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Uniqueness of solution of an inverse source problem for ultrahyperbolic equations


Published 11 February 2020 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Fikret Gölgeleyen and Masahiro Yamamoto 2020 Inverse Problems 36 035008 DOI 10.1088/1361-6420/ab63a2



The aim of this article is to investigate the uniqueness of solution of an inverse source problem for ultrahyperbolic equations. We first reduce the inverse problem to a Cauchy problem for an integro-differential equation and then by using a pointwise Carleman type inequality we prove the uniqueness.

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1. Introduction and the main result

In this article, we consider an inverse problem for an ultrahyperbolic equation. One of our motivations to deal with this equation is its interesting structure from the point of view of the theory of partial differential equations. For instance, depending on the specific form of initial conditions, solutions possess both hyperbolic and elliptic properties (see [15]). Another motivation is recent discussions on the possibility of physics in multiple time dimensions, (e.g. [4, 20, 21]). Namely, in some superstring theories which attempt to unify the general theory of relativity and the quantum mechanics, extra dimensions are required for the consistency of theory. When the presence of more than one temporal dimension is considered, the mathematical model occurs as an ultrahyperbolic equation (e.g. [9]). More precisely, the paper [9] asserts that the equation in a form of

is of central physical importance, which describes the dynamical evolution of many physical quantities of classical and quantum field theories including the components of the electromagnetic fields in the case of a single time dimension, while the equation in a form of

is fundamental where $x\in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ and $y\in \mathbb{R}^{m}$ are, respectively, space-like and time-like variables.

Throughout the paper, we set

and use the following notation

Moreover for short, we write

Henceforth for $n,m\geqslant 2$ , let $D\subset \mathbb{R}^{n}$ be a bounded doman and $G:=G^{\prime }\times I\subset \mathbb{R}^{m}$ where I is an open bounded interval and $G^{\prime }\subset \mathbb{R}^{m-1}$ is a bounded domain. We set

and we assume that $\Omega $ is supported by the plane x1  =  0, that is, for any $(x,y)\in \Omega $ there exists a cone which is contained in $\Omega$ and includes the point $(x,y)$ , and whose base lies on the plane x1  =  0.

Similarly to [9, 20, 21], we here consider an ultrahyperbolic equation in $u(x,y):=u(x_{1},...,x_{n},y_{1},...,y_{m})$ , which is associated with general geometry in the time variables y :

Equation (1)

in the domain $\Omega =D\times G$ .

Throughout we assume that we can choose constant M  >  0 such that

Equation (2)

and $a_{k},b_{j}\in C\left(\overline{\Omega }\right) $ , $ i,j=1,...,m;k=0,1,...,n$ and $f\in C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }\right) $ . We note that in this article, we do not assume the ellipticity for $ \sum\nolimits_{i,j=1}^{m}a_{ij}\partial _{y_{i}}\partial _{y_{j}}.$

The purpose of this article is to investigate the uniqueness of solution of the following problem:

Inverse source problem.

For given $f(x,y)$ and $u_{0}(x,y_{1},...,y_{m-1})$ , find a pair of functions $(u(x,y),g(x,y_{1},...,y_{m-1}))$ in $\Omega $ satisfying equation (1), Cauchy data

Equation (3)

and the additional information

Equation (4)

This is an inverse problem of determining a factor g which is independent of one component ym of the time-like variable of the right-hand side of (1). When we admit the multiple time dimensions related to a superstring theory (e.g. [9, 20, 21]), as a governing equation, we introduce an ultrahyperbolic equation (1) and then we should discuss an original cause initiating dynamical evolution of physical quantities. In our case, the right-hand side $f(x,y)g(x,y_{1},...,y_{m-1})$ in (1) is assumed to be such a cause and our inverse problem is the determination of a factor g.

Our main result is stated in theorem 1 and asserts that our data can determine the factor g uniquely.

Theorem 1. We assume that $f(x,y^{\prime },0)\neq 0$ and there exists a constant $ \alpha _{1}>0$ such that

Equation (5)

Then the inverse source problem has at most one solution $(u,g)$ such that $ (u,g)\in C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }\right) \times $ $ C\left(D\times G^{\prime }\right) $ .

