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We investigate one-loop quantum corrections to the power spectrum of adiabatic perturbation from entropy modes/adiabatic mode cross-interactions in multiple DBI inflationary models. We find that due to the non-canonical kinetic term in DBI models, the loop corrections are enhanced by slow-varying parameter epsilon and small sound speed cs. Thus, in general the loop-corrections in multi-DBI models can be large. Moreover, we find that the loop-corrections from adiabatic/entropy cross-interaction vertices are IR finite.



In the presence of the primordial magnetic field, initial vector (vorticity) perturbations produce cosmological Alfvén waves and leave imprints on cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy. We have investigated imprints of cosmological Alfvén waves in CMB anisotropy. For data constraints, we have used the power spectrum of the recent CMB observations, and correlations estimated from WMAP Internal Linear Combination (ILC) maps. Our analysis shows 3σ evidence of cosmological Alfvén waves. Using the 3σ limit from our analysis and the Alfvén velocity limit from the total energy density constraint, we impose a lower bound on the amplitude of primordial vector perturbation: 4 × 10−12at k0 = 0.002/Mpc.


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Models of dynamical dark energy unavoidably possess fluctuations in the energy density and pressure of that new component. In this paper we estimate the impact of dark energy fluctuations on the number of galaxy clusters in the Universe using a generalization of the spherical collapse model and the Press-Schechter formalism. The observations we consider are several hypothetical Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and weak lensing (shear maps) cluster surveys, with limiting masses similar to ongoing (SPT, DES) as well as future (LSST, Euclid) surveys. Our statistical analysis is performed in a 7-dimensional cosmological parameter space using the Fisher matrix method. We find that, in some scenarios, the impact of these fluctuations is large enough that their effect could already be detected by existing instruments such as the South Pole Telescope, when priors from other standard cosmological probes are included. We also show how dark energy fluctuations can be a nuisance for constraining cosmological parameters with cluster counts, and point to a degeneracy between the parameter that describes dark energy pressure on small scales (the effective sound speed) and the parameters describing its equation of state.


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We extract the positron and electron fluxes in the energy range 10–100 GeV by combining the recent data from PAMELA and Fermi LAT. The absolute positron and electron fluxes thus obtained are found to obey the power laws: E−2.65 and E−3.06 respectively, which can be confirmed by the upcoming data from PAMELA. The positron flux appears to indicate an excess at energies E ≳ 50 GeV even if the uncertainty in the secondary positron flux is added to the Galactic positron background. This leaves enough motivation for considering new physics, such as annihilation or decay of dark matter, as the origin of positron excess in the cosmic rays.


Either ATIC or Fermi-LAT data can be fitted together with the PAMELA data by three components: primary background ∼ E−3.3, secondary background ∼ E−3.6, and an additional source of electrons ∼ E−γaExp(−E/Ecut). We find that the best fits for ATIC + PAMELA and for Fermi + PAMELA are approximately the same, γa ≈ 2 and Ecut ∼ 500 GeV. However, the ATIC data have a narrow bump between 300 GeV and 600 GeV which contradicts the smooth Fermi spectrum. An interpretation of the ATIC bump as well as the featureless Fermi spectrum in terms of dark matter models and pulsars is discussed.


It is a well-known fact that the gravitational effect of dark matter in galaxies is only noticeable when the orbital accelerations drop below a0 ≃ 2 × 10−8 cm s−1 (Milgrom's Law). This peculiarity of the dynamic behaviour of galaxies was initially ascribed to a modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND theory) and, consequently, it was used as an argument to criticize the dark matter hypothesis. In our model, warm dark matter is composed by collisionless Vlasov particles with a primordial typical velocity ≃ 330 km s−1 and, consequently, they evaporated from galactic cores and reorganized in halos with a cusp at a finite distance from the galactic center (in contrast with Cold Dark Matter simulations which predict a cusp at the center of galaxies). This is confirmed by mean-field N-body simulations of the self-gravitating Vlasov dark matter particles in the potential well of the baryonic core. The rest mass of these particles, μ, is determined from a kinetic theory of the early universe with a cosmological constant. We find that μ is in the range of a few keV. This result makes sterile neutrinos the best suited candidates for the main component of dark matter.



