Luminosity–Luminosity Correlations in Flux-limited Multiwavelength Data

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Published 2019 May 24 © 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation J. Singal et al 2019 ApJ 877 63 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1b1f

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We explore the general question of correlations among different waveband luminosities in a flux-limited multiband observational data set. Such correlations, often observed for astronomical sources, may be either intrinsic or induced by the redshift evolution of the luminosities and the data truncation due to the flux limits. We first address this question analytically. We then use simulated flux-limited data with three different known intrinsic luminosity correlations and prescribed luminosity functions and evolution similar to the ones expected for quasars. We explore how the intrinsic nature of luminosity correlations can be deduced, including exploring the efficacy of partial correlation analysis with redshift binning in determining whether luminosity correlations are intrinsic and finding the form of the intrinsic correlation. By applying methods that we have developed in recent works, we show that we can recover the true cosmological evolution of the luminosity functions and the intrinsic correlations between the luminosities. Finally, we demonstrate the methods for determining intrinsic luminosity correlations on actual observed samples of quasars with mid-infrared, radio, and optical fluxes and redshifts, finding that the luminosity–luminosity correlation is significantly stronger between mid-infrared and optical than that between radio and optical luminosities, supporting the canonical jet-launching and heating model of active galaxies.

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1. Introduction

When dealing with multiwavelength observations of astrophysical sources, the question often arises whether the emissions in different wavebands (e.g., optical, radio, infrared, X-ray, gamma-ray, etc.) are correlated. Determining the intrinsic correlations between these emissions is crucial for addressing a large variety of scientific questions, e.g., the relation between the emission processes and the sites and mechanisms of the acceleration of particles (or more generally the energizing of the plasma) responsible for these emissions. A common practice is to plot luminosities in two bands against each other for a sample of observed sources and determine the luminosity–luminosity (hereafter LL) correlation empirically. However, more often than not such samples include sources with a large range of distances, such as extragalactic sources with a range of redshifts.4 Such samples are always subject to observational selection effects that truncate the data. The most common truncation arises in flux-limited data, where the fact that lower (higher) luminosities in both bands are dominated by sources at lower (higher) redshifts introduces a significant artificial correlation in the observed luminosities (e.g., Chanan 1983; Feigelson & Berg 1983; Khembavi et al. 1986; Antonucci 2011; Pavlidou et al. 2012). The situation is even more complicated, however, with extragalactic sources, where, in addition to the observational selection effects, the different luminosities may undergo similar or different cosmological luminosity evolution, which can induce additional LL correlation (Petrosian & Singal 2015). Figure 1 shows two examples of LL scatter diagrams obtained from flux-limited observed data (top panel) and simulated data described below (bottom panel). The top panel is from actual observed data, while the bottom panel is from a simulated observed data set described below. In the latter case the population has no intrinsic LL correlation by design yet displays a strong observed LL correlation. Petrosian & Singal (2015), using partial correlation coefficients and Efron–Petrosian nonparametric methods (Efron & Petrosian 1992, 1999), showed that most but not all of the observed correlation in the top panel is induced by the selection process.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. Two examples of observed optical–radio luminosity scatter diagrams from flux-limited data sets: quasars from Singal et al. (2013; top), and a simulated data set subject to similar flux limits and known input parameters, but with no intrinsic luminosity–luminosity correlation developed in Section 3 (bottom). Colors represent different redshift bins. Black points are z ≤ 0.5, dark-blue points are 0.5 < z ≤ 1.0, light-blue points are 1.0 < z ≤ 1.5, green points are 1.5 < z ≤ 2.0, yellow points are 2.0 < z ≤ 2.5, orange points are 2.5 < z ≤ 3.0, and red points are z > 3.0. Also shown for the real data are lines of constant ratio of the 5 GHz radio luminosity to the 2500 Å optical luminosity, and the limiting luminosities for inclusion in the sample at example redshifts of z = 1 and z = 3. It is clear that selection and redshift evolutions can induce a correlation between the different waveband luminosities that is not intrinsic. Some of the sharpness of the boundaries observed in the simulated data is due to a high-luminosity cutoff included in the simulated data to make the number of required data points manageable.

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In this work we explore the question of to what extent observed correlations in multiwavelength flux-limited data are indicative (or not) of intrinsic correlations, and we develop and verify techniques for directly determining correlations and distributions. In Section 2 we show analytically the extent to which (i) truncations due to flux limits of the samples and/or (ii) luminosity evolutions induce artificial LL correlation and the dependence of these effects on the characteristics of the luminosity functions (LFs).

It should be noted that the questions under consideration here not only are relevant for LL correlations but also are important for exploring the correlation, or generally the relation, between any two characteristics (or variables), both of which depend on and are obtained from the values of a third independent characteristic. In such a case partial correlation coefficients (based on, for example, Pearson or Kendall statistics) must be used as explored here. In astrophysical sources this applies to all extensive characteristics such as luminosity, mass, or size, whose values can only be obtained with the measurement of their distances, which are subject to data truncation and in the case of extragalactic sources are affected by cosmological evolutions mentioned above. Thus, the procedures and results described here for LL correlation are relevant for considerations of correlations between any two (similar or different) pairs of extensive characteristics.

In the next section we present some analytic calculations showing the degree by which different effects mentioned above induce artificial LL correlation. In Section 3 we introduce and explore simulated data sets with known intrinsic characteristics of the LF with different degrees of intrinsic correlation between different waveband luminosities. In Section 4 we explore the efficacy of partial correlation analysis with redshift binning in determining whether luminosity correlations are intrinsic. In Section 5 we demonstrate that techniques applied in recent works (Singal et al. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016; Singal 2015), based on extensions of methods first proposed by Efron and Petrosian (Efron & Petrosian 1992, 1999), can recover the intrinsic distributions and correlations of the luminosities and redshifts in flux-limited multiwavelength data, and we show that the intrinsic LL correlations can be deduced by considering the correlations between the de-evolved luminosities. In Section 6 we demonstrate the use of partial correlation analysis and the determination of the intrinsic LL correlations for two real multiwavelength data sets consisting of radio and optical and mid-infrared and optical observations. We summarize the main results in Section 7.

