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Volume 329


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9th International Fröhlich's Symposium: Electrodynamic Activity of Living Cells (Including Microtubule Coherent Modes and Cancer Cell Physics) 1–3 July 2011, Prague, Czech Republic

Accepted papers received: 08 November 2011
Published online: 13 December 2011


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This volume contains papers presented at the International Fröhlich's Symposium entitled 'Electrodynamic Activity of Living Cells' (1–3 July 2011, Prague, Czech Republic). The Symposium was the 9th meeting devoted to physical processes in living matter organized in Prague since 1987. The hypothesis of oscillation systems in living cells featured by non-linear interaction between elastic and electrical polarization fields, non-linear interactions between the system and the heat bath leading to energy downconversion along the frequency scale, energy condensation in the lowest frequency mode and creation of a coherent state was formulated by H Fröhlich, founder of the theory of dielectric materials. He assumed that biological activity is based not only on biochemical but also on biophysical mechanisms and that their disturbances form basic links along the cancer transformation pathway. Fröhlich outlined general ideas of non-linear physical processes in biological systems. The downconversion and the elastic–polarization interactions should be connected in a unified theory and the solution based on comprehensive non-linear characteristics.

Biochemical and genetic research of biological systems are highly developed and have disclosed a variety of cellular and subcellular structures, chemical reactions, molecular information transfer, and genetic code sequences – including their pathological development. Nevertheless, the cancer problem is still a big challenge. Warburg's discovery of suppressed oxidative metabolism in mitochondria in cancer cells suggested the essential role of physical mechanisms (but his discovery has remained without impact on cancer research and on the study of physical properties of biological systems for a long time). Mitochondria, the power plants of the cell, have several areas of activity–oxidative energy production is connected with the formation of a strong static electric field around them, water ordering, and liberation of non-utilized energy to their surroundings. Mitochondrial function connected with water ordering and excitation of oscillations in microtubules may play a central role in biological activity, in particular in transport, organization, interactions, and information transfer. Mitochondrial disfunction results in disturbances of the generated electrodynamic field with bad consequences in biological activity and the creation of pathological states. A special issue of the biological activity concerns the brain function (consciousness is not yet adequately understood). Experimental investigation using nanotechnology would supply yet unknown data and parameters of physical mechanisms in living systems. Extremely weak biological signals have to be separated from technical noise under conditions of possible non-linear mutual interactions.

Some authors questioned the validity of the Fröhlich hypothesis. Foster and Baish (J. Biol. Phys.26 2000, 255) neglected water ordering and concluded that strong damping by water viscosity effects prevents the formation of a coherent state. Reimers et al (PNAS106 2009, 4219) and McKemmish et al (Phys. Rev. E 80 2009, 021912–1) omitted non-linear elastic–electrical polarization interactions and analyzed a linearized model of downconversion with strong damping that cannot represent the Fröhlich system. Fröhlich assumed a high quality non-linear system with energy supply. Some methods used for analysis of linear systems (for instance the method of superposition) are not valid in non-linear systems. For this reason also experimental analysis based on subtraction of the noise from the measured signal spectrum is not a simple question.

There is another special issue concerning biological activity. The living state and in particular consciousness are very often connected with an idea of a non-material and non-measurable entity entering the biological system from outside. There is a splendid harmony and order in nature. Science should disclose measurable mechanisms of the harmony and order. But human knowledge about the electrodynamic and electromagnetic fields in biological systems is still at a low level.

The Symposium continued in the series of international scientific meetings devoted to physical processes in living cells organized in Prague. The first meeting was entitled 'Biophysical Aspects of Cancer' (6–9 July 1987). On this occasion the Anglo–German physicist H Fröhlich presented a lecture 'Coherence in Biology'. The next meeting which was devoted to the Fröhlich coherent systems, information transfer, and neural activity was in 1993. The role of the Fröhlich coherence in the neural activity was included in the meeting 'Biophysical Aspects of Coherence' in 1995 too. The subsequent symposia were entitled 'Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems' (1998), 'Electromagnetic Aspects of Selforganization in Biology' (2000), 'Endogenous Physical Fields in Biology' (2002), 'Coherence and Electromagnetic Fields in Biological Systems' (2005), and 'Biophysical Aspects of Cancer – Electromagnetic Mechanisms' (2008). In 2008 a novel project for research of convergence of physics and oncology was triggered in the USA by the National Cancer Institute and the Institute of Public Health.

This volume contains the a large number of the papers presented at the Symposium. The ideas presented at the Symposium might have impact on the future research of physical processes and mechanisms in biological systems. Experimental research may provide a background for understanding the neglected part of biological activity and reveal the physical mechanisms of the cancer transformation pathway.

The Symposium and this volume were prepared by a scientific team whose members were M Cifra, D Havelka, A Jandová, F Jelínek, O Kucera, M Nedbalová, and F Šrobár.

Jirí Pokorný

A list of committees, sponsors, the list of talks and some photographs from the conference can be found in the PDF file.

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All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.


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It is shown that the main component of living matter, namely liquid water, is not an ensemble of independent molecules but an ensemble of phase correlated molecules kept in tune by an electromagnetic (e.m) field trapped in the ensemble. This field and the correlated potential govern the interaction among biomolecules suspended in water and are in turn affected by the chemical interactions of molecules. In particular, the phase of the coherent fields appears to play an important role in this dynamics. Recent experiments reported by the Montagnier group seem to corroborate this theory. Some features of the dynamics of human organisms, as reported by psychotherapy, holistic medicine and Eastern traditions, are analyzed in this frame and could find a rationale in this context.

