation of young low-mass galaxies in dense gas-rich environments.

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1. Introduction

Lyα emission plays a central and multifaceted role in our understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies in the distant universe. Existing studies show that galaxies identified via their strong Lyα emission (Lyα emitters or LAEs, hereafter; see the review by Ouchi et al. 2020) tend to be blue, UV faint, and low-mass galaxies (Gawiser et al. 2006; Finkelstein et al. 2007; Guaita et al. 2011), representing a population of galaxies that not only drives the cosmic star formation rate density at z ≳ 2 (Reddy & Steidel 2009), but also comprises the primary building blocks of typical present-day galaxies such as our own Milky Way (e.g., Gawiser et al. 2007).

As a resonant line, the properties of Lyα emission, such as the escape fraction and the spectral shape, offer vital clues to the spatial and kinematic structures of the neutral gas and dust in the interstellar and circumgalactic media (ISM and CGM, respectively; e.g., Dijkstra & Kramer 2012; Verhamme et al. 2012; Rivera-Thorsen et al. 2015). Studies found that the escape of Lyα photons strongly and positively correlates with the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons in low-redshift analogs (e.g., Verhamme et al. 2017; Gazagnes et al. 2020) and in high-redshift galaxies (e.g., Steidel et al. 2018), lending credence to the possibility that understanding Lyα emission in galaxies may be key to constraining the reionization of the universe.

Deep narrowband imaging surveys have recently demonstrated the utility of Lyα emission as tracers of the large-scale structure in the distant universe. Massive protocluster sites are found to be significant overdensities of LAEs (Steidel et al. 2000; Lee et al. 2014b; Bădescu et al. 2017; Shi et al. 2019a). In several protoclusters, filamentary structures traced by LAEs stretch out tens of Mpc from a protocluster (Matsuda et al. 2005; Dey et al. 2016a), mirroring the expectation of dark matter structures around a cluster-sized halo. Chiang et al. (2017) noted that, as pre-virialized and highly overdense structures, protoclusters and the galaxies therein play a significant role in driving the cosmic star formation rate density of the universe at high redshift. To better quantify their importance, however, more detailed understanding of how galaxy formation proceeds in high-density environments is required. Although recent studies are beginning to address these questions, there is no clear consensus yet (see, e.g., Shi et al. 2019b, 2020, 2021; Lemaux et al. 2020; Malavasi et al. 2021).

Together with the current and upcoming deep wide-field optical imaging surveys employing both broad- and narrowband filters (e.g., the Subaru Strategic Program with the Hyper Suprime Cam, the Legacy Survey of Space and Time with the Vera C. Rubin telescope, SILVERRUSH, and ODIN; LSST Science Collaboration et al. 2009; Aihara et al. 2018; Ouchi et al. 2018, also see Section 6), these considerations make it likely that Lyα emitting galaxies will continue to play a crucial role in our understanding of the cosmos well into the future.

One crucial diagnostic that is central to elucidating the key questions mentioned above is the Lyα escape fraction (fesc, hereafter), which encapsulates the prominence of the Lyα relative to the stellar light. Thus far, the intrinsic faintness of most LAEs has limited the fesc measurements only to those residing in a handful of deep surveys (e.g., Blanc et al. 2011; Song et al. 2014; Oyarzún et al. 2017; Pentericci et al. 2018), resulting in relatively small number statistics and a narrow dynamic range in galaxy properties.

To further complicate matters, there is a growing consensus that the presence of an extended low surface brightness Lyα emission (often referred to as Lyman Alpha Halos or LAHs) is ubiquitous around star-forming galaxies at both low (e.g., Hayes et al. 2013) and high redshift (e.g., Rauch et al. 2008; Steidel et al. 2011; Matsuda et al. 2012; Momose et al. 2014, 2016; Wisotzki et al. 2016; Leclercq et al. 2017; Xue et al. 2017; Kusakabe et al. 2018). The dominant process responsible for the production the LAH remains elusive, as is the relative importance of the LAH in different galaxy types (see Momose et al. 2016; Xue et al. 2017). If the LAH phenomenon is produced by the photons originating from the H ii regions, the true Lyα escape fraction may be considerably larger than currently known. In this context, the existence of an LAH potentially broadens the scope and the importance of Lyα emission in galaxy formation research.

In this paper, we study how the Lyα escape fraction of a galaxy changes with its physical properties and large-scale environment. In Section 2, we provide a brief description of our primary and ancillary data sets, and the LAE sample selection, and give the definition of the protocluster and field subsamples. In Section 3, we present our LAH measurements and comparison to the literature. In Sections 4 and 5, we examine how fesc varies with the galaxy's photometric properties and present an empirical formula that can predict a galaxy's fesc given other parameters; the implications of our results on the physical conditions of the ISM/CGM are also discussed. Section 6 explores how the large-scale environment affects fesc. We summarize the results in Section 7.

Throughout this paper, we adopt the cosmology with Ω = 0.27, ΩΛ = 0.73, and H0 = 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Komatsu et al. 2011). Distance scales are given in comoving units unless noted otherwise. All magnitudes are given in the AB system (Oke & Gunn 1983).

2. Observation and Sample Selection

Our LAE sample at z = 3.13 is selected from one of the four Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey deep fields (CFHTLS D1 field, hereafter; Gwyn 2012). The details of the imaging data set and the selection of our LAE sample at z = 3.13 are given in Shi et al. (2019a, hereafter S19), and here we only provide a brief summary. The narrowband observation is obtained using the Mosaic 3 Camera (Dey et al. 2016b) at the Mayall 4 m telescope using the KPNO #k1014 filter (o3 filter, hereafter) with a central wavelength of 5024.9 Å and a full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of 55.6 Å. The final stacked image has a delivered image quality of 1farcs2 and a limiting magnitude mo3,5σ = 25.2 measured in a 2'' diameter aperture.

To create a multiwavelength photometric catalog, S19 first homogenized the point-spread functions (PSFs) of the "T0007" version CFHTLS broadband images to match the seeing of the o3 image. A Moffat profile was assumed to fit the PSF of the o3 image with the seeing-dependent parameter β = 3.0 and FWHM of 1farcs2. By running the code IDL_ENTROPY, S19 derived the convolution kernel of each broadband image and convolved it accordingly. We run the SEXTRACTOR software (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) using the dual-image mode with the o3 image as the detection band while measuring the photometry in the ugri bands.

Based on our multiwavelength catalog, LAEs are selected using the following criteria:

Equation (1)

The o3 − g color ensures the rest-frame equivalent width W0 ≳ 20 Å. The ug color criterion or nondetection in the u band ensure that the colors of these sources are consistent with being at z ≳ 2.7.

In total, 93 LAEs are identified over an effective area of 1156 arcmin2. Of these, none has an X-ray counterpart in the existing XMM data 6 (Chiappetti et al. 2005), suggesting that active galactic nucleus (AGN) contamination is likely low; however, we cannot rule out X-ray faint AGN in our sample. The brightest source in the sample, labeled as QSO30046 in the S19 catalog, is classified as an AGN at zspec = 3.86 in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (Le Fèvre et al. 2013). The blue o3 − g color is likely a result of Lyβ and O iv emission falling into the o3 band. QSO30046 is removed from the LAE catalog. The contamination from low-redshift line emitters is expected to be low because the adopted o3 − g color cut corresponds to the observer-frame line equivalent width of ≈80 Å, and thus should be conservative enough to exclude most [O ii] emitters (W0 ≲ 60 Å) at z = 0.34 (Hogg et al. 1998; Ciardullo et al. 2013).

2.1. Protocluster and Field LAEs

Among the 93 LAEs, S19 reported that 24 sources reside in a significant LAE overdensity near a spectroscopically confirmed protocluster at z = 3.13 (Toshikawa et al. 2016). The observed overdensity parameter is comparable to that measured for several confirmed protoclusters (e.g., Kurk et al. 2000; Venemans et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2014b; Dey et al. 2016a). Moreover, a luminous and extended Lyα nebula (LLyα ≈ 2 × 1043 erg s−1, with a half-light radius of 40 kpc) was also discovered near the overdensity, as is the case for several known protoclusters (Steidel et al. 2000; Matsuda et al. 2004; Bădescu et al. 2017). These findings lend credence to the possibility that these LAEs trace a protocluster structure at z = 3.13 that will evolve into a galaxy cluster with a total mass of (1.0–1.5) × 1015 M by z = 0.

We use the the protocluster LAE sample defined by S19. Briefly, S19 constructed the LAE surface density map by smoothing the LAE positions by a Gaussian kernel with the FWHM of 10 Mpc (5farcm1). The highest overdensity region outlined by an isodensity contour contains 21 LAEs within an area 72.8 arcmin2 corresponding to a surface overdensity δΣ = 3.3 ± 0.9 (${\delta }_{{\rm{\Sigma }}}\equiv ({\rm{\Sigma }}-\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}})/\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}$, where $\bar{{\rm{\Sigma }}}$ and Σ are mean and local surface overdensities). Additionally, we include three sources that reside in an LBG overdensity and were later spectroscopically confirmed by Toshikawa et al. (2016) to lie at z = 3.13; they are also recovered by our LAE selection. Thus, our protocluster LAE sample consists of 24 members; the remainder are referred to as "field LAEs." While these definitions are simplistic, they provide us with a rare opportunity to conduct a quantitative and fair comparison of the two environmental subsamples. For more details of the protocluster, its galaxy members, and their distribution, we refer interested readers to S19 (their Section 4.1 and Figure 6).

2.2. Ancillary Data

We make use of the VANDELS public spectroscopic survey DR2 data (McLure et al. 2018; Pentericci et al. 2018). The majority of VANDELS targets are drawn from three categories: bright star-forming galaxies (iAB ≤ 25) at z = 2.4–5.5; massive quiescent galaxies at z = 1.0–2.5 with HAB ≤ 22.5; and faint star-forming galaxies at a higher redshift range (25 ≤ HAB ≤27, iAB ≤ 27.5 at z = 3–7). To the combined galaxy sample, we apply further selection criteria on the VANDELS galaxies to construct an LAE-like sample, which include: (1) the redshift quality flag value is 3, 4, or 9 yielding ≳80% confidence in the redshift determination; (2) Lyα line in emission is visible in the 1D spectrum. Our selection results in 18 galaxies at z = 3.0–4.9.

