Frequency Modulation-Magnetic Force Microscopy image acquired on Superconductor (S)/Ferromagnet(F) hybrid (Nb-150nm/Py-1μm), below S critical temperature. After a field cooling in the matching field, superconducting vortices are nucleated in the S layer. Wherever F magnetic domains are straight and regular, vortices arrange in a hexagonal lattice. In presence of magnetic defects, such as bifurcations, the symmetry of vortex lattice is broken.
Guest Editors
Antonio Di Bartolomeo, University of Salerno
Filippo Giubileo, CNR-SPIN
Sergio Pagano, University of Salerno
This Focus Collection is being compiled in conjunction with tunneling through nanoscience, Ravello, Italy, October 17-20, 2018.
The scope of this Collection includes scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy, superconductivity and magnetism, and nanostructured materials in tunneling applications. The aim of the Collection is to provide a forum for researchers working across the field to publish their work in a shared space.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to;
Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- Advances in scanning probe microscopy
- Imaging of magnetic structures at the nanoscale
- Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy on 2D materials
- Nanoscale mechanical properties explored via local probes
- Scanning probe microscopy applications in electronic devices
Superconductivity and Magnetism
- Tunneling on novel superconductors
- Exotic superconductivity
- Quantum computing
- Vortex matter in superconducting materials by scanning probe microscopy techniques
- Magnetic tunnel junctions
- Magnetic vortices, skyrmions and three-dimensional nanomagnetism
- Proximity effect and magnetic inclusions in superconductors
Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces
- Nanoparticles and nanoclusters
- Carbon nanotubes
- Graphene
- 2D layered materials
- van der Waals heterojunctions
Vortex lattice instability at the nanoscale in a parallel magnetic field
Gaia Grimaldi et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 424001
In superconducting materials a dynamical rearrangement of the vortex lattice occurs by forcing vortices at high velocities, until the system can become unstable. This phenomenon is known as vortex lattice instability, in which a sudden transition drives the superconducting system abruptly to the normal state. We present an experimental study on submicron bridges of NbN and NbTiN ultra-thin films with a thickness of few nanometers. The nanoscale effect on vortex lattice instability is investigated not only by the ultra-thin thickness in wide bridges, but also by changing the direction of the external magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis epitaxial films. Indeed, measurements are performed for both orientations and show the vortex lattice instability, regardless of the superconducting material. Critical currents Ic as well as instability currents I* have been compared. However, only in the parallel configuration an unusual 'flying birds' feature appears in the magnetic field dependence of current switching, as a consequence of the ratio I*/Ic that is approaching 1. This amazing tendency becomes relevant for practical applications involving nanostructures, since by scaling down sample thickness and rotating the external field towards the in-plane orientation, the ultra-thin film geometry can mimic the bridge narrowing down to the nanoscale.
Controlled PtIr nanoalloy as an electro-oxidation platform for methanol reaction and ammonia detection
Maria Sarno et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 394004
Herein, a surfactant-free, ethylene glycol-mediated synthesis of PtIr nanoalloys was optimized. In particular, a post-synthesis treatment was identified as the key step in order to determine the nanoparticles size and their organization in the nanostructure, depending on the presence of a reducing agent and on pressure conditions. After synthesis, the as-obtained nanomaterials were broadly characterized: SEM and TEM images, EDX maps and XRD spectra showed the formation of nanorods with a few nanometers size and similar quantitative compositions of platinum and iridium. Afterward, the electrocatalytic activity towards the methanol oxidation reaction of the synthesized nanomaterials was tested and the best sample, treated under a hydrogen/nitrogen flow at 10 bar, exhibits a negligible onset potential (0.058 V) and a very high If/Ib ratio (2.5). Moreover, the aforementioned sample was tested as an electrochemical sensor for the detection of small traces of ammonia in an aqueous solution with a limit of detection of 4.88 μM. The sensor was tested also in simulated wastewater coming from the fertilizer industry, showing proper operation and excellent selectivity.
