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Reduction of a symplectic-like Lie algebroid with momentum map and its application to fiberwise linear Poisson structures

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Published 4 April 2012 © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Juan Carlos Marrero et al 2012 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45 165201 DOI 10.1088/1751-8113/45/16/165201



This paper addresses the problem of developing an extension of the Marsden–Weinstein reduction process to symplectic-like Lie algebroids, and in particular to the case of the canonical cover of a fiberwise linear Poisson structure, whose reduction process is the analog to cotangent bundle reduction in the context of Lie algebroids.

Dedicated to the memory of Jerrold E Marsden

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1. Introduction

1.1. Preliminaries

A smooth and proper action of a Lie group G on a symplectic manifold (M, Ω) is called a Hamiltonian if G acts by symplectomorphisms and it admits a coadjoint equivariant momentum map $J:M\rightarrow \mathfrak {g}^*$ satisfying the compatibility condition

where $\xi _M\in \mathfrak {X}(M)$ is the fundamental vector field corresponding to the Lie algebra element ξ. The Marsden–Weinstein symplectic reduction process introduced in [20] states that if μ is a regular value of J, and Gμ, the stabilizer of μ for the coadjoint representation, acts freely and properly on J−1(μ), then the quotient J−1(μ)/Gμ is a smooth manifold with a naturally induced 'reduced' symplectic form Ωμ. The identity characterizing Ωμ is

where ιμ: J−1(μ)↪M and πμ: J−1(μ) → J−1(μ)/Gμ are the natural inclusion and projection, respectively.

One can look at the particular and important case when our symplectic structure is not on M, but on its cotangent bundle T*M, and the action of G is the cotangent lift of an action on M. In this case, the lifted action is automatically Hamiltonian with respect to the canonical symplectic form on T*M given in trivializing local coordinates by Ωc = dxi∧dyi. It can be shown that an equivariant momentum map for this action is given by

Equation (1.1)

The reduction theory for lifted actions on cotangent bundles was first studied in [26], where only the case of Abelian actions was addressed. The general case was treated in [1] and [12]. The set of results emerging from those and other references is usually known as cotangent bundle reduction. We will expose here the basic lines of this subject and refer to [18, 23] for a more detailed survey. We will assume from now on that the action of G on M is free and proper.

For the case of lifted actions, due to the particularities of the fibered geometry, we can distinguish different situations for the choice of momentum value. These cases are (1) μ = 0, (2) Gμ = G and (3) general values of J. The theory of cotangent bundle reduction establishes the existence of maps from the abstract symplectic reduced spaces to certain cotangent bundles equipped with canonical symplectic forms possibly deformed by a magnetic term. The different possibilities are

  • μ = 0. There is a symplectomorphism
  • Gμ = G. There is a symplectomorphism
  • General μ. There is a symplectic embedding

In the last two cases, the magnetic term Bμ is the pullback by the cotangent bundle projection of a closed two-form on M/Gμ. This two-form is obtained, for example, via the choice of a principal connection for the fibration MM/Gμ.

Note also that in the case Gμ = G (which corresponds to values of J for which their coadjoint orbits are trivial), we have M/Gμ = M/G. Therefore, topologically, all the reduced spaces for momentum values μ with trivial coadjoint orbits are equivalent to the same space T*(M/G), and their symplectic forms differ only possibly in the terms Bμ.

This paper develops a generalization of the reduction theory reviewed above for general symplectic manifolds and the particular case of cotangent bundles, to the setup of Lie algebroids. For general Marsden–Weinstein reduction, this happens when one substitutes the tangent bundle TM of a symplectic manifold M by a more general symplectic vector bundle A over M (a symplectic-like Lie algebroid). For cotangent bundle reduction, the generalization consists of substituting TM by a general Lie algebroid A, and T(T*M) by a special construction called the canonical cover (or the prolongation of A over A* following the terminology of [13]) of A*, which happens to be a symplectic-like Lie algebroid. The latter generalization is a particular case of the former, and both cases coincide with Marsden–Weinstein reduction and cotangent bundle reduction, respectively, when A is just the tangent bundle of M. In the remainder of this section, we will give an overview of the new results of this paper.

1.2. Reduction for Lie algebroids

A Lie algebroid is a natural generalization of the tangent bundle to a manifold. It consists of a vector bundle AM equipped with a certain geometric structure that allows us to generalize on the one hand, the Lie algebra of vector fields on M to a Lie algebra structure [[ ·, ·]] on the space of sections of A, and on the other, the exterior derivative on differential forms to the derivation dA of the exterior algebra of multi-sections of A*. The general theory of Lie algebroids is reviewed in section 2. We remark that giving a Lie algebroid structure on the vector bundle A is equivalent to giving a linear Poisson bivector on the dual vector bundle A* of A.

In order to study the reduction process for a Lie algebroid AM, we introduce in subsection 3.1 the notion of an action by complete lifts on A as an action Φ: G × AA of a Lie group G by vector bundle automorphisms of a Lie group G on A together with a Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi : {\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ such that the infinitesimal generator of $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ with respect to Φ is just the complete lift of ψ(ξ); or equivalently, an action Φ: G × A* → A* on the dual vector bundle A* by Poisson automorphisms such that the infinitesimal generator of ξ is just the Hamiltonian vector field (with respect to the linear Poisson structure on A*) of the linear function associated with the section ψ(ξ) ∈ Γ(A). The standard example of an action by complete lifts on the Lie algebroid TM is the tangent lift of an action on M.

If Φ: G × AA is a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G on the Lie algebroid A by complete lifts, then in section 3 we construct an affine action ΦT: TG × AA of the tangent Lie group TG such that the orbit space A/TG is a Lie algebroid over the reduced manifold M/G corresponding to the induced action ϕ: G × MM of G on the base manifold M of the Lie algebroid A. Moreover, we prove that the projection $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A/TG$ is a Lie algebroid morphism (see theorem 3.6).

1.3. Reduction for symplectic-like Lie algebroids

The main idea behind the generalization of symplectic reduction to Lie algebroids consists of realizing that a symplectic manifold can be seen as a Lie algebroid endowed with a symplectic vector space structure on each fiber varying smoothly. Under this point of view, the Lie algebroid is nothing but the tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold, and the symplectic structure on the fibers is the evaluation of the symplectic form to each point. The fact that the symplectic form is closed can then be interpreted as being closed as a differential two-form on the Lie algebroid. This situation can be extended to an arbitrary Lie algebroid, not necessarily the tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold. Therefore, the setup for this paper will be a symplectic-like Lie algebroid, i.e. a Lie algebroid AM equipped with a non-degenerate smooth 2-section Ω ∈ Γ(∧2A*) satisfying dAΩ = 0 and an action Φ: G × AA of a Lie group G by complete lifts on A.

The main result of subsection 3.2 is to obtain a Lie algebroid version of the Marsden–Weinstein reduction for symplectic manifolds. Firstly, we will consider a momentum map $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ for the action ϕ: G × MM which allows us to define an equivariant map $J^T:A\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*\times {\mathfrak g}^*$ for the affine action ΦT: TG × AA. Then, in theorem 3.11, we describe the Lie algebroid analog of the Marsden–Weinstein reduction scheme. It states that under a regularity condition involving a value $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ of J, the quotient Aμ := (JT)−1(0, μ)/TGμ is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid over J−1(μ)/Gμ. If Ω is the symplectic-like section on A and $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu :({J^T})^{-1}(0,\mu )\rightarrow A_\mu$ and $\widetilde{\iota }_\mu :({J^T})^{-1}(0,\mu )\rightarrow A$ are the canonical projection and inclusion, respectively, then the reduced symplectic-like section Ωμ on Aμ is characterized by the condition

It is well known that the base manifold of a symplectic-like Lie algebroid has an induced Poisson structure (see [13, 11, 16]). Then, as a consequence of the reduction theorem for symplectic-like Lie algebroids, it is shown in theorem 3.13 that the Poisson structures on the base manifolds of the original and reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroids are related in a similar way. Namely, if { ·, ·} denotes the Poisson structure on M induced by Ω and { ·, ·}μ is the corresponding structure on J−1(μ)/Gμ induced by the reduced symplectic-like section Ωμ, then

where πμ: J−1(μ) → J−1(μ)/Gμ and ιμ: J−1(μ) → M are the canonical projection and the inclusion, respectively, $\tilde{f}, \tilde{g}$ are functions on J−1(μ)/Gμ and f, g are G-invariant extensions to M of ${\tilde{f}}\circ \pi _\mu$ and ${\tilde{g}}\circ \pi _\mu$, respectively. That is, the reduction obtained on the base manifold of the Lie algebroid is just the Marsden–Ratiu reduction for Poisson manifolds [19].

In [2], a theory of reduction for Courant algebroids is presented. A symplectic-like Lie algebroid A induces a Lie bialgebroid and therefore a Courant algebroid on AA* (see [14]). Then, one may apply this Courant reduction process to AA* and could recover, after a long computation, some results described in section 3.2. However, we focus our study in the reduction of the particular case of symplectic-like Lie algebroids which allows us to obtain more explicit results on this type of reduction.

1.4. Reduction for canonical covers of fiberwise linear Poisson structures

Section 4 studies, within the framework of symplectic-like Lie algebroids, the situation equivalent to cotangent bundle reduction. In this case, the generalization goes as follows. First, the cotangent bundle over a manifold M is replaced by A*, the dual of a Lie algebroid AM, and then we consider the canonical cover of A* (also known as the prolongation of A over A*), denoted by ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$. This is a natural construction on the dual of a Lie algebroid, which happens to be in a canonical way, a symplectic-like Lie algebroid with the base manifold A*. If A is the tangent bundle of M, then ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is just T(T*M). If there is a suitable action of a Lie group G by complete lifts on A, this action can be further lifted to the canonical cover of A*, in a natural way, and this lifted action happens to be a morphism of symplectic-like Lie algebroids. Furthermore, one may define an equivariant momentum map on A* (the base space of ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$) in a similar way as how the classical momentum map (1.1) on T*M is introduced. In general, it is not possible to find an equivariant momentum map for a Poisson action (see, for instance, [8]). However, for the case of the Poisson action Φ*: G × A* → A* associated with an action Φ: G × AA by complete lifts, an equivariant momentum map is described.

Applying the reduction theory of symplectic-like Lie algebroids just developed, we know that the reduction of ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ at any momentum value is again a symplectic-like Lie algebroid. However, as in the situation of cotangent bundle reduction, it is expected that the extra properties of the symplectic-like Lie algebroid, in this case the prolonged fibered structure, will be recovered in the quotient in some way. This is the content of the results of section 5, for which the obtained new results reduce to the standard cotangent bundle reduction theory in the case that the starting Lie algebroid AM is the standard Lie algebroid TM. In subsection 5.1, it is shown (theorem 5.1) that if μ = 0, there is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid isomorphism between the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid (JT)−1(0, 0)/TG and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$. Here A0M/G is a Lie algebroid with total space A/TG. The case Gμ = G is studied in subsection 5.2. There it is shown that (JT)−1(0, μ)/TGμ is also isomorphic to ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$, but in this case this isomorphism is canonical between the symplectic-like Lie algebroids if the canonical symplectic-like section on ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ is modified by the addition of a twisting term which consists of the lift to ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ of a closed 2-section of A*0. This is the content of theorem 5.2. Finally, subsection 5.3, in its main result, theorem 5.3 shows that for the most general momentum values, (JT)−1(0, μ)/TGμ is canonically embedded as a Lie subalgebroid of ${\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*$, where A0, μ is the Lie algebroid A/TGμ over M/Gμ, and the prolongation ${\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*$ is equipped with its canonical symplectic-like section minus a magnetic term, just as in the Gμ = G case.

