Science learning is packed with themes, so that students can see a meaningful relationship between the concepts of science subjects in a comprehensive and integrated manner, but there are still many teaching materials, especially books for science students that are not integrated or are still separated separately by subject. Needs analysis in developing student books for Integrated Science learning is important, because it can be a guideline for developing student books. This study aims to determine the need to develop a book of connected type connected science students integrated with local culture with a theme. The method used is descriptive, by using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire covering student analysis, material analysis, and task analysis. For data analysis techniques performed in the form of scoring using a Likert scale. Based on the results of the analysis concluded that the existing student books have not described the integration specifically and not yet contained local cultural wisdom, which should be developed. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the integrated science students' book type connected integrated with local cultural wisdom needs to be developed for science materials that can be integrated.

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