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Starting from the concepts of the quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory of coherence domains (CD) in water we propose a model aimed to evaluate the relationship between the size and the living temperature limits for simple, small cells. Cells are described as spherical potential wells with impenetrable walls, with CDs moving inside. The radius of the spherical potential well was estimated for physiological temperatures and the results match to bacteria and yeasts cells' size. As a CD in the spherical cell exerts a force upon the membrane, a 'gas' formed by CDs bears a pressure on the walls. A classical statistical stability condition relates this pressure to cell volume and to the relative fluctuations of the CD number, allowing the evaluation of an upper temperature limit as a function of cellular volume. Assuming further that the CDs in the living cell form together a coherent state, the number-phase incertitude relationship (Heisenberg limit) applies. The maximum coherence between CDs is found in the ground state, a picture consistent also to Fröhlich's postulate. For a given phase dispersion, a lower temperature limit as a function of the cell volume is found. Although we neglected the rod-like shape of certain bacteria and the presence of nucleus in yeasts, the biological data of volume and optimal living temperature intervals fit well to our model's predictions. Moreover the larger the cell volume, the higher are the number of CDs and the coherence of their system. In addition we suggest a new classification criterion for small cells based on model's parameters, which show discontinuities between Gram negative and positive microorganisms as well as between prokaryotes and the smallest eukaryotes.

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When a high-voltage direct-current is applied to two beakers filled with water or polar liquid dielectrica, a horizontal bridge forms between the two beakers. In this work such bridges made of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol are investigated with polarimetry and thermography. Whereas methanol, ethanol and 1-propanol bridges become warm like a water bridge, a 2-propanol bridge cools down relative to the surroundings. It is shown how the different stability of the primary and secondary alcoholate ions and the resulting small difference in conductivity between 1-propanol and 2-propanol is responsible for this novel effect.

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The article deals with newly observed phenomenon in water that was called 'the autothixotropy of water'. A history of the phenomenon is connected with very fine gravimetric measurements which were made by author in years 1978 till 1986. Autothixotropy is a very weak macroscopic phenomenon that is observed in water that has remained at rest for a certain time (in tens of hours or days). For the experiments distilled water was used, re-boiled before use. The phenomenon is manifested by force (mechanical resistance) to the immersed body in water with a tendency of changing its position. The static and dynamic methods were used for the research. With the static method a moment of force is measured that is necessary for a very distinctive turn of a stainless steel plate hung up on a thin filament and immersed in standing water. With a certain angular torsion of the filament a certain moment of force is achieved when a state of stress reaches a critical value in water which is demonstrated with an expressive changing of angular position of the plate. When the direction of moment of force is changed, it is reflected in the differential rotation of the angle plate (the phenomenon of hysteresis was observed). The phenomenon of autothixotropy expires after a certain time, if water is mechanically mixed or re-boiled. It is significant that the phenomenon of the autothixotropy is not present in deionised distilled water. When using a dynamic method both oscillations of the plate and a very slow fall of a small ball in standing water was observed. The autothixotropy of water can be explained by a hypothesis of a cluster formation by H2O molecules in standing water. As the phenomenon of autothixotropy is not present in deionised water, it may be primarily caused by a presence of ions in water, as it was demonstrated in the experiment with a salt solution (NaCl). Biophysical applications of the autothixotropy of water remain open. Some possible applications of the phenomenon in an organization of water in cytoskeletal structures are outlined.

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In our extended experimental work with aqueous solutions of NaHCO3 we noticed higher electrical conductivity in aged solutions in comparison to the conductivity of chemically analogous fresh (one day old) solutions. The phenomenon was found in solutions left undisturbed for longer time (∼ 1 year). Most probably the dissolved ions as well as the contact with hydrophilic surfaces play the essential role. We found that higher conductivity is proportional to higher surface vs. volume ratio.

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The subject of Ultraweak Photon Emission (UPE) by biological systems is very fascinating, and both evidence of its effects and applications are growing rapidly due to improvements in experimental techniques. Since the relevant equipment should be ultrasensitive with high quantum efficiencies and very low noise levels, the subject of UPE is still hotly debated and some of the interpretations need stronger empirical evidence to be accepted at face value. In this paper we first review different types of interactions between light and living systems based on recent publications. We then discuss the feasibility of UPE production in the human brain. The subject of UPE in the brain is still in early stages of development and needs more accurate experimental methods for proper analysis. In this work we also discuss a possible role of mitochondria in the production of UPE in the neurons of the brain and the plausibility of their effects on microtubules (MTs). MTs have been implicated as playing an important role in the signal and information processing taking place in the mammalian (especially human) brain. Finally, we provide a short discussion about the feasible effects of MTs on electric neural activity in the human brain.

