Focus on Quantum Spin Liquids

Figure. Band structure of a nodal phase with four nodes. The nodes are located at the zone center and the three M points of the Brillouin zone (BZ). The figure illustrates how, at a phase boundary between two gapped phases with different Chern numbers, the ground state is gapless with Dirac nodes at a discrete set of points in the BZ. Taken from Whitsitt et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115029.

Steven A Kivelson, Stanford University, CA, USA
Alejandro Muramatsu, Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Quantum fluids are intriguing systems in which the zero-point motion of the constituents is sufficiently violent to preclude crystallization down to zero temperature. In 'Mott insulating' solids, magnetically ordered states are the ordered analogues of the solid phases of interacting particles, while 'spin liquids' are the analogues of quantum fluids. In theory, there are a rich variety of possible, thermodynamically distinct spin-liquid phases, characterized by the nature of their excitation spectra (e.g. gapped or gapless), and by various forms of 'topological order', which in turn determine the quantum statistics of the quasiparticle excitations.

So intrinsically quantum mechanical are spin-liquids that even the theoretical classification of them as distinct phases of matter involves new concepts that play no role in classical thermodynamics. For instance, a band insulator must have an even number of electrons per unit cell, while a spin liquid can have an odd number. Fully gapped spin liquids are typically topologically non-trivial and can support a fractionalized excitation spectrum, while a band-insulator is topologically trivial and supports elementary excitations that have the same quantum numbers as an integer multiplet of electrons and holes. In conjunction with electron fractionalization, spin liquids typically have collective excitations associated with an emergent gauge symmetry.

The theoretical structure which underlies these concepts has advanced remarkably in the past decade. Somewhat artificial exactly solvable models (still with only short-range interactions) have been constructed and analyzed which support a variety of distinct spin-liquid states, thus establishing, as a point of principle, that these phases do exist, and presumably occupy a finite measure in a generalized zero temperature phase diagram of possible states of matter. Various mean-field theories and variational wave-functions have been constructed which permit a simple and explicit picture of such states, and offer some insight into the sort of microscopic interactions that are essential to stabilize them relative to other, more familiar classical broken-symmetry phases of matter. Extensive numerical studies of 'natural' models of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets have begun to yield encouraging evidence of the occurrence of spin-liquids in systems that may even be experimentally realizable. From a complementary perspective, field-theories with the same universal properties as the microscopic models have been constructed, in the context of which the perturbative stability of the various proposed spin-liquid phases can be rigorously analyzed. While there is much that remains to be the subject of future study, a basic picture of these phases with a sound theoretical basis appears to have emerged.

In contrast, there is no single example of an experimentally realized spin-liquid that has been unambiguously identified with a corresponding well understood candidate phase. However, there has been encouraging progress in this regard, especially in crystals with a structure that geometrically frustrates any simple form of antiferromagnetic order (e.g. triangular or kagome lattices). Moreover, the frustration necessary to suppress various competing forms of classical broken symmetry states appears to be easier to achieve in systems near the interaction-driven (Mott) metal-insulator transition, where the effective magnetic interactions are longer-range than in simple models of quantum antiferromagnets. At the very least, there are a number of systems where a combination of geometric frustration and low spin, which implies relatively strong quantum fluctuations, lead to insulating materials in which no magnetic ordering occurs down to temperatures that are extremely small compared to microscopic scale set by the exchange interaction, J. These materials are certainly prime candidates for systems supporting spin-liquid ground states, and they are therefore being actively studied.

This collection of articles presents an exciting snapshot of the state of the field. The solid progress being reported is impressive. Many of the ideas being pursued are visionary. It looks as if, based on existing experimental results, the prospects are bright for clear comparisons between theory and experiment in the near future.

Open access
Entanglement entropy as a portal to the physics of quantum spin liquids

Tarun Grover et al 2013 New J. Phys. 15 025002

Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are phases of interacting spins that do not order even at the absolute zero temperature, making it impossible to characterize them by a local order parameter. In this paper, we review the unique view provided by the quantum entanglement on QSLs. We illustrate the crucial role of topological entanglement entropy in diagnosing the non-local order in QSLs, using specific examples such as the chiral spin liquid. We also demonstrate the detection of anyonic quasi-particles and their braiding statistics using quantum entanglement. In the context of gapless QSLs, we discuss the detection of emergent fermionic spinons in a bosonic wavefunction, by studying the size dependence of entanglement entropy.

Open access
Entanglement in gapless resonating-valence-bond states

Jean-Marie Stéphan et al 2013 New J. Phys. 15 015004

We study resonating-valence-bond (RVB) states on the square lattice of spins and of dimers, as well as SU(N)-invariant states that interpolate between the two. These states are ground states of gapless models, although the SU(2)-invariant spin RVB state is also believed to be a gapped liquid in its spinful sector. We show that the gapless behavior in spin and dimer RVB states is qualitatively similar by studying the Rényi entropy for splitting a torus into two cylinders. We compute this exactly for dimers, showing it behaves similarly to the familiar one-dimensional log term, although not identically. We extend the exact computation to an effective theory believed to interpolate among these states. By numerical calculations for the SU(2) RVB state and its SU(N)-invariant generalizations, we provide further support for this belief. We also show how the entanglement entropy behaves qualitatively differently for different values of the Rényi index n, with large values of n proving a more sensitive probe here, by virtue of exhibiting a striking even/odd effect.

