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International Conference on Hazard Mitigation in Geographic and Education Perspectives 28–29 September 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Accepted papers received: 01 April 2019
Published online: 26 July 2019


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Assalamu'alaikum. Wr. Wb.

First of all, praise be to God, theone Almighty who has givenus His blessing and guidances that we could hold an international conference on Hazard Mitigation in Geographic and Education Perspectives in Grand Inna Malioboro Hotel. This is the first international that we organize.

In this conference, we invite two keynote speakers from abroad namely Prof. Abe Ryogo from Aichi University of Education, Japan and Dr. Ekammol from Chulalongkorn University Thailand. We also invite speakers from Indonesia such as Prof. Dr. Suratman (Gajah Mada University) and Prof. Dr. Siti Irene AD, M.Si (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta).

This conference is organized to address the disasters that occur in this country, hope fully this conference may contribute to produce a plenty of ideas to deal with disaster mitigation which often occurs.

We woud like to thak the Rector of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta who has provided a financial support to organize this conference. Our special thank also goes toa ll ivited speakers and participants coming from many different cities in Indonesia who have spent their time to participate in this conference. We also thank all committee ho have succesfully organized this conference. Finally, I do hope that this conference may provide insight contributions which are beneficial for Indonesian Society in particular and for the world in general.

Thank you,

Yogyakarta, September, 28th, 2018

Committee Chairperson of the conference

Suhadi Purwantara

List of titles and photographs are available in this pdf.

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All papers published in this volume of IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of women in post-disaster recovery in the southern slopes of Merapi. The study population is women in the slopes of Merapi. The sample of research was taken by purposive counted 33 respondents. The research variables include socioeconomic as well as demography and the role of women on the slopes of Merapi in post-disaster recovery. Quantitative data analysis is applied to analyze primary data and secondary data related to female sociodemographic variable, qualitative is done by data reduction, presentation, and verification. The results showed that women in South Merapi Slope were doing domestic and public work after the disaster, even when the disaster of domestic work was done in the refugee camp. Post-disaster social activities are conducted with the guidance of the government through the relevant institutions, especially when in evacuation. Economic activity is disrupted when disaster strikes, post-disaster women begin to pioneer economic activities such as raising livestock, managing agricultural land for immediate replanting, opening stalls and trading, and searching for sand and stones for additional income. Post-disaster social activities in new housing environments as a means of post-disaster recovery by strengthening inter-individual and community groups

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The prevalent floods happened in Yogyakarta suburbs is not decreasing but growing every year. The same thing also happens in the campus complex of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and its surroundings. Some parts of the campus and its surroundings having an area of 56,58 hectares are often flooded when rains occur with somewhat high intensity. This happens because the amount of run-off and drainage channels is imbalance. Also, many the recharge area spaces are diminishing since they have been converted into buildings. How large is the recharge area existing in the complex of UNY? How much is the volume of rainwater that is accommodated in this campus complex? How many recharge wells are needed?.This research aims at investigating the built-up areas and open spaces, rain water volume prediction, and the estimation of the optimal number of recharge wells needed. This research utilizes the rainfall data, built-up area data gathered using satellite imagery, infiltration data, permeability, and the number of recharge well data. The amount of discharge and the estimated volume of rainwater are calculated using a rational method Q = C.I.A. Based on the volume of rainwater, the method can be used to predict the number of recharge wells needed. To determine the depth of recharge wells, the DPU formula H = D.I.At - D.K.As / As + D.K.P is employed. The results show that the recharge area is only 37,80%.Thisnumber is quite small since a lot of space of land that is supposed to be a strategic open space such as parking lot or garden has been converted into concrete and cement construction. The maximum of the rainfall volume at 50 mm / hour is around 28,290 m3. Therefore, based on the calculation, 3,519 units of artificial recharge wells are needed. In fact, the recharge wells built by the campus are only 128 units.

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Yogyakarta Special Region in 2012 had the highest percentage of elderly population in Indonesia (13.04%), in 2020 it is predicted to reach 14.7%, and in 2030 it will reach 19.5%. The government in Yogyakarta Special Region needs to make a responsive policy of the increase in number of elderly people, considering that the elderly with various problems faced will become vulnerable in the event of a disaster. This study aims to develop a disaster management strategy oriented to social protection for the elderly in emergency. The research focused on Yogyakarta Special Region with the main consideration that Yogyakarta Special Region has the highest proportion of elderly people in Indonesia and has various potential disasters. Data collection techniques in this study used the method of observation, in-depth interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation studies. The data that has been collected then analyzed descriptive qualitatively. The research find that disaster management strategic for realizing social protection for the elderly in emergencies include: (1) establishing a coordination mechanism and legal framework for disaster risk reduction, (2) integrating the concept of disaster risk on all regional and resource development rules and plans, (3) improving the flow and effective ways to share information about disaster, (4) increasing public awareness of disaster impacts and risks, and (5) integrating relation between multi-stakeholder and involving the real role of community where living in disaster-prone areas. The form of participatory social services to support the realization of social protection for the elderly in an emergency condition are directed through home care services, assisting productive economic empowerment, mentoring religious activities, and mentoring psycho-emotional activities.