For the uniqueness in the inverse problem, we need to assume (5) and in general we cannot expect the uniqueness for aij satisfying ellipticity condition and (2) even for the case m  =  n  =  1. We can interpret condition (5) in the case of m  =  1 that wave propagation speed increases at a neighborhood of the plane x1  =  0, which implies the absence of waveguides in a medium with x1  >  0 and as a related work, see Amirov and Yamamoto [3].

Inverse problems for ultrahyperbolic equations were studied in [1, 2, 6, 11], where the key method is based on weighted a priori estimates and was firstly developed by Bukhgeim and Klibanov [6]. A uniqueness theorem for ultrahyperbolic equations is given by [6] for a bounded domain with Dirichlet and Neumann type condition on a part of the boundary. In [1] and [2], uniqueness is investigated in an unbounded domain with an additional information for the solution of direct problem at y   =  0. In [11], Hölder stability estimates were obtained in a bounded domain by some lateral boundary data. A major difference of our work from the existing results is that, in the inverse problem, additional information is given only at ym  =  0.

As for the direct problem (1) and (3) with given fg, it is known that the problem of determination of the function u from relations (1) and (3) is ill-posed in the Hadamard sense (see [16], chapter IV). By using the mean-value theorem of Asgeirsson (see e.g. [13]), it was shown by [8] that the existence of solutions fails if the initial conditions are not properly prescribed. We refer to [7, 10, 1719], as for the uniqueness results for various Cauchy, Dirichlet and Neumann problems for ultrahyperbolic equations. Finally, in [9] it is proved that under a nonlocal constraint, the initial value problem is well-posed for initial data given on a codimension-one hypersurface.

This paper consists of four sections and one appendix. In section 2, we state proposition 1 which is the key Carleman estimate for the proof of theorem 1 and the proof of the proposition is given in section 4. In section 3, we prove theorem 1 on the basis of proposition 1. In appendix, we prove two lemmata which are used for the proofs of proposition 1 and theorem 1.

2. Key Carleman estimate

In order to prove theorem 1, the key tool is an Carleman type inequality which will be presented in proposition 1 below.

We now introduce a Carleman weight function in the form of $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \chi =\exp \left(\lambda \psi ^{-\nu }\right)$ where

where $\alpha _{0}>0,$ $\delta \geqslant 4,$ $\left(x^{0},y^{0}\right) \in \overline{\Omega },$ and $\lambda ,$ $\nu $ are large positive parameters.

We define the domain $\Omega _{\gamma }$ as a level set by $\psi$ . More precisely, we set

Then we see

First, we reduce equation (1) to a more suitable form by introducing a new variable $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{x}_{1}=\sqrt{2x_{1}}-\eta _{0}$ , that is, $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} x_{1}=\frac{1 }{2}\left(\widetilde{x}_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}$ , where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} 2\eta _{0}=\min \left\{\alpha _{0},\gamma \right\} $ . Without loss of generality, we assume that $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \sqrt{2x_{1}}-\eta _{0}>0,$ i.e. $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} x_{1}>\frac{\eta _{0}^{2}}{2}$ , and so we have $\widetilde{x}_{1}>0$ . Then, for the new function $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{u} \left(\widetilde{x}_{1},^{\prime }x,y\right) \equiv u\left(\frac{1}{2} \left(\widetilde{x}_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2},^{\prime }x,y\right) $ , by using the relations

we have

where $\widetilde{a}_{ij},$ $\widetilde{a}_{k},$ $\widetilde{b}_{j}$ , $ i,j=1,...,m$ , $k=0,1,2,...,n,$ are functions in $\widetilde{x}_{1}$ , $ ^{\prime }x$ and $y^{\prime }$ or y , and given by $a_{ij},a_{k},b_{j}$ ; for example, $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{a}_{1}=a_{1}(\frac{1}{2}\left(\widetilde{x} _{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2},^{\prime }x,y)-\left(\widetilde{x}_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-3}$ , and $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{f}=f(\frac{1}{2}\left(\widetilde{x} _{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2},^{\prime }x,y)$ and $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{g}=g(\frac{1}{2} \left(\widetilde{x}_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2},^{\prime }x,y^{\prime }).$