Dynamic properties of asymmetric double Josephson junction stack with quasiparticle imbalance
S V Bakurskiy et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 324004
We study analytically and numerically the influence of the quasiparticle charge imbalance on the dynamics of the asymmetric Josephson stack formed by two inequivalent junctions: the fast capacitive junction JJ1 and slow non-capacitive junction JJ2. We find, that the switching of the fast junction into resistive state leads to significant increase of the effective critical current of the slow junction. At the same time, the initial switching of the slow junction may either increase or decrease the effective critical current of the fast junction, depending on ratio of their resistances and the value of the capacitance. Finally, we have found that the slow quasiparticle relaxation (in comparison with Josephson times) leads to appearance of the additional hysteresis on current–voltage characteristics.
Quantitative magnetic force microscopy using calibration on superconducting flux quanta
Cinzia Di Giorgio et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 314004
We present a new procedure that takes advantage of the magnetic flux quantization of superconducting vortices to calibrate the magnetic properties of tips for magnetic force microscopy (MFM). Indeed, a superconducting vortex, whose quantized flux is dependent upon Plank constant, speed of light and electron charge, behaves as a very well defined magnetic reference object. The proposed calibration procedure has been tested on new and worn tips and shows that the monopole point-like approximation of the probe is a reliable model. This procedure has been then applied to perform quantitative MFM experiments on a soft ferromagnetic thin film of permalloy, leading to the determination of the local out-of-plane component of the canted magnetization, together with its spatial variations across a few μm2 scan area.
Open access
Interaction of epitaxial graphene with heavy metals: towards novel sensing platform
Ivan Shtepliuk and Rositsa Yakimova 2019 Nanotechnology 30 294002
Development of next-generation sensors based on graphene materials, especially epitaxial graphene (EG) as the most promising representative, with desirable cross-reactivity to heavy metals (HMs) is of great technological significance in the virtue of enormous impact on environmental sensorics. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which EG responds to toxic HMs exposure and then produces the output signal are still obscure. In the present study, the nature of interaction of toxic HMs, e.g. Cd, Hg and Pb in neutral charge state and EG on Si-face SiC in the absence and in the presence of pure water solution has been investigated using density functional theory with the inclusion of dispersion correction and cluster model of EG. The gas-phase calculations showed that adsorbed electron-donating Cd and Hg adatoms on EG are most stable when bonded to hollow sites, while Pb species prefer to sit above bridge sites. By using non-covalent interaction analysis, charge decomposition analysis, overlap population density of states analysis and topological analysis, it was found that the interaction between Cd or Hg and EG is non-bonding in nature and is mainly governed by van der Waals forces, while Pb adsorption is followed by the formation of anti-bonding orbitals in vacuum conditions and bonding orbitals in water. The role of solvent in the adsorption behavior of HMs is studied and discussed. The present theoretical analysis is in good agreement with recent experimental results towards discriminative electrochemical analysis of the toxic HMs in aqueous solutions at critically low concentrations.
Ambient effects on photogating in MoS2 photodetectors
Peize Han et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 284004
Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are ideal candidates for ultrathin optoelectronics that are flexible and semitransparent. Photodetectors based on TMDs show remarkable performance, with responsivity and detectivity higher than 103 AW−1 and 1012 Jones, respectively, but they are plagued by response times as slow as several tens of seconds. Although it is well established that gas adsorbates such as water and oxygen create charge traps and significantly increase both the responsivity and the response time, the underlying mechanism is still unclear. Here we study the influence of adsorbates on MoS2 photodetectors under ambient conditions, vacuum and illumination at different wavelengths. We show that, for wavelengths sufficiently short to excite electron-hole pairs in the MoS2, light illumination causes desorption of water and oxygen molecules. The change in the molecular gating provided by the physisorbed molecules is the dominant contribution to the device photoresponse in ambient conditions.
Probing the uniformity of hydrogen intercalation in quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene on SiC by micro-Raman mapping and conductive atomic force microscopy
F Giannazzo et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 284003
In this paper, micro-Raman mapping and conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) were jointly applied to investigate the structural and electrical homogeneity of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene (QFMLG), obtained by high temperature decomposition of 4H-SiC(0001) followed by hydrogen intercalation at 900 °C. Strain and doping maps, obtained by Raman data, showed the presence of sub-micron patches with reduced hole density correlated to regions with higher compressive strain, probably associated with a locally reduced hydrogen intercalation. Nanoscale resolution electrical maps by C-AFM also revealed the presence of patches with enhanced current injection through the QFMLG/SiC interface, indicating a locally reduced Schottky barrier height (ΦB). The ΦB values evaluated from local I–V curves by the thermionic emission model were in good agreement with the values calculated for the QFMLG/SiC interface using the Schottky–Mott rule and the graphene holes density from Raman maps. The demonstrated approach revealed a useful and non-invasive method to probe the structural and electrical homogeneity of QFMLG for future nano-electronics applications.