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The Imogiri Subdistrict area has plain, hills and mountain topography which have varied land conditions. The varied land conditions are mostly used for agricultural land. In increasing agricultural production, the farming community in Imogiri Sub-district made efforts to conserve their land. This condition creates a phenomenon that exists in the farming community, namely conservative behavior towards the agricultural land they have in order to increase their agricultural production. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the characteristics of agricultural land in each landscape of Imogiri Subdistrict, and (2) the conservative behavior of farming communities in each landscape in the use and management of agricultural land addressing the existing land conditions. The design of this research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this study was all farmers in Imogiri Subdistrict. The study sample was determined by quota, which is 50 farmers for each landscape, so the total sample was 150 people. The sampling technique is done with randomly. The research data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data collected then tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that: (1) characteristics of agricultural land: (a) plains dominated by irrigated fields, paddy-paddy-paddy cropping patterns, availability of sufficient water, sources of water from rivers, dominant types of agricultural crops in the form of paddy, (b) hilly dominated by rainfed / dry land, paddy-paddy-palawija cropping patterns, availability of sufficient water, sources of water from rivers and rain, dominant types of agricultural crops in the form of paddy and palawija, (c) mountainous dominated by rainfed paddy fields / dry land, patterns planting paddy-palawija-tobacco, the availability of insufficient / less water, sources of water from rain, dominant types of agricultural crops in the form of paddy, palawija, and tobacco, (2) the conservative behavior of farmers in each landscape varies in intensity; efforts are made to intensify planting and increase production, maintain fertility of paddy fields and care for plants, prevent possible damage to paddy fields due to flooding and drought, and apply mechanical / vegetative conservation methods.

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Earthquakes occurring in the subduction zone are the cause of the tsunami. This study aims to determine: (1) school preparedness in Bantul Regency in to face of the earthquake and tsunami disaster, and (2) school efforts in Bantul Regency in improving the preparedness of the earthquake and tsunami disaster. The research design used in this research is descriptive analysis. This research conducted on April-November 2018. The research places is Bantul Regency, D.I. Yogyakarta. Variables in this study are school preparedness in to face of the earthquake and tsunami disaster (knowledge, policies and guidelines, emergency response plans, disaster warning systems, and resource mobilization) and school efforts in improving the preparedness of the earthquake and tsunami disaster. The population of this study is all schools in Bantul Regency that enter the area prone to earthquake and tsunami disaster. All members of the population is expected to be a unit of research analysis. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used in this research is quantitative and qualitative. The results showed: (1) school preparedness in Bantul Regency from the schools aspect in "ready enough" category (76.9 %), the teachers aspect in "full ready" category (73.1%), and the students aspect in "full ready" category (60.1%). (2) Efforts to improve the preparedness of the earthquake and tsunami disaster carried out by schools in Bantul Regency, including: (a) conducting earthquake and tsunami disaster evacuation drills in their school communities, (b) improving school preparedness, teachers preparedness, students preparedness, parents preparedness and volunteers preparedness with various trainings and simulations in the face of the earthquake and tsunami disaster, (c) making routes and evacuation maps, (d) mobilizing all available resources, from the public and private sectors, domestic and foreign to coordinate all disaster response entities based on emergency response plans, (e) integration of earthquake and tsunami disaster studies in the curriculum in schools, and (f) involve the role of various parties in improving the preparedness of the earthquake and tsunami disaster

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The combination of endogenous processes in the form of volcanic and mountainous formation with exogenous processes in the form of wet tropical climate produces very complex geomorphological conditions in Java. From this geomorphological complexity there are various kinds of processes that often cause disasters for people's lives. Watumalang Area in Wonosobo Regency, is one of the regions in Java Island with complex geomorphological conditions. Based on the genesis, this region was formed by volcanic activity in the past, some of which were affected by the structural process. Bisma Volcano is the last part of volcanism in this region that has stopped since thousands of years ago. At this time landform denudation is a dominating process and causes many disasters. However, does the threat of hazard only come from the denudation process? This paper aims to identify the geomorphological conditions of the Watumalang Area and the potential hazard. To achieve these objectives field observations were carried out using geomorphological survey methods. Observations are supported by remote sensing image interpretation, study literature, and documentation. Spatial analysis with a geomorphological approach supported by GIS analysis was used to describe the geomorphological hazard distribution. The results show that the Watumalang area is geomorphologically arranged by structural and volcanic units. The denudation process is so dominant that the potential for geomorphological hazards comes mainly from this process. However, the presence of faults can also trigger earthquakes. Meanwhile the existence of Bisma Volcano which is currently not active does not act as a trigger. In areas with such complex geomorphological conditions, the multihazard approach needs to be prioritized rather than limited to one type of hazard, although one hazard has a tendency to be more dominant.