For the sake of simplicity, let us denote $\widetilde{u},$ $\widetilde{a} _{ij},$ $\widetilde{x}_{1},$ $\widetilde{a}_{k},$ $\widetilde{b}_{j},$ $ \widetilde{f}$ , $\widetilde{g}$ by $u,$ aij, x1, ak, bj, $f,$ g respectively, where $i,j=1,...,m;$ $k=0,1,2,...,n.$ Then we can write

Equation (6)

We set

Henceforth C  >  0 denotes generic constants which are independent of $\lambda $ and $\nu .$

Then we can have the following, which is the key for the proof of theorem 1.

Proposition 1. (Carleman estimate for an ultrahyperbolic equation) Let condition (5) be satisfied and $\gamma >0$ be so small that

Equation (7)

where $0<\varepsilon _{0}<\frac{\alpha _{1}}{4m}$ . Then there exists a constant $\delta _{\ast }=\delta _{\ast }(\alpha _{1},M,n,m)>0$ such that for any $\delta \ge \delta _{\ast }$ and $\nu >1,$ there exists a positive number $\lambda _{\ast }=\lambda _{\ast }(\delta ,\nu)$ such that for any $ \lambda \ge \lambda _{\ast }$ , the following estimate holds

for all $u=u(x,y) \in C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }\right) $ . Here $\beta _{0}=n+2+Mm((1+3\sqrt{2\gamma })m+1)$ and the vector-valued function U satisfies the following inequality:

Equation (8)

The Carleman estimate proposition 1 is an estimate which is uniform in large parameter $\lambda>0$ , that is, the constant C  >  0 is independent of $ \lambda $ provided that $\lambda$ is sufficiently large. This uniformity is essential for the application to the inverse problem.

As for Carleman estimates for ultrahyperbolic equation (1) with constant principal parts aii  =  1 and aij  =  0 for $i\neq j$ , see section 2 of chapter 4 of [1, 2] and section 4 of chapter IV of [16]. As for a Carleman estimate for an ultrahyperbolic equation with variable aij, see also Romanov [19] which assumes the ellipticity for aij unlike our paper.

We note that reflecting a similar property to the hyperbolicity, the ultrahyperbolic equations require some condition (5) to the principal coefficients aij for proving a Carleman estimate.

As general but very limited references on Carleman estimates, we refer, for example, to Bellassoued and Yamamoto [5], Hörmander [12], and Klibanov and Timonov [14]. Our Carleman estimates are different from more common Carleman estimates in e.g. [5, 12] in the following senses:

  • Our Carleman estimate asserts a pointwise inequality, while the conventional Carleman estimates are proved in terms of weighted L2 -integrals of solutions u and boundary data.
  • In conventional Carleman estimates, the weight function has a form $ {\rm e}^{2\lambda\varphi(x,y)}$ with suitable $\varphi$ , and the estimate holds uniformly in all large $\lambda > 0$ .

One can prove a conventional type of Carleman estimate for (1), and we can apply both types similarly to inverse problems and establish the uniqueness for the inverse problem. We note that our weight function is the same as in [1, 2], while [16] applies a weight in the form of $ {\rm e}^{2\lambda\varphi(x,y)}$ .

3. The proof of theorem 1

Once that a relevant Carleman estimate proposition 1 is established, we can apply it for the proof of the uniqueness of the inverse problem by the method originating from Bukhgeim and Klibanov [6]. As for such a method, see also [3, 5, 14]. In this section, postponing the proof of proposition 1 to section 4, we first complete the proof of theorem 1.

