
Keyword=cosmological parameters

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Implications from Simulated Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems: Constraining Cosmological Parameters Using Gaussian Processes

Tonghua Liu et al 2019 ApJ 886 94

Strong gravitational lensing systems (SGL) encode cosmology information in source/lens distance ratios as ${{ \mathcal D }}_{\mathrm{obs}}={{ \mathcal D }}_{\mathrm{ls}}/{{ \mathcal D }}_{{\rm{s}}}$, which can be used to precisely constrain cosmological parameters. In this paper, based on future measurements of 390 strong-lensing systems from the forthcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) survey, we have successfully reconstructed the distance ratio ${{ \mathcal D }}_{\mathrm{obs}}$ (with the source redshift zs ∼ 4.0) directly from the data without assuming any parametric form. A recently developed method based on a model-independent reconstruction approach, Gaussian Processes, is used in our study of these strong-lensing systems. Our results show that independent measurement of the matter density parameter (Ωm) can be expected from such strong-lensing statistics. More specifically, one can expect Ωm to be estimated at the precision of ΔΩm ∼ 0.015 in the concordance ΛCDM model, which provides comparable constraints on Ωm with Planck 2015 results. In the framework of modified gravity theory (Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati), 390 detectable galactic lenses from the future LSST survey can lead to stringent fits of ΔΩm ∼ 0.030. Finally, we have discussed three possible sources of systematic errors (sample incompleteness, the determination of length of lens redshift bin, and the choice of lens redshift shells), and quantified their effects on the final cosmological constraints. Our results strongly indicate that future strong-lensing surveys, with the accumulation of a larger and more accurate sample of detectable galactic lenses, will considerably benefit from the methodology described in this analysis.

Cosmology from the Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS)

Yan Gong et al 2019 ApJ 883 203

The Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS) is a planned full sky survey operated by the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST). It can simultaneously perform the photometric imaging and spectroscopic slitless surveys, and will probe weak and strong gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, individual galaxies and galaxy clusters, active galactic nucleus, and so on. It aims to explore the properties of dark matter and dark energy and other important cosmological problems. In this work, we focus on two main CSS-OS scientific goals, i.e., the weak gravitational lensing (WL) and galaxy clustering surveys. We generate the mock CSS-OS data based on the observational COSMOS and zCOSMOS catalogs. We investigate the constraints on the cosmological parameters from the CSS-OS using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. The intrinsic alignments, galaxy bias, velocity dispersion, and systematics from instrumental effects in the CSST WL and galaxy clustering surveys are also included, and their impacts on the constraint results are discussed. We find that the CSS-OS can improve the constraints on the cosmological parameters by a factor of a few (even one order of magnitude in the optimistic case), compared to the current WL and galaxy clustering surveys. The constraints can be further enhanced when performing joint analysis with the WL, galaxy clustering, and galaxy–galaxy lensing data. Therefore, the CSS-OS is expected to be a powerful survey for exploring the universe. Since some assumptions may be still optimistic and simple, it is possible that the results from the real survey could be worse. We will study these issues in detail with the help of simulations in the future.

Using the Tilted flat-ΛCDM and the Untilted Non-flat ΛCDM Inflation Models to Measure Cosmological Parameters from a Compilation of Observational Data

Chan-Gyung Park and Bharat Ratra 2019 ApJ 882 158

We use the physically consistent tilted spatially flat and untilted non-flat ΛCDM inflation models to constrain cosmological parameter values with the Planck 2015 cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy data and recent SNe Ia measurements, baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) data, growth rate observations, and Hubble parameter measurements. The most dramatic consequence of including the four non-CMB data sets is the significant strengthening of the evidence for non-flatness in the non-flat ΛCDM model, from 1.8σ for the CMB data alone to 5.1σ for the full data combination. The BAO data is the most powerful of the non-CMB data sets in more tightly constraining model-parameter values and in favoring a spatially closed universe in which spatial curvature contributes about a percent to the current cosmological energy budget. The untilted non-flat ΛCDM model better fits the large-angle CMB temperature anisotropy angular spectrum and is more consistent with the Dark Energy Survey constraints on the current value of the rms amplitude of mass fluctuations (σ8) as a function of the current value of the nonrelativistic matter-density parameter (Ωm) but does not provide as good a fit to the smaller-angle CMB temperature anisotropy data, as does the tilted flat-ΛCDM model. Some measured cosmological parameter values differ significantly between the two models, including the reionization optical depth and the baryonic matter density parameter, both of whose 2σ ranges (in the two models) are disjointed or almost so.