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This research was carried out in intervolcano basin of Merapi-Merbabu, Sawangan District, Magelang Regency. The purpose of the research are: (2) analyze the level of multidimensional poverty on households of farmers in the area of the intervolcano basin of Merapi-Merbabu, Sawangan District; (2) analyze the effect of multidimensional poverty toward the participation of famers in the conservation farmland in intervolcano basin of Merapi-Merbabu, Sawangan District. To achieve that goal used to descriptive methode with geography approach that is complex of region approach. The population of the research is the whole had of horticulture crops farmer households in the Wonolelo Village, Banyuroto Village, and Ketep Village in Sawangan District. Sampling done by the technique quota random sampling with attention to the widespread mastery of the land. Data were collected through interview, forum group discussion, observation, and documentation. The analysis used is a combination of a descriptive quantitative analysis and statistic analysis, by observing the Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia Index. The results of this research indicate that: (1) the level of multidimensional poverty of farmer households based on research results of 33% of the 52 respondents that belong to the low; (2) farmer who have experienced multidimensional poverty tends to be more proactive in the conservation of farmland then the farmers who are not experience multidimensional poverty.

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Colloborative governance increasingly involves a major role in implementing major policy drives in localities. Understanding how the stakeholders may provide value is therefore essential to understanding collaborative governance practically. This research aims to analyzing the goal impact of collaborative governance in the implementation of "Segoro Amarto' as a social movement to poverty alleviation in Yogyakarta. A qualitative descriptive approach is used to explore data about the role between actors, the collaborative process carried out, and the goals achievements of collaborative governance in segoro amarto. The measurement of the goals achievement of Segoro Amarto uses indicators as follows: the type of network structure, commitment to the goals, trust between stakeholders, governance, access to authority, accountability and responsibility, information delivery, and access to resources. However, the results of collaborative governance in the implementation of the Segoro Amarto movement in Yogyakarta City have not yet represented the construction of integrative and holistic collaboration between actors because there is still a dominance of the role of the government and the dependence on the government in implementing poverty alleviation programs from the Segoro Amarto Movement. The implementation of the Segoro Amarto movement adopted top down policy from the Yogyakarta Government, so that efforts to empower the community tend to be only in the form of implementing partial governments programs. The involvement of the private sector and non-governmental organizations has not been fully involved. The Good results are found in aspects of commitment to goals, trust between actors, delivery of information, accountability and resposibility. Whereas, the results that are still not good are found in the aspects of network structure, access to authority, access to resources and governance. The failrure to achieve the results of collaborative governance in the Segoro Amarto implementation can be influenced by the dynamics of the problems which include: (1) There are differences in understanding, character and mindset of the implementing actors and the community, (2) the lack of moral will and political will in a holistic way to build awareness of each actor in strengthening social capital, (3) The culture of the community to depend on government assistance and the habit of receiving assistance in the form of money from the government to the community hampers the process of empowering the community, (4) Authority in decision making and budget allocations that are too tiered thus hampering in the process of implementing Segoro Amarto.

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Disasters can occur anytime and anywhere. Potential disasters can occur not least in the tourism area. This study aims to determine the potential of disasters and response to disasters in the tourism area. This study uses a spatial geography approach with the theme of spatial patterns. The research method used is qualitative descriptive and additional statistical spatial data is average nearest neighbor to support qualitative statements. The results of the study show that natural disasters dominate threats to tourism areas in Magelang Regency. Potential catastrophic disasters include tectonics, volcanic and landslides. The manager, the merchant community in the tourism area, and tourists do not know the potential for disasters in the tourism area because there is no notification in the form of information boards, signs or maps. Accessibility in tourism areas is in the form of asphalt and cement roads. The asphalt road has good quality and is quite good. The cement road has good quality. The results of spatial statistical analysis show the distribution of tourism and health centers have a random spatial pattern.

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Gajah Wong Sub Watershed often experiences a flood incidence that has potentials to destroy and cause material loss so that needed an examination on a flood risk. This study's objective is to map the level of a flood disaster risk zone and its spread in Gajah Wong Sub Watershed, Province of Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study's method used weighing and scoring method with overlay analysis technique of flood risk parameter attribute data consisting of flood hazard, vulnerability and capacity using Geographic Information System (GIS). It complies with Disaster Prevention-National Agency Head's Decree No. 02/2012 with modification. Each parameter is modified, weighing and scoring are used to gain values of attribute data. The results of study indicate that flood risk in Sub Watershed Gajah Wong consisted of 3 levels, namely, low level of flood risk having 440.86 ha (89.22%), medium level of flood risk having 157.81 ha (3.20%) and high level of flood risk having 374.25 ha (7.59%). Low level of flood risk widely dominated distribution to upstream zone covering sub-district of Pakem, sub-district of Ngemplak and sub-district of Ngaglik. Medium level of flood risk was distributed to some middle areas and downstream zone covering some sub-districts, such as part of Umbulharjo, part of Kota Gede and part of Banguntapan. While, high level of flood risk was spread in south part of Depok sub-district and north part of Pleret sub-district.