We use WMAP5 and other cosmological data to constrain model parameters in quintessence cosmologies, focusing also on their shift when we allow for non-vanishing neutrino masses. The Ratra-Peebles (RP) and SUGRA potentials are used here, as examples of slowly or fastly varying state parameter w(a). Both potentials depend on an energy scale Λ. Here we confirm the results of previous analysis with WMAP3 data on the upper limits on Λ, which turn out to be rather small (down to ∼ 10−9 in RP cosmologies and ∼ 10−5 for SUGRA). Our constraints on Λ are not heavily affected by the inclusion of neutrino mass as a free parameter. On the contrary, when the neutrino mass degree of freedom is opened, significant shifts in the best-fit values of other parameters occur.



The ``Cold Spot'' in the CMB sky could be due to the presence of an anomalous huge spherical underdense region — a ``Void'' — of a few hundreds Mpc/h radius. Such a structure would have an impact on the CMB two-point (power spectrum) and three-point (bispectrum) correlation functions not only at low ℓ, but also at high ℓ through Lensing, which is a unique signature of a Void. Modeling such an underdensity with an LTB metric, we show that for the power spectrum the effect should be visible already in the WMAP data only if the Void radius is at least L ≳ 1 Gpc/h, while it will be visible by the Planck satellite if L ≳ 800 Mpc/h. We also speculate that this could be linked to the high-ℓ detection of an hemispherical power asymmetry in the sky. Moreover, there should be non-zero correlations in the non-diagonal two-point function. For the bispectrum, the effect becomes important for squeezed triangles with two very high ℓ's: this signal can be detected by Planck if the Void radius is at least L ≳ 400 Mpc/h, while higher resolution experiments should be able to probe the entire parameter space. We have also estimated the contamination of the primordial non-Gaussianity fNL due to this signal, which turns out to be negligible.


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The two dark sectors of the universe—dark matter and dark energy—may interact with each other. Background and linear density perturbation evolution equations are developed for a generic coupling. We then establish the general conditions necessary to obtain models free from non-adiabatic instabilities. As an application, we consider a viable universe in which the interaction strength is proportional to the dark energy density. The scenario does not exhibit ``phantom crossing'' and is free from instabilities, including early ones. A sizeable interaction strength is compatible with combined WMAP, HST, SN, LSS and H(z) data. Neutrino mass and/or cosmic curvature are allowed to be larger than in non-interacting models. Our analysis sheds light as well on unstable scenarios previously proposed.



We propose a ``multi-stream'' inflation model, which is a double field model with spontaneous breaking and restoration of an approximate symmetry. We calculate the density perturbation and non-Gaussianity in this model. We find that this model can have large, scale dependent, and probably oscillating non-Gaussianity. We also note that our model can produce features in the CMB power spectrum and hemispherical power asymmetry.



We present a curvaton model from type IIB string theory compactified on a warped throat with approximate isometries. Considering an (anti-)D3-brane sitting at the throat tip as a prototype standard model brane, we show that the brane's position in the isometry directions can play the role of curvatons. The basic picture is that the fluctuations of the (anti-)D3-brane in the angular isometry directions during inflation eventually turns into the primordial curvature perturbations, and subsequently the brane's oscillation excites other open string modes on the brane and reheat the universe. We find in the explicit case of the KS throat that a wide range of parameters allows a consistent curvaton scenario. It is also shown that the oscillations of branes at throat tips are capable of producing large non-Gaussianity, either through curvature or isocurvature perturbations. Since such setups naturally arise in warped (multi-)throat compactifications and are constrained by observational data, the model can provide tests for compactification scenarios. This work gives an explicit example of string theory providing light fields for generating curvature perturbations. Such mechanisms free the inflaton from being responsible for the perturbations, thus open up new possibilities for inflation models.