As far as we know, there is similar research being done independently by Martínez [22]. In addition, in the same direction, some similar results in the more general setting of Lie bialgebroids has been discussed in [25].

2. Lie algebroids

Let A be a vector bundle of rank n over the manifold M of dimension m and let τ: AM be its vector bundle projection. Denote by Γ(A) the C(M)-module of sections of τ: AM. A Lie algebroid structure ([[ ·, ·]], ρ) on A is a Lie bracket [[ ·, ·]] on the space Γ(A) and a bundle map ρ: ATM, called the anchor map, such that we also denote by $\rho :\Gamma (A)\rightarrow {\mathfrak X}(M)$ the homomorphism of C(M)-modules induced by the anchor map satisfying

Equation (2.1)

The triple (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) is called a Lie algebroid over M (see [15]). In such a case, the anchor map $\rho :\Gamma (A)\rightarrow {\mathfrak X}(M)$ is a homomorphism between the Lie algebras (Γ(A), [[ ·, ·]]) and $({\mathfrak X}(M),[\cdot ,\cdot ])$.

If (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) is a Lie algebroid, one can define a cohomology operator, which is called the differential of A, $d^A:\Gamma (\wedge ^kA^*)\longrightarrow \Gamma (\wedge ^{k+1}A^*)$ as follows:

Equation (2.2)

for μ ∈ Γ(∧kA*) and X0, ..., Xk ∈ Γ(A). Moreover, if X ∈ Γ(A) one may introduce, in a natural way, the Lie derivate for multisections of A* with respect to X, as the operator ${\mathcal L}_X^A:\Gamma (\wedge ^k A^*)\longrightarrow \Gamma (\wedge ^{k} A^*)$ given by ${\mathcal L}_X^A=i_X\circ d^A+d^A\circ i_X$ (see [15]). The Lie derivative of a multisection P ∈ Γ(∧kA) of A with respect to X is the k-section ${\mathcal L}^A_XP$ on A characterized by

with αi ∈ Γ(A*).

If (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) is a Lie algebroid, we have a natural linear Poisson structure $\Pi _{A^*}$ on the dual vector bundle A* characterized as follows:

Equation (2.3)

for X, Y ∈ Γ(A) and fM, hMC(M), τ*: A* → M being the canonical projection. Here, $\widehat{X}$ and $\widehat{Y}$ denote the linear functions on A* induced by the sections X and Y, respectively. Conversely, if A* is endowed with a linear Poisson structure $\Pi _{A^*}$, then it induces a Lie algebroid structure on A characterized by (2.3) (see [4]).

Now, suppose that (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) and (A', [[ ·, ·]]', ρ') are Lie algebroids over M and M', respectively, and that F: AA' is a vector bundle morphism over the map f: MM'. Then, F is said to be a Lie algebroid morphism if

Equation (2.4)

Here, F*α' denotes the section of the vector bundle ∧kA* → M defined by

Equation (2.5)

for xM and a1, ..., akAx.

If F: AA' is a vector bundle isomorphism over a diffeomorphism f: MM', then the dual isomorphism F*: (A')* → A* over f−1: M' → M is defined as follows:

for x' ∈ M', $\alpha ^{\prime }_{x^{\prime }}\in (A^{\prime })^*_{x^{\prime }}$ and $a_{f^{-1}(x^{\prime })}\in A_{f^{-1}(x^{\prime })}.$

Moreover, we have that F is a Lie algebroid isomorphism if and only if F* is a Poisson isomorphism, that is,

If F is a Lie algebroid morphism, f is an injective immersion and $F_{|A_x}:A_x\rightarrow A^{\prime }_{f(x)}$ is injective for all xM, then (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) is said to be a Lie subalgebroid of (A', [[ ·, ·]]', ρ').

Let $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A^{\prime }$ be an epimorphism of vector bundles over π: MM', i.e. π is a submersion and for each xM, $\widetilde{\pi }_x:A_x\rightarrow A^{\prime }_{\pi (x)}$ is an epimorphism of vector spaces. If X: MA is a section of A, we said that X is $\widetilde{\pi }$-projectable if there is X' ∈ Γ(A') such that the following diagram is commutative:

In the next proposition, we will describe the necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain a Lie algebroid structure on A' such that $\widetilde{\pi }$ is a Lie algebroid morphism.

Proposition 2.1 ([10]). Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid and $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A^{\prime }$ an epimorphism of vector bundles. Then, there is a Lie algebroid structure on A' such that $\widetilde{\pi }$ is a Lie algebroid epimorphism if and only if the following conditions hold.

  • (i)  
    [[X, Y]] is a $\widetilde{\pi }$-projectable section of A, for all X, Y ∈ Γ(A) $\widetilde{\pi }$-projectable sections of A.
  • (ii)  
    $[\! [X,Y]\! ]\in \Gamma (\ker \widetilde{\pi })$, for all X, Y ∈ Γ(A) with X ∈ Γ(A) a $\widetilde{\pi }$-projectable section of A and $Y\in \Gamma (\ker \widetilde{\pi }).$

An equivalent dual version of this result was proved in [3].

Let X be a section of the Lie algebroid A. The vertical lift of X is the vector field on A given by Xv(a) = X(τ(a))va for aA, where  va: Aτ(a)Ta(Aτ(a)) is the canonical isomorphism of vector spaces.

On the other hand, there is a unique vector field Xc on A, the complete lift of X to A, such that Xc is τ-projectable on ρ(X) and $X^c(\widehat{\alpha })=\widehat{{\mathcal L}_X^A\alpha }$ for all α ∈ Γ(A*) (see [5, 6]). Here $\widehat{\beta }$, with β ∈ Γ(A*), is the linear function on A induced by β.

We have that, for all X, Y ∈ Γ(A),

Equation (2.6)

The flow of $X^c\in {\mathfrak X}(A)$ is related with the Lie algebroid structure of A as follows.

Proposition 2.2 ([7, 21]). Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid over M and X a section of A. Then, for all P ∈ Γ(∧kA) (respectively, α ∈ Γ(∧kA*))

  • (i)  
    there exists a local flow φs: AA which covers smooth maps $\bar{\varphi }_s:M\rightarrow M$ such that
    Equation (2.7)
  • (ii)  
    ${\mathcal L}_X^AP=0$ if and only if (φs)*P = P,
  • (iii)  
    ${\mathcal L}_X^A\alpha =0$ if and only if φ*sα = α,
  • (iv)  
    the vector field Xc on A is complete if and only if the vector field ρ(X) on M is complete.

Here, (φs)*P is the section of ∧kAM defined by

for all xM and α1, ..., αkA*x.

If X is a section of A, we define the complete lift of X to A*, as the vector field X*c on A* which is τ*-projectable on ρ(X) and $X^{*c}(\widehat{Y})=\widehat{[\! [X,Y]\! ]},$ for all Y ∈ Γ(A) (see [13]). If {φs} is the local flow of Xc, then the local flow of X*c is {φ*s}.

If (xi) are local coordinates on M and {eI} is a local basis of sections of A, then we have the local functions ρiI, CKIJ (the structure functions of A) on M which are characterized by

If (xi, yI) (respectively, (xi, yI)) denote the local coordinates on A (respectively, A*) induced by the local basis {eI} (respectively, the dual basis {eI}) then, for a section X = XIeI of A, the vector fields Xv, Xc and X*c are given by

Equation (2.8)

Equation (2.9)

3. Reduction of symplectic-like Lie algebroids in the presence of a momentum map

3.1. Actions by complete lifts for Lie algebroids

Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid over the manifold M and let τ: AM be the corresponding vector bundle projection. We consider a left action Φ: G × AA by vector bundle automorphisms of a connected Lie group G on A. Then, Φ induces a linear left action Φ*: G × A* → A* given by

where ϕ: G × MM is the corresponding action of G on M.

We say that Φ: G × AA is an action by complete lifts if there is a Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ such that the infinitesimal generator of $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ with respect to Φ is just the complete lift of ψ(ξ) to A. Note that this condition implies that ξM = ρ(ψ(ξ)), where ξM is the infinitesimal generator of the action ϕ: G × MM with respect to ξ. Moreover, ψ(ξ)c is a morphic vector field in the sense of [17] and therefore, for all gG, Φg: AA is a Lie algebroid automorphism. Thus, the induced action Φ*: G × A* → A* of G on A* is Poisson with respect to the corresponding linear Poisson structure on A*. Furthermore, we have the following result.

Proposition 3.1. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid on the manifold M, Φ: G × AA an action by vector bundle automorphisms of a connected Lie group G on A and $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ a Lie algebra anti-morphism. Then, Φ: G × AA is an action of the Lie group G on A by complete lifts with respect to ψ if and only if Φ*: G × A* → A* is an action on A* by Poisson morphisms such that the infinitesimal generator $\xi _{A^*}$ associated with $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ is just the Hamiltonian vector field corresponding to the linear function $\widehat{\psi (\xi )}$ associated with the section ψ(ξ) ∈ Γ(A).

Proof. Denote by $\Pi _{A^*}$ the linear Poisson structure on A*. We will prove that the Hamiltonian vector field

is just the infinitesimal generator $\xi _{A^*}\in {\mathfrak X}(A^*)$ of ξ with respect to the action Φ*. In fact, if fC(M) and X ∈ Γ(A), using (2.3), we have that

Here, $\lbrace \cdot ,\cdot \rbrace _{\Pi _{A^*}}$ is the Poisson bracket associated with A*. Thus, $H_{\widehat{\psi (\xi )}}^{\Pi _{A^*}}=(\psi (\xi ))^{*c}$.

On the other hand, the flow of $(\psi (\xi ))^{c}\in {\mathfrak X}(A)$ is $\lbrace \Phi _{\exp (t\xi )}:A\rightarrow A\rbrace _{t\in \mathbb {R}}$ if and only if the flow of $(\psi (\xi ))^{*c}\in {\mathfrak X}( A^*)$ is $\lbrace \Phi ^*_{\exp (-t\xi )}:A^*\rightarrow A^*\rbrace _{t\in \mathbb {R}}$ and, in consequence, we have that the proposition holds.

Examples 3.2. 

  • (i)  
    If A = TM and Φ = Tϕ is the tangent lift of the action ϕ: G × MM, then it is clear that Φ is an action by complete lifts with Lie anti-morphism
  • (ii)  
    Let G be Lie group. If $({\mathfrak g},[\cdot ,\cdot ]_{\mathfrak g})$ is the Lie algebra associated with G, then we have, in a natural way, a Lie algebroid structure on ${\mathfrak g}\times TM\rightarrow M,$ where the Lie bracket and the anchor map are characterized by
    for all $\xi _1,\xi _2,\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ and $X_1,X_2,X\in {\mathfrak X}(M).$

Now, consider a free and proper action ϕ: G × MM of G on the manifold M. We denote by $\Phi :G\times ({\mathfrak g}\times TM)\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}\times TM$ and $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma ({\mathfrak g}\times TM)\cong C^\infty (M,{\mathfrak g})\times {\mathfrak X}(M)$ the action of G on ${\mathfrak g}\times TM$ and the Lie algebra anti-morphism, respectively, given by

where $Ad^G:G\times {\mathfrak g}\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ is the adjoint action of G on ${\mathfrak g}.$ Note that if $ad^G_{{\bar{\xi }}}:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ denotes the infinitesimal generator of the adjoint action for ${{\bar{\xi }}}\in {\mathfrak g},$ then the infinitesimal generator of $\bar{\xi }\in {\mathfrak g}$ with respect Φ is just $(ad^G_{\bar{\xi }},\bar{\xi }_M^c).$ Thus, Φ is a free and proper action by complete lifts with respect to ψ.