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Merapi volcano in Central Java is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. However, the area of Mount Merapi is still occupied by many inhabitants. Population growth in disaster prone areas is also quite high, even after a major eruption disaster in 2010. To reduce disaster risk, disaster education is necessary, including by utilizing local knowledge about disasters. This paper aims to (1) identify disaster education through local knowledge in the western and southern flank of Merapi Volcano, (2) reveals the influence of physical environmental conditions on disaster education that is formed. The research is done by geography approach that is environmental approach and emphasize on the theme of geography especially location, place, and human- environment interaction. The results show: (1) There are several forms of disaster education through local knowledge among others in the form of advice, philosophy of life, myths, art, and culture. The educational process is done in various activities of community life, both during pre disaster, disaster, and post disaster. village elders and community leaders are the most influential parties in the disaster education process. However, at present the role of local knowledge in disaster education is relatively poor. (2) There is an influence of the physical environmental conditions on the form of disaster education, especially geomorphological conditions. Geomorphological conditions affect the types of volcanic hazards, thus determining the characteristics of disaster education undertaken. This paper presents alternative methods in disaster education, in an effort to support disaster management that has been done by the government.

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The activities of Merapi Volcano which still pose risks over time require good and sustainable disaster management. Identification of potential water resources that can be utilized in disaster emergency situations is needed to support the management of the disaster. For the southern slope of Merapi Volcano as an area directly affected by the eruption in 2010, the availability of water resources and infrastructure is a very important part to be ensured in the pre-disaster phase. This paper aims: (1) analyze the potential of springs, (2) analyze the spatial pattern of the distribution of springs with the distribution of population settlements, (3) design the use of springs for handling disaster emergencies; in disaster eruption prone area of the southern flank of Merapi Volcano. To achieve these objectives a field survey and secondary data collection were carried out through library research and document tracking. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed descriptively with a geographic approach supported by the application of geographic information system analysis. The results: (1) The area of southern flank of Merapi Volcano has many springs with varying quantity and quality, which generally can be used to meet water resource needs in disaster emergency situations. (2) the distribution of springs in disaster-prone areas is clustered according to geomorphological factors, while the distribution of settlements is random. The pattern of spreading of springs and settlements needs to be considered to determine the spring regulation system to meet the needs of the population, in addition to other considerations, namely population, population density, water needs per capita and administrative factors, (3) in this writing several wells have been chosen which can be used to fulfill needs in disaster emergency situations. In conclusion, the active volcanic area has a very good potential for springs which can be used to meet resource needs in disaster emergency situations. Management of existing potential well is very necessary in supporting sustainable disaster management.

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In the world of photography is very closely related to the unattended aircraft called drones. Drones mounted camera so that the plane is pilot controlled from the mainland. Photography results were seen by the pilot after the drone aircraft landed. Drones are unmanned drones that are controlled remotely. Unmanned aircraft or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), is a flying machine that operates with remote control by the pilot. Technological developments make the drones also start widely applied to civilian needs, especially in the areas of business, industry and logistics. The world of business industry, drones have been applied in various services such as infrastructure monitoring, freight forwarding, forest fires, mining exploration, agricultural mapping, and industrial area mapping. Based on its type, there are two types of drones, namely multicopter and fixed wing. This research use multicopter drone. This study aims to see with aerial photos of flood-prone areas and landslides in Girimulyo District, Kulonprogo Regency. This study used a drone type multicopter The vehicle specifications are as follows: Frame: F450; Flight Controller: DJI Naza M-Lite; Propeller: 1045 Prop; motorbike: brushless sunnsky 980 kVa; ESC: Skywalker 40 Ampere 3s; Battery: Ace 3s Gens 5000mAH; Remote: Turnigy 9XR with Frsky Tanseiver; and camera: Xiaomi Yi 4k International edition. The height of a multicopter drone reaches 30 meters, can take an area of up to 1 km and a flight time of 15 minutes. The Kulonprogo Regional Government greatly appreciated the mapping research for the mapping AREA OF FLOOD WITH Drone Multicopter in Girimulyo, Kulonprogo.

