We report the synthesis of CuO nanostructures on silicon(Si) and porous silicon (PS) substrate using hydrothermal method as seed layer and different reaction time (12 and 24) hour respectively. structure and sensing properties analysis of these nanostructures were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), (AFM) and FE-SEM analysis. all the obtained peaks in the XRD pattern are well matched with the monoclinic phase of CuO thin film prepared on silicon and pours silicon substrate with crystal sizes (25.2 to 11.6) nm and (21 to 9.9) nm for CuO/Si and CuO/PS respectively. Topography analysis studied by (AFM) and reveals that the grain size, roughness surface and root mean square of the prepared thin film decreases with the increase in the hydrothermal reaction time in both cases CuO / Si and CuO / PS. FESEM analysis, showed the morphological of film prepared at seed layer as seed-like structure, and change to nanosheets structure with increasing reaction time. EDX analysis revealed the chemical composition and elemental state of CuO nanoparticles. Gas sensor performance showed that thin films have good sensitivity properties but thin films deposited on porous substrates are better and amount to about 186%.

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