
Keyword=planets and satellites: general

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Unsupervised Martian Dust Storm Removal via Disentangled Representation Learning

Dong Zhao et al 2022 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 22 095020

Mars exploration has become a hot spot in recent years and is still advancing rapidly. However, Mars has massive dust storms that may cover many areas of the planet and last for weeks or even months. The local/global dust storms are so influential that they can significantly reduce visibility, and thereby the images captured by the cameras on the Mars rover are degraded severely. This work presents an unsupervised Martian dust storm removal network via disentangled representation learning (DRL). The core idea of the DRL framework is to use the content encoder and dust storm encoder to disentangle the degraded images into content features (on domain-invariant space) and dust storm features (on domain-specific space). The dust storm features carry the full dust storm-relevant prior knowledge from the dust storm images. The "cleaned" content features can be effectively decoded to generate more natural, faithful, clear images. The primary advantages of this framework are twofold. First, it is among the first to perform unsupervised training in Martian dust storm removal with a single image, avoiding the synthetic data requirements. Second, the model can implicitly learn the dust storm-relevant prior knowledge from the real-world dust storm data sets, avoiding the design of the complicated handcrafted priors. Extensive experiments demonstrate the DRL framework's effectiveness and show the promising performance of our network for Martian dust storm removal.

Confirmation of Planet-mass Objects in Extragalactic Systems

Saloni Bhatiani et al 2019 ApJ 885 77

Quasar microlensing serves as a unique probe of discrete objects within galaxies and galaxy clusters. Recent advancement of the technique shows that it can constrain planet-scale objects beyond our native galaxy by studying their induced microlensing signatures, the energy shift of emission lines originating in the vicinity of the black hole of high redshift background quasars. We employ this technique to exert effective constraints on the planet-mass object distribution within two additional lens systems, Q J0158−4325 (zl = 0.317) and SDSS J1004+4112 (zl = 0.68), using Chandra observations of the two gravitationally lensed quasars. The observed variations of the emission line peak energy can be explained as microlensing of the FeKα emission region induced by planet-mass microlenses. To corroborate this, we perform microlensing simulations to determine the probability of a caustic transiting the source region and compare this with the observed line shift rates. Our analysis yields constraints on the substellar population, with masses ranging from Moon (10−8 M) to Jupiter (10−3 M) sized bodies, within these galaxy or cluster scale structures, with total mass fractions of ∼3 × 10−4 and ∼1 × 10−4 with respect to halo mass for Q J0158−4325 and SDSS J1004+4112, respectively. Our analysis suggests that unbound planet-mass objects are universal in galaxies, and we surmise the objects to be either free-floating planets or primordial black holes. We present the first ever constraints on the substellar mass distribution in the intracluster light of a galaxy cluster. Our results provide the most stringent limit on the mass fraction of primordial black holes at the mass range.

Identification of a Minimoon Fireball

P. M. Shober et al 2019 AJ 158 183

Objects gravitationally captured by the Earth–Moon system are commonly called temporarily captured orbiters (TCOs), natural Earth satellites, or minimoons. TCOs are a crucially important subpopulation of near-Earth objects (NEOs) to understand because they are the easiest targets for future sample-return, redirection, or asteroid mining missions. Only one TCO has ever been observed telescopically, 2006 RH120, and it orbited Earth for about 11 months. Additionally, only one TCO fireball has ever been observed prior to this study. We present our observations of an extremely slow fireball (codename DN160822_03) with an initial velocity of around 11.0 km s−1 that was detected by six of the high-resolution digital fireball observatories located in the South Australian region of the Desert Fireball Network. Due to the inherent dynamics of the system, the probability of the meteoroid being temporarily captured before impact is extremely sensitive to its' initial velocity. We examine the sensitivity of the fireball's orbital history to the chosen triangulation method. We use the numerical integrator REBOUND to assess particle histories and assess the statistical origin of DN160822_03. From our integrations we have found that the most probable capture time, velocity, semimajor axis, NEO group, and capture mechanism vary annually for this event. Most particles show that there is an increased capture probability during Earth's aphelion and perihelion. In the future, events like these may be detected ahead of time using telescopes like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, and the pre-atmospheric trajectory can be verified.

