
Keyword=Sun: heliosphere

Open all abstracts 1–10 of 555 results
A New Method of Frequency Fluctuation Estimation and IPS Processing Results Based on the Downlink Signal of Tianwen-1

Yu-Chen Liu et al 2023 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 23 085023

The radio-occultation observations taken by Tianwen-1 are aiming to study the properties of solar wind. A new method of frequency fluctuation (FF) estimation is presented for processing the down-link signals of Tianwen-1 during the occultation period to study the properties of the coronal plasma at the heliocentric distances of 4.48–19 R. Because of low S/N as well as the phase fluctuation phenomena caused by solar activity, a Kalman based on polynomial prediction methods is proposed to avoid the phase locked loop loss lock. A new detrend method based on multi-level iteration correction is proposed to estimate Doppler shift to get more accurate power density spectra of FF in the low frequency region. The data analyze procedure is used to get the properties of the solar corona during the occultation. The method was finally verified at the point when the solar offset is 5.7 R, frequency tracking was successfully performed on data with a carrier-to-noise ratio of about 28 dBHz. The density spectra obtained by the improved method are basically the same when the frequency is greater than 2 mHz, the uncertainty in the result of the rms of the FF obtained by removing the trend term with different order polynomials is less than 3.3%. The data without eliminating interference show a large error for different detrending orders, which justifies the need for an improved approach. Finally, the frequency fluctuation results combined with the information on intensity fluctuation obtained by the new method are compared with the results of the integrated Space Weather Analysis system and theoretical formula, which verifies that the processing results in this paper have a certain degree of credibility.

On the Relation Between Coronal Green Line Brightness and Magnetic Fields Intensity

Xue-Fei Zhang et al 2022 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 22 075007

Two-dimensional (2D) solar coronal magnetogram is difficult to be measured directly until now. From the previous knowledge, a general relation has been noticed that the brighter green-line brightness for corona, the higher coronal magnetic field intensity may correspond to. To try to further reveal the relationship between coronal green line brightness and magnetic field intensity, we use the 2D coronal images observed by Yunnan Observatories Green-line Imaging System (YOGIS) of the 10 cm Lijiang coronagraph and the coronal magnetic field maps calculated from the current-free extrapolations with the photospheric magnetograms taken by Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. In our analysis, we identified the coronal loop structures and construct two-dimensional maps of the corresponding magnetic field intensity in the plane of the sky (POS) above the limb. We derive the correlation coefficients between the coronal brightness and the magnetic field intensity for different heights of coronal layers. We further use a linear combination of a Gaussian and a quadratic profile to fit the correlation coefficients distribution, finding a largest correlation coefficient of 0.82 near 1.1 R (solar radii) where is almost the top of the closed loop system. For the small closed loop system identified, the correlation coefficient distributions crossing and covering the loop are calculated. We also investigate the correlation with extended heliocentric latitude zones and long period of one whole Carrington Rotation, finding again that the maximum correlation coefficient occurs at the same height. It is the first time for us to find that the correlation coefficients are high (all are larger than 0.8) at the loop-tops and showing poor correlation coefficients with some fluctuations near the feet of the coronal loops. Our findings indicate that, for the heating of the low-latitude closed loops, both DC (dissipation of currents) and AC (dissipation of Alfvén and magnetosonic waves) mechanisms should act simultaneously on the whole closed loop system while the DC mechanisms dominate in the loop-top regions. Therefore, in the distributions of the correlation coefficients with different heights of coronal layers, for both large- and small-scale latitude ranges, the coefficients can reach their maximum values at the same coronal height of 1.1 R, which may indicate the particular importance of the height of closed loops for studying the coupling of the local emission mechanism and the coronal magnetic fields, which maybe helpful for studying the origin of the low-speed solar wind.

Slowing of the Solar Wind in the Outer Heliosphere

Heather A. Elliott et al 2019 ApJ 885 156

This study provides a deeper understanding of how the solar wind evolves with increasing distance from the Sun as it encounters an increasing amount of interstellar material. This work extends our prior work by (1) extending the solar wind proton data radial profiles for New Horizons (NH) out to nearly 43 au, (2) quantifying the observed amount of slowing in the solar wind in the outer heliosphere by performing a detailed comparison between the speeds at NH (21–43 au) with speeds at 1 au, and (3) resolving discrepancies between the measured amount of slowing and estimates of the amount of slowing determined from the measured amount of interstellar pickup present in the solar wind. We find that the solar wind density radial profile may decrease at nearly or slightly less than a spherical expansion density profile. However, the temperature profile is well above what would be expected for an adiabatic profile. By comparing outer and inner heliospheric solar wind observations, we find the solar wind speed is reduced by 5%–7% between 30 and 43 au. We find the solar wind polytropic index (γsw) steeply decreases toward zero in the outer heliosphere (21–43 au) with a slope of ∼0.031 au−1. Using both this radial variation in γsw and the measured amount of interstellar pickup ions, we estimate the slowing in the solar wind and obtain excellent agreement with the observed slowing.