2. Analytical Considerations

Let us consider the general trivariate differential LF $\bar{{\rm{\Psi }}}(x,y,r)$, where x and y stand for dimensionless (for algebraic convenience) luminosities ({x, y} = L{x, y}/L0), in two different photon energy bands (where the x, y notation indicates that the equation in question applies to either x or y), and r stands for a measure of the distance of the object, which for extragalactic sources depends on redshift z (or Z ≡ 1 + z). r can be the comoving metric distance DC(z) or the luminosity distance DL(z). In what follows we will use the last choice, i.e., r will stand for DL.5

The "differential" LF quantifies the differential number of objects per infinitesimal bin in the relevant parameters, so obtaining the total number of objects in some range of parameter values involves integrating the differential LF over those ranges, while a "cumulative" LF would quantify the total number of objects above or below a certain value of a parameter, that is, an integration over a certain range with a limit of 0 or $\infty $. The luminosities in a sample are calculated from the observed fluxes ${f}_{x},{f}_{y}$. We express these dimensionless fluxes in units of fiducial flux ${f}_{0}={L}_{0}/[4\pi {\left(c/{H}_{0}\right)}^{2}]$ so that we get {x, y} = r2f{x,y}.

Without loss of generality we can write, for the full differential LF,

Equation (1)

with $\rho (r)$ describing the differential density evolution—the change in number density of objects—and Ψ(x, y, r) describing the dependence on the luminosities and redshift. This simply splits the full LF of both luminosities into a portion quantifying the object density evolution and a portion quantifying everything else. The differential density evolution ρ(r) is related to the cumulative luminosity evolution σ(z) by

Equation (2)

If we then consider a sample of sources with flux limits fl,x and fl,y (in units of f0), they would have minimum luminosities for inclusion in the sample as a function of r,

Equation (3)

Figure 2 graphically sketches some of the characteristics of a (single-waveband, for clarity) LF when parameterized in this way. The observed distribution of the sample—that is, the number density of objects in the parameter space of x, y, and r—is then related to these intrinsic luminosity distributions as

Equation (4)

where Θ(b) is the step function (=1 for b > 0 and 0 otherwise). For convenience we also define the bivariate observed luminosity distribution over just x and y luminosities (i.e., integrated over all r),

Equation (5)

(where r0 is the maximum distance accessed by the survey), and mono-variate distributions over just one luminosity,

Equation (6)

We use the observed moments of these distributions to determine the correlation between the two luminosities. For example, the observed average value of luminosity x at each fixed luminosity y value is

Equation (7)

(because dN/dy is the number [density] of objects at that y value, thus the denominator of the average), and we can determine whether the observed average value of x depends on or is independent of this y value, which is an indication of an observed correlation or lack thereof, respectively, between x and y.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Graphical sketch of some characteristics of a single-waveband differential LF $\bar{{\rm{\Psi }}}(x,z)={\rm{\Psi }}(x,z)\rho (z)$, where ρ(z) is the redshift density evolution and ${\psi }_{x}^{{\prime} }(x^{\prime} )$ is the local luminosity function, with $x^{\prime} $ being the "local luminosity"—that is, the luminosity with its redshift evolution taken out. Here x is being used to represent the luminosity in the particular waveband, following the notation of Section 2, and all functions of the redshift z could equivalently be expressed as functions of a cosmological distance measure r as in that section. xm represents the minimum luminosity of objects that could be present in the survey at some z > 0 given the flux limit of the survey fl,x. The LF extends to luminosities below this value but is not directly probed by the survey in question.

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We start by assuming that the luminosities are uncorrelated (i.e., x and y are independent of each other) and that both are independent of r, i.e., there is no luminosity evolution, and see if an observed correlation is induced. In this case we can separate the variables as $\bar{{\rm{\Psi }}}(x,y,r)=\psi (x)\psi (y)\rho (r)$. Then, if and only if the data are not truncated, xm = 0 and ${r}_{0}=\infty $ and Equation (7) simplifies to

Equation (8)

and xint is a constant independent of y, thus resulting in no observed correlation between x and y.

In what follows we will add the effects of data truncation and consider what one would observe $\langle x(y)\rangle $ to be given the data at hand. We will consider several cases, starting with the (mathematically) simplest case.

  • 1.  
    Simple Power-law LFs and No Luminosity Evolution: Here $\psi (x)={\phi }_{x}{x}^{-{\delta }_{x}}{\rm{\Theta }}(x-{x}_{0})$ (similarly $\psi (y)\,={\phi }_{y}{y}^{-{\delta }_{y}}{\rm{\Theta }}(y-{y}_{0})$). The no luminosity evolution implies that ϕx, x0, and δx are independent of r. The truncation due to flux limits introduces distances ${r}_{0,x}=\sqrt{{x}_{0}/{f}_{l,x}}$ and ${r}_{0,y}=\sqrt{{y}_{0}/{f}_{l,y}}$ below which the sample is not truncated. We assume that r0,x < r0,y. The intrinsic average value (and the value observed for untruncated data) is xint = x0(δx − 1)/(δx − 2) obtained by putting these LF forms into Equation (8). But for the truncated data the observed average values are, using these LFs and limits in evaluating Equation (7),
    Equation (9)
    Equation (10)
    In order to evaluate these integrals, we need the functional form of $d\sigma /{dr}$, which involves the product of two functions: the density evolution and the comoving volume. In general, this product is a complex function of the above measures of distance, in particular the DL being used here. Let us assume that we can approximate this with a power law, /dr ∝ r2+β, with β presenting roughly an evolution index. We then have, performing the integrations,
    Equation (11)
    Hence, the result depends primarily on the index γ. For γ > −1 (β − 2δx > −5) the average value starts from near unity and rises quickly as $\langle x(y)\rangle \propto y$ with increasing y, while in the opposite limit of γ < −3 we get $\langle x(y)\rangle \sim $ const., and in between it varies more slowly than linearly with y. This indicates that in general data truncation induces some correlation between the luminosities and this correlation becomes stronger for larger values of the density evolution index β and flatter LFs (smaller δx). This is as expected because both these effects result in a greater segregation of high- and low-luminosity sources at high and low redshifts, respectively, in the LL scatter diagrams as shown in Figure 1.
  • 2.  
    Broken Power-law LFs: If the broken power law applies only to one variable, say, the break of the xLF at xbr, then, as evident from the above analysis, the shape of the other LF (namely, y) is unimportant, and the only complication is that in Equation (9) we get three integrals in both the numerator and the denominator (the second integral gets divided into two at the break luminosity). As indicated above, a steeper LF induces weaker correlation; thus, we expect that a steepening of the LF at higher luminosities, which is often the case for most astronomical sources, will reduce this effect. This can be seen by considering a very large steepening (i.e., a large increase in value of δx instead of changes of order unity seen in active galactic nuclei [AGNs]), which essentially sets a ceiling for the average near a value at the break luminosity ($\langle x(y)\rangle \to {x}_{\mathrm{br}}$). Now, if the other LF also suffers a break (steepening at ybr as is common), then the integration limits become complicated depending on the relative values of the break luminosities and relative values of high-luminosity indices. In this case a numerical calculation, for specific parameters of the LFs, is required.
  • 3.  
    Effects of Luminosity Evolution: If the sources undergo luminosity evolution in one or both wavebands, we can express this luminosity dependence on redshift/distance with forms x = x'gx(r) and y = y'gy(r). Here x' and y' will be referred to as the "local luminosities," meaning that they are the luminosity values an object would have if the redshift evolution of the luminosity were taken out (provided that we normalize the evolution function so that g(0) = 1). Now luminosity evolution in x means that ψ(x) is no longer independent of r, and evolution in y necessitates that ψ(y) is also not, which means that it does not come out of the dr integrals and divide out when evaluating Equation (7). In order to obtain variables independent of r, we can make the variable change in the integrals to x' = x/gx(r) and y' = y/gy(r). We then get an equation very similar to Equation (9) with x in the integrals replaced by x' and /dr changed to /dr × gx(r) (because dx = dx× gx(r)). Assuming positive luminosity evolution with redshift, this increases the β index, which, as mentioned above, increases the variation of the average observed x with y and thus the observed correlation of the (nonintrinsically correlated) luminosities. A possible countereffect, however, is that with this variable change the y value in Equation (10) is reduced (assuming positive luminosity evolution in y) to y', which generally acts toward reducing the observed correlation. Since the designations of which band is x and which is y for this analysis are arbitrary, the effects must be symmetrical to this distinction. Thus, perhaps counterintuitively, the induced observed correlation due to luminosity evolution is highest when the luminosity evolutions in the respective bands are the most divergent.