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In this paper, linear first order expansion of deceleration parameter q(z) = q0+q1(1−a) (M1), constant jerk j = j0 (M2) and third order expansion of luminosity distance (M3) are confronted with cosmic observations: SCP 307 SN Ia, BAO and observational Hubble data (OHD). Likelihood is implemented to find the best fit model parameters. All these models give the same prediction of the evolution of the universe which is undergoing accelerated expansion currently and experiences a transition from decelerated expansion to accelerated expansion. But, the transition redshift depends on the concrete parameterized form of the model assumed. M1 and M2 give value of transition redshift about zt ∼ 0.6. M3 gives a larger one, say zt ∼ 1. The χ2/dof implies almost the same goodness of the models. But, for its badness of evolution of deceleration parameter at high redshift z > 1, M3 can not be reliable. M1 and M2 are compatible with ΛCDM model at the 2σ and 1σ confidence levels respectively. M3 is not compatible with ΛCDM model at 2σ confidence level. From M1 and M2 models, one can conclude that the cosmic data favor a cosmological model having j0 < −1.


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We present a general formalism to study the growth of dark matter perturbations when dark energy perturbations and interactions between dark sectors are present. We show that the dynamical stability on the growth of structure depends on the form of coupling between dark sectors. By taking the appropriate coupling which enables the stable growth of structure, we find that the effect of the interaction between dark sectors overwhelms that of dark energy perturbation on the growth of dark matter perturbation. Due to the influence of the interaction, the growth index can differ from the value without interaction by an amount up to the observational sensibility, which provides an opportunity to probe the interaction between dark sectors through future observations on the growth of structure.


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It is well known that observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are highly sensitive to the spatial curvature of the Universe, k. Here we find that what is in fact being tightly constrained by small angle fluctuations is spatial curvature near the surface of last scattering, and that if we allow k to be a function of position, rather than taking a constant value everywhere, then considerable spatial curvature is permissible within our own locale. This result is of interest for the giant void models that attempt to explain the supernovae observations without Dark Energy. We find such voids to be compatible with the observed small angle CMB, but they must be either very deep (and unnaturally empty) or exist in a positively curved Universe.


We present a supersymmetric model with two dark matter (DM) components explaining the galactic positron excess observed by PAMELA/HEAT and ATIC/PPB-BETS: One is the conventional (bino-like) lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) χ, and the other is a TeV scale meta-stable neutral singlet ND, which is a Dirac fermion (N,Nc). In this model, ND decays dominantly into χe+e through an R parity preserving dimension 6 operator with the life time τN ∼ 1026 sec. We introduce a pair of vector-like superheavy SU(2) lepton doublets (L,Lc) and lepton singlets (E,Ec). The dimension 6 operator leading to the ND decay is generated from the leptophilic Yukawa interactions by W ⊃ NecE+LhdEc+m3/2l1Lc with the dimensionless couplings of order unity, and the gauge interaction by Script L ⊃ (2)1/2g'tilde ec*ecχ+h.c. The superheavy masses of the vector-like leptons (ML,ME ∼ 1016 GeV) are responsible for the longevity of ND. The low energy field spectrum in this model is just the MSSM fields and ND. Even for the case that the portion of ND is much smaller than that of χ in the total DM density [Script O(10−10) ≲ nND/nχ], the observed positron excess can be explained by adopting relatively lighter masses of the vector-like leptons (1013 GeV  ≲ ML,E ≲ 1016 GeV). The smallness of the electron mass is also explained. This model is easily embedded in the flipped SU(5) grand unification, which is a leptophilic unified theory.


