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Passive and active electroreception during agonistic encounters in the weakly electric fish Gymnotus omarorum

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Published 21 October 2016 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Federico Pedraja et al 2016 Bioinspir. Biomim. 11 065002 DOI 10.1088/1748-3190/11/6/065002



Agonistic behaviour related to territorial defence is likely to be costly in terms of energy loss and risk of injury. Hence information about the fighting ability of a potential opponent could influence the outcome of the contest. We here study electric images of the territorial and aggressive weakly electric fish Gymnotus omarorum in the context of agonistic behaviour. We show that passive and active electric images may drive the approach towards an opponent. The likelihood of first attacks can be predicted in these fish based on electric image information, suggesting that aggressive interactions may in fact be triggered through the passive electrosensory information.

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1. Introduction

Animals fight for limited resources like territory, food and mates (Nelson 2006). When fish perceive the presence of a potential contender an evaluation process precedes the decision to initiate or refuse the struggle. Far-range sensory modalities (vision and smell, for example) are particularly important in providing information prior to a physical approach and for a pre-contest rival fighting ability (resource holding potential, RHP) assessment. Nocturnal animals or those living in turbid waters, as many electric fish, have developed another sophisticated far-range sensory system, sensitive to transcutaneous electric fields the electric sense (Lissmann 1958, Bullock and Chichibu 1965). Electroreception presents two main sub-modalities: (a) passive electroreception allows the perception of electric fields produced by external electric sources, e.g., the muscles or electrochemical potentials of prey, predators, as well as the active electric signals of neighbouring electric fish; (b) active electroreception senses and processes environmental perturbations in the electric field generated by the fish's own electric organ (EO) (Lissmann 1958, Lissmann and Machin 1958, Bullock and Chichibu 1965). These perturbations are induced by objects with impedance different from that of the water (Knudsen 1975). While ampullary organs detect low frequency environmental electric fields (passive electroreception), tuberous organs of varying morphology measure the high-frequency electric fields of the actively generated EOD (active electrolocation for self-generated EODs and passive electrolocation for EODs from other electric fish) for electroreception and social communication (von der Emde 1999, Caputi and Budelli 2006, von der Emde 2006, Feulner et al 2008, Kawasaki 2009, Baker et al 2013).

Both electroceptive modalities provide a spatially sampled measure of the local field intensity over the skin of the animal. This distribution is typically referred to as the electric image (EI), as defined by Caputi and Budelli (2006). We here distinguish two kinds of images: (1) images produced by the presence of an external electric field, and (2) images generated by distortions of the self-generated electric field. For simplification, we will refer to these as the passive and active EI, respectively.

For the resolution of agonistic encounters, electric fish could remotely assess the RHP of the contender through active or passive properties of the EIs, and thus avoid engaging in aggressive displays to solve the conflict. If these cues initially are insufficient for assessment and fish enter in the aggression phase, they can still use either sub-modality of the EI to localize and approach their contenders.

Conspecific detection and assessment due to passive EIs has been profusely considered in previous research since the attenuation of the field produced by a conspecific is subjected to the spherical dissipation only once. Using playback experiments, in which a conspecific is mimicked through a pair of electrodes delivering electric pulses, it was shown that fish align their body parallel to the electric field lines as they approach the playback electrodes (Hopkins 2005). This results in an approach behaviour that is not based on the shortest path towards the EOD's source and, as a consequence, the passive EI will be located in the foveal region of the head (Westby 1974, Hopkins et al 1997).

Active EIs may also serve to localize and/or to assess a contender in agonistic behavioural contexts. In contrast to passive EIs, an active EI carries information in the near range. Regardless of this obvious disadvantage, active EIs do not depend on the contender emitting its own EOD; hence it may enable assessing quality and position of an electrically silent contender (Batista et al 2012). Mormyrids can localize novel objects in their environment based on their active EIs (Hofmann et al 2013, Hofmann et al 2014). The spatial pattern of the EI is a potential cue for localization as this enables the animal to precisely localize an object and to calculate distance (von der Emde et al 1998b). Fish might also use the temporal pattern sensed by a single electroreceptor to extract information from the same receptive field from a succession of EODs (Hofmann et al 2012). In fact, recent results suggest that the integration of the own motion should enable fish to dynamically estimate the distance with increased sensitivity (Hofmann and Pedraja, personal communication). Taken together, these evidences suggest that both, active and passive EIs may be crucial in agonistic scenarios.

