Occupational injuries rates in the construction industry and transport remain at an unacceptably high level both in Russia and in a number of other countries. According to the world statistics, one of six fatal accidents at work occurs during construction works. Even in industrialized countries, 25% to 40% of all reported fatal accidents occur during construction work, although only 6% to 10% of the total workforce is employed in this industry. The same ratios are peculiar to Russia. According to official statistics, fatal occupational injuries in the country's construction industry average 20% of the total number of such accidents, although the average number of workers in the construction industry for 2004-2019 does not exceed 7% of all workers. Management measures for occupational safety in construction related to controlling and reducing the risk of injury are not based on any special calculations, quantitative justifications, or application of optimization methods. In the field of inspection arrangement, there are no convincing methods to determine the control program, its results, the level of actual occupational risk, and the necessary time spent on administration of control. The existing causes of accidents in construction are formulated in a generic form, without details, which does not allow indicating specific preventive measures. In this regard, it is important to search for new approaches, methods and means of improving safety, as well as developing preventive measures in the management of occupational safety in the construction industry and transport.