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If dark energy interacts with dark matter, there is a change in the background evolution of the universe, since the dark matter density no longer evolves as a−3. In addition, the non-gravitational interaction affects the growth of structure. In principle, these changes allow us to detect and constrain an interaction in the dark sector. Here we investigate the growth factor and the weak lensing signal for a new class of interacting dark energy models. In these models, the interaction generalises the simple cases where one dark fluid decays into the other. In order to calculate the effect on structure formation, we perform a careful analysis of the perturbed interaction and its effect on peculiar velocities. Assuming a normalization to today's values of dark matter density and overdensity, the signal of the interaction is an enhancement (suppression) of both the growth factor and the lensing power, when the energy transfer in the background is from dark matter to dark energy (dark energy to dark matter).



We show that curvature perturbations acquire a scale invariant spectrum for any constant equation of state, provided the fluid has a suitably time-dependent sound speed. In order for modes to exit the physical horizon, and in order to solve the usual problems of standard big bang cosmology, we argue that the only allowed possibilities are inflationary (albeit not necessarily slow-roll) expansion or ekpyrotic contraction. Non-Gaussianities offer many distinguish features. As usual with a small sound speed, non-Gaussianity can be relatively large, around current sensitivity levels. For DBI-like lagrangians, the amplitude is negative in the inflationary branch, and can be either negative or positive in the ekpyrotic branch. Unlike the power spectrum, the three-point amplitude displays a large tilt that, in the expanding case, peaks on smallest scales. While the shape is predominantly of the equilateral type in the inflationary branch, as in DBI inflation, it is of the local form in the ekpyrotic branch. The tensor spectrum is also generically far from scale invariant. In the contracting case, for instance, tensors are strongly blue tilted, resulting in an unmeasurably small gravity wave amplitude on cosmic microwave background scales.


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Because the source term for the equations of motion of a conformally coupled scalar field, such as the dilaton, is given by the trace of the matter energy momentum tensor, it is commonly assumed to vanish during the radiation dominated epoch in the early universe. As a consequence, such fields are generally frozen in the early universe. Here we compute the finite temperature radiative correction to the source term and discuss its consequences on the evolution of such fields in the early universe. We discuss in particular, the case of scalar tensor theories of gravity which have general relativity as an attractor solution. We show that, in some cases, the universe can experience an early phase of contraction, followed by a non-singular bounce, and standard expansion. This can have interesting consequences for the abundance of thermal relics; for instance, it can provide a solution to the gravitino problem. We conclude by discussing the possible consequences of the quantum corrections to the evolution of the dilaton.


Mass Varying neutrino mechanisms were proposed to link the neutrino mass scale with dark energy, addressing the coincidence problem. In some scenarios this mass can present a dependence on the baryonic density felt by neutrinos, creating an effective neutrino mass that depends both on the neutrino and baryonic densities. In this article we investigate the possibility that a neutrino effective mass in matter in addition to a very small mass squared difference in vacuum (O(10−9 eV2)) are the main flavour conversion mechanism acting in neutrino oscillation experiments. We present a parameterization on the environmental effects on neutrino mass that produces the right flavour conversion probabilities for solar and terrestrial neutrinos experiments.


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We introduce a new method for testing departure from isotropy of points on a sphere based on an enhanced form of the two-point correlation function that we named 2pt+. This method uses information from the two extra variables that define the vector between two points on a sphere. We show that this is a powerful method to test departure from isotropy of a distribution of points on a sphere especially when the number of events is small. We apply the method to a few examples in astronomy and discuss the relevance for limited datasets, such as the case of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.


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We provide a detailed study of gravitational reheating in quintessential inflation generalizing previous analyses only available for the standard case when inflation is followed by an era dominated by the energy density of radiation. Quintessential inflation assumes a common origin for inflation and the dark energy of the Universe. In this scenario reheating can occur through gravitational particle production during the inflation-kination transition. We calculate numerically the amount of the radiation energy density, and determine the temperature T* at which radiation starts dominating over kination. The value of T* is controlled by the Hubble parameter H0 during inflation and the transition time Δt, scaling as H02[ln(1/H0Δt)]3/4 for H0Δt << 1 and H02(H0Δt)c for H0Δt >> 1. The model-dependent parameter c is found to be around 0.5 in two different parameterizations for the transition between inflation and kination.