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Since the occurrence of eruption in 2010, volcanic activity of Merapi volcano increased several times. Cangkringan district was the most affected area with highest level of damage. Learned from the 2010 eruption, mitigation action was developed by preparing more and adequate evacuation shelters. During period of staying in evacuation shelter, primary necessity of clean water for the refugees needed to be fulfilled. Groundwater was considerated to be the alternative source to fulfill the needs of clean water for the refugeess in evacuation shelters. However, the amount of groundwater sources on the area of evacuation shelter had to be able to meet the domestic water necessity of all refugeess. This research aimed to measure the potential's amount of groundwater on the surrounding area of evacuation shelter, particularly in Cangkringan district, and to identify the capability of groundwater to fulfill the refugees's domestic water necessity in the evacuation shelter in Cangkringan district. Dynamic groundwater discharge method by Darcy model was used to measure the prediction of potential groundwater. The result showed potential of groundwater in Cangkringan were as much 88,417.2 m3/day or 88,417.200 liter/day. Total water necessity of refugees in Cangkringan was 335,700 liters/day. Compared to the prediction value of groundwater potential, the total water necessity of refugees in Cangkringan was able to be fulfilled.

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The research did in Jakarta Province with school area focus. Nowadays, Jakarta is the capitol area with high risk potentials occurence. As the capitol, Jakarta have many schools area. However, there are many potentials hazard in each school (two of schools) with number of risk element. the area are SMP Muhammadiyah 36 Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur and SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jakarta Selatan. The element at risk at schools are human, building, vehicles and other. The methode used VISUS. The VISUS is Visual Inspection for Safety Upgrading Strategis. It is the way of identify hazard at education area for safety with focus in weakness to hazard (vulnerability), number of safety (capacity) and magnitude of hazard. The identifying see of physic area visibility. The focus assessment hazard were earthquake, flood, and fire. Stage of observe are prepare, survey then input the data. Futhermore, surveying process at schools have three puposes. Those are identify location, surround area, building inside and outside. The identify process did the identify process did by surveyors who have certified form UNESCO. The surveyors used of VISUS application support which is developed by UNESCO to identify all items focus at schools. the result is identity of data schools based on hazard observe in surround.

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Emergencies of natural disasters often occur suddenly. In an effort to reduce disaster risk, good preparedness is needed, especially in the locations that become the center of activities, one of which is elementary school. The school is responsible for ensuring the safety of its citizens in disaster emergencies, especially elementary schools whose students are included in the vulnerable age group. On the other hand, schools as educational institutions should also be able to play a role in increasing students' knowledge and skills concerning disasters. Students are the fastest agents of knowledge transfer from school to their families and communities. Therefore, early child empowerment to understand disaster risk reduction is very important and useful. In disaster-prone areas of Merapi eruption, there are many elementary schools. With the potential for eruption hazards in the future, it is necessary to increase the role of elementary schools in building preparedness in facing disasters. The purpose of this paper is to identify how to improve the role of elementary schools in building disaster preparedness. Through a systematic literature review of 25 journals and books in range year 2006 to 2018, both in English and Indonesian added by a variety of data. This paper tries to present the existing role of primary schools and what efforts are made in enhancing the role. The review highlights some points to enhance the role of elementary school, namely: (1) school plays a very important role in providing understanding to children. (2) Disaster Risk Management Education and disaster preparedness in schools are very important aspects as part of the daily life of the school community. (3) Schools where most of their citizens are children are often seen as vulnerable people while they can actually play a role in disaster risk reduction. (4) Many elementary schools in the disaster-prone areas of Merapi have developed disaster preparedness schools. (5) The role of primary schools can be further enhanced by increasing the role of principals and teachers, implementing disaster education, empowering the role of schools in critical situations, mapping and determining the location of renewed evacuations.

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Mangrove forest has many functions, such as prevention of coastal erosion and seawater intrusion, reduce the risk of hurricane and tsunami, the place for spawning, nursery, and feeding grounds of marine biota, carbon storage, and direct use for human. However, many functions that mangrove has, unsustainable utilization of mangrove make the area of mangrove has decreased. The mangrove forest of Jatikontal, Purwodadi District, Jawa Tengah is studied as a case area that has suffered from degradation and declining the area during some years. Whereas, the south coast of Purworejo has a high risk of a tsunami. This research has aims to know the perception and behaviour of a community with the mangrove forest. The method of collecting data use the questionnaire giving to 30 respondents in Bendo, Jatikontal sub-district. Respondent is chosen with the purposive technique. The result of this study is as much 83.3% respondents have good perception, 16,7% respondents have moderate perception, and no respondent has a low perception of the sustainability of mangrove forests. Most of the community (66,7%) in Dukuh Bendo have a high concern for the preservation of mangrove forests. No single respondent is not concerned about the preservation of mangrove forests.