The HD 181433 Planetary System: Dynamics and a New Orbital Solution

Jonathan Horner et al 2019 AJ 158 100

We present a detailed analysis of the orbital stability of the HD 181433 planetary system, finding it to exhibit strong dynamical instability across a wide range of orbital eccentricities, semimajor axes, and mutual inclinations. We also analyze the behavior of an alternative system architecture, proposed by Campanella, and find that it offers greater stability than the original solution, as a result of the planets being trapped in strong mutual resonance. We take advantage of more recent observations to perform a full refit of the system, producing a new planetary solution. The best-fit orbit for HD 181433 d now places the planet at a semimajor axis of 6.60 ± 0.22 au, with an eccentricity of 0.469 ± 0.013. Extensive simulations of this new system architecture reveal it to be dynamically stable across a broad range of potential orbital parameter space, increasing our confidence that the new solution represents the ground truth of the system. Our work highlights the advantage of performing dynamical simulations of candidate planetary systems in concert with the orbital fitting process, as well as supporting the continuing monitoring of radial velocity planet search targets.

Small Planets in the Galactic Context: Host Star Kinematics, Iron, and Alpha-element Enhancement

Dolev Bashi and Shay Zucker 2019 AJ 158 61

We explored the occurrence rate of small close-in planets among Kepler target stars as a function of the iron abundance and the stellar total velocity ${V}_{\mathrm{tot}}$. We estimated the occurrence rate of those planets by combining information from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) and the California-Kepler Survey and found that iron-poor stars exhibit an increase in the occurrence with ${V}_{\mathrm{tot}}$ from f < 0.2 planets per star at ${V}_{\mathrm{tot}}$ < 30 $\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ to f ∼ 1.2 at ${V}_{\mathrm{tot}}$ > 90 $\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$. We suggest this planetary profusion may be a result of a higher abundance of α elements associated with iron-poor, high-velocity stars. Furthermore, we have identified an increase in small-planet occurrence with iron abundance, particularly for the slower stars (${V}_{\mathrm{tot}}$ < 30 $\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$), where the occurrence increased to f ∼ 1.1 planets per star in the iron-rich domain. Our results suggest there are two regions in the ([Fe/H], [α/Fe]) plane in which stars tend to form and maintain small planets. We argue that analysis of the effect of overall metal content on planet occurrence is incomplete without including information on both iron and α-element enhancement.

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A Gap in the Mass Distribution for Warm Neptune and Terrestrial Planets

David J. Armstrong et al 2019 ApJL 880 L1

Structure in the planet distribution provides an insight into the processes that shape the formation and evolution of planets. The Kepler mission has led to an abundance of statistical discoveries in regards to planetary radius, but the number of observed planets with measured masses is much smaller. By incorporating results from recent mass determination programs, we have discovered a new gap emerging in the planet population for sub-Neptune-mass planets with orbital periods less than 20 days. The gap follows a slope of decreasing mass with increasing orbital period, has a width of a few M, and is potentially completely devoid of planets. Fitting Gaussian mixture models to the planet population in this region favors a bimodel distribution over a unimodel one with a reduction in Bayesian information criterion of 19.9, highlighting the gap significance. We discuss several processes that could generate such a feature in the planet distribution, including a pileup of planets above the gap region, tidal interactions with the host star, dynamical interactions with the disk, with other planets, or with accreting material during the formation process.

A Chromaticity Analysis and PSF Subtraction Techniques for SCExAO/CHARIS Data

Benjamin L. Gerard et al 2019 AJ 158 36

We present an analysis of instrument performance using new observations taken with the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS) instrument and the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system. In a correlation analysis of our data sets (which use the broadband mode covering the J band through the K band in a single spectrum), we find that chromaticity in the SCExAO/CHARIS system is generally worse than temporal stability. We also develop a point-spread function (PSF) subtraction pipeline optimized for the CHARIS broadband mode, including a forward modeling-based exoplanet algorithmic throughput correction scheme. We then present contrast curves using this newly developed pipeline. An analogous subtraction of the same data sets using only the H-band slices yields the same final contrasts as the full JHK sequences; this result is consistent with our chromaticity analysis, illustrating that PSF subtraction using spectral differential imaging (SDI) in this broadband mode is generally not more effective than SDI in the individual J, H, or K bands. In the future, the data processing framework and analysis developed in this paper will be important to consider for additional SCExAO/CHARIS broadband observations and other ExAO instruments which plan to implement a similar integral field spectrograph broadband mode.