Remark 3.3. Suppose that we have an action Φ: G × AA of a Lie group G on a Lie algebroid A by complete lifts with respect to $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ such that the corresponding action ϕ: G × MM on M is free. In such a case, for all xM, $\psi _x:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow A_x$ is injective. Indeed, if $\xi ,\xi ^{\prime }\in {\mathfrak g}$ satisfy ψx(ξ) = ψx(ξ'), we have that ξM(x) = ρ(ψx(ξ)) = ρ(ψx(ξ')) = ξ'M(x) which implies, using the fact that ϕ is free, that ξ = ξ'.

Next, we will prove that each action of a connected Lie group G over a Lie algebroid A by complete lifts induces an affine action of the Lie group TG over A. Previously, we recalled some facts which were related to the Lie group structure of TG.

If G is a Lie group then TG is also a Lie group. In fact, if · : G × GG denotes the multiplication of G, then the tangent map T · : TG × TGTG of · is such that (TG, T · ) is a Lie group. Moreover, TG may be identified with the Cartesian product $G\times {\mathfrak g}$, where $({\mathfrak g},[\cdot ,\cdot ]_{\mathfrak g})$ is the corresponding Lie algebra associated with G. This identification is given by

$l_{g^{-1}}:G\rightarrow G$ being the left translation by g−1 on G. The corresponding Lie group structure on $G\times {\mathfrak g}$ is defined as follows:

Equation (3.1)

and its associated Lie algebra is ${\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}$ with the Lie bracket

Equation (3.2)

Here $Ad^G:G\times {\mathfrak g}\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ denotes the adjoint action of G.

Moreover, if $Coad^{TG}:(G\times {{\mathfrak g}})\times ({{\mathfrak g}}^*\times {\mathfrak g}^*) \rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^* \times {\mathfrak g}^*$ is the left coadjoint action of $TG\cong G\times {\mathfrak g}$ on the dual space of the Lie algebra $({\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}, [ \cdot ,\cdot ]_{\mathfrak g\times {\mathfrak g}})$, then

Equation (3.3)

for $(g,\xi )\in G\times {\mathfrak g}$ and $(\mu ^{\prime },\mu ^{\prime \prime })\in {\mathfrak g}^*\times {\mathfrak g}^*$, where $Coad ^G:G\times {\mathfrak g}^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ is the left coadjoint action associated with G and $coad^G:{\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ is the corresponding infinitesimal left coadjoint action.

The following proposition describes how ψ works with respect to the action Φ.

Proposition 3.4. Let Φ: G × AA be an action of a connected Lie group G on the Lie algebroid A by complete lifts with respect to $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$. Then,

Equation (3.4)

for all $\xi \in {\mathfrak g},$ gG and xM.

Proof. We organize the proof in two steps.

First step. Suppose that G is a connected and simply connected Lie group. Consider the map

Using (2.6), we may prove easily that ψcv is an infinitesimal action of TG over A, that is, ψcv is $\mathbb {R}$-linear and

Then, since the vector field $\psi ^{cv}(\xi ,\eta )\in {\mathfrak X}(A)$ is complete, from Palais theorem (see [24]), there is a unique action ΦT: TG × AA from $TG\cong G\times {\mathfrak g}$ such that for all $(\xi ,\eta )\in {\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}$

Here $(\xi ,\eta )_A\in {\mathfrak X}(A)$ is the infinitesimal generator of (ξ, η) with respect to the action ΦT.

Now, suppose that g = exp G(η). Then, we have that

Equation (3.5)

with $0_{\mathfrak g}$ being the zero of ${\mathfrak g}.$ In fact, one can prove that

Equation (3.6)

is a one-parameter subgroup and $\frac{{\rm d}\pi }{{\rm d}s}_{|s=0}=(\eta ,0_{\mathfrak g})$. So, $\Phi ^T((\exp _G(s\eta ),0_{\mathfrak g}),\psi (Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi (x))$ is just the integral curve of $\phi ^T(\eta , 0_{\mathfrak g})=(\psi (\eta ))^c$ at the point $\psi (Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi )(x)\in A_x.$ In consequence,

In particular, when s = 1, we obtain (3.5).


Equation (3.7)

where 0x is the zero of Ax and e is the identity element of G.

In fact, in order to prove (3.7), we consider the one-parameter subgroup

Equation (3.8)

Then, $\frac{{\rm d}\pi ^{\prime }}{{\rm d}s}_{|s=0}=(0_{\mathfrak g},Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi )\in {\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}$ and, therefore, $\Phi ^T((e,sAd^G_{g^{-1}}\xi ),0_x))$ is just the integral curve of $\psi ^{cv} (0_{\mathfrak g},Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi )=(\psi (Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi ))^v\in {\mathfrak X}(A)$ at the point 0xAx, i.e.

In particular, if s = 1 we obtain (3.7).

Now, from (3.1), (3.5) and (3.7), we deduce that

On the other hand, using (3.5) (with $\xi =0_{\mathfrak g}$), it follows that $\Phi ^T ((g,0_{\mathfrak g}),0_x)=0_{\phi _g(x)}$. In addition, from (3.7) (with g = e), we obtain that $\Phi ^T ((e,\xi ),0_{\phi _g(x)})=\psi (\xi )(\phi _g(x))$. This proves (3.4) for g = exp G(η). Finally, using that G is connected, we conclude that (3.4) holds for all gG.

Second step. Now, we suppose that G is a connected Lie group with Lie algebra ${\mathfrak g}.$ Denote by $\widetilde{G}$ the universal covering of G and by $\widetilde{\mathfrak g}$ its corresponding Lie algebra. Then, the covering projection $p:\widetilde{G}\rightarrow G$ is a local isomorphism of Lie groups and the map

is an action of $\widetilde{G}$ over A by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\widetilde{\psi }=\psi \circ T_ep:\widetilde{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ So, for all gG, xM and $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$, there are $\widetilde{g}\in \widetilde{G}$ and $\widetilde{\xi }\in \widetilde{\mathfrak g}$ such that

Here, $\widetilde{e}$ is the identity element of $\widetilde{G}$. Therefore, using the first step

Finally, since $(T_{\widetilde{e}}p)(Ad^{\widetilde{G}}_{\widetilde{g}^{-1}}\widetilde{\xi })=Ad^G_{g^{-1}}\xi$, we obtain (3.4).

As we previously claimed, from an action of G on A by complete lifts, we can define an affine action of TG on A as it is described in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.5. Let Φ: G × AA be an action of the connected Lie group G by complete lifts on the Lie algebroid A with respect to $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ Then,

Equation (3.9)

defines an affine action of $TG\cong G\times {\mathfrak g}$ over A. Moreover, if $(\xi ,\eta )\in {\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g},$ its infinitesimal generator (ξ, η)A with respect to the action ΦT is

Equation (3.10)

Proof. Equation (3.4) allows us to prove that $\Phi ^T:(G\times {\mathfrak g})\times A\rightarrow A$ is an affine action of $TG\cong G\times {\mathfrak g}$ over A. In fact,


Moreover, using the one-parameter subgroups defined in (3.6) and (3.8), one may conclude easily that the infinitesimal generator (ξ, η)A of $(\xi ,\eta )\in {\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g}$ with respect to ΦT is

Note that, under the same hypotheses as in theorem 3.5, the action Φ: G × AA is free and proper if and only if the corresponding action ϕ: G × MM on M is free and proper. Moreover, if Φ: G × AA is free and proper, then so is ΦT: TG × AA.

On the other hand, we recall that the space of orbits N/H of a free and proper action of a Lie group H on a manifold N is a quotient differentiable manifold and the canonical projection π: NN/H is a surjective submersion (see [1]). With this, we prove a preliminary reduction result.

Theorem 3.6. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid on M and Φ: G × AA a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G on A by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ Then, A/TG is a Lie algebroid over M/G and the projection $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A/TG$ is a Lie algebroid epimorphism.

Proof. Since Φ: G × AA is an action by Lie algebroid automorphisms A/G is a Lie algebroid over M/G with vector bundle projection τ/G: A/GM/G (see [10, 15]). The space of sections of this vector bundle may be identified with that of G-invariant sections Γ(A)G of A. Under this identification the bracket and the anchor map of the Lie algebroid structure on A/G is just

for all X, Y ∈ Γ(A)G and xM, where π: MM/G is the quotient projection corresponding to the induced action ϕ: G × MM.

On the other hand, using that ϕ: G × MM is free, we have that $\psi _x:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow A_x$ is injective (see remark 3.3). Thus, for all xM, we have that

Therefore, since $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ is a Lie algebra anti-morphism, we deduce that

is a Lie subalgebroid of A over M. Moreover, from proposition 3.4, we have that the Lie group G acts by Lie algebroid automorphisms on $\psi ({\mathfrak g})$. So, one may induce a Lie algebroid structure on the quotient vector bundle $\psi ({\mathfrak g} )/G$ such that $\psi ({\mathfrak g} )/G$ is a Lie subalgebroid of A/G. Now, we will show that it is also an ideal.

If X ∈ Γ(A) is G-invariant then X ○ ϕg = Φg ○ X for all gG. Thus, the flow ϒt(ξ): AA of the vector field (ψ(ξ))c and the flow φt(ξ): MM of (ρ○ψ)(ξ) satisfy the following property:


where ϒt(ξ)* is the dual morphism of ϒt(ξ): AA and $\widehat{X}$ is the linear function associated with the section X.

Therefore, we have that

Since ϒt(ξ)* is the flow of the vector field ψ(ξ)*c, the previous equation is equivalent to the relation

Equation (3.11)

On the other hand, let Y be a G-invariant section of $\psi ({\mathfrak g})$ and {ξi} a basis of ${\mathfrak g}$. Then,

with Yi real functions on A. Moreover, using proposition 3.4 and the fact that ψx is injective, we have that

Equation (3.12)

where AdGgξi = (AdG)ji(gj. Hence, from (3.11),

Now, using that X and Y are G-invariant sections, we obtain that [[X, Y]] is a G-invariant section and, as a consequence, [[X, Y]] is a G-invariant section of the vector bundle $\psi ({\mathfrak g} )\rightarrow M$. Thus, $\psi ({\mathfrak g} )/G$ is indeed an ideal of A/G of constant rank (since the action Φ is free) and therefore, the quotient vector bundle $(A/G)/(\psi ({\mathfrak g})/G)$ admits a Lie algebroid structure over M/G.