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Microtubules in the cell form a structure capable of generating electrodynamic field and mitochondria form their supporting system for physical processes including energy supply. Mitochondria transfer protons from their matrix space into cytosol, create strong static field around them that causes ordering of water and altering it into quasi-elastic medium with reduced viscous damping. Microtubules are composed of heterodimers that are electric dipoles. Microtubule oscillations generate an electrodynamic field. The greatest energy supply may be provided by liberation of non-utilized energy from mitochondria. Microtubules and mitochondria form a unique cooperating system in the cell. Mitochondria form a boundary element whose function depends on chemical-genetic control but their output is essential for physical processes in the cell. Mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer cells results in diminished intensity of the static electric field, disturbed water ordering, increased damping of microtubule oscillations and their shift towards linear region, and decreased energy supply. Power and coherence of oscillations and generated electrodynamic field is weakened. Malignant properties of cancer cell, in particular local invasion and metastasis, may depend on disturbed electrodynamic field. Nanotechnology is promising for investigation of electrodynamic activity in living cells.

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The aim of this essay is to review what we know about the transformation of chemical energy into mechanical, electrical and photonic at the different scales of biological organization. We start from the "classical", short-range mechanoelectrical protein machines emphasizing their capacity to slow down the rate of energy relaxation and to concentrate energy onto a restricted number of freedom degrees. Then we pass to the newly described "low entropy machines" and to the macroscopic electromechanical machines which create circuits of the organismal scales. At last, we come to photonic events, paying a special attention to their regular periodicity within several Hz range and to their relations with cytoskeletal structures and their developmental dynamics. We suggest, that this area of investigations should be related with the theory of self-organization and the notion of coherency.

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The experimental evidences regarding ionic waves generation and propagation along both microtubules (MTS) and actin filaments (AF3) motivated us to develop the physical models that provide the framework for the explanation and analysis of these interesting biophysical phenomena.

In pertaining analysis we partly relied on some experimental as well as numerical data, but also on theoretical estimations enabling us to establish the concept of nonlinear transmission lines which could lead to reasonable clearing up of experimental facts.

We are convinced that these ionic currents actually exist and serve to sustain some important biological cellular mechanisms.

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A model of living systems considered as coherent, time-dependent anharmonic oscillators is presented. It is based on the concept of space-like coherent states minimizing the time-energy uncertainty relation, adapted to the case of biological systems whose growth is described by the Gompertz or West-Brown-Enquist functions. The coherent states of biological growth evolve coherently in space being localized along the classical time trajectory; hence, the growth is predicted to be coherent in space. It is proven that the Gompertz function is a special solution of the space-like Horodecki-Feinberg equation for the time-dependent Morse oscillator in the dissociation state. Its eigenvalue represents the momentum of biological growth, associated with a space-like component whose properties resemble those attributed by vitalists to the life momentum or vital impulse. The physical characteristics of the life energy and momentum and their connection with the concept of zero-point momentum of vacuum are presented.

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A new perspective for the use of bioelectromagnetics in biology and in medicine is open. Montagnier and his collaborators highlighted a physical approach to the diagnosis of several diseases, base on detecting the spectra of the DNA of cells, pathogenic agents or tumor cells. The DNA is prepared in an aqueous solution. The method uses the Schuman frequency, or any ELF, to induce the DNA solution to emit electromagnetic signals in the range 300 - 4000 Hz that are producing spectra that result to be typical for each disease. Preliminary tests performed at the facility of Italian CNR – Area Tor Vergata (Rome) – seem to confirm the effectiveness of this diagnostic approach. Further tests have to be performed. The method seems to be related to the same biophysical theory – based on Quantum Electrodynamics – that is the basis of other important effects, now employed to new therapeutic approaches.

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In morphogenesis, the mechanisms through which homogeneous, symmetric collectives of self-same cells are able to consistently and precisely establish long-range pattern remain an open question of scientific research. This work explores the hypothesis of developing biological structures as dielectric microwave resonators, using plant leaves as a working example. A finite element analysis (FEA) model was designed to determine if suitable resonant modes were physically possible for geometric and electrical parameters similar to those of developing leaf tissue. Using the FEA model, resonant EM modes with patterns of relevance to developing leaf vein modalities were detected. Here I show how the single physical mechanism of EM resonance can self-consistently account for different kinds of key symmetry-breaking operations characteristic of a variety of leaf vascular patterns. On account of the existence of shared geometric signatures in a leaf's vascular pattern and the electric field component of EM resonant modes supported by a leaf-like structure, further theoretical and experimental investigations are warranted. Significantly, this hypothesis is not limited to leaf vascular patterning, but may be applicable to a variety of morphogenetic phenomena in a number of living systems.

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Microtubules are electrically polar structures fulfilling prerequisites for generation of oscillatory electric field in the kHz to GHz region. Energy supply for excitation of elasto-electrical vibrations in microtubules may be provided from GTP-hydrolysis; motor protein-microtubule interactions; and energy efflux from mitochondria. It recently was determined from anisotropic elastic network modeling of entire microtubules that the frequencies of microtubule longitudinal axial eigenmodes lie in the region of tens of GHz for the physiologically common microtubule lengths. We calculated electric field generated by axial longitudinal vibration modes of microtubule, which model is based on subnanometer precision of charge distribution. Due to elastoelectric nature of the vibrations, the vibration wavelength is million-fold shorter than that of the electromagnetic field in free space and the electric field around the microtubule manifests rich spatial structure with multiple minima. The dielectrophoretic force exerted by electric field on the surrounding molecules will influence the kinetics of reactions via change in the probability of the transport of charge and mass particles. The electric field generated by vibrations of electrically polar cellular structures is expected to play a role in biological self-organization.