The above results show that for flux-limited, multiwaveband data sets, observational selection effects induce an artificial correlation between luminosities, the exact degree of which depends on the particular functional forms of the LFs and the two luminosity evolutions, with greater difference in the latter inducing greater artificial correlations between the luminosities. The simulations discussed below show that these artificial LL correlations are indeed induced for such data sets.

3. Simulated Data Sets

In order to explore the effects of redshift evolutions and observational selection effects on population characteristics, in particular the LL correlation, we simulate populations with known intrinsic properties, such as LFs in two different wavebands, undergoing comoving density and luminosity evolutions similar to those for observed AGNs. From this we then select an observed sample with two hypothetical flux limits. To develop and highlight comparisons with recently explored real populations (e.g., Singal et al. 2013, 2016), we have assumed this simulated population to be "quasars" observed by large-area surveys and labeled the two wavebands "optical" and "radio," but the conclusions as far as issues of LL correlations and population distributions are entirely general. Our main goal is to see how well we recover the input characteristics, in particular the assumed LL correlation, using the methods we used in the above papers and in Petrosian & Singal (2015).

3.1. Simulated Population Characteristics

We have distributed the populations according to the following intrinsic characteristics, now switching notation in some cases to dimensionful luminosity La for the luminosity in a given waveband and redshift z rather than the dimensionless x and y and distance r used in Section 2. The populations have intrinsic "local" (that is, before any redshift evolution effects are considered) differential LFs that obey a simple power law of the form

Equation (12)

where ${\rm{\Phi }}({L}_{a}^{{\prime} })$ is the cumulative local LF. This results in a power-law local LF (with power-law index δa) above an assumed minimum luminosity for the population L0,a. We then introduce luminosity evolution with redshift to the population with the functional form used for our AGN studies, which has been shown to be a good fit to the data (Singal et al. 2013, 2016):

Equation (13)

where Z ≡ 1 + z as above, with potentially different parameters (δa, L0,a , ka) for each waveband. This form allows for rapid evolution up to redshift zcr and then less rapid evolution at higher redshifts, where rest-frame time changes are smaller. The population also is simulated to have a comoving density evolution ρ(z) or the differential number evolution

Equation (14)

where σ(z) is the cumulative number evolution discussed above, with zm and s as the mean redshift and variance, respectively. With the population characteristics distributed in this way, the overall LF in a waveband a can be expressed as

Equation (15)

This is because ρ(z) quantifies the object density evolution with redshift, while what remains is the distribution over luminosities (which may change with redshift, which is known as luminosity evolution). To see that the latter is included, consider that at a particular redshift z and particular luminosity La one would be drawing from the local LF (a function of ${L}_{a}^{{\prime} }={L}_{a}/{g}_{a}(z)$) at a luminosity value that is lower (assuming positive luminosity evolution with redshift) by a factor of 1/ga(z), and therefore drawing an appropriately higher corresponding LF value to account for the redshift evolution of the luminosity. However, to remain properly normalized so that integrating over all luminosities gives the total number of objects at any given redshift, the higher LF value must then be divided by the factor ga(z). Mathematically, the latter can be seen by noting the relation, given the luminosity evolution, ${{dL}}_{a}^{{\prime} }={{dL}}_{a}/{g}_{a}(z)$.

The total number of observed objects is then

Equation (16)

where the value of Lmin(z) depends on the flux limit of the sample in waveband a.

In what follows we simulate a population in two different bands (which we will call optical and radio) with a simple power-law intrinsic correlation between the local (prior to any redshift evolution) luminosities:

Equation (17)

where α is the correlation index. We explore the values α = 0.0 (i.e., no correlation) and two different degrees of correlations with α = 0.5 and 1.0.

For the luminosity evolutions, in order to span values approximately matching the intrinsic characteristics of real populations from previous analyses, we adopt the values Zcr = 3.7, kopt = 3.0, and krad = 4.5. For the LFs and density evolution, also to approximate intrinsic values seen in previous analyses, we adopt power-law indices, δopt = −2 and δrad = −2, and zm = 2 and s = 0.75. We also assume that the spectrum of sources in the short range of frequencies around each band can be approximated by a power law

Equation (18)

with photon index values of εopt = 0.5 and εrad = 0.4. We form Monte Carlo populations with these distributions by inverse transform sampling, which allows random numbers to be generated uniformly on the interval [0,1] (e.g., Devroye 1986). For concreteness we consider the optical luminosity density at 2500 Å and the radio luminosity density at 1.4 GHz.