Finally, we have that this vector bundle is isomorphic to A/TG and, thus, a Lie algebroid structure on A/TG is induced in such a way that this isomorphism is a Lie algebroid isomorphism. In fact, using (3.4), one may prove that Φ induces a free and proper action $\bar{\Phi }:G\times A/\psi ({\mathfrak g})\rightarrow A/\psi ({\mathfrak g})$ on $A/\psi ({\mathfrak g})$ such that the projection $\widetilde{\Psi }_1:A\rightarrow A/\psi ({\mathfrak g})$ is equivariant, with respect to the action ΦT and $\bar{\Phi }$. So, $\widetilde{\Psi }_1$ induces a smooth map $\Psi _1:A/TG\rightarrow (A/\psi ({\mathfrak g}))\big /G$. Moreover, one easily proves that Ψ1 is a one-to-one correspondence. On the other hand, the map

is bijective, where $\widetilde{\Psi }_2:A/G\rightarrow (A/G)/( \psi ({\mathfrak g})/G)$ is the corresponding quotient map. Consequently, the reduced vector bundle A/TGM/G is isomorphic to the vector bundles

Equation (3.13)

Note that, using the above isomorphisms, the space of sections of the vector bundle A/TGM/G may be identified with the quotient space

where Γ(A)G (respectively, $\Gamma ( \psi ({\mathfrak g} ))^{G}$) is the space of G-invariant sections on A (respectively, $\psi ({\mathfrak g})$). Under this identification the Lie algebroid structure ([[ ·, ·]]A/TG, ρA/TG) on A/TG is characterized by

Equation (3.14)

This implies that the canonical projection $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A/TG$ is a Lie algebroid epimorphism.

Examples 3.7. 

  • (i)  
    In the case when A = TM and Φ = Tϕ is the tangent lift of the action ϕ: G × MM, the reduced Lie algebroid TM/TG from the previous theorem is isomorphic to T(M/G) with its standard Lie algebroid structure.
  • (ii)  
    For the case $A={\mathfrak g}\times TM$ from (ii) in examples 3.2, we obtain that the reduced Lie algebroid $({\mathfrak g}\times TM)/TG$ with respect to the action $\Phi ^T: (G\times {\mathfrak g})\times ({\mathfrak g}\times TM)\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}\times TM$ given by
    can be identified with the Atiyah Lie algebroid TM/G induced by the principal bundle π: MM/G.

We recall the construction of this last Lie algebroid. Firstly, we denote by τ: TMM the projection of TM on M which is equivariant with respect to the tangent lift action Tϕ: G × TMTM and ϕ: G × MM. The sections of the induced vector bundle τ/G: TM/GM/G can be identified with the G-invariant vector fields on M. Moreover, the set of G-invariant vector fields is closed with respect to the Lie bracket of vector fields. Using this fact, one can define the Lie algebroid structure ([[ ·, ·]]TM/G, ρTM/G) on TM/G by

for X, Y G-invariant vector fields of M and xM. The corresponding Lie algebroid is known as Atiyah Lie algebroid (see [13]).

Now, we have the following vector bundle epimorphism:

Equation (3.15)

Note that F is well defined. Indeed, for all $\xi ,\bar{\xi }\in {\mathfrak g}$, gG and vxTxM, one has that

Moreover, since

Equation (3.16)

we deduce that F is a vector bundle isomorphism.

On the other hand, using (3.16), we obtain that if {Xi} is a local basis of G-invariant vector fields on M, then {[(0, Xi)]TG} is a local base of $\Gamma (({\mathfrak g}\times TM)/TG).$ This fact allows us to prove that F is a Lie algebroid isomorphism.

3.2. Reduction of symplectic Lie algebroids

A Lie algebroid (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) on the manifold M is symplectic-like if there is a nondegenerate 2-section Ω ∈ Γ(∧2A*) on A* which is closed, i.e. dAΩ = 0. In such a case, for each function $f:M\rightarrow {\mathbb R}$ on M we have the Hamiltonian section on A which is characterized by

The base space M of a symplectic-like Lie algebroid A is a Poisson manifold, where the Poisson bracket on M is given by

Equation (3.17)

(see [13, 11, 16]).

Note that if fC(M), then the Hamiltonian vector field of f with respect to the Poisson structure on M is $\rho ({\mathcal H}_f^\Omega )$. Thus, the solutions of Hamilton's equations for f are the integral curves of the vector field $\rho ({\mathcal H}_f^\Omega ).$

Now, in the rest of this section, we suppose that (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ, Ω) is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid over M, that Φ: G × AA is an action of a connected Lie group G on A by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ and that $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ is an equivariant smooth map, i.e.

The action Φ is said to be a Hamiltonian action with the momentum map $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ if

Equation (3.18)

where Jξ is the real function on M given by

Equation (3.19)

Note that the previous condition implies that

Equation (3.20)

Now, let $J^T:A\rightarrow ({\mathfrak g}\times {\mathfrak g})^*\cong {\mathfrak g}^*\times {\mathfrak g}^*$ be the map given by

Equation (3.21)

Then, we have

Lemma 3.8. The map $J^T:A\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*\times {\mathfrak g}^*$ is equivariant for the action ΦT: TG × AA.

Proof. Let $(g,\xi )\in G\times {\mathfrak g}\cong TG$ and aAx. Since J is equivariant, we have that

Equation (3.22)

Moreover, using that Φg is a Lie algebroid morphism over ϕg and that J is equivariant, we obtain

Equation (3.23)

As a consequence, from (3.3), (3.21), (3.22) and (3.23), we have that

Hence, JT is equivariant with respect to ΦT.

Proposition 3.9. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ, Ω) be a symplectic-like Lie algebroid over M, Φ: G × AA a Hamiltonian action of a connected Lie group G on A with Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g} \rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ and equivariant momentum map $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$. Let $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ be a regular value of J such that $T_x J\circ \rho : A_x \rightarrow T_{\mu }{\mathfrak g}^*$ has a constant rank for all xJ−1(μ). Then,

  • (i)  
    (JT)−1(0, μ) is a Lie subalgebroid of A over J−1(μ);
  • (ii)  
    the restriction $\psi _\mu :{\mathfrak g}_\mu \rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ of ψ to the isotropy algebra ${\mathfrak g}_\mu$ of μ with respect to the coadjoint action takes values in Γ((JT)−1(0, μ));
  • (iii)  
    the isotropy Lie group Gμ of μ with respect to the coadjoint action acts on (JT)−1(0, μ) by complete lifts with respect to $\psi _\mu :{\mathfrak g}_\mu \rightarrow \Gamma ((J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu ));$
  • (iv)  
    the action of Gμ on the Lie subalgebroid (JT)−1(0, μ) induces an affine action ΦTμ: TGμ × (JT)−1(0, 0) → (JT)−1(0, 0).


  • (i)  
    Note that since μ is a regular value of J, J−1(μ) is a regular submanifold of M. In fact, (0, μ) is a regular value for $J^T:A\rightarrow \mathfrak g^*\times \mathfrak g^*\cong T{\mathfrak g}^*.$ Thus, using that $T_xJ\circ \rho _x:A_x\rightarrow T_\mu {\mathfrak g}^*$ has a constant rank for all xJ−1(μ), we deduce that
    is a vector subbundle of A on J−1(μ) of rank $n-\dim G,$ where n = rank A. On the other hand, from (3.21) we have that JT is a Lie algebroid morphism; then, it is straightforward to see that the restriction $\tau _{|(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )}: (J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )\rightarrow J^{-1}(\mu )$ of τ: AM to (JT)−1(0, μ) is a Lie subalgebroid of (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ).
  • (ii)  
    If xJ−1(μ) and
    then, since J is an equivariant map, we have that
    Thus, the restriction of ψ(ξ) to J−1(μ) is a section of the vector bundle (JT)−1(0, μ) → J−1(μ).
  • (iii)  
    Using the equivariance of J and the fact that Φg is a Lie algebroid automorphism, for any gG we have that the action Φ: G × AA induces an action Φμ of Gμ on (JT)−1(0, μ). In fact, if gGμ, a ∈ (JT)−1(0, μ) and xJ−1(μ), then
    Moreover, from (ii), we have that Φμ is an action by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism ψμ.
  • (iv)  
    It is a direct consequence of (iii) and theorem 3.5.

Let $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ be a regular value of $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ such that $T_x J\circ \rho _x : A_x \rightarrow T_{\mu }{\mathfrak g}^*$ has a constant rank for all xJ−1(μ). Suppose that the corresponding action ϕμ: Gμ × J−1(μ) → J−1(μ) is free and proper. Then, using theorem 3.6 and proposition 3.9, we obtain that Aμ = (JT)−1(0, μ)/TGμ is a Lie algebroid over J−1(μ)/Gμ. In the following result, we will prove that Aμ is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid. For this purpose, we will need the following properties.

Lemma 3.10. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ, Ω) be a symplectic-like Lie algebroid over the manifold M and Φ: G × AA a Hamiltonian action of a connected Lie group G on A with an equivariant momentum map $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ and associated Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ If $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$, then for any xM,

  • (i)  
    $(\psi _\mu )_x({\mathfrak g}_\mu )=\psi _x({\mathfrak g})\cap \ker (T_xJ\circ \rho _x);$
  • (ii)  
    $\ker (T_xJ\circ \rho _x)=(\psi _x({\mathfrak g}))^\perp =\lbrace a_x\in A_x/\Omega _x(a_x,b_x)=0, \forall b_x\in \psi _x({\mathfrak g})\rbrace .$


  • (i)  
    It is an immediate consequence of the fact that J is equivariant.
  • (ii)  
    If axAx, using (2.2) and (3.19), we deduce that
    for all $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}.$ Thus, one concludes immediately (ii) from this relation.

The following result may be seen as the analog of Marsden–Weinstein reduction theorem for symplectic-like Lie algebroids.

Theorem 3.11. Reduction theorem of symplectic-like Lie algebroids. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ, Ω) be a symplectic-like Lie algebroid and Φ: G × AA a Hamiltonian action of a connected Lie group G on A with an equivariant momentum map $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ and associated Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A)$. Suppose that $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ is a regular value of $J:M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ such that $T_x J\circ \rho _x : A_x \rightarrow T_{\mu }{\mathfrak g}^*$ has a constant rank for all xJ−1(μ) and the restricted action ϕμ: Gμ × J−1(μ) → J−1(μ) is free and proper. Then, Aμ = (JT)−1(0, μ)/TGμ is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid over J−1(μ)/Gμ with a symplectic-like section Ωμ characterized by the condition

where $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu :(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )\rightarrow A_\mu$ is the canonical projection and $\;\widetilde{\iota }_\mu :(J^T)^{-1}(0,\mu )\rightarrow A$ is the canonical inclusion.

Proof. Since Aμ is a Lie algebroid over J−1(μ)/Gμ, one needs to prove that this algebroid is symplectic-like.

Let $\widetilde{\Omega }_\mu =\widetilde{\iota }_\mu ^*\Omega$ be the 2-cocycle on the Lie subalgebroid (JT)−1(0, μ) → J−1(μ) induced by Ω. We will prove that $\widetilde{\Omega }_\mu$ induces a symplectic-like 2-section Ωμ over Aμ.

Suppose that Xμ, Yμ ∈ Γ(Aμ). Then, we may choose two sections $\widetilde{X}_\mu ,\widetilde{Y}_\mu \in \Gamma ((J^T)^{-1}(0,\mu ))$ such that the following diagram is commutative:

We will see that $\widetilde{\Omega }_\mu (\widetilde{X}_\mu ,\widetilde{Y}_\mu )$ is a Gμ-invariant function (or, equivalently, a πμ-basic function).

