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Heavy-Duty Transportation in 10 Charts

© Copyright 2024 by The Electrochemical Society.
, , Citation Ahmet Kusoglu 2024 Electrochem. Soc. Interface 33 26DOI 10.1149/2.F04241IF



This article illustrates the key facts and figures about the transportation sector and its contribution to emissions, in particular the heavy-duty trucking, in terms of the current state of sector in the U.S. in light of increasing recent focus on decarbonization efforts with zero emission trucking. Heavy-duty trucks contribute significantly more to annual mileage traveled, fuel consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions on per vehicle basis, compared to light-duty vehicles and passenger cars. Given the essential role of heavy-duty trucking in freight movement demanding high energy, decarbonizing trucking sector comes with unique challenges overcoming which will have an important impact on reducing global emissions as well as mitigating the adverse health effects arising from these emissions.

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