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Volume 942


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3rd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting - Gravity and the Gauge/Gravity Correspondence 24–28 July 2017, Frankfurt, Germany

Accepted papers received: 15 December 2017
Published online: 03 January 2018


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The Karl Schwarzschild Meeting 2017 (KSM2017) has been the third instalment of the conference dedicated to the great Frankfurter scientist, who derived the first black hole solution of Einstein's equations about 100 years ago.

The event has been a 5 day meeting in the field of black holes, AdS/CFT correspondence and gravitational physics. Like the two previous instalments, the conference continued to attract a stellar ensemble of participants from the world's most renowned institutions. The core of the meeting has been a series of invited talks from eminent experts (keynote speakers) as well as the presence of plenary research talks by students and junior speakers.

List of Conference photo and poster, Sponsors and funding acknowledgments, Committees and List of participants are available in this PDF.

Piero Nicolini

Matthias Kaminski

Jonas Mureika

Marcus Bleicher

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All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the proceedings Editors. Reviews were conducted by expert referees to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing.



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This paper briefly reviews past, current, and future efforts to image black holes. Black holes seem like mystical objects, but they are an integral part of current astrophysics and are at the center of attempts to unify quantum physics and general relativity. Yet, nobody has ever seen a black hole. What do they look like? Initially, this question seemed more of an academic nature. However, this has changed over the past two decades. Observations and theoretical considerations suggest that the supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, in the center of our Milky Way is surrounded by a compact, foggy emission region radiating at and above 230 GHz. It has been predicted that the event horizon of Sgr A* should cast its shadow onto that emission region, which could be detectable with a global VLBI array of radio telescopes. In contrast to earlier pictures of black holes, that dark feature is not supposed to be due to a hole in the accretion flow, but would represent a true negative image of the event horizon. Currently, the global Event Horizon Telescope consortium is attempting to make such an image. In the future those images could be improved by adding more telescopes to the array, in particular at high sites in Africa. Ultimately, a space array at THz frequencies, the Event Horizon Imager, could produce much more detailed images of black holes. In combination with numerical simulations and precise measurements of the orbits of stars – ideally also of pulsars – these images will allow us to study black holes with unprecedented precision.

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In this presentation, I review recent work [1, 2] with Mike Appels and David Kubizňák on thermodynamics of accelerating black holes. I start by reviewing the geometry of accelerating black holes, focussing on the conical deficit responsible for the 'force' causing the black hole to accelerate. Then I discuss black hole thermodynamics with conical deficits, showing how to include the tension of the deficit as a thermodynamic variable, and introducing a canonically conjugate thermodynamic length. Finally, I describe the thermodynamics of the slowly accelerating black hole in anti-de Sitter spacetime.

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Black holes in 5-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons (EMCS) theory and their intriguing properties are discussed. For the special case of the CS coupling constant λ = λSG, as obtained from supergravity, a closed form solution is known for the rotating black holes. Beyond this supergravity value, the EMCS black hole solutions can e.g. exhibit nonuniqueness and form sequences of radially excited solutions. In the presence of a negative cosmological constant the black holes can possess an extra-parameter corresponding to a magnetic flux in addition to the mass, electric charge and angular momenta. This latter family of black holes possesses also a solitonic limit. Finally, a new class of squashed EMCS black hole solutions is discussed.

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Astrophysical black hole candidates are thought to be the Kerr black holes of general relativity. However, macroscopic deviations from the Kerr background are predicted by a number of scenarios beyond Einstein's gravity. X-ray reflection spectroscopy can be a powerful tool to probe the strong gravity region of these objects and test the Kerr black hole hypothesis. Here I briefly review the state of the art of this line of research and I present some constraints on possible deviations from the Kerr metric obtained with the new X-ray reflection model RELXILL_NK and XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and Swift data of the supermassive black hole in 1H0707-495.

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OJ287 is the best candidate active galactic nucleus for hosting a supermassive binary black hole at very close separation, corresponding to the orbital period of the order of ~9 yr. We studied the pc-scale jet dynamics in 118 Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations at 15 GHz covering the time between Apr. 1995 and Jan. 2017. To our knowledge, this is the first time, that the kinematics of the Blandford-Znajek jet (originating in the ergosphere of a rotating black hole) and jet sheath (originating from the accretion disk) are seen and traced in observations. We also find that the OJ287 radio jet is rotating and precessing. The jet dynamics as well as the flux-density light curves can be understood in terms of geometrical effects. A binary black hole model can explain the time scale of the precessing motion. Lense-Thirring precession of an accretion disc surrounding a single black hole is consistent with the time scale as well.

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Well known weakness of Gravity in particle physics is an illusion caused by underestimation of the role of spin in gravity. We argue that spin deforms space along with mass, and great spin/mass ratio of elementary particles shifts effective scale of gravitational interaction from Planck to Compton distances. It opens new way to unify gravity and quantum theory, which is achieved by a supersymmetric bag model, creating a flat Compton zone near the core of particle required for consistent work of quantum processes. Super-bag is naturally upgraded to Wess-Zumino supersymmetric QED model, forming a bridge to perturbative formalism of conventional QED.

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A binary system composed of a supermassive black hole and a pulsar orbiting around it is studied. The motivation for this study arises from the fact that pulsar timing observations have proven to be a powerful tool in identifying physical features of the orbiting companion. In this study, taking into account a general spherically-symmetric metric, we present analytic calculations of the geodesic motion, and the possible deviations with respect to the standard Schwarzschild case of General Relativity. In particular, the advance at periastron is studied with the aim of identifying corrections to General Relativity. A discussion of the motion of a pulsar very close the supermassive central black hole in our Galaxy (Sgr A*) is reported.