Denote by $([\! [\cdot ,\cdot ]\! ]_{(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )},\rho _{(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )})$ the Lie algebroid structure on (JT)−1(0, μ) → J−1(μ).

As we know, the vertical bundle of πμ is generated by the vector fields on J−1(μ) of the form $\rho _{(J^T)^{-1}(0,\mu )}(\psi _\mu (\xi )),$ with $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}_\mu .$

Now, we have that

On the other hand, using that $\widetilde{X}_\mu$ and $\widetilde{Y}_\mu$ are Gμ-invariant, we deduce that

(see (3.11)). In addition, from (3.20), it follows that

which implies that

Thus, for all Xμ, Yμ ∈ Γ(Aμ) there is a function Ωμ(Xμ, Yμ) on J−1(μ)/Gμ such that

Note that the function Ωμ(Xμ, Yμ) does not depend on the chosen sections $\widetilde{X}_\mu ,\widetilde{Y}_\mu \in \Gamma ((J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu ))$ which project on $\widetilde{X}_\mu$ and $\widetilde{Y}_\mu ,$ respectively. In fact, from lemma 3.10, we have that

Therefore, the map

defines a section Ωμ of the vector bundle Λ2A*μJ−1(μ)/Gμ and it is clear that

This implies that

and since $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu :(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )\rightarrow A_\mu =(J^T)^{-1} (0,\mu )/TG_\mu$ is an epimorphism of vector bundles, we conclude that $d^{A_\mu }{\Omega }_\mu =0.$

Finally, we will prove that Ωμ is non-degenerate. In fact, if xJ−1(μ) and $\widetilde{v}_x\in \ker (T_xJ\circ \rho _x)$ is such that


Consequently (see lemma 3.10)

and thus,

which implies that $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu (\widetilde{v}_x)=0$.

Remark 3.12. In the particular case when M is a symplectic manifold and A is the standard symplectic-like Lie algebroid TMM, then theorem 3.11 reproduces the classical Marsden–Weinstein reduction result for the symplectic manifold M.

Since AμJ−1(μ)/Gμ is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid, the base space J−1(μ)/Gμ is a Poisson manifold. In fact, we will prove that J−1(μ)/Gμ is the reduced Poisson manifold obtained from the reduction process of Marsden–Ratiu [19].

Theorem 3.13. Under the hypotheses of theorem 3.11, if { ·, ·}μ is the Poisson bracket on J−1(μ)/Gμ, we have that

Equation (3.24)

for $\tilde{f},\tilde{g}\in C^\infty ( J^{-1}(\mu )/G_\mu )$, where iμ: J−1(μ) → M is the canonical inclusion and f, gC(M) are arbitrary G-invariant extensions of $\tilde{f}\circ \pi _\mu$ and $\tilde{g}\circ \pi _\mu ,$ respectively.

Proof. From theorem 3.11, we deduce that $(A_\mu ,[\! [\cdot ,\cdot ]\! ]_{A_\mu },\rho _{A_\mu },\Omega _\mu )$ is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid on J−1(μ)/Gμ. Then, one can define a Poisson structure on J−1(μ)/Gμ as in (3.17). We will prove that the associated Poisson bracket { · · }μ satisfies (3.24).

If $\tilde{f}, \tilde{g}:J^{-1}(\mu )/G_\mu \rightarrow {\mathbb R}$ are two real functions on J−1(μ)/Gμ and ${f}:M\rightarrow \mathbb {R}$, $g:M\rightarrow \mathbb {R}$ are arbitrary G-invariant extensions of $\tilde{f}\circ \pi _\mu$ and $\tilde{g}\circ \pi _\mu ,$ respectively, for any $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ satisfying ρ(ψ(ξ))(f) = ρ(ψ(ξ))(g) = 0, we have that

or, equivalently,

Therefore, ${\mathcal H}_f^\Omega (x),{\mathcal H}_g^\Omega (x)\in \psi _x({\mathfrak g})^\perp =(J^T)^{-1}_x(0,\mu )$ for all xJ−1(μ).

On the other hand, if xJ−1(μ) and ax ∈ (JT)−1x(0, μ), then, using theorem 3.11, the fact that $(\widetilde{\pi }_\mu ,\pi _\mu )$ is a Lie algebroid epimorphism and that (JT)−1(0, μ) → J−1(μ) is a Lie subalgebroid of A, one deduces that

So since Ωμ is non-degenerate,

Thus, using again that $(\widetilde{\pi }_\mu ,\pi _\mu )$ is an epimorphism of Lie algebroids, we conclude that

Therefore, if xJ−1(μ)

4. The canonical cover of a fiberwise linear Poisson structure

A standard example of a symplectic manifold is the cotangent bundle T*M of a manifold M with its canonical symplectic structure. In the setting of Lie algebroids, the tangent bundle $\pi _{T^*M}:T(T^*M)\rightarrow T^*M$ of T*M is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid. This symplectic-like Lie algebroid may be considered as the canonical cover of the canonical symplectic structure on T*M. In fact, it is a particular case of a type of symplectic-like Lie algebroids, the prolongation of a Lie algebroid A on its dual A* in the terminology of [13], which may be considered as the canonical cover of the fiberwise linear Poisson structure of A*.

In this section, we will describe this last canonical cover and will prove that if a Lie group G acts freely and properly on A by complete lifts, then one may introduce an equivariant momentum map with respect to a certain canonical action by complete lifts on its canonical cover.

The vector bundle ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$

Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid of rank n over a manifold M of dimension m with τ: AM the associated vector bundle projection and let F: M' → M be a smooth map from a manifold M' to M. If x' ∈ M', we consider the vector subspace

of $A_{F(x^{\prime })}\times T_{x^{\prime }}M^{\prime }$ of dimension $n+m^{\prime }-\dim (\rho (A_{F(x^{\prime })}) + T_{x^{\prime }}F(T_{x^{\prime }}M^{\prime }))$, where m' is the dimension of M'. If we suppose that $\dim (\rho (A_{F(x^{\prime })}) + T_{x^{\prime }}F(T_{x^{\prime }}M^{\prime }))$ is constant over F(M') (for instance, if F is a submersion), then ${\mathcal T}^AM^{\prime }$ is a vector bundle over M' which is called the prolongation of A over F (see [9, 13]). In this case, a section ${\mathcal X}$ of ${\mathcal T}^AM^{\prime }\rightarrow M^{\prime }$ is said to be projectable if there exist a section X of A and a vector field V on M', F-projectable over ρ(X), satisfying

The section ${\mathcal Z}$ will be denoted by ${\mathcal Z}=(X,V).$ Note that one may choose a local basis $\lbrace {\mathcal Z}_I\rbrace$ of $\Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ such that, for all I, ${\mathcal Z}_I$ is a projectable section.

On the other hand, a section $\widetilde{\gamma }$ of the dual vector bundle $({\mathcal T}^AM^{\prime })^*\rightarrow M^{\prime }$ is said to be projectable if there exist a section α of A* and a 1-form β of M' such that

In such a case, we will use $\widetilde{\gamma }=(\alpha ,\beta ).$ Note that one may choose a local basis $\lbrace {\mathcal Z}^I\rbrace$ of $\Gamma (({\mathcal T}^AA^*)^*)$ such that, for all I, ${\mathcal Z}^I$ is a projectable section.

A particular case is when the function F is the dual bundle projection τ*: A* → M of the Lie algebroid A. Then, the prolongation $\tau _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*}:{\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ of A over τ*: A* → M is called the A-tangent bundle of A*. In such a case, $\dim (\rho (A_{x}) + T_{\alpha _x}\tau _{*}(T_{\alpha _x}A^*))$ is just the dimension of M for all αxA*x, and the rank of ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is 2n.

A basis of local sections of the vector bundle $\tau _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*}:{\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ is defined as follows. If (xi) are local coordinates on an open subset U of M, {eI} is a basis of sections of the vector bundle τ−1(U) → U and (xi, yI) are the corresponding local coordinates on A*, then $\lbrace {\mathcal X}_I, {\mathcal Y}^I\rbrace$ is a local basis of $\Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$, where ${\mathcal X}_{I}$ and ${\mathcal Y}^{I}$ are the projectable sections defined by

Equation (4.1)

The symplectic-like Lie algebroid structure on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$

The vector bundle ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ admits a Lie algebroid structure $([\! [\cdot ,\cdot ]\! ]_{{\mathcal T}^AA^*},\rho _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*})$ which is characterized by the following conditions:

for (X, V), (X', V') projectable sections of ${{\mathcal T}^AA^*}.$

If $d^{{\mathcal T}^AA^*}$ is the differential associated with this Lie algebroid structure, then

Equation (4.2)

where $f:A^*\rightarrow {\mathbb R}$ is a smooth function, $(\alpha ,\beta )\in \Gamma (({\mathcal T}^AA^*)^*)$ and $(X_i,V_i)\in \Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ are projectable sections of $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)^*$ and ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$, respectively.

The canonical section λA of the dual bundle to ${\mathcal T}^A A^*$ (which is called the Liouville section associated with the Lie algebroid A) may be defined as follows:

Equation (4.3)

The section ΩA of $\wedge ^2({{\mathcal T}^AA^*})^*\rightarrow A^*$ given by

is nondegenerate and $d^{{\mathcal T}^A A^*}\Omega _A=0.$ Thus, ΩA is a symplectic-like section of the Lie algebroid ${{\mathcal T}^AA^*}\rightarrow A^*$ which is called the canonical symplectic-like section associated with the Lie algebroid A. The Poisson structure on the base space A* induced by this symplectic-like section is just the linear Poisson structure on A* associated with the Lie algebroid A (see [13]). For this reason, ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ may be considered as the canonical cover of the fiberwise linear Poisson structure on A*. If $\lbrace {\mathcal X}_{I}, {\mathcal Y}^{I}\rbrace$ is the local basis of sections of ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ described in (4.1), the local expressions of λA and ΩA are

where $\lbrace {\mathcal X}^I, {\mathcal Y}_{I}\rbrace$ is the dual basis of $\lbrace {\mathcal X}_{I}, {\mathcal Y}^{I}\rbrace$ and CKIJ are the local structure functions of the bracket [[ ·, ·]] (for more details, see [13]).

Examples 4.1. 

  • (i)  
    Note that if A is the standard Lie algebroid TM, then the symplectic-like Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ may be identified with the standard Lie algebroid T(T*M) → T*M and, under this identification, ΩA is the canonical symplectic ΩM structure of T*M.
  • (ii)  
    For the case $A={\mathfrak g}\times TM$ from (ii) in examples 3.2, we have that ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ can be identified with ${\mathcal T}^{\mathfrak g}{\mathfrak g}^*\oplus {\mathcal T}^{TM}({T^*M})\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*\times T^*M$, i.e.
    Under this identification, the symplectic-like structure $\Omega _{{\mathfrak g}\times TM}$ on ${\mathcal T}^{{\mathfrak g}\times TM}({\mathfrak g}^*\times T^*M)$ is just $\Omega _{\mathfrak g} \oplus \Omega _{M},$ where ΩM is the standard symplectic 2-form on T*M and $\Omega _{{\mathfrak g}}$ is the symplectic-like structure on ${\mathfrak g}\times T{\mathfrak g}^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ characterized by
    for all $\eta _0,\eta ,\eta ^{\prime }\in {\mathfrak g}^*$ and $\xi ,\xi ^{\prime }\in {\mathfrak g}^*.$

The action of a Lie group G on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ by complete lifts

Now, suppose that Φ: G × AA is a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ Denote by ϕ: G × MM the corresponding action on M and by Φ*: G × A* → A* the left dual action on A*. In what follows, we will describe a free and proper canonical action by complete lifts on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ induced by Φ.