In this study, we aim to shed light on the role of EIs in the context of agonistic behaviour. For this, we focus on the so-called evaluation phase of the agonistic encounters between two conspecific Gymnotus omarorum and analyse how active and passive electroreception could aid in the decision of how and when to approach or retreat from rivals. EOD in this pulse-type weakly electric fish, consists of a series of voltage pulses whose duration is short relative to the inter-pulse interval. We show that although size asymmetry between animals is the best proxy of contest outcome, the probability of making the first attack is not different for small and large fish when body sizes differ less than 25%. Our computer modelling of the EIs shows that both animals swim in a manner that maintains the maximum of the EIs (active and passive) on the fovel area located on the frontal portion of the head. Furthermore, passive and active EIs of contenders differ such that passive EIs are most informative when contenders differ in size. This difference predicts the likelihood of first attacks in these fish, suggesting that aggressive interactions may in fact be triggered through the passive electrosensory information. Finally, modelling the fish in parallel and antiparallel disposition shows that when the fish are side to side, information about the size of the contender arises. Our results suggest that electroreception may be important for RHP assessment.

2. Methods

2.1. Behavioural protocol

Behavioural experiments of agonistic contests were carried out in dyads in which the weight of the smaller fish was 75%–95% of the weight of the larger fish (sixteen non reproductive adult fish, eight dyads), using the gate protocol (Silva et al 2007, Batista et al 2012, Zubizarreta et al 2012, Silva et al 2013). In this condition, it can be assumed that fish will fight over territory only.

To characterize the trajectories of approach in the evaluation phase of the agonistic contests and to evaluate the electrical cues used by the fish, fish were filmed from below in a glass-tank (110 cm × 80 cm × 25 cm). Three plastic gates initially separated the fish and ensured that animals were electrically isolated prior to the start of the experiment (figure 1(A)). The isolation was checked by placing a single fish in each compartment and recording its EOD in the other compartments. The partitions separating the fish were opened 10 min after lights were turned off and fish were removed from the test arena 10 min after resolution of the conflict.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. (A) View of the set up (length 110 cm, width 80 cm, depth 25 cm). The three partitions (dotted lines) are removed just prior to the start of the experiment. Yellow and orange bars represent the position of the electrodes. (B) Frame from the video after removing the partitions. (C) Positions (centre of mass) of both animals as tracked offline for the frame shown in (B). (D) Sequence of positions of the two fish from the start to the end of an encounter. Here and in the following figures, the coloured arrows indicate the heading direction of both fish at the beginning.

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All experimental procedures were approved by the institutional ethical committee (Comisión de Ética en el Uso de Animales (CEUA), Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, MEC, 007/02/2010).

2.2. Behavioural recording

Methods of the simultaneous recordings of EOD and behaviour have been previously described (Silva et al 2007). In brief, the tank was fitted with two orthogonal pairs of electrodes; each pair attached to opposites walls (figure 1(A), orange and yellow lines) connected to high input-impedance amplifiers (FLA-01, Cygnus Technologies, Inc.). Fish were held in separate partitions of the tank for 2 h before the experiment (water temperature: 20 °C–22 °C, conductivity: 100 μS). The experiments were performed in total darkness at night using IR-illumination (L-53F3BT, Fablet and Bertoni Electronics). The tank was filmed at 30 FPS (SONY CCD-Iris) and both the images and EODs were digitized online (Pinnacle Systems PCTV HD Pro Stick). The midpoint and head location of each fish was localized using a Matlab routine (figures 1(B) and (C)). These data were used to model passive and active EIs prior to the first attack (figure 1(D)). The first attack latency was defined as the time of the first aggressive physical contact (bite or nudge) towards the other fish. Conflict resolution was established at the moment of the third consecutive retreat of one of the fish without attacking back. This criterion unambiguously defined subordination status (dominant and subordinate); fish fulfilling this requirement were never observed to change their status in the following 10 min of interaction (Batista et al 2012).