The Enhancement of the Energetic Particle Intensities in ICMEs

Mengjiao Xu et al 2019 ApJ 885 54

The behavior of energetic particles in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) is of great interest. In general, due to the relatively closed magnetic structures of ICMEs, the energetic-particle intensities are usually depressed in them. However, previous studies have found some counterexamples. In this work, using protons with energies form ∼200 keV to ∼7 MeV observed by Wind/3dp as a measure, we check the proton intensity signatures of the 487 ICMEs between 1995 and 2017. A total of 12 ICMEs with extraordinary energetic-particle enhancements have been found, 9 of which are shock-interplanetary coronal mass ejection complex structures (S-ICMEs) and 3 that are isolated interplanetary coronal mass ejections (I-ICMEs). Comparing the two kinds of ICMEs, we find that energetic-particle intensities increase more in the S-ICMEs than in the I-ICMEs in all energy channels, especially in the high-energy channels. In addition, shocks inside energetic-particle-enhanced S-ICMEs are relatively fast and strong. These results indicate that shock-ICME interaction may be an effective local acceleration mechanism.

Long-term Correlations of Polytropic Indices with Kappa Distributions in Solar Wind Plasma near 1 au

G. Nicolaou and G. Livadiotis 2019 ApJ 884 52

The polytropic behavior of space plasmas defines a power law between the plasma moments during the transition of the plasma from one state to another under constant specific heat. Knowledge of the polytropic index—the power-law exponent—is essential for understanding the dynamics of plasma particles, while a full kinetic description can be established by the study of the velocity distribution of plasma particles. The particle velocities of collisionless space plasmas, such as the solar wind, follow the kappa distribution function. The kappa index, the parameter that labels and governs these distributions, is an independent variable that describes the state of plasmas and is required for a complete description of the plasma properties. Previous studies showed and demonstrated how the kappa and polytropic indices are related to each other in the presence of potential energy, and their relationship also depends on the potential degrees of freedom. This paper extends these analyses and derives the kappa and polytropic indices of the solar wind proton plasmas using Wind observations during the last two solar cycles. We examine and show the systematic long-term correlation between these indices, the magnetic field strength, and the solar activity.

The following article is Open access
Do Current and Magnetic Helicities Have the Same Sign?

A. J. B. Russell et al 2019 ApJ 884 55

Current helicity, Hc, and magnetic helicity, Hm, are two main quantities used to characterize magnetic fields. For example, such quantities have been widely used to characterize solar active regions and their ejecta (magnetic clouds). It is commonly assumed that Hc and Hm have the same sign, but this has not been rigorously addressed beyond the simple case of linear force-free fields. We aim to answer whether HmHc ≥ 0 in general, and whether it is true over some useful set of magnetic fields. This question is addressed analytically and with numerical examples. The main focus is on cylindrically symmetric straight flux tubes, referred to as flux ropes (FRs), using the relative magnetic helicity with respect to a straight (untwisted) reference field. Counterexamples with HmHc < 0 have been found for cylindrically symmetric FRs with finite plasma pressure, and for force-free cylindrically symmetric FRs in which the poloidal field component changes direction. Our main result is a proof that HmHc ≥ 0 is true for force-free cylindrically symmetric FRs where the toroidal field and poloidal field components are each of a single sign, and the poloidal component does not exceed the toroidal component. We conclude that the conjecture that current and magnetic helicities have the same sign is not true in general, but it is true for a set of FRs of importance to coronal and heliospheric physics.