Let $(u,g) $ be a solution to (1), (3) and (4) with $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} u_{0}\equiv 0$ in $\Omega _{\gamma }$ . Since $f\left(x,y^{\prime },0\right) \neq 0$ and $f\in C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }\right) $ , there exists a number $ 0<\gamma <1$ such that $f(x,y)\neq 0$ also in $\Omega _{\gamma }.$ We assume that $\gamma $ , which was introduced before, satisfies this condition. We define a new unknown function $v=\dfrac{u}{f}$ in $\Omega _{\gamma }.$ Then dividing equation (6) by $f(x,y) $ and taking into account relations (3)–(4), we obtain

Equation (9)

Equation (10)

Equation (11)

where $\overline{a}_{i}$ , $i=0,1,...,n$ , $\overline{b}_{j}$ , $j=1,...,m$ depend on the coefficients of equation (1), the function $f(x,y) $ and its derivatives.

Differentiating equation (9) with respect to ym, setting $z=\partial _{y_{m}}v$ and using (11), we obtain the integro-differential equation

Equation (12)

with the Cauchy data

Equation (13)


We now prove that, if $z(x,y) $ satisfies (12) and (13), then $ z(x,y) =0$ in $\Omega _{\gamma }$ .

From (12), we obtain

Equation (14)

where the constant M0  >  0 depends on the coefficients aij, ak, bj, $i,j=1,...,m, k=0,1,...,n$ and $\Vert\,f\Vert _{C^{2}(\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma })}$ . Here we shall use the following lemma, whose proof is given in appendix.

Lemma 1. The following relations hold:

where $i=1,...,n;$ $j=1,...,m.$

By lemma 1, we can write inequality (14) in the following form

Equation (15)

On the other hand, by proposition 1, we can write

Equation (16)

for $\delta \ge \delta _{\ast },$ $\nu >1,$ $\lambda \ge \lambda _{\ast }$ . From (15) and (16), it follows that

Equation (17)

Integrating inequality (17) in $\Omega _{\gamma }$ and using the fact that $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} (x_{1}+\eta _{0})<\frac{3}{4}\gamma <1$ , we have

Equation (18)

for $\lambda \geqslant 12M_{0}\max \left\{n,m\right\} (1+\gamma)>1$ and $\nu \geqslant \delta ^{-4}(1+\beta _{0}^{2})$ . Taking into account condition (3) and inequality (8), from (18) we can write

Equation (19)

Now let us choose small $\gamma _{0}\in (0,\gamma).$ Then we see that $ \Omega _{\gamma _{0}}\subset \Omega _{\gamma }$ and

in $\Omega _{\gamma _{0}}.$ Hence inequality (19) implies that

Equation (20)

Since $\gamma _{0}+\alpha _{0}<\gamma +\alpha _{0}<1,$ and

passing to the limit as $\lambda \rightarrow \infty $ in (20), we conclude that

which means that $z(x,y)=0$ in $\Omega _{\gamma _{0}}$ . Since $\gamma _{0}\in (0,\gamma)$ is an arbitrary number, $z(x,y)=0$ in $\Omega _{\gamma }.$

Varying the point $x^{0}=\left(0,x_{2}^{0},x_{3}^{0},...,x_{n}^{0}\right) $ of the plane x1  =  0, we establish that z  =  0 on $\widetilde{\Omega} _{\gamma }=\left\{(x,y)\in \Omega ;{{\rm ~}}0\leqslant \delta x_{1}\leqslant \gamma \right\} ,$ that is, $\partial_{y_{m}}v=0$ on $\widetilde{\Omega}_{\gamma }$ . Then from equation (9) and by condition (11) we conclude that $g\left(x,y^{\prime }\right) =0$ on $\widetilde{\Omega}_{\gamma }^{\prime }=\left\{(x,y^{\prime })\in D\times G^{\prime };{{\rm ~}}0\leqslant \delta x_{1}\leqslant \gamma \right\} $ , where $\widetilde{\Omega}_{\gamma }^{\prime }$ is the projection of $\widetilde{\Omega}_{\gamma }$ in $ \mathbb{R} ^{n+m-1}$ . Repeating the same argument leads to z  =  0 in $\widetilde{\Omega}_{2\gamma }$ and $g\left(x,y^{\prime }\right) =0$ on $\widetilde{\Omega}_{2\gamma }^{\prime }$ . Thus, continuing in this way we complete the proof.

