
Keyword=planets and satellites: individual (GJ 1132b)

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Lyα in the GJ 1132 System: Stellar Emission and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution

William C. Waalkes et al 2019 AJ 158 50

GJ 1132b, which orbits an M dwarf, is one of the few known Earth-sized planets, and at 12 pc away it is one of the closest known transiting planets. Receiving roughly 19× Earth's insolation, this planet is too hot to be habitable but can inform us about the volatile content of rocky planet atmospheres around cool stars. Using Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph spectra, we search for a transit in the Lyα line of neutral hydrogen (Lyα). If we were to observe a deep Lyα absorption signature, that would indicate the presence of a neutral hydrogen envelope flowing from GJ 1132b. On the other hand, ruling out deep absorption from neutral hydrogen may indicate that this planet does not have a detectable amount of hydrogen loss, is not losing hydrogen, or has lost hydrogen and other volatiles early in the star's life. We do not detect a transit and determine a 2σ upper limit on the effective envelope radius of 0.36 R* in the red wing of the Lyα line, which is the only portion of the spectrum we detect after absorption by the ISM. We analyze the Lyα spectrum and stellar variability of GJ1132, which is a slowly rotating 0.18 solar mass M dwarf with previously uncharacterized UV activity. Our data show stellar variabilities of 5%–22%, which is consistent with the M dwarf UV variabilities of up to 41% found by Loyd & France. Understanding the role that UV variability plays in planetary atmospheres is crucial to assess atmospheric evolution and the habitability of cooler rocky exoplanets.

Ground-based Optical Transmission Spectroscopy of the Small, Rocky Exoplanet GJ 1132b

Hannah Diamond-Lowe et al 2018 AJ 156 42

Terrestrial solar system planets either have high mean molecular weight atmospheres, as with Venus, Mars, and Earth, or no atmosphere at all, as with Mercury. We do not have sufficient observational information to know if this is typical of terrestrial planets or a phenomenon unique to the solar system. The bulk of atmospheric exoplanet studies have focused on hot Jupiters and Neptunes, but recent discoveries of small, rocky exoplanets transiting small, nearby stars provide targets that are amenable to atmospheric study. GJ 1132b has a radius of 1.2 R and a mass of 1.6 M, and orbits an M dwarf 12 parsecs away from the solar system. We present results from five transits of GJ 1132b taken with the Magellan Clay Telescope and the LDSS3C multi-object spectrograph. We jointly fit our five data sets when determining the best-fit transit parameters both for the white light curve and wavelength-binned light curves. We bin the light curves into 20 nm wavelength bands to construct the transmission spectrum. Our results disfavor a clear, 10× solar metallicity atmosphere at 3.7σ confidence and a 10% H2O, 90% H2 atmosphere at 3.5σ confidence. Our data are consistent with a featureless spectrum, implying that GJ 1132b has a high mean molecular weight atmosphere or no atmosphere at all, though we do not account for the possible presence of aerosols. This result is in agreement with theoretical work suggesting that a planet of GJ 1132b's mass and insolation should not be able to retain a H2 envelope.

A Search for Additional Bodies in the GJ 1132 Planetary System from 21 Ground-based Transits and a 100-hr Spitzer Campaign

Jason A. Dittmann et al 2017 AJ 154 142

We present the results of a search for additional bodies in the GJ 1132 system through two methods: photometric transits and transit timing variations of GJ 1132b. We collected 21 transit observations of GJ 1132b with the MEarth-South array. We obtained 100 near-continuous hours of observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope, including two transits of GJ 1132b and spanning 60% of the orbital phase of the maximum (6.9-day) period at which bodies coplanar with GJ 1132b would transit. We exclude transits of additional Mars-sized bodies, such as a second planet or a moon, with a confidence of 99.7%. We find that the planet-to-star radius ratio inferred from the MEarth and Spitzer light curves are discrepant at the $3.7\sigma $ level, which we ascribe to the effects of starspots and faculae. When we combine the mass estimate of the star (obtained from its parallax and apparent Ks band magnitude) with the stellar density inferred from our high-cadence Spitzer light curve (assuming zero eccentricity), we measure the stellar radius of GJ 1132 to be ${0.2105}_{-0.0085}^{+0.0102}\,{R}_{\odot }$, and we refine the radius measurement of GJ 1132b to $1.130\pm 0.056\,{R}_{\oplus }$. Combined with HARPS RV measurements, we determine the density of GJ 1132b to be 6.2 ± 2.0 g cm−3. We refine the ephemeris of the system (improving the period determination by an order of magnitude) and find no evidence for transit timing variations, which would be expected if there was a second planet near an orbital resonance with GJ 1132b.


Laura Schaefer et al 2016 ApJ 829 63

GJ 1132b is a nearby Earth-sized exoplanet transiting an M dwarf, and is among the most highly characterizable small exoplanets currently known. In this paper, we study the interaction of a magma ocean with a water-rich atmosphere on GJ 1132b and determine that it must have begun with more than 5 wt% initial water in order to still retain a water-based atmosphere. We also determine the amount of O2 that can build up in the atmosphere as a result of hydrogen dissociation and loss. We find that the magma ocean absorbs at most ∼10% of the O2 produced, whereas more than 90% is lost to space through hydrodynamic drag. The most common outcome for GJ 1132b from our simulations is a tenuous atmosphere dominated by O2, though, for very large initial water abundances, atmospheres with several thousands of bars of O2 are possible. A substantial steam envelope would indicate either the existence of an earlier H2 envelope or low XUV flux over the system's lifetime. A steam atmosphere would also imply the continued existence of a magma ocean on GJ 1132b. Further modeling is needed to study the evolution of CO2 or N2-rich atmospheres on GJ 1132b.