Starting from the publicly available 1D spectra, we compute Lyα luminosities by integrating the flux density over a wavelength window of 50 Å, centered at the redshifted Lyα emission (λLyα = 1215.67(1 + z) Å). The continuum flux density in the window is determined by the interpolation from the flux density blueward and redward to the window, which is then subtracted to obtain the line flux. 7

The power-law slope of the UV spectrum β (where fλ λβ ) and UV continuum luminosity at rest-frame wavelength 1700 Å (L1700) are determined from the VANDELS multiwavelength photometric catalog. For each galaxy, β is computed through the linear fitting of the flux densities of the bands that sample the UV portion of the spectral energy distribution (SED) but not Lyα: i.e., the izH bands at z > 3.2 and the iz bands at z ≤ 3.2. Once β is determined, L1700 is estimated by interpolating the i-band flux density. The rest-frame Lyα equivalent width (W0) is derived from the ratio of Lyα flux to the continuum flux density at the same wavelength. The rest-frame W0 ranges from 0.4 to 440 Å, with a median of 16 Å.

3. Characterizing the Extended Lyman Alpha Emission

We investigate their average properties utilizing image stacking analyses. The details of our adopted procedure are given in Xue et al. (2017, X17, hereafter). We create a Lyα line image by subtracting the continuum flux from the o3 image. The Lyα flux is determined as FLyα = afν,o3bfν,g where the line flux, FLyα , and the monochromatic flux density, fν , are given in units of erg s−1 cm−2 and erg s−1 cm−2 Hz−1, respectively. Coefficients a and b, given in units of Hz, capture the optical depth of the intergalactic medium (Inoue et al. 2014) and depend on the filter width, redshift, and the UV spectral shape. The details are given in the Appendix A of X17. For a z = 3.1 galaxy with a flat UV spectrum (i.e., β = −2), a = 7.3 × 1012 Hz and b = 7.7 × 1012 Hz.

We perform image stacking on the PSF-homogenized images in the o3, g, r, and Lyα bands. For each LAE, a $1^{\prime} \times 1^{\prime} $ cutout is created centered on the galaxy. We run SEXTRACTOR for detection and mask out the off-center sources using the output segmentation map. We visually inspect the cutout images and find that 11 LAEs in our sample have companions within 3'', which can potentially undermine our ability to robustly estimate and remove the local sky background, a step essential to detecting low surface brightness features around galaxies. An additional six sources are clearly extended (with a semimajor axis >2'') and elongated. Of these 17 sources, 4 are in the protocluster region and the remainder belong to the field. After removing them, we perform a pixel-to-pixel median image stacking on the final sample of 76 LAEs. Median stacking ensures that our results are robust against being biased by a few high-luminosity outliers.

The sky background in the stacked image is estimated from an annular region of [10'', 20''] from the center and is subtracted to produce a zero-sky image. The inner radius of the sky annulus is chosen not to include any diffuse emission from the galaxy. 8 Using this method, we create the image stacks for our full LAE sample.

In Figure 1, we show the resultant stacked images of the full LAE sample in the Lyα, o3, g, and r bands. All are normalized at their peak brightness and the contours mark 1%, 10%, and 50% of the peak brightness. In the bands that primarily sample Lyα emission (Lyα and o3), the emission is clearly more extended than in the r band. The fact that the two inner contours in the g band are similar to those in the r band is not surprising because the continuum flux is expected to make a larger contribution to the flux density than the line flux at the range of the observed line equivalent width. The outer contour (≳2'' from the center) closely mirrors those of the Lyα and o3 band as the contribution of the Lyα flux increases and the continuum flux falls off rapidly.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Stacked images of LAEs in the D1 field. The Lyα image is constructed from the o3 and g-band data as described in Section 3; both o3 and g passbands sample near λrest ≈ 1216 Å, and thus include the line and continuum emission to a varying degree. The r band samples the UV continuum at λrest ≈ 1700 Å. In each panel, the red contours show the positions at which the surface brightness falls to 50%, 10%, and 1% of the peak brightness.

Standard image High-resolution image

3.1. Modeling the Surface Brightness Profile of LAH

We measure the physical size of the Lyα and continuum emission from the stacked images. Because the r band only samples the continuum emission, the 1D surface brightness profile of the r band is approximated as an exponentially declining function:

Equation (2)

where the rs,c is the exponential scale length of the galaxy's continuum emission, Ic is the normalized surface brightness, and the symbol ∗ denotes the convolution. We use the Python function scipy.optimize.curve_fit and obtain the best-fit scale length 0.3 ± 0.3 kpc: this is consistent with our expectation that our LAEs are unresolved in the r band. The error accounts for the full variance of the parameter space.

The intrinsic Lyα surface brightness is modeled as a superposition of two exponential functions, representing the emission from the galaxy and the extended halo:

Equation (3)

The observed Lyα surface brightness is expressed as:

Equation (4)

In Equation (3), rs,h is the scale length of the halo component; Sc and Sh normalize the galaxy and halo component, respectively. We determine the best-fit scale length rs,h while fixing the rs,c value measured in the r band and obtain rs,h = 4.9 ± 0.7 kpc.

In the left panel of Figure 2, we show the azimuthally averaged radial profiles of the Lyα (blue) and r band (red) together with the best-fit exponential models as solid lines. For ease of comparison, the profiles are normalized at the innermost angular bin. For the Lyα band, we also show both galaxy and LAH components as a dashed and a dotted line, respectively. The image PSF is indicated by a thick gray line. The uncertainties include both Poisson and bootstrap sampling errors.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Left: normalized radial profiles of the stacked images of our LAE sample are shown in the Lyα (blue) and the r band (red). Solid, dashed, and dotted lines of the same color show the best-fit exponential profiles for the total, galaxy, and LAH components, respectively. The exponential scale lengths are indicated at the bottom left corner. The thick gray curve shows the image PSF. Dashed and dotted curves are the continuum and halo components. Right: we compare the radial profile of Lyα emission for the full sample (blue) with those for the protocluster (pink open circles) and field subsamples (pink filled circles). For clarity, we do not show the uncertainties of the subsamples, which are ≈95% and ≈28% larger in the protocluster and field subsamples than those of the full sample. The LAH sizes in protocluster and field LAEs are indistinguishable.

Standard image High-resolution image

In order to explore how the LAH size changes with galaxies' large-scale environment, we repeat the same procedure for the two subsamples. In Figure 2 (right), these measurements are shown as pink circles and lines. The uncertainty in the protocluster subsample is ≈95% (≈28% in the field) larger than those of the full sample as the number of galaxies in each sample is smaller. When normalized, these measures are consistent with our result for the full sample within uncertainties. The LAH scale lengths are rs,h = 5.1 ± 0.9 kpc and rs,h = 4.7 ± 0.9 kpc for the protocluster and field subsample, respectively. Our analysis suggests that the large-scale environment is not a major determinant of LAH sizes, in agreement with the finding of X17.

3.2. Lyα Halo Fraction and Aperture Correction

Having separated the total Lyα emission into the halo and galaxy components, we estimate the fractional contribution of the LAH to the total line flux. The halo fraction is defined as:

Equation (5)

where the halo and total fluxes, Fh and Ftot, are computed as:

Equation (6)

Equation (7)

We note that, unlike for Ftot, the integration interval for Fh in Equation (6) is set to [rhalo, ]; i.e., Fh encloses the observed flux outside the central region where r = rhalo serves as the inner "edge" of the LAH, or equivalently, the outer edge of the galaxy. This definition is motivated by the fact that, at a distance comparable to or smaller than the size of the host galaxy, the physical meaning of the LAH (as a component separate from the galaxy emission) becomes ambiguous in all but a mathematical sense. However, our definition of Fh would be identical to that used in Wisotzki et al. (2016) and Leclercq et al. (2017) if rhalo is set to zero.

In the middle panel of Figure 3, we show XLyα as a function of rhalo. The 1σ uncertainties (gray shade) are computed by bootstrapping the radial profile measurements. At rhalo = 0, our halo fraction is ${73}_{-12}^{+8} \% $, in good agreement with those estimated by Wisotzki et al. (2016) and Leclercq et al. (2017); (light gray and dark gray histograms, respectively, in the left panel of Figure 3), and also consistent with the expectation from simulations with a realistic treatment of the ISM (Verhamme et al. 2012). When evaluated at rhalo = 0farcs5 (3.9 kpc at z = 3.13), which lies safely outside typical galaxy sizes, the halo fraction decreases to ${61}_{-12}^{+9} \% $. Our analysis indicates that, for LAEs, the flux from the Lyα halo easily dominates over that originating from the galaxy itself, even in the most conservative estimate.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Left: the number distribution of the fractional contribution of the LAH to the total Lyα flux, XLyα , as reported by Wisotzki et al. (2016, light gray) and Leclercq et al. (2017, dark gray). Middle: XLyα as a function of the distance from the galactic center to the inner "edge" of the LAH (rhalo) computed using Equations (5)–(7). The blue line indicates the best-fit model with the gray shade shows the 1σ uncertainties. Right: both the intrinsic size of the emission and the image PSF lead to the loss of flux falling outside a given aperture. Using our best-fit profiles, we compute the fractional loss of the UV continuum (red) and Lyα emission (blue) of typical LAEs as a function of aperture size assuming three representative seeing values (FWHMs of 0farcs9, 1farcs2, and 1farcs5 shown as dotted, solid, and dashed−dotted lines, respectively). For example, at seeing 1farcs2, ≈30% (20%) of the total Lyα (UV continuum) flux falls outside the 1farcs5 radius circular aperture.

Standard image High-resolution image

From the observational viewpoint, it is often useful to know what fraction of the flux falls outside a given aperture. The calculation is similar to that shown in Equation (6) except that we integrate the observed surface brightness instead of the intrinsic one. In the right panel of Figure 3, we show the fractional loss of the Lyα (blue) and continuum r-band (red) flux as a function of aperture radius, r0. We start by convolving the best-fit radial profiles with the Gaussian kernels with the FWHM of 0farcs9 (dotted), 1farcs2 (solid), and 1farcs5 (dashed–dotted), respectively, to simulate the realistic range of seeing in ground-based observations, which also affect the flux loss.