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The cytoskeleton, especially microtubules, is potential source of electrodynamic field of living eukaryote cells. Microtubule network is a very dynamic structure which is composed of highly polar molecules - tubulin heterodimers. Microtubules have their eigenmode vibrations in frequency range from kHz to GHz. We approximated electrical properties of tubulin heterodimer as an elementary electric dipole and described the longitudinal mechanical oscillation of one microtubule by spatial modulation function. Mechanical oscillations of tubulin heterodimers were approximated as a chain of rigid particles and described by the spatial modulation function. An optical branch was used as it is more efficient for generation of electromagnetic field. We also created asymmetrical model of microtubule network of dividing cell and symmetrical model of microtubule network of non-dividing cell. The field around oscillating microtubule was calculated as a vector sum of contributions from all elementary electric dipoles. Finally, we performed calculations with several cell sizes and numbers of microtubules in models and performed comparative analysis.

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Polaronic mechanism of charge transfer in DNA is considered on the basis of one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model Hamiltonian. It is shown that usually used values of SSH model Hamiltonian parameters, especially transfer integral and electron-phonon coupling constant which are obtained in the framework of ab initio calculations, do not give reliable resolution of the problem of (large) polaron applicability for charge migration in DNA. Because of that, theoretical method is proposed which enables us to estimate explicitly electron-phonon coupling constant on the basis of transfer integral. The value of polaron width obtained for such determined parameters leads to the conclusion that coherent motion of large polaron represents dominant mechanism of charge transfer in DNA.

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Directional cell migration is an essential process, including regeneration of tissues, wound healing, and embryonic development. Cells achieve persistent directional migration by polarizing the spatiotemporal components involved in the morphological polarity. Ion transporter proteins situated at the cell membrane generates small electric fields that can induce directional cell motility. Besides them, externally applied direct current electric fields induce similar kind of responses as cell orientation and directional migration. However, the bioelectric mechanisms that lead to cellular directedness are poorly understood. Therefore, understanding the bioelectric signaling cues can serve as a powerful modality in controlling the cell behaviour, which can contribute additional insights for development and regeneration.

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The most toxic asbestos fibres have widths 250nm-10nm, and this toxicity is "physical", which could mean either mechanical or optical: Tangling with chromosomes is a •mechanical hazard occasionally reported, and fibres <100nm wide would probably be most knife-like. Our other concern here is •optical: Calculations for fibres ≤300nm reveal such a transmission possibility, but only when the amphibole fibres (brown and blue asbestos) are >100nm wide — or chrysotile (white asbestos) is >150nm. In both cases, UVA/UVB -transmission would then predominate. (Chrysotile 150nm might be benign — escaping both mechanical and optical!). But what would generate such UV, and why would its transmission be toxic? Thar and Kühl (J.Theor.Biol.:2004) explain that the long mitochondria on microtubules may be able to act as UV-lasers, (and many observers since Gurwitsch 1923 have reported ultraweak UV emissions escaping from all types of living bio-tissue). That all suggests some universal secret role for UV, apparently related to mitosis. Insertion of fibre "short-circuits" could then cause upsets in mitosis-control, and hence DNA irregularities. Such UV-control could parallel similar lower-powered Infra-Red control-systems (as considered elsewhere for coaxial myelin; or as portrayed by G.Albrecht-Buehler's online animations etc.); and the traditional short mitochondria seem better suited for this IR task.

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We can infer mechanisms underlying advanced human intelligence via •physics, chemistry and information-technology; but also •epistemology: analysing all knowledge-building processes (based on selection amongst micro-ideas). Hence Piaget offered "schèmes" as such items of thought/action, to account for actual human behaviour. In microphysiological terms, basic "schèmes" should have digital properties and a one-dimensional organization. That implied RNA-like molecules (and their "chorus" groups). — However for the necessary fast intermolecular communication, traditional action-potential "spikes" would be much too coarse. The alternative is Infra-Red. It then appears that myelinated nerve fibres seem suitable for an unexpected second role as coaxial cables for IR! Such opticalinterpretations also explain several enigmas: •What keeps (myelin-thickness / axon-diameter) ≈ constant? — (a mystery since 1905). •Why PNS myelination is delayed until the axon diameter reaches 1μm. •Why myelin often stops growing at a predictable angle in its wrapping. •Callahan's anomalous failure to detect sensory action-potentials even though his insects were responding to invisible IR signals. (Meanwhile RNA-like coding explains inherited behavioural traits, and memory-"recording" as Darwinian!) The important point: Here IR is independently identified as a necessary solution to logistical problems. In contrast the Gurwitsch tradition first discovered emissions, and then sought explanations. Thus the two approaches corroborate.

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Water is the most abundant compound on the surface of the Earth, and can be considered to be the most important molecule in living systems. Water plays a variety of cellular functions, being the solvent of most biological molecules, a substrate and product of enzymatic catalysis, an important component of macromolecules, and more. Because of importance of water in life, many physical and chemical treatments were invented to improve the quality of drinking water. Among them, the treatment with electromagnetic field is a well-known, but much debatable physical method. Although electromagnetic field has been utilized for treating water for 80 years, many reports on beneficial biological effect of electromagnetic field-treated water were either anecdotal or less convincing. To explore if there is any physical base for understanding possible biological effects of electromagnetic field-treated water, dielectric relaxation spectra of deionized water treated with an extremely low frequency electromagnetic (ELFEM) field were measured and compared with that of untreated water.

