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The Historical Growth of Telescope Aperture

Published 2003 December 16 © 2004. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation René Racine 2004 PASP 116 77 DOI 10.1086/380955



This paper analyzes a compilation of aperture diameters D and commissioning dates t for 177 optical telescopes, including those that have been among the largest of their time. We offer the following findings, and draw the following inferences, about aperture growth D(t) over four centuries:

1. From the days of Galileo to the present, telescope diameters have steadily grown, with a doubling time t2× of nearly 50 yr.

2. Beginning in 1730, major refractors' apertures followed a strictly exponential curve of growth, with t2 × = 45 yr, before stopping with the Yerkes 40 inch (1.02 m) in 1897.

3. Over the last 300 yr, the very largest "frontier" reflectors have defined a sharp and distinct upper boundary to the D(t) distribution, with t2 × = 48 yr and D1900 = 2.3 m. This exponential growth is taken to have been imposed strictly by the rate at which telescope technology has progressed.

4. Data for second‐tier "large" reflectors yield D1900 = 1.0 m and t2 × = 47 yr until 1950 and suggest an exponential decrease of the doubling time afterwards, e‐folding in ∼70 yr and leading to t2 × = 20 yr in 2000. This may be the result of a gradual relief, through increased collaboration, of constraints that prevented the limits of technology from being reached.

5. The curves of growth for large and for frontier reflectors cross in ∼2010. Whether the aperture growth in the 21st century is limited by demographics—collaborations—or by technology remains to be seen.

6. During the 20th century, commissioning of large telescopes tended to occur in bursts at ∼35 yr intervals.

7. Giant telescopes with serious shortcomings were not uncommon before 1850. These typically had twice the aperture of their more productive contemporaries.

8. The completion of the current burst of ambitiously large 20–100 m telescope projects with the scheduled launch of the James Webb Space Telescope in the 2010s would constitute a dramatic break with 4 centuries of historical evolution.

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Humankind has now been building astronomical telescopes for 400 yr. As with all products of ingenuity and technology, their capabilities have increased exponentially with time, a natural consequence of the acquisition of knowledge and experience. A traditional measure of telescope capability is aperture diameter. Examination and numerical modeling of the historical aperture growth for the largest ground‐based telescopes can reveal interesting features, such as the characteristic doubling time, possible accelerations, or temporary standstills. The underlying causes of these evolutionary traits can be studied, and useful lessons for future projects might be learned.

Ambitious projects to build large telescopes, ranging in aperture from 20–100 m, with tentative commissioning dates announced, are currently in various stages of development. Even a cursory recollection of epochal first lights (Mount Wilson 2.5 m in 1917, Palomar 5 m in 1948, Keck 10 m in the 1990s) suffices to reveal that instruments as large as 30 or even 100 m by ∼2015 would constitute a dramatic acceleration of historical trends. One purpose of this paper is to more fully qualify this anticipated acceleration by appending the time line of planned facilities to that of an extensive set of historical data, and to speculate on its realism.

Telescope aperture has increased by 3 orders of magnitude and collecting area by 106 in 400 yr. It is interesting to relate this growth in energy collection to that of another contemporary "big science," high‐energy physics (HEP). In the 60 yr between the Van de Graaff electrostatic machines of the 1940s (107 eV) and the CERN LEP (1995; 1011 eV) and LHC (2005; 1013 eV) colliders, the growth factor in HEP has been much the same as in astronomy (106) but occurred about 7times faster. It would be interesting to examine to which of the different stimuli—technical progress, demographics, politics, economics, etc.—the time constants for growth most strongly react. This is not the purpose here, but the comparison between astronomy and HEP facilities, which must meet similar challenges, including beam focusing, demonstrates that the time constant does depend on the discipline's environment. That little has changed in telescope growth since the days of Galileo should then come as somewhat of a surprise. We shall return to this conundrum at the end of this paper.


Henry C. King's 1955 encyclopedic History of the Telescope remains the most comprehensive single source of information on the evolution of aperture size from the very first devices by Lippershey and Galileo in 1608–1609 (Galilei 1610; Richer 1611, p. 338) to the Palomar 200 inch (5.08 m) telescope (Carn 1948). King relates in detail, with many valuable and well‐documented editorial comments, the challenges and achievements of almost all significant telescope projects undertaken during this long period. No synopsis of historical growth is given, as this was not the goal of King's work, and no other published works exist that are comprehensive enough for the present purpose. But the necessary information, such as commissioning dates, t, aperture sizes, D, and key references, can be culled from King's compendium. For post‐Palomar instruments and those still under development, one can rely on various reports, including project Web pages. Optical telescopes operational in 1960 are listed by Kuiper & Middlehurst (1960). R. Jackson maintains at STScI a catalog of URLs for all major observatories, from which more recent information can also be obtained.1 These sources were used to assemble supplementary data, and in particular to identify telescopes of 1 m aperture or larger built after 1900. A very extensive (2000 item) Web‐accessible bibliography of printed works related to the history of the telescope has been compiled by P. Abrahams.2