In a 3'' aperture in diameter (r0 = 1farcs5), the flux loss is 32% ± 6% in the Lyα image, much larger than 19.0% ± 0.4% in the r band. The aperture radius that encloses 90% of the total flux, r90, is 2farcs4 ± 0farcs3 for the Lyα band, considerably smaller than r90 = 3farcs7 ± 0farcs2 measured for a sample of galaxies with both Hα and Lyα emission (Matthee et al. 2016). The discrepancy is too large to be explained by the difference in image quality.

The origin of this disagreement is likely intrinsic. Although the galaxies in both samples are both detected with significant Lyα line excess, the Hα-Lyα emitters tend to have larger stellar masses and higher star formation rates (SFRs) than our LAEs. Matthee et al. (2016) made the stellar mass estimates based on SED fitting and reported $\mathrm{log}({M}_{\mathrm{star}}/{M}_{\odot })=8.6\mbox{--}11.1$ with a median of 10.3 (see their Table 1). Although we do not have a direct estimate of stellar mass for our LAE sample, photometrically selected LAEs tend to be low-mass galaxies in the range (108–109) M (Gawiser et al. 2006; Guaita et al. 2011; Nilsson et al. 2011; Shi et al. 2019b). As for the SFR, Matthee et al. (2016) reported the range (3–50) M yr−1 with a median of 20 M yr−1, once again, much larger than ≈5 M yr−1 for our sample by using dust-corrected SFRs generated by observed UV luminosity (Shi et al. 2019b, also see Section 4.3). In Section 3.3, we discuss how the LAH sizes change with physical properties.

3.3. On the LAH Sizes

In Figure 4, we show the compilation of Lyα size measurements in the literature as a function of line and continuum luminosity and W0. The measurements of the full LAE sample and the protocluster and field subsamples are indicated as a blue star, open pentagon, and open diamond, respectively. Overlaid are similar measurements based on image stacking for the photometrically selected LAEs at z ∼ 2.7 and ∼3.8 (X17, orange and purple, respectively) and at z ∼ 2.2 (Momose et al. 2016, open triangles). We also show individual measurements for z ∼ 3–6 star-forming galaxies from deep MUSE observations from Wisotzki et al. (2016, light gray circles) and Leclercq et al. (2017, dark gray circles). The latter measurements are binned 9 for clarity. A green circle in each panel represents the stacked measurement of UV-selected star-forming galaxies (Steidel et al. 2011), with a median equivalent width of 0.9 Å (and the range −27 Å ≤ W0 ≤ 89 Å), the majority of which would not be classified as LAEs. The remainder of the literature samples shown in Figure 4 employed the classical definition of LAEs, i.e., W0 ≥ 20 Å with the exception of the z ∼ 2.7 sample of X17, which used W0 ≥ 50 Å.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. LAH sizes as a function of Lyα luminosity, UV luminosity, and Lyα rest-frame equivalent wavelength. Our measurement is shown as blue stars together with the literature measurements including those from Steidel et al. (2011, green circles), Momose et al. (2016, black open triangles), Wisotzki et al. (2016, light gray filled circles), X17 (orange filled squares for z = 3.8 and purple squares for z = 2.7), and Leclercq et al. (2017, dark gray filled circles). The Leclercq et al. (2017) data are binned and the median value and standard deviation in each bin are displayed. We show the stacked LAH measurements for the LAEs in the protocluster (blue open pentagon) and in the field (blue open diamond), respectively.

Standard image High-resolution image

While limited, our size measurements are in line with the existing data. In particular, the agreement is excellent when compared with the measurements that employed a similar decomposition method that simultaneously fits the galaxy and the LAH component (see Section 3.1), namely, those in Leclercq et al. (2017) and X17. Disagreement with the Momose et al. (2014) and Steidel et al. (2011) samples may be in part due to the difference in the fitting method in that they only considered a single component. For an in-depth discussion of how the size measurement can be affected by the fitting method and image point-spread function, we refer interested readers to Appendix C of X17.

Figure 4 showcases the overall trend that the LAH sizes increase with both Lyα luminosity and UV luminosity while showing little correlation with galaxy environment. The very large LAH size (≈25 kpc; Steidel et al. 2011) measured for UV continuum selected star-forming galaxies lies far above these trends, suggesting that a different scaling relation may apply to non-LAEs. The larger LAH sizes for more UV luminous galaxies imply that the flux loss we estimate in Section 3.2 is only applicable to typical LAEs (which are UV faint, MUV ≳ −20) and cannot be generalized to all star-forming populations.

Discerning how LAH sizes and Lyα surface brightness profiles change with the properties of host galaxies and their large-scale structure can place strong constraints on the dominant physical mechanism that powers the Lyα halo (see, e.g., Matsuda et al. 2012; Momose et al. 2016; X17; Leclercq et al. 2017). Possible scenarios include resonant scattering of the Lyα photons originating from star formation in the CGM (Laursen & Sommer-Larsen 2007; Dijkstra & Loeb 2009; Verhamme et al. 2012), gravitational cooling radiation (Haiman et al. 2000; Fardal et al. 2001; Dijkstra & Loeb 2009; Lake et al. 2015), and star formation in ultra-faint satellite galaxies (Zheng et al. 2011; Lake et al. 2015). While the limited nature of our measurement (based on a single stack) prevents us from placing a new meaningful constraint on these scenarios, we stress that the mild disagreement between existing measurements, the large scatter observed in the individual measurements, and the apparent dichotomy between LAEs and non-LAEs in LAH sizes seen in Figure 4 highlight the incompleteness of the current observational picture. Larger samples spanning a wider range of parameter space (in luminosities and large-scale environments) will be crucial in establishing clearer trends and in discriminating different physical scenarios.

4. Lyα Escape Fraction

The escape fraction of Lyα photons is expected to be a sensitive function of not only a galaxy's dust content but also of the distribution of gas and dust therein. In a medium in which the H i gas and dust are uniformly mixed, resonant scattering of Lyα photons causes them to suffer a higher degree of extinction relative to continuum photons at a similar wavelength. As a result, a galaxy selection based on Lyα line equivalent width would be heavily biased toward galaxies with little to no dust. While such an expectation is in line with a majority of LAEs (Cowie & Hu 1998; Steidel et al. 2000; Gawiser et al. 2006; Nilsson et al. 2009; Guaita et al. 2011), some LAEs are very dusty (e.g., Lai et al. 2007, 2008; Pirzkal et al. 2007; Nilsson & Møller 2009; Webb et al. 2009; Yuma et al. 2010), suggesting that other factors may contribute to the escape of Lyα photons (Finkelstein et al. 2008, 2009; Scarlata et al. 2009).

The relative distribution of gas and dust is important. Scarlata et al. (2009) showed that the measured Lyα-to-Hα line ratio of local LAE analogs favors a "clumpy dust screen" scenario in which Lyα-emitting gas is spatially segregated from the dust that exists in clumps. Clumpy dust results in a more porous medium through which Lyα photons can travel with more ease, thereby enhancing their transmission relative to the same amount of gas and dust in a uniform mixture. In the "clumpy multi-phase" scenario (Neufeld 1991), dust coexists with H i gas in clumps embedded in an otherwise warm, ionized medium. Such a configuration would increase Lyα transmission greatly as continuum photons are more prone to dust extinction while Lyα photons scatter off the clump and propagate through the ionized medium.

In this section, we present the Lyα escape fraction, fesc, measured for our LAE sample. We also present the total escape fraction including the contribution from diffuse Lyα emission, which is not accounted for in the majority of existing measurements (but see Kusakabe et al. 2018). We also evaluate the possible correlation between fesc and other galaxy properties and discuss possible implications of our results on the distribution of gas and dust.

4.1. Measuring the Lyman Alpha Escape Fraction

For our analyses in this and subsequent sections, we only consider 62 LAEs for which we have robust measurements of the UV slope β. To this end, we only use the galaxies with Δβ < 0.9. A majority of the sources that do not meet this criterion are simply too faint in the images and typically have inferred UV luminosities log(L1700) ≲ 27.3 erg s−1 Hz−1. Following the convention, we compute the Lyα escape fraction as:

Equation (8)

where the color excess E(BV) is converted from the UV slope β by assuming the Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction law. For the UV- and Lyα-based SFR, we adopt the Kennicutt (1998) calibration. The term k1500 denotes the effective dust extinction at rest-frame 1500 Å.

The median (mean) value is 60 (${101}_{-101}^{+107}$)% for our LAE sample. Of the 62 LAEs, nearly one-third (21) have fesc values greater than unity, nine of which lie within the protocluster (see Section 2.1). Nine LAEs (two in the protocluster) do so at a ≥1.5σ level. In comparison, Blanc et al. (2011) reported 24% for spectroscopically selected LAEs with fesc greater than unity at z = 1.9–3.8. Both numbers are based on dust-corrected UV continuum to infer SFRs and thus are subject to similar systematics. Excluding the protocluster LAEs brings down the fraction of LAEs with fesc ≥ 1 to 27%, in better agreement with Blanc et al. (2011). Comparison of field versus protocluster LAEs is given in Section 6.

