Focus on tunneling through nanoscience

Frequency Modulation-Magnetic Force Microscopy image acquired on Superconductor (S)/Ferromagnet(F) hybrid (Nb-150nm/Py-1μm), below S critical temperature. After a field cooling in the matching field, superconducting vortices are nucleated in the S layer. Wherever F magnetic domains are straight and regular, vortices arrange in a hexagonal lattice. In presence of magnetic defects, such as bifurcations, the symmetry of vortex lattice is broken.

Guest Editors

Antonio Di Bartolomeo, University of Salerno
Filippo Giubileo, CNR-SPIN
Sergio Pagano, University of Salerno


This Focus Collection is being compiled in conjunction with tunneling through nanoscience, Ravello, Italy, October 17-20, 2018.

The scope of this Collection includes scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy, superconductivity and magnetism, and nanostructured materials in tunneling applications. The aim of the Collection is to provide a forum for researchers working across the field to publish their work in a shared space.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to;

Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy

  • Advances in scanning probe microscopy
  • Imaging of magnetic structures at the nanoscale
  • Scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy on 2D materials
  • Nanoscale mechanical properties explored via local probes
  • Scanning probe microscopy applications in electronic devices

Superconductivity and Magnetism

  • Tunneling on novel superconductors
  • Exotic superconductivity
  • Quantum computing
  • Vortex matter in superconducting materials by scanning probe microscopy techniques
  • Magnetic tunnel junctions
  • Magnetic vortices, skyrmions and three-dimensional nanomagnetism
  • Proximity effect and magnetic inclusions in superconductors

Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces

  • Nanoparticles and nanoclusters
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Graphene
  • 2D layered materials
  • van der Waals heterojunctions


Vortex lattice instability at the nanoscale in a parallel magnetic field

Gaia Grimaldi et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 424001

Controlled PtIr nanoalloy as an electro-oxidation platform for methanol reaction and ammonia detection

Maria Sarno et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 394004

Dynamic properties of asymmetric double Josephson junction stack with quasiparticle imbalance

S V Bakurskiy et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 324004

Quantitative magnetic force microscopy using calibration on superconducting flux quanta

Cinzia Di Giorgio et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 314004

Open access
Interaction of epitaxial graphene with heavy metals: towards novel sensing platform

Ivan Shtepliuk and Rositsa Yakimova 2019 Nanotechnology 30 294002

Ambient effects on photogating in MoS2 photodetectors

Peize Han et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 284004

Probing the uniformity of hydrogen intercalation in quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene on SiC by micro-Raman mapping and conductive atomic force microscopy

F Giannazzo et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 284003

Conductivity response of amorphous oxide interfaces to pulsed light illumination

C Barone et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 254005

Pinning energy and anisotropy properties of a Fe(Se, Te) iron based superconductor

A Galluzzi et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 254001

Topologically protected superconducting ratchet effect generated by spin-ice nanomagnets

V Rollano et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 244003

Oxidation of h-BN on strongly and weakly interacting metal surfaces

Viktor O Shevelev et al 2019 Nanotechnology 30 234004

Submission process and deadline for submission

Speakers are invited to contribute their original research articles to this collection. Please submit using our online submission portal.

The window for submissions is open from now until 15 April 2019. Nanotechnology publishes focus collections incrementally. This means that articles submitted early will be published as soon as they are accepted and prepared for publication, without being delayed waiting for other papers in the collection. If you are not able to meet the deadline, please let us know.