Accounting for Correlations When Fitting Extra Cosmological Parameters

Y. Huang et al 2019 ApJ 882 124

Current cosmological tensions motivate investigating extensions to the standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. Additional model parameters are typically varied one or two at a time, in a series of separate tests. The purpose of this paper is to highlight that information is lost by not also examining the correlations between these additional parameters, which arise when their effects on model predictions are similar even if the parameters are not varied simultaneously. We show how these correlations can be quantified with simulations and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. As an example, we assume that ΛCDM is the true underlying model, and calculate the correlations expected between the phenomenological lensing amplitude parameter, AL, the running of the spectral index, nrun, and the primordial helium mass fraction, YP, when these parameters are varied one at a time along with the ΛCDM parameters in fits to the Planck 2015 temperature power spectrum. These correlations are not small, ranging from 0.31 (ALnrun) to −0.93 (nrunYP). We find that the values of these three parameters from the Planck data are consistent with ΛCDM expectations within 0.9σ when the correlations are accounted for. This does not explain the 1.8–2.7σ Planck preference for AL > 1, but provides an additional ΛCDM consistency test. For example, if AL > 1 was a symptom of an underlying systematic error or some real but unknown physical effect that also produced spurious correlations with nrun or YP our test might have revealed this. We recommend that future cosmological analyses examine correlations between additional model parameters in addition to investigating them separately, one a time.

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The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. VIII. An Independent Determination of the Hubble Constant Based on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch

Wendy L. Freedman et al 2019 ApJ 882 34

We present a new and independent determination of the local value of the Hubble constant based on a calibration of the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) applied to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). We find a value of H0 = 69.8 ± 0.8 (±1.1% stat) ± 1.7 (±2.4% sys) km s−1 Mpc−1. The TRGB method is both precise and accurate and is parallel to but independent of the Cepheid distance scale. Our value sits midway in the range defined by the current Hubble tension. It agrees at the 1.2σ level with that of the Planck Collaboration et al. estimate and at the 1.7σ level with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) SHoES measurement of H0 based on the Cepheid distance scale. The TRGB distances have been measured using deep HST Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging of galaxy halos. The zero-point of the TRGB calibration is set with a distance modulus to the Large Magellanic Cloud of 18.477 ± 0.004 (stat) ± 0.020 (sys) mag, based on measurement of 20 late-type detached eclipsing binary stars, combined with an HST parallax calibration of a 3.6 μm Cepheid Leavitt law based on Spitzer observations. We anchor the TRGB distances to galaxies that extend our measurement into the Hubble flow using the recently completed Carnegie Supernova Project I ( CSP-I ) sample containing about 100 well-observed SNe Ia . There are several advantages of halo TRGB distance measurements relative to Cepheid variables; these include low halo reddening, minimal effects of crowding or blending of the photometry, only a shallow (calibrated) sensitivity to metallicity in the I band, and no need for multiple epochs of observations or concerns of different slopes with period. In addition, the host masses of our TRGB host-galaxy sample are higher, on average, than those of the Cepheid sample, better matching the range of host-galaxy masses in the CSP-I distant sample and reducing potential systematic effects in the SNe Ia measurements.

Alcock–Paczynski Test with the Evolution of Redshift-space Galaxy Clustering Anisotropy

Hyunbae Park et al 2019 ApJ 881 146

We develop an improved Alcock–Paczynski (AP) test method that uses the redshift-space two-point correlation function (2pCF) of galaxies. Cosmological constraints can be obtained by examining the redshift dependence of the normalized 2pCF, which should not change apart from the expected small nonlinear evolution. An incorrect choice of cosmology used to convert redshift to comoving distance will manifest itself as redshift-dependent 2pCF. Our method decomposes the redshift difference of the two-dimensional correlation function into the Legendre polynomials whose amplitudes are modeled by radial fitting functions. Our likelihood analysis with this 2D fitting scheme tightens the constraints on Ωm and w by ∼40% compared to the method of Li et al. that uses one-dimensional angular dependence only. We also find that the correction for the nonlinear evolution in the 2pCF has a non-negligible cosmology dependence, which has been neglected in previous similar studies by Li et al. With an accurate accounting for the nonlinear systematics and use of full two-dimensional shape information of the 2pCF down to scales as small as 5 h−1 Mpc it is expected that the AP test with redshift-space galaxy clustering anisotropy can be a powerful method to constraining the expansion history of the universe.

Using Spatial Curvature with H ii Galaxies and Cosmic Chronometers to Explore the Tension in H0

Cheng-Zong Ruan et al 2019 ApJ 881 137

We present a model-independent measurement of spatial curvature Ωk in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker universe, based on observations of the Hubble parameter H(z) using cosmic chronometers, and a Gaussian process (GP) reconstruction of the H ii galaxy Hubble diagram. We show that the imposition of spatial flatness (i.e., Ωk = 0) easily distinguishes between the Hubble constant measured with Planck and that based on the local distance ladder. We find an optimized curvature parameter ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}=-{0.120}_{-0.147}^{+0.168}$ when using the former (i.e., ${H}_{0}=67.66\pm 0.42\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{-1}$), and ${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{k}=-{0.298}_{-0.088}^{+0.122}$ for the latter (${H}_{0}=73.24\pm 1.74\,\mathrm{km}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}\,{\mathrm{Mpc}}^{-1}$). The quoted uncertainties are extracted by Monte Carlo sampling, taking into consideration the covariances between the function and its derivative reconstructed by GP. These data therefore reveal that the condition of spatial flatness favors the Planck measurement, while ruling out the locally inferred Hubble constant as a true measure of the large-scale cosmic expansion rate at a confidence level of ∼3σ.