Larger-than-unity fesc values in these two samples may in part arise from photometric scatter, particularly in the bands used for estimating β. To quantify how robustly the estimates of β and fesc can be made for individual galaxies, we create image simulations calibrated to closely reflect the brightness and the colors of the real LAEs. While the details of our simulations are given in the Appendix, our result suggests that the photometric recovery of β values is reasonably good at β ≈ −2 (≈0.2 dex). Photometric scatter tends to result in the recovered β values being more positive than the intrinsic ones, leading to the underestimation—and not overestimation—of fesc values. Furthermore, many of our LAEs with fesc > 1 have relatively small Δβ, placing their fesc values >(2–3)σ outside the nominal fesc = 1 line (see Figure 5). Based on these considerations, we argue that, while we cannot rule out the contribution of photometric scatter on fesc > 1 sources, it is unlikely to be the sole driver of the fesc > 1 sources.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Lyα escape fraction as a function of Lyα equivalent width (top left), UV continuum slope β (top right), and observed UV and Lyα luminosity (bottom panels) from this work (teal circles) and literature measurements, which include the VANDELS sources (green circles; Pentericci et al. 2018), z ∼ 2 LAEs (purple downward triangles; Kusakabe et al. 2018), the HETDEX Pilot Survey emitters (gray squares; Blanc et al. 2011), stacked LAEs at z ∼ 2 (yellow upward triangles; Sobral et al. 2018), and Hα-Lyα dual emitters (orange upward triangles; Matthee et al. 2016). Protocluster (field) LAEs from our sample are shown as open (filled) circles. The histograms show the overall distributions of different samples in each parameter space.

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There are multiple physical factors that may result in the larger-than-unity fesc. First, radiative transfer through an ISM with a complex geometry may cause Lyα emission to have a preferential direction (e.g., Verhamme et al. 2012) unlike continuum emission; in this case, the ratio of Lyα to UV emission would have little physical meaning. While possible, this is unlikely to be the dominant cause given the relatively tight correlation of fesc and other galaxy properties (see Section 5). Second, low-level AGN may contaminate our sample. As discussed in Section 2, few of our LAEs have spectroscopic observations. It is also possible that the underlying assumptions we make about these galaxies are wrong: they have had relatively continuous and prolonged star formation histories and have solar or moderately subsolar metallicities. While Lyα luminosity traces instantaneous star formation (<10 Myr), far-UV continuum luminosity represents the SF activity averaged over the last ≈100 Myr (Kennicutt 1998). Similarly, substantially subsolar metallicities would result in a higher ionizing radiation at a fixed mass. Thus, highly episodic SF activities, extremely young ages, and low metallicities will all lead to a higher Lyα output relative to the UV and can result in seemingly unphysical fesc values (Charlot & Fall 1993; Malhotra & Rhoads 2002; Kashikawa et al. 2012; Hashimoto et al. 2017).

Alternatively, the dust law we assume to convert measured UV flux density to SFR may not be appropriate. Existing studies (e.g., Reddy et al. 2006; Siana et al. 2008) found that UV-selected star-forming galaxies dominated by younger stellar populations may be better characterized by a Small Magellanic Cloud−like dust law (Gordon et al. 2003). Kusakabe et al. (2015) reached a similar conclusion for a large sample of LAEs. However, an SMC-like dust law would exacerbate the problem at hand. Assuming the SMC law, a given UV slope β would correspond to a smaller color excess E(BV), leading to an even larger fesc than previously.

4.2. Total Escape Fraction of Lyα Photons

After excluding the galaxies with fesc ≥ 1, the median (mean) value of the Lyα escape fraction for our sample is 36%(40%) ± 26%. Our estimation is in good agreement with other LAE samples in the literature, 10 including ${29}_{-29}^{+40} \% $ (Blanc et al. 2011), 38% ± 11% (Oteo et al. 2015) and 37% ± 7% (Sobral et al. 2017). One exception is the Hα-emitting LAE sample (11% ± 11%: Matthee et al. 2016), which shows considerably lower fesc values than the rest. As discussed in Section 3.2, these Hα-Lyα emitters tend to be more UV luminous and have larger stellar masses than those identified based on Lyα emission alone, likely signaling that fesc correlates with these physical parameters (see Section 4.3).

So far, we have considered the fesc values measured within the galaxy-sized apertures as has been done in the literature. If Lyα emission from the LAH originates from the same H ii regions as that from the galaxy, the fesc estimates would need to be revised to account for the additional contribution from the LAH. Using the radial surface brightness profiles of the stacked Lyα and UV images (Section 3.2, Figure 3), we estimate the total Lyα escape fraction by statistically correcting for the expected flux loss. For the correction, we use the radius of the effective circular aperture, defined as ${r}_{0}=\sqrt{{A}_{\mathrm{iso}}/\pi }$ of each LAE. Radius r0 ranges from 0farcs6 to 2farcs0 with a median of 1farcs0 (7.8 kpc). The Lyα flux loss ranges 6%–77% with a median of 54%, mainly due to the extended nature of the halo. While smaller, the UV flux loss due to PSF blurring (seeing 1farcs2) is also not negligible, ranging 10%–69% with a median of 40%.

We find the median (mean) value of the total Lyα escape fraction, 〈fesc,tot〉, is 46% (51%) ± 32%, in good agreement with 42% ± 24% reported by Kusakabe et al. (2018), which includes the LAH flux in their estimation. Similar to ours, Kusakabe et al. (2018) also defined their LAEs to be galaxies with W0 ≥ 20 Å. While our value is higher than those in the literature, the relative increase is modest at ≈29% when the flux loss correction is made consistently for both UV and Lyα fluxes. Additionally, the LAH size for typical LAEs is small enough (4.5 kpc corresponds to 0farcs57 at z = 3.13) that galaxy-sized apertures can contain much of the flux.

4.3. Variations of Lyα Escape Fraction

We explore how fesc values correlate with the galaxies' UV and Lyα properties by combining our own measurements with those in the literature. Since most of these measures do not include the LAH component, we opt to use our fesc values before the LAH correction. Given the modest change that it brings, our conclusion should not change substantially.

In Figure 5, we show the correlations of fesc with W0, UV slope (β), and line and continuum luminosities. In all cases, we show protocluster LAEs with larger symbols than those in the field. Other measurements include 89 galaxies from the HETDEX Pilot Survey (HPS hereafter; Blanc et al. 2011), 17 LAEs with Hα detection (Matthee et al. 2016), and 18 spectroscopic Lyα detections from VANDELS. The average measurements via a stacking analysis of z ∼ 2.2 LAEs (Sobral et al. 2017) are also shown.

The HPS LAEs span a comparable range of UV slope and W0 to our sample, but tend to have higher line and UV luminosities; the Hα-Lyα emitters studied by Matthee et al. (2016) are much more UV luminous than the rest. The VANDELS sources are comparable to our LAEs in both luminosities but have considerably bluer UV slopes and smaller W0.

In order to test how these physical properties affect fesc, we use two nonparametric ranked correlations, namely, the Kendall τ and Spearman ρ rank correlation coefficients (Spearman 1904; Kendall 1938). Both tests are run for each parameter shown in Figure 5 using two Python scripts scipy.stats.kendalltau and scipy.stats.spearmanr. To check the consistency, we run these tests on our data set and the HPS data set separately, and then on the combined data set (our LAEs+HPS and LAEs+HPS+VANDELS). We do not include the Kusakabe et al. (2018) measures on our tests because they represent the stacked averages. In Table 1, we list the correlation coefficients (τ and ρ) and the probabilities of null hypotheses (p-values). We consider the case for which either τ or ρ is larger than 0.6 as a robust correlation, while ≈0 values in these parameters indicate no correlation.

Table 1. Rank Correlation Coefficients from Kendall τ and Spearman ρ Tests

Samples W0 β LUV LLyα
 Kendall τ Test: τK (pK)
This Work0.118 (0.174)0.653 (<0.001)0.046 (0.597)0.189 (0.030)
HPS0.013 (0.856)0.704 (<0.001)0.518 (<0.001)0.120 (0.083)
This Work+HPS0.037 (0.492)0.645 (<0.001)0.418 (<0.001)0.100 (0.060)
This Work+HPS+VANDELS0.032 (0.522)0.625 (<0.001)0.403 (<0.001)0.045 (0.372)
 Spearman ρ Test: ρSR (pSR)
This Work0.169 (0.188)0.835 (<0.001)0.0786 (0.543)0.287 (0.023)
HPS0.048 (0.636)0.872 (<0.001)0.656 (<0.001)0.160 (0.113)
This Work+HPS0.065 (0.410)0.827 (<0.001)0.566 (<0.001)0.144 (0.068)
This Work+HPS+VANDELS0.057 (0.446)0.807 (<0.001)0.544 (<0.001)0.069 (0.361)

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We find a clear anticorrelation between fesc and the UV continuum slope β, in agreement with existing studies (e.g., Blanc et al. 2011; Song et al. 2014). This is not surprising considering that we use the β value as a proxy for dust reddening to correct the SFRUV in our estimation of fesc. A weaker correlation with observed UV luminosity is notable: the trend is clear when the combined data set is considered, which spans two orders of magnitude in luminosities. In this parameter space, the Hα-Lyα emitters are no longer significant outliers but are part of the correlation at the highest luminosity end. The trend is likely related to the fact that lower-luminosity star-forming galaxies tend to have bluer β values at high redshift (e.g., Bouwens et al. 2012, 2014). We further quantify the luminosity dependence in Section 5.2.

No correlation is found with line luminosity or W0. This is in contrast to the anticorrelation between LLyα and fesc reported by Sobral et al. (2017), which is based on stacking analyses. While their measurements are not inconsistent with the mean values of the combined data set, the intrinsic scatter is too large to discern any meaningful correlation.

All in all, we conclude that the galaxy's dust reddening and UV luminosity are two primary determinants of the escape fraction of Lyα photons. In the next section, we further quantify these dependencies further to shed light on the physical driver of their escape.

5. The Role of Dust and UV Luminosity on fesc

We examine how dust opacity affects the Lyα escape fraction. Following Hayes et al. (2011), we express the escape fraction as:

Equation (9)

When CLyα = 1, kLyα denotes the effective dust attenuation at the Lyα wavelength. Even when CLyα ≠ 1, kLyα can still be thought of dust attenuation in a relative sense. As a reference, the escape fraction expected for nonresonant photons at the same wavelength is k ≈ 12 and C = 1 for the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust law.

In Figure 6, we show the positions of our LAEs in the $\mathrm{log}{f}_{\mathrm{esc}}$E(BV) space. There is a clear trend that fesc decreases with increasing dust reddening, in qualitative agreement with existing studies at high redshift (Blanc et al. 2011; Hayes et al. 2011; Song et al. 2014) and at low redshift (Atek et al. 2008; Scarlata et al. 2009; Cowie et al. 2011; Finkelstein et al. 2011).