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We introduce a method to quantify the quality-of-fit between data and observables depending on the large scale Galactic magnetic field. We combine WMAP5 polarized synchrotron data and rotation measures of extragalactic sources in a joint analysis to obtain best fit parameters and confidence levels for GMF models common in the literature. None of the existing models provide a good fit in both the disk and halo regions, and in many instances best-fit parameters are quite different than the original values. We note that probing a very large parameter space is necessary to avoid false likelihood maxima. The thermal and relativistic electron densities are critical for determining the GMF from the observables but they are not well constrained. We show that some characteristics of the electron densities can already be constrained using our method and with future data it may be possible to carry out a self-consistent analysis in which models of the GMF and electron densities are simultaneously optimized.



We calculate the extragalactic diffuse emission originating from the up-scattering of cosmic microwave photons by energetic electrons and positrons produced in particle dark matter annihilation events at all redshifts and in all halos. We outline the observational constraints on this emission and we study its dependence on both the particle dark matter model (including the particle mass and its dominant annihilation final state) and on assumptions on structure formation and on the density profile of halos. We find that for low-mass dark matter models, data in the X-ray band provide the most stringent constraints, while the gamma-ray energy range probes models featuring large masses and pair-annihilation rates, and a hard spectrum for the injected electrons and positrons. Specifically, we point out that the all-redshift, all-halo inverse Compton emission from many dark matter models that might provide an explanation to the anomalous positron fraction measured by the Pamela payload severely overproduces the observed extragalactic gamma-ray background.



The recently introduced deflected mirage mediation (DMM) model is a string-motivated paradigm in which all three of the major supersymmetry-breaking transmission mechanisms are operative. We begin a systematic exploration of the parameter space of this rich model context, paying special attention to the pattern of gaugino masses which arise. In this work we focus on the dark matter phenomenology of the DMM model as such signals are the least influenced by the model-dependent scalar masses. We find that a large portion of the parameter space in which the three mediation mechanisms have a similar effective mass scale of 1 TeV or less will be probed by future direct and indirect detection experiments. Distinguishing deflected mirage mediation from the mirage model without gauge mediation will prove difficult without collider input, though we indicate how gamma ray signals may provide an opportunity for distinguishing between the two paradigms.


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We propose a scenario where Dark Matter (DM) annihilates into an intermediate state which travels a distance λ ≡ v/Γ on the order of galactic scales and then decays to Standard Model (SM) particles. The long lifetime disperses the production zone of the SM particles away from the galactic center and hence, relaxes constraints from gamma ray observations on canonical annihilation scenarios. We utilize this set up to explain the electron and positron excesses observed recently by PAMELA, ATIC and FERMI. While an explanation in terms of usual DM annihilations seems to conflict with gamma ray observations, we show that within the proposed scenario, the PAMELA/ATIC/FERMI results are consistent with the gamma ray data. The distinction from decay scenarios is discsussed and we comment on the prospects for DM production at LHC. The typical decay length λ ≳ 10 kpc of the intermediate state can have its origin from a dimension six operator suppressed by a scale Λ ∼ 1013 GeV, which is roughly the seesaw scale for neutrino masses.


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In this paper we revisit the issue of determining the oscillating primordial scalar power spectrum and oscillating equation of state of dark energy from the astronomical observations. By performing a global analysis with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, we find that the current observations from five-year WMAP and SDSS-LRG matter power spectrum, as well as the ``union" supernovae sample, constrain the oscillating index of primordial spectrum and oscillating equation of state of dark energy with the amplitude less than |namp| < 0.116 and |wamp| < 0.232 at 95% confidence level, respectively. This result shows that the oscillatory structures on the primordial scalar spectrum and the equation of state of dark energy are still allowed by the current data. Furthermore, we point out that these kinds of modulation effects will be detectable (or gotten a stronger constraint) in the near future astronomical observations, such as the PLANCK satellite, LAMOST telescope and the currently ongoing supernovae projects SNLS.