Proposition 4.2. Let Φ: G × AA be a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G on the Lie algebroid A by complete lifts with respect to $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$ Then the map $(\Phi ,T\Phi ^*):G\times {\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ given by

Equation (4.4)

defines a free and proper left canonical action of G on the symplectic-like Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi ^T:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ defined by

Equation (4.5)

where $\xi _{A^*}$ is the infinitesimal generator of ξ with respect to Φ*.

Proof. Note that the map (Φ, TΦ*) is well defined. In fact, since Φ is an action by complete lifts, then Φg: AA is a Lie algebroid isomorphism for all gG. So, using (2.4) with k = 0, we have that

Equation (4.6)


Equation (4.7)

for all $v_{\alpha _x}\in T_{\alpha _x}A^*.$ Thus, from (4.6) and (4.7), we deduce that

for all $(a_x,v_{\alpha _x})\in {\mathcal T}_{\alpha _x}^AA^*$, that is,

Obviously, (Φ, TΦ*) is a free and proper action. We will now show that this action on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is by complete lifts. Firstly, note that the map ${\psi }^T:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ is well defined. In fact, since ρ(ψ(ξ)) is just the infinitesimal generator ξM of ξ with respect to the action ϕ: G × MM and the projection τ*: A* → M is equivariant, we have that

On the other hand, the infinitesimal generator $\xi _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*}\in {\mathfrak X}({{\mathcal T}^AA^*})$ of $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ with respect to the action (Φ, TΦ*) is the pair (ξA, ξcA*), where ξA is the infinitesimal generator of $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ with respect to Φ and $\xi ^c_{A^*}$ is the complete lift of $\xi _{A^*}.$ Moreover, the complete lift of ψT(ξ) with respect to the Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is just $(\psi (\xi )^c,\xi _{A^*}^c).$ This is a consequence of the fact that $(\psi (\xi )^c,\xi _{A^*}^c)\in {\mathfrak X}({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ is $\tau _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*}$-projectable on $\rho _{{\mathcal T}^AA^*} (\psi (\xi ), \xi _{A^*})=\xi _{A^*}$ and that, from (4.2), we deduce that

for every projectable section (α, β) on $\Gamma (({\mathcal T}^AA^*)^*)$. Here ${\mathcal L}$ is the standard Lie derivative.

Therefore, (Φ, TΦ*) is an action by complete lifts and consequently by automorphisms of Lie algebroids. Finally, a direct computation, using (4.3), proves that the action (Φ, TΦ*) preserves the Liouville section λA, i.e

Thus, using (2.4) and the fact that (Φ, TΦ*)g is an automorphism of Lie algebroids, we conclude that (Φ, TΦ*)g preserves the canonical symplectic-like section ΩA of ${\mathcal T}^AA^*.$

The momentum map for the canonical action of G on the Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$

Denote by $J_{A^*}:A^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ the map given by

Equation (4.8)

Then, we have the following result.

Proposition 4.3. The map $J_{A^*}:A^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ is an equivariant momentum map for the Poisson action Φ*: G × A* → A*.

Proof. From proposition 3.1, we have that if $\Pi _{A^*}$ is the linear Poisson structure on A* and $\widehat{\psi (\xi )}$ is the linear function associated with the section ψ(ξ) ∈ Γ(A), for each $\xi \in {\mathfrak g},$ the Hamiltonian vector field

is just the infinitesimal generator $\xi _{A^*}\in {\mathfrak X}(A^*)$ of ξ with respect to the action Φ*. Note that the function $(J_{A^*})_\xi :A^*\rightarrow {\mathbb R}$ given by

is just $\widehat{{\psi }(\xi )}.$ Thus, $J_{A^*}$ is a momentum map for the Poisson action Φ*: G × A* → A*.

Now, we will prove that $J_{A^*}$ is equivariant, i.e.

Indeed, if xM and αxA*, then, from proposition 3.4, we have that

for all $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}.$

Now, using lemma 3.8, we have that the map

Equation (4.9)

is equivariant with respect to the action $(\Phi ,T\Phi ^*)^T:TG\times {\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*.$

From the injectivity of ψx (see remark 3.3), it follows that the restriction of $J_{A^*}:A^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ to A*x is a linear epimorphism and therefore, for all αxA*x the restriction of the tangent map $T_{\alpha _x}J_{A^*}:T_{\alpha _x}A^*\rightarrow T_{J_{A^*}(\alpha _x)}{\mathfrak g}^*\cong {\mathfrak g}^*$ to $T_{\alpha _x}A_x^*$ is surjective. Thus, all the elements of ${\mathfrak g}^*$ are regular values of $J_{A^*}$ and

is surjective for all αxA*x. Note that

In conclusion, if $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*,$ then $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ is a regular submanifold of A* and $(J^T_{A^*})^{-1}(0,\mu )$ is a Lie subalgebroid of ${\mathcal T}^{A}A^*$ over $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ (see proposition 3.9). In fact, $(J^T_{A^*})^{-1}(0,\mu )$ is just the prolongation

of the Lie algebroid A over the restriction $(\tau _*)_{|(J_{A^*})^{-1}(\mu )}:J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow M$ of τ*: A* → M to the submanifold $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$. Note that $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ is an affine subbundle of A* over M and that $(\tau _*)_{|J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )}:J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow M$ is the projection.

5. The reduction of the canonical cover of a fiberwise linear Poisson structure

Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid over the manifold M and τ: AM the vector bundle projection. Suppose that Φ: G × AA is a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi : {\mathfrak g}\rightarrow A.$ In the previous sections, we have shown that in this situation, we have a free and proper canonical action $(\Phi , T\Phi ^*):G\times {\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ of the Lie group G on the symplectic-like Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi ^T:{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)$ given in (4.5). In addition, we have an equivariant momentum map $J_{A^*}:A^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ on A* with respect to the left Poisson action Φ*: G × A* → A* of G on A*.

If μ is an element of ${\mathfrak g}^*$ then we obtain, in a natural way, a free and proper action $(\Phi , T\Phi ^*):G_\mu \times {\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ of the isotropy group of μ on the Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ by restriction. Now, using theorem 3.11, we conclude that the reduced vector bundle

is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid with symplectic-like section Ωμ characterized by

where $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu : {\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ is the canonical projection, $\widetilde{\iota }_\mu :{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is the inclusion and ΩA is the standard symplectic-like structure on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*.$

In what follows, we will describe this reduced Lie algebroid $({\mathcal T}^{A}A^*)_\mu$. Firstly, we will discuss the case μ = 0.

5.1. The case $\mathbf {\mu =0}$

Note that, under this assumption, the isotropy group Gμ is just G.

We will prove that the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid

is the canonical cover of a fiberwise linear Poisson structure on the dual A*0 of a certain Lie algebroid A0 over M/G.

Description of the Lie algebroid A0. The Lie algebroid A0 over M/G is the space of orbits A/TG of the affine action of TG on A (see theorem 3.6). As we know (see the proof of theorem 3.6), if $\widetilde{\pi }: A\rightarrow A_0=A/TG$ and π: MM/G are the canonical projections and $([\! [\cdot ,\cdot ]\! ]_{A_0},\rho _{A_0})$ is the Lie algebroid structure on A0, then

Equation (5.1)

for X0, Y0 ∈ Γ(A0) and X, Y ∈ Γ(A) satisfying

Note that with this structure, $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A_0$ is an epimorphism of Lie algebroids.

Now, we will prove that the vector bundle A0 = A/TGM/G is isomorphic to

In fact, one may easily test that the submanifold $J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)$ is just the annihilator $(\psi ({\mathfrak g}))^0$ of $\psi ({\mathfrak g})$. Therefore, the restriction $\tau _{*}^0=\tau _{*|J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)}:J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)\rightarrow M$ of τ*: A* → M to this submanifold is a vector bundle over M. Moreover, a direct computation proves that this vector bundle is isomorphic to the dual vector bundle $(A/\psi ({\mathfrak g}))^*$ of $A/\psi ({\mathfrak g})\rightarrow M.$

Therefore, using the equivalences (3.13), we deduce that the three vector bundles

are isomorphic. Thus, we may induce isomorphic Lie algebroid structures on these vector bundles.

The description of the Lie algebroid isomorphism between $({\mathcal T}^{A}A^*)_0$ and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}{A_0^*}$. In what follows, we identify A0 = A/TG with $(J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)/G)^*\cong (J_{A^*}^{-1}(0))^*/G.$ Under this identification, we denote by $\varphi :A\rightarrow (J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)/G)^*$ the epimorphism of vector bundles corresponding to the quotient projection AA/TG.

Let us consider the following epimorphism of vector bundles over π0: J−1A*(0) → A*0 = JA*−1(0)/G

Equation (5.2)

Note that, using (5.1) and the fact that $\widetilde{\tau }_*^0\circ \pi _0=\pi \circ \tau _*^0,$ we have that φT is well defined. Here $\widetilde{\tau }_*^0:J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)/G\rightarrow M/G$ is the dual vector bundle of $(J_{A^*}^{-1}(0)/G)^*\rightarrow M/G$.

Now, since φ: AA0 is a Lie algebroid epimorphism, φT is also a Lie algebroid epimorphism. Furthermore, it is easy to prove, using that φ is TG-invariant, that φT is TG-invariant with respect to the action (Φ, TΦ*)T of TG restricted to ${\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0).$ In fact,

for all $(g,\xi )\in G\times {\mathfrak g}\cong TG$ and $(a_x,v_{\alpha _x})\in {\mathcal T}^A_{\alpha _x}J_{A^*}^{-1}(0).$ Note that

Thus, we have the following Lie algebroid epimorphism $\bar{\varphi }^T$ between $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_0$ and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ over the identity of A*0:

Equation (5.3)

In fact,

Equation (5.4)

Finally, we will prove that $\bar{\varphi }^T$ is an isomorphism, that is, $\bar{\varphi }^T$ is injective.

If $(e_x,v_{\alpha _x})\in \ker \varphi ^T$, then $e_x\in \ker \varphi =\psi _x({\mathfrak g})$ and $v_{\alpha _x}$ is a vertical vector with respect to $\pi _0:(J_{A^*})^{-1}(0)\rightarrow (J_{A^*})^{-1}(0)/G.$ Then, there are $\xi ,\xi ^{\prime }\in {\mathfrak g}$ such that


and, since ϕ: G × MM is a free action, we conclude that ξ = ξ'. Therefore,

where e is the identity element of G. Thus, $\bar{\varphi }^T$ is injective.

The Lie algebroid isomorphism between $({\mathcal T}^{A}{A^*})_0$ and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}{A_0^*}$ is canonical. We will see that $\bar{\varphi }^T$ is canonical, i.e.

Equation (5.5)

where Ω0 is the reduced symplectic-like structure on $({\mathcal T}^{A}{A^*})_0$ given in theorem 3.11 and $\Omega _{A_0}$ is the canonical symplectic-like structure on ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$.