2.3. Modelling the EO

To model the EO of G. omarorum, we used data published by Rodriguez-Cattaneo et al (2013). Internal tissues and the skin resistance values were obtained from Caputi and Budelli (1995).

The voltage difference between eight consecutive transverse planes of the fish placed at different sites of the body is mainly produced by the regions of EO encompassed by these planes and, according to Ohm's law, it is equal to the current (I) flowing through the internal tissues between each pair of planes times the resistance (R) of that section of the fish's body (figure 2(A)). Then, from the resistance of a given section of the fish body (R) and the measured voltage (V) across it, we were able to calculate the current causing the voltage drop: I = V/R.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. The model. (A) The experimental set up for the determination of the EO sources. The fish is placed on a partition with eight electrodes placed at fixed distances (2.5 cm distance between electrodes). Red points show the position of the hypothetical sources (poles) of the EO model (B) Left. Voltages measured between neighbouring electrodes. Right. Magnitude of the poles (current sources or poles). (C) Scheme of the 3D-nodes of a small fish (16 cm, red) and a large fish (20 cm, green) and the modelled head-to-tail EODs. (D) Scheme showing how simplified 2D electric images were obtained along the horizontal line indicated by the black line on the left. The dorsal view on the fish at the height of this line is shown to the right with the current density shown in a colour-coded manner. The black line next to the fish shows serves as a reference for the simplified scheme used in the following figures to show the corresponding points of the skin. The square indicates the extreme frontal region and the arrow, the tip of the tail.

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This is based on the simplifying assumption that for a small longitudinal region of the EO the electrocyte population is homogeneous and according to the simplest assumption, electrocytes within a short segment of the EO are oriented similarly and fire almost synchronously. Thus in the model, the current generated by the series of identical dipoles -mimicking the electrocytes inside a cylindrical body slice- is equivalent to another dipole. This is because the rostral pole of one dipole adds with the caudal pole of the next dipole. Consequently, all the intermediate poles are cancelled and the line of dipoles is equivalent to a single dipole with poles situated at the transverse planes limiting that piece of fish.

The longitudinal resistance (R) of a section of fish can be calculated from the geometry and resistivity (ρ).

Equation (1)

where l and S are respectively the distance between recording electrode planes and the average cross-sectional area of the encompassed body portion.


Equation (2)

The poles lying on the plane separating contiguous longitudinal pieces of the fish can be reduced to one by addition, and the EO can be represented by a set of poles equal in number to the planes limiting the experimentally studied regions of the fish. This method requires to identify whether there are abrupt transitions in the regional EOD waveform and to place gap limiting planes at the transition points (figure 2(B)). Since the shapes of the fish of a given species are usually the same (they are homotetic) and the head to tail voltage, outside the water, is almost the same, the parameters of a given fish can be obtained from another fish with different size. The new model can be made from the other by multiplying the parameters from the original with constants of proportionality. Figure 2(C) shows the models of two fish and the resulting head to tail voltages calculated underwater (Sanguinetti-Scheck et al 2011, Pedraja et al 2014).

2.4. Modelling EIs

Modelling of EIs was done using software developed by Diego Rother (2003). This model has two parts, a geometric reconstruction of the fish's body and a calculation of the transcutaneous field. The model was constructed under the following assumptions:

(1) All media are ohmic conductors. This means that the vector representing the current density at the point x (J(x)) is proportional to the vector electric field at the same point (E(x)). Then:

Equation (3)

The proportionality constant σ(x), is 'the volumetric conductivity at the point x'.

(2) Given that the dielectric relaxation of the media is in general shorter than the minimum significant period of the EOD Fourier components, the model is an electrostatic approximation (Bacher 1983).

(3) The fish and other objects are immersed in an infinite water medium. The shapes of the fish body and objects are approximated by an external surface composed by triangles, allowing an approximation of the object shape that is limited only by the computation power available. Every object should be covered by a thin resistive layer (the skin in the case of the fish), which can be homogeneous or heterogeneous in resistance (magnitudes specified as desired).