The inverse transform sampling method requires assigning a lower and upper limit to the quantity being simulated, and the choice of these limits determines how many objects must be simulated in order to achieve a reasonable number of observed objects once the observational limits are imposed. These limits result in an effective maximum luminosity (which varies with redshift because of the imposed luminosity evolution) and additionally an effective minimum luminosity at very low redshifts for the uncorrelated case, which can be seen visually in Figures 4 and 5. However, because of the steepness of the LFs and the relative lack of very low redshift sources, these simulation cutoffs are much less significant for the observed data set than the main observational truncation at low luminosities—i.e., there are far fewer objects in the Lz regions of the former than the latter. In the analyses discussed below in Sections 4 and 5 we treat only the observational truncation, so to the extent that we successfully recover the relevant intrinsic population characteristics it is done in spite of the presence of these additional and unaccounted-for cutoffs, highlighting their subdominant nature and lack of significant effect on the analyses.

3.2. Simulated Selection Effects

Because an optical observation is needed to identify a quasar via colors and provide a spectroscopic redshift, only those objects whose flux density is greater than the corresponding assumed minimum for detection in both wavebands are considered to be part of an observed sample. With the populations simulated according to the intrinsic characteristics of Section 3.1, we then apply simulated flux-limited "observations" in both wavebands. For simplicity, straightforwardness, and a connection to real data, the optical survey is taken to observe in a filter equivalent to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) i band (e.g., Schneider et al. 2010) and have a universal magnitude limit of 19.1 in that band, and the radio survey is taken to be observing at 1.4 GHz and have a universal flux density limit of 1 mJy. The former is a simplified version of a limit that can be taken for the SDSS data release 7 quasar catalog (Schneider et al. 2010), and the latter is a simplified version of the limit of the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-Centimeters (FIRST) survey (Becker et al. 1995). Figure 3 shows the optical–radio flux–flux scatter diagram for two simulations: one for the case of no correlation (α = 0), and one with α = 1. These are the simulated "observed" data we start with.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. The i-band optical vs. 1.4 GHz radio fluxes for the observed simulated data sets, for the case of intrinsically correlated (top—α = 1.0) and intrinsically uncorrelated (bottom—α = 0) radio and optical luminosities. For clarity and ease of presentation here we show fluxes of 10,000 randomly selected sources. A possibly apparent discontinuity in radio flux at low optical fluxes in the uncorrelated case is a visual artifact of the visually compressed y-axis interfacing with the actual distribution of fluxes of the observed sources and the selection of 10,000 objects for visual purposes and does not represent an actual discontinuity in the data.

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From the flux density of each object j in waveband a, fj, a, we calculate its luminosity density in that waveband with the luminosity–flux relation

Equation (19)

where DL(z) is the luminosity distance determined from the standard cosmology and Ka(z) is the K-correction factor. For a power-law spectrum as in Equation (18), the K-correction factor is

Equation (20)

In Figures 4 and 5 we show the optical and radio luminosities versus redshift, and in Figure 6 we show radio luminosities versus optical luminosities for the 10,000-object "observed" simulated data sets. As evident, a strong observed correlation is present even for the uncorrelated (α = 0) sample.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Optical luminosities vs. redshift for the observed simulated data sets, for the case of intrinsically correlated (top—α = 1.0) and intrinsically uncorrelated (bottom—α = 0) radio and optical luminosities. There is only one selection-induced truncation visible, that of the main curve at low luminosities, which increases with redshift. The apparent cutoff at high luminosities (and an additional, minor one for low luminosities, which appears at very low redshifts for the uncorrelated case) is not an observational effect but rather an artifact of the underlying simulation and does not appreciably affect the analysis here, as discussed in Section 3.1.

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Figure 5.

Figure 5. Radio luminosities vs. redshift for the observed simulated data sets, for the case of intrinsically correlated (top—α = 1.0) and intrinsically uncorrelated (bottom—α = 0) radio and optical luminosities. There is only one selection-induced truncation visible, that of the main curve at low luminosities, which increases with redshift. The apparent cutoff at high luminosities (and an additional, minor one for low luminosities, which appears at very low redshifts for the uncorrelated case) is not an observational effect but rather an artifact of the underlying simulation and does not appreciably affect the analysis here, as discussed in Section 3.1.

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Figure 6.

Figure 6. Optical vs. radio luminosities for the observed simulated data sets, for the case of intrinsically correlated (top—α = 1.0) and intrinsically uncorrelated (bottom—α = 0) radio and optical luminosities. As in Figure 1, it is clear that the observed luminosities can be correlated even if there is no intrinsic correlation between them.

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4. Analysis with Binned Partial Correlations

Here we explore the efficacy of determining correlations with data binned in redshift. In the limit of infinitesimally narrow bins, the data within each bin should have no appreciable luminosity evolution and will be truncated parallel to the axes in the LL plane, and therefore the phenomena that induce LL correlations discussed in Section 1 will be irrelevant (select truncations parallel to the axes in the LL plane are shown in the top panel of Figure 1). Thus, redshift binning has been used as a technique to deduce intrinsic LL correlations (e.g., Pavlidou et al. 2012). The question still arises, however, whether analysis in finite-sized bins where these effects do not disappear completely is effective.

A standard measure of partial correlations is the Pearson partial correlation coefficient (PPCC; e.g., Rao & Sievers 2007), which expresses the partial correlation between two variables discounting their mutual dependence on a third:

Equation (21)

where rab is the standard sample Pearson's moment correlation (PMC—commonly known as Pearson's r) between variables a and b,

Equation (22)

where ${\sigma }_{a}=\sum \sqrt{\tfrac{1}{N}{\left({a}_{i}-\overline{a}\right)}^{2}}$ is the standard deviation of the a values and N is the total number of data points.

It is important to note that the PMC and PPCC are measures of the extent to which two variables are correlated, in the sense of being related by some function. However, they do not shed any light on the nature of the correlation function itself, and a higher value does not necessarily indicate a steeper correlation function (or vice versa), only that the data more closely adhere to the function, whatever it may be. In this work we calculate PMCs and PPCCs using the logarithm of the luminosity values (and linear redshift values), in order to reduce the potential outsize effect of a small number of objects with a very high luminosity in a given bin.