All instruments considered dominant in size in their times have been noted. This ensures that the data fairly map the upper region of the D(t) distribution. The compilations are presented in Table 1 for the historically largest telescopes, and in Table 2 for other 20th century telescopes with D⩾1 m. They jointly include 177 telescopes, nine of them future facilities. Given for each entry are (1) the year in which the telescope was commissioned; (2) the aperture diameter in meters or, for multiple or segmented mirrors, the diameter of an equal‐area single mirror; (3) traditional identifying keywords such as the optician, builder, facilitator, and facility name or acronym; and (4) optics type: "l" for simple‐lens refractors, "a" for achromatic objectives, "m" for mirrors, "S" for Schmidt cameras, "sm" for segmented mirrors, and "lm" for liquid mirrors. An "s" in column (4) indicates that the telescope had some important shortcomings. This is discussed further in § 3. Figure 1 displays the data and motivates the analyses presented below.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. — Aperture diameters as a function of commissioning dates for major telescopes. Open circles, refractors; filled circles, reflectors; small filled circles, 20th century telescopes with D⩾1; crosses, instruments with shortcomings; diamonds, future instruments, including five ELTs. The various lines are interpretations discussed in § 3.


3.1. Aggregated Statistics

A simple exponential growth least‐squares fit to all historical data in Table 1 yields an aperture doubling time, t2×, of 52 yr and a 1900 diameter D1900 = 1.5 m, with a logarithmic dispersion of 0.22 (±67% in D). These values are slightly inflated by telescopes denoted "s" in Table 1 and shown as crosses in Figure 1. Excluding them from the fit reduces the dispersion to ±50% and yields t2 × = 50 yr and D1900 = 1.4 m. These giant but barely functional instruments tended to have twice the aperture of their more productive large contemporaries, but, as history records, delivered such inferior images or were so difficult to operate that their returns were limited. Their sizes exceeded the limits allowed by their concepts or by the technology of their times. Notable examples are some of Hevelius and Cassini's 150 foot long "lunettes à faire peur aux gens," which so frightened Chrysale in Les Femmes Savants (Molière 1672, II: 7); Herschel's 1.2 m "40 foot reflector;" and the Earl of Rosse's 1.8 m "Leviathan of Parsonstown."3 The disappearance of these valiant but premature efforts after the mid‐1800s is no doubt a consequence of experience and of prudence instilled by their forbidding cost. The data for these telescopes are disregarded in what follows.

3.2. Refractors

The first optical instruments were refractors: nature produces transparent optics—eyes—but no mirrors. Aperture size for the early, simple‐lens refractors grew with t2 × = 25 yr during the 17th century. Had this trend continued, we would have had 100 m telescopes by 1900! The technology of early refractors allowed relatively rapid growth. But this growth was thwarted by an inherent limitation: the very large f‐ratios needed to limit chromatic aberration, typically f/150, eventually imposed such length requirements on the instruments that they became unmanageable. Important discoveries in planetary astronomy were, nevertheless, made with these instruments, which prompted King to comment that "the success of the long telescopes of the seventeenth century was due, very largely, to the painstaking and persistent efforts of men like Hevelius, Huygens and J. D. Cassini. Indeed, after Cassini's death in 1712, his successors were unable to see what he had already discovered, let alone add to the list, and the telescopes gradually fell into disuse" (1955, p. 133). New technology was needed.

New technology had already emerged in 1668 with Newton's reflecting telescope (Newton 1672, 1718; Birch 1756), which came to refractors with the invention of the achromatic objective (Dollond 1758). These two types of telescopes were to compete for preeminence for 2 centuries. While early reflectors, at ∼10 cm, coincidentally matched the aperture of the largest functional refractors of their time, achromats only reached that size a century later, for well‐known reasons: Newton's anathema for refractive optics and the technical difficulty of producing large‐flint blanks.

The switch to the inherently more promising achromat technology at first forced a ∼4 factor drop in refractor aperture and led to slower aperture growth than allowed by simple‐lens telescopes. This shows that changes in technology can affect both the zero point and the slope of the D(t) relation, at times in directions that do not immediately appear advantageous for astronomy. Yet historical records show that the smaller and slower growing achromats surpassed their larger single‐lens ancestors in performance, in particular in image quality and ease of operation. Once mastered, achromats fostered a brilliant series of increasingly large telescopes, which culminated with the Lick and Yerkes refractors before also being stopped by inherent limitations. The need to limit residual aberrations again led to overly long tubes, which were difficult to support, house, and drive; and much larger glasses of sufficient quality were impossible to produce. A last hurrah was hailed with the 1.2 m objective of the 1900 Paris Exhibition, which was stationary and fed by a steering flat, and through which visitors were invited to "voir la lune à 1 mètre." It served astronomy little. Aperture growth henceforth had to rely on reflecting telescopes.