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Top left: Lyα escape fraction as a function of E(BV). Teal circles, purple downward triangles, green circles, and gray open squares represent measurements of our LAEs, K18, VANDELS, and HPS galaxies assuming the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust law. Teal, purple, and gray solid curves are the best models fit to our work, K18, and HPS galaxies, respectively. The black dashed line is the expectation given the Calzetti et al. (2000) law with no resonant scattering. Top right: comparison of the fesc dependence on E(BV) for different data sets. The red dashed–dotted line is the best model for the H11 galaxies, while the remaining lines are identical to those in the top left panel. Bottom left: comparison between the fesc measurements assuming the Calzetti et al. (2000, teal) and those assuming the Reddy et al. (2015, pink) dust laws for our LAEs. The best models fit to the two measurements (solid lines) and the expectations given the Calzetti et al. (2000) and Reddy et al. (2015) laws (dashed lines) are also shown.

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Using a Python function scipy.optimize.curve_fit, 11 we determine the best-fit values for both parameters for our full LAE sample. In this figure, kLyα and CLyα appear as the slope and the intercept, respectively. By treating CLyα as a free parameter, we do not require that the maximum fesc value be unity at zero reddening. As discussed earlier, unphysically high fesc values may result from low metallicities or young ages. Alternatively, Hayes et al. (2011) argued that disparate locations from which stellar and nebular emission originate may have caused CLyα ≈ 0.45 at zero reddening for stellar emission for z ∼ 2 galaxies. Similarly, Atek et al. (2014) found CLyα much less than unity for z ∼ 0.3 LAEs.

We apply the same fitting procedure for (i) the HPS sources; (ii) the stacked averages of the fesc values measured by Kusakabe et al. (2018); and (iii) our full LAE sample combined with the HPS sources. Our results are listed in Table 2 and indicated as various straight lines in Figure 6. All of these measures lie well above the best-fit scaling law determined by Hayes et al. (2011, the orange line in the top right panel of Figure 6) at a fixed reddening.

Table 2. The Dependence of Lyα Escape Fraction on Dust Opacity

Sample kLyα CLyα χ2 (DoF a ) kLyα CLyα kLyα χ2 (DoF a )
  Calzetti Dust (fesc ≤ 1) (CLyα = 1) 
This Work12.79 ± 2.312.33 ± 0.1031.03 (60)5.82 ± 1.000.92 ± 0.104.34 ± 2.0659.16 (61)
Blanc et al. (2011, HPS)10.02 ± 2.001.35 ± 0.1526.79 (87)8.23 ± 1.070.72 ± 0.067.35 ± 1.3828.66 (88)
Kusakabe et al. (2018)13.05 ± 2.111.93 ± 0.407.41 ± 1.00
This Work+HPS12.21 ± 1.601.88 ± 0.1265.58 (149)6.72 ± 0.780.76 ± 0.056.02 ± 1.3288.68 (150)
Hayes et al. (2011)13.80.445


a Goodness of fit is given as the total chi-square, while the degree of freedom is the number of LAEs included in the fit minus the number of free parameters.

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In all samples, we find that kLyα k1216: i.e., the relative attenuation scales similarly with dust reddening for both Lyα and continuum photons. The trend applies to all samples despite the large spread in CLyα among them. Simultaneously, the mean Lyα optical depth—defined as ${\tau }_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha }\equiv -2.5\mathrm{log}({f}_{\mathrm{esc}})/E(B-V)$—is consistently lower than that for nonresonant photons at a similar wavelength in all but the Hayes et al. (2011) sample. This is visualized in the top right panel of Figure 6 where we compare the best-fit scaling laws from the literature to the expectation from the Calzetti et al. (2000) law at λrest = 1216 Å (a thick dashed line). Nearly all of our LAEs have fesc values much higher than this expectation (by a factor of ≈2, on average; see Table 2).

To test how robust our results are against the assumed dust law, we recompute both E(BV) and fesc values assuming the Reddy et al. (2015) dust law (the bottom left panel of Figure 6). Once again, we find kLyα = 7.98 ± 2.11, reasonably close to k1216,Reddy = 10.33 for continuum photons. The mean Lyα optical depth is significantly lower than that expected from the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust as driven by the large CLyα . We conclude that Lyα photons—in all LAE samples considered here—suffer similar interstellar attenuation to continuum photons regardless of the assumed dust law.

Finally, through realistic image simulations, we quantify how well we can constrain an underlying fescE(BV) scaling law through photometric measurements given the uncertainties expected in estimating line and continuum luminosities as well as the UV slope. The details of our simulation are given in the Appendix. We confirm that our photometric measurements can reliably determine an underlying scaling relation.

5.1. Comparison with ISM Models

We consider our result in the context of several ISM models in the literature. First, in a medium composed of uniform mixtures of dust and H i gas, the effective attenuation of Lyα photons should be much higher than for continuum photons (e.g., Charlot & Fall 1991), as the former traverse much longer path lengths than the latter, leading to fesc values much lower than the continuum expectation. Our results suggest the opposite.

Alternatively, in a "multi-phase" medium where dust is mostly confined within H i clumps embedded in an otherwise ionized dust-free medium (Neufeld 1991), Lyα photons spend most of their time traveling in the intercloud medium while occasionally scattering at cloud surfaces. Thus, fesc primarily depends on the cloud albedo (the likelihood of surface absorption by dust) and the number of Lyα scatterings before their eventual escape. The consequence is that the dependence of fesc on the total dust optical depth is mild at best (Hansen & Oh 2006; Duval et al. 2014). By contrast, continuum photons travel through clumps and undergo more severe attenuation. The selective attenuation can enhance the Lyα W0 to, in some cases, above the case B expectation. The degree of W0 enhancement increases with increasing extinction.

One possible exception would be if star formation mainly occurs deep inside cold H i clouds where dust resides: Lyα photons are decimated by dust absorption before they reach the cloud surface, leaving the role of preferential resonant scattering less consequential (Verhamme et al. 2012). All in all, the strong anticorrelation between fesc and dust reddening, the lack of LAEs with excessively high W0, and the larger-than-expected fesc are at odds with the multi-phase ISM.

Finally, Scarlata et al. (2009) considered a "clumpy dust screen" through which Lyα photons take the paths of the least resistance (i.e., escaping through the holes with the lowest opacity between clumps). The process allows fesc to increase while keeping W0 unchanged without invoking preferential resonant scattering (also see Atek et al. 2014). One defining characteristic of this model is that the relative Lyα enhancement scales with dust extinction, resulting in kLyα < k1216. In Figure 6, the effect would manifest itself as a shallower slope. Resonant scattering would increase the Lyα optical depth, bringing the scaling relation closer to the uniform dust screen expectation by steepening the slope kLyα .

The clumpy dust screen scenario also does not align well with the existing measurements. In all three LAE samples in Table 2, we consistently find kLyα k1216 within uncertainties. There is only one exception: if we only consider sources with fesc ≤ 1, the formal fit favors a considerably lower kLyα value (≈6; column 4 in Table 2). A similar reanalysis of the HPS sources, however, results in a marginal change in the slope, from 10.0 to 8.2, suggesting that the dramatic change we observe in our result is caused by a small sample size. Regardless, the removal of those with fesc ≥ 1 without a firm physical basis is arbitrary at best. If the underlying assumptions we made in deriving the escape fraction are incorrect (as discussed in Section 4.1), the correction needed to recover the true quantities would have to be uniformly applied to all LAEs. Larger sample sizes would improve the measurements, particularly, by getting a better handle on the fesc values of highly reddened LAEs and their intrinsic scatter.

In summary, our results show that Lyα photons undergo interstellar dust attenuation in a similar manner to continuum radiation (i.e., kLyα k1216). However, the overall Lyα transmission is roughly twice higher than that expected for continuum photons. The constraints derived from one of the largest compilations of LAEs to date appear to favor some form of multi-phase media conducive to the preferential transfer of Lyα photons. Yet, none of the models we have considered is entirely in line with our findings, hinting that the distribution of interstellar gas and dust in distant galaxies is complex. One possibility may be a hybrid of the two aforementioned models in which H i clouds are rendered partially porous due to strong stellar feedback. This would allow for a substantial fraction of Lyα photons to escape from their birth cloud relatively easily and proceed to undergo selective attenuation via resonant scattering. Detailed calculations will require full radiative transfer calculations based on realistic simulations at subparsec scale resolution.

5.2. Dependence of fesc on UV Luminosity

The range of CLyα changes substantially from ≈0.45 for the Hayes et al. (2011) sample to ≈1.4 for the HPS sources to ≈2 for the other LAE samples, while the slope kLyα remains unchanged: i.e., at a fixed reddening, fesc varies up to ≈4 in these samples. The high CLyα is real, as the majority of our LAEs lie well above the fiducial Calzetti expectation (Figure 6, top right).

We evaluate the goodness of fit by computing the total chi-square value as ${\chi }^{2}={{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{i}{({f}_{\mathrm{esc},\mathrm{model}}({\epsilon }_{i})-{f}_{\mathrm{esc},i})}^{2}/{\sigma }_{\mathrm{esc},{\rm{i}}}^{2}$, where fesc,i and σesc are the estimates of the Lyα escape fraction and its error, epsiloni is the estimated E(BV) value for the galaxy i, and fesc,model is computed using Equation (9). Although the measurement errors are unlikely to obey a Gaussian distribution and therefore a χ2 value does not carry the usual statistical significance, it should still provide us with a way to evaluate whether a given model gives a better description of the data over another. When we refit the data while forcing CLyα to be unity, we obtain unrealistically shallow slopes kLyα with a much poorer agreement with the data, with the total χ2 increasing from ∼30 to 60. The results for our single-parameter fits are listed in Table 2.

The differences in CLyα appear to be linked to galaxies' UV luminosities. Figure 5 shows that the HPS sources tend to be more UV luminous than our LAEs by nearly an order of magnitude, while the W0 and β distributions of the two samples largely overlap. As for the Hα-Lyα emitters from Matthee et al. (2016), which have the lowest fesc values, all but four lie at the bright end (LUV > 1028.3 erg s−1 Hz−1; MUV < −20.7), but they too have a W0 and LLyα range similar to that of our LAEs. Thus, we conclude that fesc depends not only on the galaxy's dust content but also on its UV luminosity.