We bin the data and then examine (a) the two luminosity–redshift correlations, (b) the LL correlation, and (c) the partial LL correlation for two cases: (i) the raw observed luminosities, and (ii) the so-called "local" luminosities with the best-fit redshift evolution removed. The differences between the LL full and partial correlations between the two cases can reveal how much of the LL correlation is physically real and how much is due to redshift evolution.

The most effective binning method for our needs, taking into consideration the data that we deal with, was found to be an equal number of objects per bin since objects are distributed unevenly across redshift. If we divide bins instead with uniform redshift size per bin, the few highest-redshift bins end up with too few objects, resulting in unrealistic, erratic, and unreliable correlation coefficients for these bins. The number of objects in the least populated bins could be increased by increasing the width of the bins in redshift, but this leads to severely flux-limit-induced correlations as discussed above. On the flip side, having an equal number of objects per bin and many bins would lead to bins with excessively small redshift ranges due to a high number of objects at those redshifts. While this does not make the LL correlations unreliable, it does hide intrinsic luminosity–redshift correlations since the redshift range is too small to detect redshift-dependent correlations. The optimum number of bins is thus the result of a trade-off between having some of the bins be too narrow and some too wide, and it depends on the size of the data set.

The effects of cosmological evolutions and observational selection biases can be investigated by examining both raw and local luminosities for the uncorrelated and correlated simulated data sets discussed in Section 3.

Figure 7 shows intrinsically uncorrelated simulated radio–optical data in 20 bins of redshift for both raw (top panel) and local luminosities (bottom panel). As expected, the radio–optical partial correlation coefficients for both raw and local luminosities are all approximately zero since these simulated data were designed to have no intrinsic correlation between the optical and radio luminosities. As hypothesized, in the top panel of Figure 7 we can see that the radio–redshift and optical–redshift correlation coefficients are nonzero since the population has luminosity evolution. Since we are not using infinitesimally small redshift bins, there is an automatic influence of the flux limit on the luminosities vis-à-vis redshift, which further contributes to a higher radio–redshift and optical–redshift correlation. Moreover, the radio–optical full correlation coefficients can be observed to be relatively higher than the partial correlation coefficients because the former are not disregarding their mutual dependence on redshift. This plot also demonstrates the contrast between using large and small bins. The last bin (at around average redshift of three, with the largest redshift range) of both panels of Figure 7 shows a relatively strong dependence of the luminosities on redshift, and as a result it has a higher radio–optical raw luminosity full correlation as well. This behavior is expected and is due to two reasons: (1) as we discussed earlier, having larger redshift ranges brings the flux limit effect into the luminosity dependence on redshift, automatically and misleadingly strengthening the correlation between luminosities and redshift, and (2) having a larger redshift range shows a relatively large artificial PMC correlation, which disappears using the partial correlation PPCC.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Radio–redshift, optical–redshift, and radio–optical PMCs, and radio–optical partial with redshift PPCCs in 20 bins of redshift with an equal number of objects per bin for raw (top) and local (bottom) luminosities for the intrinsically uncorrelated simulated observed radio and optical quasar data. Points are plotted at the average redshift and correlation values for each bin. We see that the lack of correlation between the two luminosities is manifest and that the luminosity–redshift correlations present in the raw luminosities are removed when considering the local luminosities.

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In comparison, we expected luminosity dependence on redshift and the radio–optical correlations to be smaller for the local luminosities as shown in the bottom panel of Figure 7. The utilization of local luminosities removes the redshift evolution, allowing us to observe correlations that exist sans redshift dependence. This is exactly what is seen, as the full radio–optical and the partial radio–optical correlation coefficients align almost perfectly with each other in the bottom panel of Figure 7. However, local luminosities still do not remove the effect of the flux limit, which is why we do not see a completely nonexistent redshift dependence in luminosities, and which is why the last bin still has a relatively higher luminosity dependence on redshift than the other bins.

Figures 8 and 9 show the cases of intrinsically correlated simulated radio–optical data, with the correlation power-law index (see Equation (17)) α = 1.0 and 0.5, respectively, in 20 bins of redshift for both raw (top panel) and local luminosities (bottom panel). Compared to the uncorrelated case, these manifest some distinctly contrasting features. As anticipated, the radio–optical partial correlation coefficients for both the top and bottom panels of Figure 8 are higher than for Figure 9, and both are much higher than in Figure 7 since the simulated data were designed to have intrinsic correlation between the luminosities. As in Figure 7, the luminosity–redshift correlations are generally nonzero in the top panels and drop lower (almost to zero) in the bottom panels of Figures 8 and 9 since using local luminosities removes their intrinsic dependence on redshift.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Radio–redshift, optical–redshift, and radio–optical PMCs, and radio–optical partial with redshift PPCCs in 20 bins of redshift with an equal number of objects per bin for raw (top) and local (bottom) luminosities for the intrinsically 1.0-correlated simulated observed radio and optical quasar data. Points are plotted at the average redshift and correlation values for each bin. We see that the strong correlation between the two luminosities is manifest, that the luminosity–redshift correlations present in the raw luminosities are removed when considering the local luminosities, and that removing the luminosity–redshift correlations decreases the divergence present in some bins between the PMCs and PPCCs for the luminosity–luminosity correlations.

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Figure 9.

Figure 9. Radio–redshift, optical–redshift, and radio–optical PMCs, and radio–optical partial with redshift PPCCs in 20 bins of redshift with an equal number of objects per bin for raw (top) and local (bottom) luminosities for the intrinsically 0.5-correlated simulated observed radio and optical quasar data. Points are plotted at the average redshift and correlation values for each bin. We see that the strong correlation between the two luminosities is manifest, that the luminosity–redshift correlations present in the raw luminosities are removed when considering the local luminosities, and that removing the luminosity–redshift correlations decreases the divergence present in some bins between the PMCs and PPCCs for the luminosity–luminosity correlations.

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We see from considering the above figures that full and partial correlation analysis in appropriately sized bins of redshift is a useful tool for determining presence or lack of, and at least qualitatively the degree of, intrinsic correlation between luminosities in a doubly flux-limited sample. The simulated data sets with intrinsic correlations between the luminosities (whether the actual form of the correlation is linear or sublinear) show significantly higher partial correlations between the luminosities and in particular the local luminosities than is the case for the simulated data set with no intrinsic correlation between the luminosities, which manifests nearly zero average partial correlation between the local luminosities.

