

Open all abstracts 1–10 of 801 results
Research on Pulsar Time Steered Atomic Time Algorithm Based on DPLL

Ze-Hao Zheng et al 2024 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 24 035019

In today's society, there is a wide demand for high-precision and high-stability time service in the fields of electric power, communication, transportation and finance. At present, the time standard in various countries is mainly based on atomic clocks, but the frequency drift of atomic clocks will affect the long-term stability performance. Compared with atomic clocks, millisecond pulsars have better long-term stability and can complement with the excellent short-term stability of atomic clocks. In order to improve the long-term stability of the atomic timescale, and then improve the timing accuracy, this paper proposes an algorithm for steering the atomic clock ensemble (ACE) by ensemble pulsar time (EPT) based on digital phase locked loop (DPLL). First, the ACE and EPT are generated by the ALGOS algorithm, then the ACE is steered by EPT based on DPLL to calibrate the long-term frequency drift of the atomic clock, so that the generated steered atomic time follows both the short-term stability characteristics of ACE and the long-term stability characteristics of EPT, and finally, the steered atomic time is used to calibrate the local cesium clock. The experimental results show that the long-term stability of atomic time after steering is improved by 2 orders of magnitude compared with that before steering, and the daily drift of a local cesium clock after calibration is less than 9.47 ns in 3 yr, 3 orders of magnitude higher than that before calibration on accuracy.

Electromagnetic Ion Beam Instability in the Solar Corona

Wen Liu et al 2024 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 24 025014

Remote-sensing measurements indicate that heavy ions in the corona undergo an anisotropic and mass-charge dependent energization. A popular explanation to this phenomenon is the damping of the Alfvén/ion cyclotron waves. In this paper, we propose that the ion beam instability can be an important source of the Alfvén/ion cyclotron waves, and we study the excitation of the ion beam instability in the corona at the heliocentric distance ∼3R and the corresponding energy transfer process therein based on plasma kinetic theory. The results indicate that the existence of the motionless heavy ions inhibits the ion beam instability. However, the anisotropic beams of heavy ions promote the excitation of the ion beam instability. Besides, the existence of α beams can provide a second energy source for exciting beam instability. However, when both the proton beam and the α beam reach the instability excitation threshold, the proton beam driven instability excites preferentially. Moreover, the excitation threshold of the Alfvén/ion cyclotron instability driven by ion beam is of the local Alfvén speed or even less in the corona.

The Oblique Alfvén Ion Beam Instability in the Earth's Ion Foreshock

Yuhang Yao et al 2023 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 23 025014

How ions evolve in the Earth's ion foreshock is a basic problem in the heliosphere community, and the ion beam instability is usually proposed to be one major mechanism affecting the ion dynamics therein. This work will perform comprehensive analyses of the oblique ion beam instability in the Earth's ion foreshock. We show that in addition to two well-known parallel instabilities (i.e., the parallel fast-magnetosonic whistler instability and the parallel Alfvén ion cyclotron instability), the oblique Alfvén ion beam (OA/IB) instability can also be triggered by free energy relating to the relative drift dV between the solar wind proton and reflected proton populations. For slow dV (e.g., dV ≲ 2.2VA, where VA denotes the Alfvén speed), it only triggers the OA/IB instability. When dV ≳ 2.2VA, the growth rate in the OA/IB instability can be about 0.6 times the maximum growth rate in parallel instabilities. Moreover, this work finds the existence of two types of OA/IB instabilities. The first one appears at slow dV and in the small wavenumber region at fast dV, and this instability can be described by the cold fluid model. The second one arises in large wavenumber regions at fast dV, and this instability only appears in warm plasmas. Furthermore, through the energy transfer rate method, we propose that the OA/IB instability is driven by the competition among the Landau and cyclotron wave-particle interactions of beam protons, the cyclotron wave-particle interaction of core protons, and the Landau wave-particle interaction of electrons. Because oblique waves can experience significant damping, the importance of the OA/IB instability may be the effective heating of ions in the Earth's foreshock.

A Study on Low Frequency Electromagnetic Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind

Hai-Feng Yang et al 2022 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 22 065007