4. The proof of proposition 1

In the proof of proposition 1, we shall use two lemmata. The first of them is lemma 2, the proof of which is technical and lengthy, and we postpone it to appendix.

Lemma 2. Under the hypothesis of proposition 1, there exists a constant $\delta _{0}\,=$ $\delta _{0}(\alpha _{1},M,n,m)>0$ such that for any $\delta \ge \delta _{0} $ and $\nu >1$ , there exists a positive number $\lambda _{0}=\lambda _{0}(\delta ,\nu)$ such that for all $\lambda \ge \lambda _{0}$ and for all $ u\in C^{2}(\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }),$ the following inequality is valid

Equation (21)

where $\sigma _{1}(\lambda ,\nu)$ is a polynomial in $\lambda $ and $\nu $ of degree 6, and the term $\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U_{1}$ is given in the proof explicitly.

In (21), the sign of the term $\left\vert \nabla _{^{\prime }x}u \right\vert ^{2}$ is minus and therefore we need to perform another estimation:

Lemma 3. The following equality holds for any function $u\in C^{2}(\overline{\Omega }) $ :

Equation (22)

where $\sigma _{2}(\lambda ,\nu)$ is a polynomial in $\lambda $ and $\nu $ of degree 4. Moreover, the term $\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U_{2}$ is given as follows

Lemma 3 can be proved easily by direct calculations and we omit the proof here.

We now proceed to the completion of the proof of proposition 1. We multiply equality (22) by $2\lambda \nu \beta _{0}$ and add to inequality (21) to have

Equation (23)

for $\delta >\delta _{0}$ , $\nu >1,\lambda >\lambda _{0},$ where $\sigma _{3}(\lambda ,\nu)=\sigma _{1}(\lambda ,\nu)+2\lambda \nu \beta _{0}\sigma _{2}(\lambda ,\nu).$

Setting $\delta _{1}=\frac{2}{\alpha _{1}}\left(1+\frac{3}{4}m\beta _{0}\gamma M\right) $ and using the inequality

we can estimate the coefficient of $\left\vert \nabla _{y}u \right\vert ^{2}$ in (23):

Equation (24)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{1}.$

As for the coefficient of u2, we can write $\sigma _{3}(\lambda ,\nu)$ in the form

where the expressions $\sigma _{31},$ $\sigma _{32},$ $\sigma _{33}$ depend on $\delta $ , $\nu ,$ aij and $\psi $ . Since the functions aij and $\psi $ are bounded in the space $C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }\right) $ , it can be seen that the function $\widetilde{\sigma }_{31}= \frac{\sigma _{31}}{\delta ^{3}\nu \psi ^{-2\nu -3}}$ is bounded uniformly with respect to $(x,y) \in \overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }$ and $ \delta :$ $\left\vert \widetilde{\sigma }_{31}\right\vert \leqslant M_{1}$ , M1  >  0. Then, noting that $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-2}\geqslant (\frac{3 }{4}\gamma){}^{-2}>1$ we have

Equation (25)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{2}=2M_{1}$ . It is obvious that the functions $ \sigma _{32}$ and $\sigma _{33}$ are also bounded on $\Omega _{\gamma }$ for fixed $\delta \geqslant \delta _{2}$ , $\nu >1$ , that is, there exist constants M2, M3  >  0 such that $\left\vert \sigma _{32}\right\vert \leqslant M_{2},$ $\left\vert \sigma _{33}\right\vert \leqslant M_{3}.$ Hence, by using (25), we obtain

for $\lambda \geqslant \lambda _{1}=\max \left\{M_{2},\sqrt{M_{3}}\right\} ,$ which yields

Equation (26)

Consequently, inequalities (23), (24) and (26) imply that

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{\ast }=\max \left\{4,\delta _{0},\delta _{1},\delta _{2}\right\} ,$ $\nu >1$ and $\lambda \geqslant \lambda _{\ast }=\max \left\{\lambda _{0},\lambda _{1}\right\} $ , where $\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U\,=$ $\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U_{1}+2\lambda \nu \beta _{0}\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U_{2}$ . It is easy to see that the vector function U satisfies relation (8). Thus the proof of proposition 1 is completed.