5. Demonstration of Nonparametric Techniques with Simulated Data Sets

In recent works (Singal et al. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016; Singal 2015) we used multiwavelength extensions of methods first proposed by Efron and Petrosian (Efron & Petrosian 1992, 1999) to recover the intrinsic distributions and correlations of the luminosities and redshifts in flux-limited multiwavelength data. Here we apply these techniques to the simulated data sets developed in Section 3 to demonstrate how well we recover the input characteristics.

5.1. Luminosity Evolutions

We determine the correlations between luminosity and redshift by using a variant of a rank test statistic modified with the use of associated sets that are unbiased sets for comparison. The test statistic

Equation (23)

tests the independence of two variables in a data set, say, (xj, yj) for j = 1, ..., n. Here ${{ \mathcal R }}_{j}$ is the dependent variable (y) rank of the data point j in a set associated with it, ${{ \mathcal E }}_{j}=(1/2)(n+1)$ is the expectation value, and ${{ \mathcal V }}_{j}=(1/12)({n}^{2}+1)$ is the variance, where n is the number of objects in object j's associated set. For untruncated data (i.e., data truncated parallel to the axes) the set associated with point j includes all of the points with a lower (or higher, but not both) independent variable value (xk < xj). If the data are truncated, one must form the associated set consisting only of those points of lower (or higher, but not both) independent variable (x) value that would have been observed if they were at the x value of point j given the truncation. Figure 10 shows a graphical description of an associated set for a given example data point.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Depiction of the associated set for a particular object in a hypothetical single-flux-limited single-waveband survey. Associated sets are introduced in Section 5.1.

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If (${x}_{j},{y}_{j}$) are independent, then the ranks ${{ \mathcal R }}_{j}$ should be distributed randomly and τ should sum to near zero. Independence is rejected at the mσ level if $| \,\tau \,| \gt m$. To find the best-fit correlation between y and x, the y data are adjusted by defining ${y}_{j}^{{\prime} }={y}_{j}/F({x}_{j})$ and the rank test is repeated, with different values of parameters of the function F until y' and x are determined to be uncorrelated.

In the case here of multiband luminosity and redshift data, for determining the redshift evolution of luminosity we can treat redshift as the independent variable and the luminosities as dependent variables. The problem becomes one of determining the evolution factors ka(z) in the functions ga(z) in Equation (13) that render each luminosity uncorrelated with redshift. In the three-dimensional case, properly taking into account the data truncations is important because we now are dealing with a three-dimensional distribution (Lrad, Lopt, z) and two correlation functions (grad (z) and gopt (z)), plus we can find the true intrinsic correlation in this case because the truncation effects in the luminosity–redshift space are known and redshift is the independent variable in both cases.

Since we have two criteria for truncation, the associated set for each object k includes only those objects that are sufficiently luminous in both bands to have been in the survey if they were located at the redshift of the object in question. The luminosity cutoff limits for a given redshift must also be adjusted by factors of gopt (z) and grad (z). Consequently, we have a two-dimensional minimization problem, because objects will drop in and out of associated sets as gopt (z) and grad (z) change, leading to changes in the calculated ranks in Equation (23).

We form a test statistic ${\tau }_{\mathrm{comb}}=\sqrt{{\tau }_{\mathrm{opt}}^{2}+{\tau }_{\mathrm{rad}}^{2}}$, where τopt and τrad are those evaluated considering the objects' optical and mid-infrared luminosities, respectively. The favored values of kopt and krad are those that simultaneously give the lowest τcomb, and, again, we take the 1σ limits as those in which τcomb < 1. Figure 11 shows the 1σ and 2σ contours for τcomb as a function of kopt and krad for the simulated data sets. We see that the input intrinsic luminosity evolutions are recovered. We note here that we were able to recover the input intrinsic luminosity evolutions in the case of the intrinsically correlated luminosities without consideration of an orthogonal "correlation-reduced" radio luminosity as explored in previous works (e.g., Singal et al. 2013).

Figure 11.

Figure 11. The 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ contours for the simultaneous best-fit values of kopt and krad of the simulated samples, for the forms of the luminosity evolutions given by Equation (13), and for simulations with intrinsic (solid) and no intrinsic (dashed red) correlations between the luminosities. It is seen that the input intrinsic luminosity evolutions (kopt = 3.0 and krad = 4.5; see Equation (13) in Section 3.1) are recovered to within small deviations.

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5.2. Density Evolution

The cumulative density function σ(z) and differential density function ρ(z) are related as in Equation (2). Expressed as a function of z instead of distance, this would give for the cumulative number of objects at redshifts less than z

Equation (24)

Following Petrosian (1992) based on the method of Lynden-Bell (1971), which is equivalent to a maximum likelihood estimate, σ(z) can be calculated by

Equation (25)

where the set of j includes all objects with a redshift lower than or equal to z, and m(j) is the number of objects with a redshift lower than the redshift of the object at redshift z that are in that object's associated set. In this case, the associated set is again those objects with sufficient optical and radio luminosity that would be seen if they were at redshift z. The use of only the associated set for each object accounts for the biases introduced by the data truncation.

However, to determine the density evolution, the luminosity evolution determined in Section 5.1 must be taken out. Thus, the objects' optical and radio luminosities, as well as the optical and radio luminosity limits for inclusion in the associated set for given redshifts, are scaled by taking out factors of gopt(z) and grad(z), which are determined as above. The preceding method is fully adequate if there is a uniform selection function across redshift for quasars at a given flux. The differential density evolution (z)/dz is shown in Figure 12. It is seen that the input intrinsic redshift distribution of the population is recovered.

Figure 12.

Figure 12. Differential density function (z)/dz vs. redshift determined from the simulated data sets calculated as in Section 5.2, for the cases of intrinsic (stars) and no intrinsic (squares) correlations between the luminosities. The normalization of (z)/dz here is arbitrary. It is seen that the input intrinsic redshift distribution of the population (zm = 2.0, s = 0.75; see Equation (14) in Section 3.1) is relatively closely recovered. For reference a Gaussian with these input characteristics is also plotted.