It was surprisingly found that the dielectric constant of the ELFEM field-treated water was 3.7% higher than the control over the frequency range of 1-10 GHz, which indicates a higher molecular polarization occurs in the ELFEM field-treated water. Electrostatic and thermodynamic analysis shows that proteins or other biomacromolecules would have more reduced free energy when they are hydrated in high dielectric constant water. Since free energy is of crucial importance for stability of proteins, protein folding and its conformational change, as well as catalytic activity of enzymes, the free energy reduction of the biomacromolecules hydrated with higher dielectric constant water may be responsible for many possible biological effects of electromagnetic field treated water.

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The aim of the present study was to test whether the multifractal properties of ultra-weak photon emission (UPE) from germinating wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum) change when the seedlings are treated with different concentrations of the toxin potassium dichromate (PD). To this end, UPE was measured (50 seedlings in one Petri dish, duration: approx. 16.6- 28 h) from samples of three groups: (i) control (group C, N = 9), (ii) treated with 25 ppm of PD (group G25, N = 32), and (iii) treated with 150 ppm of PD (group G150, N = 23). For the multifractal analysis, the following steps where performed: (i) each UPE time series was trimmed to a final length of 1000 min; (ii) each UPE time series was filtered, linear detrended and normalized; (iii) the multifractal spectrum (f(α)) was calculated for every UPE time series using the backward multifractal detrended moving average (MFDMA) method; (iv) each multifractal spectrum was characterized by calculating the mode (αmode) of the spectrum and the degree of multifractality (Δα); (v) for every UPE time series its mean, skewness and kurtosis were also calculated; finally (vi) all obtained parameters where analyzed to determine their ability to differentiate between the three groups. This was based on Fisher's discriminant ratio (FDR), which was calculated for each parameter combination. Additionally, a non-parametric test was used to test whether the parameter values are significantly different or not. The analysis showed that when comparing all the three groups, FDR had the highest values for the multifractal parameters (αmode, Δα). Furthermore, the differences in these parameters between the groups were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The classical parameters (mean, skewness and kurtosis) had lower FDR values than the multifractal parameters in all cases and showed no significant difference between the groups (except for the skewness between group C and G150). In conclusion, multifractal analysis enables changes in UPE time series to be detected even when they are hidden for normal linear signal analysis methods. The analysis of changes in the multifractal properties might be a basis to design a classification system enabling the intoxication of cell cultures to be quantified based on UPE measurements.

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In the present experiment ultra-weak photon emission/ chemiluminescence from isolated neutrophils was recorded. It is associated with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the "respiratory burst" process which can be activated by PMA (Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-Acetate). Commonly, the reaction is demonstrated utilizing the enhancer luminol. However, with the use of highly sensitive photomultiplier equipment it is also recorded without enhancer. In that case, it can be hypothesized that photon count statistics may assist in understanding the underlying metabolic activity and cooperation of these cells. To study this hypothesis leukocytes were stimulated with PMA and increased photon signals were recorded in the quasi stable period utilizing Fano factor analysis at different window sizes. The Fano factor is defined by the variance over the mean of the number of photon within the observation time. The analysis demonstrated that the Fano factor of true signal and not of the surrogate signals obtained by random shuffling increases when the window size increased. It is concluded that photon count statistics, in particular Fano factor analysis, provides information regarding leukocyte interactions. It opens the perspective to utilize this analytical procedure in (in vivo) inflammation research. However, this needs further validation.

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The primary cilium is a sensory solitary non-motile microtubule-based organelle protruding in the quiescent phase of the cell cycle from the surface of the majority of human cells, including embryonic cells, stem cells and stromal cells of malignant tumors. The presence of a primary cilium on the surface of a cell is transient, limited to the quiescent G1(G0) phase and the beginning of the S phase of the cell cycle. The primary cilium is formed from the mother centriole. Primary cilia are key coordinators of signaling pathways during development and tissue homeostasis and, when deffective, they are a major cause of human diseases and developmental disorders, now commonly referred to as ciliopathies. Most cancer cells do not possess a primary cilium. The loss of the primary cilium is a regular feature of neoplastic transformation in the majority of solid tumors. The primary cilium could serve as a tumor suppressor organelle. The aim of this paper was to provide a review of the current knowledge of the primary cilium.

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We investigated the effect of the red light (R) (630 nm), magnetic field (MF) and magnetic field combined with the red light (MF+R) upon reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by neutrophils in vitro. The object of the research was hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formation during neutrophils respiratory burst or within steady-state. Blood from healthy volunteers was used for the purpose of the study. Flow cytometry method, using transformation of DCFH-DA (2'7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate) to the fluorescent DCF (2'7'-dichlorofluorescin), was used for estimation of hydrogen peroxide production. The variable magnetic field of ELF range of the mean induction equals 26.7(μT), the red light at the energy density of 1.17(J/cm2) and their combination were applied for 30 minutes each. The fundamental frequency of pulses was 180÷ 195 Hz. A statistically significant decrease of H2O2 production by neutrophils was observed. The level of the decrease was in the range of 10-30% and was dependent on the kind of applied physical factors and whether neutrophils were stimulated or not. The observation showed that the variable magnetic field combined with red light do not induce the synergy effect.