According to Wind observations between 2005 and 2015, this paper investigates the dependences of the occurrence of low frequency electromagnetic cyclotron waves (ECWs) on the plasma parameters, the solar cycle, and the orientations of alpha-proton drift velocity (Vd) and the ambient magnetic field (B). The occurrence rates of ECWs with respect to six plasma parameters are calculated. Results show that the preferential conditions for generation of left-handed (LH) ECWs are higher proton temperature (Tp), higher proton velocity (Vp), lower proton density (Np), stronger proton temperature anisotropy (T/T), higher normalized alpha-proton drift velocity (Vd/VA), and higher normalized alpha particle density (Nα/Np), where T and T refer to proton temperatures perpendicular and parallel to B, and VA is the local Alfvén velocity. For right-handed (RH) ECWs, however, the dependences on these plasma parameters are not obvious. On the other hand, it is found that the occurrence rate of LH ECWs increases as the sunspot number decreases, and decreases as the sunspot number increases. Further investigation shows that the increased occurrence rate of LH ECWs is accompanied by an increase in the medians of Vp, Vd/VA, and Nα/Np. For RH ECWs, the occurrence rate appears to be nearly unrelated to the sunspot number, suggesting a negligible correlation with the solar cycle. In addition, a modified angle is introduced to include the factors of orientation of B (anti-sunward or sunward) and angle between Vd and B, simultaneously. It is found that the occurrence of LH ECWs has the strong preferential condition that Vd is anti-sunward, while a different situation arises for RH ECWs. These results are discussed in the context of the temperature-anisotropy-driven instabilities with the effect of alpha particles.

Resolution Study for Three-dimensional Supernova Simulations with the Prometheus-Vertex Code

Tobias Melson et al 2020 ApJ 891 27

We present a carefully designed, systematic study of the angular resolution dependence of simulations with the Prometheus-Vertex neutrino-hydrodynamics code. Employing a simplified neutrino heating–cooling scheme in the Prometheus hydrodynamics module allows us to sample the angular resolution between 4° and 0fdg5. With a newly implemented static mesh refinement (SMR) technique on the Yin-Yang grid, the angular coordinates can be refined in concentric shells, compensating for the diverging structure of the spherical grid. In contrast to previous studies with Prometheus and other codes, we find that higher angular resolution and therefore lower numerical viscosity provides more favorable explosion conditions and faster shock expansion. We discuss the possible reasons for the discrepant results. The overall dynamics seem to converge at a resolution of about 1°. Applying the SMR setup to marginally exploding progenitors is disadvantageous for the shock expansion, however, because the kinetic energy of downflows is dissipated to internal energy at resolution interfaces, leading to a loss of turbulent pressure support and a steeper temperature gradient. We also present a way to estimate the numerical viscosity on grounds of the measured turbulent kinetic energy spectrum, leading to smaller values that are better compatible with the flow behavior witnessed in our simulations than results following calculations in previous literature. Interestingly, the numerical Reynolds numbers in the turbulent, neutrino-heated postshock layer (some 10 to several hundred) are in the ballpark of expected neutrino drag effects on the relevant length scales. We provide a formal derivation and quantitative assessment of the neutrino drag terms in an appendix.

Design and Scaling of an Omega-EP Experiment to Study Cold Streams Feeding Early Galaxies

Shane X. Coffing et al 2019 ApJS 245 27

Galaxies form in the centers of dark matter halos, and grow by accreting gas from the halos. The gas supply to the galaxy is the bottleneck for star formation and ultimately sets its stellar mass and star formation rate. As gas falls from the cosmic web into the halos, the highly supersonic infalling gas (Mach ∼20 for Milky Way-type halos) eventually forms a shock. If cooling is inefficient, this shock quickly stabilizes as a quasi-static slowly expanding accretion shock at the outer edge of the halo. If, however, cooling is important, a recent theory suggests that filaments of gas from the cosmic web will freefall unshocked through the halos, and shock only at the outskirts of the central galaxies. These "cold streams" allow for a steady supply of gas into the galaxies and for more efficient star formation. The cold dense filament flowing into a hot less dense environment is potentially Kelvin–Helmholtz unstable. This instability may hinder the ability of the stream to deliver gas deeply enough into the halo. A design of a well-scaled laser experiment on Omega-EP meant for studying this phenomena is presented in the current work, with relevant theory informed by 2D hydrodynamic simulations of the experiment. We establish the hydrodynamic scaling analysis between the cosmological system and its experimental analog, presenting the experiment as an adiabatic upper limit to informing the role of mixing due to the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability.

Self-induced Scattering of Strahl Electrons in the Solar Wind

Daniel Verscharen et al 2019 ApJ 886 136

We investigate the scattering of strahl electrons by microinstabilities as a mechanism for creating the electron halo in the solar wind. We develop a mathematical framework for the description of electron-driven microinstabilities and discuss the associated physical mechanisms. We find that an instability of the oblique fast-magnetosonic/whistler (FM/W) mode is the best candidate for a microinstability that scatters strahl electrons into the halo. We derive approximate analytic expressions for the FM/W instability threshold in two different βc regimes, where βc is the ratio of the core electrons' thermal pressure to the magnetic pressure, and confirm the accuracy of these thresholds through comparison with numerical solutions to the hot-plasma dispersion relation. We find that the strahl-driven oblique FM/W instability creates copious FM/W waves under low-βc conditions when ${U}_{0{\rm{s}}}\gtrsim 3{w}_{{\rm{c}}}$, where U0s is the strahl speed and wc is the thermal speed of the core electrons. These waves have a frequency of about half the local electron gyrofrequency. We also derive an analytic expression for the oblique FM/W instability for βc ∼ 1. The comparison of our theoretical results with data from the Wind spacecraft confirms the relevance of the oblique FM/W instability for the solar wind. The whistler heat-flux, ion-acoustic heat-flux, kinetic-Alfvén-wave heat-flux, and electrostatic electron-beam instabilities cannot fulfill the requirements for self-induced scattering of strahl electrons into the halo. We make predictions for the electron strahl close to the Sun, which will be tested by measurements from Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.