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5.3. Local LFs

We first obtain a cumulative local LF

Equation (26)

which, following Petrosian (1992) using the method of Lynden-Bell (1971), Φa(${L}_{a}^{{\prime} }$), can be calculated by

Equation (27)

where k runs over all objects with a luminosity greater than or equal to La, and n(k) is the number of objects with a luminosity higher than the luminosity of object k that are in object k's associated set, which in this case consists of those objects that would be in the survey if they were at object k's luminosity considering the luminosity limits for inclusion at each object's given redshift in both optical and radio. The local LF ${\psi }_{a}({L}_{a}^{{\prime} })$ is

Equation (28)

In Section 5.1 we determined the luminosity evolutions for the optical and radio luminosities. We can form the local optical ${\psi }_{\mathrm{opt}}({L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} })$ and radio ${\psi }_{\mathrm{rad}}({L}_{\mathrm{rad}}^{{\prime} })$ LFs straightforwardly, by taking the evolutions out. As before, the objects' luminosities, as well as the luminosity limits for inclusion in the associated set for given redshifts, are scaled by taking out factors of grad(z) and gopt(z), with krad and kopt determined in Section 5.1. Alternate methods of determining the local LF exist, such as binning objects in redshift and constructing the LF with the 1/Vmax method, as in Feigelson & Berg (2000). However, using the method here with local de-evolved luminosities has the advantage of using all of the objects to construct the local LF.

Figures 13 and 14 show the local differential ${\psi }_{\mathrm{opt}}({L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} })$ optical and radio LFs, respectively, determined for the simulated data sets. Here we obtain the derivative of ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{a}({L}_{a}^{{\prime} })$ by fitting a simple cubic spline interpolation to ${{\rm{\Phi }}}_{a}({L}_{a}^{{\prime} })$ and taking the derivative at various points where the spline is well behaved. We see that we recover the input intrinsic local LFs.

Figure 13.

Figure 13. Local optical luminosity function ${\psi }_{\mathrm{opt}}({L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} })$ for the simulated data sets, for the for the cases of intrinsic (stars) and no intrinsic (squares) correlations between the luminosities. It is seen that the input intrinsic local luminosity distributions of the populations (δopt = 2.0; see Equation (12) in Section 3.1) are recovered. For reference a line indicating a power-law slope of δopt = 2.0 is shown.

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Figure 14.

Figure 14. Local radio luminosity function ${\psi }_{\mathrm{rad}}({L}_{\mathrm{rad}}^{{\prime} })$ for the simulated data sets, for the for the cases of intrinsic (stars) and no intrinsic (squares) correlations between the luminosities. It is seen that the input intrinsic local luminosity distributions of the populations (δrad = 2.0; see Equation (12) in Section 3.1) are recovered. For reference a line indicating a power-law slope of δrad = 2.0 is shown.

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5.4. Intrinsic Luminosity–Luminosity Correlations

Having determined that binned PPCCs provide a potentially reliable method of determining the presence of an intrinsic correlation between luminosities, we use the technique introduced in Petrosian & Singal (2015) to extract the best-fit power-law form of that correlation assuming that the luminosity evolutions have been determined as in Section 5.1. We perform a variable transformation by defining the so-called "correlation-reduced" local luminosity as

Equation (29)

where Lfid is some fiducial luminosity to avoid exponentiating a dimensioned number, whose actual value is irrelevant. Then for a range of values of α we compute the median value of the PPCC between ${L}_{\mathrm{crr}}^{{\prime} }$ and ${L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} }$ in bins. The value of α that results in a median PPCC of zero is the best-fit value for the power-law exponent for the intrinsic correlation between ${L}_{a}^{{\prime} }$ and ${L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} }$.

Figure 15 shows such a median PPCC versus α for the intrinsically 1.0-correlated (black) and 0.5-correlated (blue) simulated observed radio and optical quasar data, along with those for two real data sets discussed in Section 6. The 1σ range of uncertainties reported for these values is determined by considering the χ2 versus α distribution. We see that this technique recovers quite well the known power-law form of the intrinsic correlation in the 0.5-correlated simulated data and somewhat overestimates the power-law value in the case of the 1.0-correlated simulated data.

Figure 15.

Figure 15. Median of binned PPCC values for the "correlation reduced local luminosity" (see Equation (29)) vs. local optical luminosity for the cases of the (1) intrinsically 1.0-correlated and (2) 0.5-correlated simulated observed radio and optical quasar data, using 20 equally populated redshift bins. The best-fit correlation between the luminosities is the α value that gives a median PPCC value of zero, as discussed in Section 5.4. The best-fit LL correlation power-law index values are α = 1.41 ± 0.1 for the 1.0-correlated case and α = 0.65 ± 0.1 for the 0.5-correlated case. We see that this technique is somewhat reliable for recovering the known power-law form of the intrinsic correlation in the simulated data.

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6. Demonstration: Luminosity–Luminosity Correlations in Real Quasars

We now show a partial correlation analysis and determination of the LL correlation index α of Equation (29) with two real observed two-flux-limited quasar data sets: (1) a set of optical and radio luminosities used in Singal et al. (2013), and (2) a set of optical and mid-infrared luminosities used in Singal et al. (2016). Part of this analysis applied to the radio–optical data set was previously demonstrated in the conference proceeding Petrosian & Singal (2015).

The best-fit redshift evolutions for the luminosities of the form of Equation (13) are determined by Singal et al. (2013) and Singal et al. (2016) respectively, with methods verified here in Section 5.1.

Figure 16 shows the PMCs and PPCCs for the optical–radio data set with 10 bins of redshift for both raw (top panel) and local luminosities (bottom panel). As this data set is quite a bit smaller than any of the simulated data sets considered above or the optical–mid-infrared data set, a smaller number of bins are warranted as discussed in Section 4. As can be seen there, the radio–optical PPCCs are small yet not insignificant, with only two bins exhibiting radio–optical PPCCs equal to or less than zero. The radio–optical PMCs align almost perfectly with the PPCCs in the bottom panel of Figure 16, indicating that removing the redshift evolution removes almost all of the excess induced correlation between the luminosities. The radio–optical PPCCs maintain their magnitudes across both panels of Figure 16, providing us with a fairly reliable confirmation of the small yet not insignificant correlation between radio and optical luminosities.

Figure 16.

Figure 16. Radio–redshift, optical–redshift, and radio–optical PMCs, and radio–optical partial with redshift PPCCs in 10 bins of redshift with an equal number of objects per bin for raw (top) and local (bottom) luminosities for the real observed radio and optical quasar data from Singal et al. (2013). Points are plotted at the average redshift and correlation values for each bin. We see that the two luminosities are only moderately intrinsically correlated, as the PPCCs are all positive but small.