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The frequency-specific absorption of kHz signals has been postulated for different tissues, trace elements, vitamins, toxins, pathogens, allergens etc. for low-power (μV) signals. An increase in the impedance of the human body is observed only up to the given power of the applied signal. The highest amplification of the given signal being damped by the body makes it possible to determine the intensity of the given process in the body (e.g. amount of the toxin, trace element, intensity of the allergy) being connected with a given frequency spectrum of the signal.

The mechanism of frequency-specific absorption can be explained by means of the Quantum Field Theory being applied to the structure of the water. Substantially high coincidence between the frequencies of the rotation of free quasi-excited electrons in coherent domains of water and the frequencies being used in the MORA diagnostics (Med-Tronic GmbH, EN ISO 13485, EN ISO 9001) can be observed. These frequencies are located in the proximity of f = 7kHz · i (i = 1,3,5,7,...). This fact suggests that the coherent domains with the admixtures of the given substances create structure-specific coherent domains that possess frequency-specific absorption spectra.

The diagnostic tool called "MORA System diagnosis" was used to investigate 102 patients with different types and stages of cancer. Many signals were observed to be absorbed by many cancer patients, e.g.: 'Cellular defense system', 'Degeneration tendencies', Manganese, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E, Glutamine, Glutathione, Cysteine, Candida albicans, Mycosis. The results confirm the role of oxidative stress, immunological system deficiency and mitochondria malfunction in the development of cancer.

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Even though a wide literature is available on the effects of weak Extremely Low Frequency ElectroMagnetic Fields (ELF-EMF) on the biochemical reactions, nevertheless the physical nature of these effects is largely unknown. The main challenge is the mismatch between the infinitesimal amount of the energy carried by the perturbation and the entity of the response of the system. More than 10 years ago, it was claimed that a weak current can be induced in a aqueous solution of Glutamic acid exposed to a weak magnetic field having a certain frequency. We have checked the influence of ELF-EMF on Glutamic acid using the FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in order to observe structural changes induced by the exposure. Samples have been exposed for 10, 20 or 30 minutes to a magnetic field generated by Helmoltz coils and then placed into the spectrometer. After the exposure solutions having different pH values always shown a shift toward the de-protonated species. The effect lasts for minutes after the exposure before the native configuration is restored.

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Prompted by recent experimental results in marine algae, indicating quantum entanglement at ambient temperature, with correlations between essential biological units separated by distances as long as 20 Angstroms and decoherence times, due to environmental influences, of order 400 fs, I review here a related topic proposed several years ago in connection with the possible rôle of quantum mechanics and/or field theory on dissipation-free energy transfer in (brain) microtubules (MT). The basic assumption was to view the cell MT as quantum electrodynamical cavities, providing sufficient isolation in vivo to enable the formation of electric-dipole quantum coherent solitonic states across the tubulin dimer walls. Crucial to this, were argued to be the electromagnetic interactions of the dipole moments of the tubulin dimers with the dipole quanta in the ordered water interiors of the MT, that play the rôle of quantum coherent cavity modes. Quantum entanglement between tubulin dimers was argued to be possible, provided there exists sufficient isolation from other environmental cell effects. Thus, decoherence times as long as 10−7 −10−6 s could characterise the MT systems. The model was based on certain ferroelectric aspects of MT. In the talk I revisit these decoherence time scales in light of the algae measurements and argue that, even if the environmental decoherence implies short time scales of order of a few hundreds of fs, this is a sufficient time for some kind of quantum computation to take place in (brain) MT, so that within these time scales the cell "quantum calculates" the optimal "path" along which energy and signal (information) are transported most efficiently along the MT.

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This work arose from the necessity to up date and clarify some basic concepts in contemporary medical practice such as those of health, disease, therapy and prevention. According to this perspective the work starts with a general epistemological review and goes on with an epistemological revision of biology and medicine. The concept of adaptation and the central role of the brain is then analysed and stated as the base to next consideration and deepening from a biophysical perspective. Physio-pathology of adaptation is assumed as a key concept in the definition and in the understanding of health and disease. A huge amount of endogenous and external stimuli has to be processed and response to them may lead to increase, stability or decrease of coherence in agreement with Frohlich's pioneering ideas. In this framework, the concept of stress, allostasis and allostatic load are outlined. Allostasis is defined as the capability of keeping stability through dynamic changes. A particular attention is paid to the emerging paradigms in biology and medicine especially those of system biology and system medicine trying to integrate the concept of complexity and hierarchical organization of the information flow in living organisms and in humans. In this framework biophysical signalling could play a significant role in modulating endogenous dynamics and in mediating external interactions. Additionally biophysical mechanisms could be involved in biological systems inner communication and could be responsible for the maintenance of systems inner coherence. The integration of the biophysical paradigm into contemporary medical practice is leading from one side to a better understanding of many pathways in physiopathology and from the other side to some new effective clinical applications. System Information Therapy is, for instance, is rising as a suitable and coherent tool in the application of thise concept being able to restore the self regulation and self regeneration capabilities both at the local and at the system level operating with endogenous and external electromagnetic signals in the range of the extremely low frequency electromagnetic signals. Some practical applications are described such as the clinical detection and treatment of fluctuating asymmetry by Vega Select 719. Fluctuating asymmetry, as well known, is related to the presence of an allostatic load and its disappearance after a biophysical treatment is a good clinical evidence of restoring of allostasis mediated by the brain at systemic level presumably through a biophysical repatterning in which we assume a key role should be played by membranes, cytoskeleton and especially by microtubules.