The model is based directly on the charge density equation which, under our assumptions, implies that the charge generated by the sources (f(x)) is equal to the charge diffusion (∇J(x)) f(x) = J(x), and therefore σ2ϕ(x= σΔϕ(x= f(x), where ϕ(x) is the local potential at point x.

This differential equation, the so-called Poisson equation, can be solved for the electric fish boundary using the boundary element method (BEM) as proposed by Assad (1997). Briefly, this method determines the boundary electrical distributions solving a linear system of S*N equations for S sources and N nodes, where the unknown variables are the trans-epithelial current densities and potentials that correspond to each node (for a detailed description of the method see Hunter and Pullan 2002. The known variables were the location of the nodes, the location and magnitude of the poles representing the EO inside the fish, the conductance of the internal tissues, the skin and the water. It is important to note that, differently from Assad's method, a set of important constraints of the model were those posed by the EO equivalent sources that we measured experimentally using the air gap method. In the first instance, only trans-epithelial current densities and potentials are calculated at the 'skin' nodes and these are then linearly interpolated in the triangles defined by the nodes. This allows the calculation of the potentials in the surrounding space. In this work, after the calculation of the transcutaneous current along the fish skin, a longitudinal section (on a horizontal plane) was taken to represent the EI (figure 2(D)).

EIs throughout this manuscript are represented by the root mean square transcutaneous current on each node. For an active EI, we calculated the difference between the EIs in presence of the contender and in its absence. To represent the temporal change of both active and passive EIs we reduced the complexity of the EIs by analysing changes in current density along one horizontal line (figure 2(D)). To visualize the spatio-temporal effect of behaviour on the EIs we stacked these simplified EIs for successive EODs to 2D temporal maps that represent the gradual change of the EIs over the body of the animals. Similar maps were created for simplified hypothetical trajectories. In these cases a marker to indicate the position of the maximum in each electrical image was superimposed to the 2D maps (figures 6 and 7 black lines).

3. Results

3.1. Experimental analysis of real pre-contest behaviour

Videos of both the evaluation phase (prior to first attack) and the contest phase (from first attack to contest resolution) were analysed. In 7 out of 8 dyads the larger fish was the winner (became dominant; binomial probability p = 0.03, marked with * in figure 3). This clear effect of size indicates that a pre-contest assessment of the size difference could be used by the animals to decide when to attack. If this were the case we would expect the larger fish to attack first. However, we found no significant differences in the fist-attack rates between small and large fish (binomial probability, no significant difference, ns p = 0.27, figure 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Size effect on dominance and first attack in dyadic interactions (n = 8). In most dyadic interactions, the larger fish won the fight (binomial probability, * p = 0.03). The first attack, however, was made by any fish (binomial probability, ns p = 0.27). Here and in the following, red indicates smaller and green larger fish.

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While these data indicate that contenders either cannot remotely assess size difference or, do not use this information prior to engaging in agonistic behaviour, the trajectory of the fish suggests that the fish used electric information of their contender in general. In figure 4 we show the absolute angular body deviation of two example dyads (upper panels) and the time sliding-window cross correlation of these data (bottom panels). Our results show that the turning behaviour was correlated, indicating that the fish have access to information on the conespecific behaviour and position even without visual input (experiments were conducted in darkness using IR-illumination). Similar data were found in five of the six dyads (R > 0.5, correlation coefficients; p < 0.05). This motivated us to analyse the EIs associated with the specific behaviour as this arguably is the most likely source of sensory information given the experimental design.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Upper panels: absolute angular body changes in two dyadic encounters as a function of time. The angular body change was computed between consecutive frames. Throughout the manuscript, green shows data of larger fish and red that corresponding to smaller fish within dyadic pairs. Dotted lines correspond to the fish that made the first attack. R shows the correlation coefficients while p is the p-value computed by transforming the correlation to create a t-statistic having n − 2 degrees of freedom. Bottom panels: sliding-1 s's window cross correlation of the angular change showed in the upper panels. A period of time between angular changes (lag) from the two fish of −0.5 to 0.5 s was chosen. Values that tend to 1 (represented with white in the colour map) show a strong cross correlation (cross C).