The growth of large refractors during the 18th and 19th centuries is well represented by a simple exponential, shown by a dashed line in Figure 1, with t2 × = 45 yr, D1900 = 0.9 m, and a dispersion of ±18%.

3.3. Reflectors

The 58 historical reflectors in Figure 1 (filled circles) define a curve of growth with t2 × = 50 yr, D1900 = 1.6 m, and dispersion of ±37%. The doubling time is essentially the same as that for refractors, but the mean diameter is larger by a factor of almost 2. Aficionados of historical astronomy will recall the heated competition between reflectors and refractors throughout the 19th century, when advocates for the latter claimed that they surpassed in performance reflectors of twice their aperture. Thus, in his 1874 deed of trust, which would give birth to the 36 inch (0.91 m) refractor, James Lick intended it to be "...superior to and more powerful than any telescope yet made" (Shapley & Howarth 1929; Osterbrock, Gustafson, & Unruh 1988), despite the fact that larger reflectors had been around for a century. He may have been right.

The dispersion of the residuals about the exponential fit for historical reflectors is large (±37%). A possible explanation is ventured in § 3.4.

3.4. Two Breeds of Large Reflectors?

Beginning with James Short and William Herschel in the second half of the 1700s, some telescopes—all reflectors of course—were built with the explicit goal of being "the biggest in the world," and no efforts were spared to make them so. "I can now say that I have the best telescopes that were ever made," Herschel said in 1782, after the completion of his 20 foot telescope (Lubbock 1933, p. 116). Thhe same sentiments must have been felt at the first lights of the Lassell, Crossley, Hooker, Hale, Keck, and other "biggest in the world" telescopes. That breed of "frontier" instruments fires the imagination, drives technology, and tends to dominate astronomy.

Other, second‐tier merely "large" reflectors were built to provide competitive capabilities within constrained budgets, and with the benefit of advances made by the first group. Telescopes of this breed tended to arrive in bursts at ∼35 yr intervals in the 20th century, at times in commercial series, such as the Warner and Swasey and the Grubb‐Parsons telescopes of the 1920s and 1930s, or through collegial, and hence mutually supportive, efforts such as the 4 m family of the 1960–1970s and the 8 m's at the dawn of the 21st century.4

It appears that aperture growth followed different laws for these two breeds of telescopes. Frontier reflectors naturally led large ones in size by a few decades. Figure 1 also suggests—especially with the eye‐drawing line shown through the data points—that the largest functional reflectors, from instruments by Short and Herschel to the Keck telescopes, define a sharp, distinct, and strictly exponential upper limit to the D(t) distribution. The smaller 20th century telescopes of Table 2, plotted as filled circles in Figure 1, help to show the distinctness of the frontier telescopes, whose exponential growth is characterized by D1900 = 2.3 m and t2 × = 48 yr, with a dispersion of only 14%. The relation

must then describe how fast the advances in technology have allowed these telescopes to grow.

William Herschel's heroic efforts at building increasingly large reflectors illustrate well the onset of technological limits. Six of his major instruments appear in Table 1. With his 0.35 m aperture, 20 foot (6 m) telescope in 1778, Herschel surpassed Short's 28 yr old record. His attempts at a 0.6 m mirror for a 30 foot (9 m) telescope failed catastrophically in 1782—the speculum‐melting furnace exploded—and he redirected his work to a more modest 0.45 m "large 20 foot" completed in 1785, which was very well used afterwards. Herschel's 1.2 m "40 foot" (12 m) was an extraordinary feat. But, by his own admission, the 20 foot (6 m) was scientifically preferable because it delivered better images and was far less cumbersome to maintain and operate. "To look through a telescope larger than required is a loss of time which an astronomer has not to spare" (Herschel 1798). And King comments: "The paucity and irregularity of observations with the 40 foot leave no doubt that the great telescope failed to meet its maker's expectations." By the 1790s, technology (mirrors, mountings, etc.) was simply insufficient to allow the greatest telescope maker to profitability go beyond a 0.5 m aperture. For the same reason, Hale abandoned his project for a 25 foot (7.6 m) telescope (Hale 1928)—a model is still at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena—and decided on a 200 inch (5.08 m) telescope, the construction of which was delayed by World War II.

