CITIES conference is an annual conference event held by the Departement of Urban and Regional Planning. CITIES conference has a scale from national to international conference. CITIES conference had been held 7 (seven) times nationally and 3 (three) times Internationally in 2013, 2015 and 2017. The purpose of this conference is to provide publications of all of the science and technology result based on research and planning practices. The past themes of the CITIES serial are:
- Innovations In Spatial Planning Practices for Development and Decentralization (2005);
- In Search of Integration: Between Planning and Spatial Programming (2008);
- Toward Sustainable, Competitive, and Autonomous Spatial Planning (2009);
- Facing the Future: Innovation In Planning Research and Practices (2010);
- Spatial Planning Research Agenda for Sustainable and Just Urban and Regional Development (2011);
- Facing Global Challenges In The Future Urban Sphere (2012);
- Resilient Cities: Beyond mitigation, preparedness, response, dan recovery (2013);
- Eco City, Utopia or Reality (2014);
- Intelligent Planning Towards Smart Cities (2015);
- Coastal Planning for Sustainable Maritime Development (2016);
This 2017 CITIES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE is featuring topic in: Multi Persepectives on Peri-Urban Dynamics Towards Sustainable Developments. Focusing on the urban and peri-urban connections, issues, challenges and dynamics development of peri urban, this conference aim to provide the insights in many aspects of the developments towards the future which not only considering urban area but also focusing in the peri-urban.
Some results that can be concluded in this proceedings are: 1).Better predictions on the urban and sub urban development is equal with better planning, there are many new modelling approaches that presented in this conferences from land use, transportation to smart applications, 2). The emerging development of peri urban often facing the infrastructure and land use issues and 3). The urban that recently need to be revitalized not only on the sense of economic and land use but also gaining social and humanistic approaches to be creative space and igniting the place attachment in the city.