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The above data show that fish use electric information prior to the first attack. Depending on the source of electric information being used, two different approach strategies can be expected: (1) using the passive EI information, following the field lines generated by the contender's EOD, or (2) using the active EI information, following the field lines generated by the perturbation produced by the presence of the contender on its own EOD.

Figure 5 shows the pre-contest phase of six dyads. While the left column shows the trajectories of the individual fish, images to the right show the temporal series of EIs for these trajectories. EIs were calculated along a horizontal line (as showed in figure 2(D)), both for the active (middle) and passive (right) EIs. The smaller fish is represented in red and the larger fish in green throughout the figure. The insets in the middle and right columns show the maximum amplitude of each EI as a function of and proximity between contenders.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Pre-contest phase in the agonistic encounter of G. omarorum. (A)–(F) Left: approach trajectories. Points represent fish position and arrows indicate the initial heading direction. Green and red symbols represent the large and small fish, respectively; this colour-coding applies to the whole figure. Middle: RMS of active EIs of both fish for the behaviour shown in the left. Note that zero in the x-axis represents the rostral part from which the electric image is being analysed along a horizontal line to the left and right side of the animal (see figure 1(D)). The zero in the y-axis is the start of the experiment (see grey arrow) and the display ends at the time of the first attack. Right: RMS of passive EIs of both fish for the behaviour shown in the left. The arrows below each panel point towards the side of the fish that is closer to the opponent at the end of the trajectory while the square represents the head region. Inset. Ordinates: maxima of active and passive EI of both fish. Data from the fish that attacked first is shown by the stippled lines. Abscissas: time (grey arrow) and distance between fish (colour-coded bar). Note in C the maximum distance occurs in the middle of the time bar since one fish made an approach while the other fish swam away.

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The first dyad (figure 5(A), left column) shows an indirect approach made by both fish that resulted in the bigger fish making the first attack. When the fish are close, they are placed with the heads almost touching each other and the bodies drawing an angle close to 100°. In this situation the maxima of the active and passive EIs are located at the head of both fish. In the bigger fish a second peak in the passive and active EIs appear on its right trunk. In the smaller fish a second peak appears on the left trunk, the side facing the contender, only for active images. Note that, while the amplitude of the maxima of the EIs is comparable between both fish, it peaks in the small fish for the final frames of the approach sequence (insets). The second dyad (figure 5(B)) shows a direct frontal approach that resulted in the bigger fish attacking first. Both passive and active EIs are maximal at the rostral regions and the peak values of the sensory images are comparable throughout the approach in both fish (albeit slightly larger in the smaller fish, see insets). In the third dyad (figure 5(C)) fish approached each other indirectly. Initially they were oriented almost perpendicular to each other and the approach ended with fish facing each at an angle close to 120°, at which point the smaller fish attacked. At the beginning of the approach the EIs are located both in the frontal and caudal regions of both fish. As fish increased the distance between each other and turned, the EIs decreased in amplitude but remained maximal at the head until the distance between fish decreased again for the final section of the approach. During this phase the EIs increased, peaking at the rostral region of both fish but with a second maximum at the tail. The active EI maximum is higher in the larger fish at the beginning while it is smaller in this fish for the later phase. The passive EI maxima are higher in the smaller fish throughout the sequence.