From (4.3), (5.2) and the definition of the morphism φ: AA0, we obtain that

where $\lambda _{A_0}$ (respectively, λA) is the Liouville section of A0M/G (respectively, of AM) and $\widetilde{\iota }_0:{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0)\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ is the inclusion.

Thus, since φT and $\widetilde{\iota }_0$ are Lie algebroid morphisms, we obtain that

On the other hand, if $\widetilde{\pi }_0: {\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0)\rightarrow ({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_0$ is the canonical projection, it is clear that $\bar{\varphi }^T\circ \widetilde{\pi }_0=\varphi ^T$ which implies that

and, therefore,

Equation (5.6)

In the following theorem, we summarize the results obtained in the case μ = 0.

Theorem 5.1. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid on the manifold M and Φ: G × AA a free and proper action of a connected Lie group by complete lifts. Then, the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid

is canonically isomorphic to the Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$, equipped with the standard symplectic-like structure, where the Lie algebroid A0 is the vector bundle

endowed with the quotient Lie algebroid structure characterized by (5.1).

5.2. The case $\mathbf {G_\mu =G}$

Suppose that the assumptions of theorem 5.1 hold. Additionally, we consider a principal G-connection ${\mathcal A}: TM\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ for the corresponding principal bundle π: MM/G. In such a case, we have a vector bundle morphism ${\mathcal A}^A:A\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}$ given by

which satisfies the following properties:

  • (i)  
    ${\mathcal A}^A$ is equivariant with respect to Φ: G × AA and the adjoint action, that is,
  • (ii)  
    ${\mathcal A}^A(\psi (\xi )(x))=\xi ,$ for all $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}$ and xM.

Note that if π: MM/G is the quotient projection, then we have

where Vπ is the vertical bundle of π and HA (respectively, H) is the vector bundle on M whose fiber at xM is the vector space

Moreover, H and HA are G-invariant vector bundles, that is,

Now, if $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$, we consider the section αμ of A* given by

with xM and axAx. This section has the following properties:

  • (i)  
    αμ(M)⊆J−1A*(μ). In fact,
    for all xM and $\xi \in {\mathfrak g}.$
  • (ii)  
    $\Phi _g^*\alpha _\mu =\alpha _{Coad^G_g\mu },$ for all gG, which is a consequence from the equivariance properties of ${\mathcal A}^A.$

Thus, since Gμ = G, we deduce that αμ is G-invariant, i.e.

Equation (5.7)

So, in what follows, we assume that there is a G-invariant 1-section αμ ∈ Γ(A*) of A* with values in $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu ).$ Using (5.7), proposition 2.2 and the fact that the flow of ψ(ξ) is $\lbrace \Phi _{\exp (t\xi )}\rbrace _{t\in {\mathbb R}}$, we obtain that

Equation (5.8)

On the other hand,


Equation (5.9)

Denote βμ = dAαμ. From (5.7) and since Φg: AA is a Lie algebroid morphism we deduce that the 2-section βμ of A* is G-invariant. Moreover, it satisfies iψ(ξ)βμ  =  0 which implies that

for all $(g,\xi )\in G\times {\mathfrak g}\cong TG$.

Therefore, there exists a unique Bμ ∈ Γ(∧2A*0) with the following property:

Equation (5.10)

where $\widetilde{\pi }:A\rightarrow A_0$ is the corresponding projection. It is clear that $d^{A_0}B_\mu =0$.

The 2-section Bμ of A*0 is said to be the magnetic term associated with αμ.

Now, we will prove that there is a Lie algebroid isomorphism, $\Upsilon _{\alpha _\mu }:({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu \rightarrow {\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$, between the reduced Lie algebroid $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ such that the symplectic-like section $\Omega _{A_0}$ on ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ and the reduced symplectic-like section Ωμ on $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ are related by the following formula:

where $pr_1:{\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*\rightarrow A_0$ is the Lie algebroid morphism induced by the first projection.

The description of the Lie algebroid isomorphism $\Upsilon _{\alpha _\mu }:({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu \rightarrow {\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*.$ Firstly, we will describe a Lie algebroid morphism between the reduced spaces $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ and $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_0$. Then, we may use theorem 5.1 in order to construct the isomorphism $\Upsilon _{\alpha _\mu }$.

Using the fact that αμ(M)⊆J−1A*(μ), we deduce that $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow M$ is an affine bundle on M such that

for all xM.

Now, we consider the affine bundle isomorphism

where shμx) = βx − αμ(x) for all $\beta _x\in J^{-1}_{A^*}(\mu )\cap A_x^*.$

From the G-invariance of αμ, we deduce that shμ is equivariant with respect to the action Φ*: G × A* → A*, i.e.

for all βxA*xJ−1A*(μ) and gG. Moreover, one may induce a morphism of vector bundles

where ${\mathcal T}^Ash_\mu (a_x,X_{\beta _x})=(a_x,T_{\beta _x}sh_\mu (X_{\beta _x})),$ with $(a_x,X_{\beta _x})\in {{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )}.$ Note that, since

${\mathcal T}^Ash_\mu$ is well defined. Furthermore, a direct proof shows that ${\mathcal T}^Ash_\mu$ is an isomorphism of vector bundles. In fact, one can easily see that ${\mathcal T}^Ash_\mu$ is a Lie algebroid isomorphism, taking into account that

for all X, Y ∈ Γ(A) and $U,V\in {\mathfrak X}(J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu ))$ which are $(\tau _*)_{|J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )}$-projectable on ρ(X) and ρ(Y), respectively.

Moreover, since shμ is equivariant, we deduce that ${\mathcal T}^Ash_\mu$ is equivariant with respect to the action (Φ, TΦ*)T of G restricted to ${\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$ and ${\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0)$, respectively.

Thus, one induces a Lie algebroid isomorphism

Finally, the isomorphism $\Upsilon _{\alpha _\mu }:({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu \rightarrow {\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ is defined as follows:

where $\bar{\varphi }^T:({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_0\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ is the Lie algebroid isomorphism defined by (5.4).

Relation between the symplectic-like structures on $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ and ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$. Let λA be the Liouville section on ${\mathcal T}^AA^*$ and $\iota _0:{\mathcal T}^A(J_{A^*})^{-1}(0)\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ (respectively, $\iota _\mu :{\mathcal T}^A(J_{A^*})^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$) be the corresponding inclusion. Then,

for all βxJ−1A*(μ) and $(a_x,X_{\beta _x})\in {\mathcal T}^A_{\beta _x}J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu ).$

On the other hand, if $pr^0_1:{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0)\rightarrow A$ is the Lie algebroid morphism induced by the first projection, we have that

This implies that

and thus, from theorem 3.11, we deduce that

Equation (5.11)

where Ω0 (respectively, Ωμ) is the symplectic-like structure on $({\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0))/TG$ (respectively, $({\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu ))/TG$) and $\widetilde{\pi }_0:{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0)\rightarrow ({\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(0))/TG$ (respectively, $\widetilde{\pi }_\mu :{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow ({\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu ))/TG$) is the canonical projection.

Now, using the relations

and the facts

we conclude that (5.11) is equivalent to


The results obtained in this case may be summarized in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.2. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid on the manifold M and Φ: G × AA a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G by complete lifts. Suppose that we consider $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ such that G = Gμ. Then, choosing any G-invariant section αμ of A* with values in $J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )$, there is a canonical Lie algebroid isomorphism

where A0 is the vector bundle

endowed with the Lie algebroid structure characterized by (5.1), $\Omega _{A_0}$ is the canonical symplectic-like structure on ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$, $pr_1:{\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*\rightarrow A_0$ is the projection on the first factor and Bμ ∈ Γ(∧2A*0) is the corresponding magnetic term associated with αμ which is characterized by (5.10).

5.3. The general case

Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid on the manifold M and Φ: G × AA a free and proper action of a connected Lie group G on A by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism $\psi :{\mathfrak g}\rightarrow \Gamma (A).$

Let $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ and denote by ${\mathfrak g}_\mu$ the isotropy algebra of μ. Then, the induced action Φ: Gμ × AA is a free and proper action by complete lifts with respect to the restriction $\psi : {\mathfrak g}_\mu \rightarrow \Gamma (A)$ of ψ to ${\mathfrak g}_\mu .$

Now, denote by $\bar{\mu }\in {\mathfrak g}_\mu ^*$ the restriction of μ to ${\mathfrak g}_\mu$ and by $J_{A^*}^\mu :A^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}_\mu ^*$ the map given by

where $i^*:{\mathfrak g}^*\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}_\mu ^*$ is the dual of the inclusion $i:{\mathfrak g}_\mu \rightarrow {\mathfrak g}.$ Then, $J_{A^*}^\mu$ is the momentum map associated with the action of Gμ on A.

A direct computation proves that the isotropy group of $\bar{\mu }\in {\mathfrak g}_\mu$ with respect to the coadjoint action of Gμ, $(G_\mu )_{\bar{\mu }},$ is just Gμ. Therefore, we are in the conditions of section 5.2 if we choose as the starting Lie group Gμ. Next, we choose a Gμ-invariant section αμ ∈ Γ(A*) such that

This is always possible as we have shown in section 5.2. If A0, μ is the vector bundle A/TGμM/Gμ associated with the action ΦT: TGμ × AA, we denote by Bμ ∈ Γ(∧2A*0, μ) the corresponding magnetic term associated with αμ. Then, from theorem 5.2, we conclude that the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid

is isomorphic to the symplectic-like Lie algebroid $({\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*, \Omega _{A_{0,\mu }}-pr_1^*(B_{{\mu }})),$ where $\Omega _{A_{0,\mu }}$ is the canonical symplectic-like structure on ${\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*$ and $pr_1:{\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*\rightarrow A_{0,\mu }$ is the projection on the first factor.

On the other hand, the inclusion $i_{\mu ,\bar{\mu }}:J_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow (J^\mu _{A^*})^{-1}(\bar{\mu })$ is Gμ-invariant and induces a Lie algebroid TGμ-invariant monomorphism $I:{\mathcal T}^AJ_{A^*}^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^A(J^\mu _{A^*})^{-1}(\bar{\mu })$ over $i_{\mu ,\bar{\mu }}$. Therefore, we have a Lie algebroid monomorphism $(\widetilde{I},\widetilde{i}_{\mu ,\bar{\mu }})$:

which is canonical with respect to Ωμ and $\Omega _{\bar{\mu }}$ on the reduced spaces $({\mathcal T}^A(J_{A^*})^{-1}(\bar{\mu }))/TG_\mu$ and $({\mathcal T}^A(J^\mu _{A^*})^{-1}(\bar{\mu }))/TG_\mu ,$ respectively.

Denote by $\tilde{\iota }_{\bar{\mu }}:{\mathcal T}^A(J_{A^*}^\mu )^{-1}(\bar{\mu })\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ and by $\tilde{\iota }_\mu :{\mathcal T}^A(J_{A^*})^{-1}(\mu )\rightarrow {\mathcal T}^AA^*$ the corresponding inclusions which are related by

Now, if

are the corresponding projections, we have that

Then, using that $\pi _{\bar{\mu }}\circ {I}=\widetilde{I}\circ \pi _\mu$ we conclude that

Therefore, $\widetilde{I}$ is a canonical Lie algebroid monomorphism. Thus, we have proved the main result of this section.