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Some urgent shortcomings in previous derivations of geodesic equations are remedied in this paper. In contrast to the unnatural and awkward treatment in previous works, here we derive the geodesic equations of massive and massless particles in a unified and self- consistent manner. Furthermore, we extend to investigate the Hawking radiation via tunneling from charged black holes in the context of AdS spacetime. Of special interest, the application of the first law of black hole thermodynamics in tunneling integration manifestly simplifies the calculation.

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The black-hole evaporation implies that the quantum-field propagators in a local Minkowski frame acquire a correction, which gives rise to this process. The modification of the propagators causes, in turn, non-trivial local effects due to the radiative/loop diagrams in non-linear QFTs. In particular, there should be imprints of the evaporation in QED, if one goes beyond the tree-level approximation. Of special interest in this respect is the region near the black-hole horizon, which, already at tree level, appears to show highly non-classical features, e.g., negative energy density and energy flux into the black hole.

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We consider a holographic model of two 1+1-dimensional heat baths at different temperatures joined at time t = 0, such that a steady state heat-current region forms and expands in space for times t > 0. After commenting on the causal structure of the dual 2+1-dimensional spacetime, we present how to calculate the time-dependent entanglement entropy of the boundary system holographically. We observe that the increase rate of the entanglement entropy satisfies certain bounds known from the literature on entanglement tsunamis. Furthermore, we check the validity of several non-trivial entanglement inequalities in this dynamic system.

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We consider the effects of Gravity's Rainbow on the computation of black hole entropy using a dynamical brick wall model. An explicit dependence of the radial coordinate approaching the horizon is proposed to analyze the behavior of the divergence. We find that, due to the modification of the density of states, the brick wall can be eliminated. The calculation is extended to include rotations and in particular to a Kerr black hole in a comoving frame.

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We discuss an effective theory for the quantum static gravitational potential in spherical symmetry up to the first post-Newtonian correction. We build a suitable Lagrangian from the weak field limit of the Einstein-Hilbert action coupled to pressureless matter. Classical solutions of the field equation lead to the correct post-Newtonian expansion. Furthermore, we portray the Newtonian results in a quantum framework by means of a coherent quantum state, which is properly corrected to accomodate post-Newtonian corrections. These considerations provide a link between the corpuscular model of Dvali and Gomez and standard post-Newtonian gravity, laying the foundations for future research.

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In this paper we discuss some mathematical aspects of the horizon wave-function formalism, also known in the literature as horizon quantum mechanics. In particular, first we review the structure of both the global and local formalism for static spherically symmetric sources. Then, we present an extension of the global analysis for rotating black holes and we also point out some technical diffculties that arise while attempting the local analysis for non-spherically symmetric sources.

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Using an asymptotic iteration method, we calculate the gravitational and electromagnetic quasinormal mode (QNM) perturbations for a static neutral black hole described by a Scalar-Tensor-Vector Modified Gravity framework (STVG-MOG). We show that the first few harmonic modes differ from their general relativistic (GR) equivalent for a Schwarzschild black hole. Specifically, the real and imaginary components of the QNM frequencies are smaller for STVG-MOG than for GR. We posit that the differences are sufficiently large to potentially be observed in present and future black hole binary merger gravitational waveforms.

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We show that a class of finite quantum non-local gravitational theories is conformally invariant at classical as well as at quantum level. This is actually a range of conformal anomaly-free theories in the spontaneously broken phase of the Weyl symmetry. At classical level we show how the Weyl conformal invariance is able to tame all the spacetime singularities that plague not only Einstein gravity, but also local and weakly non-local higher derivative theories. The latter statement is proved by a singularity theorem that applies to a large class of weakly non-local theories. Therefore, we are entitled to look for a solution of the spacetime singularity puzzle in a missed symmetry of nature, namely the Weyl conformal symmetry. Following the seminal paper by Narlikar and Kembhavi, we provide an explicit construction of singularity-free black hole exact solutions in a class of conformally invariant theories.

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We discuss some thermodynamical definitions for black holes in modified theories of gravity.

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The spacetime geometry around astrophysical black holes is well approximated by the Kerr metric, but deviations from standard predictions are possible in a number of scenarios beyond Einstein's gravity and in the presence of exotic matter. In this paper, we present the constraints on possible deviations from the Kerr solution using X-ray reflection spectroscopy from the analysis of real data. We use the relativistic X-ray reflection code RELXILL modified to a generic stationary, axisymmetric and asymptotically flat black hole metric. We analyze 350 ks long XMM-Newton observations of the AGN in MCG-06-30-15 taken during July-August 2001 and constrain the Johannsen deformation parameter α13.

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In the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we define and compute the spherical analogue of the shear viscosity for QFTs dual to five-dimensional charged AdS black holes in general relativity (GR) and Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity. We show that the ratio between this quantity and the entropy density, /s exhibits a temperature-dependent hysteresis.

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Based on the latest public results, 13 TeV data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has not indicated any evidence of hitherto tested models of quantum black holes, semiclassical black holes, or string balls. Such models have predicted signatures of particles with high transverse momenta. Noncommutative black holes remain an untested model of TeV-scale gravity that offers the starkly different signature of particles with relatively low transverse momenta. Considerations for a search for charged noncommutative black holes using the ATLAS detector will be discussed.

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In this paper we apply the AdS/CFT correspondence to study a strongly coupled plasma far from equilibrium with a strong emphasis on the shear behavior. The plasma serves as a model for an electrically charged quark-gluon plasma. On the gravitational side, we use an ingoing Vaidya black brane spacetime. The highest rate of mass infall is confined to a short time interval.