Search for Nearby Earth Analogs. I. 15 Planet Candidates Found in PFS Data

Fabo Feng et al 2019 ApJS 242 25

The radial velocity (RV) method plays a major role in the discovery of nearby exoplanets. To efficiently find planet candidates from the data obtained in high-precision RV surveys, we apply a signal diagnostic framework to detect RV signals that are statistically significant, consistent in time, robust in the choice of noise models, and do not correlated with stellar activity. Based on the application of this approach to the survey data of the Planet Finder Spectrograph, we report 15 planet candidates located in 14 stellar systems. We find that the orbits of the planet candidates around HD 210193, 103949, 8326, and 71135 are consistent with temperate zones around these stars (where liquid water could exist on the surface). With periods of 7.76 and 15.14 days, respectively, the planet candidates around star HIP 54373 form a 1:2 resonance system. These discoveries demonstrate the feasibility of automated detection of exoplanets from large RV surveys, which may provide a complete sample of nearby Earth analogs.

Revisiting the Long-period Transiting Planets from Kepler

Miranda K. Herman et al 2019 AJ 157 248

Currently, we have only limited means to probe the presence of planets at large orbital separations. Foreman-Mackey et al. searched for long-period transiting planets in the Kepler light curves using an automated pipeline. Here, we apply their pipeline, with minor modifications, to a larger sample and use updated stellar parameters from Gaia DR2. The latter boosts the stellar radii for most of the planet candidates found by FM16, invalidating a number of them as false positives. We identify 15 candidates, including two new ones. All have sizes from 0.3 to 1 RJ, and all but two have periods from 2 to 10 yr. We report two main findings based on this sample. First, the planet occurrence rate for the above size and period ranges is ${0.70}_{-0.20}^{+0.40}$ planets per Sun-like star, with the frequency of cold Jupiters agreeing with that from radial velocity surveys. Planet occurrence rises with decreasing planet size, roughly describable as ${dN}/d\mathrm{log}R\propto {R}^{\alpha }$ with $\alpha =-{1.6}_{-0.9}^{+1.0}$, i.e., Neptune-sized planets are some four times more common than Jupiter-sized ones. Second, five out of our 15 candidates orbit stars with known transiting planets at shorter periods, including one with five inner planets. We interpret this high incidence rate to mean: (1) almost all our candidates should be genuine; (2) across a large orbital range (from ∼0.05 to a few astronomical units), mutual inclinations in these systems are at most a few degrees; and (3) large outer planets exist almost exclusively in systems with small inner planets.

Transits of Inclined Exomoons—Hide and Seek and an Application to Kepler-1625

David V. Martin et al 2019 ApJL 875 L25

A Neptune-sized exomoon candidate was recently announced by Teachey & Kipping, orbiting a 287 day gas giant in the Kepler-1625 system. However, the system is poorly characterized and needs more observations to be confirmed, with the next potential transit in 2019 May. In this Letter, we aid observational follow up by analyzing the transit signature of exomoons. We derive a simple analytic equation for the transit probability and use it to demonstrate how exomoons may frequently avoid transit if their orbit is larger than the stellar radius and sufficiently misaligned. The nominal orbit for the moon in Kepler-1625 has both of these characteristics, and we calculate that it may only transit ≈40% of the time. This means that ≈six non-transits would be required to rule out the moon's existence at 95% confidence. When an exomoon's impact parameter is displaced off the star, the planet's impact parameter is displaced the other way, so larger planet transit durations are typically positively correlated with missed exomoon transits. On the other hand, strong correlations do not exist between missed exomoon transits and transit timing variations of the planet. We also show that nodal precession does not change an exomoon's transit probability and that it can break a prograde-retrograde degeneracy.