The second author was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) 15H05740 of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11771270, 91730303). This work was prepared with the support of the "RUDN University Program 5-100".

Appendix A.: Proof of lemma 1

Let K be the part of the domain $\Omega _{\gamma }$ produced by the plane ym  =  0 and let $\sigma (x,y^{\prime })$ be the distance between the boundary point $(x,y)$ of $\Omega _{\gamma }$ and the point $(x,y^{\prime },0)\in K.$

Since $\chi ^{2}$ is monotone with respect to ym, we have

for $a=\sigma (x,y^{\prime })$ . Here we used the relations


Similarly we can prove the rest part.

Appendix B.: Proof of lemma 2

The proof is based on the method described in section 4 of chapter IV in [16].

We introduce a new function

Then using the relations

we obtain

Equation (B.1)

where we set


Here we set $\delta_{ii}=1$ and $\delta_{ij} = 0$ if $i\ne j$ . Noting that $ \left\Vert a_{ij}\right\Vert _{C^{1}\left(\Omega \right) }\leqslant M$ , $ \left\vert \psi _{x_{i}}\right\vert \leqslant \sqrt{2\gamma }$ , $2\leqslant i\leqslant n$ and $|\psi _{y_{k}}|\leqslant \sqrt{2\gamma }$ , $1\leqslant k\leqslant m$ in $ \Omega _{\gamma },$ we estimate the terms Ti, $1\leqslant i\leqslant 14$ as follows:

Equation (B.2)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{1}\left(w \right) =2\lambda \nu \delta (\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-2}w _{x_{1}}^{2})_{x_{1}}$ ;

Equation (B.3)

Equation (B.4)

where $d_{3}\left(w \right) =\lambda \nu \delta \overset{m}{\underset{i,j=1} {\sum }}(-4\left(a_{ij}w _{y_{i}}w _{x_{1}}\right) _{y_{j}}+2\left(a_{ij}w _{y_{i}}w _{y_{j}}\right) _{x_{1}}).$


Equation (B.5)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{4}(w) =2\lambda \nu \delta ^{3}(\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-2}w^{2}\phi _{1})_{x_{1}}$ and we set

We have

Equation (B.6)

where $d_{5}(w) =2\lambda \nu \delta \left(w^{2}\phi _{2}\right) _{x_{1}};$

Equation (B.7)

where $d_{6}(w) =-2\lambda \nu \delta \left(w^{2}\phi _{3}\right) _{x_{1}};$

Equation (B.8)

where $d_{7}(w) =\lambda \nu \sum\limits_{i=2}^{n}(4\left(\psi _{x_{i}}w_{x_{i}}w_{x_{1}}\right) _{x_{1}}-2\lambda \nu \left(\psi _{x_{i}}w_{x_{1}}^{2}\right) _{x_{i}});$

Equation (B.9)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{8}(w)=\lambda \nu \left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}\sum\limits_{i,j=2}^{n}\left(4(\psi _{x_{i}}w_{x_{i}}w_{x_{j}})_{x_{j}}-2\left(\psi _{x_{i}}w_{x_{j}}^{2}\right) _{x_{i}}\right) ;$

Equation (B.10)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{9}(w) =\lambda \nu \left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}\sum\limits_{i=2}^{n}\sum\limits_{k,s=1}^{m}(-4\left(\psi _{x_{i}}a_{ks}w_{x_{i}}w_{y_{k}}\right) _{y_{s}}+2\left(\psi _{x_{i}}a_{ks}w_{y_{k}}w_{y_{s}}\right) _{x_{i}});$

