Otto S Wolfbeis

Otto S Wolfbeis is Professor Emeritus of Analytical and Interface Chemistry at the University of Regensburg where he has been a full Professor since 1995. His research interests include (optical fiber) chemical and biochemical sensing, the design of fluorescent probes and labels, fluorescence imaging, new polymers and sensor materials including composite organic nanoparticles, graphenes, fullerenes, photon upconversion materials and photonic crystals; surface plasmon resonance-based sensing. Such sensors are intended for use in clinical settings, biotechnology, dermatology, high-throughput screening, but also as pressure-sensitive paints. Respective nanosensors are applied to intracellular fluorescent sensing/imaging of parameters such as oxygen, pH value, or temperature. He has authored >500 articles and several books on these subjects, and his h-index is 73 (Sep. 2013). He is the winner of several awards, most recently the Clemens Winkler Medal of the German Chem. Soc. (2013). Also see: