Submission guidelines

All article submissions and the peer-review process are managed using a web-based system by the Fluid Dynamics Research editorial office. All manuscripts must be submitted in English and must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please visit to access the submission system, where you will be able to upload your paper. Please do not submit manuscripts to the e-mail address. Any enquiries relating to your submission may be directed to the FDR Editorial Office.

Process for handling manuscripts

After submission, your paper will be overseen by either the Editor-in-Chief or one of the three Editors; they will assign the paper to a Handling Editor (either an Editor or an Associate Editor) who will manage the peer-review process and take the final decision on the paper. Papers may be returned without review if they are outside the scope of the journal, if they are not prepared in accordance with the guidelines for authors, or if they are judged by the Editors to be of insufficient originality or interest for the readers of the journal.

Guidelines for authors

For detailed instructions on the preparation of your article for Fluid Dynamics Research, please look at our author guidelines.