Non-Maxwellian Velocity Distribution Functions for Coulombic Systems Out of Equilibrium

Brent M. Randol 2019 ApJ 883 200

The velocity distribution function (VDF) of ions in the solar wind, as observed by spacecraft at 1 au and elsewhere in the heliosphere, exhibits a consistent trend: at low energies in the solar wind frame, the distribution is largely Maxwellian—the core; at higher but still modest energies in the solar wind frame, the distribution follows a power law (f ∝ vγ, where f is the VDF, v is the speed in the solar wind frame, and γ is an arbitrary spectral index parameter)—the tail—with a spectral index of γ ≈ 5 being extremely common. Several theories have been proposed to explain this common index. Among these theories is that the tail is a natural consequence of an ensemble of particles obeying Coulomb's law. In this study, we derive a general analytical formula for the distribution of electric fields, and find that it always exhibits a power-law tail with a spectral index of exactly 9/2, or 4.5, due to the spatial power-law index of Coulomb's law. We then show how the VDF is a convolution of the distribution of electric fields with a preexisting VDF, and that for small values of time after being created, the ion VDF always exhibits a γ = 9/2 power law, wherein the probability of the tail relative to the core depends on particle density, n, and inversely on the preexisting VDF thermal speed, vth. Finally, we compare our results with previous works, and find good agreement but with important distinctions.

Onset and Evolution of the Oblique, Resonant Electron Firehose Instability in the Expanding Solar Wind Plasma

Maria Elena Innocenti et al 2019 ApJ 883 146

A double adiabatically expanding solar wind would quickly develop large parallel to perpendicular temperature anisotropies in electrons and ions that are not observed. One reason is that firehose instabilities would be triggered, leading to an ongoing driving/saturation evolution mechanism. We verify this assumption here for the first time for the electron distribution function and the electron firehose instability (EFI), using fully kinetic simulations with the Expanding Box Model. This allows the self-consistent study of onset and evolution of the oblique, resonant EFI in an expanding solar wind. We characterize how the competition between EFI and adiabatic expansion plays out in high- and low-beta cases, in high- and low-speed solar wind streams. We observe that, even when competing against expansion, the EFI results in perpendicular heating and parallel cooling. These two concurrent processes effectively limit the expansion-induced increase in temperature anisotropy and parallel electron beta. We show that the EFI goes through cycles of stabilization and destabilization: when higher wave number EFI modes saturate, lower wave number modes are destabilized by the effects of the expansion. We show how resonant wave/ particle interaction modifies the electron velocity distribution function after the onset of the EFI. The simulations are performed with the fully kinetic, semi-implicit expanding box code EB-iPic3D.

Correlation of Long-term Cosmic-Ray Modulation with Solar Activity Parameters

R. A. Caballero-Lopez et al 2019 ApJ 883 73

In this work, we analyze the long-term cosmic-ray modulation observed by the Hermanus neutron monitor, which is the detector with the longest cosmic-ray record, from 1957 July. For our study we use the force-field approximation to the cosmic-ray transport equation, and the newest results on the mean free paths from the scattering theory. We compare the modulation parameter (ϕ) with different rigidity (P) dependences: P, P2, and P2/3. We correlate them with solar and interplanetary parameters. We found that (1) these rigidity dependences properly describe the modulation, (2) long-term cosmic-ray variations are better correlated with the magnitude of the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF) than the sunspot number, solar wind speed, and tilt angle of the HMF, and (3) the theoretical dependence of the parallel mean free path on the magnetic field variance is in agreement with the modulation parameter and therefore with the neutron monitor record. We also found that the force-field approximation is not able to take into account the effects of three-dimensional particle transport, showing a poor correlation with the perpendicular mean free path.

The following article is Open access
Suprathermal Ion Abundance Variations in Corotating Interaction Regions over Two Solar Cycles

Robert C. Allen et al 2019 ApJL 883 L10

Suprathermal ion composition associated with corotating interaction regions (CIRs) exhibited a solar cycle variation during solar cycle 23 and the beginning of solar cycle 24. However, it is unclear if this variation would remain when considering all of solar cycle 24, or whether the variations in the CIR-associated suprathermal ion composition would change. Using 20 yr of Advanced Composition Explorer observations (1998–2018), we present a comparison of the suprathermal ion compositions for solar cycles 23 and 24. The energetic particle content for the two solar cycles is found to be remarkably similar. The observed solar cycle variations in 0.32–0.45 MeV/nuc Fe/O previously observed for solar cycle 23 was seen to be largely repeated in solar cycle 24, both in solar cycle phase and magnitude. A small enhancement in CIR-associated Fe/O during the declining phase was observed for both solar cycles. The CIR event-averaged intensities of Fe and O were also found to have a slight solar cycle dependence, with the Fe/O ratio being more closely bound to the intensity of Fe ions. Additionally, the elemental abundance versus O ratios compared to the Fe/C ratios were found to follow the same trends for both solar cycles, with high Fe/C ratio events occurring mostly during solar maximum.