Non-thermal equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is a cold plasma source that promises various innovative applications, and the uniform APPJ is more favored. Glow discharge is one of the most effective methods to obtain the uniform discharge. Compared with the glow dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) in atmospheric pressure, pure helium APPJ shows partial characteristics of both the glow discharge and the streamer. In this paper, considering the influence of the Penning effect, the electrical and optical properties of He APPJ and Ar/NH3 APPJ were researched. A word "Glow-like APPJ" is used to characterize the uniformity of APPJ, and it was obtained that the basic characteristics of the glow-like APPJ are driven by the kHz AC high voltage. The results can provide a support for generating uniform APPJ, and lay a foundation for its applications.
Highlights of 2016
Welcome to a special collection of some of the best articles published in Plasma Science and Technology in 2016. This collection represents the breadth and excellence of the research published in the journal last year.
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Quantitative Determination of Density of Ground State Atomic Oxygen from Both TALIF and Emission Spectroscopy in Hot Air Plasma Generated by Microwave Resonant Cavity
View article, Quantitative Determination of Density of Ground State Atomic Oxygen from Both TALIF and Emission Spectroscopy in Hot Air Plasma Generated by Microwave Resonant Cavity
PDF, Quantitative Determination of Density of Ground State Atomic Oxygen from Both TALIF and Emission Spectroscopy in Hot Air Plasma Generated by Microwave Resonant Cavity
Measurement of Electron Density and Ion Collision Frequency with Dual Assisted Grounded Electrode DBD in Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Jet
View article, Measurement of Electron Density and Ion Collision Frequency with Dual Assisted Grounded Electrode DBD in Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Jet
PDF, Measurement of Electron Density and Ion Collision Frequency with Dual Assisted Grounded Electrode DBD in Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Jet