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Motivated by the analogy proposed by Witten between Chern-Simons and conformal field theories, we explore an alternative way of computing the entropy of a black hole starting from the isolated horizon framework in loop quantum gravity. The consistency of the result opens a window for the interplay between conformal field theory and the description of black holes in loop quantum gravity.


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We show that adiabatic, super-Hubble, and almost scale invariant density fluctuations are produced by cosmic strings in a contracting universe. An essential point is that isocurvature perturbations produced by topological defects such as cosmic strings on super-Hubble scales lead to a source term which seeds the growth of curvature fluctuations on these scales. Once the symmetry has been restored at high temperatures, the isocurvature seeds disappear, and the fluctuations evolve as adiabatic ones in the expanding phase. Thus, cosmic strings may be resurrected as a mechanism for generating the primordial density fluctuations observed today.



We reexamine the limits on charged dark matter particles. We show that if their mass and charge fall in the range 100(qX/e)2mX ≲ 108(qX/e) TeV, then magnetic fields prevent particles in the halo from entering the galactic disk, while those initially trapped inside are accelerated through the Fermi mechanism and ejected within about 0.1-1 Gyrs. Consequently, previous constraints on charged dark matter based on terrestrial non-observation are invalid within that range. Further, we find that charged massive particles may simultaneously solve several long-standing astrophysical problems, including the underabundance of dwarf galaxies, the shallow density profiles in the cores of the dwarf galaxies, the absence of cooling flows in the cores of galaxy clusters, and several others.



Thermal fluctuations provide the main source of large scale density perturbations in warm inflationary models of the early universe. For the first time, general results are obtained for the power spectrum in the case when the friction coefficient in the inflaton equation of motion depends on temperature. A large increase in the amplitude of perturbations occurs when the friction coefficient increases with temperature. This has to be taken into account when constructing models of warm inflation. New results are also given for the thermal fluctuations in the weak regime of warm inflation when the friction coefficient is relatively small.



We study thermodynamics of cosmological models in the Horava-Lifshitz theory of gravity, and systematically investigate the evolution of the universe filled with a perfect fluid that has the equation of state p = wρ, where p and ρ denote, respectively, the pressure and energy density of the fluid, and w is an arbitrary real constant. Depending on specific values of the free parameters involved in the models, we classify all of them into various cases. In each case the main properties of the evolution are studied in detail, including the periods of deceleration and/or acceleration, and the existence of big bang, big crunch, and big rip singularities. We pay particular attention on models that may give rise to a bouncing universe.



We develop a method to reconstruct the primordial power spectrum,P(k), using both temperature and polarisation data from the joint analysis of a number of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations. The method is an extension of the Richardson-Lucy algorithm, first applied in this context by Shafieloo & Souradeep [1]. We show how the inclusion of polarisation measurements can decrease the uncertainty in the reconstructed power spectrum. In particular, the polarisation data can constrain oscillations in the spectrum more effectively than total intensity only measurements. We apply the estimator to a compilation of current CMB results. The reconstructed spectrum is consistent with the best-fit power spectrum although we find evidence for a `dip' in the power on scales k ≈ 0.002 Mpc−1. This feature appears to be associated with the WMAP power in the region 18 ⩽ ℓ ⩽ 26 which is consistently below best-fit models. We also forecast the reconstruction for a simulated, Planck-like [2] survey including sample variance limited polarisation data.



Based on the Lue-Starkman conjecture on the dynamical screening of the brane cosmological constant in the DGP scenario, we extend this proposal to a general DGP-inspired F(R, ϕ) model. We show that modification of the induced gravity and its coupling to a quintessence field localized on the brane, affects the screening of the brane cosmological constant and also phantom-like behavior on the brane. We extend our study to possible modification of the induced gravity on the brane and for clarification some specific examples are presented. As a result, phantom-like behavior can be realized in this setup without violating the null energy condition at least in some subspaces of the model parameter space. The key result of our study is the fact that a DGP-inspired F(R, ϕ) scenario has the best fit with LCDM and recent observations than other alternative theories.