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This work presents a preliminary multiscale computational investigation of the effects of nucleotides and cations on the mechanics of actin filaments (F-actin). At the molecular level, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are employed to characterize the rearrangements of the actin monomers (G-actin) in terms of secondary structures evolution in physiological conditions. At the mesoscale level, a coarse grain (CG) procedure is adopted where each monomer is represented by means of Elastic Network Modeling (ENM) technique. At the macroscale level, actin filaments up to hundreds of nanometers are assumed as isotropic and elastic beams and characterized via Rotation Translation Block (RTB) analysis. F-actin bound to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) shows a persistence length around 5 μm, while actin filaments bound to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) have a persistence length of about 3 μm. With magnesium bound to the high affinity binding site of G-actin, the persistence length of F-actin decreases to about 2 μm only in the ADP-bound form of the filament, while the same ion has no effects, in terms of stiffness variation, on the ATP-bound form of F-actin. The molecular mechanisms behind these changes in flexibility are herein elucidated. Thus, this study allows to analyze how the local binding of cations and nucleotides on G-actin induce molecular rearrangements that transmit to the overall F-actin, characterizing shifts of mechanical properties, that can be related with physiological and pathological cellular phenomena, as cell migration and spreading. Further, this study provides the basis for upcoming investigating of network and cellular remodelling at higher length scales.

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We report ion channel formation by chemotherapy drugs: thiocolchicoside (TCC) and taxol (TXL) which primarily target tubulin but not only. For example, TCC has been shown to interact with GABAA, nuclear envelope and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors. TXL interferes with the normal breakdown of microtubules inducing mitotic block and apoptosis. It also interacts with mitochondria and found significant chemotherapeutic applications for breast, ovarian and lung cancer. In order to better understand the mechanisms of TCC and TXL actions, we examined their effects on phospholipid bilayer membranes. Our electrophysiological recordings across membranes constructed in NaCl aqueous phases consisting of TCC or TXL under the influence of an applied transmembrane potential (V) indicate that both molecules induce stable ion flowing pores/channels in membranes. Their discrete current versus time plots exhibit triangular shapes which is consistent with a spontaneous time-dependent change of the pore conductance in contrast to rectangular conductance events usually induced by ion channels. These events exhibit conductance (∼0.01-0.1 pA/mV) and lifetimes (∼5-30 ms) within the ranges observed in e.g., gramicidin A and alamethicin channels. The channel formation probability increases linearly with TCC/TXL concentration and V and is not affected by pH (5.7 - 8.4). A theoretical explanation on the causes of chemotherapy drug induced ion pore formation and the pore stability has also been found using our recently discovered binding energy between lipid bilayer and the bilayer embedded ion channels using gramicidin A channels as tools. This picture of energetics suggests that as the channel forming agents approach to the lipids on bilayer the localized charge properties in the constituents of both channel forming agents (e.g., chemotherapy drugs in this study) and the lipids determine the electrostatic drug-lipid coupling energy through screened Coulomb interactions between the drug molecules and lipids. The strength of this electrostatic energetic coupling determines the stability of the drug-induced ion pores. These findings may elucidate cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy drugs and aid in the development of novel drugs for a broad spectrum of cancers and other diseases.

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Biochemical research of biological systems is highly developed, and it has disclosed a spectrum of chemical reactions, genetic processes, and the pathological development of various diseases. The fundamental hypothesis of physical processes in biological systems, in particular of coherent electrically polar vibrations and electromagnetic activity, was formulated by H. Fröhlich; he assumed connection of cancer process with degradation of coherent electromagnetic activity. But the questions of cellular structures capable of the coherent electrical polar oscillation, mechanisms of energy supply, and the specific role of the endogenous electromagnetic fields in transport, organisation, interactions, and information transfer remained open. The nature of physical disturbances caused by some diseases (including the recurrent abortion in humans and the cancer) was unknown. We have studied the reasons of recurrent abortions in humans by means of the cell mediated immunity (using immunologic active RNA prepared from blood of inbred laboratory mice strain C3H/H2K, infected with the lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus-LD V) and the cytogenetic examination from karyotype pictures. The recurrent abortion group contained women with dg. spontaneous abortion (n = 24) and the control group was composed of 30 healthy pregnant women. Our hypothesis was related to quality of endometrium in relation to nidation of the blastocyst. The energetic insufficiency (ATP) inhibits normal development of fetus and placenta. We hope that these ideas might have impact on further research, which could provide background for effective interdisciplinary cooperation of malignant and non-malignant diseases.