Valence-bond crystals in the kagomé spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet: a symmetry classification and projected wave function study

Yasir Iqbal et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115031

In this paper, we do a complete classification of valence-bond crystals (VBCs) on the kagomé lattice based on general arguments of symmetry only and thus identify many new VBCs for different unit cell sizes. For the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet, we study the relative energetics of competing gapless spin liquids (SLs) and VBC phases within the class of Gutzwiller-projected fermionic wave functions using variational Monte Carlo techniques, hence implementing exactly the constraint of one fermion per site. By using a state-of-the-art optimization method, we conclusively show that the U(1) Dirac SL is remarkably stable towards dimerizing into all 6-, 12- and 36-site unit cell VBCs. This stability is also preserved on addition of a next-nearest-neighbor super-exchange coupling of both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic (FM) type. However, we find that a 36-site unit cell VBC is stabilized on addition of a very small next-nearest-neighbor FM super-exchange coupling, i.e. |J2| ≈ 0.045, and this VBC is the same in terms of space-group symmetry as that obtained in an effective quantum dimer model study. It breaks reflection symmetry, has a nontrivial flux pattern and is a strong dimerization of the uniform RVB SL.

Open access
Dyon condensation in topological Mott insulators

Gil Young Cho et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115030

We consider quantum phase transitions out of topological Mott insulators in which the ground state of the fractionalized excitations (fermionic spinons) is topologically non-trivial. The spinons in topological Mott insulators are coupled to an emergent compact U(1) gauge field with a so-called 'axion' term. We study the confinement transitions from the topological Mott insulator to broken symmetry phases, which may occur via the condensation of dyons. Dyons carry both 'electric' and 'magnetic' charges, and arise naturally in this system because the monopoles of the emergent U(1) gauge theory acquire gauge charge due to the axion term. It is shown that the dyon condensate, in general, induces simultaneous current and bond orders. To demonstrate this, we study the confined phase of the topological Mott insulator on the cubic lattice. When the magnetic transition is driven by dyon condensation, we identify the bond order as valence bond solid order and the current order as scalar spin chirality order. Hence, the confined phase of the topological Mott insulator is an exotic phase where the scalar spin chirality and the valence bond order coexist and appear via a single transition. We discuss the implications of our results for generic models of topological Mott insulators.

Open access
Exact chiral spin liquids and mean-field perturbations of gamma matrix models on the ruby lattice

Seth Whitsitt et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115029

We theoretically studied an exactly solvable gamma matrix generalization of the Kitaev spin model on the ruby lattice, which is a honeycomb lattice with 'expanded' vertices and links. We find that this model displays an exceptionally rich phase diagram that includes (i) gapless phases with stable spin Fermi surfaces, (ii) gapless phases with low-energy Dirac cones and quadratic band touching points and (iii) gapped phases with finite Chern numbers possessing the values ±4,±3,±2 and ±1. The model is then generalized to include Ising-like interactions that break the exact solvability of the model in a controlled manner. When these terms are dominant, they lead to a trivial Ising ordered phase which is shown to be adiabatically connected to a large coupling limit of the exactly solvable phase. In the limit where these interactions are weak, we treat them within mean-field theory and present the resulting phase diagrams. We discuss the nature of the transitions between various phases. Our results show the richness of possible ground states in closely related magnetic systems.

Open access
Quantum phases of hard-core bosons in a frustrated honeycomb lattice

C N Varney et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115028

Using exact diagonalization calculations, we investigate the ground-state phase diagram of the hard-core Bose–Hubbard–Haldane model on the honeycomb lattice. This allows us to probe the stability of the Bose-metal phase proposed in Varney et al (2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 077201), against various changes in the originally studied Hamiltonian.

Open access
Effective spin couplings in the Mott insulator of the honeycomb lattice Hubbard model

Hong-Yu Yang et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 115027

Motivated by the recent discovery of a spin-liquid phase for the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice at half-filling (Meng et al 2010 Nature 88 487), we apply both perturbative and non-perturbative techniques to derive effective spin Hamiltonians describing the low-energy physics of the Mott-insulating phase of the system. Exact diagonalizations of the so-derived models on small clusters are performed, in order to assess the quality of the effective low-energy theory in the spin-liquid regime. We show that six-spin interactions on the elementary loop of the honeycomb lattice are the dominant sub-leading effective couplings. A minimal spin model is shown to reproduce most of the energetic properties of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice in its spin-liquid phase. Surprisingly, a more elaborate effective low-energy spin model obtained by a systematic graph expansion rather disagrees beyond a certain point with the numerical results for the Hubbard model at intermediate couplings.