The sequence shown in figure 5(D) is the only initial approach sequence of the dyads where fish initially approach each other, but no physical contact was made and the larger fish retreated after the smaller fish had approached the larger fish in a roughly orthogonal manner. Prior to the larger fish retreating, passive and active EIs are maximal in the caudal regions with a second weaker peak in the frontal region in both fish. The maxima of both EI were larger in the larger fish (inset). However, the magnitude of the second EI-peak at the head region was constantly larger in the smaller fish. In the fifth dyad (figure 5(E)) fish approach along perpendicular trajectories until the larger fish reaches the collision point and orients towards the approaching opponent which in this case attacked first. During the perpendicular approach the active and passive EI maxima are located in the caudal region in the larger fish while they are found in the frontal region for the smaller fish. While the magnitude of the active EI peak is higher in the bigger fish, it is the opposite for the passive EI. The approach trajectory in the sixth dyad (figure 5(F)) was also almost perpendicular between the fish and resulted in the smaller fish attacking the larger one from behind. At this point the EIs are maximal in the rostral part of the smaller fish while they are found in the rostral and caudal region at the right side of the larger fish. The magnitude of both active and passive EIs was higher in the smaller fish (inset, note that the difference is higher when comparing EIs in the head region only as opposed to the absolute peaks). A common finding of the otherwise variable behaviour shown in figure 5 is that passive and active EIs are consistently centred on the head and tail regions, almost irrespective of the relative orientation between contenders. This can be explained in part by the elongated body shape tapering off towards the tail. This reduces the cross-sectional area towards the tail, increasing the resistivity and hence funnelling electric currents (generated either by the fish itself- or by external sources) towards the head region (the region that also contains the highest density of electroreceptors, (Castello et al 2000, Bacelo et al 2008). As a result the maximal current densities (and transcutaneous voltages) are at the head. A second trend that emerges from this analysis is the finding that the animal that perceives the larger passive EI amplitude is the one more likely to initiate an attack. While this was not significant given the low sample size (binomial probability, p = 0.09, n = 6), it was found in 5 out of 6 cases. This indicates that information related to the attack is evaluated using passive EIs.

3.2. Canonical approaches

To learn how images depend on the size and relative position of the fish, we studied the images produced in simplified collinear, orthogonal and 45° approaches to the head of a stationary fish (fish being 8 and 16 cm). The goal of this analysis is to understand the potential contribution of the two sub-modalities used in electrolocation (active and passive) in agonistic behaviour.

When assuming collinear behaviour (figures 6(A)–(C)) the maxima remain localized at the tail when a fish is being followed, while they are maximal at the head in the follower fish or if animals face each other. Note that the EI-magnitude is almost always bigger in the smaller fish. The exceptions are the cases where the large fish approaches the caudal part of the smaller fish and vice-versa. In the first case the passive EI is larger in the larger fish, whereas in the latter case the active EI is bigger in the large fish (compare figures 6(B) and (C)). In figures 6(D) and (E) we model orthogonal approaches. As expected, both active and passive EIs are maximal at the head for the approaching fish. Interestingly, we find that the EIs are bigger in the smaller fish when it is approached by a larger distant fish (figure 6(E)). In this case the maxima of the EIs in the smaller fish for active and passive images are found at the tail and head, respectively. As expected, at closer range, both passive and active EIs are located in the middle of the trunk of the stationary fish, irrespective of its size. If both animals move along orthogonal trajectories (figure 6(F)) the maxima are located at the head region facing towards the contender with the magnitude being bigger in the smaller fish. For an approach at an angle of 45° (figures 6(G) and (H)) the maximum is always at the head of the approaching fish while the maxima in the stationary fish transverse from caudal to rostral. Again, EI magnitude is bigger in the smaller fish, except when the larger fish is approaching.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Electric Images with canonical approaches. (A)–(C): collinear approaches with A showing a frontal approach by a small fish and B an approach of a larger fish towards the rear of a stationary smaller fish. Distance in A is represented as head-to-head distance (h–h dist.) and as the distance from the head of the large fish to the tail of the small fish (h–t dist.) in (B). (C): same as in (B) but for the small fish approaching the larger one. (D)–(F): orthogonal approaches with the smaller fish approaching to the centre of a larger fish in (D) and vice versa in (E). The distance is shown as the distance from the head of the approaching fish to the midline of the stationary fish (h-m dist.). (F): both fish approaching orthogonally with the distance being measured from head to head (h–h dist.). (G) and (H): approach at an angle of 45° with the small fish approaching the larger fish's head (G) and vice versa (H) (h–h dist.). The RMS of the current in active and passive EIs is colour-coded. RMS values for passive EIs are shown to the left, those for active EIs to the right part, with data for the smaller fish at left. Black lines represent the location of the maximum EI on the body of the fish. Red and green arrow heads and squares represent one of the fish tail extreme and the fish head, respectively. The direction of the arrow shows the skin section closer to the other fish. For symmetric positions of the fish the arrows face to the right. (I): schematic representation of the trajectories analysed in (A)–(H).