If the dichotomy between "frontier" and "large" telescopes is accepted, large reflectors show an interesting trend in Figure 1. There can be little doubt that since the 1950s they have grown faster in aperture than their frontier cousins. The curve drawn through their data points represents a growth for which t2 × = 47 yr until the end of World War II and then decreases exponentially with time, e‐folding in 70 yr, to yield t2 × = 20 yr in 2000. Whether or not this acceleration is real and deserves further analysis, this last value is the lower limit allowed by the data for the current aperture doubling time.

3.5. Future ELTs

Table 1 and Figure 1 include five future extremely large telescopes (ELTs), ranging in size between 20 and 100 m, and enthusiastically promoted in the US, Europe, and Canada. Others may soon appear. Their necessarily tentative schedules define an aperture growth for the ELT projects characterized by t2 ×∼5 yr if D2005 = 12 m (e.g., Large Binocular Telescopes [LBTs]) is imposed, with a dispersion of factor of 2 in D. This line is dashed through the ELT points in Figure 1.


The growth parameters for the different telescope groups are summarized in Table 3. It is remarkable that, except perhaps for simple‐lens refractors, whichever technology was used—achromats, reflectors, speculum metal, glass, alt‐az, equatorial—the aperture doubling time has hovered around 50 yr for 4 centuries, and the transitions from one technology to the next did not spectacularly break the trend. Frontier reflectors have been larger by a factor of ∼2 than the largest coeval refractors, but the latters' curve of growth during the 18th and 19th centuries is close that of large reflectors.

The stubbornness of t2× appears to have yielded to acceleration in the second half of the 20th century, as increasingly broad collaborations, national then international, teamed up to build larger facilities. In that case, demographics and economics—the joining of forces and resources—would be a key stimulus to which t2× reacts. Progress in technology and engineering is necessary to make larger telescopes possible, but people and money are essential to make them happen. Therein may also lie the solution to the conundrum posed by the more rapid growth of HEP facilities: typical Physical Review HEP papers have 10–20 times as many authors as Astrophysical Journal or Astronomy & Astrophysics papers.

Those who set out to build "the biggest telescope in the world" managed to secure sufficient resources to reach the limit imposed by technology. This could be done by individuals in the 1700s, by small teams in the 1800s, and by large institutions in the 1900s. According to this scenario, the line for the "frontier" telescopes in Figure 1 would be exclusively imposed by technological limits, whereas the one for "large" reflectors would result from a gradual relief, through increased collaboration after the 1950s, of constraints that prevented researchers from reaching these limits. Mountain (2003) expresses a similar view from a different perspective. It would appear that, at the present epoch, the two lines are crossing one another: collaborative international efforts have become sufficiently robust to successfully build the largest telescopes technology now allows. Whether the rate at which telescope aperture grows in the 21st century is limited by demographics or by technology remains to be seen. The history of HEP facilities, with t2 ×∼7 yr, demonstrates that, even for massive infrastructures, doubling times as short as the one described for the ELT projects are feasible. On the other hand, the technology required for growth might have been more readily available for HEP machines than for telescopes. The building of large collaborative ventures such as Fermilab, SLAC, or CERN then made bigger machines happen. For telescopes, new technology is clearly required to "break the curve." Segmented optics, active controls, computers, etc., may have made instruments much larger than 10 m in aperture feasible. One could argue5 that over the past 4 centuries telescope technology has changed little, hence the stubbornness of t2×: it relied on high‐precision optical surfaces being created and maintained over increasingly large diameters. In recent years this has changed fundamentally. Active control of segmented mirrors has relaxed this requirement, relying instead on the increasing sophistication of computer control. Computing power has a doubling time far shorter than that of historical telescopes. And the Keck telescopes have shown that segmented mirrors can be made to work. Thus, a dramatic shortening of telescope aperture doubling time is perhaps not out of the question. But Figure 1 and the t2× values in Table 3 show that, for current dreams to become realities when expected, dramatic breaks in growth rates are needed on both the demographic and the technological fronts.

I thank E. Borra, D. Crabtree, G. Fahlman, Paul Hickson, D. C. Morton, M. Mountain, and D. Salmon for helpful comments on earlier versions of this work. A most informed referee's report clarified a number of subtle historical points.


  • Jackson's URL list (consulted 2003) is available at

  • Abraham's Web bibliography is available at

  • The Soviet 6 m BTA is one of the telescopes that required significant modifications after inauguration to attain good working order. In 1976 its primary mirror was replaced and the control hardware modified.

  • The number of large telescopes that will have been commissioned between 1992 and 2007 (19 6–10 m instruments) is such that the data points overlap in Fig. 1. This can be contrasted with the eight 4 m class telescopes commissioned in a similar time interval between 1966 and 1982. Not only have large telescopes grown in size from one generation to the next, but they have also increased in number.

  • I am indebted to Paul Hickson for these ideas.

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