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Figure 17 shows real mid-infrared and optical data in 20 bins of redshift for both raw (top panel) and local luminosities (bottom panel). Figure 17 can be observed to clearly have features quite similar to the case of intrinsically correlated simulated data—in particular the high PMCs and PPCCs that do not diminish significantly for the local luminosities, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 17 displays high LL PMC and PPCC values across all bins, signifying a high intrinsic correlation between mid-infrared and optical radiation being emitted by the observed quasars. Once we remove the intrinsic redshift evolution of the luminosities and use local luminosities (bottom panel of Figure 17), the infrared–optical PMCs drop slightly compared to the case of raw luminosities (top panel of Figure 17) and align almost perfectly with the PPCCs. This indicates that the nonintrinsic, flux-limit-induced redshift dependence of the luminosities is almost negligible in all but the highest-redshift bin, where even in the bottom panel the full infrared–optical PMC of the highest-redshift bin is larger than the PPCC. This anomalous behavior predictably signifies that the highest-redshift bin still has a nonintrinsic redshift dependence of luminosities owing to the relatively larger redshift range. These results indicate that the mid-infrared and optical luminosities are highly intrinsically correlated, whereas the radio and optical luminosities characterize a much smaller, although still present, intrinsic correlation.

Figure 17.

Figure 17. Infrared–redshift, optical–redshift, and infrared–optical PMCs, and infrared–optical partial with redshift PPCCs in 20 bins of redshift with an equal number of objects per bin for raw (top) and local (bottom) luminosities for real observed mid-infrared and optical quasar data from Singal et al. (2016). Points are plotted at the average redshift and correlation values for each bin. We see that the two luminosities are very strongly intrinsically correlated.

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We can then apply the techniques of Section 5.4 to determine the best-fit power-law form of the intrinsic correlations between the radio and optical and mid-infrared and optical luminosities. These are shown in Figure 18. The results favor a higher power law of intrinsic correlation between the mid-infrared and optical luminosities (favoring an α ∼ 0.7) than for the radio and optical luminosities (favoring an α ∼ 0.2). We briefly discuss the physical implications of this in Section 7.

Figure 18.

Figure 18. Median of binned PPCC values for the "correlation-reduced local luminosity" (see Equation (29)) vs. local optical luminosity for the cases of the (1) real radio and optical and (2) real mid-infrared and optical quasar data. A total of 10 and 20 equally populated redshift bins were used for the former and the latter, respectively. The best-fit correlation between the luminosities is the α value that gives a median PPCC value of zero, as discussed in Section 5.4. The best-fit LL correlation power-law index values are α = 0.25 ± 0.15 for radio–optical and α = 0.75 ± 0.1 for mid-infrared–optical.

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7. Summary and Discussion

Understanding the true correlation between luminosities in different wavebands is important for testing models in a variety of classes of extragalactic objects. However, it is unavoidably the case that observational selection effects such as the flux limits and the positive redshift evolution of LFs in different wavebands make determining the actual presence or absence, the extent, and the form of the intrinsic correlation between different waveband luminosities for a class of objects from flux-limited survey data complicated. Figure 1 demonstrates that even intrinsically uncorrelated but flux-limited data can manifest observed luminosity correlations. Our investigation is summarized below:

  • 1.  
    We first demonstrate analytically in Section 2 the degree to which the observational selection effects and luminosity evolutions induce an artificial LL correlation and how this induced correlation is related to the parameters describing the LF, luminosity evolutions, and comoving density evolution. However, the bulk of the paper uses various simulated data sets to demonstrate the presence of induced correlations and the methods we use to determine true intrinsic correlations.
  • 2.  
    In Section 3 we describe three simulated populations of extragalactic sources with intrinsic properties (such as LF, luminosity evolutions in two different wavebands, and a common density evolutions) very similar to those deduced for quasars or AGNs, at radio (1.4 GHz) and optical (2500 Å) bands: one with no correlation and two with two different degrees of correlations, quantified as ${L}_{\mathrm{rad}}^{{\prime} }\propto {\left({L}_{\mathrm{opt}}^{{\prime} }\right)}^{\alpha }$ with α = 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0, respectively. We then select simulated "observed" subsamples limited by two different flux limits in the two bands, again similar to observed quasar samples in the literature.
  • 3.  
    In Section 4 we determined via the simulated data sets that considering full and partial correlations in bins of redshift is a useful method for determining presence or lack of, and at least qualitatively the relative degree of, the intrinsic correlation between two waveband luminosities in a doubly flux-limited sample. We also showed in Section 5.4 a technique to estimate the power-law form of the intrinsic correlation between luminosities.
  • 4.  
    In Section 5 we determined with the simulated data sets that nonparametric statistical techniques first proposed by Efron & Petrosian (1992) and Efron & Petrosian (1999) and extended to multiwavelength analyses in recent works such as Singal et al. (2011, 2013, 2014, 2016) can successfully recover the correct redshift evolutions of luminosities, redshift densities, and LFs of extragalactic populations cataloged in flux-limited surveys.
  • 5.  
    In Section 6 we demonstrated the techniques developed here for determining intrinsic LL correlations applied to two actual observed data sets. Using binned partial correlation analysis, we show that mid-infrared and optical luminosities show a stronger degree of intrinsic correlation than radio and optical luminosities. This is also manifested by larger index α of the intrinsic LL correlation for the mid-infrared sample than the radio one.The very high degree of correlation seen in this analysis between mid-infrared and optical luminosities in quasars lends support to the picture of tori being heated primarily by accretion disks. The significantly weaker correlation between radio and optical luminosities can be taken to support the notion that radio emission is affected by both the accretion disk size and the black hole spin, and maybe most importantly by the latter. These results support an overall picture where black hole size determines accretion disk size and luminosity, which then dominates the optical emission and becomes the primary driver of infrared emission via heating of the torus, while both black hole spin and size, and perhaps primarily spin, determine jet strength and therefore the radio luminosity.

Funding for the SDSS and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The SDSS website is This publication makes use of data products from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, and NEOWISE, which is a project of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology. WISE and NEOWISE are funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


  • Exceptions arise in dealing with clusters of sources with sizes much smaller than their distance (e.g., Galactic star clusters, sources in distant individual galaxies, or clusters of galaxies).

  • Note that in a static Euclidean case (for example, if one is dealing with Galactic or nearby extragalactic sources) all these measures of distance are equivalent.

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