Conductivity response of amorphous oxide interfaces to pulsed light illumination
C Barone et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 254005
Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) formed at oxide interfaces show a large variety of functional properties of major physical interest. Here, the peculiar electric transport behavior of the 2DEG formed at the LGO/STO oxide interface is studied under the application of light pulses of different amplitude, duration, and repetition rate, and by varying the sample temperature from 8 to 300 K. The experimental results evidence a persistent photoconductivity, intimately related to the complex physics of this system. These findings suggest the possibility of using the oxide interfaces for advanced applications as, for example, energy conversion or information storage.
Pinning energy and anisotropy properties of a Fe(Se, Te) iron based superconductor
A Galluzzi et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 254001
The measurements of DC magnetization M as a function of magnetic field (H) and time (t) have been performed in order to study the superconducting and pinning properties of a Fe(Se, Te) iron based superconductor fabricated by means of the Bridgman technique. By performing the superconducting hysteresis loops M(H) at different temperatures in the case of perpendicular and parallel field, the critical current density Jc(H) has been extracted in the framework of the Bean critical state model for both configurations. The Jc(H) curves have shown the presence of the second magnetization peak effect that causes an anomalous increase in the field dependence of the critical current density. In order to obtain the Jc anisotropy of the sample, we have performed the ratio between perpendicular and parallel critical current density values
and compared its values with the literature ones. The information regarding the pinning energy U have been extracted by means of the relaxation of the irreversible magnetization M(t) in the case H∣∣c. In particular, performing relaxation measurements at different temperatures and magnetic fields, the temperature dependence of the pinning energy U(T) at different magnetic fields has been obtained showing an anomalous temperature scaling of the curves. The presence of a maximum in the U(T) curves suggests a pinning crossover at a given field and temperature Hcr(T). The Hcr(T) values have been fitted with the equation Hcr(T) = Hcr(0) (1 − T/T*)n whose results confirm the correlation between the elastic/plastic crossover and the end of the peak effect phenomenon.
Topologically protected superconducting ratchet effect generated by spin-ice nanomagnets
V Rollano et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 244003
We have designed, fabricated and tested a robust superconducting ratchet device based on topologically frustrated spin ice nanomagnets. The device is made of a magnetic Co honeycomb array embedded in a superconducting Nb film. This device is based on three simple mechanisms: (i) the topology of the Co honeycomb array frustrates in-plane magnetic configurations in the array yielding a distribution of magnetic charges which can be ordered or disordered with in-plane magnetic fields, following spin ice rules; (ii) the local vertex magnetization, which consists of a magnetic half vortex with two charged magnetic Néel walls; (iii) the interaction between superconducting vortices and the asymmetric potentials provided by the Néel walls. The combination of these elements leads to a superconducting ratchet effect. Thus, superconducting vortices driven by alternating forces and moving on magnetic half vortices generate a unidirectional net vortex flow. This ratchet effect is independent of the distribution of magnetic charges in the array.
Oxidation of h-BN on strongly and weakly interacting metal surfaces
Viktor O Shevelev et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 234004
We used x-ray photoemission and absorption spectroscopies to study the influence of thermal molecular oxygen exposure on the h-BN/Co(0001) and h-BN/Au/Co(0001) systems. The spectral analysis was supported by density functional theory calculations. It is shown that oxygen can intercalate h-BN on Co(0001) and also be embedded into its lattice, replacing the nitrogen atoms. Upon substitution, the structures containing one (BN2O) and three (BO3) oxygen atoms in the boron atom environment are formed predominantly. In the case of gold-intercalated h-BN, only the (BN2O) structures are formed; the long-lasting oxygen exposures lead to etching of the h-BN layer.
Submission process and deadline for submission
Speakers are invited to contribute their original research articles to this collection. Please submit using our online submission portal.
The window for submissions is open from now until 15 April 2019. Nanotechnology publishes focus collections incrementally. This means that articles submitted early will be published as soon as they are accepted and prepared for publication, without being delayed waiting for other papers in the collection. If you are not able to meet the deadline, please let us know.