The light quark masses are determined from a QCD finite energy sum rule, using the pseudoscalar correlator to six-loop order in perturbative QCD, with the leading vacuum condensates and higher order quark mass corrections included. Both the fixed order perturbation theory (FOPT) method and contour improved perturbation theory (CIPT) method are explored. The results in the latter framework exhibit good convergence and stability in the window s0 = 3.0 5.0 GeV2 for the strange quark and s0 = 1.5 4.0 GeV2 for the up and down quarks; where s0 is the radius of the integration contour in the complex s-plane. The results are: , and the sum is . These proceedings critically explore how the current results - computed precisely in a modern computer language, Mathematica compare to past determinations in literature.