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This study aims to determine the school vulnerability around Sinabung. This research was conducted in May to August 2018. Spatial analysis was used to determine school vulnerability of Sinabung eruptions. School vulnerability from ash and school vulnerability from eruption area was determined with buffering. There was three categories school vulnerability, namely hight, medium and low. It is known that there are 30 schools into the Sinabung volcanic eruption prone zone, 10 schools are in the volcanic lava flow prone zone, 44 schools are in the vulnerable zone of the Sinabung volcano, 5 schools are affected by lava flows, and 6 schools must be relocated due located in the hight vulnerability zone of Sinabung volcano. The Ministry of Education and Culture has just established and implemented a special disaster prevention education curriculum at all school levels since the 2011-2012 academic year.

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The city of Jambi as the capital of Jambi Province, hold an important role in the development of the region, namely as a National Service Center, the location of the city of Jambi which is located in alluvial causes the city of Jambi often flooded so that in the direction of development of the city need to consider the existence of flood- prone areas. The spatial planning of Jambi City needs to be anticipated through study of the direction of urban development which emphasizes disaster mitigation efforts in the form of a typology of disaster-prone areas, regulating space utilization through regulation of spatial functions and spatial development rules, as well as the rules of spatial forming elements. By delineating the hazard area and development arrangements in the region, the development of the city can be directed to develop a relatively safe area.

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Protection of human life sources is the main goal of disaster management. This paper examines the importance of modeling disasters in a mitigation perspective by tracking and recording flood occurrence. Mitigation is a benchmark for the success of a disaster information. Flood disaster modeling is one form of spatial-based disaster information. This study uses a hydrological approach as a flood analysis, the development of flood analysis in the form of a pool area calculation. The results of the study show that the characteristics of the area that are prone to flood disasters are strongly influenced by the watershed hirological conditions. Hydrological parameters have different influences in an area to form a flood- prone zone. The flood-prone area based on the return period of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years has different zones. Spatial distribution of flood-prone areas is spread in most Cibeurem watersheds, especially located in Sidareja, Gandrungmangu, Kawunganten and Cipari districts.

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Rembang Regency is one of the regencies located in coastal areas which have abundant marine. Rembang Regency is a coastal area that has abundant marine resource potential, besides that there are also threats of coastal abrasion and high erosion, so that efforts are needed to reduce the risk of coastal abrasion. Efforts to reduce abrasion risks carried out are ecosystem-based or Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (EcoDRR) through mangrove conservation. The purpose of this study was to determine mangrove conservation activities as a form of EcoDRR in Rembang Regency. Observation of the mangrove ecosystem is carried out by field observations, as well as secondary data collection. Interviews were conducted with communities, mangrove managers, and local governments to determine the extent to which EcoDRR with mangrove forest conservation had been carried out, as well as benefits and problems. The method used is descriptive explorative. The results showed that the types of abrasion mitigation efforts carried out in Rembang Regency based on natural ecosystems were more effective than artificial ecosystems. Disaster reduction efforts are based on natural ecosystems such as maximizing the presence of mangroves and the ecosystem in them.

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Human activities in meeting their needs such as fulfillment of clothing, food and shelter require people to sacrifice what is around them, for example in agriculture, so people have to burn the forest. For Dayak tribes, forests are also commonly used for farming. So that the role of government and local communities is very important in maintaining the preservation of forest areas, for example by optimizing the role of local wisdom owned by the Kanayatn Dayak community, Bahuma Batahutn. Bahuma Batahutn is a wise way to manage the environment owned by the Kanayatn Dayak tribe. Forest management for daily life with a seasonal calendar system to be planted in the fields. Forest burning as part of land clearing is done in the right way and time so that it naturally does not cause disaster. During the forest burning process, involving many people (family or community) by keeping the points prone to burning and providing water to prevent forest fires.

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Landslide takes a charge about 614 phenomenon with 3,5 milion more victims as long as 2017 in Indonesia. This study aims to: 1) take a measurement of landslide risk level in District Kaligesing, Purworejo Regency, and 2) to arrange alternatives of landslide risk reduction in District Kaligesing, Purworejo Regency. This is a descriptive quantitative research with GIS analysis using Arc.GIS 10.3 application. This study uses spatial and ecological approach. This population study is 147 landuse units. This study using primary data to measure the capacity level of society on disaster and secondary data to measure the vulnerability level. Data collection using observation, documentation, and interview methods. The data analysis techniques is using GIS analysis by scoring and overlay. The results shows that: 1) the variation of landslide risk level in District Kaligesing, Purworejo Regency divided into three classes: high level (9,41 km2), medium level (37,55 km2), and low level (28,94 km2). The percentage of high level is 12.40%, percentage of medium level is 49.47%, and percentage of low level is 38.13%. The highest risk level of landslides is located in Donorejo covering 6.77 km2 or 71.92% of the high-level area and the lowest risk level of landslides is located in Sudorogo covering 0.17 km2 or 0.59% of the low-level areas; 2) the alternatives advice of landslide prevention given through preventive and persuasive methods. The prevention methods such as make any limitation of building plan, and relocation in higher-level areas, infrastructure development at the moderate level, and establishment of sister s and integrated evacuation sites in low-level institutions. Persuasive methods done through grinding functions with disaster management organizations, forming community-based and using social media to give more access information related to landslide disaster.