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Our research thus far has concerned the impact of external magnetic fields (50 Hz) and low (0.01-10 mT) induction on adherence capabilities of T lymphocytes obtained from the blood of patients with head and neck tumors. We know that the in vitro adherence capability of T lymphocytes towards surfaces in cancer patients is less than that of control. Previously, we have found that exposure to magnetic fields (50 Hz / 0.01-10 mT) increases the capability of T lymphocytes, in larynx/pharynx cancer patients, to adhere in vitro to surfaces, achieving almost physiological values, in not only pre-treatment patients but also those receiving treatment in the course of follow-up. The capability of T lymphocytes in controls (voluntary blood donors) to adhere to surfaces was also increased (50 Hz / 0.01-0.5 mT). The present study concentrates on the significance of the level of magnetic field induction in order to determine whether low induction values can restore T lymphocytes adherence capabilities. Testing a set of 20 patients showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the in vitro adherence capacity of T lymphocytes between both 0.01 and 0.05, and 0.1 mT induction levels. In the control group (patients diagnosed with chronic sensorineural hearing loss) there was even a statistically significant difference between induction values of 0.05 and 0.01 mT. Therefore, we concluded that lower induction values resulted in a more biologically significant response.

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All causes of doubtings nonthermal effects of MM radiation are reviewed in details, including problem of reproducibility of outcomes. On the basis of the thermodynamic theory of electromagnetic radiation energy conversion is shown, that they are fine confirming of prognoses of the thermodynamics for conversion of energy in the Rayleigh - Jeans region.

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Irradiation of people with electromagnetic fields emitted from miscellaneous devices working in the radio-frequency (RF) range may have influence, for example may affect brain processes. The question of health impact of RF electromagnetic fields on population is still not closed. This article is devoted to an investigation of resonance phenomena of RF field absorption in the models of whole human body and body parts (a head) of different size and shape. The values of specific absorption rate (SAR) are evaluated for models of the different shapes: spherical, cylindrical, realistic shape and for different size of the model, that represents the case of new-born, child and adult person. In the RF frequency region, absorption depends nonlinearly on frequency. Under certain conditions (E-polarization), absorption reaches maximum at frequency, that is called "resonance frequency". The whole body absorption and the resonance frequency depends on many further parameters, that are not comprehensively clarified. The simulation results showed the dependence of the whole-body average SAR and resonance frequency on the body dimensions, as well as the influence of the body shape.

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Investigation of impedance characteristics of acupuncture points from acoustic to radio frequency range is addressed. Discernment and localization of acupuncture points in initial single subject study was unsuccessfully attempted by impedance map technique. Vector impedance analyses determined possible resonant zones in MHz region.

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This work is a preliminary research which is opening a field of examination of this complex clinic method (i.e. treatment using ablation applicators). Although it is established in many medical facilities its effects were not analyzed thoroughly and there are many unknown factors which can affect patients in clinical practice. We aim to bring new analysis methods which can simply and clearly determine how the tissue in the treated area will be affected and we want to inspect and overcome potential risks connected to this medical method.

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A specific kind of intracellular organelles, the mitochondria, is the place of metabolic energy production by oxidative mechanism. We used cell mediated immunity method for verification of the energy metabolism (ATP production). The antigen (immunological functional RNA) was obtained from blood of inbred laboratory mice strain C3H/H2K, infected with the lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus (LDV) and prepared by the high pressure gel chromatography (HPGC). We have studied the immunological adaptability of LDH viral antigen in 62 pigs (12 parents and 50 piglings). Exitus of piglings was in case of positive imunological response on LDV. The statement results from a comparison of the relative frequency of an incidence of identical findings in male piglets and sows and from identical findings in female piglets and pigs. The efficient elaboration and utilization of energy in cell may be damaged by the changes of energy production systems and also by long-term parasitary depletion of ATP energy. Biological activity is based not only on biochemical but also on biophysical mechanisms. Biophysical processes are also involved in the transfer of information and its processing for making decisions and providing control, which are important parts of biological activity. These experimental results were used for the same study in human.

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This paper deals with data analysis of electrodynamic activity of two mutants of yeast cells, cell cycle of which is synchronized and non-synchronized, respectively. We used data already published by Jelinek et al. and treat them with data mining method based on the multilayer neural network. Intersection of data mining and statistical distribution of the noise shows significant difference between synchronized and non-synchronized yeasts not only in total power, but also discrete frequencies.

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A new paper by Pokorny, Vedruccio, Cifra, Kucera, titled Cancer physics: Diagnostics based on damped cellular elasto-electrical vibrations in microtubules, recently available on Eur. Biophys. J., discloses the mechanism of active grown cancer tissues interaction with a Non- Linear Resonance Interaction (NLRI) Bioscanner Trimprob diagnostic device that is certified and ready to be used to investigate suspected cases of disease and cancer. This technology spreads early capabilities of cancer detection by means of low level radiofrequency oscillations in UHF band. The system is based on an unique and extremely innovative non- linear radiofrequency oscillator working on 462-465 MHz plus the harmonics. The diseased tissues suspected of cancer, are irradiated by means of a handy probe near field emission, while a spectrum analyzer placed in the far field detects by means of a small antenna, the oscillator interaction within the tissues. The Bioscanner is characterized by a high dynamic range, in the order of 30 or more decibel, and is useful for detection of small cancer agglomerates, if used by a well trained operator. At the resonance, the free running oscillator locks-in on the specific interaction frequency, in a sharp frequency window centered on 462 MHz; the resulting effect is evidenced by a deep decrease of the 462 MHz spectral line propagation in the far field around the oscillator probe. The NLRI provides a selective characterization, like a sort of a electronic biopsy response of biologic tissues in support of modern imaging diagnostics. Further to existing literature describing methods for cancer detections by means of electromagnetic fields this paper shows this innovative in vivo medical diagnostic equipment and some clinical applications.