Equation (B.11)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{10}(w) =2\lambda \nu \sum\limits_{i=2}^{n}(w^{2}\psi _{x_{i}}\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}(\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-2}\delta ^{2}\phi _{1}+\phi _{2}-\phi _{3}))_{x_{i}};$

Equation (B.12)

where $d_{11}(w) =\lambda \nu \sum\limits_{i,j=1}^{m}(-4\left(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w_{y_{j}}w_{x_{1}}\right) _{x_{1}}+2\left(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w_{x_{1}}^{2}\right) _{y_{j}});$

Equation (B.13)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{12}(w) =\lambda \nu \left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}\sum\nolimits_{i,j=1}^{m}\sum\nolimits_{s=2}^{n}(-4\left(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w_{y_{j}}w_{x_{s}}\right) _{x_{s}}+2\left(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w_{x_{s}}^{2}\right) _{y_{j}}).$

Similarly to (B.10) we obtain

Equation (B.14)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{13}\left(w \right) =2\lambda \nu \left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}{{\sum }^{m}_{i,j,k,s=1}}(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w _{y_{j}}w _{y_{k}}a_{ks})_{y_{s}}.$

Finally we obtain

Equation (B.15)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} d_{14}\left(w \right) =-2\lambda \nu \sum\nolimits_{i,j=1}^{m}(a_{ij}\psi _{y_{i}}w ^{2}\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}(\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{-2}\delta ^{2}\phi _{1}+\phi _{2}-\phi _{3}))_{y_{j}}.$

Then by relations (B.2)–(B.15), we can write

Equation (B.16)


and $D_{1}\left(w \right) =\sum\limits_{k=1}^{14}d_{k}\left(w \right) .$

Now we shall evaluate the expressions $\beta _{1},$ $\beta _{2},$ $\beta _{3},$ $\beta _{4}$ in (B.16), respectively.

Since $\delta \geqslant 4$ , $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} x_{1}+\eta _{0}<\frac{3}{4}\gamma $ and $\sqrt{2\gamma }<1$ by (7), we obtain

which implies

Equation (B.17)

Next, by choosing $0<\varepsilon _{0}<\frac{\alpha _{1}}{4m},$ and setting $ \delta _{3}=\frac{4m}{\alpha _{1}}\sqrt{2\gamma }l_{1},$ we see that

Equation (B.18)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{3},$ where $\alpha_1$ is the constant in (5) and

It is clear that

Equation (B.19)

where $ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} \widetilde{\beta }_{31}=\frac{1}{4\delta ^{2}}\left(x_{1}+\eta _{0}\right) ^{2}\psi ^{2\nu +3}\frac{1}{\nu +1}\beta _{31}.$ Since the functions aij and $\psi $ are bounded in the space $C^{2}\left(\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }\right) ,$ the function $\widetilde{\beta }_{31}$ is bounded uniformly with respect to $(x,y)\in \overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }$ and $\delta ,$ that is there exists a number M4  >  0 such that $\left\vert \widetilde{\beta }_{31}\right\vert \leqslant M_{4}.$ Then

Equation (B.20)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{4}=\sqrt{2M_{4}}.$ On the other hand, $\beta _{4}$ is also bounded on $\overline{\Omega }_{\gamma }$ for fixed $\delta $ and $\nu $ , say, $\left\vert \beta _{4}\right\vert \leqslant M_{5}$ , M5  >  0, then by (B.20) we obtain

Equation (B.21)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{4},$ $\lambda \geqslant \lambda _{0}=M_{5}\left(\delta ,\nu ,\gamma \right) ,$ $\nu >1.$

Thus, inequalities (B.17)–(B.21) lead to

Equation (B.22)

for $\delta \geqslant \delta _{0}=\max \left\{4,\delta _{3},\delta _{4}\right\} $ , $ \lambda \geqslant \lambda _{0}$ , $\nu >1.$

Finally, returning to the original function $u=w\chi ^{-1}$ in (B.22), we obtain (21), where

Equation (B.23)

and $\nabla _{x,y}\cdot U_{1}=D_{1}(\chi u)+D_{2}(\chi u).$ Thus the proof of lemma 2 is completed.

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