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3.3. Parallel and anti-parallel approaches

A frequently observed behaviour in electric fish is repetitive back-and-forth swimming along an object ('va et vient', Toerring and Belbenoit 1979). Such behaviour is known to aid in electrolocation (Hofmann et al 2014), but it also occurs in social interactions. We thus decided to study the impact of this behaviour on passive and active EIs, both for parallel and antiparallel orientations, assuming a fixed lateral distance of 2.5 cm between fish. In figure 7 the upper panels show results for active EIs, while lower panels show the corresponding passive EIs. Data in the left column summarizes results for differently sized fish (the smaller being half the size of the other fish), while results on same-sized interactions are shown in the right column. As expected, antiparallel orientation results in maximal EIs close to the tip of the head (figures 7(A) and (B)) in both EIs and reach peak amplitude when contenders reach zero head-to-head distance. After this, the maxima move to the side of the trunk that faces the contender. Notably (see below), EIs now become double-peaked and the maxima finally move towards the tail. For same-size interaction (figure 7(B)), the EIs are similar between contenders, due to the symmetry of the scene. When both fish face in the same direction, the maxima of the EIs are on the head of the approaching and on the tail of the fish being approached fish (figures 7(C)–(E)). When the approaching fish gets closer, EIs maxima move to the tail of the approaching fish and to the head of the approached fish. Remarkably, there are two inversions of the movement direction of the maximum, which finally are situated at the tail of the moving and the head of the stationary animal. This is particularly evident for the passive EIs. Both for parallel and anti-parallel orientations of the fish, two-peaked EIs occur. The distance between the peaks changes with difference in sizes between fish, an effect also seen in figures 7(A) and (B). From this, we hypothesized that G. omarorum may determine the size of a contender, using the distances between the two maxima during antagonistic displays.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Passive and active EIs for parallel and antiparallel approaches. (A)–(B) Head-to-head approach of a small fish to a large stationary fish (8 and 16 cm, (A)) and of two similarly sized fish (16 and 16 cm, (B)). Distance is given as head-to-head distance (h–h dist.). (C)–(E) Head-to-tail approach of a small fish to the larger fish is shown in C, while D shows the same for two larger fish and E for a large fish approaching a smaller fish. EI amplitude is colour-coded as the RMS of the current in each panel with the upper panels showing the active EI and the bottom panels showing the passive EI. Black lines in figures (A)–(F) represent the location of the maximum of the EI on the fish skin. Red and green arrow heads and squares represent tail and head, respectively. The direction of the arrow shows the skin section closer to the other fish. If the position of both fish is symmetrical, the arrows point rightwards. (F) Scheme of the modelled trajectories.

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4. Discussion

Behavioural decisions are driven both by the expected benefits and the related costs. Agonistic behaviour related to territorial defence, as the one studied here, is likely to be costly in terms of energy loss and risk of injury. Hence obtaining information about the opponent should influence aggressive behaviour. For our model organism, the weakly electric fish G. omarorum, the ability to assess contender's fighting ability should be of particular benefit as it was shown that the difference in body mass is a good proxy for the outcome of agonistic behaviour with 80% of fights being won by the heavier fish (figure 3, Batista et al 2012) . When considering the latency to the first attack in a smaller tank than the one used in our study and with dyad weight differences of either 0%–5% or 25%–40% (unpublished data), the first attack time was lower in low weight differences than in large weight differences (35.8 ± 16.58 s and 58.4 ± 17.58 s respectively). This suggests that weight differences can be assessed by these fish, at least at close distance. If this information could be obtained from longer distances, it is expected that aggression might only occur in interactions of similarly sized fish, while in dyads with high weight asymmetry, smaller fish would give up the resource before engaging in aggressive interactions, in case of an aggressive encounter occurring, they would never attack first. However, in our dyadic interactions with weight differences between 5% and 25% no correlation between first attack and weight was found (figure 2). These results allow at least two explanations: (a) G. omarorum do not assess contenders before engaging in physical contact, or (b) they assess each other but being in a confined arena makes physical contact inevitable and results in fights.