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The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the potential hazards in coastal tourism activities in Ternate City. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive. The results of the research found prove that Ternate City has potential hazards in coastal tourism activities. The potential hazards are in the form of Tsunamis, Abrasion, changes in ocean currents, Mount Gamalama eruptions, and environmental damage. Ternate City has many potential dangers that can threaten tourists. There needs to be disaster mitigation and the dissemination of potential hazards found in Ternate City, especially in tourism objects.

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The purpose of this study is to determine the factors causing conflict and reconciliation process that has been done by society and government in resolving conflict. This research uses Conflict theory from Johan Galtung and Labeling Theory from George H. Mead. This research uses qualitative approach. Methods of data collection is done by interview, observation, and document. The results showed that conflict between in the pematang panggang community with PSHT martial arts caused by several factors such as the separation of residence between citizens in certain areas and the lack of mutual respect. The government's reconciliation in resolving the conflict is an approach negativepeace which only focuses on solving direct violence.

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Disaster is a series of events that threaten human life, resulting in damage, loss and loss of life. Women are vulnerable groups in the event of a disaster, when there are more women who die. Women are more likely to be victims when a disaster occurs because they have a domestic role that is to take care of the house and children so that when a disaster occurs it is difficult to carry out rescue. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting in-depth interviews. The purpose of this study is to analyze how women's participation in dealing with the risk of flood disasters in Kalianda District, South Lampung Regency. The results of this study are that women participate directly in the Disaster Preparedness Village group by conducting counseling and initiating and participating women in Disaster Preparedness Cadets.

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Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2014, villages in Paciran Subdistrict have high rates of growth, especially in the central development region with surrounding areas, so that the high inequality makes social dynamics that occur in the community in the region. The analysis resulted in the researcher aiming to know 1) the level of regional development in each village in Paciran Subdistrict 2) the level of crime that occurred in Paciran District. Analysis of the data used in this measurement uses a scalogram analysis to determine the level of regional development of social conflicts experienced by the community. The data used in the description are secondary data found in agencies that will be analyzed so that the results can be seen that there is an influence from the level of regional development on the existence of social conflicts that occur in rural communities in Paciran District, Lamongan Regency.

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Borobudur area is identical to the existence of Borobudur Temple which is an international tourist destination, besides that this area actually also has other potential to be developed as a tourist destination, especially tourism which elevates geological and geomorphological uniqueness in the Borobudur Purba Lake region. Based on previous studies identified objects that can be recommended as ecotourism include Springs around Pawon Temple, Former Swamp between Bumisegoro Village and Sabrangrawa Village, Saltwater Eyes in Kaliduren Village, and Elo and Progo River Meetings, some of these objects are then packaged through design spatial planning in order to become an ecotourism that can attract tourists. In addition, on the other hand there is the potential for ecotourism, there is a disaster threat in the area, there are variations in disasters in the ecotourism area, namely landslides and floods, therefore the purpose of this study is 1) Identifying the types of disasters in the Borobudur Ecotourism area 2) Creating a SOP design for disaster management in the Borobudur Ecotourism area, to answer the objectives of the study, this study uses descriptive methods with GIS analysis with buffering methods. From this study produced a SOP for disaster management, for the first object, namely The spring around the Pawon Temple is recommended for the first evacuation route to the wide field in front of Candi Pawon, for the third object, namely the Salty Springs in the Kaliduren Village in handling disasters in this area, it is recommended that the first evacuation route to the bridge above the Springs object be located much higher than the disaster-prone area, for the next object, the Salty Well in Ngentak Village, it is recommended that the first evacuation route go to an open field around the object area, then for the last object, namely the meeting of the Elo and Progo rivers, it is recommended that the first evacuation route to be crossed is towards the upper cliff which is on the courtyard of the residents' house near the object. The SOP for each object has been determined by the network analysis method. Therefore, the most effective pathway for the evacuation maintenance in Borobudur Purba area is obtained.

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This research is about the local wisdom of Girimulyo community in disaster prevention. The purpose of this research is to obtain data and information about local wisdom based on knowledge, understanding, and the way of local wisdom mitigation of landslide disaster in Girimulyo. This type of research is qualitative. There is 5 households selected as sample by using propotional sampling technique. For informants, they were selected using porposive sampling where the people living in Girimulyo were selected as informants were questionnaires analyzed using percentages. Outcomes (1) Local wisdom based on their knowledge can predict it then save themselves elsewhere, (2) Communities have a good understanding to determine what they should do (3) Community mitigation activities are done by preparing all the needs that should be brought. Girimulyo people got information about the disaster from BPBD Kulon Progo government.