Although we are limited to analyzing the Lyα-emitting population only, our conclusions are in broad agreement with several studies of the general star-forming galaxy population: Kim et al. (2020) found an anticorrelation between UV luminosity and Lyα escape fraction in a sample of local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs. Stark et al. (2010) found that the fraction of Lyα-emitting galaxies, X, increases with decreasing UV luminosity among the UV-selected galaxy samples. 12 Oyarzún et al. (2017) studied a stellar mass selected sample of galaxies at z = 3.0–4.5 and found that both X and fesc strongly anticorrelate with stellar mass (see also Oyarzún et al. 2016). Given that UV luminosity and stellar mass broadly track each other through the star formation main sequence (González et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2012; Stark et al. 2013; Song et al. 2016), the latter correlation is consistent with the LUVfesc scaling we find. Similarly, Weiss et al. (2021) found a similar correlation between stellar mass and fesc of [O iii] emitters at z = 1.9–2.4.

Motivated by the dependence of fesc on UV luminosity as shown in Figures 56, we parameterize fesc as:

Equation (10)

The equation is identical to Equation (9) except for the difference that the normalization, CUV, is expressed as ${C}_{\mathrm{UV}}\equiv \mathrm{log}{\left(\tfrac{{L}_{\mathrm{UV}}}{{L}_{0}}\right)}^{\alpha }$ where LUV is given in units of erg s−1 Hz−1 and α and L0 are constants. We repeat the fitting procedure using the combined sample of our LAEs and the HPS sources. The best-fit kLyα = 7.37 ± 0.98, α = −1.62 ± 0.20, and L0 = (2.90 ± 1.15) × 1029 erg s−1 Hz−1. The α value is firmly in the negative, affirming the fact that the normalization C indeed decreases with increasing luminosity.

In Figure 7, we illustrate our result. The left panel shows our measurements as observed, while, in the right panel, we "correct" for the luminosity dependence by showing ${f}_{\mathrm{esc},\mathrm{renorm}}\equiv {C}_{\mathrm{UV}}^{-1}$ fesc. Relative to the power law that best describes each set of data points (dashed lines), the scatter decreases from 0.26 to 0.18 dex. In short, Equation (10) allows us to predict a galaxy's fesc with a ≈50% accuracy provided that both the UV slope β and LUV are known.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Lyα escape fraction as a function of E(BV) before (left) and after (right) renormalizing fesc, including measurements from this work (teal circles), HPS sources (gray open squares; Blanc et al. 2011), and Hα-Lyα emitters (orange triangles; Matthee et al. 2016). Dashed lines in both panels are the best-fit models assuming Equation (9). The dashed–dotted line in the right panel shows the best-fit model assuming the same equation, while fixing the slope k1216 = 12 according to Calzetti et al. (2000) dust law. Scatter values given above the plots indicate the rms scatter between data points and the best-fit models (dashed lines).

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The efficacy of the luminosity-dependent fesc calibration is better illustrated in Figure 8, where we combine LUV and E(BV) into a single parameter, i.e., dust-corrected UV SFR. In the top left panel, we once again show the measurements as observed. A clear separation between our LAEs and the HPS sources is visible. The gray swath marks the correlation reported by Oyarzún et al. (2017) for Lyα-emitting galaxies, which shows an excellent agreement with our own measurements. Although their stellar mass range is $\mathrm{log}[{M}_{\mathrm{star}}/{M}_{\odot }]=7.6\mbox{--}10.6$, the majority lies below 109.5 M and thus should be well matched to the stellar mass range for LAEs (Gawiser et al. 2006; Hathi et al. 2016; Arrabal Haro et al. 2020; Santos et al. 2020).

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Top left: Lyα escape fraction as a function of intrinsic SFR as observed, including the measurements of this work (teal circles), HPS galaxies (gray open squares; Blanc et al. 2011), and Hα-Lyα emitters (orange triangles; Matthee et al. 2016). The gray-shaded area in the top left panel marks the position of Oyarzún et al. (2017) galaxies in the parameter space. Dashed lines are the best-fit models assuming a power-law correlation between fesc and SFRUV. Top right: Lyα escape fraction as a function of renormalized SFRUV (CUVSFRUV). The symbol shapes are identical to those in the top left panel, while they are color coded by galaxies' UV luminosity. Dashed line shows the best model fit to fesc vs. CUVSFRUV. All of the galaxies below the dashed–dotted line are identified as outliers that are excluded from calculating the rms scatter. Bottom right: Lyα escape fraction as a function of renormalized SFR (CUVSFRUV), with the symbols color coded by E(BV).

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In the two right panels, we renormalize the SFR as SFRUV,renormCUV · SFRUV. Both panels show identical data that are color coded by LUV (top) and E(BV); (bottom), respectively. The renormalization moves our LAEs to the right, in better alignment with the HPS sources and the Hα-Lyα emitters. Only the former are used in the fitting, but the latter are rescaled consistently in the figure.

A small fraction (9%) of galaxies lie significantly outside an otherwise tight sequence formed by the rest, which we demarcate with a dotted–dashed line. The outlier group largely consists of high UV luminosity galaxies (≳1029 erg s−1 Hz−1, or MUV ≲ −22.4) with uncharacteristically blue colors (E(BV) ≲ 0.2) and EWs near the EW cutoff (≈20 Å). Eight of this group belong to the HPS sample, four are Hα-Lyα emitters, and the additional three are in our sample (one in the protocluster region and the other two in the field). Given that both HPS sources and our LAE selection target single line emission, we cannot rule out that some are low-redshift interlopers such as [O ii] emitters at z = 0.34. In Section 6, we discuss how the exclusion or inclusion of these three LAE candidates affects our conclusion on the environmental dependence on fesc.

After excluding these outliers, we fit a power law to the data and find that the scatter is reduced from 0.29 dex, for the unaltered data, to 0.21 dex. When we account for the expected effect of photometric scatter using image simulations, the intrinsic scatter in the fescCUVSFRUV scaling relation is less than 0.19 dex.

The physical origin of the luminosity-dependent CLyα is unclear. However, it is worth noting that our result does not mean that CUVSFRUV is the true SFR; in such a case, fesc (≡SFRLyα /SFRUV) in the abscissa should also scale accordingly, which would undo the alignment.

One possibility is that dust laws change with UV luminosity such that more UV luminous galaxies obey the Calzetti et al. (2000) law, while less luminous ones gradually transition to a law more similar to the SMC law. Kusakabe et al. (2015) reported that the average IR luminosity of LAEs at z = 2.2 measured from the Spitzer/MIPS and Herschel/PACS image stacks lie well below that expected under the Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction, evidence that the LAE population may be better described by the SMC law. Similarly, Reddy et al. (2012) found that UV-selected star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 2 with young stellar population ages (≲100 Myr) appear to obey an SMC-like dust law, while older galaxies follow the Calzetti et al. (2000) law.

In Figure 9, we show the same data but this time we apply the SMC law for our LAEs while the HPS sources and the Hα-Lyα emitters still obey the Calzetti law. The tightness of the correlation is comparable to that in Figure 8 but with fewer outliers. Modeling a luminosity-dependent change in dust laws could conceivably further tighten the scaling relation. The transformation shown in the figure effectively moves our LAEs (in the top left panel of Figure 8) to lower SFRs (to the left along the x-axis) and to higher fesc values by the same factor.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. Lyα escape fraction as a function of intrinsic SFRUV. Both SFRUV and fesc are computed for our LAEs assuming the SMC dust law, while other data points are calculated assuming the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust law. Symbols are color coded with the galaxy's observed UV luminosity, with sizes reflecting their Lyα luminosity and shapes identical to those in Figure 8.

Standard image High-resolution image

One caveat of this interpretation is that it drives already high fesc values even higher. Nearly all of our LAEs would have Lyα escape fractions ≫100%. The problem may be mitigated if low UV luminosity (or SMC laws) go hand in hand with low metallicity, young ages, or level of burstiness in star formation histories: these traits either boost the production of ionizing radiation (and thus Lyα production) or enhance Lyα transmission. A comprehensive study of these properties in LAEs is needed to test this hypothesis.

6. Environmental Impacts on the Physical Properties of LAEs

As detailed in Section 2.1, our sample includes 24 LAEs residing in a protocluster environment (Toshikawa et al. 2016; S19), offering us a rare opportunity to explore how the environment affects the Lyα properties of the galaxies therein. In Figure 10, we show the fesc distribution split into the "field" (gray) and "protocluster" (blue hatched) groups. The median values are indicated as dashed lines. The protocluster members not only show higher fesc values than the field LAEs by a factor of ≈2—〈fesc〉 = 1.05 versus 0.49—but also contain a larger fraction of sources exceeding fesc = 1: i.e., 65% (11/17) versus 33% (15/45).

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Lyα escape fraction, observed UV luminosity, and UV slope β distributions of the protocluster LAEs (blue hatched) and the field LAEs (gray filled). Dashed vertical lines measure the median values of each subsample. Three sources in our sample that are likely [O ii] emitters (see Section 5.2 and Figure 8) are marked as filled circles in the relevant bins. The p-values from the K−S tests noted in each panel include these sources. Excluding them makes it more statistically significant that the protocluster and field LAE distributions are not drawn from the same parent sample.

Standard image High-resolution image

The K−S test results in p = 0.04, indicating that the two fesc distributions are distinguishable at a ≈2σ (96% confidence) level. Despite small number statistics, our results support the hypothesis that the galaxies' Lyα properties depend on their large-scale environment. The middle and right panels of Figure 10 show the histograms of LUV and β of the same galaxies, the two primary parameters from which fesc is computed. There is a clear tendency toward higher UV luminosities (78%) and bluer slopes (Δβ ∼ 0.3) for protocluster galaxies compared to the control group. Similarly, the change in Lyα luminosities roughly tracks that of UV luminosities (see Figure 5).