These uncertainties lead us to the question of the physical information that fish may use for analysing the RHP in general. At the beginning of an agonistic encounter the distance between the contenders is small enough to assume that the sensory signals used to detect the presence of other fish are: (a) the lateral line system (Butler and Maruska 2015) and/or (b) the electrolocation system. While our behavioural data provided no evidence that G. omarorum use the electric sense to assess a contender and avoid physical contact, the analysis of the EIs associated with the behaviour strongly suggest that EIs carry important information to guide the observed interactions. In 5 out of 6 cases, the fish that attacked first is the one that perceived the higher maximal passive EI amplitude. Most frequently, these passive EIs are larger in the smaller fish (figure 5). Assuming that sensory thresholds are similar, smaller fish are thus more likely to detect a larger fish first in most situations (figures 6 and 7). In the case of passive EI, this effect is due to the fact that the EOD of the larger fish is stronger and hence can be sensed from farther away. Similarly, for the active EI, the modulation of the larger fish is stronger. To localize a contender from afar, our data suggest that electric fish should rely on passive information.

One way in which G. omarorum could obtain information about the RHP of the contender is making 'va et vient' movements. Modelling of fish in parallel and antiparallel disposition (figure 7) shows that when fish are side to side, the EI of a fish on the other fish presents two maxima. The positions of these maxima are near the fish's trunk level. For active electrolocation, this region is especially suited to determine the shape or other properties of large objects (likes a conspecific fish). Probably, it cannot determine qualia of objects as electric-colour or texture, but general shape, edges, etc (Sanguinetti-Scheck et al 2011). This strategy could be used by the fish to recognise the contender size. However, we did not find this type of movements in our behavioural experiments.

Our data further show that the fish can use information about the contenders' trajectory to maintain a constant relative angle between the fish's heading directions and its target (figure 4). Playback experiments showed that electric fish approach a static discharging fish (fixed electrodes mimicking EODs) by turning their body axis parallel to the local electric field vector (Schluger and Hopkins 1987, Davis and Hopkins 1988). Rotation of the electrodes leads to predictable changes in the approaching trajectories (Hopkins et al 1997). In our work, both fish are in constant movement, which means that the dipole fields constantly change position and orientation. Our analysis shows that these changes elicit a change in the receiving fish's trajectory, probably in order to match the new electric field geometry. As the behavioural analysis revealed that the passive EIs were almost always located at the head, fish simply could follow a strategy to turn toward that side of the body stimulated the strongest (as predicted by Kalmijn (1988). To answer if this is an optimal chase behaviour of constant bearing as known from other animals in prey-capture behaviours (Ghose et al 2006, Olberg 2012), further experiments are required. Notably, such a strategy would differ from what was found for prey detection and capture in other South American electric fish (MacIver et al 2001, Nelson and Maciver 1999) and African mormyrids (von der Emde 1994, von der Emde and Bleckmann 1998a).

This work can be considered an extension of the passive EI study, product of a conspecific discharge, which used computer models (Gómez-Sena et al 2014). Trajectories as well as passive and active EIs in dyads of the species G. omarorum were analysed using the BEM and routines developed in order to assess the information available in the evaluation phase of the agonistic encounter. One limitation of our study is that EIs were modelled as if fish were swimming in a very large medium, not accounting for the actual boundaries of the experimental set up. This was done to keep complexity to a minimum and to reduce the computational load of our calculations, assuming that these limitations are not likely to influence our results on a qualitative level. We also did not account for the curvature of the fish bodies; this is a valid approximation given that in these experiments G. omarorum maintain a straight posture most of the time.

Our computational approach might be useful for other applications, for example in robotics. Robots solve different tasks under conditions unfavourable for visual guidance and in conditions where occlusion hinders optical navigation. Objects that generate electric fields could easily be localized; otherwise resistive objects could be detected based on the perturbing field.

5. Conclusion

In summary we showed, using a modelling approach, that active and passive EIs provide cues for electric contender evaluation at intermediate distances. However, behaviour shows that this important information is not used in RHP assessment. Passive electrosense is not known to be particularly suitable to directly localize distant objects, but was shown to be used in a gradient-balancing way to guide approaches towards sources along their field lines. At very short distances, the active electrolocation system wins hierarchy producing different active EIs between fish that might be used during the agonistic contest.


We would like to thank Jacob Engelmann and Adriana Migliaro for the interesting discussions and comments on the manuscript.

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