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Modified gravity theories with the Gauss-Bonnet term G = R2−4RμνRμν+RμνρσRμνρσ have recently gained a lot of attention as a possible explanation of dark energy. We perform a thorough phase space analysis on the so-called f(G) models, where f(G) is some general function of the Gauss-Bonnet term, and derive conditions for the cosmological viability of f(G) dark energy models. Following the f(R) case, we show that these conditions can be nicely presented as geometrical constraints on the derivatives of f(G). We find that for general f(G) models there are two kinds of stable accelerated solutions, a de Sitter solution and a phantom-like solution. They co-exist with each other and which solution the universe evolves to depends on the initial conditions. Finally, several toy models of f(G) dark energy are explored. Cosmologically viable trajectories that mimic the ΛCDM model in the radiation and matter dominated periods, but have distinctive signatures at late times, are obtained.


The Born rule may be stated mathematically as the rule that probabilities in quantum theory are expectation values of a complete orthogonal set of projection operators. This rule works for single laboratory settings in which the observer can distinguish all the different possible outcomes corresponding to the projection operators. However, theories of inflation suggest that the universe may be so large that any laboratory, no matter how precisely it is defined by its internal state, may exist in a large number of very distantly separated copies throughout the vast universe. In this case, no observer within the universe can distinguish all possible outcomes for all copies of the laboratory. Then normalized probabilities for the local outcomes that can be locally distinguished cannot be given by the expectation values of any projection operators. Thus the Born rule fails and must be replaced by another rule for observational probabilities in cosmology. The freedom of what this new rule is to be is the measure problem in cosmology. A particular volume-averaged form is proposed.


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One of the targets of the recently launched Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is a diffuse gamma-ray background from dark-matter annihilation or decay in the Galactic halo. N-body simulations and theoretical arguments suggest that the dark matter in the Galactic halo may be clumped into substructure, rather than smoothly distributed. Here we propose the gamma-ray-flux probability distribution function (PDF) as a probe of substructure in the Galactic halo. We calculate this PDF for a phenomenological model of halo substructure and determine the regions of the substructure parameter space in which the PDF may be distinguished from the PDF for a smooth distribution of dark matter. In principle, the PDF allows a statistical detection of substructure, even if individual halos cannot be detected. It may also allow detection of substructure on the smallest microhalo mass scales, ∼ M, for weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Furthermore, it may also provide a method to measure the substructure mass function. However, an analysis that assumes a typical halo substructure model and a conservative estimate of the diffuse background suggests that the substructure PDF may not be detectable in the lifespan of Fermi in the specific case that the WIMP is a neutralino. Nevertheless, for a large range of substructure, WIMP annihilation, and diffuse background models, PDF analysis may provide a clear signature of substructure.


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In this work we study the stability of the Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD) static universe. This is motivated by the possibility that the universe might have started out in an asymptotically JBD static state, in the context of the so called emergent universe scenario. We extent our previous results on stability of JBD static universe by considering spatially homogeneous Bianchi type IX anisotropic perturbation modes and by including more general perfect fluids. Contrary to general relativity, we have found that the JBD static universe, dominated by a standard perfect fluid, could be stable against isotropic and anisotropic perturbations. The implications of these results for the initial state of the universe and its pre-inflationary evolution are discussed.


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In this paper, we put constraints on neutrino properties such as mass mν and degeneracy parameters ξi from WMAP5 data and light element abundances by using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach. In order to take consistently into account the effects of the degeneracy parameters, we run the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis code for each value of ξi and the other cosmological parameters to estimate the Helium abundance, which is then used to calculate CMB anisotropy spectra instead of treating it as a free parameter. We find that the constraint on mν is fairly robust and does not vary very much even if the lepton asymmetry is allowed, and is given by ∑mν < 1.3 eV (95%C.L.).