A higher UV luminosity in protocluster LAEs (our K−S test yields p = 0.03) is consistent with that found for another protocluster (Dey et al. 2016a). Here we report, for the first time, a statistical difference in the UV slope β for LAEs in different environments. The bluer UV slope, Δβ ≈ 0.3, corresponds to ΔE(BV) ≈ 0.07 assuming the Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction law, leading to a factor of ≈1.6 lower extinction given everything else equal. This is roughly consistent with the factor of ≈2 enhancement we find in fesc. However, the difference in β between the two samples is statistically less significant (p = 0.11) than for the other two parameters. It may be owing to the intrinsically narrow range in β observed for distant star-forming galaxies. 13 Additionally, photometric estimates of β are expected to have a higher degree of uncertainty because they require secure detection in two or more bands relative to LUV measurements, which rely primarily on a single-band detection.

As discussed in Section 5.2, there are three sources in our LAE sample that are likely to be [O ii] emitters. In Figure 8, they lie at the low end of the fesc and E(BV) values and at the high end of the UV luminosity. One belongs to the protocluster and the other two in the field subsample. These sources are indicated in each panel of Figure 10 as filled circles at the bottom of the relevant bin. We repeat the statistical tests after excluding them and find that doing so does not significantly impact our conclusion but further strengthens it. The p parameter decreases slightly for fesc values (p = 0.04 → 0.03), LUV,obs (p = 0.03 → 0.01), and β (p = 0.11 → 0.08).

To summarize our results, our data suggest strong evidence that a higher UV luminosity, a higher line luminosity, and less dust content prevail in galaxies residing in a dense protocluster environment. As a result, these galaxies are more efficient producers of Lyα photons and possibly of LyC photons than their field cousins.

It is worth noting that an opposite trend was reported by Lemaux et al. (2018), who, based on a spectroscopic sample of star-forming galaxies, concluded that Lyα emission in nine protocluster galaxies in PCl J1001+0220—a protocluster at z = 4.6—is suppressed ($\langle {f}_{\mathrm{esc}}\rangle ={1.8}_{-1.7}^{+0.3}$%) relative to that in the field (${4.0}_{-0.8}^{+1.0}$%). However, the galaxies in the Lemaux et al. (2020) sample are significantly more luminous star formers (with the median brightness 〈i*〉 ∼ 24.5) than our LAEs (median 〈i〉 ∼ 25.8) and are more massive and dustier than our LAEs. If both results are correct, the implication would be that the environmental trend we observe in our LAEs may be confined to young, low-mass systems and cannot be generalized to more evolved galaxies in the same structure.

6.1. Physical Origins of Enhanced fesc in Protoclusters

Higher Lyα escape fraction for the protocluster LAEs is intriguing. Recent absorption-line studies found that the regions of galaxy overdensities are also richer in H i than average fields (Lee et al. 2014a, 2018; Cai et al. 2016; Liang et al. 2021). Liang et al. (2021) reported a cross-correlation length 4 ± 1 Mpc (comoving) between the LAE overdensity and H i line-of-sight optical depth. These results are broadly consistent with the expectation that both galaxy and gas overdensities track those of the underlying dark matter. Higher H i column densities at the galaxy scales would result in more frequent random walks of Lyα photons, thereby enhancing the chance of their destruction by dust grains along their paths and thus lowering fesc values. Our result runs counter to this expectation.

One possible explanation is that different ISM conditions for protocluster galaxies facilitate Lyα photons to escape more easily relative to field galaxies. Gazagnes et al. (2020) studied local star-forming galaxies and found that the escape fraction (for both Lyα and Lyman continuum photons) negatively correlates with H i covering fraction and dust reddening, favoring the scenario in which low column density channels serve as privileged routes through which Lyα and LyC photons can escape the galaxy. Such photoionized "tunnels" can be carved out by supernova feedback (e.g., Kimm & Cen 2014) or by the turbulent early phase of the H ii regions and the surrounding molecular clouds (Kakiichi & Gronke 2019). In protocluster galaxies embedded in the H i richer large-scale environment, faster growth brought on by a higher star formation efficiency (e.g., Chiang et al. 2017) may work through these processes to effectively create a more porous ISM relative to that of their field counterparts. Such a scenario would have a strong implication for the role of protocluster galaxies in cosmic reionization.

Another possibility is that we may be witnessing simultaneous births of young primeval galaxies occurring in high-density regions. Extremely young stellar ages may lead not only to a higher level of turbulence in the ISM creating low-density channels (Kakiichi & Gronke 2019) but also to a higher ionizing photon production efficiency (thus increasing Lyα production), higher specific SFRs (sSFRs; Clarke & Oey 2002; Endsley et al. 2021), and low dust content. Enhanced sSFRs in galaxies residing in high-density environment have been reported recently (Lemaux et al. 2020; Shi et al. 2020). While the positive SFR−density relation is relatively weak for the general population, there is also tentative evidence that LAEs—as young, low-mass galaxies—lie above the Mstar–SFR main sequence (Guaita et al. 2011; Hagen et al. 2016; but see Kusakabe et al. 2018 for a contradictory result) in which such effects may manifest more clearly.

Finally, protocluster LAEs may be more metal-poor than the field LAEs, producing hotter stellar photospheres and thus higher ionizing radiation efficiency (Sternberg et al. 2003; Leitherer et al. 2010). While lower metallicity in high-density regions is counterintuitive, it is plausible if these galaxies are hosted by low-mass (≲1011 M) halos undergoing the first major starburst fueled by the H i rich environment. At z ∼ 3, the volume of a single protocluster is immense (Chiang et al. 2013) and the chemical enrichment therein is expected to be heterogeneous.

Distinguishing these different but possibly related scenarios would require considerably larger samples of LAEs spanning a range of large-scale environments and deeper imaging data to enable photometric measurements with improved precision. Optical spectroscopy can enable comparative analyses of the Lyα properties (i.e., the shape and velocity offset) and dust content to test if the distribution of H i gas in the galaxy indeed changes with their large-scale structure. Robust measurements of their SFR, stellar masses, and the overall shape of the SED will also help discern a significant difference in metallicity and ages. Deep James Webb Space Telescope NIRSPEC observations can place direct constraints on the metallicity of galaxies in a diverse range of environments.

The One-hundred square-degree DECam Imaging in Narrowbands (ODIN) survey will provide the largest samples of LAEs in protocluster and field environments alike, which can serve as the basis of these investigations. As a new NSF NOIRLab program (Program ID: 2020B-0201), the survey began in early 2021 to image an area of 91 deg2 with three narrowband filters sampling redshifted Lyα emission at z = 4.5, 3.1, and 2.4 (cosmic ages of 1.3, 2.0, and 2.7 Gyr, respectively), straddling the epoch in which the stellar mass assembly rate of both cluster and field galaxies reached its peak (Madau & Dickinson 2014). Within the survey volume of ≈0.24 Gpc3 (comoving), ≈100,000 LAEs, ≈45 Coma progenitors, and ≈600 Virgo progenitor systems are expected. Combined with the existing and upcoming facilities, 14 these new data sets will considerably enrich our understanding of the galaxy growth occurring in the largest cosmic structures in direct comparison with that of average galaxies at the same epoch.

7. Conclusions

We have conducted a comprehensive investigation of the Lyα properties of the LAEs at z ∼ 3.1 including the contribution from the extended, low surface brightness Lyα emission. We summarize our results as follows:

  • 1.  
    The average Lyα emission is spatially extended, spanning at least 4'' across, in contrast to the UV emission of the same galaxies, which is unresolved (Figure 1), confirming the ubiquity of the Lyα halo (Section 3). The Lyα halo has a scale length rs,h = 4.9 ± 0.7 kpc (Figure 2) and contributes up to ${61}_{-12}^{+9} \% $ of the total line flux in a typical LAE at z ∼ 3. Protocluster and field LAEs have similar LAH sizes, implying that the large-scale environment is not a major factor that drives the LAH sizes. We provide a simple diagnostic (Figure 3) that can help estimate the expected Lyα flux loss as a function of aperture size in a range of seeing values typical in ground-based imaging data.
  • 2.  
    We estimate the Lyα escape fraction for 62 individual LAEs (Section 4.1), nearly one-third of which show unphysically high fesc (≳100%). Large fesc values may be a result of a wide spread in metallicity, age, and star formation histories for the LAEs in our sample; AGN contamination or highly sightline-dependent Lyα emission cannot be ruled out. However, the relative fraction falling into this category is considerably higher for protocluster LAEs than for those in the field, hinting at an environmental effect. After excluding the protocluster LAEs, we find 〈fesc〉 ∼ 40% ± 26% within galaxy-sized apertures. After correcting the flux loss on the average basis, we obtain 〈fesc,tot〉 ∼ 51% ± 31%. The modest increase is owing to the compact sizes of the Lyα halo (Section 4.2). Despite the ubiquity of extended line emission in this class of objects, its presence does not warrant a substantial revision to the current picture.
  • 3.  
    Using a compilation of existing measurements, we explore how fesc varies with galaxies' photometric properties (Section 4.3). Our results suggest that the attenuation of Lyα flux due to interstellar dust is similar to that experienced by continuum photons (kLyα k1216; Section 5), but with a clear difference in their overall transmission by the factor, CLyα , which changes with the galaxy's UV luminosity (Figure 6). CLyα is ≈2 for our LAEs, but is reduced to ≈0.5–1 for more UV luminous galaxies. These results are incompatible with the expectation of several ISM models we have considered, and may support some form of multi-phase interstellar media that allow for the preferential escape of Lyα photons through selective attenuation (Section 5.1).
  • 4.  
    We empirically calibrate the Lyα escape as a function of LUV and β (Section 5.2, Figures 7 and 8). Doing so allows us to predict the fesc value of individual LAEs within ∼50% of the measured value, improving the precision by nearly a factor of 2 compared to the single-parameter (β) model. The luminosity dependence in the fescβ relation may result from a gradual shift of the dust law, from an SMC-like extinction for low-mass galaxies to the Calzetti et al. (2000) or Reddy et al. (2016) extinction for more evolved, more luminous galaxies.
  • 5.  
    Protocluster LAEs have higher Lyα escape fractions and are bluer than their field counterparts (Section 6, Figure 10) suggesting that galaxy formation proceeds differently in dense protocluster environments. We consider different physical scenarios that may explain the observations (Section 6.1); these include the possibility that heightened star formation activity in the protocluster environment is more conducive to creating a more porous medium, facilitating the escape of Lyα and LyC photons. Alternatively, we may be witnessing simultaneous births of extremely young and/or low-metallicity galaxies hosted in low-mass halos in the region. Larger samples of protoclusters and their galaxy constituents combined with sensitive observations from upcoming facilities will place stringent constraints on these scenarios.