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Indonesia is located on the equatorial line result has a tropical climate so prone to hydrometeorological disasters such as landslides, floods,droughts.Disaster must be balanced with a good disaster management so that the Indonesian people are ready to face the incident when a disaster occurs. Disaster management must be implemented by all Indonesian people both women and men without having to distinguish gender. Bima, West Nusa Tenggara is one of the areas that have implemented gender responsive responses. Area of Bima Regency mostly (70%) is a highland textured mountains so prone to landslides and flash floods because it is in the hills. Disasters require sensitivity and involvement of all sections of society, including women. This research method is descriptive qualitative with CVA gender analysis (Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis). The purpose of this study is to examine the participation of women in disaster management such as women participation in Kelompok Siaga Bencana (KSB) and Women Champion Groups in their participation in the event of a disaster. The involvement has not been comprehensive and there are still many women who have not participated due to gender inequality. Women participation is at least sufficient to demonstrate that women have a capacity for disaster management.

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Flooding is a natural phenomenon that often occurs in various countries including in Indonesia. Flooding is the process of rainwater overflow that occurs in large quantities with uncontrolled flow and crashing into an area or settlement due to not being able to accommodate large enough water discharge and causing overflowing of rivers, lakes, or ditches, so that the water inundates the surrounding land . In flood disasters in Indonesia there are major factors in the occurrence of flood disasters namely natural factors, and human factors. In improving flood mitigation must involve the participation of the community, especially the local community, without supporting community participation, the disaster mitigation program will not be realized, where community participation includes environmental cleanliness and illegal logging ban which is one of the flood mitigation efforts, where this is very important in carrying out activities prior to the flood disaster.

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The large number of casualties and physical and material losses are opaque protests of the bad management of disasters in Indonesia. The impact of natural disasters in Indonesia should have been minimized and avoided considering that Indonesia is a disaster-prone country because it is located at the confluence of the three major plates of the world and is the ring of fire. The community is not familiar with the condition of the environment where they live is a major factor in the many casualties and losses due to disasters. By introducing people to geographic literacy, people can get to know the environment and manage disasters properly. This article will discuss the role of geographic literacy relating to understanding the community's environment that can help manage disasters in pre-disaster, emergency response, and postdisaster actions in Indonesia.

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This research was conducted in Pagedongan sub-district, Banjarnegara. Banjarnegara is a region with a high vulnerability to landslides with its topography. The purpose of this research are (1) to know the spread of landslide vulnerability in research area, (2) to arrange disaster mitigation effort to reduce landslide disaster. The method used is survey method with descriptive analysis. The landslide vulnerability map is derived from the unit unit of land analysis by weighting each parameter by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Analysis of land units obtained from overlay parameters maps that have determined weight using ArcGIS application. Analytical Hierarchy Process is an analysis in decision making that is measured to get priority scale.

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One of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and even in the world is Mount Merapi, which is located in the Special Province of Yogyakarta and Central Java Province. Merapi Volcano eruption has been going on since 1000 AD with a span of once in a period of 1-7 years and a period of inactivity of a maximum of 12 years. Knowledge of disaster mitigation among students is expected to be able to build preparedness. Student preparedness is built to minimize casualties. One effort to build student preparedness is to use a map-based mitigation guide. This study aims to produce MICHARUMI (Minibook Keychain Eruption Mitigation) as a Map-Based Eruption Mitigation Handbook for High School Students. This study uses the RnD (Research and Development) research method which is adapted from the Sugiono development model. The result of this work is a small book that has hangers and contains about eruption mitigation, evacuation steps, and evacuation path maps, so this book can be an easy-to-use guide during critical situations.

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Indonesia is a forming area for tropical cyclones. Because the geographical location of Indonesia is located at the Equator so that it is influenced by the Coriolis style. Most tropical cyclones are formed in between 10° and 20° areas from the equator. So that tropical cyclones only occur in the Indian Ocean and in the northern region of Indonesia (south China sea and western Pacific). Tropical cyclones are storms with great strength. The average radius of a tropical cyclone reaches 150 to 200 km. Tropical cyclones are usually sea surface temperatures, more than 26.5 C. Strong winds have speeds of more than 63 km / h which affect the intensity of rainfall in Indonesia [1]

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An earthquake is a natural disaster that is often found in the world, this is triggered by the movement of plates or the effects of volcanic eruptions. Indonesia is one country that has a high level of earthquake vulnerability because Indonesia is flanked by two of the world's great oceans (Indian and Pacific oceans), Indonesia is at the confluence of the world's three main plates (Indo-Australian plate, Eurasian plate, and Pacific plate), and very diverse Indonesian surface conditions (relief). Efforts to mitigate disasters have been carried out for how to minimize casualties and physical losses that have fallen, one of them is by making houses earthquake resistant. This article aims to analyze the characteristics of earthquake resistant homes with the aim of minimizing the impact of an earthquake.