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Can dark matter be stabilized by charge conservation, just as the electron is in the standard model? We examine the possibility that dark matter is hidden, that is, neutral under all standard model gauge interactions, but charged under an exact {\rm U}(1) gauge symmetry of the hidden sector. Such candidates are predicted in WIMPless models, supersymmetric models in which hidden dark matter has the desired thermal relic density for a wide range of masses. Hidden charged dark matter has many novel properties not shared by neutral dark matter: (1) bound state formation and Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation after chemical freeze out may reduce its relic density, (2) similar effects greatly enhance dark matter annihilation in protohalos at redshifts of z ∼ 30, (3) Compton scattering off hidden photons delays kinetic decoupling, suppressing small scale structure, and (4) Rutherford scattering makes such dark matter self-interacting and collisional, potentially impacting properties of the Bullet Cluster and the observed morphology of galactic halos. We analyze all of these effects in a WIMPless model in which the hidden sector is a simplified version of the minimal supersymmetric standard model and the dark matter is a hidden sector stau. We find that charged hidden dark matter is viable and consistent with the correct relic density for reasonable model parameters and dark matter masses in the range 1 GeV ≲ mX ≲ 10 TeV. At the same time, in the preferred range of parameters, this model predicts cores in the dark matter halos of small galaxies and other halo properties that may be within the reach of future observations. These models therefore provide a viable and well-motivated framework for collisional dark matter with Sommerfeld enhancement, with novel implications for astrophysics and dark matter searches.


A new scenario of hybrid-like inflation is considered without using hybrid-type potential. Radiation raised continuously by a dissipating inflaton field keeps symmetry restoration in a remote sector, and the false-vacuum energy of the remote sector dominates the energy density during inflation. Remote inflation is terminated when the temperature reaches the critical temperature, or when the slow-roll condition is violated. Without introducing a complex form of couplings, inflaton field may either roll-in (like a standard hybrid inflation) or roll-out (like an inverted-hybrid model or quintessential inflation) on arbitrary inflaton potential. Significant signatures of remote inflation can be observed in the spectrum caused by

  1. the inhomogeneous phase transition in the remote sector, or

  2. a successive phase transition in the remote sector.

Remote inflation can predict strong amplification or suppression of small-scale perturbations without introducing multiple inflation. Since the inflaton may have a run-away potential, it is also possible to identify the inflaton with quintessence, without introducing additional mechanisms. Even if the false-vacuum energy is not dominated by the remote sector, the phase transition in the remote sector is possible during warm inflation, which may cause significant amplification/suppression of the curvature perturbations.


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Theories of gravity invariant under those diffeomorphisms generated by transverse vectors, ∂μξμ = 0 are considered. Such theories are dubbed transverse, and differ from General Relativity in that the determinant of the metric, g, is a transverse scalar. We comment on diverse ways in which these models can be constrained using a variety of observations. Generically, an additional scalar degree of freedom mediates the interaction, so the usual constraints on scalar-tensor theories have to be imposed. If the purely gravitational part is Einstein-Hilbert but the matter action is transverse, the models predict that the three a priori different concepts of mass (gravitational active and gravitational passive as well as inertial) are not equivalent anymore. These transverse deviations from General Relativity are therefore tightly constrained, actually correlated with existing bounds on violations of the equivalence principle, local violations of Newton's third law and/or violation of Local Position Invariance.



We explain the PAMELA positron excess and the PPB-BETS/ATICe++e data using a simple two component dark sector model (2CDS). The two particle species in the dark matter sector are assumed to be in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. While one particle is stable and is the present day dark matter, the second one is metastable and decays after the universe is 10−8s old. In this model it is simple to accommodate the large boost factors required to explain the PAMELA positron excess without the need for large spikes in the local dark matter density. We provide the constraints on the parameters of the model and comment on possible signals at future colliders.