We thank the referee for a careful reading of the manuscript and for suggestions that helped improve this paper. We thank Lucia Guaita and Eric Gawiser for useful comments and suggestions. Y.H. acknowledges the generous support of the Purdue Research Foundation for completing this work. This project is primarily based on observations at Kitt Peak National Observatory at NSF's NOIRLab (NOIRLab Prop. ID 2017B-0087: PI: K.-S. Lee), which is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. The authors are honored to be permitted to conduct astronomical research on Iolkam Du'ag (Kitt Peak), a mountain with particular significance to the Tohono O'odham. The work is also based on observations obtained with MegaPrime/MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/IRFU, at the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Science de l'Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. This work is based in part on data products produced at Terapix available at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre as part of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey, a collaborative project of NRC and CNRS. This research has been supported by the funding for the ByoPiC project from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program grant agreement ERC-2015-AdG 695561. K.S. acknowledges the funding from NSFC grant No. 12003023 and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation grant No. 2020M680086.

Appendix: Robustness of the Dependence of fesc on Dust

The escape fraction of Lyα photons is estimated based on three parameters, the reddening parameter (E(BV)) and the line and continuum luminosities (LUV and LLyα ) of the galaxy through Equation (8). Estimation of these parameters comes with varying degrees of uncertainties that can adversely affect our ability to discern the intrinsic scaling relation from our photometric measurements. In this section, we utilize a galaxy simulation to assess the robustness of our photometric measurements and the conclusions based on them presented in Section 5.

We run a simulation containing sources spanning a wide range of relevant parameters. Following the procedure described in S19 and Malavasi et al. (2021), we use the stellar population synthesis model of Bruzual & Charlot (2003) to create a model galaxy spectrum (20 Myr in age) characterized by a constant star formation history, the Salpeter (1955) initial mass function, and solar metallicity. Since we are mainly interested in photometric measurements, our results are largely insensitive to these assumptions. To the base spectrum, we assign UV luminosity, UV continuum slope, and redshift at random within the range appropriate for our LAE sample. 15 The attenuation by the intergalactic media and interstellar dust are corrected using the H i opacity given by Madau (1995) and the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust reddening law, respectively. A Lyα line is then added to the redshifted galaxy SED, which is approximated as a Gaussian profile peaked at 1215.67(1 + z) Å with an intrinsic FWHM = 3 Å and a line luminosity in the range $\mathrm{log}{L}_{\mathrm{Ly}\alpha }\in [42,44.5]$ erg s−1. We compute AB magnitudes in o3, g, r, i and z bands by convolving the synthetic SED with the total filter transmission curves. In practice, the line flux falling into a given filter was estimated separately from the continuum flux and added to the flux to mitigate the coarse resolution of the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) galaxy templates. Our parent mock catalog consists of a total of 10,000 galaxies whose properties span the full range of the observed values.

From the base catalog, we randomly draw 200 entries and assign position, morphology (disk/bulge and position angle), and size (half-light radius) to each source. Although we use a size distribution consistent with the literature (e.g., Shibuya et al. 2019), the angular size of LAEs at z ∼ 3 is small enough such that most can be considered as point sources in a ground-based image with ≈1'' seeing, as is the case for the present work. These galaxies are added to the science images after being convolved with the image PSF to add realistic photon noise. Source detection and photometric measurements are performed in the identical manner to that for the real data. We repeat this procedure 100 times, inserting 20,000 artificial sources into the data. Of these, 14,273 (≈71%) are detected in the o3 band at S/N ≥ 7. The LUV, LLyα , β, and fesc of these o3-detected galaxies are estimated following the same procedure as described in S19.

Using the mock photometric catalog, we construct a source list that closely matches the distribution of observed LUV, LLyα , and β values of our real LAEs. Doing so is critical to avoid creating a false sense of agreement or disagreement, as any photometric measurement is expected to be more accurate for brighter sources. Galaxies are randomly drawn from the catalog with a probability assigned to each source according to its physical parameters. Similar to the real data, only sources with the uncertainty in β value less than 0.9 are retained at this step. The broad correlation between LUV and LLyα , which stems from the equivalent width cut, is also mimicked by excluding sources lying outside the region populated by the real LAEs. Our final mock LAE catalog consists of 1166 galaxies for which both intrinsic and observed values of the key parameters are available for comparison.

In Figure 11, we show the intrinsic and the recovered values of β and fesc. Each galaxy is represented by a circle color coded by the observed i-band magnitude. The overall agreement is evaluated by calculating the mean and the standard deviation of the mock data after rejecting >3σ outliers and are shown as open pentagons. Most of these catastrophic outliers tend to be i-band faint sources; i-bright outliers may simply be cases in which a simulated source falls too close to a real galaxy in the image. The one-to-one line is shown as a dashed line. The spread in observed β values (σβ ≈ 0.15–0.20 in most bins) is primarily due to the photometric scatter in the bands used for the UV slope measurements, which propagates into our fesc determination. The recovered β values have a tendency of upscattering to a larger value (i.e., a redder SED), particularly for continuum-fainter sources. This is likely caused by our Δβ < 0.9 cut that, everything else being equal, retains sources that up-scatter to a higher continuum flux while rejecting those that down-scatter. This effect leads to the slight underestimation of fesc. However, in most bins, the mean is consistent with the intrinsic value within the error. The recovery of the continuum and line luminosities is much better (≲0.1 dex) than the parameters shown in Figure 11 because the luminosities are tied to the source brightness in a single band given the narrow redshift range of the LAEs. At the redshift range sampled by the o3 filter, the change in luminosity from z = 3.15 to 3.10 is less than 4%, much smaller than any measurement uncertainties. All in all, we conclude that our ability to estimate the intrinsic β and fesc values is reasonably good.

Figure 11.

Figure 11. The comparisons between the intrinsic and observed values of UV continuum slope β and Lyα escape fraction. The synthetic galaxies are color coded by their observed i-band magnitude. In each panel, the dashed line marks the one-to-one relationship. Open pentagons represent the mean value in each intrinsic β/fesc bin after rejecting >3σ outliers.

Standard image High-resolution image

We further test our ability to infer the fescE(BV) scaling relation based on our photometric measurements by defining a subsample of mock LAEs, but this time, only retaining sources whose intrinsic fesc and E(BV) values obey the dashed line in Figure 12 within ± 0.15 dex, which represents the best-fit scaling law (see Table 2 and Section 5). The recovered values are shown as filled circles, once again color coded by the observed i-band brightness. We then determine the best-fit power-law model in a manner identical to that for the real data and obtain kLyα = 12.64 ± 0.34 and CLyα = 1.81 ± 0.03, indicated by the solid line in the figure. Because we tend to underestimate fesc the most for the bluest (low E(BV)) galaxies, the recovered CLyα is slightly lower than the intrinsic value, while kLyα is robustly recovered. However, it is clear that the intrinsic and the observed scaling laws are very similar. Thus, we conclude that our measurements can recover the intrinsic scaling law in a statistically robust manner and that the dependence of fesc on interstellar extinction presented in Section 5 is real.

Figure 12.

Figure 12. Using a sample of mock galaxies that obey an intrinsic scaling law between fesc and E(BV), we test our ability to discern such a relation based on photometric measurements. The scaling law is assumed to be what best describes the D1 LAE sample and is shown as a gray dashed line. Recovered quantities are shown as circles color coded by the i-band brightness for galaxies obeying the scaling law within ±0.15 dex. The best-fit power law of these measurements is marked by the solid line.

Standard image High-resolution image


  • 6  

    The flux limits of the XMM data in the D1 field are 2.5 × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 0.5–2 keV band, and 2 × 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 in the 2–10 keV band.

  • 7  

    We do not correct for the Lyα flux falling outside the slitlet and therefore the Lyα luminosity is likely underestimated.

  • 8  

    At z = 3.13, 10'' corresponds to 78.4 kpc; even the most extended Lyα emission detected around normal star-forming galaxies are found to be ≲25 kpc in their exponential scale lengths (e.g., Steidel et al. 2010).

  • 9  

    As for the binning, we used <1042, 1042–1042.5, and >1042.5 erg s−1 for the line luminosity, >−18, −(18 − 19), and ≤−19 mag for the UV absolute magnitude, and <75, 75–150, and ≥150 Å for W0.

  • 10  

    The Lyα equivalent width cut is slightly different among the literature, being 20 Å (Blanc et al. 2011), 65 Å (Oteo et al. 2015), 16 Å (Sobral et al. 2017), and 4 Å (for Hα-detected galaxies studied by Matthee et al. 2016).

  • 11  

    The Python function scipy.optimize.curve_fit uses a nonlinear least squares to fit a function f to a given data set. The best-fit model is the one in which the sum of the squared residuals of f(xdata) − ydata is at its minimum.

  • 12  

    The parameter is typically denoted as XLyα in the literature. Here, we denote it as X to avoid confusion with another parameter defined in Equation (5).

  • 13  

    UV-selected star-forming galaxies with the luminosity range LUV =(0.1–3.0)L* at z = 3–4 typically span β [−2.5, −1.0] (Bouwens et al. 2009, 2012).

  • 14  

    The ODIN survey fields largely overlap with legacy fields including the Legacy Survey of Space and Time Deep fields, Euclid deep fields, and one of the HETDEX survey fields.

  • 15  

    $\mathrm{log}{L}_{\mathrm{UV}}\in [27,30]$ erg s−1 Hz−1, β ∈ [−2.1, −0.4], and z ∈ [3.11, 3.15].

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