Cluster Cosmology with the Velocity Distribution Function of the HeCS-SZ Sample

Michelle Ntampaka et al 2019 ApJ 880 154

We apply the velocity distribution function (VDF) to a sample of Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ)-selected clusters, and we report preliminary cosmological constraints in the ${\sigma }_{8}$-${{\rm{\Omega }}}_{m}$ cosmological parameter space. The VDF is a forward-modeled test statistic that can be used to constrain cosmological models directly from galaxy cluster dynamical observations. The method was introduced in Ntampaka et al. and employs line-of-sight velocity measurements to directly constrain cosmological parameters; it is less sensitive to measurement error than a standard halo mass function approach. The method is applied to the Hectospec Survey of Sunyaev–Zeldovich-Selected Clusters sample, which is a spectroscopic follow-up of a Planck-selected sample of 83 galaxy clusters. Credible regions are calculated by comparing the VDF of the observed cluster sample to that of mock observations, yielding ${{ \mathcal S }}_{8}$ $\equiv \,{\sigma }_{8}{\left({{\rm{\Omega }}}_{m}/0.3\right)}^{0.25}=0.751\pm 0.037$. These constraints are in tension with the Planck Cosmic Microwave Background TT fiducial value, which lies outside of our 95% credible region, but are in agreement with some recent analyses of large-scale structure that observe fewer massive clusters than are predicted by the Planck fiducial cosmological parameters.

Nonparametric Dark Energy Reconstruction Using the Tomographic Alcock–Paczynski Test

Zhenyu Zhang et al 2019 ApJ 878 137

The tomographic Alcock–Paczynski (AP) method can result in tight cosmological constraints by using small and intermediate clustering scales of the large-scale structure of the galaxy distribution. By focusing on the redshift dependence, the AP distortion can be distinguished from the distortions produced by the redshift space distortions. In this work, we combine the tomographic AP method with other recent observational data sets of SN Ia+BAO+CMB+H0 to reconstruct the dark energy equation-of-state w in a nonparametric form. The result favors a dynamical DE at z ≲ 1, and shows a mild deviation (≲2σ) from w = −1 at z = 0.5–0.7. We find the addition of the AP method improves the low-redshift (z ≲ 0.7) constraint by ∼50%.

Cluster Cosmology Constraints from the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ Survey: Inclusion of Weak Gravitational Lensing Data from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope

S. Bocquet et al 2019 ApJ 878 55

We derive cosmological constraints using a galaxy cluster sample selected from the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ survey. The sample spans the redshift range 0.25 < z < 1.75 and contains 343 clusters with SZ detection significance ξ > 5. The sample is supplemented with optical weak gravitational lensing measurements of 32 clusters with 0.29 < z < 1.13 (from Magellan and Hubble Space Telescope) and X-ray measurements of 89 clusters with 0.25 < z < 1.75 (from Chandra). We rely on minimal modeling assumptions: (i) weak lensing provides an accurate means of measuring halo masses, (ii) the mean SZ and X-ray observables are related to the true halo mass through power-law relations in mass and dimensionless Hubble parameter E(z) with a priori unknown parameters, and (iii) there is (correlated, lognormal) intrinsic scatter and measurement noise relating these observables to their mean relations. We simultaneously fit for these astrophysical modeling parameters and for cosmology. Assuming a flat νΛCDM model, in which the sum of neutrino masses is a free parameter, we measure Ωm = 0.276 ± 0.047, σ8 = 0.781 ± 0.037, and σ8m/0.3)0.2 = 0.766 ±0.025. The redshift evolutions of the X-ray YX–mass and Mgas–mass relations are both consistent with self-similar evolution to within 1σ. The mass slope of the YX–mass relation shows a 2.3σ deviation from self-similarity. Similarly, the mass slope of the Mgas–mass relation is steeper than self-similarity at the 2.5σ level. In a νwCDM cosmology, we measure the dark energy equation-of-state parameter w = −1.55 ± 0.41 from the cluster data. We perform a measurement of the growth of structure since redshift z ∼ 1.7 and find no evidence for tension with the prediction from general relativity. This is the first analysis of the SPT cluster sample that uses direct weak-lensing mass calibration and is a step toward using the much larger weak-lensing data set from DES. We provide updated redshift and mass estimates for the SPT sample.