Theorem 5.3. Let (A, [[ ·, ·]], ρ) be a Lie algebroid over the manifold M and Φ: G × AA a free and proper action of a connected Lie group by complete lifts. If $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ and $\bar{\mu }$ is the restriction of μ to ${\mathfrak g}_\mu$, then, choosing a Gμ-invariant section αμ of A* with values in $(J^\mu _{A^*})^{-1}(\bar{\mu })$, there exists a canonical embedding

from the reduced algebroid $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ equipped with the canonical reduced symplectic-like structure Ωμ to the Lie algebroid ${\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*$ endowed with the symplectic-like structure

Moreover, this embedding is an isomorphism if and only if ${\mathfrak g}={\mathfrak g}_\mu .$

Here A0, μ is the vector bundle

$\Omega _{A_{0,\mu }}$ is the canonical symplectic-like structure on ${\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*$, $pr_1:{\mathcal T}^{A_{0,\mu }}A_{0,\mu }^*\rightarrow A_{0,\mu }$ is the projection on the first factor and Bμ ∈ Γ(∧2A*0) is the corresponding magnetic term associated with αμ which is characterized by (5.10).

Examples 5.4. 

  • (i)  
    If we apply the previous theorem to the particular case when A is the standard Lie algebroid TMM then we recover a classical result in cotangent bundle reduction theory (see [1, 12]).
  • (ii)  
    For the case $A={\mathfrak g}\times TM$ from (ii) in examples 3.2, we have seen that the vector bundle ${\mathcal T}^AA^*\rightarrow A^*$ can be identified with ${\mathfrak g}\times T({\mathfrak g}^*\times T^*M)\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*\times T^*M$ (see example 4.1). Moreover, the Lie algebroid $({\mathfrak g}\times TM)/TG\rightarrow M/G$ is isomorphic to the Atiyah algebroid associated with the principal bundle πM: MM/G (see (3.15)).

Then, the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_0,$ for the value $\mu =0\in {\mathfrak g}^*$, is simplectically isomorphic to the canonical cover of the fiberwise linear Poisson structure of (T*M)/G induced by the Atiyah Lie algebroid (TM)/GM/G, i.e. ${\mathcal T}^{(TM)/G}{((T^*M)/G)}\rightarrow (T^*M)/G.$ In fact, this last Lie algebroid is just the Atiyah algebroid associated with the principal bundle $\pi _{T^*M}: T^*M\rightarrow (T^*M)/G$ (see [13]) and its symplectic-like structure $\Omega _{(T^*M)/G}\in \Gamma (\wedge ^2(T^*(T^*M)/G))$ is the one induced by the G-invariant symplectic structure on T*M.

Now, we choose $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ such that G = Gμ and a G-invariant 1-form αμ ∈ Ω1(M) on M such that αμ(M)⊂J−1(μ), where $J:T^*M\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ is the momentum map given as in (1.1). Then, the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid $({\mathcal T}^AA^*)_\mu$ is simplectically isomorphic to the Atiyah algebroid associated with the principal bundle $\pi _{T^*M}: T^*M\rightarrow (T^*M)/G$ endowed with the symplectic-like structure

where γμ ∈ Γ(∧2(T*M/G)) is the 2-section obtained from a magnetic term defined as follows. We consider the epimorphism

Then, we have that there exists Bμ ∈ Γ(∧2((T*M)/G)) such that

Finally, γμ is just

where $T\tau _{T^*Q}/G:(T(T^*M))/G\rightarrow (TM)/G$ is the vector bundle induced by the equivariant tangent lift $T\tau _{T^*M}:T(T^*M)\rightarrow TM$ of $\tau _{T^*M}:T^*M\rightarrow M.$

We finish this paper with an application which is related with the reduction of non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems.

Example 5.5. Let $p:M\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}$ be a fibration. We denote by τVp: VpM the vertical bundle associated with p. Note that the sections of this vector bundle may be identified with the vector fields X on M such that η(X) = 0, where η is the exact 1-form p*(dt) on M, t being the standard coordinate on ${\mathbb {R}}.$

This vector bundle admits, in a natural way, a Lie algebroid structure where the Lie bracket is the standard Lie bracket of vector fields and the anchor map is the inclusion of vertical vectors with respect to p into TM.

Now, suppose that we additionally have a free and proper action ϕ: G × MM of a Lie group G on M which is fibered, i.e.


  • (i)  
    the infinitesimal generators of this last action are vertical vector fields;
  • (ii)  
    the tangent lifted action Tϕ: G × TMTM induces a free and proper action
    of G on the vertical vector bundle Vp of p;
  • (iii)  
    p induces a new fibration $\widetilde{p}:M/G\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}$ on the quotient manifold M/G.

Then, Φ: G × VpVp is an action by complete lifts with respect to the Lie algebra anti-morphism

Let μ be an element of ${\mathfrak g}^*$ and we denote by $J_{V^*p}:V^*p\rightarrow {\mathfrak g}^*$ the momentum map defined as in (4.8). Then, we have that the vector bundle ${\mathcal T}^{Vp}\big(J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )\big)\rightarrow J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )$ may be identified in a natural way with the vertical bundle VpμJ−1V*p(μ), where $p_\mu : {J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )}\rightarrow \mathbb {R}$ is the fibration given by

$\tau _{J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )}: {J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )}\rightarrow M$ being the corresponding projection. Under this identification the action (Φ, TΦ*): Gμ × VpμVpμ given by (4.4) is described as follows. Consider the tangent lift $T\Phi ^*:G_\mu \times T(J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu ))\rightarrow T(J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu ))$ of the restricted dual action $\Phi ^*:G_\mu \times J^{-1}_{V^*p}(\mu )\rightarrow J^{-1}_{V^*p}(\mu )$. Since

we may induce an action of Gμ on Vpμ which is just (Φ, TΦ*). Therefore, the action (Φ, TΦ*)T: TGμ × VpμVpμ is given by

for all $ (g,\xi )\in G_\mu \times {\mathfrak g}_\mu \cong TG_\mu \mbox{ and } \alpha _x\in V^*_xp.$ Here, $\xi _M^{*c}\in {\mathfrak X}(V^*p)$ is the complete lift to V*p of the infinitesimal generator of ξ with respect to the action ϕ.

Finally, from theorem 3.11, we conclude that the reduced vector bundle

is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid.

If μ = 0, then using theorem 5.1, we have that this symplectic-like Lie algebroid is isomorphic to ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ where A0 is the quotient vector bundle over M/G with total space Vp/TG. We remark that the action of $TG\cong G\times {\mathfrak g}$ on Vp is given by

for $(g,\xi )\in G\times {\mathfrak g}$ and vxVxp. In fact, the vector bundle A0 is isomorphic to the vertical bundle $V\widetilde{p}$ with respect to the fibration $\widetilde{p}:M/G\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}$. The isomorphism is just

where π: MM/G is the canonical projection. Therefore, ${\mathcal T}^{A_0}A_0^*$ may be identified with the vertical bundle $V\bar{p}\rightarrow V^*\widetilde{p}$ with

where $\tau _{V^*\widetilde{p}}: V^*\widetilde{p}\rightarrow M/G$ is the corresponding vector bundle projection. In conclusion, the reduced Lie algebroid (Vp0)/TGJ−1V*p(0)/G is canonically isomorphic to the Lie algebroid $V\bar{p}$ on $V^*\widetilde{p}$ with its standard symplectic-like structure.

Now, we consider $\mu \in {\mathfrak g}^*$ such that Gμ = G. Let αμ be a G-invariant 1-form on M such that

Then, the restriction αμ|Vp of αμ to the vertical bundle Vp of the fibration $p:M\rightarrow \mathbb {R}$ determines a G-invariant section of V*p with values in $J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu ).$

Let βμ = dVpμ|Vp). Equivalently, βμ is the restriction of dαμ ∈ Ω2(M) to Vp × Vp. The magnetic term Bμ associated with αμ is the restriction to $V\widetilde{p}\times V\widetilde{p}$ of the unique 2-form $\bar{B}_\mu$ of M/G such that

where π: MM/G is the quotient projection. Moreover, using theorem 5.2, we have that (Vpμ)/TG is a symplectic-like Lie algebroid on $J_{V^*p}^{-1}(\mu )/G$ isomorphic to the Lie algebroid $V\bar{p}$ endowed with the symplectic-like section

with $pr_1:V\bar{p}\rightarrow V\widetilde{p}$ the vector bundle morphism on $\tau _{V^*\widetilde{p}}: V^*\widetilde{p}\rightarrow M/G$ given by the restriction to $V\bar{p}$ of the tangent lift $T\tau _{V^*\widetilde{p}}:T(V^*\widetilde{p})\rightarrow T(M/G)$.

6. Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have proved a reduction theorem for Lie algebroids with respect to a Lie group action by complete lifts. This result allows us to obtain a Lie algebroid version of the classic Marsden–Weinstein reduction theorem for symplectic manifolds. We remark that as for the usual Marsden–Weinstein reduction theorem, the presence of the Lie group is superfluous, and the infinitesimal action of its Lie algebra is sufficient, although we have chosen not to use this approach here.

Additionally, in this paper, the Marsden–Weinstein reduction process for symplectic-like Lie algebroids is applied to the particular case of the canonical cover of a fiberwise Poisson structure. It would be interesting to also obtain an analog version to the 'bundle' or 'fibrating' picture of cotangent bundle reduction in the setup of symplectic-like Lie algebroids, but this will be studied elsewhere.

It is also worth noticing that the classical Marsden–Weinstein reduction scheme not only explains how to obtain a reduced symplectic structure on a quotient manifold, but also shows that the reduced dynamics of a symmetric Hamiltonian function is again Hamiltonian with respect to this reduced symplectic structure. It is easy to prove that a similar phenomenon occurs for the reduction of symplectic-like algebroids by complete actions. In fact, under the same hypotheses as in theorem 3.11, if $H:M\rightarrow \mathbb {R}$ is a G-invariant Hamiltonian function, then one can prove that the restriction to J−1(μ) of H is a Gμ-invariant function, and thus, one can induce a real smooth function Hμ on J−1(μ)/Gμ. Moreover, the restriction of the Hamiltonian section ${\mathcal H}_{H}^{\Omega }$ to J−1(μ) is a section of the Lie algebroid (JT)−1(0, μ) → J−1(μ) which is $(\widetilde{\pi }_\mu ,\pi _\mu )$-projectable on the Hamiltonian section ${\mathcal H}_{{H}_\mu }^{\Omega _\mu }.$ Thus, if γ: IM is a solution of Hamilton's equations for H on the symplectic-like Lie algebroid AM passing through a point in J−1(μ), then the curve γ is contained in J−1(μ) and πμ○γ: IJ−1(μ)/Gμ is a solution of Hamilton's equations for Hμ on the reduced symplectic-like Lie algebroid AμJ−1(μ)/Gμ.

In view of the results of this paper, one could apply this process to the reduction of symmetric Hamiltonian systems on Poisson manifolds. We have postponed this study for a future work.


The authors have been partially supported by MEC (Spain) grants MTM2009-13383 and MTM2009-08166-E. The research of MR-O has also been partially supported by a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship PIEF-GA-2008-220239 and a Marie Curie Reintegration grant PERG-GA-2010-27697. The research of JC-M and E-P has also been partially supported by the grants of the Canary government SOLSUBC200801000238 and ProID20100210. We also would like to thank D Iglesias, D Martín de Diego and E Martínez for their useful comments.

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