Coronal Cooling as a Result of Mixing by the Nonlinear Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability

Andrew Hillier and Iñigo Arregui 2019 ApJ 885 101

Recent observations show cool, oscillating prominence threads fading when observed in cool spectral lines and appearing in warm spectral lines. A proposed mechanism to explain the observed temperature evolution is that the threads were heated by turbulence driven by the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability that developed as a result of wave-driven shear flows on the surface of the thread. As the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability is an instability that works to mix the two fluids on either side of the velocity shear layer, in the solar corona it can be expected to work by mixing the cool prominence material with that of the hot corona to form a warm boundary layer. In this paper, we develop a simple phenomenological model of nonlinear Kelvin–Helmholtz mixing, using it to determine the characteristic density and temperature of the mixing layer. For the case under study, with constant pressure across the two fluids, these quantities are ${\rho }_{\mathrm{mixed}}=\sqrt{{\rho }_{1}{\rho }_{2}}$ and ${T}_{\mathrm{mixed}}=\sqrt{{T}_{1}{T}_{2}}$. One result from the model is that it provides an accurate—as determined by comparison with simulation results—determination of the kinetic energy in the mean velocity field. A consequence of this is that the magnitude of turbulence—and with it, the energy that can be dissipated on fast timescales—as driven by this instability can be determined. For the prominence–corona system, the mean temperature rise possible from turbulent heating is estimated to be less than 1% of the characteristic temperature (which is found to be Tmixed = 105 K). These results highlight that mixing, and not heating, is likely to be the cause of the observed transition between cool to warm material. One consequence of this result is that the mixing creates a region with higher radiative loss rates on average than either of the original fluids, meaning that this instability could contribute a net loss of thermal energy from the corona, i.e., coronal cooling.

Demographics of Planetesimals Formed by the Streaming Instability

Rixin Li et al 2019 ApJ 885 69

The streaming instability (SI) is a mechanism to aerodynamically concentrate solids in protoplanetary disks and facilitate the formation of planetesimals. Recent numerical modeling efforts have demonstrated the increasing complexity of the initial mass distribution of planetesimals. To better constrain this distribution, we conduct SI simulations including self-gravity with the highest resolution hitherto. To subsequently identify all of the self-bound clumps, we develop a new clump-finding tool, Planetesimal Analyzer. We then apply a maximum likelihood estimator to fit a suite of parameterized models with different levels of complexity to the simulated mass distribution. To determine which models are best-fitting and statistically robust, we apply three model selection criteria with different complexity penalties. We find that the initial mass distribution of clumps is not universal regarding both the functional forms and parameter values. Our model selection criteria prefer models different from those previously considered in the literature. Fits to multi-segment power-law models break to a steeper distribution above masses close to those of 100 km collapsed planetesimals, similar to observed size distributions in the Kuiper Belt. We find evidence for a turnover at the low-mass end of the planetesimal mass distribution in our high-resolution run. Such a turnover is expected for gravitational collapse, but had not previously been reported.

Fast Magnetic Reconnection: Secondary Tearing Instability and Role of the Hall Term

E. Papini et al 2019 ApJ 885 56

Magnetic reconnection provides the primary source for explosive energy release, plasma heating, and particle acceleration in many astrophysical environments. The last years witnessed a revival of interest in the MHD tearing instability as a driver for efficient reconnection. It has been established that, provided the current sheet aspect ratio becomes small enough (a/L ∼ S−1/3 for a given Lundquist number S ≫ 1), reconnection occurs on ideal Alfvén timescales and becomes independent of S. Here we investigate, by means of two-dimensional simulations, the ideal tearing instability in both the MHD and the Hall-MHD regime, which is appropriate when the width of the resistive layer δ becomes comparable to the ion inertial length di. Moreover, we study in detail the spontaneous development and reconnection of secondary current sheets, which for high S naturally adjust to the ideal aspect ratio and hence their evolution proceeds very rapidly. For moderate low S, the aspect ratio tends to the Sweet–Parker scaling (a/L ∼ S−1/2). When the Hall term is included, the reconnection rate of this secondary nonlinear phase is enhanced and, depending on the ratio di/δ, can be two times larger with respect to the pure MHD case, and up to 10 times larger than the linear phase. Therefore, the evolution of the tearing instability in thin current sheets in the Hall-MHD regime naturally leads to an explosive disruption of the reconnecting site and to energy release on super-Alfvénic timescales, as required to explain space and astrophysical observations.