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The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) was founded in 1978 and was the first institution in Italy to promote post-graduate courses leading to a Doctor Philosophiae (or PhD) degree. A centre of excellence among Italian and international universities, the school has around 65 teachers, 100 post docs and 245 PhD students, and is located in Trieste, in a campus of more than 10 hectares with wonderful views over the Gulf of Trieste.
SISSA hosts a very high-ranking, large and multidisciplinary scientific research output. The scientific papers produced by its researchers are published in high impact factor, well-known international journals, and in many cases in the world's most prestigious scientific journals such as Nature and Science. Over 900 students have so far started their careers in the field of mathematics, physics and neuroscience research at SISSA.
The following article is Open access
Design of a constant fraction discriminator for the VFAT3 front-end ASIC of the CMS GEM detector
D. Abbaneo, M. Abbas, M. Abbrescia, A.A. Abdelalim, M. Abi Akl, O. Aboamer, D. Acosta, A. Ahmad, W. Ahmed, W. Ahmed, A. Aleksandrov, R. Aly, P. Altieri, C. Asawatangtrakuldee, P. Aspell, Y. Assran, I. Awan, S. Bally, Y. Ban, S. Banerjee, V. Barashko, P. Barria, G. Bencze, N. Beni, L. Benussi, V. Bhopatkar, S. Bianco, J. Bos, O. Bouhali, A. Braghieri, S. Braibant, S. Buontempo, C. Calabria, M. Caponero, C. Caputo, F. Cassese, A. Castaneda, S. Cauwenbergh, F.R. Cavallo, A. Celik, M. Choi, S. Choi, J. Christiansen, A. Cimmino, S. Colafranceschi, A. Colaleo, A. Conde Garcia, S. Czellar, M. M. Dabrowski, G. De Lentdecker, R. De Oliveira, G. de Robertis, S. Dildick, B. Dorney, W. Elmetenawee, G. Endroczi, F. Errico, A. Fenyvesi, S. Ferry, I. Furic, P. Giacomelli, J. Gilmore, V. Golovtsov, L. Guiducci, F. Guilloux, A. Gutierrez, R.M. Hadjiiska, A. Hassan, J. Hauser, K. Hoepfner, M. Hohlmann, H. Hoorani, P. Iaydjiev, Y. G. Jeng, T. Kamon, P. Karchin, A. Korytov, S. Krutelyov, A. Kumar, H. Kim, J. Lee, T. Lenzi, L. Litov, F. Loddo, A. Madorsky, T. Maerschalk, M. Maggi, A. Magnani, P.K. Mal, K. Mandal, A. Marchioro, A. Marinov, R. Masod, N. Majumdar, J.A. Merlin, G. Mitselmakher, A.K. Mohanty, S. Mohamed, A. Mohapatra, J. Molnar, S. Muhammad, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Naimuddin, S. Nuzzo, E. Oliveri, L.M. Pant, P. Paolucci, I. Park, G. Passeggio, B. Pavlov, B. Philipps, D. Piccolo, H. Postema, A. Puig Baranac, A. Radi, R. Radogna, G. Raffone, A. Ranieri, G. Rashevski, C. Riccardi, M. Rodozov, A. Rodrigues, L. Ropelewski, S. RoyChowdhury, G. Ryu, M.S. Ryu, A. Safonov, S. Salva, G. Saviano, A. Sharma, A. Sharma, R. Sharma, A.H. Shah, M. Shopova, J. Sturdy, G. Sultanov, S.K. Swain, Z. Szillasi, J. Talvitie, C. Tamma, A. Tatarinov, T. Tuuva, M. Tytgat, I. Vai, M. Van Stenis, R. Venditti, E. Verhagen, P. Verwilligen, P. Vitulo, S. Volkov, A. Vorobyev, D. Wang, M. Wang, U. Yang, Y. Yang, R. Yonamine, N. Zaganidis, F. Zenoni and A. Zhang
In this work the design of a constant fraction discriminator (CFD) to be used in the VFAT3 chip for the read-out of the triple-GEM detectors of the CMS experiment, is described. A prototype chip containing 8 CFDs was implemented using 130 nm CMOS technology and test results are shown.
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